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Healer and Shape Shifter

0 · 507 views · located in Davinnkor

a character in “Exiled: a Knight's Story”, as played by SkullsandSlippers


Age: Appears to be around 20
Height: 5’6
Weight: 118 lbs

Dark brown hair that falls loose about her shoulders. Clear blue eyes and ivory skin. A small nose and soft, full pink lips complete her facial features. Elven ears, a trait from her father. Soft, lilting voice; a trait from her mother.

Thin but not frail, she is clearly not a warrior. Hands, with long fingers better suited for playing a harp and picking berries or leaves for medicine and poultices than wielding a sword.

Quiet and careful. Verreth chooses her words and actions carefully knowing that her mother’s blood can bring odd effects to those around her. She enjoys the company of others but grows restless is she stays in the same place for too long. Her ability to shift into a griffin has helped this urge.

She is nurturing and caring of others, seeking out those who need her help wherever she goes. Verreth considers her life as a druid, her ability to heal both with medicines and with the forest’s gods help to be a blessing. She learned her patience from her father.

The depth of her patience and caring is only matched by her vengeful nature. A trait inherited from her mother, Verreth will hold to her anger, calculating how best to make the betrayer pay.


Dazzling Beauty-When she wishes, Verreth can use her beauty as her mother would to persuade others to do as she wishes. She rarely uses the ability as it makes for false friends and causes issues with those around her.

Cure wounds-Small wounds are nothing for her but bigger ones require a boon to the forest god and meditation afterwards. A disease is tougher, taking more from her when she heals the person.

As a druid she has some minor control over plants, animals and the elements. This ranges in scope and is limited.

Shapeshift-Verreth has learned to shift herself into the form of a griffin. She has learned to control the griffin’s natural urges to an extent. If in a very stressful situation there is still the chance the griffin will take over more.

If she stays in the form too long she needs to rest for a lengthy time afterwards.


Typically wears light dresses, blues and greens in colour. Little in the way of adornment.

A warm cloak, variety of pouches for holding herbs, leaves, etc. A dagger hangs at her waist. Small coin pouch also hangs at her waist.

Her mother was the nymph Caleia. Her father an elf, Aryan. She found him intriguing, he found her captivating. To his delight she stayed with him for a number of years, bearing him a single child. Caleia grew restless and became fascinated with a human warrior who had come into the elves home one afternoon. The warrior stayed for a few days and while Aryan looked after his daughter, Caleia found the arms of the warrior more to her liking.

Verreth was five when her mother left the village with the warrior. While she herself was never close with her mother, nymphs not known for their overly nurturing ways, Verreth was distraught at her father’s broken heart.

The young girl did everything she could to cheer her father up, not realizing the effect she had on those around her. The village doted on the young girl. As she grew into adolescence many young elves vied for her attention. Verreth did not fully understand until her father explained exactly what her mother was and what that meant for her. She became wary of people, unsure if they liked her company for who she was or simply because of what she was.

Verreth learned to play the harp, enjoying the beautiful music it made. Her eleventh birthday her father gifted her with one. She also studied with the druids of the village. A quick study Verreth was named among their numbers by the time she was 18.

Unlike her mother Verreth was nurturing and caring and the healing arts were something she was especially adept at. Unfortunately, like her mother Verreth grew restless. She long to leave and explore the world. It pained her and she fought the urge to leave knowing that it would bring even more sadness to her father.

Her mother returned when Verreth was seventeen. Caleia came with a small band of elves, one of which was her newest lover. Aryan became quite sad upon her return, watching her with another man. When Caleia came to his home she did nothing but chide him for his soft heart and his desire. Aryan told Caleia to leave and while she agreed, she told him that she was taking Verreth with her. Verreth refused. Caleia told Aryan that if he kept Verreth here that it would kill her. A lie, of course but Caleia knew, could sense Verreth’s longing to leave and thought she was helping her “trapped” daughter.

Anger erupted from all parties and in the end Caleia left with the other elves and Verreth stayed with her father. Aryan became aware that Verreth was restless. In fear that Caleia might be correct he urged Verreth to find her own way.

On one side her heart rejoiced at the idea. On the other side it cried for her father’s sadness. It was with tears in both their eyes that Verreth left her home to explore the world. She took with her her teachings and abilities as a druid, vowing to help those where ever she could.

Going from place to place she learned a bit of a few different languages, new medicines, helped a great many and was always cautious. Aware what being half nymph meant, Verreth kept things as professional as she could. She had seen what happened to her father, she did not want any male to go through that because of what she partially was.

Travelling at the age of eighteen Verreth encountered Gideon. A mage, he recognized what she was and sought to befriend her. For months Verreth avoided contact with him as much as possible and slowly the mage worked past the woman’s barrier. Verreth had no idea that Gideon’s intentions were not pure and good.

He was in the habit of experimenting and his newest obsession was shapeshifting. He wondered what something that was half mythical could be turned into. Gideon would drug Verreth with a deep sleeping potion and then change her. His first attempt yielded nothing but a glimmer to her form. Reasoning that she needed to be a bit more cognizant he began experimenting with how much potion he needed to give her. Each attempt brought him closer and closer.

Verreth would wake, sore and unrested. Gideon playing her close friend prompted her to meditate more, rest more during the day and other platitudes to sooth her suspicions.

One night, Gideon drugged her meal with the bare minimum that would make her sleepy but still aware. Groggy, Verreth struggled to understand what was going on. She could feel her body changing, the magic coursing through her and the mind of something else taking over.

Gideon’s laughter filled the air. Before him stood a griffin. It was more than he hoped. Verreth fought the mind of the creature she had become. She reeled against his betrayal. She was able to break the spell and as she lay there recovering she made a choice. Allow the anger to consume her or...repay his betrayal.

Summoning an ability she had tried so hard not to use she convinced Gideon that she was not angry, that she wanted him, she loved him for what he was doing and wanted him to teach her to change herself.

Unable to resist the houri’s ability Gideon taught her. For months Verreth worked to learn to change herself at will into the griffin. She learned to change, change back and take control of the beasts mind. Gideon often wanted the griffin to attack those who he felt had wronged him. They would often argue over it, Verreth winning in the end by charming him.

Verreth found a new freedom in the griffin. The ability to fly meant she could go great distances, see many things. It was the freedom her nymph’s blood desired and her normal form gave her the satisfaction of her work healing others, that her elven blood desired.

The soft, polite and delicate healer learned to turn herself into a strong and deadly beast. Gideon became wary of her power to shift as well as her druidic powers. He tried to chain her one evening when she had shifted into the griffin. Verreth, her heart harden by his multiple betrayals lashed out at him and flew off. The last she saw of him, Gideon was on the ground. She never looked back.

Verreth spends her days seeking out Gideon and helping those as she travels. She often makes potions, poultices and such for people in return for food or shelter.

So begins...

Verreth's Story


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Verreth followed at his gesture but she frowned.

"Why would they seek you out for protecting people? They came looking for you last night, not the other way around."

She ran a little to keep up with him.

"Look if you are looking for a job...I need help. The man who...well you saw...that is what he did to me without telling me. He drugged me and experimented on me. He made me change. He used me. I can't find him on my own and even if I did I couldn't stop him. I can help you with whatever trouble you might get into with the other knights. I admit I am a bit confused since you said they were no more but I will help you. When I am like that I am quite strong and we can move faster if you ride on my back. See I really could be of help to you and in return you could help me find Gideon and you could...well punish him for doing what he did to me."

Verreth sighed. "And please don't lecture me about how it won't change anything. I know. I am what he made me and I have come to terms with that but that doesn't mean he should get to walk free or worse do it to someone else."


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Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Damian gives a small smile at her question. "Last night isn't an issue. What I mean is, they will know I'm in this kingdom and some of them will come for different reasons." He stated with a sigh. "There are those who'd want my help to get some of the others to regroup and reform the Order. Then there are those who probably just don't like me and wish to spar."

He pondered about the last part. "Then there's The Onyx Knight, Dareon. Or should I say Turncoat. He's not a friendly person and will most likely be a problem if I ever saw him again."

Damian then let her explain the job she had in mind for him and actually felt a little bit sick. "The other knights won't be that big a deal, though I appreciate the idea of better travel arrangements when my legs are tired. I guess I have a use for a healer too. As for this Gideon, I cannot guarantee that we will find him. But if we do, I promise I shall see to it he is locked away where he will never be able to use his magic, or harm any other people again. I know how it can feel to go through, changes."

He calmly ran his fingers through his hair as he said the last part. He didn't want to imply anything about the initiation rites, as it in a sense helped him in the long run. "And as for what you said, about the knights seeking me out to protect the farmers? Simply put, they will know it's me but know not where I'm going. Because in the end, former knight or no, I will always remember the warm sweet sun, the golden fields of wheat that danced in the wind."

He turned and gave a smile. "In the end, I'm a warrior with a Farmer's heart."


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Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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"Regroup?" Verreth was once again puzzled but she reasoned that like before it was simply because she had never had to deal with an organization such as the knights.

"Spar?" She frowned. "So some like you and some don't? Onyx knight? I feel as if I am missing a large part of the story."

Verreth stopped and reached out to stop Damian mid-stride. "How about this, you tell me everything while I fly us off to the next town?"

She tried to smile but she was a bit lost, only getting bits and pieces of the man's past. It was understandable since they had only just met the previous day. "I would like to know more and I do appreciate that you will help me should we find Gideon."

Verreth nodded. "So is it a deal? I fly and you talk?" She scuffed at the dirt road with her foot.


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Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Damian slightly frowned. He sighed. "Very well then. I will start at the beginning as we go." Damian said as he felt unsure how to talk to her about the story of his life. "But don't expect it to be all there. There are some things which must remain unsaid."


After waiting for her to change and then waited for the initial uneasiness to pass from the flight upwards. He felt unsure if he should talk but he had slightly no choice.

"I was born a farmer's son and lived there contentedly for about, ten years. Then Bandits came and the usual thing had happened. I was the only survivor in the raid and lived like a Vagabond for two years before finally reaching the city. I registered myself a resident of the Capital. They swapped my old Surname to Grey, which is The general name for Orphans. A few months after that, The Order was getting new recruits so I signed up. I shall not mention the details of their initiations, for under oath, I am sworn to secrecy. Shortly after that I met the only friends in the World. Together we formed the Order's Greatest Warriors, the Hand of Justice. Dareon the Onyx Knight, whose armor was Onyx Black. The Gold Knight, The Leader of the Group and Dareon's Twin, and then Me. The Grey Knight."

"We went on many adventures, we fought together, trained together, Grew together." He continued. "Then, One day, Dareon slowly became corrupted by his own desires, and became more violent with each passing day. One day the Gold Knight was confronting him about it and he lashed out and they fought. It was to the death. I watched Dareon kill his twin sibling. Angered I lashed out, I couldn't control my anger, in the scuffle I maimed him. For the infighting we were both promptly exiled. But we Branded Dareon now as The Turncoat Knight, for betraying the order. I was exiled because I was deemed now dangerous." Damian took a deep breath before continuing.

"The Order itself disbanded after a Funeral, unwillingly. Which is why so,e are seeking to try and reform. Some became mercenaries and bandits. As for Dareon, who knows what dark Plots he now plots, and the grudge held against me for his maiming. I myself, became a traveling being, never again to draw my sword....until last night." Damian looked at the Griffin.

"Does that answer your questions?"


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Verreth smiled as Damian agreed. She nodded enthusiastically. "Of course. Just tell me what I need to know so that I have an idea of ideas."

She headed off into the brush again. Her voice was distant as she called out to him. "I have to remove my clothes in order not to ruin them, hence the hiding..."

Verreth tucked her dress into the sack and let the change come over her. The griffin stepped out, sack in beak and walked over to where Damian stood.

It was an impressive beast, far bigger than Verreth in her human form. It lowered itself so that Damian could easily mount her back. Once seat it gave a shake of its head and then took off.

The force of the take off was enough to cause Damian to lean back. The griffin's wings lifted the pair off the ground with ease and soon they were soaring high up above the trees.

The creature listened intently as Damian spoke of his family, the knights and what had come to pass. The griffin nodded its head as Damian asked if that answered her questions.

There was silence as the wind rushed over Damian's face. Verreth did not like what Gideon had done to her but there was no denying the enjoyment she got from her flights. It was far more freeing than walking the roads. It satiated the nymph part of her, the part that called for her to travel.

They flew on, the griffin heading towards the ports. The water was there in the distance and the green trees below. They flew over farms, farmers in the fields, hunters in the trees and deer running through brush. The birds eye view was something most never saw and Verreth hoped that Damian was enjoying the flight.

As they grew closer to the port the griffin angled, slipping downward slowly. She needed to change once more and did not want to risk doing so in a heavily populated area. Cities and such already made the woman uncomfortable. There was no need to make it worse by landing as a great beast and then changing into a nude woman.

The griffin touched down and waited for Damian to climb off before heading into the foliage to change.

"I hope the flight was alright." Verreth called from behind the bushes as she pulled her dress on. She was tired, the change always took her energy and she would need a short rest soon but for now she would walk with Damian.

Verreth, once more her normal form stepped out. "Back to normal. Shall we?"


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Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Damian nodded as he walked towards the port town, searching for a place to stay the night. He noted too that Verreth probably needed to rest and get her strength back. "Flight was fine." He managed to say as he reached town.

The port town was a busy place, as most port towns in Davinnkor, for the kingdom is in the process of being one of the most powerful countries in terms of trade goods. Damian wandered around looking for an inn or a tavern and finally spotted one on his right. Silently Damian walked towards it. He didn't know what else to do at the moment.


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Verreth smiled as Damian stated the flight was fine. It was the first time really she had taken someone as a passenger. She was sure Gideon had made her carry him back in the time before she knew what was going on, when he drugged her but now Verreth tended to keep her change to herself. Many were wary of a woman who could alter her shape.

Magic existed but many were still superstitious about it. Then there were those that hunted beast like griffins for fun. The world held many perils for a woman, the added altering of her form made things even more tenuous.

"So where shall we go? What do you normally do? I know you said trouble follows you..."

Verreth ran a little to catch up to him. She stopped, realizing she was following him. "Oh..."

Self conscious, Verreth moved to be beside Damian. "Who should I be watching for? If we can find a reasonably priced inn I have coin. I can also make a few potions and poultices to sell." She yawned widely and struggled to hide it.


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Damian looked around for an inn and spotted a well established looking one with a perfect view of the sea. "If you wish to let me know of several things. One, you see any form of injustice on a person, you must notify me as soon as possible. Two, People with the following traits, traveling cloaks with a Seven pointed star on the back of the cloak and Fair Blue eyes with the slightest hint of gold at the center or green emeralds for eyes such as mine, are identified as former knights. They are on the immediate notification."

He approached the Inn's Doors. "I will figure if the said former knights are friendly or not. And believe me, a myriad of both sides will seek me out. But the one you must absolutely watch out for is a man in Black Armor. Dareon the Turncoat. He still wears his Onyx armor to this day. Watch out especially for him."

He opened the doors and gestured to Verreth. "Ladies first."


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Verreth listened intently as Damian told her all the people to watch out for. Also she was to watch for any form of injustice and she wondered how him helping was serving his interest of not having trouble in is life.

In the end she reasoned that if that was what he wanted to know than the moment she saw anything or anyone that he mentioned she would tell him.

Blue eyes with gold or green... Verreth looked at Damian. She inspected his eyes, noticing for the first time that they were indeed emerald green.

"Black armour is bad, very bad. I understand."

She stepped into the open door. "Thank you."

Unlike the last inn this one was very busy. There were tables filled with people laughing and drinking. Some were eating, others sitting quietly alone.

Verreth moved in further and after pushing past a few people found a table for them to sit at. "Busy place this. I wonder if they have rooms left."

She pulled her cloak off, laying it beside her on the seat. "Are you hungry?"

Amongst the tables were a trio of men and one women. They were huddled around their table. Something about them drew Verreth's attention. Maybe it was the way they seemed to whisper to each other, maybe it was the way they occasionally looked around to see if others were watching but something gave her the impression that they were up to something.

"Should we get a drink too?" Verreth asked though her face was still turned to watch the other table. Her head cocked a little as if she thought that she might hear them if she tried hard enough.


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Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Damian settled to a table and sat down. He had long noticed the men and women whispering to each other as he sat. He payed no attention to them as he pulled his hood further down. He felt the slight suspicion one or more were former members of his order. He turned to Verreth and nodded. "Something cold would be nice my friend." Damian stated as he tried to eavesdrop on their conversation by means of simply hearing, he slowly tried to close out all noises save for the people at the table.

"I say we reform then find the Turncoat and really bring him to Justice." Said one of the three men.

"That's risky. We have no idea about Dareon's whereabouts." Said another of the three. He sounded rather neutral and nonchalant of the whole thing. The third man looked negative and serious. He looked as if he was simply wanting to just find quick money.

"I say you just become mercenaries. The world doesn't need the Order right this minute. And I for one feel to be agreeing with the disbandment. So count yourselves lucky you survived your fathers and just go with it." The third man got up and left the two men and the woman behind to get a drink.

Damian grew puzzled. Two out of the four people he eavesdropped on were formers knights. The woman remained unknown whilst the third man was possibly a contact. He couldn't place the woman at all since he couldn't see her face nor heard her voice. She seemed to just be listening to the men talk.

He pulled out of eavesdropping so not to arouse suspicion on himself. Or in the case of the two former knights, recognition. He didn't know if they hated him or respected him.


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Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Verreth nodded and moved towards the bar to order food and drink. She couldn't shake the feeling that the group at the table were up to something and she wished she could have heard them. She wasn't entirely sure that what they were up to was going to be a good thing.

She balanced two plates with a roasted meat and a potato on it. Behind her a tavern girl brought two mugs of cold ale.

Verreth sat down, sliding a plate to Damian. The young woman placed Verreth's cup down, moved around the table to lean against and over Damian's arm as she placed his mug down. She turned her head to look at him, warm brown eyes matching the smile her lips wore. "Here you go." She slowly moved away, casting a look over her shoulder at the Damian.

Verreth was looking down, hiding her laughter. Her lips were curled in as she lightly bit down to stifle the noise. "I uh, I think she thinks you are handsome."

She picked at her meat, her eyes shifting to the other table. She frowned when she realized that some of the group had left and the remaining three were now waiting for a drink.

"Those people. Over there." Verreth was whispering. She gestured with her mug as she raised it to her lips. "Something is off about them. There were more. They were whispering. I don't know, I just feel odd about them, as if they are up to something."

She took a drink from her mug and set it back down before taking a bite of her meat.

"What do you think? Am I just looking for trouble? They could just be friends talking right?" She chewed the slightly dry beef. Verreth didn't care though, she was starving. The change always took a lot out of her and made her incredibly hungry. It could have been jerky and she still would have eaten it as if it was her first meal in days.


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Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Damian smirked at the tavern girl's flirting as he turned to look at Verreth as she explained the situation about the four individuals he had just eavesdropped on. "The third man went to get a drink. He'll be back momentarily, and yes, I very well agree with you." He said with a small smirk as he began to eat his own food, with silence and neatness following even though it looked liked he was devouring the food like a wolf.

"They could simply be friends talking." He said to clarify to his companion. The third man returned with a large mug and returned to discussing with the two former knights and the woman, who just seemed to be silent for the whole conversation. Suddenly several new faces walked into the inn, they seemed to be bandits but more organized in nature, as if they owned a local business. They went to the bar to order drinks as Damian eyed them and their blades with suspicion but held his tongue. He kept his eyes on his own food and drink as he kept eating.


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Verreth frowned as he stated the other man had gone for drinks. She did perk up a little as Damian stated he agreed with her though he did state that they could indeed be just friends talking. There was an unspoken air of understanding though that neither really believed that.

She was finishing up her potato, her meat having been devoured when a new group walked in. They looked rough, griseled but organized. Verreth found them odd and they made her suddenly more alert. She lifted her mug to take a drink but her eyes were still on them.

The air in the room seemed to change as well. There was a tension now as if others too were waiting to see what would occur and readying themselves to run or fight.

Verreth swallowed her drink and looked at Damian. He was still eating, looking as calm and composed as ever.

"What about them? Are they just friends talking?" She lifted her eyes towards the new arrivals. "Perhaps here is not where we wish to stay tonight. I would say it reeks of trouble and possibly a fight."

Verreth leaned over the table a little so her whispered words were only audible by Damian.


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Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Damian silently turned his head to the bandits. "The men behind me are two former knights plus their contact. The woman is a possibility but I haven't noticed any features yet. Don't worry about the Inn. It'll be fine as long as I'm here. Besides," he paused before looking towards the barmaid then to Verreth. "No woman ever flirted with me before. I'd like to get to know her." He gave a slight wink towards the Barmaid, trying to put on a certain charm that An old friend once had. A part of him immediately regretted this.

"It's the price of anonymity. I never was seen outside my helm back when I was, well you know." Damian stated as he kept an eye on the Four behind him and the pair of thugs near the bar. "Sometimes I treated it like my personal space. My armor, no one could see me, nor mock my appearance...silver hair on a young body."

He said the last part almost bitterly and nearly loud but that was drowned out. He was sure the four couldn't hear him. For the order knew what lied underneath the Grey Armor and would recognize him on the spot. The two thugs drank their drinks and paid and left without a word. Damian breathed a little more lightly.

"I think it's safe enough to stay the night. The local thugs just use this place for a quick pint." He told Verreth with calm relief. "Now we just have to make sure the people behind me not realize I'm here and it'll be all good."


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Verreth scowled a little when he said there were former knights in the group she had a funny feeling about. Damian insisted that now that the bandits had their drink it was safe to stay the night. She shrugged, not arguing. He would have more experience than she in this sort of situation.

She turned her attention back to the topic of no one flirting with him and that no one had seen him without his helm, that some might mock him.

"Mock you? For silver hair? It is odd but I have seen odder in this world. Perhaps it is just me." Verreth looked over to the barmaid. "Go talk to her. I will get a room for you and one for myself. I will make myself scarce lest she think we are together."

Relationships were a touchy subject for Verreth. She was graced with the ability to charm from her mother and like her could have men falling over themselves for her attention. She abhorred the idea however. When her mother had returned and Verreth witnessed just what the charm could do she vowed to never use it. It didn't mean that she didn't want to get to know other people it was just that she feared she would never know if it was real or just her charm, on accident. Gideon had made her wary of men. He had claimed to be her friend, claimed to care for her and then he used her. Verreth had trouble thinking that anything good could come from caring about another person.

She stood, gave Damian a slight smile and went off to get two rooms. Once purchased, keys in hand, she returned to the table quickly to give Damian his key before scurrying off to her room.

I will wash my face and then go back down, get another drink maybe and sit off in the corner. No reason I have to hide away I just can't be near him. Besides she wanted to keep an eye on that other group. Especially now that she knew they were former knights. He said to watch for trouble and injustice. Who know what they are up to.
She found him intriguing. He smiled at her, gave her a wink and her stomach fluttered. Edina walked back towards the table now that the woman had gone off. She was relieved to see two room keys. They were not together, not a couple.

Edina had her best seductive smile, swayed her hips just right as she moved towards him with the pitcher in hand.

"Can I refill your mug?" Her eyes batted at him.


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Damian put on a slight smile at Verreth as she left. She looked slightly off subject with his apparent wanting to get to know the girl who tried to flirt with him, and he tried to flirt back. He hoped it worked.

In the meantime the two knights sighed. "We might as well turn in for the evening." One said as he got up and fixed his cloak, the seven pointed star apparent to Damian now. The other Knight took a spare cloak from his lap and offered it to the Woman nearest him. She took the cloak and placed it over herself. Damian was nearly taken aback. It was a seven pointed star as well, however it was a gold star besides the usual white or gray.

Their contact shrugged. "If you need me, I will be near the docks fishing for a fortune." He smirked as he left the inn. Damian took a mental note to have Verreth keep an eye on the knights and their companion. He sighed mentally as he drank the rest of his drink in silent thought. Who was this woman? Why did she have a more unique cloak?

He sighed but then the same beautiful tavern maiden walked to his table and offered him a refill of his mug. He gave a silent smirk. "Yes Please Ma'am." He commented almost shyly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Verreth had washed her face and snuck back downstairs. She moved to the far side, sitting in a lone chair in the shadows. She watched the people, disappointed that the interesting party had left. Realizing that the only people to really watch was Damian and the tavern maid she opted to return to her room and wait out the evening.
"Ma'am?" She eyed him a little. "Do I look like an old lady to you?" Edina poured the beer into the mug. She slipped into the seat beside Damian. Edina looked over her shoulder at him, once more batting her eyes. "That one is on the house if you promise not to call me ma'am anymore."

She smiled sweetly. He was attractive, the silver hair exotic and bringing many questions to mind. Edina wanted to know who this stranger was, where he was from and what he did.

"Call me Edina at least. Maybe I will even pour you another." She nudged him with her shoulder playfully.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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The three former knights watched their contact go as they headed to a three bed room at the end of the hall, which was evidently next to Verreth's room. "Your Contact is slightly mean Robert." One knight told the other.

"Hey, he can be a jerk but we can't let that impede our search for a new place to reform the Order. We have to bring the turncoat to Justice, preferably before he causes trouble. But we don't know where he is." The one called Robert stated to his other two compatriots. "Also we need to find Grey. He's suitable for possible leadership."

"But we exiled Grey too, he might not be willing to forgive us because of that.."


Damian flushed red a little as he rubbed where Edina nudged him. He chuckled slightly nervous. But at least he learned her name. He gave a soft smile and nodded. "Alright, Edina." He stated as he coughed, trying to think of ideas and questions to give her. He looked around the busy Inn as he sighed and pulled his hood back a bit. "Have you lived in this town Long?" He asked her, thinking that was a good spot as any as he drank from his mug once again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Verreth couldn't help but overhear the voices. She had only initially heard the mumbled sound of voices but pressing herself to the wall, she could hear the voices clearly. Turncoat to justice, find Grey. Verreth held her breath and knew she needed to tell Damian.

She knew she would have to wait for a short time, ensuring the others asleep before she was willing to sneak out and back downstairs.
Edina liked the way he said her name and she giggled a little.

"I have lived here my whole life, all nineteen years of it." She let her foot move to touch his, rubbing lightly against his boot. She blushed a little and smiled down at the table.

"Where are you from?" Edina asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Damian looked at Edina when she asked him that question. He had to remember the name of the kingdom he left behind. His mind slowly gathered in the thoughts and sounds. "The Northern Kingdom of Seracia." Damian stated. "Oh, call me Damian, Damian Grey." He also stated with a small bit of red in his face as he thought he felt something rub against his boot but he didn't care.

"Nineteen years? That's how long I spent at home too before.....traveling for two years." He said, trying to change the subject before he dwelt too much on the past, and on the friend he had to watch be buried.


"Well, all the same, Grey's a good man. We could use his help. Well night folks." Said one knight as the other knight went to a bed and plopped down exhaustively. The mysterious female companion however, sat on a small table to read. She didn't feel like sleeping anyway, a lot seemed to be on her mind.