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Experimental Value

Experimental Value


Several individuals are being injected with Animal DNA, can they escape the grasp of a Scientific Research Corporation or will they fail?

1,646 readers have visited Experimental Value since TheFlag created it.


"Taken from your homes, and being imprisoned...
Nothing is worse then that?
Wrong! We're going to change everything that you are!"

Plot: People with a blank DNA signature are rare extremely rare, so don't be surprised when the Beldam's Genetic Facility (Lead proprietor on Genetics) began nabbing people off the streets to do experiments on them. But where do they take the people? No one knows, well except the people taken and the staff that work there. A few rumours even suggest that they could be contemplating to inject their "guests" with animal DNA, overwriting the blank genes with the Animals. Such monstrosities would be outlawed if in the public eye but the Corporation made sure it wasn't in the Public eye, kept it undisclosed and paid the right people. But that's not even the worst of it. They plan on keeping you for the rest of your life as an experiment, evaluating you mentally and physically, and take away your free will!

Well that's what they would have did, if they could their "alterations" have a few nasty side effects, if they did try to wipe your mind and control you their mutations wouldn't work, they have not a lot of options but to lock up the inhabitants and keep them docile, which on par works only certain times are they allowed out to exercise but are restrained in an appropriate manner. The question is will you try to escape? or cower and submit to your captors.

Beldam's Genetics: This company rose from the ashes of a previous Genetic company, the year then was 1967 of course and over the years it grew into a vast multi-billion corporation. Ever since its birth, it has been leading the way in Genetics and is considered one of the biggest contributors to humanity. But what do they do to achieve it? They've always kept their business secret, fairly shady and honestly not a lot of people cared, they were helping humanity, helping the majority at least. The Company is ruthless only caring about increasing their knowledge, their experiments crossing the line constantly and people suffering so they could achieve this ultimately selfish goal.

They've kidnapped people before, yes. But they were petty homeless not a loss and hardly anyone cared about them but they began needing specific individuals, a very rare kind of person they began tracking them down and capturing them, and erasing knowledge paying off people in high places. This meant that investigations on the missing, were denied proper funding and often met a dead end, false evidence and even a false death is accounted for. This is the type of company that is immune from the law, and can do whatever it wants, it's up to you to prove
them wrong.

Facility: Most of the facility is secret and hard to place, on top it seems like your average research centre but however underground is were the people are being kept. The prison is assigned from corridors to labs, to experimenting rooms and offices. However there's a block of cells which are made out of reinforced concrete, no windows just a small box with a flickering light and a metal door with a slot in the middle.

Blanks: The people who were took, were targeted specifically by the Company. This is because of their DNA, a few strands are left blank in their genetic structure, this is benign apart from having one side effect which is hardly noticeable. This allows in theory for further DNA addition, all species have Blanks in fact that's how Beldam's Genetics discovered this by experimenting on a mouse who was a "Blank" but unfortunately animals cannot under go the genetic splicing process as their minds are not equip to deal with this, and they'd often die of shock from the traumatic experience. Humans however can under go this process because of their Brain signals which are easily matchable. The last side effect is the Blank's white cell level is unusually high, which makes them, very resistant even to the most deadliest diseases, and gives them extra endurance all blanks have this trait.

After being injected with animal DNA, the individual will inherit some personality traits from the animal, their strengths and weaknesses and even the animals form. This process is unstable 'very' unstable. This is different for all individuals, some inherit physical traits for example they're eyes could narrow, their arm may begin to grow fur and their strength may double, and they might grow a tail and cat ears. However each retain a trait to turn into the animal they were injected with, this is painful but after more strands are converted it gets easier for them to change. This also effects the persons strength, endurance and increases the muscle tissue, and cells due to the two different strands of DNA, which the brain comprehends as two individuals. The last thing, they only convert one strand of DNA to start with, to keep your survival rate high but as time goes on your other strands of DNA will be converted until half of the person's DNA is converted turning half of the person's nervous system into an animal.


Blank 1: Jak Baction
Blank 2: Erin Otus
Blank 3: Vitane Todd
Blank 4: Tsuki Karami
Blank 5: Jane T. Godfrey
Blank 6:Yuan El'Waters
Blank 7: Brendan Grim
Blank 8: Haru Arashi

Head Scientist: The Benafactor
Scientist 1: Megumi Shinmyu
Scientist 2:
Scientist 3:

Guard 1:
Guard 2:
Guard 3:
Guard 4:

This is the skeleton for the Blanks please read it! If you don't I'll eat you.
Code: Select all
[b]Animal Spliced[/b]: Get creative, with this it could be anything.
[b]Appearance[/b]: Just putting this out there, outfit is a white top, and a pair of silk pants.
[b]Skills[/b]: General skills like mechanic, marksman ect


Human Skeleton:

Code: Select all


Okay now that's is cleared up I'll give you the gist of how this is going to play out...
You'll wake up inside your cell, after the experimentation. And proceed from there, I will be roleplaying the main Scientists and ect unless you want to play as one of them PM me they'll have a plot role. Time will pass as well, you will not be let out of your cell often use that time to interact with others and plan an escape!

Okay now that's out of the way my rules, fairly simple but please follow them.

  1. Not godmodding, power playing ect...
  2. Be nice a lot of kindness can go a long way.
  3. Be active, please if you aren't going to commit to this don't join.
  4. Try to have fun!

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Earth by TheFlag



Facility by RolePlayGateway

The complex where the experiments are being done.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


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Character Portrait: The Benafactor
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#, as written by TheFlag
The Benefactor

Benjamin sat at his desk, his eyes slowly running over his specimen's files examining them calmly in total there were eight it wasn't a lot their kind was hard to come by after all but he'd gather more so this didn't really bother him. They'd probably begin waking up by now, wondering where they are and more infinite amounts of questions he wouldn't answer of course he'd do this to be cruel but what he would do was give them a introduction for, the torment which lies ahead of each of them it would have to wait a while however as he didn't like some of the investigation reports, he figured he might have to contact the Chief of Police again, and ask for some minor tweaks in the investigations. Spinning his chair around, he pushed himself up and faced the desk his finger pressed the intercom button for the Cell Block and he began to speak into it, "Hello my specimens" he said smoothly into the microphone "Let me explain where you currently reside at, you're in a prison for your existence, you're an abomination that must be studied for the greater good." he chuckled which seemed to spit venom "You'll reside here for the rest of your life. Escape and other dreams are unfathomable you're mine now." conviction and his true, personality was seething through now "If any of you even attempt something like this, you'll wish that you could die." his finger released the button, and his throat relaxed. Benjamin was satisfied with the intimidation value, keeping them docile was a priority after all.

Benjamin slowly pushed himself up, he seemed to have slumped while leaning against his desk a small yawn coming out of his mouth as he adjusted his lab coat and headed for the door. Outside his facility was busy Scientists ran by, and Guards saluted him as he walked past people moved out of his way afraid, respect he didn't care as long as they followed him. Opening the door to the Splicing Lab Benjamin, walked inside and approached the nearest Scientist a small woman in her thirties intelligence gleamed from her eyes "Give me the results for Project Bravo." he simply demanded, she nodded in acknowledgement "Sir, the specimens responded positively to the gene splicing therapy and have all been injected with, the most compatible DNA signature, I assume they are malleable for further splicing. As you are aware Sir, the specimens white blood cell level are extremely high giving them extreme endurance, and resistance to disease, this has been raised higher due to the splicing." Benjamin nodded calmly "I am aware of this, I want you working on this trait and try to extract the white blood cells and examine one, to see if there is an anomaly in the cell." The scientist simply nodded, as he walked back outside the Splicing Lab and back to his office.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuan El'Waters
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#, as written by Nenyeh
At the moment Yuan was fast asleep. His family had always commented on how heavily he slept, that they wouldn’t be surprised if he slept through an earthquake one day. Not that there were many earthquakes around their place which Yuan liked to point out to them but the general understanding was there. Yuan was a heavy sleeper. He liked to say it was because he was so active during the day that by the time night came he was so exhausted that he just collapsed and slept all his worries away. He had six younger sisters. That was enough to tire any boy out. He had always preferred the night time to day time. Night was when he got to be alone, to gather up his thoughts and either draw or write whichever he felt like doing. It was his own personal time after the hardships of running around after his family during the day. Not that he complained. They didn’t have his father to fall back on anymore and since he was now the only male of the family then it was only fair for him to be looking after them. This was why, despite the fact that he had been through such a horrible event, had strange animal DNA injected into him and was now locked up god knows where, he slept like a baby, until the flickering of the cell light began to eat away at the calming darkness that surrounded his mind, his dream land flickering before fading away completely.

“April is that you?” he muttered sleepily as he pulled his tired form up, rubbing at his eyes slightly as his mind slowly began to catch on to the fact that this cold and dingy cell was not the warm comfortable bedroom in which he had fallen to sleep. Suddenly his eyes snapped wide awake as he stared across at the metal door with the slot in the middle, breathing coming hard and fast as he tried not to panic. Where was he? How the heck did he get here...and why was he here even? And just why was the flickering light proving to be annoying him more than the fact that he’d apparently been kidnapped? Alright then Yuan. What the hell have you gotten yourself into this time? He was trying to stay calm and for the short while that he sat staring at the door as he allowed his tired mind to kick into action, he was reasonably calm. Dark eyes scanned the small area, looking for and failing to find a possible way to escape, tail twitching in annoyance.
Wait what tail? TAIL!?. Yes, there it was, sticking out a hole that had been cut into the plain white pants that he wore and it was very much attached to himself as he found when he tugged on it painfully, trying to convince himself that he was either still dreaming or this was some type of sick joke. How... how could he have a tail? Now he was panicking. He leapt to his feet, well more like crouched up more, tugging off the pants and pulling hard on the tail, only stopping as a creepy ass voice broke through the deathly silence.

"Hello my specimens" . Yuan blinked, pausing on his tugging and glancing up towards the light as though that was the source of the light, letting off a short scream as the action caused his hair to fall in front of his eyes. His pure blonde, almost while locks...where now a light auburn red colour. “W...what the fu...” he whispered weakly, glancing back up as the voice broke through his thoughts once more, "Let me explain where you currently reside at, you're in a prison for your existence, you're an abomination that must be studied for the greater good.”. So... he was in a cell then, and by the sounds of things there was more than himself here. He had to agree though he was an abomination, at least he was now. He had a tail that wouldn’t come off, had sudden red hair and... He didn’t want to think about the fact his hearing seemed far more sensitive than usual or that his ears... they seemed to have gone someplace... No no Yuan focus on the tail. Let’s not freak out any more than is needed. "You'll reside here for the rest of your life. Escape and other dreams are unfathomable you're mine now."

And with those last few words panic stuck him again. The rest of his life? They had to be kidding right? This was all some kind of sick and twisted joke or nightmare. Soon he’d wake up to the sound of April and Jennifer in the kitchen fighting over the last of the cereal, his mother on the phone trying to sort out an unpaid bill while Chloe and Jessie worked on getting everyone out in time for the school run...How could he possibly accept never seeing their faces again?

What had happened...what...? He blinked, feeling tears falling as the situation slowly began to sink in, began to become real. The coldness that clung to his skin was hard to ignore, the painful throb on his backside reminded him of the extra body part he seemed to have grown, his hair hung over his eyes, shining red against the flickering light which almost seemed to mock him as he let the tears fall. With a shaking hand he reached slowly up and brushed the top of his head, breaking out into soft sobs as he felt the triangular shaped ears that lay low against the side of his head as more crying broke free.

None of this made any sense! could this sort of thing be real? Why would anyone go out of their way to kidnap people and turn them into...well whatever the hell it was that he was now? What was he? Could be even be called human anymore? He seemed to be what his sister described as a Neko or something though his tail was not that for a cat, that much he was sure of though the thought did little to ease his mind. He sat, hugging into his knees and trying not to cry too loudly for the sounds where loud to his sensitive new ears. He wondered how the others were coping and just how many there would be and if he would ever get to meet any of them. He also wondered how long it would take before he went insane.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane T. Godfrey
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Jane woke up to the loud announcement covering her new Dalmatian ears she fell out of the bed. She then relized that she was in a cell and then she looked in the small mirror on the wall. Admireing her new found body parts she started to talk to herself, "Wow the ears came out nicely." She turned around and looked at her happily waging tail she giggled with joy at the sight of it, "Yipee, my own tail it's fur is so soft and it feels so good happy wagging it. Yipee!!" Continuing to admire her new tail and ears in the mirror she hears the announcement You'll reside here for the rest of your life. Escape and other dreams are unfathomable you're mine now hearing this she became angry.

"What!!! You said if I volunteered you would let me live my life how ever I wanted!!" She yelled banging on the door to her cell. "I'm going to find and kill you, you peice of crap. Come on show yourself so I can kill you!!!!" Her yells now echoing through the facility. After a few minutes she gives up and curls up in a ball on the bed. She then says to herself in a sad voice, "Why, why did I volunteer for this.... Wait did he say Specimens?". She fanticly got up and looked out the window on the door and calls out, "Hello is anyone else there?!? Hello?!?!"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tsuki Karami Character Portrait: Megumi Shinmyu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saikua
Tsuki awoke abruptly to the sound of the intercom. She tried to cover her ears, only to find...that she didn't have her normal ears anymore. Her grey eyes widened in fear as she felt and found white, fluffy, pointed ears close to the top of her head. When the intercom had stopped, she managed to start to look around her small cell. She could have sworn that she had been at home just about an hour ago it seemed. It was fairly cold and she didn't have much, but her underwear and a white dress on her.

She felt a pain on the lower part of her back and saw that she had a white, fluffy tail. When did that grow!? She attempted to stand up, only to feel extremely dizzy. How did she get here? Where was here anyway? And why did she have animal ears and a freaking tail!? She tried to think back. Tried to remember if there was anything that she could remember about how she got here.

Tsuki had been at home. Her and her parents had just gotten back from a trip to Japan. She had gone to her room and had unpacked. It was warm where she had lived, so she had put on a light dress so she wouldn't get too warm. Tsuki had still retained some jetlag and needed to take a nap. That was the last thing she had remembered. She had decided to lay down for a nap. And then she was here.

She tried to keep herself from crying, but there wasn't much that she could do at this rate. She knew she would be stuck here for a long time. She then heard someone start to yell out. "H-hello?" She said nervously as she got close to her door.
Megumi looked over the charts for each Blank. The next stage of the splicing would begin tomorrow and she had to make sure that the success rate is high. There were a few hiccups, but those were minor and would not effect the further splicing of the Blanks. "This report should suffice for Benafactor." She leaned back in her chair. She knew that she would have to keep her distance from this group of Blanks this time. Last time she had gotten too close and at the final stage, most couldn't handle the last splicing process and had died, but....she couldn't help it. She saw people when she looked at them. People who were being changed. Megumi couldn't even remember why she had taken this job in the first place anymore.

She sighed as she stood up, grabbing the report folder and leaving the lab. She walked down the hall until she came up to the Benafactor's office door. She knocked lightly.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Otus
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#, as written by slcam
Erin slowly became conscious, her eyes still closed as she waited to hear her mother bustling around as usual and calling for her to get up. She never understood how her mother could be so active in the morning. Something felt different, but she couldn't quite tell what. Instead of hearing her mother's voice, a man's voice rung out in the room.

"Hello my specimens."

Erin's eyes shot open as she sat straight up, but she immediately closed her eyes again, placing her hands over them to block out the light. It was so bright it hurt. What was going on?

"Let me explain where you currently reside at, you're in a prison for your existence, you're an abomination that must be studied for the greater good."

The man's voice said, as he let out a laugh that sounded purely evil, almost booming in her ears. Why was it so loud and bright? And abomination? What is this? What was he talking about? Erin opened her eyes, more slowly this time so her eyes could have time to adjust. The last words of the man's message still ringing through her brain.

"You're mine now."

Nothing was making sense. "Where am I?" she wondered aloud, taking in her still bright surroundings. It was a small room, a cell really, with a heavy metal door that had a small slot in the middle. On the opposite wall was the bed she was still sitting on. It was hard and the pillow and cover were rough and thin. She put a hand up to her hair, which felt terribly knotted and something felt strange about it. She tried to draw her fingers through the tangles, something strange coming loose in her fingers. She brought her hand down to look at it and saw a ... a feather? She felt through her hair again, found another feather, and pulled. It actually hurt like she was pulling her hair out. Must be tangled in, she thought, noticing a small mirror on the wall to her left. She got up, as a wave of nausea crashed over her. She quickly sat down again, waiting for the feeling to pass, then got up more slowly, making her way to the mirror. Her bare feet padded silently on the cold cement floor. She felt light, almost springy, feeling as if she had weights on for a long time and had just taken them off.

When she got to the mirror, she saw there were feathers in her hair, but they weren't tangled in, they were actually attached to her scalp. She pulled one to make sure, and it was like trying to pull a tender hair out. She turned quickly, not wanting to look any more and sat down on the bed, pulling her legs in close to her and trying not to hyperventilate.She heard yelling out side the door, then a faint hello. She ignored it, squeezing her eyes shut and putting her head on her knees. What in the world was happening?


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Benafactor Character Portrait: Haru Arashi
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Haru's eyes shot open and, although the room was dark, she noticed she could see perfectly. She sat up in a rather uncomfortable bed and rubbed her forehead, noticing her sense of smell and hearing had improved somehow. Though it was hard to focus due to an intense migraine.

"Hello my specimens."

Something new on her head twitched at the sound of a man. She stood up, the cement floor cold on her bare feet and something light sliding off the bed behind her. She reached turned her head to discover a long, black tail trailing out from a whole in the silk pants she was wearing.

"Let me explain where you currently reside at, you're in a prison for your existence, you're an abomination that must be studied for the greater good."

The man laughed, sending chills up Haru's spine. What is going on? Am I dreaming? An abomination?, she thought to herself, looking around on the dark ceiling to see where the voice was coming from. By now she was fully able to move her tail, and was rather surprised about it. She had also realized that the reason her hearing had improved was that she had a pair of what appeared to be panther ears where her old ears used to be. What am I? What is going on with me? Her head was throbbing and it was hard to think straight.

"You'll reside here for the rest of your life. Escape and other dreams are unfathomable you're mine now. If any of you even attempt something like this, you'll wish that you could die."

Haru felt a little sick to her stomach as a sudden realization hit her. She walked up the the door of the room, its small window blocked with iron bars. She pressed her face up against the bars, her golden eyes gazing down the dark hallway, just enough to see a few other rooms which must hold other prisoners. She was one of them. Her legs begun to shake as she slowly stepped backward. Pressing her back against the wall, she slid onto the floor and pressed her knees to her chest. She was encountering one of her biggest fears, being locked in a cage.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jak Baction
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#, as written by TheFlag
Jak slowly twitched in his sleep, shifting around uncomfortably subconsciously dreaming of what this day would hold a party with his friends, a nice peaceful night? But this feeling was snatched from him all too soon as he began to open his eyes. Slowly at first but when his surroundings hit him, he was up like a lightning rod his head moving fast observing his surroundings the dull flickering light the concrete walls with a white bed in the corner, and he could hear a small sound like a frequency he wasn't meant to hear he also noticed his vision was more expansive but the colours were not keenly defined. Jak moaned lowly as he pushed himself up, his bare feet coming into contact with the cold ground his head twitched rhythmically to the door made entirely out of metal, a small slot lay in the middle. Jak paused for a moment, shaking lightly he tried to remember what had happened he remembered going to bed and then pain a unbearable amount of pain like his very form was twisting into something else, and then nothing. Disturbed by this Jak pushed himself close to the door, his breathing was ragged his shaking was getting worse.

"Where am I?" he called, no response. Twisting around he went to sit back on his bed, deciding to think this through he heard something though, something that buzzed his ears a tingling like a signal of some sort, and then a voice disrupted his current questions on this "Hello my specimen." the voice was smooth and unnatural, and Jak felt an instant dislike to the voice but it also scared him "Let me explain where you currently reside at, you're in a prison for your existence, you're an abomination that must be studied for the greater good." Jak was dazed by this, there must be some sort of mistake he wasn't an abomination surely, but something inside him told him otherwise, his vision was keener and his hearing had been vastly improved what did he look like physically? Did he look different? His thoughts were interrupted by a chuckle, one that was vicious making him well up he felt tears welling up in his eyes but held them back determined not to give these people the satisfaction "You'll reside here for the rest of your life. Escape and other dreams are unfathomable you're mine now. If any of you even attempt something like this, you'll wish that you could die." Jak felt a weight rest on his chest, one that weighed him down he knew what these people were trying to do break his spirit and make him docile but the man seemed so sure of himself and seemed ruthless.

Fighting of despair, Jak paused examining his surroundings a lot more keenly he spotted a mirror in the near corner of his cell, he slowly approached it examining his reflection his looked normal except his eyes were wide, understandable given the situation but his eye's iris was large to large and blue wait... his eyes weren't blue they were a muddy brown but now they were deeply blue, his hair seemed thicker as well, he pulled at the strands, and they seemed to come apart like a feather. Jak's hand automatically reached out, touching his reflection the mirror wasn't made out of glass but plastic of some kind, deeply troubled by this Jak crawled into a corner curling up trying to immerse his mind into a sanctuary of some kind to protect his mental state of course. Jak felt a twitch in his shoulder, like something inside him rebelled Jak cried in pain it was like something was growing inside him Jak fought the urge he didn't know what was happening but he wasn't going down easily, after a few minutes the urge vanished what had they done to him? It was like something else was taking over, it was fairly weak though and Jak would probably be able to fight the urge back down.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Benafactor Character Portrait: Haru Arashi
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As Haru felt more and more suffocated bundled up in the back of the cell, a sudden feeling of urgency shot through her. She took in a breathe and slowly stood up, pressing her hand on the stone wall to keep from falling over. You need to calm down Haru, she said to herself. Taking in another breathe she made her way to one wall that had a small mirror-like rectangle hanging from it. She was very surprised when she came face to face with someone that seemed to be her, but also looked very different. Her once emerald green eyes had turned to a piercing gold color. Where her human ears had once been there was a pair of black, panther-like ears with white tufts on the inside and her hair was cut short and had choppy edges. She placed her hand on the surface of the plastic-like mirror and stared deep into the familiar yet, strange eyes. This person. This person is me. What happened to me? She closed her eyes as a rush of adrenaline, or maybe anger, surged through her. Haru stepped up to the door of the small cell, her tail trailing behind her. She grasped her sweaty hands around the bars and took a deep, hesitant breathe. "Who the hell are you to talk to us like we are your pets!" she yelled, her voice echoing through the hallway. "And what right do you have not even showing your face to us and then calling us abominations!" She backed away from the door and looked around the room, then tilted her head to the ceiling. "Who the hell are you and where are we!" She demanded, still looking around, trying to find some kind of speaker the voice may have been coming from.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brendan Grim
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Brendan Grim

Hello my specimens" he said smoothly into the microphone "Let me explain where you currently reside at, you're in a prison for your existence, you're an abomination that must be studied for the greater good." he chuckled which seemed to spit venom "You'll reside here for the rest of your life. Escape and other dreams are unfathomable you're mine now." conviction and his true, personality was seething through now "If any of you even attempt something like this, you'll wish that you could die."

Brendan's eyes fluttered open, the pupils expanding from tiny to ginormous in seconds, searching for light, but not finding any, and settling for being average sized. He was laying on his stomach, curled slightly into him self, his legs bent and sideways under him, his arms carrying non of his body weight, but still infront of him. It hadn't registered in his head, but he was laying like a cat. He pushed his body back, onto his legs, and stood up, stretching his back and cracking it.

As he looked around, he slightly flinched as he heard the loud voice of a man. Hello my specimens. Let me explain where you currently reside at, you're in a prison for your existence, you're an abomination that must be studied for the greater good." Brendan listened, intrigued as to what he had done wrong. As far as he knew, he was one of the best kids around.

A dark chuckle over took the voice for a few seconds, then it continued, scarier than before. "You'll reside here for the rest of your life. Escape and other dreams are unfathomable you're mine now." That caught him. Here? Forever? What about his family? His friends? He had people that he basically took care of, cared for, fed, payed the expenses. What would happen without him. His mind made multiple situations of what could happen, but he was drawn back out by the sound of the voice again.

"If any of you even attempt something like this, you'll wish that you could die." At this, he raised his eyebrows. They would probably be tortured. Out of new, sheer instinct, Brendan leaped at the door, his hands locking around the small bars on the tiny window, a loud growl escaping his throat.

What had happened to them?


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuan El'Waters
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nenyeh
Seemed as though the other victims were wakening. He could hear movement, his new pointed ears twitching as they took in the sounds around him. He felt slightly annoyed with himself for feeling a little relieved that he wasn’t in this place alone. Slightly selfish of him perhaps but if there was others then that could mean possible escape or just others to talk to, to rant to, to... well see? He didn’t really know how to explain it to even his own mind but just the feeling of others being close was enough to calm him down slightly, which is why he happened to notice the plastic mirror that he hadn’t spotted before. Frowning, he walked over and taking a deep breath he stepped in front of the reflective surface.

The young scared man staring back at him was very different from how he had remembered. It wasn’t... too bad? He suppose it could be worse but the longer he stared at this new self the more scared he seemed to become. Dimly he heard yelling in one of the cells, something about volunteering? Was anyone mad enough to want this to happen to them? They weren’t human anymore, that was what scared him. He lifted his hand and gently brushed the edges of his new ears; still not sure of what animal it was that they belonged to. They looked slightly cat like he guessed but at the same time didn’t. So, he wasn’t human. Not fully. And he wasn’t sure of what else it was that was mixed inside of him.

Yuan sighed and took a few steps away, pulling back on his silk pants now that his mind had settled a little better. He wasn’t calm though, more like hiding the panic deep down inside of him, to deal with once he had a better idea of just what was going on in this place. It seemed like one of those science fiction novels that Jennifer would go on about. Only now he seemed to have a starring role. Sighing, he crouched down next to the bars of the cell, trying to make out what was outside, the limited light not offering that much though. He could dimly make out that there was a cell directly across from him and at least two more, one on either side. So, that would mean there were at least six of them? Why were they all needed? For what good could making people non human have for the greater good. Just seemed like a psychopath was looking for excuses as to why he was doing these things.

“Hello?” he called up, glancing through the bars. He had heard someone calling out before, someone else saying hello but he’d been staring in the mirror then, trying to get used to his new fate. Though it was obvious that was going to take a little longer than this. Dimly he heard a girl yelling. She seemed not to be directly next door though, maybe one cell down? His ears twitched but didn’t really pick out any words other than something about treating them like pets. Pets get treated better than this...

He sighed a little and tried to tilt his head slightly to see if there were any cells next to his own. Most he could make out there where the three across from him. “Hey... erm who else is there?” he called out, actually surprised that his voice was stable. Inside he was shaking like a leaf. “...My names Yuan” he added before kneeling to wait on some sort of response. He wondered though if this was allowed but then why it shouldn’t. If you’re going to kidnap people and lock them up in the same hallway then of course they are going to try and interact with one another. They had a common enemy, a common if not face then voice to hate. A part of him never wanted to see the face that voice belonged to which another smaller part of him wanted to put an image to the enemy that he was hating right now. Who had the right to kidnap people? Apart from the one person locked up who had yelled about being double crossed, Yuan was willing to bet that everyone else here was kidnapped and taken away from their loved ones.

“...Does anyone know just how long we’ve been here?”


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#, as written by Saikua
Tsuki flinched with each person waking up and the yelling. It was all very loud to her new ears. Her tail swished back and forth a bit from slight annoyance. She was afraid to speak out about the yelling however. So that kept her mouth shut. Tsuki felt as if her outlook on things took an 180 degree turn. Her once fun, outgoing type of thinking was slowly changing to a shy and withdrawn, some may say melancholy outlook on things now. Then she heard someone speak out.

"I don't know....hard to tell the time when we can't see if its day or night." She said just loud enough for the other person to hear her.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tsuki Karami Character Portrait: Yuan El'Waters Character Portrait: Haru Arashi
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There was only silence after Haru's yelling. Complete silence. Then, she heard what sounded like a mans voice. Her ears twitched, trying to hear what he was saying. Then, a much clearer voice that sounded like a girls voice spoke out. She rushed up to the cell door and peered through the small window. The voice had come from the cell just across from hers.

"I don't know....hard to tell the time when we can't see if its day or night."

She must be answering to the other voice that I heard, she though to herself. "It's daytime." She said loudly. "If it was night they would probably have the lights off to get us to go to sleep." She said, hoping her guess was right. "My name is Haru Arashi." Her voice cracked as she said her name. Am I really Haru? She though to herself, fear creeping over her. This isn't some dream. It's all too real. This has to be me. She took a step back from the door and breathed deeply as she slowly dropped to her knees. She felt rather hungry and tired as if she hadn't eaten for days. "Do you know where we are?" she asked, keeping her voice raised the best she could. "And what's going on?"


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Character Portrait: Jane T. Godfrey
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0.00 INK

Jane surpised that there were so many other "specimens" that she became speechles. She twitched her ears to hear a soft voice that asked. "Do you know where we are? And what's going on?" "I don't know where we are but I know that these people work for Beldam's Genetics. We all have something with our DNA that is special and I guess their doing exsperiments on us.... I think they called it ......umm I can't remember but, I don't know much more sorry." She said loudly to answer the question. "Oh ya and my name is Jane... Jane T. Godfrey" she also added. Then Her stomach growled loudly from hunger and she thought to herself "I'm sooo hungry,....wait will they even feed us or will they let us starve. they have to keep us alive ....right?"

She pressed her head to the door and said loudly enough for everyone to hear, "Is anyone else hungry? I'm starving hopefully they will feed us soon...... if they feed us" She sat down leaning her back against the door waiting for her answer. As she waited she thought of food mainly her favorite food, Steak. She thought of a nice juicy steak all nice and tender begging her to take a bite. Her mouth started to water and her tail wagged happily about the thought of the steak filling her mind


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Benafactor Character Portrait: Jane T. Godfrey Character Portrait: Haru Arashi
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Haru's new ears twitched forward. She could hear so much better than usual and her senses, although were still adjusting, could hear almost everything. She got up off her knees and listened to one of the girls down the hallway, although the sound was a little muffled, talk about being fed. She clenched her teeth and walked back up to the door. "Of course they don't care if we die or not!" she yelled loudly. "You think they actually care about feeding us? They lock us up in this little room, call us "specimens", I'm surprised there is even a bed in here!" She stepped back away from the door again, her eyes beginning to water. She was so hungry. And although she didn't want to admit it, she was terrified. What is that guy going to do with us? Are they going to feed us? Will they ever let us go? When will we meet this man? Her headache was returning and her tail drooped. She sighed. Part of her didn't want to see the face that belonged to that voice, but the other part of her wanted to rip his throat out. What part was that? Her animal instinct? Did she even have those?


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Otus Character Portrait: Yuan El'Waters
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#, as written by slcam
Erin took in a shaky breath, her head still on her knees and her eyes still closed. She heard several other people yelling out, but her mind didn't take in any of what they said. Just how many people are in here? Were they all taken like she was? Her thoughts seemed to race, and she began trembling.

"No, don't panic! You can't panic!" she said to herself in a determined voice. She bit her lip and slowly opened her eyes, calmly surveying every inch of the room once again. Every time panic tried to swallow her again, she mercilessly squashed it. She could not just panic and shut things out. She had to accept that this is where she was and she needed figure out a way to get out of here.

She slowly straightened her legs and swung them over the side of the bed. She calmly stood and walked over to the door, focusing on each step. Why did her body feel so strange? It was too light. She made it over to the door, and flipped the slot open. She looked to see what was out there. Some of the other people were yelling something about food and being hungry. She carefully scanned her limited view. Directly across from her, another pair of eyes peered out of the slit in the door. She could see little but a couple other cells to the left, but to the right she could just barely see the edge of another door at the end of the hall. Erin wasn't sure whether or not it was another cell. She fought down another wave of panic until she was calm and in control of her emotions.

"My name is Erin Otus. Was everyone else here kidnapped too?" She called out, loud enough that the others would be able to hear her.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tsuki Karami Character Portrait: Vitane Todd Character Portrait: Erin Otus
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0.00 INK

Vitane shifted in her bed, rolling herself over half way asleep, but the pain in her back was growing. She lowered her eyebrows at this. Her bed was temperpedic, meant to help her injury rather than worsen it and this matress felt oddly like something that she would think would be kept inside a prison. She mumbled something unintelligable and let her eyes slowly flutter open, her eyebrows still knit together in unision. She grimaced at the blinding light that scorched her vision and she scrunched them closed again before letting her eyes get adjusted to it. She hissed, her neck moving her head one way then the other to find herself in a tiny cell room, a door opposite of her from this horrid thing that someone referred to as a bed.
She immediately stood, the movement abrupt, yet graceful. Her eyes averted from the opening in the door to the ground. She already didn't like this and her eyes were never raised in the slightest. If anyone had seen her, they would have thought she had been enraged by the scowl on her face. She let out a low growl, which surprised herself. At home she tended to make animalistic noises naturally, but this sounded legitimate. Like she actually had the vocal chords that could emit an actual sound of a beast.
She sighed and looked all around her, trying to find something distinct about where she was held, but the only other thing above her besides the God awful strobe of a light was an intercom speaker. Still looking at it in disgust, she bounced back a bit when it began spitting out words.
"Specimens?" She snarled, coming to see that she was suited in all white and she was even more disheartened. Of all things it had to be white? What was wrong with black? She lived and breathed in dark clothes and this was just too much for her. She needed a ciggarette. Now.
She had listened, partially to the continuing male above her and when he said something about being imprisoned a pang of worry flooded through her but it did not show on her face. She inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly, scoffing when he mentioned that her and whoever else was trapped with her were abominations. Whoever this guy was, she already wanted to get her hands on his neck and tear into his jugular with her teeth.
She stopped herself mid-thought. Why was she thinking such vile things? Now her brows were placed in a curious kind of curiosity but they never releaved themselves from staying brought together. At the thought of her teeth, her tounge passed over them and her eyes shot open wide. Instead of smooth, flat gnashers, her entire mouth was overfilled with sharp, small, pointed fangs. She was so confused now. What had actually happened? She needed to know or she would go crazy. Immediately after learning that her teeth had been replaced somehow, she began to pace. Hopefully it would relieve the overwhelming feeling inside of her.
She shuddered when the guy above - whom she had decided to deem the nickname "creep" - added that there would be not fathomable way to escape without going through a lot. Her mind was racing and all she wanted was a tobacco product in her mouth. It would calm her nerves and she would actually be able to focus on one thing, rather then just rage and stay angry at creep.
Her impecible ears twitched and it felt odd to her, she looked up as if thinking she would see them and caught the slightest flash of orange.
"The fuck?" She reached up quickly and her eyes widened, as well as her mouth now as her fingertips met the soft fur of a fox. A light nick hit her ear and she stretched her hand out in front of her to see the tiniest black nails proceeding from her fingers, rather than her black painted nails.
This was just getting weirder and weirder for Vitane, but the hits just kept coming one after the other. She decided to completely observe herself, since she had missed a couple of major details an found that she had a long, fluffy, tail of orange and white. She shook her head, not even wanting to touch it. She was slightly beginning to believe the whole "abomination" fiasco.
Tiny beads of sweat began forming on her forehead and temples and she wiped them away with her sleeve before fanning her face with both clawed hands.
Her attention was directed towards the door when her ears were picking up new voices, but they were muffled. The other's that creeper had said about must be around her as well. Her eyebrows hardly lifted at the fact that she was not the only one suffering. She still had compassion for the others going through the same agony as herself, but the idea of her being alone sounded much more frightening, although if you asked, Vitane never would have admitted it.
Her ears perked towards her left where she heard the smallest voice. It was a meek, almost unaudible tone, but she could easily her the female. She must have been placed right next to her because everyone else was a bit harder to understand. Especially since they all were screaming about where they were and whatnot.
Her head turned around as she heard a name being used on the other side of the wall. She scoffed again and sauntered over towards the other wall, leaning her back against it and examining her nails before replying, "Pretty sure we all just wanted to lay in their comfortable beds for a night. I'll be checking out in the morning." Vitane sighed and lifted herself off of the wall to head to the other side. She knocked on the concrete, unsure if it would be heard, but it was worth a shot.
"You okat in there?" She asked the other girl. Something about her made her want to take care of her. Just the light and insisting voice while her other neighbor seemed like asking the obvious stupid question which the fox-girl looked down upon with a light snicker.


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#, as written by Saikua
Tsuki was halfway covering her fairly new ears. All the yelling was hurting her hearing badly. She was curled up on the bed, too scared to look at herself in the plastic mirror or to go toward the door of her cell. She heard a slight rapping on the cement next to her. "I-I'm scared....I just wanna go home to my parents...." She managed to speak out a bit. Tsuki's stomach was starting not to feel good either considering she didn't know how long its been since she had eaten anything. "I don't feel good...."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Otus Character Portrait: Haru Arashi
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Haru sighed. You need to calm yourself. You are just freaking out that is all, she thought to herself.

"My name is Erin Otus. Was everyone else here kidnapped too?"

Haru heard a girls voice coming from what seemed like maybe a few cells down from hers. She took in a deep breath, reminding herself that now wasn't the time to be yelling. She stepped up to the door to reply to the girl that called herself 'Erin'. "My name is Haru." She said loudly, this time her voice much calmer. "I figure that everyone that is here has probably been kidnapped as well." She said then stepped away from the door and made her way back to the bed. She sat down, her tail curled over her lap and her ears sitting normally. "If you keep sounding so pathetic, everyone will see how weak you are.." she said softly to herself. Then looked over at the door. Her stomach grumbled and her limbs were sore, but she ignored it. "Enough yelling" she whispered as she lied down, her eyes locked on the ceiling. The only way you will ever have a chance of getting out of here is if you pay attention to every detail. First, you know that there HAS to be a room the man that talked to us earlier is in. It's safe to assume that his room is closest to the door to get out of here. Haru rolled over in bed, her eyes now focusing on the cell door. Secondly, you need to figure out how many people are also locked up and how many of them are willing to join you in your escape. Those too afraid to will just have to stay here. She felt guilty thinking this, but she knew in this moment that if she kept up acting like a little girl that she'd never have a chance of seeing the sunlight again.


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Character Portrait: Erin Otus
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#, as written by slcam
After Erin asked her question, a strange feeling came over her. She never even heard anyone's answer as her whole body began to shake violently. She slowly got up and went back to her bed. The shaking became worse as she began to feel hot then cold in cycles. Suddenly the pain started. It felt as though her very bones were on fire. It ran through her in waves, intensifying and then slowly dying down, only to intensify once more. She collapsed into her bed, still shaking violently as she pulled the rough cover up over her head. The pain made her moan in agony. She just barely was able to keep from screaming because she knew once she did, she wouldn't stop. She began hallucinating, her mind trying to escape from the agony. She saw her mother in the room, telling her to get up so she could go to school, the voice slowly changing from her mother's to the evil sounding voice from before.

"No, no, no, NO!" Erin said, her voice getting louder with each 'no' until she was screaming. She saw the figure of her mother dissolve into mist that came and grabbed at her, and each time one of the dark tentacles touched her it felt like her whole body was on fire. The vision finally faded as the pain continued to grow, no longer just coming in waves. Finally, after tossing and turning, frantically trying to put out the fire, her screams suddenly stopped as she lay totally still, her eyes blankly staring at the ceiling.

Am I dying? she thought slowly, as darkness, merciful darkness, began to swallow the unbearable pain. Her eyes eventually closed as she was immersed in total darkness, slowly becoming a part of it. The only thing in the darkness was her own heartbeat, and she listened without thought or remorse as it became slower and fainter. Eventually it stopped all together and she felt a release. Though her body was now dead and in a cell, her soul was free and alive, freer than it had ever been, soaring through eternity.

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Earth by TheFlag



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Character Portrait: Tsuki Karami
3 sightings Tsuki Karami played by Saikua
There is no escape for one like me.
Character Portrait: Megumi Shinmyu
1 sightings Megumi Shinmyu played by Saikua

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jane T. Godfrey
Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
Character Portrait: The Benafactor
Character Portrait: Jak Baction
Character Portrait: Yuan El'Waters
Character Portrait: Brendan Grim


Character Portrait: Jak Baction
Jak Baction

"The world isn't so colourful from this point of view..."

Character Portrait: The Benafactor
The Benafactor

"Find, examine and destroy."

Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
Vitane Todd

"You want to race? Your on."


Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
Vitane Todd

"You want to race? Your on."

Character Portrait: Jak Baction
Jak Baction

"The world isn't so colourful from this point of view..."

Character Portrait: The Benafactor
The Benafactor

"Find, examine and destroy."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
Vitane Todd

"You want to race? Your on."

Character Portrait: Jak Baction
Jak Baction

"The world isn't so colourful from this point of view..."

Character Portrait: The Benafactor
The Benafactor

"Find, examine and destroy."

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Earth by TheFlag



Facility by RolePlayGateway

The complex where the experiments are being done.


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The complex where the experiments are being done.

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