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Leon Ostrum

*Exhales Smoke*"If you start this fight.....I will finish it."

0 · 807 views · located in Fairy Tail

a character in “Fairy Tail: Dunes of Fiore”, as played by Slybop




{"Don't let your temper get the better of you."}
{ Main Hexcode || #FF0000 \ Secondary Hexcode || #D11975]
{Fire || Gavin DeGraw}

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Full Name:

Leon Ostrum
Magic Name:
Red Lion
Duration at FoxTrot:All 8 years

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Leon is a tall, muscular man with red hair and amber eyes. He stands at around 6'5" and weighs in around 230lbs. His red hair is kept short, ruffled, and spiked, with two strands of hair near the opposite sides of his head falling over his face, as well as distinct sideburns. He wears a white V-neck shirt often with nothing over it. He wears dark blue, cloth pants held up by a simple brown belt, with a silver chain attached from the belt to his back pocket, additionally with black boots to top off the rest of his outfit. Leon wears other jewelry pieces with his clothes, primarily silver: a silver ring, and a star-shaped necklace. He also has a piercing in his left ear. Like the rest of the guild, he has his guild mark on his body. It is located on his left pectoral in a dark red.


Leon is quite lazy and spends a lot of his time sleeping, which he does so much that he is able to fall into a deep sleep in a matter of seconds. Likewise, he is not affected from being woken up by a head slam, reacting calmly when such an incident occurs. He always seems to be in a position of lax and is rare to see his eyes wide or sharp looking in any way. He even walks with his eyes close as if trying to sneak in naps during errands. He never really gets angry when you wake him from any kind of nap and will calmly address what it is you need, no matter how violently you wake him up.

In contrast to this casual nature of his, Leon has been said to be the most violent-tempered of all of Foxtrot, such a statement being more evident in his younger years. When he was younger, previous to the guild, he was a firebrand and would destroy buildings just from temper tantrums. Anything would put him off and he seemed to always be looking for a fight. Just waiting for an excuse to get angry. At some point during the last eight years, he has calmed down significantly. Some people even say he's like a completely new person. Leon can often be seen smoking.

Town Reputation: Though many still remember how hotheaded and violent he used to be, most often see it as him growing up and becoming the calmer person he is today. Many often say"He's a nice young man.....not all there maybe, but nice." Many say he doesn't pay attention enough but has good intentions. He is popular in town, as he often helps those who ask with little resistance and fixes or apologizes for anything he accidentally breaks. He often is known for just being friendly, if a bit spacey. Though the younger kids, like the teenagers, usually sort of idle him and try to dare each other to mess with him. They've heard of his old reputation and often try to see if its still there. Leon generally will just give a cold glare and scare them off.

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Magic Type:


Leon has the ability to manipulate and generate extreme magical heat. The heat displays itself as a red aura that surrounds Leon. The heat of his magic works both offensively and defensively in multiple ways. He can throw balls of heat that is hot enough to severely burn and melt structures. He has even displayed the ability to melt steel. The aura of heat that coats him is so hot, most opponents find it difficult to even get near him and many normal weapons would either melt or shatter when entering his aura of heat. Leon may also internalize the heat and cause more energy to his muscles, effectively increasing his strength and speed several fold. This is however very dangerous and if exposed for too long can cause permanent internal damage.

Leon uses his Heat magic in a very unique way which earned him his name. He throws his heat in to the sand and generates attacks and constructs by creating glass. In the desert he is incredibly dangerous. Making huge walls or shards or weapons from the glass. They are usually only good for or maybe two hits, but that's all that Leon needs them to do. It works well both offensively and defensively. That last place you want to fight Leon is surrounded by sand.

Spell List:

-Lion Roar:
Leon builds up heat around him then lets it loose in a cacophonous funneling torrent of heat and power towards the enemy. If in the desert, the sand gets mixed into the funnel and it doubles as a hail of razor sharp white hot glass. The sound of the heat popping air molecules causes a sound that is similar to a Lions roar, hence the name.

-Red Rage:
Leon absorbs the heat from the surrounding area into his own own body, making his skin and eyes glow a bright red surrounded by aura. This spell allows him to move at far greater speeds and to achieve a state of much higher strength. Far beyond the capabilities of most people. His body is so hot at this point that he blackens the ground where he walks and makes glass footprints int he sand. He cna only keep this form active for a short time before permanent damage is sustained.

-Kings Chapel:
In the desert, Leon throws his hands into the sand. The heat travels from his body into the sand and creates a large pointed enclosed wall of glass that surrounds either him or an opponent. This spell causes several different results. It can be used defensively to quickly block a strong attack from an opponent or put around an ally to protect them. Or it can be used to temporarily hold an opponent in a specified area, long enough for Leon to capitalize.

-Red Haze:
This is a very simple yet effective spell. Leon increases the heat around someones body exponentially. It causes them to gain heatstroke at a rapid rate. Draining them of energy and causing them to hallucinate. Its great to keep your opponents off balance.

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Leon was raised, like many children of those times, in the Nehkaran Orphanage. He had been there for as long as he had memories. He had no notion of hohhis real parents were, nor did he really care according to him. All that was really known of Leon was that he was born angry. Leon would get mad at the slightest thing and often react violently. Leon just seemed to be pissed at the world and there was nothing that would calm him down. Perhaps it was because he was frustrated because he didn't really know who he was? Whatever it was, he got a reputation as the problem child and was never even seated for adoptions of decent folk. Not to mention that none of the other kids wanted to spend any time with him. As his loneliness grew, so did his temper.

All kids one. He was around 2 years younger than Leon and his name was Lupin. Lupin wasn't afraid of Leon and would constantly stand up to Leon and ask him why he was always so angry. Leon could never answer him and would always get madder. The two would often get into fist fights and they got more violent the older they grew. Until one day, they stopped fighting and became the best of friends. Lupin was the only one Leon could ever talk to about anything. Hell, he was the only one who was willing to listen. Leon and Lupin became thick as thieves and about as reputable. When Leon was 15 and Lupin 13, they left the orphanage to make something of themselves. They also both had talent in magic, though it was raw at thhis point and had taken no form.

Leon and Lupin were a pair of punks. Leon was physically much bigger and stronger and would go off on the drop of a hat. Lupin was much more calm, cool and charming. Together they made an unbeatable pair. They did all kinds of nefarious things. From scamming to extorting. Eventually they had their own little gang. Lupin and Leon were the leaders and they were pretty successful for a time. In the city of Nehkara, Leon was known as the Red Lion for his strength, size, loud voice and red hair. Lupin became known as the Blue Wolf, for his cunning, guile and blue hair. Everything was going great until one day an old woman showed up. Her name was Rose.

Rose was a crotchety old woman who often came into town for supplies. One day, Leon and Lupins gang harassed her....and she took exception to that. Needless to say, she beat the living hell out of Leon, Lupin and their gang. During the fight, her bracelet was cracked(On Leons Skull). She dragged both Lupin and Leon away, saying that they have to pay her back for the damages. They had to work for her out in her clay house near the Ruins. It turned out she was a Wizard and Ruin Diver for lost artifacts and treasures. After working on her house such as digging a well and repairing the house, she saw the potential in the boys and realized they weren't bad boys, just misguided and misunderstood. She took them under her wing and taught them Magic. Rose was a Caster and had amazing control over Fire Magic. She identified what kind of Magic who help the boys best. To control his anger and more importantly, to channel it, she taught him how to wield pure heat. To compliment his personality, Rose taught Lupin water Magic as he seemed to have an affinity for it. IT was obvious Lupin was much more talented than Leon in Magic, so Leon had to work twice as hard so as to not be left behind. After their training, She point the boys to Ivalice. If they were going to have any chance of becoming decent human beings, Ivalice would be the place to challenge yourself.

They arrived in Ivalice when Leon was 18 and Lupin was 16. They started off doing random jobs. Cart loaders, store dusters, shit shovelers. Anything really. Then, they would use their strength to sometimes go and beat up bandits and thieves who would hurt people. No one would tell them too, they just heard about it and did it. Lupin eventually got a job as a Bartender and the two seemed to settle down. Leon however still had anger issues. He would still somtimes not be able to let things go. Blowing up food carts of traders who pissed him off or beating people in the street who bumped into him without apologizing. Lupin kept trying to tell Leon that he cant just do whatever the hell he wanted. Leon would try and control himself, but it was hard.

Eventually, Leon heard of a Magic Guild forming in Ivalice when he was 20. He joined up and loved it. He would fight and butt heads with some of the members but he had fun. He calmed down even more, but unfortunately not enough. One night, Leon lost his cool in Lupins bar at a guy who insulted Foxtrot. Leon was about rip the guy apart but Lupin tried to stop as there were a lot of innocent people around. Leon didn't listen and Lupin got int he way. Lupin's left side of his face severely burned that night. Leon was so horrified that he had hurt the only one who had ever given a damn about him that he ran into the Desert night. That night, they say Leon unleashed all of his rage into the desert, creating huge mounds of glass everywhere and shattering them into bits.

From then on, Leon became a much more calm person. He became who he is today.

-Lupin Caerulus: Leon considers him a brother. He runs a tavern in Ivalice called the Blue Palm

-Rose Rubens: Rose really became a surrogate mother for Leon. They still keep in touch and she visits on occasion.

Partnership:-*Veterans-Include your first impressions of your partner. If a Veteran/Veteran pair are there any quirks that drive you up the wall about your partner? How long have you been partners etc. For Newcomers*-Describe your ideal partner and the character you wish to partner with. This may or may not be taken into consideration.

Will be updated after character list is FINALIZED.

Face Claim:Mikoto Suoh

Character List Info: Leon Ostrum / 28 / Glass Lion / Slybop

So begins...

Leon Ostrum's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Onyx Kalon Character Portrait: Leon Ostrum
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#, as written by Slybop

Small streams of sunlight drifted in through the slits in the heavy red curtains. they were bright enough to illuminate the inside of a rather swanky tavern. Walls of sandstone but they were lined with velvet wallpaper and some of the lounging furniture was genuine leather. The bar itself was made of a rich deep wood obviously imported. The most out of place thing in this room was a man lying on a couch, sleeping soundly, if quietly.

Just then the sound of keys jingling, and then the front door to the place opened to reveal a man who looked to be mid-20s with deep blue hair. As he entered the bar, he glanced over at the couch and sleeping man. "Yep, right where I left you." He said with a small smile on his face. He flipped on the lights and the place lit up. In the light it looked even nicer and and an engraved sign in lapis lazuli could be seen above the bar stating "The Blue Palm".

The blue haired man approached the sleeping one. "Hey.....hey get up. Leon......Leon!" The man then kicked the couch a couple of times. "Yo Leon, I'm taking to you! Wake up!" But it was to no avail. The man sighed. He then lifted his hand up and in the center formed a crystal clear orb of water. It then sprayed a violent amount of water directly into Leons face.

After a beat. Leon slowly opened his eyes. "Good morning, Lupin." He said calmly in his deep voice.

Lupin rolled his eyes and sighed. "Yeah, morning. Now get up. Your fights soon." Lupin said, putting his jacket on the back of a bar stool. Leon gave him with a quizzical look. Lupin rolled his eyes. "The tournament? Your guild? The Twins big event? Ringing any bells?" A light went off in Leon's eyes. "Oh yeah. I should probably get going." With that, Leon got up, stuffed his hands in his pockets and went out the door.

Lupin called behind him. "Try to take this a little seriously! I bet serious Jewel on you!" Leon simply waved him off.

As Leon walked through the streets of Ivalice, he got a couple of friendly nods or waves, which he returned in kind. Leon glanced up at the sun. In a place like Ivalice, you wanted to wear layers to protect yourself from the rays of the sun. Leon simply wore a shirt and pants. Had to do with him being a Heat Mage. It never bothered him. Leon made his way to the town square. The large crowd and loud noises were a good indicator he was heading the right way.

He immediately spotted Ivan making a spiel to the crowd. Leon sort of just smirked. Even as a kid Ivan was a fast talker. His age only made him better at it. It looks like he was catching the tail end of a fight. It looked some guy he didn't recognize and.....Onyx. He was one of the newbies at Foxtrot. Leon never really got a good read on him, seemed a bit aloof. Knew he was a summoner, pretty strong one too.

Looks he just finished beating an Air mage. Though it seemed he used spirits rather than Magic. Interesting. The guy was berating Onyx about something, but he couldn't hear it. He looked around and wondered when his fight would be.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seraphiel Carrington Character Portrait: Rane Ollum Character Portrait: Namid Kachina Character Portrait: Onyx Kalon Character Portrait: Rikukazin Naba Character Portrait: Leon Ostrum
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The match between their emotionless Guildmate and his fiery summon was a quick and painful one for the opponent at least. Finally the dust settled back into the fine grain of sands beneath their feet, a few on-lookers hissed insults at the defeated Air mage as the stirred up dust had coated clothes and over-priced festival food, which many hopelessly replaced much to the joy of nearby food merchants. The mayor's voice let out a wheezy cough before ordering a few nearby mages to erect a protective barrier around the stands to prevent further accidents. At least the mages weren't deliberately going all out that could cause outside property damage. That didn't stop Ivan from haggling with clients with small insurance fair prices for the sudden demand. One could practically smell the blood in the water for the merchant eagerly pocketing Jewels.

Irritation spread throughout Iris's body at she already hear her brother's gloating over his haul. The man prided himself at earning his keep, she couldn't fault him for's just his success made her failures seem all the larger. That her accomplishments would always be second-rate to his, the little sister trailing in her brother's footsteps. Then again her brother's infamy in the town did seem to stick to her like a leech at way it allowed her to vent some frustration. Anger welled up inside her as she gritted her teeth, just in time as the mayor's bellowing voice echoed through the air "Our next match up will be between the Flashing Swordsmen Renard Ewo and the Lady Chessmaster, Iris Fenil. If the combatants would please take their places in the arena now."

Cheers and jeers came for both combatants as a faint smile wiped away the frustration as loud words of encouragement came from her guildmates. A dramatic wind seemed to quiet the crowd as Iris eyed her opponent from across the arena, dressed in bandages along his body and a black sash around his waist. A single katana was naked at his side, shimmering in the bright sunlight. Clearly the man's name was due to the bare sword as it did flash in sunlight..or was there something else? Nicknames aside, Iris didn't have another chance to contemplate it as the man called out "Flash Step! and vanished into thin air. Chances are there was only seconds before she felt like cold steel at her throat as she hastily called out [color= #c56320]"Take the Board!!'.[/color] Black and white squares grew from the sandy depths as Iris took a step back as she felt the air whip by her face as the shining blade came in upward slash seconds after her movement.

The swordsmen merely mockly called out "Trying to run little rabbit?". A calloused hand grasped at the fur collar of her jacket as she struggled to escape the much stronger grip, a single black piece dropped to board below as she coughed out "Come forth my Pawn!!". A small puff of smoke blinded both on-looker and combatant as Iris felt her knees hit the board roughly below her as a pair of large paws slammed into the swordsman's torso with alarming strength. A single large hare sat in front of the fallen Iris looking annoyingly innocent as it gave a single thump of triumph. Swears came from Renard as his blade flashed quickly, neatly cutting the creature in two much to the shock of children in the crowd. Yet instead of crimson liquid, the hare merely blinked as shadows began stitching itself back together within seconds as a determined Iris rose to her feet "You won't skin this hare so easy!". Her magic allowed her versatility, yet had to be carefully observed as she felt droplets of fatigue, the Pawn was a good starting point but wouldn't win the match.

Anyone with a brain could see this creature wasn't meant to last long in combat as Renard placed his palm on the top of his sword "Flash Dance!". Once again his body vanished as the Hare valiantly sacrificed itself as slashes attempted to rain down on it's mistress. Regeneration was a simple task for the chess piece, but sweat began pouring down Iris's face at each blow sucked at her magic reserves, her hand grasped her next move in a tight fist as she called out "Checkmate!". Once again a smokescreen covered the views of everyone as the swordsman blindly swung only to hear a dull thunk at each strike. Suddenly the smoke was blown away by hazy white steam that could easily blister bare skin, not to mention heat up metal.

Retreating in both pain and surprise as Renard nearly dropped the heated hilt of his blade before glaring at the cause. A surprisingly large tortoise merely snorted in response as a perfectly safe, and almost arrogant Iris sprawled out on the reptile's sand colored shell before calling out "Summoning the Bishop. What's wrong Renard can't handle a harmless old turtle?". Said tortoise gave a rumble as it dangerously shook itself nearly dislodging it's mistress as a warning. The creature may be used for defense, but it still had a stubborn streak of pride and did not take kindly to false pretenses. Patting the shell with a quick touch as Iris cooed "Oh don't be so sensitive old man, you know I mean well". Apparently age did not always mean forgiveness as the tortoise did not find amusement in the teasing Iris as a familiar plume of smoke covered the two followed by loud swearing from Iris "Get your scaly butt back here!! Come on Bishop I was kidding!!".

It seems the tide was turning once more as the swordsman mocking blew on the now cold katana before him taking a menacing step forward readying for the final blow. The figure vanished once more as Flash Dance was once again used darting daringly into the plume of smoke. Small feminine yelps came from Iris as the ground began to stain red with blood as the crowd only saw flashing silver and merely concluded this would be the end of the match. Eyes widened as yellow eyes gleamed in the clearly smoke as did the ringing sound of metal screeching against one another followed by a bleeding Renard tossed unceremoniously onto the ground. A clawed hand lifted a relatively cut-free Iris by the scruff of her hoody as only a few cuts marred her face and a serious cut across the stomach as red flushed across her cheeks as she was roughly shook before being dropped to the ground. Scuffed boots stood in front her protectively as a grumbling voice merely scowled "Really now, should have called me earlier little brat. Could have avoided all the blood on your cute face..". A mumbled excuse came from a blushing Iris as the Rook's ears merely laid back in annoyance before licking the small amount of blood off his brass knuckles.

This was another offensive piece known as the Rook as the half-human creature merely lashed out a flurry of blows against a tired Renard who feebly tried to block the faster fists of the creature. The brass knuckles slammed into bone and cut into flesh with ease. Stupidly, the man tried to jam the hilt of the blade into the creature's mouth and let out a howl of pain as razor sharp teeth bit into the tender flesh before shoving the human away into the dust, spitting out crimson blood "Dear god man, you need to lay off the cheap booze..".

The defeated swordsmen merely fell to the ground as cuts from his body began changing pale sand into bloody grains. An excitable Iris merely flipped off her opponent as her smile faded as the yellow pupils of her Rook caught her ruby ones as booted feet stomped over to his mistress. Running a hand through his own ruffled hair as the Rook challenging leaned down inches away from her face before cheekily licking a small cut on her face before declaring "Had to get that horrible taste out of my mouth. Try to not get beat up so much boss. Would hate to have to scavenge your corpse for a meal ya know?". Too stunned to say anything as Iris merely dismissed the creature with a condescending pat to the head before walking out of the arena, as she tiredly sat next to a demure Onyx "Now remind me again, why I get such unruly Chess Pieces. Oi Ivan told you I wouldn't get my ass kicked!". A chuckle escaped her brother as he tutted "It's only the first round baby sister, besides I know you enjoyed that little kiss from Rook." Once again red flooded Iris's face as she merely sulked after pulling up her fur hood, not even replying.