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Posco Sebhat

Family is family ...

0 · 882 views · located in Kindom of Fiore

a character in “Fairy Tail: Now and Forever”, as played by THESexyMaid_001


Posco Sebhat


❝Family is family, simple as that.❞


❝The Basics❞

| Full name |
Posco Sebhat

| Gender |

| Age |

| Mage Type |
Legal Mage: Caster Magic/Guild Master
Living Magic is a type of Magic that allows the user to bring life to their creations. They can create different creatures from inanimate objects. Occasionally, the user has to perform different techniques or preparations in order to cast this Magic's spell. Multiple creatures can be created simultaneously, and the caster can give their creations distinct appearances, personalities, and abilities. Some given abilities can be Magic. In most cases, the caster is able to control their creations, though sometimes, if the Magic is used too long, the situation reverses.
In the "Book of Zeref", there are scriptures written inside on how to use Living Magic.

❝Deeper Description❞

| Eye Color |
Cerulean Blue

| Hair Color |

| Height |

| Weight |
186.7 lbs.

| Skin Tone |
Pale White

| Distinct Markings |
Fairy Tail marking on his left hip (on the front), and a tattoo of a dragon on his right side.

| Physical Description |
Posco is a very, very attractive man, despite his odd hair and eyes. His hair is a deep, rich azure with natural light and dark highlights. His eyes seem to pierce one's soul without even trying. What makes him even more odd is his unusually pale skin, almost like a dolls. But something about him makes girls swoon at the mere mention of his name. Maybe it was his athletic figure with just the right amount of muscle or his rich, husky voice. His lean body combined with his age and charm, he was darn near perfect. Compared to the other Guild Masters, though ... he was but a child. He was definitely strong, stronger than most, but not strong enough to rule over everyone. Most the Guild Masters could lay him flat in a second. Other than that, Posco is rather unbeatable.


| Powers |
Lullaby (呪歌, ララバイ, Rarabai) is one of Zeref's evil creations and a Living Magic spell. It served as one of the antagonists of the Lullaby arc.
Lullaby has two forms and thus, two appearances. It has its initial and default Flute Form and its Demon Form.
While in its flute form it is unable to speak, move or take action; and its size is nearly 50 centimeters in length. It has a skull with three eyes on one end, and an oval-like cutout in the skull's brow. On the other end, there are root-like cutouts.
When the flute transforms into its demon form, it becomes an extremely tall beast that has three eyes, two legs, two arms and one head. There are many cutouts in its body.
Nemesis (裏魔法・天罰, ネメシス, Ura Mahō : Tenbatsu, Nemishisu) is a Living Magic Spell.
A spell found in Chapter 4, Section 12 of the book of Zeref. By moving their hands and arms in a circular motion, the user creates demons from rocks. They were called the "Demon's Dancing Children and Heaven's Judges" by Hades. They attack by expanding their body into tentacle-like attacks that are then shot like projectiles.
Alive (生きている (アライブ) Ikete Iru (Araibu)) is a Living Magic Spell.
To utilize this spell there must be several preparations made. The caster(s) must first find a large area, such as a village and then cast it on the ground. Then once the Magic has been activated, the area will glow red and form a large Magical Circle. Every inanimate object within the circle then gains life and transforms into large, serpentine monsters. This monsters can be cut, frozen or grilled and, like the Hane-Sakana, they taste extremely bad. It appears that when the Magic is used too often, the monsters take over the caster.
More to come...

| Likes |
♥ Music
♥ Fairy Tail
♥ Cigarettes
♥ Blue
♥ Comedy

| Dislikes |
✖ To Much Seriousness
✖ Dark Magic
✖ Funerals
✖ Thunder Storms
✖ Crowded Places

❝Welcome to my Life❞

| Personality |
Posco loves to be around people, but strangely enough, crowded places are not his thing. When around the members of Fairy Tail, he is firm, yet understanding. He would gladly take anyone under his wing, like a father to everyone who is willing to accept his love, which most people are. Posco tries his hardest to make everyone feel welcome at the Guild and makes sure everyone knows he'll talk whenever they need. Posco is charming, witty and polite, a complete womanizer. He isn't on purpose, it was his nature to act as so. This causes most men to hate him or admire him, he doesn't mind either way. Posco would never leave a crying person, whether he knew them or not. Ultimately, he is an amazingly caring man.

| Theme Song |
Everything I Am - Stanfour

❝Who I Am❞

| History |
Posco grew up in a normal family, a mother who loved him, a father that taught him and two brothers that played with him. Things quickly changed when one day he woke up in a hospital, no trace of his family or who he was. He had no memory of his past, but knew something big was missing from his life. He escaped the hospital, at the age of 7, and wondered all over the land ... searching for anything that would remind him of his past. By the time he was 9, he had given up all hope.
Then Posco found a Master to live and work under. For about 5 years, Posco had settled into the care of the Mage, teaching him everything he knew. Something about Posco was different, and he grew in strength rapidly. And on Posco's 14th birthday, the old Mage told him about Fairy Tail. It only took a quick demonstration of skill and he was rightfully accepted. That was when he met little Ari, a resident pest in Magnolia. At least that's what the local's thought of her. They called her beast, a creature of the night, earning herself the name of Night Crawler. He took her under his wing for about five years. With endless training and perfecting, Posco grew stronger, and little Ari only wished she could. She ran off, disappearing at the age of 10 into the woods. Posco worried about her, but continued on his training, only hoping she would come back. The old guild master grew to old and needed to put someone in his place. Posco was chosen, now 24-years-old, to become the guild master. Now he is guild master, not caring much about his past, but his future with Fairy Tail and the adventures he was sure to go on. He still worries about his 'little sister', wondering where she is and if she is taking care of herself.

|Thoughts on Other Characters|

|Anything Else|
Posco is an avid smoker, he will shamefully admit it.




So begins...

Posco Sebhat's Story


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Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat
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Posco sighed in a happy sort of way. On his small space atop the bar, a habit most Guild Master's formed, he could see most everyone in his guild ... no ... their guild. He might have been in the highest position, but he didn't own the place. They all shared it like a family, the family he had always wanted. But he felt the same little prick in his heart. Something, no, someone was missing. Posco couldn't get up and leave the guild to look for her, she could have been anywhere. She knew where he was, so all he could do is wait.

"Posco," a small voice rang out from across the room. It was on of the guild members, Celia Fairbanks, who had just happened to get back from a mission with her friends Sebastian and Josephine. "The mission was so easy! The 'monster' wasn't even that big!"

"I'm proud of you, Celia. You've been doing so well with your missions lately." It was a true statement. Celia was a 12-year-old that joined the guild with her father, and she was showing promise of becoming an amazing Mage. "Now eat something. I bet you lot are starving from traveling." The group left Posco and his thoughts once again alone. But what thoughts were there anymore. Things had been oddly easy the past month, no disturbances and no newcomers. Not that he was complaining. It was nice that no one had bothered him and he had no need to bother anyone in return. Posco pulled a crumpled pack of cigarettes from the pocket of his dark blue sweatshirt, pulled on out and put it in his mouth. He always forgot where he put his lighter, so a mad pat down began in search for it.

"Need a light," Misery said, yet another member of the guild. He smiled as she handed over a shiny new lighter that flawlessly lite the waiting cigarette.

"Thanks love," he said, causing the younger girl to blush. "Must have lost mine again." She must have been at a loss of words, she simply stammered over incoherent babble. "Adorable." It seemed no one wished to talk to him for long that day. Misery wandered off, leaving Posco to watch over his family. Not complaining, he didn't mind it at all. Listening to the gossip and watching the interaction was fine for him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat Character Portrait: Koru Hoyicho
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Koru Hoyicho


A peaceful day, that was what it was right now. Koru smiled as he watched the passing walking past him on the street, everyone was so happy and calm. It was like they all were walking in a dream, a dream so easily shattered by the simplest of things. That was what made it important though, important to hold onto these moments when the dream was real. Koru couldn’t help but smile even more as he observed the passing dreams around him ,just from this he could tell that today was going to be a good day.

Koru kept walking though, moving easily along the streets of Magnolia. When he had first arrived here he had been afraid to walk outside by himself, in fact he had almost never left the guild hall except for when a mission came up. Over time though he’d gotten used to it all, and now he enjoyed his little walks along the streets of town. He stopped for a moment every now and again, both to watch the people around him as they went about their day and also to take in the amazing weather they were having today. He was glad in his normal tee shirt and blue pants but his jacket was left back in the guild hall, it didn’t seem like there was any need for it. This meant that his guild mark was visible on his elbow and more than a few people took notice of it, it wasn’t that odd of a thing in Magnolia though; especially considering the size of the guild. As such no one really made a big deal about it to anyone, which was just how Koru liked it too.

He sped up his pace a little as he neared the guild, he always did for some reason. Whenever he returned it seemed like a traveler returning home from a distant land, the road might be long and he might be tired but seeing home again sped him on to a new surge of strength. This was Koru’s home after all, even if it would only be temporary. Thoughts of how it would end flashed through Koru’s mind as they often did, it didn’t even cause a flutterer to his smile or a stutter to his step. He would face such a fate willingly, he had made that choice the first time he stepped through those doors.

Koru pushed the main guild door open just enough so he could slip in, he wasn’t very big on the grand flashing entrances some of the other members liked. He looked around, watching the little stuff happening as members engaged in playful banter or greeted returning members. Even here it was a dream, a rare dream at that. Walking towards his normal seat at the bar he called out with a wave and a grin. “Hey! Posco! Everything doing okay old man?” Koru couldn’t help himself as always, normally the guild masters would be a guy in their late thirties or forties, it was a testament to both the guild itself and the person himself that he had achieved such a rank as guild master already. Of course Koru couldn’t help but try and poke at the idea of the position making him older. It was all in good fun after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damia Dantz Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat Character Portrait: Koru Hoyicho Character Portrait: Alatheus
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"Hey Alatheus!"

"Hey Alatheus!"

"Hey Alatheus!"

Alatheus was currently running every which way around the large room of the Fairy Tail hall. Someone was always calling out for him to help them one way or another, and he was actually enjoying himself. He loved being helpful, and enjoyed helping out his guildmates however he could. Noticing the doorway open, Alatheus grimaced as he saw Koru walking in. Shaking his head, he continued on the job he was currently going through.

Finally managing to find some time to sit down, he laid his head against the table, contemplating going to sleep right there. He suddenly heard a large thud right next to his head. Lifting himself up, he saw a large mug right in front of him, having just been sat down by Darren. A tall and almost comically skinny man, Darren specialized in an odd type of magic that allowed him to extend his limbs to almost limitless lengths. Which is why he's the bartender, and how he sat the mug down on the table from the other side of the room.

"Thanks Darren!" Alatheus shouted across the room. Seeing Darren give a nod and a smile, Alatheus turned and started drinking from the mug. Looking around the room bored, he saw that the job board only had a few posting on it. Bruno and Max were currently arm wrestling. Lucian was doing some card tricks, but Alatheus wasn't in the mood to watch. Turning around and setting his head back down on the table, he sighed.

"I'm so bored, I wish something exciting would happen today."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damia Dantz Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat Character Portrait: Koru Hoyicho Character Portrait: Alatheus
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#, as written by Damioa
One of Damia's closest friends, was Alatheus. Partly because of how close the two were in age and also because he liked to help Damia out. He thinks of him as a brother. He wondered how he should approach him today. Hey, you wanna fight? Hey you wanna clean the dishes for me today? Hey you wanna bother Posco?

Honestly. Is that the best he could think of. Dang. Today is so the day that makes a person, "I'm so bored, I wish something exciting would happen today." Damia heard his buddy say under his breath. That's when he thought of an awesome idea. Okay maybe it wasn't that awesome but it was sure better than nothing.

"Hey Alatheus!" he said in order to startle his fellow friend in boredom. "Let's walk around town and find our own fun. I bet you something is at least happening out there." He said all this while tapping his friends shoulders continuously waiting for a response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianna Hasani Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat Character Portrait: Ari Tunnelly Character Portrait: Koru Hoyicho
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Ari Tunnelly

Ari had been sitting in a tree near the guild all day, watching as the members wandered in and out either exhausted from missions or excited for new ones. That building seemed to shine brighter than the ones around it, despite it's rustic look, like only the greatest of the great were allowed in. But when Posco left and joined he was only fourteen. If this guild was so great, why was he in there? More importantly ... was he really the Master? Scrawny little Posco? There was no way that could be. Yet she heard from several people that he was. She wouldn't believe it ... she couldn't.

"Are you alright, Ari," Suna spoke as he sat peacefully on the branch behind Ari. "You look anxious."

Ari rolled her eyes as she turned back to look her 'trusty stead'. "Now why would I be anxious? This guild is nothing but talk! And my brother being the Guild Master is just proof of that! No one in their right mind would put him in such a ... a ..."

"Powerful position?" He finished for me. "You don't know that. It's been 8 years since you've seen him. And if I remember right, you told me when we first met that he was amazingly strong."

"That was a long time ago! He's an old man now, probably doesn't even do magic anymore!" Ari protested, leaping from the branch and landing with a barely audible thud, Suna right behind. "It's time ..." Ari walked slowly towards the guild, thinking, waiting ... she couldn't do it! It was to much pressure. Ari turned on her heels and began to dash away, not to long after crashing into someone. She bounced back a little, falling on her bum, and looked up with furious eyes to see who had crossed her path. It was a girl, a little taller than her, with short purple hair. "Why don't you watch where the hell you're going," Ari shouted, despite the fact that she was the one running with her eyes closed.

Posco Sebhat

Posco had been busy fiddling with his cigarette when Koru shouted out to him.

“Hey! Posco! Everything doing okay old man?”

Posco smiled at Koru, flicking the last of his ashes into the ash tray. "Fine, yes. Boring, yes. I hate to say this, but I have been hoping all day that some beast falls from the sky and start massacring the town so even I would have something to do." Posco leaned back on the counter, taking in a deep breath, inhaling the familiar scent of the guild. Cigarette smoke, sweat, beer, candy and something else that might have been a mix of the food and rotten trash somewhere out back. He might have been the only to smell it since it was one of his sharper senses. He would have to have someone take care of it ... burn it in the middle of the forest or something.

"Shouldn't you be off on some daring rescue? You have the ability to go on some amazing mission. I have to sit here unless the Council allows me to do something." That and if the Guild was in danger ... then I don't give a flying damn about the Council and their opinions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damia Dantz Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat Character Portrait: Koru Hoyicho Character Portrait: Alatheus
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"Hey Alatheus!" Normally a call like that would've gotten him right out of his seat ready to help whoever called for him. Alatheus however, recognized the voice rather well. So all he did was adjust his head on the table a bit so that he could see Damia walking over. Damia was smiling and almost had a spring in his step. Alatheus would happily admit that out of the whole guild, Damia was one of the people that he was closer to. Or at least, he and Alatheus were closer friends than Alatheus was with the guild at large. At the moment however, Alatheus contemplated throwing Damia across the room just to start some excitement. He decided against it, as the table currently was feeling very comfortable.

"Let's walk around town and find our own fun. I bet you something is at least happening out there." Damia said all this while tapping Alatheus' shoulder continuously, waiting for a response. Alatheus spent a few seconds contemplating while Damia poked his shoulder before slowly standing up. He took a sip from his mug and-

"You know what. I agree with part of what you said. And that's why," it was here that Alatheus jumped up on his table, dramatically pointing towards the door. "I decree here and now that in the next minute or two, some exciting new people are gonna walk right through that door and shake things up in this place from bottom to top!" Alatheus stood there pointing at the door, giving every indication of staying in that position until someone new came through it.

"Heh, even his brain is puny now." a loud shattering noise rang out as the mug in Alatheus' hands was instantly crushed, the only outward sign that he'd heard anything. He slowly stepped down from the table, wiping his hand off on his pants, before slowly turning towards Bruno, who had apparently finished his arm-wrestling match with Max.

"Sorry, what was that Bruno? It was drowned out by the sound of how much of a wimp you are." instantly a scowl covered the man's face as stood up. Approximately 7 feet tall, and half as wide, the man was the most physically intimidating person in the guild, his image completed by the shaved head and slight stubble.

"Wimp?!" Bruno shouted out, a vein throbbing in his forehead. Bruno then ripped off his shirt, revealing the bulging muscles that made him as large as he was. He took a pose and flexed, making his muscles seem even larger. "Look at these muscles, extraordinary muscles! A puny little man like you could never compare to me!" This time it was Alatheus' turn to scowl and have a vein become noticeable in his forehead.

"Puny?!" Alatheus tore off the top half of his outfit, it coming off easily as it split down the middle, an odd outfit he'd obtained from an old man in town. "Look at this!" he shouted at Bruno as he showed off his own muscles. If Bruno's body was brute force, Alatheus' was deadly precision. His body was absolute solid muscle. Not a single part of him was extra fat, his skin hugging every muscle with perfect definition. "This is what strong muscles look like! You only have those big muscles because they're so weak that alone they couldn't even bend a piece of paper!" Bruno's look turned into pure hatred, as did Alatheus'. Suddenly Bruno's fist lashed out, hitting Alatheus right in the chin, smashing him right through the table he was just sitting at. The whole guild cheered as Bruno raised his fists to the sky. Alatheus climbed out of the table and walked back over. Bruno leaned down, displaying his chin, and Alatheus hit him full force right in the jaw. Bruno's head snapped back as he was thrown backwards, smashing into his own table, this one occupied by three very put-out mages. Bruno stood back up, massaging his face.

"My turn now puny."

"What? Is it not, you just went!"

"Cheap shots don't count, remember."

"That's not true! MAX!" Alatheus and Bruno both turned to the man that Bruno had just been arm-wrestling. He had already activated his Archive magic and was looking through it. He gave a sheepish grin to Alatheus.

"Sorry, he's right, if the first shot's a cheap shot, it doesn't count."

"Oh hel-" a fist drove it's way into his stomach, lifting him slightly off the ground as his face contorted in pain. Bruno then stood still, waiting for Alatheus' to catch his breath. His own fist hit Bruno in the same place, lifting Bruno even further off the ground then Alatheus had been. As this went on, each of them taking turns, Alatheus was happy that today was starting to look up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damia Dantz Character Portrait: Arianna Hasani Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat Character Portrait: Ari Tunnelly Character Portrait: Koru Hoyicho Character Portrait: Alatheus
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Ari Tunnelly

"My apologies," the girl said simply, offering her a hand up. "I suppose I had been caught up in my thoughts. I will try to be more careful next time."

With that, the girl turned and walked up to Fairy Tail. Suna had made his way to Ari's side by then, nudging her back to her feet. "Looks like you aren't the only one looking to join Fairy Tail," Suna said, nudging Ari back towards the doors.

Ari marched back up to the girl, peeking around her to look into her eyes. They were pretty much emotionless, and not in a cool way. But Ari thought she could see the tiniest twinkle somewhere in the deep gaze. "Are you planning on joining? I think you would be better off somewhere else. I hear the Guild Master hear is a real idiot, doesn't do a thing." Ari turned her attention and stared up at the looming doors. There was some emotion, deep inside her that jabbed at her stomach at the thought of what went on behind those doors. Maybe there was more than one? Who knew.

Thud. Thud thud thud. Th-Thud.

Ari inched closer, confused by crashing she heard inside. "What the hell," she muttered. "You see, this guild is nowhere for a kid like you." Suna was padding along side Ari as she placed a hand on the door, almost scared to go in. She grabbed onto the strap that held Symphoniam to her back, giving her little reassurance. Ari and Suna pushed against on of the doors, opening it wide enough to send a stream of light through the musty air. A brawl ... a fight was really taking place, and a head of blue hair was sitting in the very back, watching and sipping juice. "Oh my ..." Ari and Suna said at the same time, not daring to finish.

Posco Sebhat

Posco watched as Alatheus and Bruno started a fun-for-all-brawl in the middle of the guild. Members flew left and right, Posco simply sitting on his platform, sipping orange juice, his favorite. "It's something," he sighed, closing his eyes momentarily. The familiar glow of an open door cut across the room, making Posco sit up to see whom else had returned. The site he had to take in was one he had wished for ... for years. Posco set down his juice, slid of the counter and in a split second, plowed everyone out of his way before crashing into his long lost little sister. The pair flew back at least fifty feet before coming to a stop.

Posco of course was blubbering like an idiot while Ari tried to recover from a case of whiplash.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Damia Dantz Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat Character Portrait: Koru Hoyicho Character Portrait: Alatheus
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#, as written by Damioa
In Damia's surprise, his friend actually seemed more calm then he though possible. That is, until he hoped up on the table.
"I decree here and now that in the next minute or two, some exciting new people are gonna walk right through that door and shake things up in this place from bottom to top!"
"Wha....?" Damia said while investigating the drink the his friend was drinking. Sure he knew he could trust his friends gut instincts on a mission,but he just made a downright prediction. "When did you become a fortune teller!?" He said but he was interrupted by another guild member, Bruno, who had an obsession with being big and calling other things around him puny. He commented so on Alatheus's brain and then on his muscles. 'Crap. It's about to go down again.' Damia thought to himself. The two started their duel after a few cheap shots were given. Of course everyone else in the guild just cheered them on. Something was missing however. One on one fights were so boring. Damia gently took off his shirt and folded it neatly. 'The least they could do was not waste good fabric.'

He stood waiting for the two to get some shots of their own in before seeing the fight turn into a brawl. "How BORRRRIIIIINNNNG!!!!!!!" He yelled as the two just stood there tagging themselves back and forth. He ran up to them and went drop-kicked them both, adding his own cheap shot in the mix. Bruno flew towards another guild member. "Hahaha. Don't you two know that speed beats muscle any day. That's how you make a fight interesting. And one more thing. Everyone knows a free-for-all is better than a one on one fight." He boasted while smiling.

He saw the door open and Posco launch towards it but he was in the middle of what could be the most exciting part of his day so he paid it little mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damia Dantz Character Portrait: Arianna Hasani Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat Character Portrait: Ari Tunnelly Character Portrait: Koru Hoyicho Character Portrait: Alatheus
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Arianna Hasani

Arianna walked up to the large, thick doors, admiring the banner that had sudueced her into hoping that there was a life beyond the one she lived in. A life with friends, freedom and emotion that she could enjoy in abundance. A faint twinkle in her eyes was the only thing, however, that proved she was hopeful as her face and body betrayed no much thing.

To her right the girl whom she'd bumped into (or, more accurately, bumped into her) trotted up to Fairy Tail's gates to and looked up at her. She could feel the girl seizing her up and her gaze linger on her lavender eyes. "Are you planning on joining? I think you would be better off somewhere else. I hear the Guild Master hear is a real idiot, doesn't do a thing." the girl said, disdain on the edge of her voice, along with something else. Perhaps... uncertainty?

Arianna could not be sure as her attention was quickly consumed by something else entirely. The sounds of things being smashed, broken, some shattering glass as well as the sound of flesh hitting flesh and shouting accompanied by what almost sounded like people were rolling sound on the ground.

Thud. Thud thud thud. Th-Thud.

Arianna's brows raised only slightly at the noise, though she displayed no other reaction. "What the hell?" she heard the girl mutter, her question answered by a cat (odd, but not too out of place according to legend and other folklore about talking animals). "You see, this guild is nowhere for a kid like you." Apparently ignoring her companion's warning, the girl slowly pushed open the grand doors of Fairy Tail.

Which, at the moment, was in shambles. "Oh my ..." The two said softly while Arianna was at a complete loss for words.

If there was a need to describe the brawl taking place in the center of the guild hall, Arianna didn't feel it. Instead she simply stood there for a minute or two, her face betraying no emotion whatsoever. There was not a trace of emotion to be found on her as she looked blankly upon the guild she'd spent many hours imagining. Then, suddenly she spun in her heel, turning 180 degrees around and stiffly began to walk in the exact opposite direction. "I must have the wrong building." she muttered to herself, beginning to walk away just a little too quickly as the X over her heart tingled rather painfully, despite the medicine.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianna Hasani Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat Character Portrait: Ari Tunnelly Character Portrait: Koru Hoyicho
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Koru Hoyicho


Koru never even bothered answering Posco, he had done his fair share lately and knew that Posco was just tired of sitting around. A fate Koru himself had experience many times before, luckily for him he hadn’t been surrounded with people at the time. Or maybe it was unlucky for him, regardless it was still funny to him. Koru turned as the noise in the hall intensified, he saw the storm brewing before it even got started.

With a small smile he moved to one of the few tables that he was confident would survive the coming storm and relaxed, watching as the fight broke and guild members engaged in their favorite activity, acting like fools. People were getting thrown left in right, drinks and chairs sent flying but few people bothered using magic at all. That was how you knew it was all fun, if anyone had been serious people would already have been dead by now. Koru watched it all a small smile on his face, even this wasn’t a bad thing really. It was just another part of the guild. In the midst of it all though Posco came flying past him, or at least he went by quick enough that he might as well have been flying. Koru tore his eyes off the brawl to follow his guildmasters path and watch him bull rush some girl. Koru thought of her as some girl because he had surely never seen her before.

Standing and moving towards them, Koru weaved around the chaos as he stepped into the guilds doorway. Reaching out he patted Posco on the shoulder and said to him. “I take it you know this little ladi-“

He broke off mid-sentence as he noticed the other person standing nearby, a woman with an odd mark on her chest. The thing that caught her attention wasn’t that though, it was the way she spun around after seeing the chaos in the hall. Everything form the pace she was walking to the speed that she turned around told him something was up and Koru couldn’t help himself. He went after her, calling out loud enough so that she would hear him. “Wait up miss!” His mind worked quickly enough, trying to spot what it was that had caught his attention to insistently and then he realized it. It was what was missing; the girl looked like she was shut down. She didn’t have shock, fear or anger on her face, no hints of happiness or sadness. She looked like a safe containing everything within and not revealing a thing to the world. Koru quickened his step now, calling out even louder for her to stop.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damia Dantz Character Portrait: Arianna Hasani Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat Character Portrait: Ari Tunnelly Character Portrait: Koru Hoyicho Character Portrait: Alatheus
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Alatheus and Bruno were in the middle of a contest, happily beating each other bloody. All of a sudden though, Alatheus heard a loud and familiar yell.

"How BORRRRIIIIINNNNG!!!!!!!" he and Bruno for once shared a look. A look that showed that deep down inside, they really were the same. Looks that said, 'Oh shit, there goes another tie.' Alatheus then felt the all to familiar drop-kick slamming him slideways, making him tumble across the ground. Bruno, the mountain of a man, stumble back a bit, his leg hitting a chair. Bruno flailing his arms slowly started to lean backwards.

"NOT AGAI-" Alatheus screamed as Bruno slammed down on top of him. Alatheus laid there, having a hard time filing his lungs. When he started to hear a familiar sound deep in his bones. Crashing, shattering, smashing.

Thud. Thud thud thud. Th-Thud.

The sound of his guild, his family, having fun and living their lives to the fullest. He heard true Fairy Tail spirit burning hot! He suddenly felt so fired up! He grunted as he started straining his muscles, feeling the slight give as Bruno's body started shifting. Yelling at the top of his lungs, Alatheus started to lift up Bruno as he stood.

"Whoa! What are you doing!" Bruno started shouting and squirming, causing Alatheus to wobble a bit as he lifted the ridiculously heavy man. Looking around the room as fast as possible he located Damia once more.

"Hey Damia, have some Fairy Tail SPIRIT!" Alatheus planted his foot down, tensing all the muscles in his body as he did the near impossible. He threw Bruno straight at Damia, seeing the large man flying through the air was almost enough to make Alatheus break down laughing right then and there. Looking around for the best place to jump in and cause chaos, he saw the door open wide, two girls standing right in the middle of it, looking into the guild in shock. Well one of them was anyway, the other showed no reaction at all. 'Interesting...' Lowering himself to the ground, he looked all around, trying to find his shirt. Seeing it some ways away, he dashed over grabbing it and swinging his arms through it once more. Seeing that the room was now in an all-out rumble, he felt a tug at his heart, he yearned to go elbow-drop some of his friends. Seeing the purple hair at the door turn around, he knew that he couldn't though. Two whole people just saw the guild at it's least prestigious, Alatheus couldn't just let that go. Seeing Posco launch himself at the little girl in the doorway, Alatheus knew more than ever that he needed to get over there, if only to find out what made the normally cool and collected Master suddenly go so crazy.

Clapping his hands together, he gestured towards the door, causing a shining slide made out of light to form in front of him. Running and jumping on top of it, he zoomed through the hole in the crowd that he had created. 'Wait, how do I stop!?' was the thought going through his head as he sped through the door, reaching the end of the slide and tumbling across the ground. 'Oh god, is that brown hair-' the thought was cut off as Alatheus' face suddenly slammed into a pillar. Stumbling away from it. He put a hand on it to support himself as he rubbed his throbbing face.

"Oh my head...what was I doing again...right, Purple Hair!" quickly looking around he saw Purple Hair nearby and rushed over. Breathing heavily, he leaned over putting his hands on his knees. "Give me, a minute. I just threw a 350 pound man across a room." Taking a deep breath, he stood up, folding his shirt closed and retying the sash around his waist to keep it closed. "Hello." he said with a smile on his face. "Nice to meet you Purple Hair. Despite what you may have just witnessed, this is in fact the guild known as Fairy Tail, and I hope you understand that we weren't really fighting, just having a bit of fun. And..." Here Alatheus paused as if trying to remember something. Pulling a piece of folded paper out of his pocket, he unfolded it and began to read through the words written on it. " it is, 'And I assure you that while the altercation you just witnessed might make you have a rather negative view on the guild, this is in fact a rather nice place once you get to know it.'" he looked back up at her smiling widely.

"Hey Marc!" Alatheus suddenly called out into the brawl. A ridiculously loud whistle called out, immediately stopping the brawl. All the members of the guild turned towards the two girls.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail!" The call was taken up by just about everyone, lots of smiling faces and waving.

"See, this is a nice place." someone suddenly nudged the person next to them starting a chain that near instantly restarted the brawl. Alatheus sighed as he laid his face in his hand. "It's just hard to get them looking like it. ...oh yeah," Alatheus suddenly started, looking over at Posco. "You know this little girl, boss?" Alatheus suddenly was surprised again as he saw Koru was apparently right in front of him as well. "Koru? Oh thank god! I saw brown hair when I was tumbling by and thought it was Gitana. AHAHAha...She's right behind me isn't she?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damia Dantz Character Portrait: Arianna Hasani Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat Character Portrait: Ari Tunnelly Character Portrait: Koru Hoyicho Character Portrait: Alatheus
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#, as written by Damioa
It was an awesome first move. At least that's what Damia thought until someone punched him in the face yelling. "Wooooooo. FREE FOR ALL!!!!!" He notice it was howler. That guy packed a punch for a 5 ft nothing skinny midget. Damia wasn't going to take the punch lying down. He quickly got up to punch him back but then Howler was tackled. Damia looked around and he saw that the hole guild was transformed into a frenzy. Everyone was hitting each other, laughing, and calling names. He forgot what saying 'Free-For-All' in the middle of boring days could do. He even saw that Koru was in his normal 'safe' spot, meaning that he knew what was about to go down. Fairy Tail Beat-Down. A normal boring day festive. He thought maybe if he could land a couple more punches on someone then he could find a muse to write about to his mother. He stood up trying to find a target when, "Hey Damia, have some Fairy Tail SPIRIT!" Alatheus's voice yelled from across the hall. 'Dang I forgot about him.' He thought as he turned around.

"Huh, a shadow. Who's using cloud magic?!" He yelled as he realized a big shadow was overcasting him. He looked up and stared in amazement. Bruno was flying straight for him. He couldn't even imagine the muscle bound macho-man flying in the sky. He looked i it like he was watching fireworks as his mind tried to analyze what he was seeing. Once that was done. "Holy Sh..." Bang!!!! The brute crashed right into Damia causing him to fall into a group of people. He could've sworn he was seeing stars. Bruno rolled off of him looking like he was seeing his own set of stars. "That was funny dude You looked like Ahh, and then AHHHHHHHH. Do it again." He heard the voice of his spirit of Ruby calling to him. He stood up holding his chest and rubbing his head. "Alethe...." He began to say but stopped in view of his guild master looking hysterical. 'Poor guy must be out of ciggeretes..... No wait who's that girl?'

He was curious in his womanizing, but good with females, guild master, who was having problems with this girl for some reason. The girl was pretty but looked like the type of girl whom Damia feared. He looked in her eyes and saw a direct type of look. This confirmed it. The girl is one of those types.His attention turned to the girl that came up next. She was beautiful. A branch of one of the best colors in the world. Purple hair to match purple eyes just a little bit lighter than his. He felt something from her that he didn't feel from other girls.She didn't seem direct and what was that in her eye's.....Loneliness?

His thoughts were interrupted once again by Alatheus who had just ran out the door. Damia sighed and began to walk after him, easily avoiding the fighting crowd. His thoughts were still on that girl with that look in her eyes. The same look he once had when he was younger. Was it loneliness? He had to know. He then heard a whistle from Marc, the guild signal for stop fighting and greet people. He didn't greet being wrapped up in thought. Nothing was going to cut his thought line. Nothing. Not the guild fighting again. Not even..... 'O god no.' He sensed the feeling go through his back like a stab of ice. She was here. The one person in the guild that could ever make him do cleaning duty. "Please no." He said to himself as he stopped at the door staring outside. With a rocky gulp and looking at Atheleus. His fate was sealed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damia Dantz Character Portrait: Arianna Hasani Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat Character Portrait: Ari Tunnelly Character Portrait: Koru Hoyicho Character Portrait: Alatheus
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Arianna Hasani

Arianna's eyes followed the form of a large man as he was tossed in an impressive arc by another man. 'Defiantly the wrong place,' Arianna thought as she speed away, trying to be inconspicuous. Of course, had hardly made it fifteen hasty steps before she heard a voice calling out. “Wait up miss!” called a man's voice from behind her and Arianna's hurried footsteps slowed down tremendously as she cast a glance over her shoulder at the man who was calling for her to stop.

The man was taller than Arianna and seemed to be a few years older as well with light brown hair and lovely blue eyes. His features seemed to be kind and his smile was friendly, so Arianna stopped and turned to him, her own eyes wide in wonder but devoid of the emotions a person would possess. She didn't even bother hiding the emptiness of the lavender voids. Instead she watched him approach and greeted him with a slight nod of the head when he came to a stop in front of her.

Before he had a chance to respond however, there was a yell and a figure flew through the air over both Arianna and the brown haired man's heads, smashing into a pillar just behind them. She dug the nails of her hand into her palm as the sight nearly brought her to feel amused and the X over her chest stung. Glancing down at it she realized it was exposed and quickly covered it with her light coat, hoping no one had seen it.

The man, whom she realized was shirtless, slowly stood up, rubbing his head where it had made contact with the pillar. "Oh my head...what was I doing again? the man asked himself out loud, then seemed to remember and exclaimed, "Right, Purple Hair!" looked around for Arianna and (upon finding her) made a bee line for her. When he reached her he leaned over putting his hands on his knees, panting. "Give me, a minute. I just threw a 350 pound man across a room."

'Ah, so that was him,' Arianna thought to herself as he caught his breath and (thankfully) put his shirt back on. Not that he wasn't attractive but... for Arianna's sake, it was best. Having recovered himself he smiled and said, "Hello! Nice to meet you Purple Hair. Despite what you may have just witnessed, this is in fact the guild known as Fairy Tail, and I hope you understand that we weren't really fighting, just having a bit of fun. And..."

For a moment the man paused as if trying to remember something before pulling a piece of folded paper out of his pocket, unfolding it and reading off of it. " it is, 'And I assure you that while the altercation you just witnessed might make you have a rather negative view on the guild, this is in fact a rather nice place once you get to know it.'" he looked back up at her smiling widely while Arianna continued to look between the two men and the guild that lay behind them where the fight continued on.

"Hey Marc!" the man shouted and there was a ridiculously loud whistle, immediately stopping the brawl. All the members of the guild turned to face the opened doors, the eyes of the members alternating between people, some settling on her, making her avert her notably empty eyes. There was a moment of quiet where Arianna could almost have taken off running, but instead she was surprised by a cheer that rose from the members.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail!" The call was taken up by just about everyone, lots of smiling faces and waving. Arianna turned her head so as not to see the happy greeting, as her chest was already feeling quite constricted, but instead raised a timid hand in greeting. "See, this is a nice place." the second man began just as someone suddenly nudged the person next to them starting a chain that near instantly restarted the brawl. The man sighed as he laid his face in his hand. "It's just hard to get them looking like it..."

Arianna allowed her eyes to wander over the guild and it's members. Despite the tussle, everyone seemed to be smiling and were all very friendly. And, though it pained her to admit it (literally, seeing all the smiling faces and enthusiastic greetings it made her feel very weak), this had been (for the most part) the Fairy Tail she's been hoping to be adopted into. Turning to the first man who'd originally called for her to wait (seeing as the second had struck up a conversation with the man who'd tackled the girl who'd been standing beside Aria), Arianna gave a nod. She didn't smile or offer her hand to shake, but with her nod communicated at despite the distinct lack of expression she was in fact grateful.

It was obviously a rambunctious group but they all seemed to be kind. Even as she stood there another man was approaching, his eyes a striking purple which interested her, but she averted her eyes, not wanting to make eye contact and have someone see the emptiness in her own violet orbs. It was clear that there would be much for her to learn in terms of magic and hierarchy, and it would be a long struggle keeping herself in control with all this activivity but Arianna had never been one to shy away from a challenge. "Good morning," she said to the man identified as Koru, her voice also lacking in emotion, though not sincerity in the words, "Thank you for this greeting. I'm Arianna Hasani, and I wish to join Fairy Tail."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damia Dantz Character Portrait: Arianna Hasani Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat Character Portrait: Ari Tunnelly Character Portrait: Seiri Xu Character Portrait: Koru Hoyicho
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Seiri Xu

Seiri was up early that day, but she was helping clean after her little brother who couldn't really do things on his own. Although the guild did matter a lot to her, she had to put her younger brother as priority. Since he was a mute, and was blind in one eye, it was hard for him to do things on his own. Leaving him at their little house even got her anxious, despite him being old enough to take care of himself.

Seiri tied the sash to her unique outfit around her waist, turning to look at the little child sitting at the table, eating his food and watching her leave with his large blue eyes. It sent a little shock of tense and nervousness up at her as she struggled to force a smile and wave, "I'll be back soon, Kohaku. Take care of yourself, make sure not to answer the door to strangers, don't go out alone, don't eat too many sweets, be careful not to spill anything or break glass under your feet, oh yes, and-"

She stopped her sentence, seeing how her younger brother was grumbling at how many things she asked him to do. It was all out of her motherly nature for such young children, or anyone actually, and it was very hard for her to contain such motherliness after what happened to their family in the past. Nevertheless, she shook her head, put on a regular smile, pat her little brother's head and said gently, "I'll come back. Just don't get into any trouble without me, alright?"

Her little brother, Kohaku seemed to have put on a small smile as he nodded, getting off his seat and rushing to put his bowl into the sink. He was responsible, perhaps more than a regular 10 year old child should be, but that was good, because he would be able to take care of himself when his sister wasn't around.

After a last good bye from the two, Seiri shut the door behind her, walking out into the sunlight. She took a deep breath of the fresh air and look upwards, "Well.. its sun rise. I supposed that means the guild is up and early then!" She giggled, wondering what trouble they could have been getting into while she stayed back to look over her family.

Seiri headed for the guild, Fairy Tail, the guild she belonged in, the guild she hoped her brother to join, the guild that was also her family. Fairy Tail meant everything to Seiri, which was why she held it so close to her and why she wanted to protect it so badly, although apparently Gitana was already handling that job. But she didn't really care, as long as they were safe and being their-selves, "Then if that's the case, everything is perfectly fine." She told herself with contentment.

She finally reached the guild after around a minute or so of walking. She heard some loud noises coming from inside as she reached to open the door, but after hearing that, she was a bit reluctant, 'Are they causing more trouble...?' She wondered to herself, but reached out and opened the door anyways, regardless of what she thought was going on inside that insane yet happy guild she was in.

For some reason, Seiri wasn't very surprised to see some sort of a riot going on. She put a hand over her mouth and said in a soft tone, "Oh dear, not again..."

Seiri wasn't the type of woman to get involved with riots, especially with the guild since things tended to get big, and she was a pacifist after all, so she was a bit afraid to go and state out to stop someone and end the rioting, or at least attempt to. She held a finger up and opened her mouth, but then shut it a moment later, regretting the thought. But after a little while of thinking, Seiri inhaled a deep breath, yelling without even realizing, a sort of motherly trait coming in, "All of you, quit this fighting at once! It's too early in the morning to be creating so much trouble!"

It probably sounded like a teacher lecturing a naughty student, or a mother talking to her child who did something bad purposely, something along the lines of sounding like a matured woman who wanted to be heard and listened to. She probably even sounded like a sergeant yelling at their soldiers to push themselves further in some way with how strictly she yell it out loud towards the guild members who were rioting.

A moment later, Seiri let out a tiring sigh and fanned herself with her flabellum, frowning a bit sadly and disappointedly at the ones who took their part in the riot, "My, my... Here I was expecting a peaceful day... but then again, you little ones always seem to surprise me." She laughed quietly and took a seat at one of the tables, still fanning herself and not really caring if her orders worked to stop the riot or not. Since the guild always seemed to throw her expectations off balance, it wasn't that bad. Seiri found it fun in some ways actually.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianna Hasani Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat Character Portrait: Ari Tunnelly Character Portrait: Alatheus Character Portrait: Gitana
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#, as written by Byte
“AHAHAha...She's right behind me isn't she?”

With all the commotions, brawling and over-the-top antics going on – Gitana was thankful that it led to people not noticing her in any sense of the word. While most members were inside, screaming and throwing whatever wasn't rooted to the floor through the buildings, some had gone outside to greet two 'potential' new Fairy Tail members. Or at least, that's what the last minute arrival Gitana could gather, anyway.

Two young girls, one of them abruptly and unpleasantly being greeted by Posco, their guild master – To which the S-class mage could only shake her head. The other, the other... Gitana couldn't pinpoint it, but she looked sad? Depressed. Well, couldn't blame her for realising the great big Fairy Tail guild is nothing but a bunch of rag-taggers that know manners, but choose not to abide by them.

The woman sighed, sneakily inching closer to the person who, originally, got her attention. Ah, little, little Al. How oblivious you are, yet so very sharp that you know exactly when and where your big sister is. In a manner of speaking, of course. They weren't really related to each other, still... that didn't mean their relation was similar-ish.

Mustering an expression that could kill with the sharpness of a thousand needles, Gitana began to speak in her cold, commanding voice. Eyes gazing up at the much taller man who still had his back turned.

“Is this how you welcome me home?” The petite woman muttered through a sigh, a free hand raising up to pinch the bridge of her nose as she waited for the young boy to turn around. Her tone filled with utter annoyance and disappointment, eyes averting from Alatheus briefly to witness the antics of the other members.

“I'm disappointed. You, of all people, Alatheus, should know that you don't welcome people like that.” Gitana gestured to the new arrivals. “I had hoped you would have learned that by now.” She shook her head, stepping back a bit to rest her head on the palm of her hand.

“I'm too tired for this...” The woman's cold metal gaze turned back to Alatheus, dropping to bag of apples she had bought a mere hour ago.

Gitana abruptly changed her fearless, stern expression to flash a smile. “Idiot.” She winked at the young man, before subsequently clenching her right hand into a fist, an air of sand solidifying around the hand that then launched upward and buried itself into Alatheus' lower jaw. Something that, despite the difference in size of these two people, would undoubtedly send him staggering back a wee-bit – If not completely knocking him down for the count.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damia Dantz Character Portrait: Arianna Hasani Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat Character Portrait: Ari Tunnelly Character Portrait: Koru Hoyicho Character Portrait: Alatheus
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Alatheus knew it. He could feel in his bones the primal terror setting in. One look over at Damia confirmed it. The look of abject horror on his friends face was enough to know for sure. A frustrated sigh from right behind him wasn't even necessary at that point.

Is this how you welcome me home?” Alatheus flinched at hearing the voice behind him. Slowly turning around, he saw her hand pinching the bridge of her nose as she stood there. He flinched again, that meant he was going to get hit. Her eyes went over to the guild brawl for a moment. Alatheus immediately turned to Damia, mouthing 'Help me!' He saw Damia's eyes widen, and saw the moment of consideration as his eyes flicked to Gitana, but sure enough, he continued his walk over to the two of them. 'Good, if I can stall her then I should be able to use him as a shield.'

I'm disappointed. You, of all people, Alatheus, should know that you don't welcome people like that.” Gitana gestured to the new arrivals. “I had hoped you would have learned that by now.” She shook her head, stepping back a bit to rest her head on the palm of her hand.

"B-but I-" his voice quickly died down to an odd squeak as she looked back at him. The words to defend himself suddenly dying in his throat.

I'm too tired for this...” The woman's cold metal gaze turned back to Alatheus, dropping to a bag she was holding with one of her hands. Far in the background, Alatheus could hear that most of the fighting had died down under imminent threat of Gitana, and he could hear Bruno taking bets about whether he'd walk away or be dragged away.

Gitana abruptly changed her fearless, stern expression to flash a smile. “Idiot.” She winked at Alatheus, before subsequently clenching her right hand into a fist, an air of sand solidifying around the hand that then launched upward and buried itself into Alatheus' lower jaw. Later on Alatheus would say that it happened nearly in slow motion for him. He could feel his face slowly compressing, until his head started to move sideways, propelled by the fist digging into his jaw. Slowly, as his head kept moving, his body followed. He spun round and round from the force of the punch, slowly coming to a halt. His eyes, unfocused, were still moving round and round as he swayed around.

"Look at all the sand." his words slurred as they left his mouth. He slowly fell backwards, toppling towards Purple Hair.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damia Dantz Character Portrait: Arianna Hasani Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat Character Portrait: Ari Tunnelly Character Portrait: Seiri Xu Character Portrait: Koru Hoyicho
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#, as written by Damioa
Damia was scarred. He had never won a fight against Gitana. He saw the 'help me' look on Aletheus's face. He took a second to think about it. 'If I fight with him maybe she'll share the beating. Yeah. Individual beatings are worse than combined one's. He walked up to Alatheus and was back to back to him. Completely zoned out. "Hey dude how long do you think she'll beat you this time. 10 minutes. 10 days?" The serpent of Ruby teased at him. He was frozen. It might have even been that his mind had decided to die on him because of the shock of everything. 'Best.....Day......Ever.' He thought to himself as he looked up in the sky hoping for a miracle. Apart from Gitana's chastising words, he also heard, Seiri yell too. At least he thought it was her. He only hoped that she had talked to them first and not Gitana. Things would've probably been different.

Back to back with his buddy he turned around to him and said, "Don't worry man. If we die, we die together." He said in his noblest pose. He looked at Gitana who gave a wink and a smile. Direct.... Direct female contact....... It was over. Stomach aching. Eyeball twitching. Ruby laughing. He couldn't take it when girls winked at him. To many bad memories. He fainted on the spot.

He saw his friend get punched and go flying and with the last of his strength took a white napkin out of his pocket and laid it on the ground. Defeat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damia Dantz Character Portrait: Arianna Hasani Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat Character Portrait: Ari Tunnelly Character Portrait: Koru Hoyicho Character Portrait: Alatheus
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Koru Hoyicho


Koru couldn’t help but give a small chuckle, the chaos surrounding the guild was always so entertaining. He turned away Arianna after she spoke, taking a few steps towards the playing mages. He waved a bit as he moved and spoke. “Welcome home Gintana, don’t blame the kiddos. It’s not like we knew you were gonna be back today” with another laugh he continued after giving the skinny and yet intimidating women a little wink. “If anything you should have told you that you were on your way, a shame you didn’t even give them a chance to shower you with affection.” The sarcasm and small grin on Koru’s face made it clear that he wasn’t serious. As he walked by he patted little Alatheus and Damia on the head, he wasn’t coveting their position right now.

Koru set his hands on Posco’s shoulder next, sending a small flicker of lightning through his palm. It wasn’t anything serious, just enough to get his attention. The guildmaster seemed so focused on the girl he had pinned down that he doubted he had said anything yet. Leaning forward Koru whispered into his ear, keeping his voice low enough so that only he could hear. “I know we normally have an open door policy Posco but….I think we need to find out more about this Arianna, my opinion at least, at the very least let me talk to her first. ” Standing up fully he smiled at the Arianna, giving a nice little wave. Inside he was wondering about her though, about the strange look in her eyes that he had noticed before. It was something that he himself had seen more than once when looking into the mirror and he was more than a little curious about her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianna Hasani Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat Character Portrait: Ari Tunnelly Character Portrait: Koru Hoyicho
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Posco Sebhat and Ari Tunnelly

Posco had known Koru approached him, but the first time he ignored, seeing as Koru had found a more interesting object. The second time, Koru seemed slightly more urgent. "I know we normally have an open door policy Posco but....I think we need to find out more about this Arianna, my opinion at least, at the very least let me talk to her first." Posco looked up at Koru who was staring at the second newcomer.

"Now now Koru. You must not crowd the poor girl. Where are your manners? Has anyone offered the poor thing food? I think not." Posco stood, making his way over to Arianna while dragging a very unwilling Ari behind. "Arianna, was it? A gorgeous name, indeed. Why don't you come in, sit down, have something to eat. I'm sure you have traveled far. Come, come in." Posco lightly placed his hand on her back to usher her inside and over the mass of bodies and debris. Ari yanked her hand roughly away from Posco, muttering a "I can walk on my own" under her breath andtjrnex to make sure Suna was following. He was, of course, the large wolf-like dog padding around mangled messes. Ari hesitated slightly until Suna was beside her, then continued behind Posco, keeping her head up in her normal proud stance. Posco had pulled a stool out slightly for Arianna and he took his normal spot atop the bar, Ari simply standing with her arms crossed and glaring around as she silently criticized everything.

"So Miss Arianna, where did you come from? Is there a specific reason you want to join Fairy Tail?" He tried to start off with the simplest questions so he wouldn't overwhelm her.

"Is it what you thought it would be?" Suna asked only quiet enough for her to hear.

"Not even. I imagined disipline ... organization ... an army no one would mess with."

"But you were born here. How did you not know what this place was really like?"

"I had more important things to focus on like training," she snapped at him. Suna simply looked back to observe the guild.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damia Dantz Character Portrait: Arianna Hasani Character Portrait: Posco Sebhat Character Portrait: Ari Tunnelly Character Portrait: Koru Hoyicho Character Portrait: Alatheus
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Arianna Hasani

Arianna watched in very mild horror as the brown haired woman took out two of her own guild mates (one of which she had to side step as he fall towards her) within a span of 15 seconds and gulped slightly, though she could show no more expression of fear than that. “Welcome home Gintana, don’t blame the kiddos. It’s not like we knew you were gonna be back today” with a laugh, “If anything you should have told you that you were on your way, a shame you didn’t even give them a chance to shower you with affection.” Arianna took care to make a note of this fearsome Gintana in her mind.'Well, I guess that's one person I should avoid...' she thought to herself, poker face.

Koru then turned and adressed the blue haired man who quickly recovered himself from his blubbering over the girl whom, from she gathered, he had known previous to this encounter. “I know we normally have an open door policy Posco but… I think we need to find out more about this Arianna, my opinion at least, at the very least let me talk to her first.” he said as he stood, dusting herself off, though she noticed he remained very close to the girl.

"Now now Koru. You must not crowd the poor girl. Where are your manners? Has anyone offered the poor thing food? I think not." Posco said in the tone of a host, making her come to the conclusion he was the guild master. "Arianna, was it? A gorgeous name, indeed. Why don't you come in, sit down, have something to eat. I'm sure you have traveled far. Come, come in." He said politely, ushering her in as he practically dragged the other girl in until she stated she could walk on her own.

Arianna follwed obidently behind, her eyes glued to the floorboards infront of her though she knew the eyes of many other Fairy Tail wizards were glued to her. She quietly took a seat at the bar as a small crowd of them gathered and turned heads, the guild becoming very quiet as Posco spoke. "So Miss Arianna, where did you come from? Is there a specific reason you want to join Fairy Tail?" Arianna stared at the hands clasped in her lap and aswered solemly, her voice betraying no emotions, "I came from a promise that was broken, remade and broken again. And I wish to join Fairy Tail so that I can fix that promise and keep it from being broken for a third time." Arianna's hands trembled.