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Kenan Heartman

"You're pissing me off. Go away."

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a character in “Fairy Tail || The Tales of a New Generation”, as played by Riley Shikoku


Kenan Heartman
Kenan has been in Fairy Tail for a long time, though he never had much magical power. Until recently, he just gained his God Slayer powers. Now, he is ready to take on any challenge that comes before him, and he won't lose. (Sorry about the size of the pictures.)

"You want to win against me? I don't think so..."


Name: Kenan Heartman

Blood Prince: His silent nature makes him have a "royal" nature about him, but because of his reckless fighting style and powers, he is considered the Blood Prince.

Heart: Most of the people he meets, he gives this name because he doesn't want to use the name his sister gave him. (Refer to History)

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Mage Type: Lost Magic User/Caster Magic User
Even though he has learned Blood God Slayer magic, he still knows quite a few illusions from when he was younger.

Type of Magic: Lost Magic- God Slayer/Caster Magic (Illusion)

Rank: Normal Ranking

ImageHair Color: Silver

Eye Color: Light Purple

Skin Tone: Slightly Tan

Height: 6'0''

Weight: 165 lbs.

Crest Location: Over His Heart.

Crest Color: Light Purple

General Description
Kenan has a slim, athletic physique. He has a very beautiful face with striking features, such as a piercing purple eyes, an almost perfectly shaped nose, and a perfectly shaped mouth with almost perfect coloration. He is what many call, "The Perfect Guy" but that only happens to be from the standpoint of his looks. He has many piercings on each of his ears and usually wears his silver hair down.

He can pull off many outfits, but he prefers to wear clothes that make him look like a prince though. He wants to keep his image as, "The Blood Prince" so he fits the part by wearing those types of clothing. He doesn't choose comfort over efficiency. He prefers clothes that will not restrict his movement, so he usually gets his clothes handmade with a durable, stretchy fabric.

Image[ Likes ]
Red Roses- "My sister loved these flowers..."
Determined Girls- "When you put your mind to it... I'm sure you can do it."
Bitter/ Sour Things- "There's too many sweet things in the world... It makes me feel bad for the sour things..."
Smart People- "There are an infinite number of things to learn... It would help for you to learn a thing or two..."
Honesty- "People who lie live in a fake world. Honest people are the ones who can survive in the real world."
Teamwork- "I could've handled it myself... I just didn't want you to be left out. I know how that feels and I don't want anyone else to feel that way."
Weak People- "Despite the fact that you know you're useless... You continue to try your best..."
Pessimistic People- "If you don't look at the worst case scenario... Then there's no point in trying to prepare for anything."

[ Dislikes ]
x Rude People- "At least say thank you when someone does something nice for you... Ch..."
x People who use others- "You think that you can just throw people away like they're toys? People have feelings you know."
x People who leave others to die- "Would you like it if I did that to you?"
x People who blatantly cause trouble for attention- "Don't think you're getting any attention from me..."
x Traitors- "You stuck by our side only so you could stab us in the back? You can't do that without punishment."
x Liars- "You think I'll believe that? You think I'm so stupid that I'd believe for something that sounds so dumb?"

[ Strengths ]
Determined- "What's the point of doing anything if you have no motivation to do it?"
Great Magical Capacity- "Yeah... I can use lots of magic... So what?"
Doesn't get emotional about most things concerning him- "So what? My pet bunny died... I could always get another one..."
Can withstand lots of pain-"Wow... Looks like I have a huge cut across my chest... Did you really think that would kill me?"
Tries his best to protect things he holds precious- "Fairy Tail is my family... You touch them and you die."
Adapts to situations fairly easy- Couldn't think of a quote for this one. >.<

[ Weaknesses ]
Overprotective- "I can't have you be killed... You mean too much to me."
Bottles up his emotions- "Don't come near me... *Sniffle* I can't let you see me like this..."
Pushes away people who try to get close to him- "Leave me alone... I don't want to be your friend... We're in the same guild and that's it..."
Has trouble expressing his emotions- "Are you trying to piss me off? That confession was a joke... Right?"
Gets angry easily- "Unless you want to piss me off, I suggest you walk away from me... right now."
Is usually in a bad mood, for some odd reason- "I am trying to eat... Quit bothering me..."

[ Abilities/Skills ]
Blood Manipulation- Any blood that he can see, (Not inside a body) he can manipulate through his powers. He can make any shape and can only harden the blood and he cannot undo the blood when he has hardened it.
Roar of the Blood God- He spouts hardened blood out of his mouth, which pierces enemies within the area of the roar.
Blood God Blade- If he has blood that comes out of his hand, then he can make his arm into a blade to cut enemies.

[ Personality ]
Kenan is one of the people that has a cool air around him. When people talk to him, he gets pissed off almost all the time. He only talks to the select few people he likes. He is somewhat like a ticking time bomb. He will go off at any moment if you happen to do anything that irritates him. But, when he does explode, it's not in the way you expect. He usually keeps quiet and just ignores everything anyone and everyone says. He will calm down soon after though. He is a person who always keeps his true emotions to himself. He usual pushes away anyone who gets close to him because he thinks it's just easier if no one has to deal with him. He thinks of himself as weak so he works hard to become stronger. He doesn't like many girls... but the girls he does like, may misunderstand his feelings because he really has no idea how to express them. He tries to keep all of his thoughts to himself and tries his best to not show anyone his emotions. If someone does find him being emotional, it's usually after an extremely distressful time. He will cry by himself at night in the his apartment that he doesn't share. He gets very angry if you ever talk about his sister in front of him.

Kenan Heartman was born into a family of non-magic users in a small un-named village. HIs sister, Kira Heartman, had named him because she thought it would suit the baby and his parents agreed. His family would always joke around that Kenan owes his something to Kira for her naming him. His sister and him were lucky enough to be born with magic powers. His sister was five years older than him and her powers were much stronger. His sister used musical magic, which either made allies stronger or enemies weaker. It was useful in many situations. Kenan was born with illusion magic, but he could only use a limited number of illusions but he was able to hold these illusions for long periods of time. It wasn't very useful because he couldn't conjure more than three at a time and they couldn't be very large.

When he was five, his family got wind of an attack that was going to happen to their village, so they sent their children to Fairy Tail in Magnolia. They had no idea what happened to their parents but they believed they had died... Him and his sister joined the guild, Fairy Tail and learned to become stronger, at least, his sister did, but no matter what Kenan's power wouldn't get any stronger. He went on a mission with his sister and another known member of the guild, he was nice enough to find us the high paying job and it seemed fairly easy so they took it. They both went without a complaint and followed the man to the location of the job.

When they arrived though, they were tied up and the man that was from the guild wasn't actually a member, he was using illusion magic to trick them. They both struggled to get away but the man and a few other men stopped them. He told them that he was going to put them into slavery. His sister told them that if he let her brother go that she would make up for them letting him go. When they refused, she used her musical magic to weaken the men long enough for her brother to get away. She told him to run and he cried the entire way because he didn't want to leave without his sister. After a minute of running, he heard a large explosion behind him. He realized that it was at the small building where they were. He ran back to see his sister and he found her lying on the ground, bleeding. She was smiling but she looked like she was dead. Her layed on his sister, crying, as other members of Fairy Tail came to help them. He screamed as they ripped him away from his sister. He cried the entire way back to the guild and the entire night. He was so sad that his wonderful sister had left the world. He became emotionless around others and only cried by himself and he beared with the pain that came with it. He had decided that he would never become weak enough to let his companions die, like his sister.

When he turned eighteen, he finally started to get stronger and craftier with his illusions. Then on one of his missions, he found a book that was calling to him. It literally had called his name, and as he opened the book, a blinding light came out of the book and strange text appeared. He thought the characters looked familiar and he asked if one of the solid script users would be able to decipher it... but they all said there was nothing in the book. After a few days, he found what language it was and read the text aloud and then he started to feel strange. Then another blinding light shot out of the book, only it was colored red. He wondered what he had done and then the next morning, the book started to talk to him. It continued to say, "You are the Blood God Slayer... You are the Blood God Slayer..." He had no idea what that meant until the book began to show different text inside each time he read it. It explained the different techniques that a God Slayer used and the way to control them. He studied it for three years. Then suddenly the book stopped showing techniques and tips. Then the book suddenly vanished as if it had never existed. He was very confused but he and others had started to notice that he had gotten significantly stronger with these techniques. It's been one year since the book vanished and now he is a part of Fairy Tail's more elite standard mages.

Lila Heartman- Mother
Derrick Heartman- Father
Kira Heartman- Sister

So begins...

Kenan Heartman's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Artist Character Portrait: M. Ursa Character Portrait: Aina Scheherazade Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Rin Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Artist Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman Character Portrait: Apple Sweetheart Character Portrait: Lilly Sprout
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Kenan sat in a corner of the guild as he napped, letting his legs rest on one of the tabletops as he sat in one of the chairs in a back corner of the main hall. He had been resting for a few hours, but he didn't have a team and he wanted to set one up. But... He didn't feel like doing that right now. He was too tired and wanted to rest. He rested for a while until the racket of a bar fight had woken him up. He was furious. People had interrupted his only time to nap today. He slowly got up from his table in the corner. A piece of broken furniture lodged itself into the wall behind Kenan and he decided he wouldn't get mixed up in this fight, even though he would be able to vent his anger through busting a few heads open, but he was sure that it was a better decision to make a trip to the quest board. He looked it over and saw something that he might find intriguing if he had a team, but since he didn't... That quest was of no use to him. Fighting bandits on his own might not be an issue, but honestly seemed like a bit much for him to handle. He wouldn't admit that of course, but he didn't think he could do it nonetheless.

After a few minutes of staring at countless numbers of quests, he gave up. He didn't find anything that specifically suited his expertise... besides fighting a monster, bandits, or any other creature. Fighting was getting boring and he wanted to try something new... Something fresher. Which of course... he needed a team for. He wanted people like him in his team, strong and determined. He looked around the room at the different kinds of characters that could make up his team.

First, he examined Art. She seemed like his type and she was a very good combatant. He had crossed paths with her once while she was at the quest board. He was slightly angered by her... but he couldn't help but be somewhat attracted to her in some strange way.

Second, he examined Lilly. It seemed like she was the type that was very bubbly, but he'd seen her get serious on one of the few missions that she completed and he was astonished by what he power could do also. He knew she didn't fit his bill, but when it comes to fighting he was sure that he could depend on her when it counted.

Third, was Apple. He seemed like a socially awkward kid and from what he heard, he shared just about the same powers as Art. He didn't much about him other than that. But from what it seemed like... The kid was not someone he wanted on his team.

Fourth, M. He was extremely mysterious, but he was S-Class. He doubted that an S-Class would pair up with someone like him.

Fifth, Princess. She seemed like they would make a good pair. He didn't think much about her though. She was an extremely passionate and determined wizard, but he wasn't so sure if she would work with him either.

With that, he walked back over to his table and sat down, listening to the bar fight go on and trying to drown it out so he could get some sleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Artist Character Portrait: M. Ursa Character Portrait: Aina Scheherazade Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman Character Portrait: Hibiki
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Artist Character Portrait: M. Ursa Character Portrait: Aina Scheherazade Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Rin Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman
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Even though both of his eyes were closed, he could tell that someone was getting closer and he decided to keep both of his eyes closed. He heard a familiar voice speak. I apologize for the intrusion, Kenan. He opened one of his eyes as if to say, It's fine. I was already awake. I would like to ask if you are interested in joining me in a certain quest. He watched her hold up a piece of paper that showed a job that required some wizards to help escort a certain item in Oak Town. He looked at it with interest. This might be a chance to form a team, but he was't sure whether or not Princess was a team player or not. I guess this was his way of finding out. He sighed. He put his feet off of the table and sat up. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt. I was looking for a job earlier, so I guess I should be glad that you came along." He stood up and looked Princess over. She was always polite and she pretty much charmed every person. Including him. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but he thought that Princess wasn't half bad. She had a personality that was alluring to him, even though most people may be driven away from her because of her extreme rule following and strictness, but he honestly didn't mind. He was happy he got to spend time on a job with her. He might actually be able to make a team despite most everyone being scared of him.

"When do you plan on leaving? If it's now, I'm pretty much already ready, so if that's the case. We should get moving." Secretly, he was hoping no one else was coming along. He was hoping that he would get to see a different of Princess from what he usually sees.


Lilly looked at the Guild Master as she blushed. As she looked at him, she didn't even notice that Princess had been walking towards the guild master. As she noticed, she quickly moved out of the way. Princess was not someone that she needed to be overly cheery around. She seemed like the type who might get annoyed by her behavior and she didn't want to test that theory. "Pardon me, Lilly. M. Minor." She looked at Princess as she said that. Lilly security thought that a more suitable name for her was "Ice Princess" but she dared not to laugh in front of Princess. She was always so cold towards others. Lilly was constantly on edge when she was around. She looked at the guild master right before he left. "Bye bye Guild Master!" She waved as she put on a cheery smile. She watched as Princess walked over to Kenan and showed him a piece of paper. She wondered if this would turn into a bad situation but she was shocked when Kenan had stood up and didn't start a fight with her. She jaw dropped as she watched Kenan be awoken from a nap and he just brushed it off like it was nothing. This was a historic moment. She saved this image in her mind as she thought how Princess did it. If anyone else ever woke him from a nap... Well... They received a beating that put them closer to death than ever before. She was close to experiencing this... Luckily she tripped on something on the floor and got knocked out. Her head hurt after that incident, but it's gotten better. She decided to run back over to Art because she felt like she wanted some candy. "Hey Art... Can I have one of your caramels? Pretty please!" She tried to make the cutest puppy face in the history of puppy faces. She waited for Art's response. If she said no though, she was going to take a caramel anyway because she knew that Art would forgive her... She hoped.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman
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Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman
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Kenan laughed. "Yeah... That's fine, whatever." He knew that dragon slayers were unable to use any form of transportation. He didn't care whether they walked or not, but he thought at some point that he would want to see Reisha have motion sickness. He chuckled at the thought. So it would just be the two of them. Seems like everyone was caught up in other things and it made sense to him why Reisha wouldn't invite others, because it seemed like they already had teams picked out, not officially though. The same went for Reisha and him, they were not officially a team, but this mission would probably determine whether or not they would form a team. Reisha didn't seem like a team player, but neither did he. He wanted to see how this mission went because it would be interesting to see the different types of power displayed and see if they were compatible. He was pretty sure that Reisha was stronger than him, but he wasn't sure. He was sure that he wanted to form a team with her though. He would be able to see a different side of Reisha than anyone. She always went on missions by herself and I doubt anyone has actually seen her in a real fight. He was interested in what she might have to offer to battle.

He stood up and looked at Reisha, gesturing towards the front door of the hall. "Shall we?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Artist Character Portrait: M. Ursa Character Portrait: Aina Scheherazade Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Rin Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman
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#, as written by Vix


Amidst the noise of her pawing at her tinkling little bell that was as golden as her eyes and the battle royale taking place behind her was a very familiar sound. Her poor little Apple Pie and his lack of whistling ability, the most basic of abilities. She didn't turn her head simply because there was no need to. Her green haired friend was soon piled into her lap with his face buried deep within her breasts, his arms around her tightly. She gave a light smirk and patted his head gently with a gleam in her eyes. “Oh, you like?” Of course he did; Apple adored everything about her. The two of them seemed to have hit it off the moment they met. Well, actually, he had taken a shine to her before she had to him. She could recall quite perfectly the first time they'd met.


Five years ago...

The forest was an absolutely wonderful place and it was where The Artist felt most at home. It wasn't as large as the forest Thornieux raised her in but it didn't matter because it was still a forest nonetheless. And almost more than anything, she loved the hot springs sprinkled around the forest. She would often to retreat to them and seek solace there to think. This particular little slice of heaven was her own private spot that she wouldn't let even her guild mates go near. It was concealed beneath the hanging branches of a great willow tree bearing delicate and multiple beautiful pink leaves and silver flowers that made a thick curtain that would part for her and close behind her. It would take most people a good three minutes to push through. Well, it would if the tree didn't lash out, wrap up, and toss away anyone but her that would try to go through. On this particular day she discarded all of her clothes and slipped into the steaming waters, sinking in until the water went up to her chin. She had just gotten back into town after dealing with a large pack of Lizardmen that had migrated towards an old village being studied by archaeologists - She tended to take a lot of jobs for archaeologists because she liked their line of work and often got paid with cool antiques. The water was relaxing and she all but lost herself in it. It wasn't until she had stepped out an hour later that she discovered she was being spied on. There was a flash of green and white as a branch snapped and a figure fell from the tree, landing at her feet. Glaring, she immediately placed a foot on his throat.

“...Excuse me?”
“You're The Artist!”
“Thank you, Captain Obvious... How did you get past the tree?”
“What magic?”
“Earth God Slayer!”
“...Impressive.. Next time you want a peek, just ask. Dipshit. You ever come back here without my permission and I'll kill you.”
“Yes ma'am!

She beat the shit out of the younger Apple as he gratefully accepted it with a smile and nosebleed and dragged him out afterward only for him to later show up and announce that she was his favorite guild mate. It took a year or so but she finally did warm up to him and they developed a relationship that was just about as uncomfortable for the others as their guild master's behavior towards them most times. Or at least it was so for the more squeamish, prude, and modest members. It didn't really faze either of them though. Art was very much pro self-expression. Of course she had her limits, but even within those limits some thought her to be extremely crass. She wasn't a highly sexual person when it came to most people but if you ever put her in the same room as Apple, Shin, Hibiki, or Kidemonas and it was on. She wasn't crushing on any of them, not that she knew of, but she enjoyed making Kide squirm and entertaining the other three with over saturated antics of love and lust.

Her eyes lit up more when her lips curved into a wide smile that revealed sharp cuspids as he offered her a bag of candy even then offering to hand feed a piece to her. Before she could take it she could see another flying at her from M.'s kick. Grinning, she reached out and snatched it with a nod of appreciation before looking back at Apple. He was practically quivering with excitement. He was always this way when she returned from a job even if only lasted a day. He was even more excited when he came back from his own jobs. Whenever he actually did them. Her longest job to date had her gone for three years. It was one that she was often questioned about but she would never talk about.

Smirking, she pushed him away from her breasts to tuck in the bag from M. to save for later. Her head bent down and she curled her tongue around the candy, pulling it into her mouth. Tucking it in the back of her mouth between her cheek and teeth, she leaned forward so that her lips brushed against his ear gently. “Meow.” In a swift motion, she shoved him out of her lap and onto the floor. She grabbed hold of a grey and white egg that was given to her... Well. She sort of stole it. She had tried to barter for it but they wouldn't give it up. She didn't mind going to jail. Again. But she didn't have much time to inspect it before Lilly came bouncing in about some boutique and outfits and whatever else before she disappeared. Lilly was another Dragon Slayer. She hadn't been in the guild but for a few months but she was slowly growing on The Artist. By the time Lilly had bounced away she was ready to inspect the egg again but stopped short.

Hibiki was playing his music.

Art was an extremely confident woman. Why shouldn't she be? She excelled in everything that she did and was adored by many. She had reached S-Class at the tender age of nineteen after failing the first trial during her first year in Fairy Tail. She was the guild's only female S-Class and she liked to think of herself as a role model. She was, after all, training both Lilly and Apple. She was especially confident when it came to her art related talents. She could sing and dance better than any other in Fiore, sculpt, draw, paint, write, act and so much more and put "the best" to shame. She was a true virtuoso. Her capability to compose music was near unmatched, as was her ability to play instruments. She felt inferior to nobody. Not in art. Not in combat. Not in anything.


When Hibiki played...

She couldn't feel any more inferior in her talent. His skills were so beautiful that she nearly cried upon hearing him play for the first time. She would never again play an instrument around him or even so much as dare to touch one even though he would compliment her. She felt like a child who'd played terribly out of tune and he was like a master of the craft simply giving her pity to encourage her. His music forced her to feel more passionately, as she had when she was but a child training with her papa dragon. She bowed her head and cradled the egg to her as he played, mumbling a song under her breath where none could hear her. She recalled Hibiki asking her to play with a few times but she would always refuse. She would sing and dance to his music... But never play alongside him.

She cuddled her egg, burying her face against the thick shell that had some strange sort of fuzz...or down...or fur. It was so soft yet hard. She was lost in the music so much that she hadn't noticed The Princess making her announcement. Not that she would have paid much mind anyways. She didn't dislike Reisha and actually had quite a bit of respect for her. She simply didn't tend to pay much mind because when The Princess addressed everyone as a group it was usually something about behaving, being polite, cleaning up something, or some other trivial matter that The Artist didn't care for. However, their Guild Master caught her attention and she gave a light nod, her gently dazed expression becoming a coy and seductive one as she "caught" his blown kiss, placing her middle and index finger against his lips.

Just as she stood to go to the S-Class job board, Lilly had bounced over to beg for some of her caramels. “You haven't earned my caramels.” She spoke of the sweets that she was now packing up along with everything else as though it were her heart. There was a slight slur to her tone, as she over salivated a bit from the multiple candies tucked between her teeth and cheeks. She made her way towards the balcony, taking one giant leap that took her to the top, offering Hibiki a wave midair. The second floor was another place she went to think. The other S-Class Wizards didn't bother her there and they were the only other ones allowed up there. she quickly snatched the highest paying job before walking back to the balcony, taking a seat on the rail with her legs crossed, waving the paper. “Lill. Apple Pie. Go start packing; Include some swimwear. We're going to go training.” She wasn't asking. Her head then turned to scan the crowd, her lips pursing a bit. “I need one more person! Maybe two! No one under Rank B! The reward is ten million! Any volunteers?” Of course with the reward being so high nearly everyone wanted to join. But with it being an S-Class job with a high price that meant it was more dangerous. She let her eyes scan the crowd with a thoughtful expression, her fingers curling tighter around her egg.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman Character Portrait: Shin Hellion
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman
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As Kenan began following Reisha into the streets of Magnolia, he couldn't help but notice that there were an unusual amount of people in the city today. Well... Maybe that was just him. He usually went out on his missions at night and took a nap on the train as it went to the place he needed to go. He usually didn't see many people in town during the night, but he didn't think this many people lived in Magnolia. He also noticed that they parted so they could walk. He thought this was because of Princess, he was sure that she had a much larger reputation than he did. Then he realized that they had similar alibis, for some reason, he never noticed it before. The Princess and the Prince. He smiled at the thought and then Reisha started to explain what their mission was about.

We are to protect the Crucible until its arrival at the designated location which will be revealed to us once we get to Elder Haggen. The reward is 850,000 Jewels. We could split it evenly between us. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. After all, we are partners now. As she said that they were partners he thought that she had acknowledged themselves as a team, but he didn't want to jump to conclusions. This was probably a one time thing, but he didn't know what was going through Reisha's head, so he had no idea. "No, I don't have any questions. Also, we don't have to split the money fifty fifty. I don't really need money anyway. I did so many independent jobs that now I have more money than I know what to do with." Honestly, he did have a lot of money. It was also true that he didn't know what to do with it. Besides spending it on regular things like food and clothing, he really had no other way to spend his money. He thought Reisha would probably put it to better use if she had it. He just continued to look forward and walk as they made the first step to Oak Town. Beginning his first job with his partner, Reisha.


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Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman
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Kenan walked with Reisha on their trip, which was mostly quiet. The atmosphere here was a lot different than when he went on missions. Usually, he would try to complete the job as fast as he could, feeling pressured to return to the guild as quickly as possible. The air between the two was comforting to Kenan. He was glad he came along with Reisha, it seemed like the two of them would make a good team.

As soon as he thought of that, there was a group of about twenty four men surrounding them. He guessed they were bandits and thought that this would be the test to determine whether or not they would a good pair. He examined the group and tried to pick out the weakest in the group, as well as the strongest. As soon as he was done examining, he noticed that most of the men were of average strength, which meant they wouldn't make very hard opponents. Kenan, shall we? He looked at Reisha. "Let's make this quick." Then he waited for Reisha to make the first move on whichever side she chose, then he would take the other. He was a gentleman after all, ladies first.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman
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"They're wizards from Fairy Tail!"

As soon as he heard that, he couldn't help but smile. They underestimated the look of us. This always makes the fight interesting. He chuckled quietly. He knew that he could attack now that Reisha was calling upon her Dragon Slayer Secret Art. He wanted to watch, but he decided against it. He had a job to take out the other half of the men that were there. His targets all stood in fear as he gave all of them an expressionless, cold stare. He took a small pin out of his pocket and pricked his hand, letting a little blood drip out. He pulled it out like it was a strand of string, it was flowing out of his hand, but it was tangible. He was going to try something interesting, he had tried this technique to catch enemies a few times, but usually it was a smaller group and they were larger. He wanted to give himself a challenge so he thought, What the heck? Why not? He threw the blood into the air until he thought it had reached a high enough height. He then spun it a few times to form a spiral then he threw it over his enemies and it surrounded them. He then pulled on the strand and it tied up the enemies. He had commanded the blood to harden and the enemies were stuck inside a lasso made of blood essentially. He smiled as he stopped the flow of blood out of his hand. He had the prick on his hand stop spouting blood by having the blood create a scab.

"Are you finished? If so, shall we go?"

He simply replied with, "Of course. Let's continue moving." He looked over at the bodies of the people who fell prey to Reisha's spell. Way to make an impression, Princess. He smiled at the thought of this girl. She was a lot flashier than he expected. He just had the enemies tightly tied up, but this girl completely froze the bodies of the bandits she dealt with. I probably should've made a more... profound... impression. He stared at the Princess while they continued to walk. This trip may not be as long as I expected. He smiled as he continued to walk towards their destination, Oak Town.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman
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Kenan looked around the town as they got there. It seemed like it was a pretty interesting little town. "We should meet Elder Haggen." He nodded. It didn't seem like she needed an answer because as soon as she looked at him, she just as quickly, walked away. She was holding a piece of paper that he was pretty sure was a map.

After a while of walking, he noticed that they had reached what looked like the town hall from what he could tell. Reisha knocked on the door and walked in because there was no answer. Soon enough an old man appeared before them. "Are you the wizards who accepted my request?" Reisha spoke first and he knew that she would continue to do all the talking on his behalf. He honestly didn't care for talking. He didn't mind giving a nod and an occasional wave, but he preferred to do that instead of talk. He heard Reisha introduce him to the old man and he gave a small bow. The old man looked them over for a minute. "Are you sure you're able to do the job?" He was slightly annoyed by this comment. He was looking at them like they were weak. He should've been grateful they even accepted his job. But despite his feelings, he continued to display a blank expression across his face.

The old man introduced himself as Elder Haggen. Elder Haggen then led them over to a pedestal in a separate room. Elder Haggen picked up the object and showed it to him and Reisha. He stared at it with interest. So this is the object they are supposed to protect? Does it have some kind of special power or something like that? Hmm... He wanted to ask a question, but he was pretty sure that Elder Haggen may not provide more information about the object. Then a small boy ran into the room. He looked at him; from what he could tell, he was between the ages of 11 and 13. "This is my grandson Faert. He will be the carrier of the Crucible and escort him and the artifact to the Citadel." He stared at the child. Why is he sending a child to deliver the artifact? Why doesn't he send someone older? Someone stronger? Things in this situation definitely make him question what was going on here. He was curious, but he kept it to himself for the moment. He would find out the answer soon enough. Reisha introduced him to the little boy and he gave a small bow, showing that he was not a hostile character.

He decided that it was his turn to ask something to the elder. "What time would you like us to leave?" He turned to Reisha, but the comment was posed to both her and the elder. "I'd like to leave now if that's alright." It didn't seem to be too late in the day, so he didn't think it was strange of him to ask to do this. Reisha might want to stay, so he asked. He didn't want to just assume that they were going to leave. He liked to know what he was doing. He liked to have a plan.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman
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"When both of you are able. As long as the crucible reaches its location before the Autumn Moon rises."

He heard this in response to his question, though he could hear the inflection in the old man's voice that was desperate to hurry and get it to the Citadel of Blanc. It looked like Reisha had calculated how long it would take them, so he didn't worry about when the Autumn Moon would rise. He actually had no idea what the Autumn Moon was, but he honestly didn't care. All he needed to know was how long they had and where they needed to go. Reisha knew both. So he didn't feel like he needed to know the other part. Reisha leaned over to the little boy and asked him a question. From what it looked like, it seemed Faert was a normal child. Though, Faert's answer surprised him a little bit. He seemed very... mature for his age. There was a lot of strange things going on in this situation and he wanted to know. But, he would get his answers soon enough... Hopefully.

The elder sent the boy away. "I would like to know what kind of threats we need to watch out for." He thought it was a very valid question. He didn't think about that question though. He usually just dealt with things he ran into, he never asked to now what dangers lied ahead of his path. He looked at Reisha. She's a very smart woman. He smiled a little bit as he looked back at the elder for the answer. "Recently, there had been mages from the dark guild which wants to have it to themselves." Well... This should be exciting then! He kept a straight face, though in his mind, he was smiling a large, pearly white smile. He had the had the urge to laugh, but he suppressed it. It would be inappropriate to laugh when he told him this.

"Why do they want the Crucible?" He looked at her and thought that they were sharing thoughts for a moment. He stared at the elder to see what his answer would be. When he saw him look away from them, he knew he wasn't going to answer their question. "I will have Faert decide that." There it is again. Is there something special about that kid? It seems strange that they are leaving so many responsibilities to him. He would make sure to question Reisha about this and she what she thought about it. He saw Reisha gesture for them to leave and he simply followed.

He made sure to shut the door behind them so that no prying ears could hear what he was about to ask. Suddenly, Reisha looked like she had something to say, so he restrained himself for the time being. "I just want to say this again. Thank you for joining me on this quest. It might get a bit rough, but I do believe we can handle it. I know we can." She was smiling at him and he thought his heart skipped a beat. He smiled as he saw her smile. "Of course we can." He paused for a moment. He looked at Reisha with concern. "Do you... find it odd that they leave so many duties to that child? And that we know nothing about the Crucible and what special power it might hold?" He stared at Reisha then he realized that she might find these questions stupid and just want to get the job done without asking questions. He looked away from Reisha, holding a blank expression. "Nevermind. We don't need to ask questions. We just need to get the job done." He was mentally punishing himself by calling himself stupid. He didn't need to ask questions, he just needed to get the job done. That was the way that he needed to work... At least, he thought that was the way he needed to work.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman Character Portrait: Hibiki Character Portrait: Lilly Sprout
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He lost his composed attitude for a moment after he heard Reisha say that she thought that he was regretting pairing with her. "O-Of course not!" He widened his eyes a moment before he cleared his throat and regained his composure. "Why would I regret pairing with you? We're a team now... We can't act like this. We need to trust that one enjoys the other's company." He realized what he said as he suddenly realized that he was somewhat scolding Reisha, despite the way that she respectful treated him. He sighed. I don't know if she will take that well or not... I meant that in a good way, but hopefully I didn't screw up. It wouldn't do us any good if we started fighting now. He looked Reisha in the eye and then looked away because he was too embarrassed. Crap... What am I doing?


"Well, it just so happens that it seems I shall be accompanying you and Art on whatever adventure you seem to be going on. I hope that is ok with you I would hate to upset someone as lovely as yourself."

She smiled a very wide smile. Hibiki is coming on a mission with me! She wanted to do a little dance, but she waited to hear the rest of what Hibiki had to say.

"It would seem Art has already gone ahead. I was told to meet at the west end of town I would be delighted if you would allow someone as myself to accompany you there as well. For myself it's been sometime since I'v been on any jobs with other people, I would love to learn more about yourself as well."

She frowned a little bit, knowing that Art wasn't going to walk with her on the way to the western end of town. But her slight mood change didn't last long. She was soon enough smiling and dancing around chanting, "Hibiki's going on a mission with me! Hibiki's going on a mission with me!" This chant continued until she ran out of breath. She slouched over catching her breath. She breathed in deeply a few times before standing up straight, smiling. She bowed, acting like an audience was watching her. She loved attention. "So... Hibiki do you want to go now?" She waited a few seconds before she realized that she might be able to catch Art. They were going to the western end of town and... She remembered that Hibiki wanted to learn more about her. She made a face that made her look like she was thinking hard. Hmm... Should I go with Hibiki or walk with Art? Hmm... She looked at Hibiki and she saw a kind smile. Definitely Hibiki! She tugged on his arm, trying to make him move. "C'mon! Let's go! We've got a mission to complete!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reisha Albinion Character Portrait: Kenan Heartman
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