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Fated Wings



a part of Fated Wings, by peachyme123.


peachyme123 holds sovereignty over Purgatory, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Purgatory is a part of Fated Wings.

12 Characters Here

Lucifer Jefferson [85] "Scared? You should be.."
Ashlynn Pierce [83] "Just say that you love me, in complete confidence."
Dax Mitell [41] Ushishishi~
Kimberley Lane [41] "Can fate be so cruel, or is this my chance..."
Alaire Diabolo [9] "Humans? How interesting...."
Nell Ohanzee [9] "The throne is already mine."
Violet Valenti Hyde [9] "Oh, well, this will be just like my dreams. Hopefully"
Colton Amberfield [8] "Hello Miss how are you?"
Eve Erimentha [8] "Go find another fish in this big sea."
Olivia Lilian Anthony [7] " anyone know how to get home?"

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Character Portrait: Dax Mitell Character Portrait: Kimberley Lane
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#, as written by Mashotu
Dax Mitell

Dax dismissed her first comment and instead answered to her second one.
"Though I meant what I said before, I want to understand why you don't regard your life more? It's one thing to jump out a window, but what if it was more dangerous or if your knife couldn't reach the brick, what then? wouldn't your family or friends care, as I- I would." She asked.

See. This actually really bothered Dax. Why did she even care!? He was some random person she'd just met, and for all she knew, could have been out to capture her or rape her or kill her!

He crossed his arms and huffed. "I've done that stunt more than a few times to know how far from the wall I should be. My family wouldn't give two shits. I have no friends. Now. Are we done playing 'lets hold hands around the campfire'?" He snapped before calming slightly. "Look, princess. It's nice that you care," He started, the word care sound foreign on his tongue, "But you don't want to know me... You'll go home soon anyways, so what's the point?"

He placed a gentle hand on top of Kimberly's head. "I don't need you to care. Just worry about yourself. You're the newbie here."
Believe it or not. This was Dax being "nice". Something he wasn't very good at.


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Character Portrait: Dax Mitell Character Portrait: Kimberley Lane
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#, as written by S1mon

Kimberley Lane

When she had heard Dax express worry, she hoped that such had brought out his soft and caring side. She knew it was there, Minx must also believe it was there, heck having a pet in the first place must mean that he has got to have a soft side. The way Dax had come over to her to tidy her hair the way he did, something no other guy that she recalled had done for her. Kimberley was very cautious in the way she looks, hence why she refused to wear the clothes given to her and why she fussed with her hair, but for a guy he done a pretty nice job which certainly was a nice gesture.

Instead of responding in kind, it seemed he was infact too proud to apologise as he crossed and arms and huffed, "I've done that stunt more than a few times to know how far from the wall I should be" now acting like a 'know-it-all' but it was those sorts of people that believe no harm will come to them and get themselves killed, as she sighed in response. It made her wonder why, though it tends to be those with little to no attachments that put themselves in such dangers which is why she had asked him why he didn't regard his life more and why he brought up his friends and family, both of which seemed to not apply to Dax which explained, and seemed he didn't want to make any friends either, "Are we done playing 'lets hold hands around the campfire?', which told her that he had no problems doing what he did and acting as he liked, she however remained strong in her beliefs that he should regard his life more but seemed he didn't care.

"Look, princess. It's nice that you care...But you don't want to know me... You'll go home soon anyways, so what's the point?". as she lowered her head as if defeated, feeling his hand on hers a few seconds later, "I don't need you to care. Just worry about yourself. You're the newbie here" and don't she know it, she sarcastically remarked to herself. "I'm trying to but it's hard. I get taken from somewhere I know into a place I do not know, then escorted into a palace to be told I'm in a world with angels and demons before being told to recuperate in a room and being left in there with no answers, knowing nothing about what's going on until you came and explained everything to me, and I'm really grateful for all that", giving a thin warm smile.

"As for not wanting to know you, well, when you spend time with someone it is bound to happen whether we want to or not. If your 'the prince in charge of this princess', then we'll bound to spend time together, as like you said, 'it's not every day the Prince gets to show a princess around his home' and now your asking the same question as I did as to why bother, well...what's the point in living if you don't take risks..", answering with his own answer ironically which made her smile, quite confused with herself that she was starting to sound like him when before all she wanted to do was stay in bed. What was wrong with her?

With that, she lifted her hand and gently laid it on his, "You probably don't want to hear this, so I'll just say it this once and then we finish playing 'lets hold hands around the campfire'", well at least for now as she took a pause, [b]"I'm sorry about your family, but there are those who do care. Back home, I have no family who truly care for me anymore, but the fact I had someone, helped me feel better", using the word had since she was well aware of her brothers' strength and feared that Yoh was at death's door, feared enough to believe it was so and very likely which would leave her on her own when she gets back, but she aimed to ignore that for now.

It seemed that Dax had no one which explained his attitude, so raising her tone would not help, but being the kind of person Kimberley was, returning his attitude would not help. For the few days she was here, no, he probably thought she was plain annoying and wouldn't bother picking her up tomorrow, maybe wanted her to go back. With this in mind, she then looked up to him, "If your offer to show me around is open, I would like to take it. If not, can you please return me to my room, because I would not wish to get you in trouble with the angel guards if I returned myself...", leaving the decision now to Dax. If the offer was open, it meant that he didn't mind having her around despite her much she spoke and 'cared'. If it was not, then clearly she had annoyed him and she'd just amuse herself as she originally planned.


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Character Portrait: Dax Mitell Character Portrait: Kimberley Lane
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#, as written by Mashotu
Dax Mitell

Dax smirked when Kimberly was finally done talking. That girl really did speak a shit ton.
"If your offer to show me around is open, I would like to take it. If not, can you please return me to my room, because I would not wish to get you in trouble with the angel guards if I returned myself..." She'd said. Of course Dax still wanted her there! He just didn't like the weird feelings the girl spoke about. Care was not a word used combined with his name. That was just freaky to him.

He help out his hand as he gave a smile, "Well? Is the princess coming?" He asked. She must have felt as if she were annoying him, which was only partly true. But everyone annoys him at least some. She spoke too much. That was about the only thing wrong with her. And truth be told, he enjoyed her company more than any other prince or actual princess. Because every single one of them were stuck up and snooty in his eyes. This girl, didn't follow his orders willingly and wasn't overly sweet. She spoke her mind and did what she wanted. Dax found that highly amusing and thought at least 10% of women should be like that instead of the more realistic .1%.

Dax thought back to the game the princes were supposed to play. He knew that the girls would be pissed once they found out it was merely a game, which is why Dax wasn't trying to get her to love him, much less like him. But for some reason she already like and cared about him which confused Dax to no end. He was a complete ass to her! What the hell was he doing right!? Alright... He could have just stayed away from the girl and left her to rot... But that would have eaten him up from the inside out.


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Character Portrait: Ashlynn Pierce Character Portrait: Lucifer Jefferson
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"Of course, I don't mind at all. Whenever you're ready to go up there just let me know." Ash smiled when Lucifer said this, putting a hand on her shoulder in the process. She put a hand on his knee, looking him over. "Whenever you feel well enough to travel." She said, followed by a wry look. "And don't say you're ready even if you're not." She was growing uncomfortable sitting up for so long, and it was hurting her back. So, she pulled Lucifer backwards and leaned back against the raised bed, pulling him so that he was next to her and she crossed her legs over his, putting her head on his chest and snuggling close.

She watched him run his fingers through his hair again and smiled knowingly. "Well, after you feel well enough and we've both cleaned up a little, right?"


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Character Portrait: Ashlynn Pierce Character Portrait: Lucifer Jefferson
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"You know they love You, once they open up to you."

"Well, after you feel well enough and we've both cleaned up a little, right?"
As they lie there he thinks about the time he may need to recover probably just a day. "Yes, before we go we can clean up a bit He said as he played with her long hair. Thats the reason why he liked long hair he can play with it and it's just so beautiful. Lucifer looked over and saw the doctor standing by the door. "Oh sorry doctor, didn't see you there. What do you need?" The doctor gave a smile, and came over to sit in a chair. Looking at Lucifer and said "You're going to be perfectly fine, you should be up and moving within 17 hours. Lucifer smiled as the doctor said that and said thank you. As the doctor left the room lucifer looked around the room and yawned. He put it hand over Ash, and set his hand gently on her head. He closed his eye's and let out a sigh of relief.


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Character Portrait: Dax Mitell Character Portrait: Kimberley Lane
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#, as written by S1mon

Kimberley Lane

Though she had given him the option, she truly hoped that the offer was open. It was not that she did not mind returning back to her room, not that she didn't find reading and all that boring as he did, but merely so she could understand Dax more. He seemed a hard guy to get along with, which no doubt is the reason why he has no friends sadly, but this was why she tried to explain, using her own experience, of how not everyone is like that, that there are people who want to understand him. With his recklessness, being all soft would be considered weakness, but in her mind, it was a strength, especially where those alone back home go so far before trying to kill themselves with nothing to live for. It was one thing to try and cut her explanation as best as she could without going into too much details, but to start quoting statistics and giving scenarios which would be considered 'out of the box', was not exactly what Dax wanted to hear. What could she say, everyone was different.

Despite feeling that she may of bored him to tears that he may want to take her back to her room, he instead held out his hand as he did at the sill back in his room and smiled, "Well? Is the princess coming?". In response, she still smiled though only thinly, being more of relief than anything. "Yes", she responded as she walked upto him and held his hand before turning to him sternly, "But if your going to do any of your crazy antics, I would appreciate a heads up so I don't go freaking out again". Afterall, it was the whole jumping without permission thing that got to her the most. He was afterall her protector. If he didn't regard his life so much due to having no one to care for him, he shouldn't endanger others.

Even with his recklessness, he had been there for her, he could of mocked her for her screaming and about being scared of heights, but in the end, he was concerned with how she was feeling and making sure she was alright. She didn't believe Dax was all that bad, he just merely needed to be....tolerated at times, but the main problem that she could see was in his upbringing, making her wonder why his family don't care about him. His question however remained in his mind as to the point of all this, well if he was going to be her point of call until the portal opens then it was necessary to know who her point of call was, secondly if the portal never opened and they were all lies then she would need someone to rely on, not to mention it doesn't hurt trying to make someone feel better even if she would not be here for long....


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlynn Pierce Character Portrait: Lucifer Jefferson
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Ash smiled as the doctor said Lucifer was going to be just fine. "That's fantastic!" She exclaimed, smiling up at him. She closed her eyes as the feeling of him running his fingers through her hair settled over her, relaxing her to no end. He sighed in relief, and she smiled. She thought about her home, where her parents waited, and wondered if they even knew she was missing. Probably. They were no doubt calling in countless swat teams right now. What would they think of Lucifer? She smiled again, knowing exactly what they'd think. Very nice boy, Ashlynn, great choice, as long as he treats you well... Ash would laugh and agree, knowing that Lucifer treated her very well, considering he saved her life and all. Love could definitely do strange things to a person.

{having a bit of writer's block, sorry}


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Character Portrait: Ashlynn Pierce Character Portrait: Lucifer Jefferson
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"You know they love You, once they open up to you."

"That's Fantastic!"
Lucifer smiled as she said that. Lucifer knew and hoped things wouldn't go wrong up there. He knew how to get up there and back. Which was a good thing, he's never actually done it before though, which probably won't be a problem at all. ["Well, at least we know we can go soon. 17 hours will go fast. Probably. Are you hungry at all? He asked her, which she may be or not. He can't read minds so he wouldn't know. He looked around the room, and saw the remote for the tv. He stretched his arm out to retrieve it. Bringing his arm in he pressed the on button Flipping through the channels he saw the one Ash was watching early. So he left it on, setting the remote down he looked at her. Smiling he looked back up at the Tv He'd never really seen a show like this before. He never really watched Tv he's outside in a tree or on a roof, or just walking around.

He closed his eyes for a moment, thinking about what's it's like up here, did they have to walk everywhere like they did down here or is it different? He didn't exactly know since he hasn't yet been up there at all in his life, and if he was he doesn't remember it at all, not even a bit. Opening his eyes he looked at the clock, it was now 8:30 am. He smiled knowing now it was only 16 hours left, what could they do to make the time go faster? He must think, but doesn't really know.
(OOC~Completely alright; happens sometimes.)


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dax Mitell Character Portrait: Kimberley Lane
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#, as written by Mashotu
Dax Mitell

"Yes. But if your going to do any of your crazy antics, I would appreciate a heads up so I don't go freaking out again." Kimberly said as she took his hand.

Dax shrugged. "I guess that could be arranged. But if I make a dash for it either follow me closely or pretend you don't know me." He warned, knowing he had a few enemies out there who would try and take advantage of Kim. He pulled the girl close to him as he started walking.

"Is the princess hungry?" He asked, knowing she hadn't eaten yet. Dax looked down the street and noticed a few small cafes that Kimberly might want and or like.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dax Mitell Character Portrait: Kimberley Lane
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#, as written by S1mon

Kimberley Lane

They had certainly not met eye-to-eye when they first met, but in the time that they had shared together despite the times that Dax did annoy her, they did seem to get along somewhat and Kimberley felt that she could trust him, even if she couldn't see his eyes. She certainly hadn't let that go, though she had quite a bit on her mind as part of her thought about things back home while another part thought about things here and Dax. Kimberley couldn't help thinking of others as such was the type of person that she was, even to those that have been a jerk to her yet remain on the top of her mind; her brother since he was still her family regardless, and Dax since he was the only one she knew around here.

She did however remain concerned about the whole jumping out the window without letting her know. She felt that it was in both of their interests that a 'heads up' be made, as it would save her from freaking out and tensing up and as a result, it would save Dax from worrying. Afterall, he did say not to do it again so she wanted to try and not do it, as Dax replied "I guess that could be arranged. But if I make a dash for it either follow me closely or pretend you don't know me". She couldn't help but pull off a thin smile at the latter part of his statement, though her course of action would no doubt be the former with her staying as close to him as possible. Least she knew where she stood with him unlike the others who she had no idea about and with these 'mafia-type' demons about that she wanted to avoid at all costs.

"Is the princess hungry?", Dax asked her. "I'm famished! Screaming takes alot outta ya you know....or maybe not, but still...", she replied as she couldn't see Dax screaming, yelling maybe, before adding, "Depends really on the menu, because if its something gross, I might lose my appetite". Afterall she was in this new world. She had watched from science fiction shows where they are in a new world and their food is completely different and some not very appealing to the eyes, so she hoped there was something or she would struggle until it was time to return home. Kimberley still was trying to get used to the whole 'princess' thing, but she decided to let it be. As long as Dax was with her she'd be fine, so she left finding a place and finding something to eat to Dax. Kimberley wasn't so hard to please, as well as it smelt good, tasted good and filled her up, all was well.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dax Mitell Character Portrait: Kimberley Lane
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#, as written by Mashotu
Dax Mitell

Dax smiled at the girl's words. He pulled her close as he chose a little cafe with an actual French theme. "This is purgatory, not an alien world. The places around here were influenced by humans, shishi~" He said as he quickly grabbed minx. He took the rodent and put him on the ground. "Sorry Minx. You know the drill~"
The little animal seemed to nod and he scampered away through the crowd.

They sat down at a table as Dax didn't even bother to look at the menu. Instead he watched as Kimberly looked through the items to see if anything actually looked good.

Once the waiter came back, Dax said a simple, "Strawberry parfait." before they both turned to Kimberly to decide.


2 Characters Present

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#, as written by S1mon

Kimberley Lane

For a guy that lived dangerously and jumped with her out of the window unwillingly, Kimberley was certainly putting quite the amount of trust in him. When she first arrived, she had all these strange people tell her where she was and taking her to her room, her room had from then on became the only place she felt safe since she was used to where things were, whether the room was given to her as a guest or as a prisoner she didn't really care as long as she was safe. Now she was outside the palace and so far, it didn't sound so pleasant. Dax had told her how the prince hated the mafia-type demons in these parts and how he was here to protect her, well surely both of them would find it easier if they remained near the palace and now Kimberley didn't know where she was going, relying totally on Dax.

Before the Prince was to show her round his home, it seemed getting fed was the first thing on his agenda which she was grateful for. Question was if she was prepared to eat something that looked revolting as guacamole didn't look appealing yet it tasted nice so not all not so nice looking things were horrible. When they first set off, she had noticed that Dax had pulled her closer to him and now had done so again as they went down the small street, no doubt Dax was being cautious since from what she was told, this place had both angels and demons so either of them could be about, unlike in what they called the 'shadowlands' where all the demons dwelt.

"This is purgatory, not an alien world. The places around here were influenced by humans, shishi~", Dax replied which certainly was good to hear, as it at least meant that their food would be decent as without human direction this whole place would go to pot! Thinking about it caused a sly smile upon Kim's face as they walked into the cafe after Dax dismissed little Minx, something about knowing the drill so she assumed that he was probably on the lookout. As soon as she opened up the menu, she was certainly happy as she thought she would be as she was entering a french-orientated cafe. Afterall, the french certainly had a way with food but having so many delicious options before her, she was certainly spoilt with choice but anything would do really. She then heard Dax order a "Strawberry parfait" before silence dawned, her eyes peering from the menu to see the waiter and Dax looking at her, quickly hiding herself behind the menu, only to be faced with the food again. Dang!

As she hid behind the menu, she straightened her face before casually putting the menu down slowly, turning then to the waiter, "I'm hungry and I want something nice but I can't choose, so surprise me. Maybe something with ice cream, love ice-cream...". However if she didn't like it, Kimberley was not one to hold back with her opinion so the hard decision to make was to throw the food at the waiter or at Dax because she felt like it. Tough choices......


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Character Portrait: Dax Mitell Character Portrait: Kimberley Lane
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#, as written by Mashotu
Dax Mitell

Dax laughed when Kimberly just decided to go with an ice cream whatever. He knew that she would get the biggest thing they had. It was something even Dax himself couldn't finish. And that was saying something since he was like a bottomless pit.

The waiter came back holding a simple strawberry parfait and a giant bowl of ice cream. Many different flavors and toppings along with it.

"Ushishi. I knew that was going to happen~ The bowl's bigger than your head~!" Dax said, taking a bite of the delicious strawberry treat. He swore. If he had one true weakness it'd be fucking strawberries. He found it funny how the girl had just woken up and chose ice cream to eat. He'd always been scolded for that ever since he was little. Didn't matter to him though. That's probably what made the sweet treat taste better to him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dax Mitell Character Portrait: Kimberley Lane
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#, as written by S1mon

Kimberley Lane

Dax's choice was certainly something she wasn't expecting, especially something as rich and sweet as strawberries that Dax simply didn't look like the type. It seemed that he did have regard for his life afterall, at least in the food he consumes and enjoying what he was eating. The fact that he didn't need to look at the menu conveyed the idea that he had certainly been here a few times with the requested dish being one he has pretty regularly. Kimberley was going to ask for the same to see what the food was like what he was eating, but over the last few days she had nothing exciting or rich, no doubt as a result of her brothers' jealously around her and Yoh, so she felt she should at least treat herself to something good for a chance.

Afterall, this was a French restaurant and the French were known to be very passionate about their food, so she was curious what they would come up with. Ice cream may sound simply but it pretty much went with anything. Dax seemed to find her choice funny as he laughed about it, but if she knew what boring food she had had lately, maybe then he'd understand. It wasn't like she was asking for a whole bowl of ice cream, hence why she had said something with ice-cream, her first thoughts thinking ice-cream cake, but when the waiter came back with a bowl of ice-cream, though it looked tasty, she was certainly disappointed. She was hoping for something more finesse.

As Dax took a bite of his strawberry parfait, Kimberley moved her ice cream bowl aside so she could drop her head onto the table and groaned, "You guys can't do anything right...", deciding not to ask where the love was as the guys in there might get the wrong idea. Kimberley is not really a fussy eater, it is just that when she gets something that's not what she wants that she starts acting up, so while her head was against the table she's now trying to calm down, trying to rid the urge and throwing the ice cream and plopping it all out on the one who made it. A young female comes in, asks for something with ice-cream and then gives a giant bowl of ice-cream. What idiots! and for a french restaurant aswell.

What made it worse was that it seemed Dax knew what was coming which explained his laugh no doubt. Here we go again! and then the rant which she muttered, "When I ask for something with ice cream, I expect something with! ice cream", before she lifted her head up slightly so her eyes could look upto Dax and said quietly, "and you knew all along and didn't even say a dickie bird, how all this is inspired by humans yet the heart of human ingenuinity isn't there. Look at it, dolloped every ice cream flavour they can find to fatten me up. No. I want something proper like an ice cream cake or sundae since I must spell it out, or go elsewhere and I throw this at someone", facing her head back down on the table.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dax Mitell Character Portrait: Kimberley Lane
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#, as written by Mashotu
Dax Mitell

Dax laughed at the girl. She really was amusing. Knowing that she'd actually follow through on her threats, Dax took a bit of his parfait with a strawberry on top and ate it. He then took Kimberly's spoon and cut through one of the ice cream lumps. Inside, there was a flood of banana slices. "It's not purely ice cream. You're supposed to find the mystery middle." He said, laughing a bit as he cut open another ice cream ball to reveal a brownie. He handed the spoon to Kimberly and took another bite of his own food, a smug grin on his face. "Each ice cream has a different middle."

He had no idea how they were able to make such a weird dish. He's had it before, and it was really good. But he preferred his strawberry ice cream more. Plus... The dish she had had way too little ice cream for him. 'cause in truth there was only about a half an inch (thickness) of ice cream around each middle. "Does this please you more, princess?" He asked. Yes, he found Kimberly's huffy face quite amusing, but he didn't need her to make a scene. "Try things before you judge them. Get to the middle first and then place your thought upon it." Dax said in more of a muttered voice.


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#, as written by S1mon

Kimberley Lane

Kimberley had a picture in her head of what she wanted, but the large bowl of ice cream that had been thrusted infront of her was not what she was envisioned at all. Sure she had asked for something with ice-cream, hence the toppings and all that, but this much for a 'princess' as Dax calls her was way too much. Then again, if she was a 'princess', she wouldn't have to come to a silly place like this but rather stay at the palace and be waited on which would make quite a change from all that she had endured so far since she has been waiting on everybody else, like now as she waited for someone to have some common sense.

Once again, Dax seemed to find this amusing, having her woe as his joy and clearly not making 'his princess' very happy. Sure she may talk a little bit if such is an understatement, but she still had a small mouth regardless and had a petite figure that clearly would of sent a message to a decent waiter with brains that she was not asking for masses, and what happens. "It's not purely ice cream. You're supposed to find the mystery middle", Dax explained as he took her spoon and cut through the ice cream, the first revealing banana slices while another one revealed a brownie before giving her spoon back to her, "Each ice cream has a different middle".

As per usual, the guy sticking up for the other guys as he starts singing praises for the dish presented to her, so why didn't he have this monstrousity too? Because it was too much that's why, even for a big guy like him so how can all this satisfy a small girl like her?! Insane! though weren't they all. "Does this please you more, princess? Try things before you judge them. Get to the middle first and then place your thought upon it". Her eyes looked up as she shook her head as it still did not change the fact it was way too big, as she answered back sarcastically to him, but said such in a hushed tone so that it was just to him, "I know all too well to try things out first, I'm with you aren't I...", before raising her hand and calling, "Waiter...".

The waiter then came over as Kimberley turned down her tone and asked politely, "I'd like a small plate please", as the waiter left to fetch one for her. Before long, he came back with a plate, only to be sent back again, "Oh...can I have a fork too...", before she was finally ready, thanking the waiter and using the spoon to pick up the scoops while the fork rested on the top to make sure it didn't wobble as she took a few scoops onto her small plate, cut into them to see the surprise and decided to just deal with it since there was no point trying to put common sense in their heads because obviously their minds were already at full capacity and they could hardly cope now.

Taking the spoon, she took the ice cream with the banana and swallowed it whole. Out of all fruits, banana's were nice so it would of been alot sweeter and tastier if it was a ice cream and banana cake or just simply a banoffee pie. Least from this experience she knew she had to spell things out or face disappoint. What a lesson, but it still didn't wipe the smug off Dax's face, as took her spoon and flicked the ice cream scoop with the chocolate brownie onto Dax, before returning to eating her ice cream as if nothing has happened and eating so calmly and innocently while a thin smile appeared on her face....


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dax Mitell Character Portrait: Kimberley Lane
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#, as written by Mashotu
Dax Mitell

"I know all too well to try things out first, I'm with you aren't I..." She asked before moving her food around. Before he could say something, she flicked an ice cream lump at him! At him! A prince! And to make things worse, she'd hit him in the face. Problem with that. Half his face was covered. He glared at the girl as he took a napkin and wiped the cold stuff off his face. He closed his eyes as he wiped the ice cream out of his hair too.

"That wasn't very nice, princess." He commented. He tried to brush the bangs back into place and once he was sure they were normal, he opened his eyes again. "Has no one ever taught you table manners?" He asked, laughing a bit as he found himself glancing down at the ice cream on the floor. He took his own spoon and was obviously tempted to throw ice cream back at her. What? She threw something at the prince! She needed to pay. But, instead of falling to temptation, Dax simply took a bite of his food. Why waste such a yummy treat? But, that didn't stop him from sticking his tongue out slightly in her direction. "I will get you back, princess~"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dax Mitell Character Portrait: Kimberley Lane
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#, as written by S1mon

Kimberley Lane

Despite her aura of innocence and the innocent facade she was putting forward right now as she casually was eating her ice-cream, Kimberley was capable to have her 'moments' where she would turn rebellious. Sure she enjoyed Dax's company from time-to-time when he was being sweet and making her question her initial conceptions, but she couldn't help but surrender to the glare he gave her which made her smile, unable to hide her smile any longer. Kimberley wasn't really thinking when she flicked the ice cream at him, thinking it may of landed on his chest, perfect if it landed on his mouth but his hair that he loves so much - priceless!

"That wasn't very nice, princess", which only served to let out some laughter which she quickly covered with her hand and amused herself behind it, avoiding eye contact with him to prevent her bursting into laughter, especially after seeing him tidy his precious hair as she did. Nothing was wrong with that as Kimberley liked guys who took the time to look nice rather than not have a care in the world and just coming to college with a 'bad hair day' every other day, especially after a hang over. It wasn't only the 'bad hair day' that would stop Kimberley from doing the same, but she wholeheartfully felt that drinking was wrong and did bad things to you, her father was a prime example yet her weak mother allowed it and then paid the price for it. She would not do the same.

"Has no one ever taught you table manners?", he asked, which did make her laugh louder behind her hand, quickly loading another spoon as soon as she spotted him grabbing his own spoon, just incase he did the same. She was expecting it, her torpedo was ready to be launched but this time aiming lower to enter his mouth and shut him up, but surprisingly he didn't. It seemed to be a whole change around with Dax, as he first arrived in her bedroom being all cocky, saying what he liked, did what he liked, disliked her scolding when she told him to act like a prince and now he was telling her to use manners. Oh the irony! Kimberley thought he might like it since he liked a bit of fun which she decided to oblige to.

"I will get you back, princess", he added as he stuck his tongue out at her. Kimberley straightened her face and raised her eyebrow, "Get me back? That was me getting my own back after you freak me out jumping out of a window and now you want your own back for a little ice cream that went into your hair. You poor thing...", ending on a intended sympathetic note for the Prince. He was anything but poor, though he was poor in a way. Kimberley had never been rich but she felt rich despite everything going on with her family since she had Yoh but she did not even have Yoh anymore due to her brothers' unfounded jealously. When Dax first referred to her as a 'princess' she denied it, but now she was getting to used to it. Afterall, she was getting all this for free so who was she to complain. Well.....

"As for manners, you should stick your tongue in", she remarked at him before returning to her ice-cream. However, she couldn't help but flick another before covering her eyes and laughing, "So...Sorry....Couldn't help it..", as she worked on calming herself down. His face before was priceless that she couldn't help but do it again, though she aimed a little lower this time to get his mouth so it wouldn't be so bad...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dax Mitell Character Portrait: Kimberley Lane
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#, as written by Mashotu
Dax Mitell

Dax actually saw the impending item this time and opened his mouth to catch it. This... Was a bad mistake. Right when he swallowed the ice cream, Dax frowned. He hated mint. He liked much sweeter things such as strawberry or vanilla. "You are a very mean princess. The prince hates mint..." He stated, taking a bite of his food to get rid of the gross taste.

Dax was not happy about either ice cream incident, but he couldn't help but enjoy the sound of her laughter. He actually rarely heard it besides his own. And her laugh sounded like tinkling bells. His thoughts were stopped when he felt minx climb up his back, placing himself in the prince's hair. The animal knocked the tiara off of Dax's head which only made Dax pick both the critter and tiara up.

He placed Minx on his lap so that the civilians wouldn't be scared at the fact that there were rodents in the cafe. "You're supposed to be outside." He muttered, placing the tiara back in his hair. Many people wondered why he always wore a tiara instead of a crown. The reason was because this was what he was given. His mother gave it to him to mock him, but he pretended like it didn't hurt his pride and pretended to love it. It was worth it to see the face she made. It looked as if she'd been back handed.

"We should leave. Minx is bored." Dax stated, ignoring the animal that was now gnawing softly on his finger. 'Or hungry...' Dax added as an after-thought.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dax Mitell Character Portrait: Kimberley Lane
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#, as written by S1mon

Kimberley Lane

As expected, it seemed that Dax did not comment on his earlier stunt, so she assumed that he merely accepted her statement and that her act was her getting her own back for him making her freak out. Afterall, girls were not designed to be the strong type like Dax but rather the caring and emotional type, though perhaps that is only the stereotypical girl or rather average girls as there are those who go beyond this norm to become more like a tomboy to show they can be just as strong as the guys. Kimberley however was not so strong physically, but mentally she was and emotionally she was. When it came to strength, Kimberley looked on the positive aspects that everyone had a strength, everyone had a weakness, everyone had a good side and everybody had a bad side. What made a person different however is of course how they portray themselves, Dax obviously portraying the 'bad guy' persona despite there being more to him than meets the eye or he wouldn't be so watchful of her.

Kimberley was usually quiet and works hard, though inside there was a more rebel at heart who didn't mind taking risks, afterall she had stood up to her father which was a huge risk before her brother came to her rescue, before taking the risk to live with her brother, only to find out there was more to him and that being his sister was not enough, risking herself further when he approached her before she struck back and ran, who knows what would of happened if she had not. Nevertheless, there was some risks that were worth taking.

As soon as she launched the ice cream ball from her spoon, she smiled when Dax opened his mouth to catch which scored a goal. Her initial thoughts was that Dax decided to have fun afterall, since his moan before sounded more like her when she didn't want to get out of bed, but when he frowned afterwards it seems he wasn't so happy. "You are a very mean princess. The prince hates mint...", before resorting to his own food. Kimberley smiled before returning back to her ice cream, intention only to eat a little rather than all of it as it still was way too much, ice cream cake or sundae would of been much better, but least she got rid of two ice cream balls by throwing them at Dax.

Her attention was distracted back to Dax when she heard something fall, looking towards Dax to see Dax bending to the floor, his silver tiara returning to his hair to once again be buried. She wondered how that happened, before remembering Minx had done that before, so hearing him mutter confirmed her suspicions that Minx was with them. "We should leave. Minx is bored". Kimberley nodded, before testing Dax, "You going to help me out my chair?", seeing as that was what gentleman do, but as an afterthought he was occupied with hiding Minx or at least that's an excuse he'd come up with. "I'll do myself...", pushing herself out and then tucking the chair in before following Dax closely since he would not want her straying away. "So where now?", she asked.

(OOC: Sorry for slow reply)


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlynn Pierce Character Portrait: Lucifer Jefferson
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"Well, at least we know we can go soon. 17 hours will go fast. Probably. Are you hungry at all?" Ash shook her head, smiling at Lucifer. "No, for some reason I don't really get hungry as often here as I do back home." She looked over at the TV and saw the show from earlier come back on, and she gasped in delight. "Ooh, yay! This is the good part!" She settled down, curled against Lucifer but being careful not to hurt him, and watched.