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Halcyon Eberstark

I am more than my sword

0 · 373 views · located in Celnaria

a character in “Final Fantasy: The Chronicle Of Odin”, as played by Elyon



"Be kind, friend. Everyone need something."

Race: Miqo'te

Gender: Female

Nation: The Kingdom Of Ahn'Veria

Class: Fighter
Weapon Type: Greatsword

Age: 16

Zodiac: Gemini (may 21 – jun 21)
Key Traits: Versatile, sociable, inquisitive, inventive, absent-minded, conniving, fidgety, short attention span.

Blood Type: Type B
Key Traits: Creative, passionate, optimistic, flexible, forgetful, irresponsible, individualistic.


Level: 5
EXP: 1/5


HP: 185
P.ATK: 28 P.DEF: 22
M.ATK: 17 M.DEF: 18

Strength: 10/24
Vitality: 14/24
Agility: 7/22
Speed: 6/22
Magic: 3/14
Spirit 5/14

Job and Magic Abilities

Provoke - Level 1
With targeted taunts, the Swordmaster can draw an opponent’s wrath, distracting them from more vulnerable targets. You will have hate so long as either of the two are true.. Your overall damage output upon the target remains higher then everyone else... or I as a GM continue rolling evens on my dice every time its the enemie's turn/action.

Mighty Strike – Level 8
Focusing on a lone opponent, the Fighter gathers her strength for an all-or-nothing blow in the hopes of striking some weak point – a rent in the armor, a loose scale, a vulnerable underbelly. After you use this ability me as GM will roll a die. If even you will strike the monster for 10x P.DEF as damage. Can only be used once per battle.

Third Eye – Level 15
Third Eye allows a Fighter to automatically evade the next Physical attack that successful hits them. Can be used once every 3 post in a battle.

Scream – Level 22
With an ear-shattering battlecry, the Fighter releases her chi reserves in a blood-colored explosion of power, suffusing every fiber of her being with energy. Scream grants the user 1x strength as vitality and agility for 10 post. Can only be used once per battle.

Quick Hit – Level 29
The Fighter leaps to the attack in a blur of motion, striking and retreating in a split second. Quick Hit inflicts 10 x AGI as Physical damage on the targeted combatant, striking automatically. In addition to the damage dealt, the fighter may then attack in the same post counting as a normal attack. May use this every 2 post.

Double Cut – Level 36
The Fighter moves with flawless speed and accuracy, delivering a devastating one-two strike against a hapless opponent. Double Cut consists of two separate attacks, each of which automatically strikes
the targeted combatant for 5x P.DEF damage. You basically will attack twice in one post... You can only use this every 3 post each attack counts as one normal attack.

First Strike – Level 43
As a fighter you basically can rush in and hit the monster freely when you engage in battle. The attack will not be blocked and you can use ANY ability – Including Mighty Strike. Let me say that this is the best decision for grabbing complete control using Mighty Strike + Provoke combo.

Slash-all – Level 50
Gathering her chi, the Fighter dissolves into a blur of movement, circling around her opponents to rain blows from every side and angle. Slash-All allows the Fighter to inflict 20x STR damage on every eligible combatant in the targeted Group.

Final Attack – Level 57
By drawing on her last reserves of energy, the Fighter can ignore even the most grievous of wounds, striking one final blow when it’s least expected. When triggered, Final Attack allows the Fighter to make one Action. Resolve the effects of this Action immediately, even if it normally would require a Charge Time. Once this is done, the Fighter is rendered Unconscious; the only way to prevent this from happening is by using the Final Attack on an effect that cancels Unconscious. You use this to deal 50x P.DEF, Once this is used – you are unconcious and your HP falls to 0... This does not mean death therefore “raise/Life” will not work... At the end of a battle your character will wake up... with only 1 HP. Know to those curious If this is OP or not – It's really not... If it ever comes to a PVP match which is possible if he or another betrays the group then it is basically dumbed down to 15x P.DEF.

Finishing Touch – Level 64
By bringing her weapon around in a wide sweep, the Fighter creates a howling vortex of chi to engulf the target. The fighter will defeat all targets reducing their HP to 0 (for bosses it's 50%) If I roll a number twice when this is used. I will give two chances after that - it is on cooldown til the next battle.


Language – Common Tongue - 10
The standard Human tongue, lingua franca on most worlds. Most, if not all, adventurers will be fluent in this language to one degree or another. This Skill is given to all starting characters, regardless of Job.

Language - Bahsa Miqo'te - 25
The Miqo'te language is constructed around a relatively limited set of words, placing heavy emphasis on prefixes and context instead. In a tongue where ‘I’m very happy’ and ‘I’m deeply sorry’ are just two phonetically similar words apart, the opportunities for embarrassment are nigh-on endless.

Default Attribute: Strength (STR) Type: Intuitive
Whether it's light free-climbing or full-fledged mountaineering, a character with this Skill can scale vertical surfaces with a reasonable degree of success. One or more Task Checks may be needed for a successful ascent; in the event of a failure, no progress is made. A Botch will always result in a fall, with consequences depending on the severity of the drop.

Default Attribute: Magic (MAG) Type: Intuitive
By using landmarks, the stars, and other environmental features, a character with this Skill can travel from location to location without losing his way. In addition, the character's well-honed sense of direction can be a valuable asset in mazes and other confusing locales. One Task Check is required for the character to find his way; subsequent Task Checks may be required in the case of particularly long or complex routes.

Default Attribute: Agility (AGI) Type: Intuitive
A character with this Skill knows the basics of staying on and controlling a mount like a Chocobo. One Task Check is required to mount up and begin riding; depending on the conditions, additional Task Checks may need to be made during the course of the ride.

Default Attribute: Spirit (SPR) Type: Intuitive
This Skill gives a character the ability to act and speak diplomatically regardless of the circumstances, observing and respecting the sensibilities of others. A successful Task Check allows a character to discern the most appropriate code of conduct in a given situation, and act accordingly; a failure results in the character misinterpreting the situation, with potentially disasterous results. Botches will almost always result in a diplomatic gaffe of the first order.

Default Attribute: Agility (AGI) Type: Learned
A character with this Skill can open locks on doors, treasure chests and anything else others consider worth securing with a few tools, a little elbow grease and a successful Task Check. A Botch results in the lock being broken or otherwise damaged, preventing future attempts at picking it.

Default Attribute: Agility (AGI) Type: Intuitive
This Skill covers larger bladed weapons, including Light Swords, Swords, Greatswords, and Katanas.

Default Attribute: Agility (AGI) Type: Intuitive
A character with this Skill is flexible and coordinated enough to execute complex acrobatic maneuvers. A single Task Check is required for a set of maneuvers or feat of balance. Conditional Modifiers depend on both the complexity of the manuevers and the circumstances. The consequences for failure hinge on the feat being attempted.

Default Attribute: Magic (MAG) Type: Intuitive
This Skill measures a character’s collective sensory awareness. In the field, it is mainly used to spot hidden items, secret passages, and other incongruities that might not be noticeable at first glance. At higher levels, Characters with this Skill gain a certain sixth sense when it comes to spotting potential dangers or noticing when something isn’t quite right – a con-man attempting to swindle the party out of its Gil with counterfeit Elixirs is just as likely to get the neck-hairs tingling as a dozen slavering beasts waiting in ambush around the corner. (As a GM I will be the one to say if those with this skill realize anything)

Default Attribute: Agility (AGI) Type: Intuitive
Everyone gets caught sometimes. For this reason, the ability to slip out of a tight bind can prove to be a valuable asset. A character with this Skill can use a successful Task Check to worm his way out of rope, manacles, or chains. Failure simply means a character remains trapped, while a Botch can easily result in injury, tangled bonds, or suspicious captors checking in to see what all the racket is about…

TRADE - 20
Default Attribute: Magic (MAG) Type: Learned
A character with this Skill knows her way around the art of buying cheap and selling dear. A successful Task Check can be used to locate merchants and shops in the immediate area, or can be used to appraise the authenticity and value of an item.

CRAFTING(Weaponsmithing) - 15
Default Attribute: Magic (MAG) Type: Learned
A character with this Skill can create items of varying size and complexity from scratch. Crafting is specific to a type of manufacture, the most prominent of which are Crafting (Armorsmithing), Crafting (Carpentry), Crafting (Tailoring), Crafting (Tinkering) and Crafting (Weaponsmithing).

Default Attribute: Vitality (VIT) Type: Intuitive
A character with this Skill has the training to float, swim, and dive in water and other liquids. Normal swimming requires a successful Task Check to stay afloat and get to a destination, while more Task Checks may be required for long or difficult stretches of swimming. Failed Swimming rolls leave the character in danger of drowning – he must make another Task Check with additional modifiers to pull himself back up. If he fails the second Test, outside intervention may be necessary. Botches always have disasterous consequences. Diving requires a Task Check if a character is attempting to reach a particular location underwater, if he remains submerged for longer periods of time, and if he attempts to take an action underwater.

Default Attribute: Magic (MAG) Type: Intuitive
By combining clues with old-fashioned instinct, a character with this Skill can track a quarry – animal, human, or otherwise – over a distance. A character must make an initial Task Check to pick up a target's trail; more Task Checks may be required to stay on the trail if following the target over longer distances. Any failures during the tracking process mean that the character has lost the target, though the GM may allow her to make another Task Check with an increased modifier in order to resume pursuit. (If we ever come to a chase scene I will keep you informed if any checks will be needed – remember checks are totally up to you and I expect you to be fair.. It is ok for your character to get us lost at some point to add more to the game lol.



Ancient History
Effect: The character has a deep, abiding connection to an ancient civilization or vanished race. In many cases, such a heritage will not be obvious until later in the game; only when the party discovers fragments of said civilization will her knowledge and powers fully manifest themselves. While such ties will be useful to the party, they will also draw the attention of opponents scheming to use them for their own ends.

Ancient History - Distant continent Miqo'te nation upon the continent of Beldorian

You as a Mi'qote come from a distant nation upon the continent of Beldoran. The nation is called "Mi'ro" but this information is unknown and has been unheard of for over 600-800 years. That long ago was the time your ancestors moved to Celnaria and lived among the Vidarians.. To how it all happened and why you are here... may or may not be revealed but to you your life is normal and are unaware that your family even had their own society.

Effect: Noble blood runs through the character’s veins, placing them a few notches above the average adventurer. Characters with this kind of background may not always have kingdoms and other holdings to call their own; in some cases, they may be illegitimate heirs or outcasts from their own domain.

Nobility -- Although much of the family's generation since stepping foot on Celnaria has been forgotten completely and is untalked about, the Kiranasi family hails the status of being a highly noble family in the tribal civilization , Mi'ro. Though those who have come to Celnaria have forgotten this Lineage therefore do not know anymore. Although it has been 600-800 years and a greater family holds the throne the Kiranasi family is still noble and is inside the history books... You very well could be the last of the family and may be greeted with quite a surprise but what will the current family in power think...?


Effect: Somebody is after the character. Perhaps it’s a crime lord looking to collect on a debt, or an evil sorcerer on the search for suitable a sacrifice; regardless of the reasons, the character will spend an inordinate amount of time dodging a seemingly endless stream of thugs, henchmen, and troublemakers. Player and GM should decide why the character is wanted in the first place, and whether the terms specify ‘dead’ or ‘alive’.

Hunted – After the Noble family “Purjean” family of Mi'Ro have found out of your existence during our story... They have began to get quite cautious and paranoid. They enjoy the power and have no interest in losing it therefore have sent a band of Miqo'te Mercnenaries to kill you... during the RP. This will be during RP so leave this out of your history.

Effect: The character has been knocking around long enough to pick up friends, acquaintances and contacts almost everywhere in the world; not always in the highest or most exalted of positions, but almost always useful in the right sort of situation.

Interestingly your character has family that have recently moved to Alexander in the last 5-8 years. This could be the reason you are in Alexander at the beginning for your story all began with a visit.. The family in Alexander is known as the Miroshi Family consisting of a husband and wife obviously uncle and aunt. The uncle runs the Mercenary guild from Alexander and have positioned a mercenary branch for each nation. As a GM - I will be the ones controlling the aunt and uncle.

Effect: The character belongs to a group that faces active discrimination in society at large. Whether for racial, religious, or class reasons, the reality is that there’s plenty of people willing to make the character’s life unpleasant.

You are in the Mercenary guild of the Ahn'Veria branch (You now live in Ahn'Veria). You do not hold complete allegiance due to the fact you do not have the trait but you are indeed a part of it.. Perhaps you did it for your uncle or you did it for money... None the less - The knights of the Kingdom and some of Ahn'verian's people feel you are un-needed therefore have been gained a reputation of being called worthless by other branches. Your uncle knows you're not and therefore has given you the opportunity to prove in the festival... (Thats why you're in Alexander) Many other people follow these rumors and will exclaim about it as you travel around Celnaria. As a gm I will control some of the events revolving these stigmatic events - you yourself can also control this but just nothing that will change the story completely.


Effect: While the definition of 'attractive' continues to be hotly debated in pubs the world over, a character with this Advantage taps into some timeless, universal standard of beauty that never quite goes out of fashion.

Bottomless Pockets
Effect: You never realize how valuable a strategically-bent piece of wire is until you’re staring at the inside of a locked prison door. In keeping with this philosophy, the character has an odd or end for every situation. I will tell you when this trait can come in... you won't be able to do it yourself.

Heightened Senses
Effect: The character has enhanced hearing, smell, or sight, allowing her to spot things that would normally not be obvious.

Effect: The character suffers from a deep-seated, pathological fear of something – heights, insects, fire, darkness, root vegetables, Malboros… Decide the object of fear in question when first choosing this Trait; the character will not willingly expose themselves to it unless circumstances leave them with no other alternative.

Her phobias are heights and flying. Airships mostly.

Effect: The character is plagued by vivid flashbacks to a past she can’t entirely remember. So powerful are these flashbacks that she essentially ‘relives’ the experience, losing all connection to the outside world.

Traveling Sickness
Effect: Sailboats. Trains. Cars. Airships. Put a character with Traveling Sickness on a moving vehicle, and what happens next is far from pretty.



Halcyon has the appearance of a simple 16 year old Miqo'te. She stands at a modest 1.5 m and weighs a meager 55 kg. Her slight stature often leads to underestimation of her abilities. She is quite strong for her size and is a formidable opponent, not to be taken lightly. Her life as a fighter demands her body to be kept in top shape. Thus, most of her weight is strong muscle that is hidden beneath her modest armor. Her innocent feline face only adds to the misconception of her weakness. With her large brown eyes and soft, slick fur covering her ears, she can easily be mistaken as a docile creature. One of the few obvious visual cues to her strength and ability are the tattoos on her face. Three lines upon each cheek is a traditional marking of powerful Miqo'te warriors, though the light color denotes that she is merciful.

Upon joining the Mercenary Guild, Halcyon traded her bright, more revealing clothes (the standard for most Miqo'te) for earth-toned armor. The strong leather covered her long sleeved, tough burlap shirt. It wasn't the most comfortable of attire, but it protected her from stray sword swipes. She had added thick leather gloves to the ensemble to protect her hands. The leather of her chest piece came to a pleated skirt that allowed her mobility without sacrificing protection. Her pants her a light material that didn't offer much in the way of physical resistance, but kept her warm. Her favorite possession is the amulet that her uncle had given her when she joined the Mercenary Guild; it was a family heirloom. She wore it always and tucked under her shirt, it's thick leather strap visible. Her greatsword, when not in use, is strapped to her back so that the handle is visible above her right shoulder. Most Mercenaries use this as an intimidation tactic, while Halcyon just uses it to keep her sword from dragging on the ground. The sword itself is crafted from a fine layered steel with a beautifully detailed hilt. It is her second most prized possession and another gift from her uncle upon joining the guild.


Though her understanding of the human language is broken at best, she works hard to be clear and respectful while dealing with clients, targets, and anyone else she comes into contact with. Although her innocent, pretty face certainly helps her along with negotiations. Despite her kind and fair attitude, she is not above resorting to trickery to get her way, though it won't happen often. She has a thirst for knowledge that is hard to satisfy in her work as a mercenary, but she continues to train and improve at her job to please her uncle. She picked up quite a bit of knowledge working with such highly trained professionals, such as carrying an array of items that she can use in a bind and tips on making clean escapes when a job doesn't end as planned. Despite all of her growth, there are a few detrimental things she hasn't managed to surpass. Her long instilled fears of flying have kept her from travelling the land as much as she wants to, but this is only increased by her severe travelling sickness. She can hardly even ride a Chocobo without feeling extremely ill. Thus, she has trained to be swift, so she can rely on her feet most of the time. She isn't great at swimming either. Really, she just likes to keep her feet flat on the ground.

Halcyon doesn't especially care for being alone, she's learned that there is safety in numbers. Especially in her line of work. Though when it can't be helped, she is quick to find something to distract her. She will often begin fiddling with a contraption before abandoning it all together. She is often forgetting to put things back together once she's dismantled them, much to her team's chagrin.

She is often seen as the most merciful of the Mercenaries, but not so much that she can be duped with fake sob stories. In each battle, Halcyon will often take the brunt of the force, inflicting damage where she can. To her, each blow is proof that she is worth her place in the Mercenaries guild. Many of the people from her home take her only at face value, seeing a weak little girl instead of the proud warrior that she is. They scoff at her choice of weapon, seeing that it is nearly as big as she is. With each comment, they push her to train harder and prove her strength.


Birth to Age 4

Born to a couple of Mercenaries in West Ahn'Veria, it wasn't a surprise for Halcyon to be expected to continue the family tradition of joining the Mercenary Guild. It was a surprise, however, that she was female. Her family had a history of only birthing strong males that would lead the Mercenary armies once they had been contracted and were in the highest demand for small jobs. Halcyon's mother, Rho'ann, passed away soon after giving birth to her. This too was common in the Mercenary Guild. Bhee, her father, was certainly not well equipped to raise a female. This is not to say that he was any less loving than a normal father. He put Halcyon over business on a regular basis, causing him a lot of pain with the Guild Master, his brother-in-law.

Before she could walk, Halcyon could climb. She loved being in trees or spying on people from above. The humes in the guild called it "feline instinct". She loved using her natural affinity for awareness training to spot hidden treasures and forgotten items. Often, she would show off her superior climbing and acrobat skills to the other children. Her amazing Miqo'te instincts for flexibility and grace were only increased by her father's training. However, her instincts failed her as she grew too cocky and climbed to the top of the tallest tree in Ahn'Veria. She had almost reached the top when a gust of wind blew her off balance. She couldn't regain her grip on the tree and fell. Her injuries were grievous, but she had been lucky she hadn't died. Despite her love for climbing, she soon developed a phobia of anything higher and 10 feet off the ground.

Age 5 to Age 9

Once she had grown enough and was able to hold a knife, her father began her training. He taught her that the Miqo'te's strongest weapons are their keen senses and agility, but that their most valuable asset is family. To the Eberstark clan, family and the guild are synonymous. There weren't many children at one time, but the ones raised within the guild would often be spoiled by the other members. Most would help the children train or spar with them. There was one man, Mahla, that was seen as exceptionally cruel towards his targets. He was often the monster in every child's tale. His large Roegadyn stature made him tower over everyone else and gave him a sinister look. He was the stuff of Nightmares. One night, Halcyon and two other children were playing in the armory. Mahla entered with his usual menacing stance and with one look, the other children had taken off. Halcyon, on the other hand, remained; not frightened by the man. She admired his great strength and the honor he held in their Guild. After that night, Mahla announced that he had taken a special liking to Halcyon and he would take her under his wing as an apprentice once she reached the age.

Age 10 to Age 14

Halcyon's training under Mahla took a much different path than her father's. While her father focused on standard Miqo'te training, Mahla allowed her to explore the different choices of weaponry. She didn't have much trouble with any of the weapons until she reached the Greatsword. The sword was thick and heavy, she could hardly even lift it. With a mighty cry of stubbornness, she hoisted the sword onto her shoulder. She stood proud, gleaming at her mentor, but the weight of the sword shifted, causing her to lose her balance and face-plant into the ground. Despite her embarrassing tumble, she never lost her grin. Though many scoffed at her weapon of choice and it went against all of her training, Halcyon knew she had picked correctly. She had always been able to take quite a few hits before falling to an opponent and her abilities had only improved with her practice. Not once did Mahla question her decision, he only changed her training to further her skills in her chosen weapon.

Mahla had more to teach her than how to sling around a weapon. Though their language barrier certainly made this more difficult. Halcyon, despite growing up in a town with all of the races, spoke exclusively Bahsa Miqo'te. She knew some words in the common tongue, but her father insisted on speaking the Miqo'te language with her, to keep to their traditions. Mahla was patient with her as she progressed in learning the new language. Once she had learned enough to be understood with some minor translations, he began teaching her etiquette. Despite Mahla's fierce outward appearance, he was respectful and was usually the voice that spoke with clients. He always knew exactly what to say. Halcyon easily picked up on the skill with her polite, friendly personality, so it was mostly focused on her ability to understand the other party and making sure she is understood. He trained her from a young age to overcome her bodily limitations, such as height and appearance, and to use them to her advantage.

When Halcyon was around 13, her father was hired to defend a lord from a far off land. Halcyon knew that there were branches closer to the man's home, but he wanted the very best. She was used to her father leaving for a few weeks and then coming back like no time had passed. This time was different. Her father, and most of the other men from the guild that had also been contracted, didn't return. It was a lone messenger that reported an ambush of the lord's enemies that resulted in many guild casualties. Halcyon was lost for a while after that. She slacked in training and ate little. Just when her strength seemed to be all but gone, Mahla hastily grabbed her by the collar of her shirt, lifting her from the ground. "Are you making your father proud?" He snarled into her face. Her knowledge of the human language was still basic, but she understood pride. This event snapped her out of the depression that had been brewing and renewed her determination to succeed.

Age 15

Halcyon had finally reached the age where she could officially join the Mercenary Guild. She wasn't sure that joining the guild was what she wanted, but it was what was expected of her. Thus, she relented and continued in the guild. The process lasted a few months and required many tests of her abilities. Normally, the induction would take a year, but as she had grown up in the thick of things, the Master allowed her the speedy trials. The final ceremony was the first time she met her uncle, the Guild Master. At first, she couldn't believe that she was related to someone that held so much respect in the guild. It seemed that most of the other members had forgotten as well. In a hushed murmur, they witnessed Tsukiya Miroshi pass on an amulet and gift her with a beautiful sword.

Once she had been accepted into the guild, people began to treat her differently, as though she wasn't a child anymore. The men of the guild began to look at her with more respect. The females, had started including her in their group. She then began her training at navigation, as always knowing where you are can be the deciding factor in a face off with the enemy. Mahla remained her partner as she started new regimens of training. She picked up lock picking and the art of escaping due to hearing of an increase in ambushes. She wanted to be in the strongest position possible, even as a prisoner. Every Mercenary is required to learn a craft. Halcyon followed in her mentor's footsteps as a weaponsmith. It wasn't her favorite thing in the world, but it gave her a little extra money when mercenary work was slow. She gained more knowledge on bartering with citizens than actually making weapons. Her swords were alright, but she could sell it to someone for double the price on a good day.

After spending a year in doing actual mercenary work, Halcyon had gotten the hang of most of what the job entailed. She hated who she was paid to hate and killed who she was paid to kill, within reason. She wasn't sure how she felt about killing or hating anyone, but it was expected of her. Despite her experience, people in the town would often argue when she was assigned to them. She was weak and frail, they said. She would blow away in the wind; how can she defend a town, or take down a man twice her size. She proved them wrong time and again, but still, they doubt her.

So begins...

Halcyon Eberstark's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alsa Crescent Character Portrait: Mobobo Character Portrait: Jaspon Morgan Character Portrait: Halcyon Eberstark
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0.00 INK


Dragoon (Level 4)


HP: 104


White Mage (Level 4)


HP: 66


Alexander (Duke's Palace)

"I have one question concerning the possessed monster we defeated"

Mobobo and Alsa squinted there eyes slightly with focus as he continued his question. They knew to a point that it had to have been coming. The boy had been quite focused on that since it all started. Alsa sighed and began to gesture with her hand raising it up before speaking but was cut off by the duke himself who was still rather calm and patient. It wasn't that the girl felt completely senseless towards the boy and his friend but there was no real way of knowing who the person was when he was so cloaked. The duke grumbled slightly pressing his index finger to his head.

"mmm.. No, I'm afraid not, in fact I didn't get reports of anyone suspicious. The only thing we can accurately determine is that It was indeed a Dark Magic user. One other thing we may claim is that he or she may be a agent of Odin's army. This is alas another reason why we're heading too the other nations because perhaps they may have more knowledge then we know." He sighed before crossing his arms in thought. The man couldn't help but move his hand over his blond waved back hair.

Mobobo seemed to be lost in thought when the duke answered the human black mage at the point but she didn't reveal anything until she noticed the silence. She looked among everyone in the room including the captain and only shrugged to hear Alsa suddenly begin walking out. The Taru couldn't help but wonder why this girl was so mysterious in her own way yet she could see that the girl did have some mild interest.

"I guess that is our que" the white mage said. The captain walked out the door opening them wide enough for everyone and shortly stopped seeing Alsa waiting in the hall. Everyone else seemed to follow behind excluding the Duke who had went back into his train of thought upon his throne. The walking order seemed to change as the captain was now in front of everyone followed by Alsa, Jaspon and then Mobobo. It had been a relatively quick walk as they walked down the elegant red carpet. They would be able to acknowledge the radiant warmth of the light as they walked down the palace halls seeing pictures of the previous dukes and famous heroes. Eventually they finally heard the engine from a far and it only grew louder. The captain bowed once he reached the door to the royal port and allowed access for the three to go on without him.

When the three went up the stairs that had been in there pathway. A relatively tall man, wearing engineer gear and holding a toolbox walked up to them.

"Oi! She be ready to take on the eight seas of hell and best the winds of Garuda when we begin! The name is Cid and I'm happy to be of service. C'mon over lads and I'll start us up." He said only seconds later look down seeing Mobobo with a rather mad face.

"Oh! My my lassy, My apologies. I didn't see you standing there! You folk are small and my eyes are becoming weaker as I age!"

Mobobo shook her head walking passed the rest of the group with a shrug. Alsa couldn't help but giggle yet at the same time follow the white mage. Everyone seemed to walk into the ship and only moments later It had taken off.

two hours later (Halcyon)

The elvaan city of Ahn'veria spotted Cid's airship from a far and the knight who was on watch quickly made haste to the Queen. She was in thought at first but quickly after a few seconds made the decision to get the infamous Mercenary Guild of there branch to come forth. Moments at the guild hall, Halcyon did see the royal knights come in with the order before talking to the guildmaster of that branch. She did catch some of it but couldn't hear it all. After they left he comes to you and explains that "you are to escort Cid and anyone on that ship to the Queen". Surprisingly you knew that this job would only be for the better to increase your branch's reputation even if its something so small as this and don't have a problem with it too much. Soon after two other guild mates join you for this escort and you quickly go out to the port ready. Some royal knights look at you with smirks or so but nothing with too much hatred. After waiting about fifteen minutes the ship arrives and you and your two guild mates walk up with a good amount of distance between you and the exit of the ship. When the airship stops and five minutes pass, everyone walks out in this order: Cid, Mobobo, Jaspon, Alsa.

Alsa sighs as she intakes yet another atmosphere, relatively cleaner then Alexander but definitely city based area. The cremiere stretched with her eyes nearly closing only to notice the three in front of them. "Eh... A welcoming party...?" She thought to herself. Cid walked up observing the three. A Mi'qote, A Roegadyn and A Tarutaru, all in rather standard adventurer attire.

"There be a problem with parking her ere? I only hope I didn't come at the worst time. Either way, I'm only the navigator. Who you seek are these three. I am afraid that we did catch a minor storm with the wind so I'll have to do some inspections but please do come in if there is a problem"

Alsa and Mobobo shook there heads. Even to Alsa it was obvious the man didn't know whom he was talking to and being recognized, he must have had to see that they were not of the royal army. Mobobo finally rose her hand walking out a little ways as she motioned Cid to return to his ship which he did.

"He is right though, Whom might you be exactly, you do not where the royal armor so I do have to ask this and another reason is that.... You stand in our way" The Taru said.

"She is right... You see we're in a hurry so if you're just looking to try to pick pocket. You best stand aside"

"No no! We're not thiefy-weefies! We came to escort you to the Queen! Right? Tell them Halcyon!" The male taru said near the Mi'qote. The galka was just silent but nodded with his hands in front of him obvious he had no intention or want to fight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alsa Crescent Character Portrait: Mobobo Character Portrait: Jaspon Morgan Character Portrait: Halcyon Eberstark
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0.00 INK


Black Mage (Level 4)

EXP: 3/5

Alexander – Duke's Palace

HP: 54
MP: 25

Jaspon only nodded at the information. It failed to improve his mood. He had hoped for someway of saving his friend, but that spark within had been extinguished. It had withered and died at the Duke's words. 'So, he's working with Odin.' The teen was at least reassured with the knowledge that no one knew who it was other than himself. Not even Mobobo or Alsa. while he had given a little information, there was still some hidden which protected the identity of Mauv. Following the others, a thoughtful look on his face,
Jaspon let his mind wander to wherever to led to. His mind returned only briefly to smirk at Cid's comment on Mobobo's height before slipping back into his thoughts.

For almost the entire ride on the airship, Jaspon stood leaning on the railings, looking off into the distance and wondering why his mentor had ever decided to let him go off into the world. While eager to see the world, and experience magic in real life situations, he had tried, and failed, to convince his mentor to reconsider. Despite knowing he was ready concerning his magical knowledge, he didn't feel ready to take on the world. It just didn't feel like his time. Pushing his thoughts away, he instead focused his mind on the view before him until the ground once again came in to clear sight.


Jaspon stepped out after Cid and Mobobo cautiously to meet the strangers, his staff raised slightly, a faint glow coming from the crystal as his hands warmed. It was not a very reassuring sight, though they were currently equal in numbers. 'But are we equal in strength?' Jaspon asked himself with a frown of worry. After Cid left them, Jaspon stepped closer to Mobobo. She may be annoying, but as a white mage her fighting capabilities were limited so she might need some help if things got bad. He didn't relax, but lowered the staff slightly, it's glow still covering the mages.

"No no! We're not thiefy-weefies! We came to escort you to the Queen! Right? Tell them Halcyon!" Jaspon followed the man's eyes to the girl in their group. She didn't seem very combat ready, but he knew from experience not to judge someone's fighting ability based solely on their appearance. He narrowed his eyes slightly, noticeably, but not maliciously.
"Do you really expect us to take your word? We know nothing of you. How are we to know this is not some trick?" He wanted to believe them, but a familiar caution danced at the edge of his mind. The black mage readied his staff slightly, as subtly as he could manage given the situation and its warning light. If anything were to happen, at least he'd be ready. He awaited their answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alsa Crescent Character Portrait: Mobobo Character Portrait: Jaspon Morgan Character Portrait: Halcyon Eberstark
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Elyon

Fighter(level 5)

EXP: 1/5

HP: 185


Noticing the group's discomfort, Halcyon took a step forward with her empty hands clearly displayed. "We no harm. We mercenaries from Ahn'Verian guild branch. Friend is telling truth. Our Queen asks you come and we get you there safe." Halcyon paused for a moment to consider the newcomer's positions. They didn't appear aggressive, merely defensive. She desperately hoped that this meeting would go smoothly. Already, townspeople thought she was a useless addition to the guild, being a small female. Perhaps she could display her diplomatic ability when dealing with travelers. "Everyone on ship come along, a man name..." she paused again trying to remember the name, "...Cid."

She glanced around the faces of the three remaining ship members, her face honest, gauging their aggressiveness. Halcyon swallowed hard, this wasn't the first time that she had an escorting missions. Those were fairly common for her. However, there was something different about this group in particular that she couldn't place. They seemed more important than the minor nobility that she had dealt with in the past. Their clothing mildly reminded her of travelers, but then again, Halcyon wasn't one to keep up with all of the fashions in Ahn'Veria, let alone in the other lands.

"Please follow me. We lead you to castle and then you go along with you plans." Halcyon smiled at the group, awaiting their reaction. Their defensive weapons were beginning to make the vulnerable Miqo'te nervous. The Mercenaries were to always be on guard, but she wanted to show them that they honestly meant no harm. Reaching for her sword now would only cause unnecessary alarm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alsa Crescent Character Portrait: Mobobo Character Portrait: Jaspon Morgan Character Portrait: Halcyon Eberstark Character Portrait: Oliviert Aristan
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0.00 INK


Dragoon (Level 4)


HP: 104


White Mage (Level 5)


HP: 66


Ahn'veria (Port)

Alsa began reaching towards her spear at this point squinting to the three in front of them. She wasn't sure what to think about this. They dressed merely like adventurers to her and seemed to have different sets of attire. The cremeire wasn't buying it but at the same time she never once stepped into this city, in fact this evening proved to be rather adventurous and full of unexpected events. It was only eight hours ago (real time) that Alsa stepped on to the steps of Alexander for the first time and now she finds herself taking a detour on the duke's behalf and much she doesn't want to stepping in Ahn'Veria. What a story she will have to explain when returning to Vidaria. That aside, she wasn't quite sure to be alert or just absorb the culture shock of the area. It began to click into her and wonders began stirring "Were there actual guards?". In Vidaria much of the protection of the city were divided among the scouts guilds and lancer guild. Could it be that she was merely overseeing such a thing and these were also the protectors of the city and peacekeepers? Alsa began retracting her hand from her weapon in this moment but didn't say anything towards them. Mobobo on the other hand was in thought on this as well.

The Taru by no means didn't expect a welcome party but usually It was by the Royal Guard. The taru held out her hand and shook her head.

"Well Hold on-" Mobobo began until suddenly hearing footsteps from behind her. Alsa and her turned there head's slightly seeing Cid walk out as he spoke.

"Ah! So that's who ye are lass! I thought I recognized ye. Haven't seen ye since you were a young... "Cub"? How Is old man Eberstark? I see he's trying to improve the Ahn'verian branch and I can only hope you were sent to be the leader!" He chuckled as he stepped in front of the three scratching his head.

"Cid..? Do you know these three?" Mobobo asked.

"Yes Yes! I'd say I've met them among my older days. It's been around twelve years or longer for this lass here. You've heard of the Mercenary guild ay?" He said directing towards the taru.

She scratched her head and frowned.

"Not exactly... well.. Its more like I just have no reason to pay attention to them... However, I have heard rumors of a branch having many failures. Perhaps this is it? This just makes me feel so much more confident in my survival through the elegant streets of Ahn'Veria!" Mobobo said with sarcasm at the end.

"Although..." She said walking up to the Miqo'te.

"I have a feeling this one... is actually a bit different from the other two standing.

Alsa rolled her eyes somewhat to her rude jest which she had been right but at the same time rather mean. She was use to it though, Mobobo was a very intelligent and blunt person which made her sarcasm come out all the more. Another thing she seemed to be right about was that this Miqo'te before them did have a different feel but she shrugged before speaking herself.

"you've yet to tell us who you are?"

"Ah! Her name... is...err..ehm.. Holly?! Yes Holly Right?!" Cid asked looking towards the Miqo'te pointing.

Alsa shook her head. It was obvious that the man guessed but what does she know for all she knew, it could've been right.

The taru next to Halcyon waved kindly "I'm Karoro" and the Roegadyn bowed "I'm Droc". Mobobo and Alsa only nodded. Cid saluted and then cleared his throat.

"Alsa" The lancer said.

"I'm Mobobo, A pleasure" Mobobo said. The taru crooked his eyebrow and went into thought placing his fingers to his chin. He noticed that she didn't speak like most.

"Listen lass, I'll need to work on me Airship and do a little maintenance before we head to the next city. If she is really in need of me, she being the queen 'erself. I'll go but for now please take these three for they are the ones who really need the 'tenttion. Oh and please be sure to make it quick. There is a bit at stake then normal" Cid said waving before walking into his airship once more.

"As he said, we are in a bit of a rush and he is un-needed for such a thing. I'm sure once the queen see's me. She will have a huge understanding"

"Let's just go and get this over with - Alsa said before walking towards the exit being impatient once more.

"Impatient as ever..." Mobobo said and everyone then seemed to follow along behind.

The walk was rather upsetting, Royal guards smirking yet most didn't care to even look. Over all and as Mobobo most suspected it was completely worthless having an escort through the city. One although there are more civil wars here then anywhere else, they are very kind to outsiders. Two, they were more then capable then defending themselves. They passed a bit of residence along the way, only to make it into the royal quarters which was far interesting to Alsa who the whole way seemed to be amazed by all the artistic buildings and castle ahead. Finally they reached the castle and were lead in by an actual royal guard, all the way to the throne room.

In which once entered they saw a woman sitting in her throne and what appeared to be a relatively young elf talking to her.

"Yes, yes... that is indeed valuable information. However, I'm afraid I need to decli-- Oh, my Olivert please go address and bring forth my guest... we may need to hold this discussion off for now..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alsa Crescent Character Portrait: Mobobo Character Portrait: Jaspon Morgan Character Portrait: Halcyon Eberstark Character Portrait: Oliviert Aristan
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0.00 INK


Black Mage (Level 4)

EXP: 4/5

Alexander – Central Alexander

HP: 72
MP: 63


Chemist (Level 5)

EXP: 1/5

Ahn' Veria - Castle

HP: 121

Jonathan hesitated, then lowered the staff, the crystal's light now no more than a dull flicker. There was still a lingering caution within him, but he felt that her words were genuine. He felt she was someone he could trust to a lesser or greater degree, at least in this situation. The exchange with Cid left him with a small smile. Following the others in, he allowed them to lead the the way while he lingered behind, viewing what he could of the Ahn' Verian castle. Everything around them was beautiful. But there was a distant doubt about this nation. A darkness hidden just beyond his view. Shaking his head, and passing it off as his tendency to panic, he continued after the others.

Now led by the royal guard, they entered into a grand throne room. At the furthest end sat the Queen. She spoke quietly with a rather young elf. Jaspon took a moment to take in every detail he could of the elf, then returned his eyes to the Queen. He couldn't quite determine what it was, but there was a growing feeling every time he looked to her form. It worried him. She worried him. Calling it paranoia again, he watched a she looked to them, whispered once more to her companion, then turned to the group. He moved his staff out of its position - halfway to battle ready - and willed the light to extinguish. It would not be a good idea to suggest a threat unintentionally. He waited for what would happen next.

Oliviert turned his eyes on the group approaching and swallowed down his words. There would likely be a better time to convince his Queen, and friend, but now was not it. He returned his gaze to her and inclined his head.
"At once, my Queen," he spoke quickly, turning with a slight frown. He began his walk towards the new comers with an appraising eye. A teenage black mage - no doubt a new adventurer, a Cremiere dragoon - who looked quite experienced, and a taru white mage, whom he recognised, but could not place. 'I'm sure it will come to me soon, when we are introduced.' Smoothing his expression into a charming, and welcoming, smile, he stopped not far from the group. He bowed gracefully, and then straightened.

"Welcome to Ahn' Veria, travellers. Her Majesty, Queen Sara'veilan, requests your presence. If you would follow me." He turned and began a slow walk towards the Queen. He had gotten on the wrong side of a Taru long ago by walking too fast for him to keep up with. He had no intention of making that mistake again. When he had reached the Queen, he gestured with his arm.
"May I now present, Queen Sara'veilan." To allow them to talk freely, Oliviert walked backwards out of their way, but close enough to hear and observe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alsa Crescent Character Portrait: Mobobo Character Portrait: Jaspon Morgan Character Portrait: Halcyon Eberstark Character Portrait: Oliviert Aristan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Elyon

Fighter(level 5)

EXP: 2/5

HP: 185

The young Miqo'te certainly enjoyed the company of the man named Cid. His friendly disposition planted a great smile on her face. She didn't remember him, but he obviously knew her and her companions. Though his reference to old man Eberstark confused her. She wasn't sure if he meant her father or uncle and she certainly wasn't the leader. Halcyon was still working on her understanding of the common language, but there was still a small barrier. She chose to offer a smile and a nod of the head.

Halcyon envied these travelers. Despite being a member of the guild for almost a year, she has never been permitted to leave Ahn'Veria. These people were obviously from different lands, having not heard of the Mercenary guild before. Her face pulled into a temporary frown as the small mage spoke of her branch's poor reputation, but was soon replaced by a blush as the woman's compliment registered in her mind.

Cid's attempts at her name were flattering, but incorrect. Upon the realization that she hadn't introduced herself, the young mercenary said, "Sorry, me name Halcyon."

The Roegadyn mercenary led the group to the castle. Halcyon walked along side the group. Despite the lack of threat to the adventurers, going by the book would only help the Mercenary guild. Once the group reached the doors of the castle, the royal guard took over the protection detail. Halcyon offered the guards a smile, their low feelings towards the guild didn't mean she had to be rude.

As the troop entered the throne room, Halcyon saw her mighty Queen adorning the throne. The monarch whispered with what Halcyon could only assume was a servant. The elf that had once held the Queen's attention approached the group and Halcyon straightened her posture and assumed her Mercenary presence. She was about to be in the presence of royalty and there was no way she would disgrace her family or the guild by looking sloppy.

She maintained her rigid manners, as they followed the elf to the Queen. Halcyon remained silent once the group had made their way across the room to the throne. Now was not the time for a loose tongue. Her eyes strayed from the glittering throne to the rest of the room. The girl had always thought of the guild as a castle of sorts, but the Queen's residents blew it out of the water. Halcyon could never hope to live in such an extravagant manner, especially with her guild's infamy. She was happy with her station in life most of the time, but on a rare occasion, she could find herself wanting more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alsa Crescent Character Portrait: Mobobo Character Portrait: Halcyon Eberstark Character Portrait: Oliviert Aristan
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0.00 INK


Dragoon (Level 5)


HP: 125


White Mage (Level 5)


HP: 120


Ahn'veria (Port)

Mobobo and Alsa observed the young elf who addressed and introduced the queen of the nation. Alsa couldn't help but blush slightly hiding her face further into her longer white hair as she observed the elf. She couldn't help but find him attractive but all that ended when she found herself paused for a second as the group had already been walking down the isle towards the queen's throne. She adjusted her blue attire before walking forward rather quickly to first catch up and to not seem too rude in front of the queen.

Mobobo simply went with everything as all procedures go and say a word. As they made it to the queen she bowed along with Alsa when catching up.

"Do raise thy heads, I-- Hold on, would thee be from Cid's ship. I do not see him among you?"

"Yes, yes I'm afraid he's back doing maintenance but that aside it is we who you want to see" Mobobo said pulling out a letter and extending her arm to the side. Oliviert grabbed the letter and took it to the queen immediately who's eyes were squinted before her brow rose in curiosity. The woman sighed before opening this very letter and examined it's contents slowly. Mobobo took in her breath as she waited for the queen to finish and looked to the others. Alsa stood in awe looking around and to the queen, she's never been in such a place of royalty aside from the federation's high priestess chamber which even then was publicly available. Suddenly the queen sighed.

"Grim news... and here burn this in that plate Oliviert" She said holding the letter and pointing to the plate near her chair upon the stool to the right. Assuming it was done, the woman began speaking.

"To all who do not know I am Queen Sera'veilan, It is an honor to see you amongn us. I will address Cid later but to you all, the contents as I've said were grim but needed. The duke would be a fool to set into motion without our regards and... for them to see such a sight and experience unusual events at such a time.. I do not blame him... However my answer will have to be thought up and written to the least. Simply things are happening and to assume we'll be talking of war is just so daunting" She said rubbing her forehead with her fingers before observing each and every person in the room. Her eyes first went to Mobobo who she recognized and talked with a bit in the past. She found in odd how she wore her white wizard clothing even when she resigned. Next she went to Alsa, her eyes blinked seeing the blue attire and lance behind it. It was obvious she had been a lancer yet she had no idea she was the new Dragoon. The woman slowly but surely turned to Halcyon and her finger tips went to her lips.

"Perhaps.. before I give my reply you could do something for me." She said looking over to Oliviert and giving a sly wink.

"You see, you did come at a rather interesting time and It would be much help to me by doing this. My young elf here had just discovered something rather interesting and true for my reign. This only makes me want to move forward and do so, however... the problem is, I can not bare to send him alone as capable as he may be. I need you to follow Oliviert and go to "Trion's Tomb" Inside you may find a red stone... bring it to me"

Oliviert, you know there is a lot more to it then that but she pretty much said what they needed to know. Mobobo squinted and asked in curiosity.

"Just an ORDINARY red stone, my queen?" The taru said crooking her eye brow up.

Alsa couldn't help but feel slightly weighed down as the queen spoke. Something about her just felt powerful and as her eyes went to the throne it was well shown why too. She did look towards Mobobo when she asked if it was just a normal stone curious if she once again knew something that she was hiding to herself.

The queen shook her head before turning to Halcyon.

"You have your orders... as for you girl. I'm assigning you to this task as well... your companions will not be joining... I can't have more then three of you in on this but I can at least give you a good chance of redemption... So on that note, do you have any questions? If not Oliviert please tell them what you want them to know and then show them to the guest quarters. We will have them stay there tonight." She said before walking back to her throne and becoming in thought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alsa Crescent Character Portrait: Mobobo Character Portrait: Jaspon Morgan Character Portrait: Halcyon Eberstark Character Portrait: Oliviert Aristan
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0.00 INK


Chemist (Level 5)

EXP: 2/5

Ahn' Veria - Castle

HP: 121


Black Mage (Level 5)

EXP: 0/5

Ahn' Veria - Castle

HP: 72
MP: 63

Oliviert took the letter and grabbed a candle, watching as its corner darkened and curled while the flames spread. He didn't particularly like acting as messenger and personal letter-burner, but she was his Queen, and his friend. Besides, he owed her lot from the many gifts and opportunities she had given. When fully burned, he left it and replaced the candle, coming back to the conversation just as it began to change to something he was involved with. The Queen winked slyly, and his lips curled slightly at the corner. He returned his facial expression before any could notice, he hoped.

"My young elf here had just discovered something rather interesting and true for my reign. This only makes me want to move forward and do so, however... the problem is, I can not bare to send him alone as capable as he may be." Oliviert stood up to his full height at her words, partly from pride, partly because he felt as if he had to prove something. As if she didn't think him capable at all and he had to prove her wrong. He scanned the crowd with his eyes, which fell on a pair of hazel orbs staring back. The young black mage frowned at him slightly, though not maliciously. He inclined his head politely. The teen returned the favour, albeit reluctantly, shortly after. They broke their eye contact. He couldn't quite tell if the teen was just being curious or was judging his strengths and weaknesses he was looking over. He looked up as the Queen spoke again.
"I need you to follow Oliviert and go to "Trion's Tomb". Inside you may find a red stone... bring it to me." Oliviert sighed quietly, barely audible. 'A little too vague for my liking, but I suppose it is for the best. We can't have them knowing too much.'

After her dismissal, Oliviert looked to the group and took a deep breath. Anything that needed spoken of could be discussed on the way to their rooms. He approached them, then turned with grace and bowed to his Queen. Straightening, he gave a quick charming smile to them all, then gestured for the group to follow and glided across the floor and out of the door towards the guest rooms.

Jaspon's eyes were darting every direction as the travelled towards their rooms. A tidal wave of relief had crashed into him upon leaving the Queen. He had felt uncomfortable bowing to the Queen like that, but he had swallowed his pride - something he found difficult - and bowed gracefully. Shaking off the feeling she gave him, he continued after Oliviert. He was keeping a decent pace, but slow enough for a Taru to follow comfortably. Jaspon had come to realise that this Oliviert, though seeming a decent man, was not all that talkative. He had barely said a word since leaving his Queen. Deciding to be the first to start one, he drew in a breathe to speak.

So, Oliviert... ?" Jaspon asked quietly, catching the man's attention. The elf looked over his shoulder with a quick smile and answered.
"Aristan. My name is Oliviert Aristan." Jaspon nodded at his words and gave his own name before continuing.
"So, what do you do at the castle? Obviously something related to the Queen, right?" He hesitated slightly at the word "queen" but managed to mask it enough for the elf to not notice. The same elf who looked now slightly uncomfortable.
"I'm just a Chemist," he said with a shrug. "However, my family..." he winced, though it would be hard to notice, he had learned to hide his reaction to his family a long time ago. "They have close ties to the Queen. We've been friends for a long time, so she trusts me to do the occasional favour for her." Jaspon nodded as Oliviert turned his eyes back to the front, the conversation over.
'Definitely not the talkative type...'

He considered trying to begin another conversation, but figured there would be plenty of time to learn about him. They were going to Trion's tomb together after all. His father had always said that you learned more of someone during combat, than in conversation. Once again side-stepping that train of thought, Jaspon turned his mind to reciting different spells he could remember reading of - almost every one thanks to his memory skills.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alsa Crescent Character Portrait: Mobobo Character Portrait: Jaspon Morgan Character Portrait: Halcyon Eberstark Character Portrait: Oliviert Aristan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Elyon

Fighter(level 5)

EXP: 3/5

HP: 185


As the group came to a halt in front of the Queen, Halcyon bowed in time with the other members. A swell of pride filled her chest at the thought of being in front of the queen. Once given permission, she righted herself and resumed her mercenary stance, only to have it broken by her slight smile.

While Queen Sera'veilan went on to welcome the strangers, Halcyon listened carefully to the new information. Her uncle was careful to shelter her from the brunt of what happened outside of Ahn'Veria. She had long suspected that he never assigned her missions that would take her too close to the borders for fear that she would learn of the ongoings of the world. To hear the Queen speak of war and unusual sights made Halcyon yearn for the outside world. She wanted nothing more than to go out into the unknown and bring glory to her guild, but she was given small, manageable assignments that bored her.

Halcyon stirred out of her personal musings as she locked eyes with the Queen. Immediately, she averted her gaze in a sign of respect for the powerful woman. As Sera'veilan gave the outsiders a new task, Halcyon found herself once again filled with emotion, though this time it was jealousy. Knowing it was petty to feel such, Halcyon kept her face stoic. She was jealous that the strangers were given a task by the Queen herself. She was jealous that they could come and go from Ahn'Veria as they pleased. She was jealous that they had a good reputation and exuded strength while she was left with being seen as weak. Though one could hardly blame her. She was nearly 20 and had nothing to show for it.

Sudddenly, the Miqo'te found herself enraptured by the Queens words. The proud woman spoke, "You have your orders... as for you girl. I'm assigning you to this task as well... your companions will not be joining... I can't have more then three of you in on this but I can at least give you a good chance of redemption... So on that note, do you have any questions? If not Oliviert please tell them what you want them to know and then show them to the guest quarters. We will have them stay there tonight." Halcyon could have jumped with joy. She could have lost composure and hugged the Queen, but she didn't. She simply nodded in acceptance to her new assignment while celebrating on the inside.

Now was her chance to prove them all wrong.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alsa Crescent Character Portrait: Mobobo Character Portrait: Jaspon Morgan Character Portrait: Halcyon Eberstark Character Portrait: Oliviert Aristan
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0.00 INK


Dragoon (Level 5)


HP: 125


White Mage (Level 5)


HP: 120


Ahn'veria (Castle - Throne Room)

Mobobo and Alsa watched the woman leave the room only for the last second for Mobobo to speak in a normal tone of hers.

"Quite suspicious if not just too vague for my taste but it did drive my interest why we'd be digging through a dead man's tomb… for one stone…"

Alsa looked over to the taru and couldn't help but think the same thing. A red stone for what reason? Could a simple stone change the impact on an entire kingdom? The questions and ideas only went on for a short moment when Oliviert finally introduced himself wanting to be called "Aristan". Mobobo too took in some interest as the elvaan described himself although rather blunt and vague as well. However Mobobo did recognize him although he was relatively younger and held no real matter or meaning to her. She only came to Ahn'veria for two things. One was appointments to the queen and the other was because it was the next town that held the most history unlike the more recently built cities (Garrom and Alexander). Never did she pay any mind to chemistry although she did think it was a wonderful profession.

The two females noticed the elf gesturing towards the exit to the long royal hall. Mobobo and Alsa walked over to Aristan. Both with faces that seemed to be full of questions although it was few. Alsa began before Mobobo even started. She figured that although the taru does ask a lot of good questions. She best ask what is needed before that series began. Else she'd become too tired and uninterested by the time it was her turn to ask.

"Excuse me, but what is this stone..? --" She began before looking down to Mobobo and raising her hand slightly gesturing to her. Mobobo looked up and crooked her eye brow curious of what she was going to ask before folding her arms.

"I can't help but wonder after what she said. This is no ordinary stone, what exactly are we looking for and what significance is this stone for?"

Mobobo then spoke rather loud.

"I have an idea for that, my dear lancer! However I do not think he will tell us the description of her majesty was rather vague as it is…"

(Vivi as a reminder: Aristan knows It's the Ifrit Stone. If you need the back story for it, PM me and I'll give you all the information he has on it).

Alsa shrugged.

"Well lets at least hear the reply he will give. It may have --- well lets keep it local as of now for some causes at least. Lets just continue on. I need to get back to Vidaria… So what do you have to tell us for now... Aristan before you lead us to our quarters" Alsa said.

(Vivi - if you want to say the information to the group PM me and I'll tell you of it if you think you'd know what is around there.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alsa Crescent Character Portrait: Mobobo Character Portrait: Jaspon Morgan Character Portrait: Halcyon Eberstark Character Portrait: Oliviert Aristan
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[Apologies. Somehow managed to double post.]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alsa Crescent Character Portrait: Mobobo Character Portrait: Jaspon Morgan Character Portrait: Halcyon Eberstark Character Portrait: Oliviert Aristan
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Chemist (Level 5)

EXP: 3/5

Ahn' Veria - Castle (Guest Rooms)

HP: 121


Black Mage (Level 5)

EXP: 1/5

Ahn' Veria - Castle (Guest Rooms)

HP: 72
MP: 63

Oliviert listened to the words of the Cremiere, and the loud Taru. Their questions were not unreasonable. It was clear that the Queen had been too vague, even to him. It was only fair for them to know what they were hunting, and why, before they set off on their adventure. But he wasn't stupid. The Queen had been vague for a very good reason. If people knew of her plans, there could easily be some who would attempt to stop her from obtaining the stone. But what would the group do if they found out only after they had receive the stone? The elf remained silent for a moment considering, then nodded his head and turned to the Cremiere. The former white wizard seemed more experienced, but her outburst and general way of gathering information put Oliviert off. He much preferred speaking with the Dragoon, a strange thought considering his general attitude to most other conversations.

"You are right, of course, that this is no ordinary stone. Ordinarily, I would agree with my frie-" Oliviert hesitated, then tried to restart as if nothing had happened, but stressed the word Queen slightly as he continued, "Queen, but I believe it is only fair that you all know of what you seek." Noticing he was speaking a little faster than he would normally, but not much, he took a deep breath and continued at a better pace.
"We are leaving in search of the Ifrit Stone."

Jaspon stopped in his tracks and turned his eyes on the Elf. The information he had of this was hilariously little, but he had heard people talking of Ifrit once before. Curious to hear more he followed, listening close.

"Created from Ifrit's flames," he paused, reluctant to say what they needed it for in fear of how they would receive the news, "it allows one to use the Flames of Ifrit if they are able to wield it." He tried to look up to Alsa's eyes for a moment, but he couldn't maintain the contact and looked away. "So I have heard, and read. Something that powerful... it was my duty to inform my Queen." Oliviert looked away worried. In an attempt to avoid whatever they would say to this, particularly the loud one, he walked slightly quicker to the guest quarters entrance now only a few meters away and opened the doors to a large room. The group of people who trusted his Queen grew fewer daily, and this would help little to disperse the rumours floating around about her.

He gestured to a door on one side with his hand. "This is the men's area. You will sleep there Jaspon." He gestured to the opposite side. "Women will sleep through the opposite door. I'm aware there is likely to still be many questions, but I have my duties to attend to so I must leave you here. I will answer any of your questions in the morning when we set out." He smiled sheepishly and hurried away from the group, not wanting to reveal any more.He had already said too much. If the Queen found out he had told them she would not be happy.

Jaspon started to work it over in his mind, thinking on Oliviert's description of the stone. He knew very little about any of it. However, he still worried. He knew exactly what power could do to someone. He was still dealing with the effects of it. And now apparently everyone else in the world had to suffer too. Pushing his old friend, turned enemy, from his mind, Jaspon replaced it with a different face. The girl that had first met them, the Miqo'te. He wasn't entirely sure why had had trusted her, but he knew she spoke the truth. Something else that remained a small mystery was her role in all of this. Jaspon assumed from the greatsword on her back that she was some form of warrior - a fact which surprised him greatly considering her general appearance - so it made some sense to send her, the girl now being one of the two true physical fighters. Another surprise was her clothes which were different form the typical colourful look of other Miqo'te people. Wanting to avoid swarming his mind with questions, Jaspon instead turned to his companions, ready to wish them good night. unless they had anything to say.
'If they're going to be discussing this, then I better stay to hear them out.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alsa Crescent Character Portrait: Mobobo Character Portrait: Jaspon Morgan Character Portrait: Halcyon Eberstark Character Portrait: Oliviert Aristan
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#, as written by Elyon

Fighter(level 5)

EXP: 4/5

HP: 185


Halcyon bowed her head as the Queen left the room, as was customary of her guild. Soon, she noticed the rest of the group heading off to their rooms. With a smile, she realized that she was trailing behind the group she had previously been escorting. She heard their questioning and understood their want for better information, but this was not the first mission she had been given with little to no background. Perhaps she was naive to nearly blindly follow orders, but so far she had not been steered wrong. In her experience, questioning her betters tended to warrant punishment, therefore she reserved it for when absolutely necessary.

Despite not wanting to question, she greedily absorbed the information that would definitely be helpful later on. Though she had trouble understanding some of the words being spoken, it was clear that the elf knew much more than he or the queen were letting on. This would make it difficult to trust him completely. Halcyon was one to share all the information that she was permitted with her group. Especially when their lives could be on the line.

While they walked, she felt eyes on her. She glanced through the corner of her eye, surprised to find that it was the young mage. Not wishing to start a confrontation, she made no acknowledging motions. Though she wondered what he was thinking as he looked her over, she did not want to ask. With a grim internal laugh, she thought perhaps he doubted her abilities. Her soft face hid a fierce warrior.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alsa Crescent Character Portrait: Mobobo Character Portrait: Jaspon Morgan Character Portrait: Halcyon Eberstark Character Portrait: Oliviert Aristan
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0.00 INK


Dragoon (Level 5)


HP: 125


White Mage (Level 5)


HP: 120


Ahn'veria (Castle - Throne Room)

Alsa and Mobobo watched the elf leave them. There eyes following with silence only hearing his foot steps slightly echo among the halls they were in. Alsa who had her arms crossed could only repeatably tap her arm with her right index finger as the man disappeared. She then looked over to Jaspon and then to the ever so silent Mi'qote. Although she didn't pay too much attention to her after there first encounter she did finally put a note that she indeed had a unfamiliarity with the common tongue which is rare now in days, especially when you live in one of the major nations. She planned to make sure she'd "formally" meet her before calling it a night. To a strong point though, she didn't really even want to do that. If she could she would've got the information and went herself to get back to her home. She had other duties to attend to, not deal with another nation's duties or affairs. The Cremiere sighed moving her long white hair from her eye before talking.

"I truly wonder how someone wields this stone and possesses the power of a god… If you ask me, that is way too much power for one person to have. Even at that, summoner's hold the power of summoning "Avatars" which the practice to that has even been unknown. I wonder how much magic it takes to use the actual power without summoning? If you ask me, this 'queen' is far more fierce then she appeared" Alsa said to the rest of the group then looked to Mobobo who would be the most knowledgable of the group about the situation.

Mobobo looked back into the cremiere's revealed eye and shrugged.

"What? You expect me to have an answer to all of this? Well… actually I do at least to a point. Every time I met with the queen, i felt as if something was going to tremble as if she was reaching the darkness within me and grasping onto my fears but it may be over exaggerating. I do not know what happened in this region but we must be careful and don't take the queen lightly. As for this stone, Archives of the primal stones were erased. Power is too great for one person to know and some people kill themselves trying to get that power. The magic is simply too much which is what worries me even further. There are mages and then there are sorcerers…" The taru explained and answered. Alsa placed her hand to forehead, only her finger tips touching the top. It felt rather uneasy hearing that small information but she could relate. The girl looked to the Mi'qote and walked over to her, placing a hand upon her own hip examining the warrior.

"Definitely different sight then Vidaria, I am curious, You've been quiet the entire time other then escorting us. Do you have any information you'd like to share with us?" The lancer asked. She really didn't expect a commoner to know any better then them but she figured because they're working together, best get her input"

Mobobo decided to stretch and walk towards the room. She turned before standing by her toes opening the door and looked back at Jaspon.

"Don't think about all of this too much. Answers will come but do be cautious of what occurs tomorrow…"

She then went in and closed the door walking over to a bed and laying down with her eyes closed.