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Jeremy Dantoh

An undead necromancer.

0 · 1,003 views · located in Kingdom of Alras

a character in “Fire, Death, Pinetrees”, originally authored by Weilacca, as played by RolePlayGateway


Age: 25

Gender: Male

Physical description: 6'3" Tall, Long black hair, brown eyes. Skin is discolored and slowly decomposing. Normally covered in blood.

Weaponry, Abilities, Armor:
Carries no weaponry, instead carries a corpse on his back.
Can use Necromancy magic, Jeremy is dead but regenerated himself during death. He can withstand fatal blows but must regenerate himself or crumble into dust, regeneration taps on his life energy and makes him weaker the more used. Jeremy must absorb the life energy of others in order to make up for his loss.
Can reanimate 2 corpses at a time, usually to protect him. Jeremy is always accompanied by reanimated corpses who also carry a corpse on their back, if another corpse is found, then it will be drained of energy and carried.
Wears no armor, there is no need.

Description of clothing: Black long coat held closed around his body with 3 belts located at the neck, chest and waist. Torso is covered in bandages and stitches where normal black trousers are worn underneath the long coat. Covers neck and mouth with a black rag held in place with belts. Wears a small piece of leather stitched onto right eye.

So begins...

Jeremy Dantoh's Story

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Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh
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Ammy stopped as now she faced two of the sharp pointy weapons that could do her in. She sprang off to the left, her body twisting out of harms reach as she threw her head back and howled. Her ears quivered, her energy crackling through her paws as she suddenly settled into a crouch. Her tail was raised, teeth bared in a ferocious snarl, her blue eyes piercing into Jeremy’s one.

Come on then! Attack/fight me/Ammy! She snarled, her muscles rolling forward as the air around her body began to become fuzzy, choked out as her own spiritual energy began to swell like a tidal wave behind her, massing into a hurricane of force and might. Her eyes locked, her mind reaching forward toward his, straining to touch his own as she held perfectly still.


Ammy broke her eye contact, looking back at the Earth/warrior/friend. Was he protecting her/Ammy? Her mind distracted, her body broke form and for a moment she left herself exposed, vulnerable.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Karma
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-------Xin Zhao--------

Xin Zhao was surprised. He had not expected to run into someone from his country in these lands, let alone someone in her line of work. The woman before him, who stood was with such elegance and grace and had literally blown him away was a priestess , as her clothes depicted. Xin, still bowing, introduced himself in a very formal and humble manner. She in turn bowed to him and introduced herself.

" Diao Zhu Xiao is the name the monks gave me.", she said. "Why are you here, Xin?".

Xin laughed briefly and composed himself. "I have been tasked with collecting general knowledge on these lands and their inhabitants... Why are you here, Diao?".

"As part of my initiation, the monks have tasked me with venturing into these unknown lands so that I may put to practice their teachings and traditions.".

Xin Zhao nodded and there was a silence between the two. There was something familiar about her but he couldn't put his finger on it...

"I have been fasting for the past 2 days..", she stated, breaking the silence. " No food or water... You wouldn't happen to have any on you that you can spare?".

Xin Zhao showed her his canteen and handed it to her and then he was reminded of the others. How could he forget them? How foolish. I must return at once and see how they fair, he thought.

As Diao drank the water he had given her, Xiao told her to follow him. "I have come across a group of westerners that are very friendly and diverse. There are about 5 of them. Come I will introduce you.".

--------Diao Zhu Xiao "Karma"---------
(Back at the Pond)

Diao was taken take by the scene that unfolded before her. Three individuals seemed to be readying to combat a wolf. Wolves, however, were animals that moved in groups and it was not normal for them to be so bold when they were alone. Close inspection of two of these individuals revealed that they were dead and that were was a little girl among them. There was alot that could go wrong here. Xin was too puzzled to take action fast enough. It was up to her.

The Jade Dragon and Serpents emerged from the pond, their greenish glow sufficient to distract them all. Diao's body glowed a similar jade green, she shouted over at them to grab their attention. "Stop!".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh
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"Get a hold of myself?!" Jeremy seemed insulted and even more pissed off, "The damn moose girl jumped scared Charlotte! I don't want that! Now she is threatening us!" His voice was sharpened and full of anger, the absorption of nature energy had calmed and returned to be invisible, Jeremy was reaching the limit of energy.

Jeremy noticed how easily distracted the wolf was, lowering her guard makes him urge to attack, but he was defending. He had to ensure Charlotte's safety before anything else. Maybe it's best if they leave... No, cooperation is the best thing to do now. Jeremy just needs to show that he doesn't want Charlotte scared. You can't blame her, her mother died, some strange guy reanimated her although she does seem happy around Jeremy. Next, a girl transforms into a wolf and jumps in front of them. It's surprising that her four year old heart could take it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Karma
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She had enough. Feeling more than threated by Jeremy, the sudden appearance of the woman and her phantom snakes had her staring into the eyes of death. One of the serpents made a move. That was enough for Ammy. Her body rose with a human scream of frustration, for a breathless moment her front paws were risen to her chest, her white teeth glimmering inside of pink gums as her ears went flat against her skull. Her eyes went gold a moment before her front paws slammed into the mud around her, back arched upwards, fur rippling across her body, standing on end. For a moment, the clearing fell deathly still, nothing made a noise. Then the energy around her body exploded, radiating outwards in a concussive blast. Trees shook and the water lapped up the side of the bank, in the center she stood, eyes on fire as it passed.

Ammy trembled, her muscles already beginning to contort unnaturally as her wolf-self whimpered. She staggered, using the explosion as a distraction as she began to stagger toward the safety of the trees. Her back legs gave out and she fell against the earth with an expulsion of air that left her lungs flat. This isn’t what she wanted, she whined as her mind forced her body to move, stumbling into the woods with a choking sob. She didn’t make it far, just the first few trees before her body finally gave in. Her head slumped, heart in her throat as she felt her life flicker. Claws dug into the earth as she looked up into the trees, marveling at how the god Frenris cried his tears upon her.

Why would you/Frenris/wolf-god cry?

She whimpered softly, a splash of white against the brown earth that surrounded her. The light from the sinking sun surrounded her body in speckles of light, each little patch warming her fur from the cold grip of shadow. Each breath left with a cry, each sob cracking in her throat as her nose rose and fell rapidly.

Heart. Air. Heart. Air. Heart/pain.

She felt like a bolt had found its way into the center of her chest and had exploded inside of her, the open wound on the front of her chest like a hole for badgers. She wasn’t ready to die! She didn’t want to die from this! Another howl rose in her, but it died before it could reach her lips and instead echoed around in her head as her body grew cold. Ammy couldn’t stop the closing of her eyes. As her eyes began to close she felt a presence nearby, and as her vision went black, the words “Have Faith” went ringing in her soul, and the tear on the corner of her eye glittered gold with the light that touched her muzzle.

Have Faith.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Karma
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A blast occurred, it wasn't any normal blast. Jeremy noticed the large amounts of life energy inside the shape shifter had fallen into a very small area. It had become unstable with it's great density and released itself as a blast. It was strong, too strong. For it to happen so suddenly caused Charlotte to grow even more scared, the shock caused her to give off a scream as her mother shielded her from the blast.
Jeremy was thrown to the ground by the force of the blast, hearing the little girl's caused him to grow more angry. The hatred was shown through his deep dark eye, the large amount of energy that had built up inside him removed all signs of death, except for the arrow that was still sticking out of his chest.

Suddenly, strange jade serpents had emerged from the pond they looked more threatening than that wolf. One glance at the snakes caused Charlotte to run behind her mother, enveloped in fear.
Knowing Charlotte's fear, Jeremy slowly rose. The appearance of these damned snakes had already added fuel to the destructive fire that was Jeremy's protective anger. A strange black mist had begun radiating around his body, it was the build up of dark energy from his encounter in the past. His scythe had begun glowing red as he ran towards the serpents.

Kicking, stamping cutting and crushing. Jeremy did nearly every possible attack with his scythe and body at the serpents. Either kicking them back into the pond or cutting them perfect down the middle, only for them to disappear into a mist which quickly diffused into the rest of the atmosphere.
Jeremy did not stop, he just wanted to stop Charlotte from being afraid, he wanted them all to be safe.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Esme Rivdell
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Not that far behind Esme, a black pentagram appeared. It was fairly large and the symbols surrounding it were similar to the one used back in the village. At a slow speed, three figures raised through the ground which ripped around their bodies as if it were water. The three people were Jeremy, Charlotte and Charlotte's mother. The black mist around Jeremy had disappeared and the scythe was also missing from Jeremy's possession.
Jeremy had decided to remove himself from the area using a transportation/burrowing spell. Charlotte's fear was concerning bother her mother and Jeremy, he could not allow her to become more scared. And so, he decided to follow the others, maybe he could find that damned moose girl. But instead, he found some dying life energy. Perfect.

Very quietly, Jeremy raised his hand, moving forward slowly and quietly. The other two were standing behind him, Charlotte in her mother's arms, trembling with fear.
Finally, tap!
Jeremy had placed his arm on the dying woman's shoulder, bending forward instead of crouching to reach her level.

"You sure you want to die?" Jeremy spoke softly, his voice seemed reassuring but also cocky. It was mono toned and croaky. Maybe the shouting and anger damaged his throat a little for it to return to be croaky.
"Or are you afraid? You can be immortal after death..." He paused a little, his hand still on the woman's shoulder.
"... I can make that happen."

[this was supposed to happen before Earth and Ammy returned from the wall.]

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Esme Rivdell
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Ammy found her in a matter of moments. She bent down, stooping to gently grasp the dagger that was lodged in the woman’s side regretting that Earth had pulled it so thoughtlessly.

“BACK OFF JEREMY!" Ammy snarled, pushing herself between the two.

"Can you hear me? It’s going to be alright,” she cooed, placing one hand into the damp soil and the other against the girl’s skin. If she could just find where the girl’s energy was she could manipulate it to help stop the bleeding. It was there, just a trickle that was quickly disappearing even now as Ammy grab hold with her own energy, regretting it almost immediately. Her body slumped forward and her ears went flat, her eyes closed with a snarl on her face.

Come back, damn it! Ammy growled. She couldn’t keep this up forever and as she yanked on the stream of energy it pulled her right back. You don’t want to die!

The tug-of-war Ammy found herself dealing with was quickly making her dizzy and she dug her nails into the soil harder. She jerked back, forcing the energy from the stream and directed it towards the wound. That was all she needed. Finding a purpose seemed to bring her back, her energy pouring into the open wound. Cells were stimulated, multiply, growing, dividing again and again till the capillaries sowed themselves shut.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch Character Portrait: Skye Emerton Character Portrait: Esme Rivdell
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#, as written by Hyydra
Joshua, leaving the girl in the dress by herself in the tree, leaped off of the branch, forwarding towards the necromancer. He roared as he ran on both his feet and legs, yelling "Stay away!" He leaped as he landed on the other side of her, his whole figure prowling like that of a tiger or a lion's. His golden brown eye faced towards him, it's fury easily seen. He stopped circling, facing towards him, holding his sword with his right hand, still in the sheathe, but easy to quickly whip out. He meant to do anything so save this girl. "Don't. Touch her." He said, snarling at the fact that he laid his hand, his cold, dark, evil hand on her shoulder. He stared at him, and every now and then at the girl, but only a flicker of the eye. He looked at him as if that was his property, a living thing, that he would take care of. He was enraged, thinking he'd kill her, probably knowing inside, but not now. He just stood there, ready to fight till his last breath, only three feet away from the body. He knew that the she-wolf was near him as well, but thought of them both on the same side, for now. He paid no mind to her, only waiting for him to do something. His mindset was only to back them off, even if it means death, and save the girl. He didn't know her, but she seemed familiar. You're nothing but evil, Joshua thought of the necromancer, staring dead into his eye, and if you hurt her I swear I'll end you.

It was a matter of action and reaction, in his mind.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch Character Portrait: Skye Emerton Character Portrait: Esme Rivdell
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Jeremy was suddenly pushed back, his life like condition kept him in balance as he noticed that the moose girl had returned. But she was human. Jeremy quickly glanced back at Charlotte who had no reaction over seeing the moose girl, in fact it seemed as if her face had lightened. Thank goodness, it seems it's best to question the moose girl about her wolf mode. Oh wait, she had passed out with the woman? It can wait.

Suddenly, Jeremy heard a shout, followed by a figure zooming between him and the girls. He seemed a bit pissed off, and was reading his sword. Wait, isn't that guy familiar? That's right! It's the guy with the crossbow. That's when Jeremy remembered, there was an arrow stuck in his chest. He glanced down to see the wooden shaft poking out from his dead heart.
"Oh, it's you! The great pussy who ran from the undead." He spoke out while pulling the arrow out of his chest, it seemed in perfect condition. No blood or bodily fluids. Jeremy's croaky voice was raised a little, showing that he was attempting to be antagonizing.

"Now... Coward Monkey. You finally gonna be brave?" Jeremy was giving off his taunts as he held his right arm out. The same thing happened as it did at the pond, the two horizontal pentagrams formed and separated to form the massive scythe. Gaining the same stance, Jeremy held the scythe with both hands, the blade on the right side and pointed diagonally downwards towards the ground. His legs spaced apart to form a counterweight with his body and to keep his balance.
"You two, stay back." Jeremy warned the two behind him, the both backed off a little. Charlotte called out in a high pitched, tired voice. "Be careful!"

Smiling behind the rags, Jeremy looked back at Coward Monkey. Ready.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch Character Portrait: Esme Rivdell
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Esme laid there, hearing footsteps growing near. Please..No.. The next thing she felt made her gasp loudly and groan in pain. The dagger was taken out, almost carelessly. Her face went pained and she trembled, opening her eyes and staring at the sky, breathing hard now. Then, she saw 3 people. A man...his face was blurred but he had dark hair, another man, and a woman. "You sure you want to die?" The offer was almost too easy to take...If only she could respond. Ye--- Then, her answer cut off. She could hear the woman she'd heard earlier..The woman that was trying to save her. “Can you hear me? It’s going to be alright,” No! Get away from me!! I want to die! She screamed in her mind. Her eyes turned a bright white and she gasped gently, eyes wide as she clutched the dirt with her hands when Ammy tried chasing her life energy. She fought it, with all of her might she fought that woman. What did she know? How did she knew that she didn't want to die?! Her eyes started to fade back to normal when the woman suddenly pushed harder, the other man seemingly gone..her offer of death lost.. NO!! Then she gasped again, eyes shining brighter when she caught a hold of her energy. She felt her wound closing up and she tried willing it to stop healing, but she couldn't anymore... Then, she heard someone else. "Don't. Touch her." Who was that now? Why did fate all of a sudden decide to spare her life? It was tossing everything it could at her to make sure that she couldn't die. Some girl was trying to heal her, a man with her..and now, another man! Protecting her like he knew who she was. Why? Fate decided to give her a helping hand now? Of all times.. When she was done healing, she groaned, her eyes returning to normal as she rolled onto her side. Then, she closed her eyes tight for a moment, eyebrows furrowing. The sound was returning.....but she was too weak to open her eyes... She was alive..and it was all their fault!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch Character Portrait: Esme Rivdell
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#, as written by Hyydra
Joshua waited there, his arm still on the handle of his Claymore. He walked forward a little bit, huddling over like a gorilla. "Step back, now." Joshua snarled, too uncomfortable with Jeremy close to the girl. "Why should I step back? I was offering" Jeremy replied, standing his ground. Fear did not fill his body, instead it was him near her. "You don't want this to get any further." Joshua warned, now touching the girl's waist to drag her towards him. "Isn't that a kidnap?" Jeremy gesture."Quiet!" Joshua roared, his teeth bared as he snarled at the necromancer. His teeth looked like he'd been sharpening them like lions on bones, his jaw bones shown now pretty thick. red to Josh's actions. "Dude, chill... Don't get defensive over your actions” Joshua swung the stick in his other hand at the necromancer's feet, attempting to surprisingly trip him. Joshua swung the stick in his other hand at the necromancer's feet, attempting to surprisingly trip him. As Jeremy was lifted, he allowed it. His body was too light to resist, and so he was thrown sideways. As he was spun, he held his scythe out towards Josh's leg. Aiming to either damage of remove it with the momentum. As Joshua swung him, he felt the cold scythe touch his leg, then fell limp, letting them both collapse, removing the threat of losing his leg.

Jeremy was released and skidded across the ground, stopping due to friction. "That was a bit fun..." He spoke out through a giggle as he pulled himself up. Returning to his stance. Joshua's vein popped out, no, both of them on the same side. That was the first step of his adrenaline kicking in again. He turned around, pulling out his Claymore with one hand, looking at Jeremy as he snapped his neck, it taking quick short shots rather than a smooth trip from facing his right to his left.
"The fuck is this guy?" Jeremy thought, intrigued with this power. The life energy seemed to be intensifying at the same time.
"That could hurt someone y'know"

Joshua's lip began to wriggle for a moment, showing a symptom of anger. He then as if a dagger swiped the claymore so its bladed end faced his back, and dashed at Jeremy with the blade going along his forearm in front of his body, with a swift jump at him. Jeremy swung his scythe, deliberately missing in order for it to lodge into a tree. Then, with great power, Jeremy pushed forward and spun around the tree. Appearing behind Josh to attempt to kick him in the back. Joshua felt the kick, and grunted, but the force didn't do anything. He swooped around, his claymore in the air looking like a tail of his hand as he latched onto the foot Jeremy landed on his shoulder with and slammed him on the ground back in front of him.

Jeremy smashed into the ground, no pain, no major damage. But he was in a perfect position. A Large pentagram appeared from under him. The ground had begun bulging as corpses rose from the ground to surround the two. About six of them, all holding bone weaponry. Joshua stood there in awe as the figures rose. He then started to panic, thinking of what to do. These figures looked weak, but they had weapons. His heart began to pump up, at a slow "Thump, Thump, thump" as he decided to dash over Jeremy, going at a speed where the foot above his face would regularly hurt someone, and shattered through the figure near the end of the ring of undead. Jeremy quickly rolled out of the way and stood again. The corpses all gathered around Jeremy in a defensive stance. "I don't think you thought this throw, Coward Monkey." Joshua scoffed as he heard the insult, then turned to a low chuckle. As if immediately like a little kid he muttered "Shut up." and placed his left arm into the ground, punching through the surface."Damn, you really need to chill. I forgot why we are doing this now." Jeremy spoke out. The belts holding his rags over his face had loosened and were slowly falling down his face.

"Shut UP!" Joshua yelled as he underhanded a stone at great speed towards one of the other minions, destroying one's head. "You're annoying me." He responded. "And you're going to hurt her. Those are two things I dislike about people." "Hey, I'm giving her a choice. I ain't THAT evil." Jeremy spoke with a laugh as he clicked his fingers. One of the corpses threw a bone spear at the order towards Joshua.

Joshua rose as the spear sunk into his left shoulder rather than his head, barking as it occurs. He snarls, snapping the handle off and throwing it back at the other fiend with a " shunk as it breaks its spine, making it collapse like a sand castle on a dry day of the ocean. The ocean, how he longed for seas. He shook his head, he's trailing off. He looked back at the group of enemies, counting how many were left. Joshua's heart rate started pumping fast, the metal of the spear falling outward while the wood stayed in, as if part of him. He then realized he only had the rest of the undead to face, for now, unless Jeremy- No! He shot through the dead, feeling a slash on his arm while he crashed through them to get to the girl on the ground.

As she remains unconscious, Jeremy swipes him onto the ground by grabbing his foot, then placing his scythe blade on him oh so quickly. The grin on his face gave Joshua fear, and rather than adrenaline, his heartbeat stopped. And then Jeremy blacked out, seeing nothing but darkness. No, something. He was in a new world, feeling something. He immediately turned around and saw an enormous face, nothing but two gigantic eyes and a “U” shaped smile. He shot up, with the arms of Charlotte and her mother around him, scared. He latched onto her arm, the fear in his eyes, he sat there, motionless. “I see you. I see you, I see you.” He began to pant, looking up at Charlotte, “ “he sees me!” he screamed, frightened. He didn’t notice Joshua’s disappearance till it didn’t matter, this image in his head, even when he blinked, it was there, it just, smiled. Staring at him in the blackness of his mind...

Nothing was as important as this new vision.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: NPC
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Jeremy had collapsed, sitting on his knees, still petrified with shock. What the fuck was that? Is this some kind of psychological spell? It didn't matter, the same image flew through his mind, the same damn words. Then, Jeremy had an idea. The idea which would save all three of the beings who were sitting in the forest. The little girl shivering and holding onto her mother while waiting for Jeremy to say something. It had already fallen to night, the darkness around the area made no difference to Jeremy's sight.

Jeremy giggled, it quickly turned to a laugh. And soon he was laughing as loud as he could, things had gotten interesting.
"Hey, you c'mere. I need you to do something..." Jeremy spoke through his laughing to Charlotte's mother who shifted forward to listen to Jeremy's order...

...After hearing the order, a shocked expression was exposed on the woman's face. But the reasoning behind the order made sense. And so, she executed the order...

The following scene is a bit... PG1000 (Over exaggeration). And so, the sounds shall be described;
The sound of cracking bones filled the atmosphere. Deep breaths and groans from Jeremy as the action took place. The squelching sound of bodily tissues being ripped apart followed. Until finally, all went quiet.

The naked body of Jeremy had sunk into the ground, the pentagram left over faded quickly. Charlotte had a confused look as she stared up at her mother who was slowly standing.
She was dressed in Jeremy's clothing, the rag and belts tightened around her neck and lower face and the piece of leather sown onto her right eye. Her hair had changed color to solid black and had somehow grown even longer. Her eye was black, the same as Jeremy's. A small giggle left her dead mouth.
"Don't worry Charlotte, Jeremy will be fine. Well... I am Jeremy. Your mother shall be fine, it's hard to explain..." The croaky mono toned voice was familiar, it just seemed more girly. Of course it would, she is a girl. "Ah, so your name is Eve... How's Eve Dantoh? I like it! Charlotte, how about you join me as family as Charlotte Dantoh?"

Charlotte nodded, a little confused. But the clothing reminded her of Jeremy while the face reminded her of her mother, Eve. She didn't understand, but knowing that Jeremy had become their family. She was happy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: NPC Character Portrait: Karma
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Eve, (Jeremy) wondered through the woods, carrying a few dead rabbits which she had managed to capture on the way, her new long black hair flowing in the small gusts of wind. It seems that rabbits don't react to the dead, a new interesting observation.
Then, a bright light caught Charlotte's eye, she pulled on the black clothing which was owned by Jeremy and was worn by Eve. Pointing towards light. Eve glanced in the direction, two sources of life energy was being emitted. And one seemed to be fading, another person dying? It's best to take a look, maybe cook the rabbits if the people are friendly.

Once Eve arrived at the fire, she saw the people, deep in conversation. The man.. He was familiar, oh yeah, the Dancing Easterner. But who is that woman? She seems to be an Easterner as well.
"Hey there." Eve called out, speaking similarly to Jeremy with the croaky mono toned voice. Except it was more high pitched, like a woman. Of course, she is a woman.
I better pretend that I don't know them. Oh wait, Eve was around when we met the Dancing Easterner. The thought occurred around Eve's head, in Jeremy's voice. The pseudo-life energy inside Eve was mostly Jeremy's, of course it was. He transferred his life energy to Eve in order to transfer himself. Eve's own pseudo-life energy was Jeremy's to begin with, but was separate and pushed to the side.
These guys would probably think there is something up, since Eve is wearing my clothing. But it's needed. Enchanted to slow the decomposition process and to control the pseudo-life energy. My right eye is the center of my life energy as well, so it had to be transferred into Eve. Hence the damn leather stitched over her right eye... Gonna have to think of an excuse.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: NPC Character Portrait: Karma
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Eve stood with a very annoyed look in her eye. Those two just started meditating without a reaction -Rude-, was it because of the fire and darkness? That's right. The eyes of the dead can easily see in the dark, plus seeing their life energy makes it easier to see them. Living humans on the other hand... They have always been inferior to the other beings existing in this world.
It's best to let these guys do their stuff, Charlotte needs to rest.

Grabbing a few sticks, Eve stabbed them into the rabbits and stuck the other end into the ground. Cooking the rabbits. There is three rabbits, planned to be saved just for Charlotte, but these guys would probably ask... Eve had no need to eat, she was already dead and doesn't digest. The necromancy magic is what keeps her "alive".
Eve was about to sit down before she saw Charlotte, curled up near the fire asleep. Damn, that's cute. Although, they better be close. "I hope Eve is okay with me taking over temporarily. She seemed fine before. I might as well let her have control sometimes." Jeremy thought as Eve's body sat down, not far from the Dancing Easterner. She dragged the sleeping body of Charlotte across the soft earth and allowed her head to rest on Eve's knee. She then stared at the rabbits, turning the sticks occasionally to evenly cook them. "If I could, I would rest my coat on her. But that's too risky."

Hopefully, these guys won't be hostile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Karma
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The Warrior reached for his spear and jumped up. He quickly turned to face whoever or whatever had caused Karma to shout like that but when he finally had the threat in view it really wasn't a threat at all. It was just the little girl and the reanimated corpse of her mother that the necromancer had reanimated.

"Don't worry...There was a necromancer in the group from earlier. He told us that he found this girl from the village and that is her mother.".

Xin released the grip on his spear, smiled, and bowed to the two of them, as did Karma. "Where is the necromancer...Jeremiah was it?".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: NPC Character Portrait: Karma
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Eve looked away, sadness in her black, dead eye. As she stroked Charlotte's sleeping head, she looked at the two easterners.
With a sigh, Eve spoke; "Jeremy. That's his name." Her voice was the same tone as Jeremy's, but obviously more feminine. "He... Died."
That was a lie, but Jeremy living inside of Eve had to be hidden. He had given off a very bad impression to the others and so it's pretty much the best choice as to fake his death. Only temporarily. Maybe these guys can be trusted. Who to react

Seeing the bow, Eve had no idea to react. So she nodded, keeping her attention on the cooking rabbits and stroking her daughter's head.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Karma
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"I am sorry.". Karma chimmed in.

"As Am I.", Xin stated. "But you should not stay here.".

Xin begun to walk in the direction that the walk. "Me and Diao are going to try to get through the black wall. Last time this darkness was disturbed it destroyed a village. I do not know what it will do. It would be best to assume it shall lash out on anything it can. Get your daughter to a safe distance.".

Xin Zhao did not wait for her response but rather motioned for Karma to follow him. Karma bowed and walk off towards the wall.

At The Wall

"Are you ready?" Xin asked. He stood but a few yards away from Karma. Karma took a deep breath and summoned the three Jade Spirits that amplified her spirit magic's fire. The two Jade Spirits slithered around her arms whilst the serpent like Jade Dragon rose above her head. "Yes. Shield your eyes Xin.".

With that Karma extended her arms to the wall and sent forth what looked like fire, save it was green rather then red. The Jade Dragon also joined her and the Serpents tightened around her arms. Xin lifted his free arm over his eyes and shouted over the raging spirit fire. "Are you making progress!?".

"Yes! This wall seems to be very thick...It may take more than one burst!".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Karma
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"Oh fuck." Jeremy remembered the troubles of that black thing. It had the power to negate immortality, that thing is definitely too dangerous to play around with. But Charlotte was still asleep... Right, idea.

Eve placed her hand on the ground and summoned a corpse, ordering it to keep an eye on Charlotte and look after her. With all of the energy from raging a while ago, the boundary must be large enough to make sure it stays reanimated.
With that, Eve ran off after the two.

Arriving at the wall, Eve saw the great green flames smashing into the wall. The same damned serpents that made Charlotte scared, but they seem to be intensifying the life energy in that female easterner. That's it! Snake girl. The Dancing Easterner seems to be doing nothing, best to talk to him.

Eve ran up to the dancing easterner and pulled on his arm to grab his attention. "Hey, you shouldn't do that! The wall IS the black thing that destroyed the village! It has the ability to destroy immortality. It's life energy is the same life energy as the gods! You have to stop! It's probably a god itself!" She called out to the Dancing Easterner. Staring him in the eyes with her shown eye. Gonna have to reveal that she is Jeremy if they question too deep.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Karma
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"Hey, you shouldn't do that! The wall IS the black thing that destroyed the village! It has the ability to destroy immortality. It's life energy is the same life energy as the gods! You have to stop! It's probably a god itself!"

Xin put her warning into consideration. If the Wall was the Darkness and the Darkness was a God then this thing that they were doing was very dangerous in deed. However, if this truly was a God, he reasoned it was a lesser God. In Xin's culture, it was believed that the High Gods did not meddle in the affairs of mortals save for in dire situations like the end of the world. Lesser Gods however were constantly playing games and using the Mortals like pawns for what they thought was good or evil. They could be beaten in combat and slain even, according to various heroic tales Xin had heard which his people regarded as true. And here they were attacking a supposed God, doing damage to it. Karma's ceased to cast to rest for few. Her magic carved out a circular crater about 5 meters in diameter into this darkness.

"This may take a while...". Karma spoke. "Perhaps longer than a day...".

"Hmmm.". Xin touched the area that they had damaged and agreed. "Your right. We should find the others, see if they wish to aid us, and gather supplies before we continue. As we are now we are ill prepared to proceed.".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Karma
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"Did you just ignore me?" Eve spoke out with an annoyed tone, at least the two has stopped. Shit! Better get back to Charlotte.
"Hey, if you really need help doing that, I can help. But I will need you to do something for me." Eve spoke to Xin, her voice seemed troublesome, it was a sudden change in emotions.

Eve pointed back towards the fire, and had begun walking back there. "You two, I left Charlotte there. I hope you don't mind if I join you." She was feeling lonely already, and wanted Jeremy to be around to talk to. But his life energy was quiet for a while, he wasn't talking to her, was the lazy bastard sleeping?
