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Skye Emerton

"Survival is my purpose now."

0 · 602 views · located in Kingdom of Alras

a character in “Fire, Death, Pinetrees”, originally authored by Sanarith, as played by RolePlayGateway



Skye is 19 years old.
Emilia Clarke

Skye is a very small young woman, standing at around 5'4". She is a slender girl, with an hourglass figure, and some curves. She has small hands and feet, which are covered in callouses from working hard. She normally stays away from shoes, and is often barefooted. Her hair is thick, frizzy and ash blonde, which swishes down to her belly button. Her eyes are blue, but change colour frequently, to purple and even hazel at times.
Skye's face shape is heart-shaped, and she has quite thick, naturally brown eyebrows. Her nose is small, and her lips full and rosy. Below her hair, which normally covers her ears, her ears are slightly pointed.
Skye, as she came from the village, only owns a dress, rather than any armor. She also has riding breeches with her, and an old tunic top, which she managed to save from the fire. She changes into these when she climbs trees, or does things high up, and most of the time, nowadays. When she's not doing much, she'll be there in a dress.
Skye only has one pet, which is her little dragon, Brimstone. He normally sits on her shoulder, not doing much, but he is good company for her. Skye also used to own a horse, but it died in the fire.

Skye is a friendly young woman, but can be quite nervous, which sometimes leads her to act violent. Her knife, and her dragon, are the only things she trusts. She is not afraid to fight for what's hers, and she is not afraid to kill to survive. She enjoys the rush of Hunting, and finding her food. Once you have gained her trust, she will hunt for you and willingly share everything she owns.
Skye is often a friendly young woman, who is open and laughs at funny things, and has a generally happy personality. But sometimes, she needs to be alone, as she is still riddled with grief from the burning of her village. Her parents perished in the flames, and it leads Skye to be afraid of large fires, smoke, and being trapped. It's one of the reasons why she enjoys being in the forest so much...She feels...Free.

So begins...

Skye Emerton's Story

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Oh, crap.
Skye's skin felt like it was still being licked by the flames. Flames that had killed her parents, her horse, destroyed her home...She kept running, coughing the toxic fumes from her lungs, forcing the smoke through her lips, running, running, running, until she had to stop. Her knees collapsed under her and she toppled to the ground, before throwing up what was left in her stomach. The acid burned her throat, and tears were squeezed almost painfully from her eyes. Her vision blurred, and she looked up to see only blur.

Once her vision cleared, she saw lots and lots of green, and brown. Something hovered in front of her face, and she swatted at it. She knew exactly what it was. "Brimstone, you little shit! Come here." She made a wild grab for him, but he dodged. She cursed again, before picking herself up off of the ground and brushing off the dirt. "Look, come here. I'm not mad. Just...Help me find some water or something." She muttered to the little flying lizard. her hand went to the hilt of her dagger that rested on her hip, attached to the belt around her waist.

As soon as she felt the weight of the tiny dragon rest upon her shoulder, Skye began to move once again. She made her way through the trees, aware that every step burned the scorched soles of her feet, aware that behind her, a column of smoke rose from where her village used to be. She swallowed a lump in her throat and began to walk. After what had seemed like a century, Skye got the idea that perhaps a higher view would give her more of an insight into where a water source could be. She doubted it, but she began to look for a low branch anyway.

One tree had a low branch, but Skye still had to jump to reach it. Her feet scratched against the rough bark, and she bit her bottom lip to stop the cry of pain from ringing out. Fresh drops of blood dripped onto the brown dirt below her. With more cries of pain, Skye got to her feet and hoisted her small body up the tree, slowly, branch by branch. The higher she got, the dizzier she got with pain, from the physical exertion and the injuries she had already sustained. She was weak, too, for losing what you had in your stomach can never be good for you. Finally, she reached the wispy little branches right at the top, and realized she could climb no further. She parted the leaves in front of her with one hand and looked out, over the treetops.
Skye could see more green. Green, green, green. No blue, apart from the blue above her for which she was named. She sighed heavily, annoyed that there was nothing there...And then...

There! A glint caught her eye. A glint of blue off of a reflective surface. Water! And it wasn't too far away. She could get there, even quicker if she jumped from tree to tree...And the trees were quite close together...Skye decided she would risk it. Holding her breath, she let go of the branch, and ran along the thin wood below her feet. She pushed off, extending her hands...And then a falling sensation...She wasn't going to make it...But then - Her hands caught onto something solid, and Skye swung there for a second. Her hands burned, but she made sure she was safe before letting go. She just had to keep on doing that and she'd be there in no time. Brimstone followed swiftly, landing on her shoulder and muttering a purr of unamusement. Skye smirked to herself and patted the little dragon's head, before launching herself again and again, making her way through the forest.

Just before she got there, though, Skye lost her grip. She fell, slamming into a few branches, before finally impacting the ground on her back, the air whooshing out of her lungs. The little dragon landed on her chest, with an almost triumphant little chirrup that almost said; I told you so. Skye lay there for a minute, letting the pain of her whole body die down for a moment before she could even begin to stand up. She looked up, and a few metres away was the water she had spied from the treetops.
It was a beautiful little pond, full of clear water. Skye knew better than to think it was pure, fresh water, but she had no other choice. She crawled through the dirt, lowering her head until she felt the coolness of the water lap onto her face, and drinking the liquid. It soothed her burnt throat, and soon enough she had slid her whole body into the cool water, clothes and all. She didn't care, it felt so cool and soothing on her singed skin. She lay there for a moment, her blonde hair fanning out behind her, her dragon on the riverbank behind her.

Skye looked at herself in the clear water. Her face was smudged with black soot, and she looked an utter state. As she lay in the water, she breathed deeply and soon realized how hungry she was. "Can you go and get something to eat?" she asked the small dragon on the bank. The little dragon chittered, before spreading his tiny wings and taking off, in search of something good to eat. Skye sighed to herself, and relaxed in the water, before beginning to plan...Her plan of action...She would need one...Or else she would starve.

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Character Portrait: Skye Emerton Character Portrait: NPC
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#, as written by Armin
Moose approaches water source containing Skye Emerson.

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Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Skye Emerton
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A Few Hours Ago...
Cough cough.
Skye awoke to a feeling like a hot feeling in her throat, like a hot poker has been stuck down her throat. She awoke, gasping for air, but found there was none. Confused, she opened her eyes, and looked over at the bedside table, where Brimstone slept. Strangely enough, there was no smoke coming from him. "Brimstone! Come on, wake up, you stupid animal." She picked him up, gently but in a rough manner. He, surprisingly, didn't wake up. "Just because you can survive in a fire doesn't mean I can." She told him, sighing. She grabbed a few things that she may need - a few spare clothes, and a small bag, and her dagger - and felt her way over to the window. She fiddled with the catch, before finally managing to undo it and breathe in gulps of fresh air, that soothed her burnt throat. The smoke cleared slightly, but the sight was not much better, for the village was on fire. The entirety of the village. It was burning.

Skye decided that it was time to get out of here, before the floor fell beneath her feet and she was crushed. She walked over to her door and opened it. The hallway was just as smoky as her bedroom. That was bad. She stepped out into the hallway, and made her way to the stairs at the other end. The floor grew warmer as she moved, and she leaped back just as flames broke through the wooden floor in front of her and ate up the wood, like a hungry wolf. The bottoms of her feet burned slightly. They must have brushed past the fire. And now she would have to jump over it to get out.

Skye took a few steps back, and ran towards the fire. She jumped, just as the flames rose slightly. She fell forward, and was encased in flames for a split second. She screamed in pain, and as soon as she hit the floor she batted at the flames that had caught her nightdress. Horribly burnt, but determined, Skye got up, and headed down the stairs.

She path was mostly clear from there. However, there was only one exit, and smoke was pouring from that door. Shaking, in pain, and terrified, Skye opened the door. The room was, again, filled with smoke, but also...Her parents bodies...They lay burning in the fire. And also, the thing that must have started it. Black tendrils curled around the door frame, searching for anything living. She drew her dagger, hand shaking, before advancing on the thing. It seemed to react to her presence, perking up slightly and reaching towards her. In a whirl of grief at what it had done, Skye rushed towards it and sliced off the tendril. It fell to the floor, and Skye breathed a sigh of relief. She stepped over the thing, aware that it may not be dead, and ran.

Run run run.

Skye opened her eyes, with tears on her face. Her wounds were soothed now by the cool water, and Brimstone had returned, toasting a duck that he'd found. She smiled at him. "Thanks, buddy." She muttered. She got out of the water, and looked at her dress. Totally destroyed. In tatters, the dress, now soaked as well as burnt to a crisp, was useless. She quickly found her bag, which she had stuffed a few useful items into, and found her breeches and tunic. The bag had protected them from the flames, luckily, so Skye quickly changed into those instead of the tattered nightdress. She left it in the dirt, and sat as she heard something approach. She put her hand on her dagger as the thing approached, before heaving a sigh of relief. Oh. It was just a moose. She stood up, quietly, and took a few steps forward, and waited to see how it would react.

The graceful creature had sunken to it's knees. Skye took a few more steps forward, and repeated this until she was close enough to touch it's nose. Gently, and slowly, she reached out, and gently patted it's soft nose. "See? That's not so bad." She murmured softly. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed red, and something sticking out of it. It was a sword, but it was still embedded in it's coarse fur. "Hmm. Who did this to you, hey?" She asked it, although it was mainly to herself. Maybe there were people out there?

Skye rushed to help the animal, gently bathing the wound and giving it some to drink, if it wanted to. Then Skye, with great difficulty, began to bathe it's bloody wound. Then, she sat down and began working on the embedded object. First things first. Get it out. "Shh." She soothed the animal. "I'm going to get this out of you. It might hurt a little bit, but just stay still." She assured it. It then turned it's head, and tried pulling it out itself, before letting out a cry of agony and fainting. Hurriedly, Skye rushed over and held the heavy head out of the water so it wouldn't drown. "Brim!" She cried out under the heavy weight. "Could you - help?!" She was struggling, but she wouldn't let it drown. "Get the sword out of it and then singe it shut so it doesn't bleed any more!" She told the dragon. She wanted to help the poor creature. Brimstone, looking slightly miffed, flew over and gently, bit by bit, tugged the sword out of the wound with his teeth. Then, so it would not burn the creature, only singe it's wound shut. It might hurt a little afterwards, but once Brimstone had done it he used his wings to splash water up onto the wound, cooling it again. There. Skye was pleased with her handiwork.

She kept one hand holding up the large head, with lots of difficulty, pushed the moose's heavy body until she could rest it's head on the bank instead of holding it up herself. Once she was sure it was comfortable, she crawled over to the roasted duck that Brimstone had caught, and dug in. The duck fat dripped down her chin, and her tongue was splattered with delicious meat. "Thank you." She told the little dragon, rubbing his head affectionately, before turning to watch the moose once again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Skye Emerton
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Xin Zhao walked around a thick plot of trees too closely together for him to move through and fortune would have it that around this plot of trees he would find water. It was a pond of clear water, water that parch his thirst and fill his canteen. But this was not the only thing he found. Just on the bank there was a large and regal looking Moose, laying down. He could see the blood on it's fur, the wound it had suffered had been burned shut, and there was a rather odd thin curved sword discarded on the ground with blood (which he assumed was the blood of the moose.). Not too far from this he saw a girl whom he recognized from the village. He did not know her name, they had never spoken to one another in the brief time he spent in the village before it was destroyed but he did recognize her and in turn she should also recall him. And then he saw the creature.

It was an overgrown lizard with wings, it's scales so large and close together that it acted as a protective chain vest rather than skin. He knew what it was, they had similar ones where he came from save that those native to his country were long and snake. The girl did not seem alarmed by the presence of this small dragon and so Xin did the same. He instead bowed in the direction of the three and went to the opposite end of the pond and drank the little water he had in his canteen. He buried the spear's head into the clay bank and knelt down so he could lean forward and use his palms as cups. He continued to drink like this until his thirst was quenched and then he filled his canteen.

"Did anyone else survive?". Xin Zhao asked out of the blue, the question aimed at the girl. His deep but gentle voice dispelling the silence of the woods.

The strange man from the east retreated but a bit away from the pond and now layed his spear infront of him rather than let it remain where it was protruding from the ground. He crossed his legs and placed his palms together, taking a deep and audible inhale and exhale he threw another question at her while in this meditative pose."Is this Dark Force that destroyed your village something that is common around these parts?".

Xin realized his questions were a tad insensitive but his travels were solely for knowledge, not fame nor for him to find new friends. Xin and his people craved knowledge of what lies in the lands to the west of their own and so he took upon himself to find out for them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Skye Emerton
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Loving touch, the scent of death and breath against her fur that roused to consciousness. Ammy couldn’t open her eyes, it was much too hard and even if she wanted to, she couldn’t seem to figure out exactly where her eyes were. Those hands touched the sword and her muscles twitched, her mind once again retreating to the darkness away from the pain.

Ammy woke to fire, her eyes opening wide as she pulled in a breath through her nose. The smell of her own singed fur would have sent any animal into a panic, however she remained still. Her ears swiveled, her great chest rising and falling with every breath that passed through her wet nose. The sword was gone, pulled out by the work of a human as her muscles began to quiver. Though the outside of the wound had been sealed shut, the internal damage was nearly too much to handle. There was no real way to make a fix while she was in this form now, the fire had sealed that route. She only had one other option. Gritting her teeth she began to make the painful shift.

Muscles rippled under the fur, bones popping and rupturing, slitting and splicing back together. Blood boiled and she bit down on her lip, holding down her whimpers as the moose body began to shimmer with change. As her muscles tore and rearranged her body began to heal. Her lips parted into a small sigh and her true form appeared. Her eyes remained shut, as she took inventory of her body, making sure that everything had indeed returned to normal. Her cheek was pressed against the earth, long black eyelashes moving with the twitch of her eyes. Cold air washed against the bareness of her skin, giving her the shivers. Mud was gathering in her silver hair as she slowly pushed herself up and opened her eyes, blinking against the sunlight as she checked her surroundings.

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Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Skye Emerton
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Skye looked up as a young man from the village approached the water. She had seen him around before, but never actually spoken to him. She watched as he stuck his spear into the ground and drank deeply. Brimstone chittered again, slightly aggressive, but she called him back with a quick hand gesture and he clambered up onto her knees, which she had hugged to her chest. He was glaring at the man, but Skye was open in body language. She kept her eyes on the moose, though, wanting to make sure it was okay. He bowed to them, and Skye returned a shy smile.

"Did anyone else survive?" His question caught Skye off guard. Her breath caught as she remembered her parents' bodies burning. She swallowed the lump in her throat and stayed silent for a few seconds, before exhaling. "No....No, I don't think so." She sighed. "Everyone I know is gone, at least." She looked at the small dragon on her knees, who was growing steadily warmer. "And I don't really know...I think so...It's always been around, but I think we annoyed it when we hired those Dispellers..." She shrugged.

A snapping, cracking sound filled her ears from where the moose lay. At first she thought she had disturbed the small pile of bones that she had picked clean. Then she saw, that after a few seconds, the moose was changing. A few seconds later, and a young woman was laying in the mud, stark naked. "What the - " She stopped herself and rushed over to cover the girl. Brimstone was annoyed, chirruping his annoyance at her as she stood up too quickly and Brimstone slid off of her knees. She took the dress out of her bag as she moved and draped it over the girl. "I hope you're alright. I'm really sorry about the whole burning thing." She apologized for nothing. It had been the only way to help.

"I guess I was wrong. Maybe there are others. That's not your sword then?" She pointed to the bloody blade that lay in the mud. "I have a weapon so you can have it if you want it." She told them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Skye Emerton
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#, as written by Armin
On the bank of by a pond in a pine forest were four creatures, three were (more or less)human, and one little dragon.
A woman, of silver hair, was lying on the cold shore ground, naked, being tended to by another girl, who had readily rushed to the silver haired ones side as soon as she had her spotted.

First there was a scraping sound. Wait a few seconds and could be heard the sound of brief conversation, and finally footsteps.
Earth was dragging his great giant sword over the forest floor, disturbing any silence that may have existed subtracting his presence, while replying to Jeremy’s whisper:
"Hey... I see... You've lost a lot of blood. I can always reanimate you and then it won't matter."
"Of course, I'll need your life energy which seems to be fading a little..."

With a plain "No."

He arrived at the shore, and stopped. The iceblue eye took a few seconds to investigate the scene before it, it was a complicated situation that wound not have been expected. There should have been a moose here. That was what he had expected to be before him as he came around the shrubs just now.
But not only was there no moose, but there were a bunch of wierdos instead. A dragon, a naked woman and a man with unfamiliar and foreign facial features and weapon.
The sharp eyes gaze went from abnormality to abnormality before landing on his sword, its blade fully coated in mooseblood.
He walked forth "There is a blade... but there is no moose..." he muttered as he went to get his sword, swaying in his movement as a result of the blood loss from the wound spanning cross his chest infusing dizziness.
"Why is that? he continued to himself as he dropped his great giant sword a few footsteps before the other blade, which was dwarfed in the first ones presence. It gave of a sharp metallic shriek as the heavy hilt hit the white pebble ground.

He took up the smaller sword, cleaned it in the pond, sheathed it, returned to the great one and lay down next to it. The wound cross his chest was throbbing with pleasant warmth and his faces emptyness gave way to a dreamy smiling expression for a few seconds before regaining composure.
"Have you seen a moose?"
Earth asked the world around him.

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Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Skye Emerton
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Jeremy's question was quickly answered with a "No". Fucking asshole, it's painful to suffer this lack of life energy. And now he walked off towards that pond, wait... Where's the moose? Dammit, they lost it.
Jeremy continued forward, his severed arm left grasping onto his shoulder and dangling over his chest. He walked slowly as his eye scanned over his surroundings, acknowledging all of the beings gathered at the area. Hey, a dragon, and the life energy is enormous. That seems like a good prey, but with that dragon is another being with an amazing amount of life energy which seems to be damaged. Maybe if he asked them nicely if he could take some of the life energy, it does replenish, unlike the pseudo-life energy that Jeremy has to suffer with.

Suddenly, something grabbed onto Jeremy's hand, oh it was Charlotte. He looked over at the little girl to see a face of fear, or was it shyness? It doesn't matter, having a woman's daughter entrusted to him is an honor and a hindrance. He should've killed her before.
Behind Jeremy walked two other beings, the reanimated corpses. A male one carrying two corpses over his shoulders, and the female mother dragging a third corpse behind her.

Once Jeremy reached Earth, he stood there, staring at the eastern man. He seemed like trouble, and that life energy was pretty pathetic. He would crouch down next to Earth, but that would probably break his legs, Jeremy was already pissed off at having to carry his own limb around.
"Maybe it just ran off as soon as it left our sight." Jeremy answered Earth's question, his voice toned down to become more mono toned. It was still croaky and deep as before with his words dragged out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Skye Emerton
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The cloth scratched against her newborn skin, the feeling unfamiliar as she quietly pulled the dress tight around her chest, sitting still for a moment as her blue eyes blinked. The sky above her was blue, a heard of white horsetails streaking across from the east. The trees that surrounded her were all pine, though shorter than what she was used to. Back where she was from, Ammy was surrounded by trees so large it was impossible to wrap one's arms around them. These red woods towered up to the sky, even in her bird form she was unable to reach the top of the trees. These trees looked like kin, but they were so small that it seemed almost impossible that they were kin. Her ears swiveled, catching the sound of the birds and the other animals around as Ammy suddenly turned her attention onto the water her feet were in. It was warmer than what she was used to, untouched by the frozen glaciers from her lands and she looked down at her pale feet in the water. It wasn’t very clear, blood had swirled with the water and muddy clay had joined the mix. The wind had stopped and she brushed her hair back, picking up the blade that had pierced her side. It was oddly shaped, the blade still coated in her blood as she shook her head and stabbed the blade all the way to the hilt in mud.

“Of course it’s not mine,” her voice came out in a horse growl, clearing out her throat as she looked up, finally turning her attention to the people around her. The woman that had healed her was close to her side, her eyes blue like the snow flowers. If anything, Ammy thought she looked like a smaller version of her, much smaller. Her hands were so small they looked breakable, and her own hair was wet. The man on the far side of both of them looked uninterested as he leaned against his spear. “Thank you.”

Her head shot up as she heard the rasp of the blade, her hands reaching up to crunch down on her ears as he came closer. Her lip curled, revealing pointed canines as she caught the scent of blood. She immediately recognized the man walking towards them, her legs wobbling like a newborns as she stood and moved away from the sword as he cleaned it, then asked something about a moose. It was answered by a man who was carrying his own arm, two lifeless creatures behind him as Ammy tossed her head. That man-he was the one who's arm had slapped her!

“I’m that moose and you owe me an apology!” she boldly declared, stepping forward with the dress now on her body, the bottom of it coming to her knees. Her feet dug into the mud and anger caused her fighting spirit to blaze inside of her.

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Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Skye Emerton
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Jeremy quickly turned his glance to the girl strange girl in the dress, she. A moose? Jeremy felt quite offended at her remark, what would she do anyway? Kill him? Nah, he's Immortal now.
"Do I look retarded to you? You aren't a moose." He spoke towards her, his voice had a slightly sharpened tone to show how he took offense to the girls remark. He let go of Charlotte's hand and grabbed his severed arm by the bicep, it moved on it's own and faced the woman. The hand made a hand signal stating 'go away' as it waved.

Next, the eastern guy spoke to Jeremy, he moved his glance over to the laid back person as he spoke. Jeremy's voice returned to it's usual mono toned, croaky state as he answered, his severed arm moved where the hand would make a mouth which pretended to speak as Jeremy spoke; "I have no idea, I used to be a master of the elements. 'til I decided to learn necromancy, it removed my elemental powers so I'm stuck like this. I roam free in these lands, always have. People just refuse to mess with a guy carrying a scythe and having 20 corpses following him. Although, that was when I was alive, I don't have enough life energy to summon my scythe or reanimate 20 beings..."

Oh that's right, life energy. Without facing the fake-moose-girl, Jeremy spoke out to her. His voice in a more aggravating tone; "Oh yeah, is that dragon yours, fake-moose-girl? Or can I take some of that high amounts of life energy of yours? Don't worry, life energy replenishes."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Skye Emerton
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" That is the cost of being a shapeshifter... You do not know and will never know your purpose.".

Xin Zhao chimmed in, butting into their conversation. He moved closer to the water and emptied his canteen into the pond. "Shapeshifters are like water. They know nothing of loyalty. This pond, this water, holds this form but once it is moved, it takes the form of its container.".

Xin dipped his canteen into the water, getting his sleeves wet, as a demonstration of what he meant.

"I know my purpose as do each of my people. I've observed that this is a unique trait of ours for your people do not know their purpose. ".

Xin backed away from the water and returned to his original spot before continuing.

"Your farmers wish to be merchants. Your merchants wish to be Nobles. Your Nobles wish to be kings and your kings wish to be gods.".

Xin took a deep breath and then he finally decided to abandon his meditative pose by standing. As he rose he took his spear in his left and walked over to each individual, bowing rather than offering his hand.

"Where is the next settlement from here?", Xin asked, his dark brown eyes jumping from each individual to the next.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Skye Emerton
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Skye accepted the shapeshifter's thanks with a quick smile, before hearing the scrape of another sword. Brimstone seemed to perk up again, coming to Skye's defense, but a quick glare at him made him shut up. She watched as the shapeshifter seemed to take in the environment around her once again.

The scrape of the sword grew closer, and the demand to know where the moose was, was almost rude. Skye answered quietly, "You wouldn't believe us if we told you - " At the same time as the shapeshifter told them that it was her. The scoffs and remarks made afterwards proved her point. "See? Told you that you wouldn't believe us." She sighed. She stood up with the shapeshifter, looking absolutely tiny and very muddy. Great. Her spare clothes were ruined. Again.

The Necromancer - one of the dispellers, maybe? - mentioned her dragon. "Actually, he's mine." She remarked, and as if in agreement, Brimstone chittered and glided up to her shoulder. The dragon was warm on her shoulder, radiating heat, and his scales in a thin line glowed orange as he breathed.

The next conversation that followed was long, and discussed the shapeshifter. Skye listened intently, but did not speak. There was no reason to. She instead listened, until the conversation appeared to be over. She had no purpose? Skye looked at her feet. Surely everyone had a purpose...Even if it wasn't clear.

She listened to the rest of the foreign man's speech, looking at each of them in turn. Or, strictly speaking, looked up at them all. They were all much taller than her. She looked like the child on the Necromancer's shoulders. The foreign man then asked about the next settlement near here. "The only one I know of was beyond the village...I don't know about beyond this forest." She shrugged. He asked a lot of questions.

"I think we should introduce ourselves." She began. They couldn't really talk much without knowing each other's names, so she decided to ask. "I'm Skye, and this is Brimstone." Brimstone chittered in agreement.

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Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Skye Emerton
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#, as written by Armin
"Follow the trail" Earth answered the foreign man.
He was referring to the trail of blood and plowed earth left by his wound and sword.
"It leads straight to the burned village."
The girl introduced herself as Skye. Earth found this a little amusing, or at least remarkable, as he was in those moments starring at the sky and had been doing so the past few minutes for no particular reason.
"Skye. Is that a dragon?"

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Skye nodded shortly at the man asking her a question directly. He seemed inquisitive, but not as much as the foreign man. He asked a lot of questions. "You still didn't tell me your name." She pointed out.

He was a lot taller than she was, with long blonde hair pulled up tight in a ponytail. A huge sword trailed behind him - which was what she heard earlier. A large gash trailed down his chest, which Skye frowned at. He would need stitches. Unfortunately, the only healing she knew how to do was to singe cuts closed so they wouldn't bleed any more. "If you'd like, Brim can seal off that cut for you." She offered. She didn't know how he'd react but she hoped that he would see it as a kind gesture.

She looked around the group again, before walking over to a slightly less muddy place and sitting down again, hugging her knees once again to her chest. Wind whipped through her wet hair slightly, making it fly out behind her like a fan.

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Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Skye Emerton
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#, as written by Armin
"Thank you that would be nice." He said and pulled off the blood red(previously white) ribbon that had been partly covering his wound soaking up blood, revealing the full length of the cut. It was oozing with blood, a red line drawn diagonally cross his entire upper body, beginning at the left chest muscle, going down through his right line of abs ending just below the waist. It was difficult to see, as it was hidden under blood, but the cut wasn’t all that deep and not much musculature was severed, it cleaved the surface of his chest and abs and was not deep enough to be a continual line of red, the crevasses between different muscles, between chest and abdominal muscles and in-between abdominal muscles, had not been carved up. Nonetheless, most details could not be spectated, as they were hidden under blood.
Lying down, Earth adjusted his chest upwards a little, taking his bare back off of the white stone grounds uneven pebble surface and introduced himself. “I’m Earth.”
With a hint of anticipation or excitement he said after a pause "Burn it."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Skye Emerton
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As everyone was speaking, Jeremy decided to get to work with the corpses. Making a rising signal to the male zombie, it picked up one of the bodies and held it towards Jeremy. While Charlotte was still sitting on his shoulders, Jeremy held it hand out and started the reanimation process. A black pentagram appeared on the chest of the corpse, it glowed a little as the pseudo-life energy was transported into it. Once the process was done, the pentagram disappeared and the body was dropped to the floor. Instead of ordering the body to rise, it was left to sink into the ground, ready to be summoned/teleported for use.

When all of the bodies were energized and stored, Jeremy allowed the male zombie to sink into the ground. Leaving him with Charlotte's mother. Of course he would let her stay, she was Charlotte's mother. Only a small amount of pseudo-life energy was used, and can be transported back into Jeremy's body if needed.

Now that Jeremy was finished, he turned to face the others. Charlotte sitting on his shoulders with a massive smile, and her mother standing next to Jeremy with a very happy look.
"Name's Jeremy Dantoh, this is Charlotte. I don't know her mother's name, nor does Charlotte." Jeremy stated to the others, speaking in his usual dark, deep mono toned voice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Skye Emerton
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“And yet it is the ever-changing state of both water and nature is what keeps your body alive,” she growled simply, “If water had any loyalty to one form, do you really think it would be so easy to fill your stomach with it? Can you eat a solid block of ice and gain water from it if it remains such a state? Nature has no loyalties; not with you, or me, in any form I take. The only constant is change.”

Ammy finished triumphantly, her eyes flashing golden for a moment as her inner wolf threatened to take over. This man was like the ones from her homeland; everything had to be loyal, belonging to someone or some idea, otherwise it was dangerous, unpredictable and had to be eradicated. Ammy curled her lip, her little canines showing. Ignorance was the true killer of men, not magic or shifters. Those that had lost their lives to such things deserved their fate. More often than not it was they who started the battle; the shifters were only trying to protect themselves from harm. All animals attack when cornered, she thought to herself as she lay back on the grass and gave a pitying smile in Skye’s direction. These clothes belonged to Skye and Ammy saw that Skye’s were already mud covered from helping her in moose form. At least Ammy had managed to keep the loaned dress away from the mud; it rested so high on her body. She would give it back. Once she remembered where exactly she had placed her own clothes the last time she had changed. Quietly she closed her eyes and put her head in her hands. The sun struck across her face, giving her silver hair an almost white appearance, as she rose her head up higher remembering the last time she had lived in a day so warm.


Ammy dashed past the trees, her blonde-white hair streaking out behind her six-year-old-self as she ran, her lips pulled back into a joyous smile. She could hear the shouts of the person who was giving chase far behind and she took the opportunity to slow, twisting her head back to look for him amongst the aspens. Seeing no sign and hearing nothing, she came to a stop. Her blue eyes, much like glacier ice, widened as she scanned the foliage. It was fall, the soft red and orange of the trees casting a colorful glow as they slowly threw themselves from the tree only to flutter joyously around in the winds.


The snow-elf was nowhere to be seen, his dark hair and rich clothing having seemed to disappear into the woods that were his home. Curiously she turned her head taking a few steps in one direction before switching to a different direction. She turned on the spot, trying to catch even the slightest of glimpses of Azian.

“Come out! This is tag, not hide-and-go-seek,” she called with a giggle, her face towards the warmth of the sun as she bathed in its waves. She wasn’t worried; this wasn’t the first time he had pulled a stunt like this; until she heard the snap of a branch, followed by a growl. Her head turned, her body slowly backing away carefully as she lifted her skirt slightly.
“Okay, you can stop it now,” she called, twisting as another branch broke behind her. She twirled, only to get pushed from behind, her body lurching forward with a scream. Laughter rose from behind her and she turned, seeing Azian behind her. Her lips pulled back in a snarl as she launched herself at him. He fell back against the leaves with a sharp gasp, her arm pressed into his throat as his eyes smiled.

“Don’t! Do! That!” she growled, watching as his brown eyes glinted.

“Tell me you didn’t enjoy it in the least bit,” he smirked, his eyes flashing as she smiled. It was hard to stay mad at him. She took a deep breath, her eyes closing as she smelled the earth, the sky and even the tangy, piney smell of the man under her, “Get off of me Ammy!”

“Whoops,” she laughed as Azian pushed against her hips, slowly moving her to the ground next to him as they watched the clouds. Her eyes remained closed for the most part, and his remained fixated on her face.

They stayed like that for awhile, until the stars rose and the moon lay hidden behind a dark veil. Occasionally, the stars would fall from the sky and he would watch as her lips moved quietly, just a little twitch of breath every-now-and-then, her bright blue eyes tracing the fall until it vanished. His fingers twined with hers and she took her eyes off the sky to look into his. Her lips pulled into the smile again, returning her gaze back to the sky as he slowly rose. She listened to him move and shuffle around on the earth. Their heads touched their hair mingling together as he lay against her, his feet the opposite way from hers.

“What do you see?”

“Hmm,” she murmured, not taking her eyes off the sky as more stars fell.

“What do you see up there that holds you so captive, Ammy?”

“My mother told me that every star is a life, when they fall, that means that someone is entering the world. But each star has its own story behind it too,” carefully she pointed to a clump of stars, eyes shining brightly, “There. That’s where I came from. It’s a bull. If you look closely, all the stars from the outline of my creature.”

Azian smiled gently. Slowly he nodded, agreeing with her as one by one she enlightened him to which stars belonged to which animal. Slowly, even he could begin to see a pattern in the stars above. He rolled, bending over her to plant a kiss on her cheek as she stared up, blushing.


That had been the good times, back when she was still welcomed with open arms in her village, being loved by everyone as Ammy, the Innocent. Six-year-old Ammy was happy, alive, surrounded by the rest of the village kids. She was the ringleader in all schemes and adventures, which was until the next year. She was seven when she found herself walking through the forest by herself one day. It was one of aspen and pine. The colors flashed gold, red and green in the light. It was cool and the threat of winter was nipping at her nose and cheeks but at that time Ammy had no problem with the cold, in fact she enjoyed it. As she walked she came across a split in the path and decided to head for the one that split from it. As she walked on it she was careful never to tread on a living thing, animal or plant. Soon she could hear it. The sound of water falling from the cliff that towered above the whole forest below called her onwards. Soon she arrived at the falls, the water falling blue and white in a clear cascade down into a pool that was also clear. Ammy could see the bottom of the pool, filled with the white stones that had created the path. Now they were also at the bottom of the pool and at the center, the stones that were rare on the path, the black ones were in abundance. The water sang and beckoned to her so she took of her shirt and pants before stepping into the cool water. As she waded toward the center, she suddenly began to feel a sharp pain, a pain that still caused her now to grimace. It was the forbidden spring, but it hadn’t seemed so bad back then. That water had given rise to her true nature; it had not caused it, but brought it forth out into the open. Ammy the Innocent died that day, and Ammy the Feared had been born. What was feared, was hunted, and if they were lucky, killed on the spot. Ammy had not been so lucky.


Her white dress billowed around her legs, making the colorless threads shooting through the black marble stand out. Her blonde hair fell around her shoulders, arranged so that it covered her breasts. Her eyes were closed. The low lighting in the room made the blood dripping from her fingers appear like black water, falling like diamonds from the tips. The cut right under her arm released the precious tears, the horrible jagged thing attesting to the pain she had endured. Her hands hug over the edge of the marble, her pale skin being mirrored by the puddle of blood shining on the cold grey stone. Her chest rose and fell with invisible breaths and a single tear shimmered on her cheek.

The barred door creaked open as her captors entered. Ammy kept her eyes closed, her heart beat as slow as her almost nonexistent breath. They walked over to her, their eyes glimmering black as they used their ability to keep her body bound tightly to the cold marble, slipping back to allow another to enter. Finally the last person entered decorated richly in a cloak of deep purple, a signature of royalty. He brushed the silver grey hair back from his icy eyes, looking over her body with a nod of approval. His healers had done well, not a scar remained except for the slice under her arm, right near the large artery running along the length of it. He remembered with sick pleasure how she had wept as the steal had cut through her, burning with the special powder that his assistant had given him. She hadn’t told them anything, holding true to her stupid Shifter laws. This time though, she would talk.

He rolled up his sleeves, nodding to the two men who had faded into the back of the room. They stepped forward, their eyes becoming normal colors and they began to arrange her in a position to better the pain that would be coming. Her eyes flashed open and she attacked, throwing her fist out to catch one of the extras under his jaw and sending him reeling back, the snapped rope still wrapped around her wrist. Her blood spattered the wall as she moved, quickly making the two binders useless on the floor. Their blood flowed from their lips and nose, their eyes closed in unconsciousness. She turned to her captor, his eyes narrowing.

“What do you want from me,” she growled her body tensing. He stepped to the door, pressing his back against it and signaling the man behind him. She received no answer, only the icy stare of the man who she didn’t recognize, had no knowledge of.
“Sleep,” came the soft voice of a different man, stepping form the shadows, his cloak as red as blood. As she started to fall, he swept forward, catching her in his arms and laying her gently on the table. He arranged her as best he could, clapping her hands in the chains that hung from the table instead of the useless rope.

“Thank you Kirsten,” the old man said, steeping forward and kicking the two men that lay on the dirty floor. “So, Wolf….”
“I’m not a Wolf,” she snapped taking her eyes off of Kirsten’s. She heard the slap as her head snapped wildly to the left before she felt the singing pain across her cheek. She had bit her lip, splitting it and already blood was oozing forth from the bite. She ran her tongue over the cut, tasting the salty blood and growling. Kirsten began to get anxious, his hand gently caressing her cheek which still stung like fire from the abuse it had just received. Ammy could tell that it wasn’t Kirsten who had slapped her but the man who was pulling his sleeve back up over his elbow. Her eyes flickered and hatred burned in her soul, making her stronger. She wouldn’t tell them anything, nothing about herself or the shifters. They were her family and she would remain bound to those laws even till her dying breath had escaped her lips. Her eyes flashed silver and then faded, her jaw squaring and becoming tighter as she locked it, thinking only of her familiars.

“Come now,” he said gently, laughter glimmering in his eyes, “You just have to lead us right to them in their woods and you’ll be free.”

She opened her mouth to say something, whisper it so low that only he would be able to hear but as she opened her mouth to speak there was the sharp pain of skin ripping and the horrible smell of flesh burning. Words turned into screams as the pain finally hit her, her body withering as it tried to escape whatever was doing this to her.

“Talk,” the Lord purred, pushing the heated blade further up into her skin, his eyes narrowing as the only thing that came forth from her was tears, but they didn’t fall. “Very well, you will talk before this is over.”
He pushed the blade up to its hilt, twisting it violently inside of her as she arched her back, keeping her jaw locked but screaming none-the-less. She didn’t tell nor say anything but kept her mouth void of words as they continued to torture her; steal cutting and burning, fire pushed inside of her and white hot iron all took a shot to loosen her tongue but nothing but her screams filled the chamber.


Time had caused her to whimper, the harshness of the memory giving her a reason for why she had left. She had left to escape unjustness, to escape ignorance in man, to be free. Her eyes opened and looked upright as she watched the dragon sear fire over an open wound, the smell of singed hair and skin reached her nose as she looked back to her hands.

“My name is Ammy.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Skye Emerton
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Xin Zhao raised a brow and smiled at the shape shifter's response. She was smart and she challenge what his people had deducted from the very nature of shape shifters. He would continue.

"That is wear water redeems itself...It is holds no loyalty to a form because it's purpose, to give life to all things, demands it does not. Shapeshifters are not true to a form, they can be whatever they please and so can take on multiple purposes. They simply refuse to take on a purpose.".

Xin pointed at her wolf ears. "You have spent much time as a wolf I see... Yet here you are as a human and before you were this moose, a creature who is meant to provide nourishment for other creatures, while wolves ensure that such animals do not exceed their lands' carrying capacity.".

Xin paced about his hand on his chin as he recalled something a close friend of his argued. " A friend of mine once argued that perhaps Shapeshifters are blessed with the ability to choose their own purposes...that they are the true free spirits mankind wishes to mimic.".

A moment of silence fell on Xin as he recalled his friend and what fate befell her. One could see but a momentary hint of sadness in his eyes before it was dispelled and replaced with a gleam of false joy. "My name is Xin Zhao. I am a foreigner to these lands as you can see and hear.".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Skye Emerton
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#, as written by Armin
"Water..." Earth thinks while being set on fire.

The little dragon was burning his wounds shut. His muscles tensed on reflex and he felt a searing pain and at the same time a queer pleasure, like someone was scratching a really itchy rash on his chest, where the fire burned.
The fumes of his own charred flesh: The smoke, the fire, it reminded of the village, and Earths mind abruptly decided to flash that burning scenery through his mind for just a split second, reanimating a shadow of the terror that he had felt then. It was gone almost instantly, but left in its wake a clotting thick lump of emotions, taking tens of seconds to dissolve.
He was brought back to the real world. Oh right, he was on fire. Searing pain stinging and scratching again. The dragon was momentarily finished, the wound completely shut. Its surface was raspy against his fingers as he stroke it with his right hand. It would probably crack open if he moved too rashly.

"Where was I... ... water? They were speaking of it. Right water, Im thirsty."
He sat up into a casual position with loose arms and legs, and a relaxed face.

"We need food and water." He said, reminding of the obvious.
"I’m wounded, there is a pond, but there is no moose." The ice blue eye swept through the array of characters, assessing. It landed on the foreigner.
"Xin, you have a spear. You should hunt for me."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch Character Portrait: Xin Zhao
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Xin having avoided being placed on huntsmen duty, now separated himself from the group by a few paces. "Excuse me while I go train.".He said casually to the entirity of those present.

Xin weilded his spear in his right and then bowed to an imaginary person who was not there. He then gripped his spear with both hands and stood there ready to combat this imaginary foe. He stood there for some time doing ,to what a mere spectator , seemed like nothing but infact he was retreating from the world around him. To Xin, the shapeshifter and the necromancer, the girl from the village and her pet dragon, and the weird man with a large sword and even the stranger who approached even now went unnoticed (though he could hear their voices clear as day.). By placing himself in state of mind there was no one but him...him and his imaginary opponent. It was then that when his opponent ceased to be seem imaginary that Xin Zhao commenced.

He took a step forward and thus commenced a battle, a deadly dance. With every strike and every parry, every dodge and flourish, Xin placed all the energy that he would in a real fight. He was truly in his own world and once he dispelled the one enemy he faced, he stopped for an instant to summon more. They out numbered him, the foes he had conjured with his mind. A lesser man in such a situation would surrender or beg for mercy but not Xin Zhao.

He looked around to those who stood in front of him and then over his shoulders to those who stood behind him (the only indication to those spectating him that he was fighting more than one imaginary opponent) and courageously declared.

"I may be outnumbered..."
He took a step forward with his right and then lifted his left knee high above his waist, everything beneath the knee was tucked back and pointed towards the ground, and in one swift motion he spun the blunt side of his spear to the front and pointed it at his opponents.

"...I doubt even the odds could stand against me!". With that he brought the spear back to his original position and spun it once with his left hand, then around his back and over his shoulder. He brought his left leg down into the firm ground as he did this and the battle commenced. He struck to the left and then quickly swung it to his right to perhaps knock wack an overly eager foe who thought it he could get away with charging blindly at him. He jumped and kicked to the back, using his spear to further propel himself and give his kick more power. Still they came and still he fought on. Any spectator could be laughing at him as he continue his made up fight, perhaps giggling or admiring his discipline. Not once did his form falter, not once did he show a lack of technique, and if you looked into his eyes you could see that not only did it really seem like there were multiple enemies around him trying to end his life, but despite the odds he did not lose his cool. The fight continued for but a few more instances to those around him but to him it seemed longer. Regardless it came to an end. Xin fell into the same meditative pose he held earlier, his hand still holding his spear while the other grabbed the canteen and removed the cap so he could drink. He then buried his spear into the clay bank of the pond and walked before the pine trees.

He eyed each one, examining them, measuring the strength of their bark (if such a thing were possible with the naked eye). Once he found that was suitable he backed off a few paces, bowed to it, and begun to assault it with his fists, elbows, and legs. This continued on till he was winded. He then drank more water and returned to clay bank where he commenced doing push ups on his knuckles. Each time he went up he pushed himself off the ground and each time he clapped his hands together.

In his strange foreign tongue he counted every successful push up he did and did not cease this till he could not do a single more. Xin then rolled over and did sit ups and this too went on till he could not do another. Once complete Xin drank once again from his canteen and looked to the stranger who he just now noticed not too far from them.

"And who are you, stranger?". Xin asked, his muscles aching and the sweat dripping from his face down and into the clay and his clothes.