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Wiesel Uring

A former 'noble' turned to homicidal bandit.

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a character in “Fire, Death, Pinetrees”, as played by Lazyscreename


Name: Wiesel Uring

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Orientation: Bisexual

Affiliation: Chaotic Evil

Occupation: Bandit, Former heir to tyrant family

Race: Human

Picture: Image

Physical description: Wiesel stands at roughly 6 ft exactly, with a well toned and but fairly skinny body, his skin of a greyish hue, thick lips, and short, black, cornrows style of hair, with a weird bunch of whiskers from an odd hair disorder that look like they would belong more on a cat's face. He also has dark brown eyes and a rather bony face, as well as slender but strong fingers. He also has a number of burns under his clothes that are still left unhealed, including one on his scalp, his back, his right foot's toes, and his left knee.

Weaponry, Abilities, and Armor: Wiesel carries a plain steel and silver sickle with a wooden handle, which is also his obvious weapons of choice, but isn't afraid to fight unarmed if needs be, often resorting to any dirty tricks or underhanded methods of wining a fight, including kicking sand in peoples faces, striking on old wounds, sneak attacks, or stealing an opponents weapon. He has no real armor, only the clothes upon his back. Although by no real means super human, Wiesel is extremely agile and speedy, able to clamber up a cliff wall and dart between the trees with ease, as well as a bit of strength to him that he wouldn't be crumbled by a few punches, and to find climbing the terrain easier than the average person. He is also fairly good at tracking, able to follow tell-tale sings and trails left behind by man or beast if needs be, but is by no means an expert, the same could be said for his hunting skills.

Description of clothing: Wiesel wears extremely uncharacteristic clothing to his occupation, the clothes he wears are the same he left his hometown in to this day. He is dressed in a black coloured wide brim hat with puffy red plumage, a maroon coloured short sleeved shirt, a green bead necklace, large golden hoop ear rings, and a necklace made of odd diamond shaped pieces, with an odd trinket in the center. He also wears orange trousers, a set of gold bangles and a white band, both on his left wrist, a black glove on his left hand, and a odd pair of pointed ornate shoes.

Equipment: Apart from his sickle, he carries a leather water canteen, a pouch for food, an a climbing rope. All other items he finds, he stores in a great hollow tree, much like a squirrel would.

Personality: Wiesel is a rather cruel and self-centered individual, finding himself constantly with a blood-lust and wish for death on most he meets, and itchy fingers when he meets someone with even a grain of rice in their possession, wishing to steal everything anyone ever owns. He is, however, extremely wary of those he knows he doesn't stand a chance with, often attempting his best to avoid them, or at the very least, have no conflict with them, very much wishing to prolong his life by any means possible. Because of this he is immensely paranoid, believing all living creatures want him dead, and always make a plan of action on how to murdered everyone and anyone, often using his cunning and agility over strength and bravery.

Weaknesses: Due to his focus on self-preservation and picking on those he believes to be weaker, Wiesel is a massive coward, never putting himself in unnecessary danger if he can avoid it. Also, he is fairly greedy in a sense, taking anything he can from people, and therefore can be sometimes a rather open book, and tricked pretty easily when aiming for this goal. He can also be overpowered by those with enough strength and able to catch him, and he is by know means a master of battle, often deciding to flee when the going get's tough.

History: Originally having lived in a life of luxury, Wiesel had lived life as a spoiled child straight to young adulthood, getting everything he wanted from his tyrannical parents that forcefully ruled over his hometown, leeching off their success. This was until there was a sudden revolt by the townsfolk that caused his rich parent's downfall, as well as all those loyal to them, and the imprisonment of Wiesel, but not before being caught in a dreadful fire that was started in his parent's room, that caused a number of burns to cover his body, and incinerating his mansion home along with it, though was only confined to his home. Luckily for everyone who wasn't him.
Due to his condition, and thinking the miserable man to be of no real danger, they allowed a healer to take visits to treat his burns, slowly regaining his physical strength as his wounds healed, though his mind was breaking. He lived his whole life latching onto the wealth and power of his parents, and now having been dragged down to the level of a mere convict, with no real way of climbing back on top. Frustration of this grew, and not blamed his obviously dubious parents, but those that now lived peacefully in the town, including the healer that visited him. Eventually he snapped, and stole a sickle that the healer used for cutting twigs and plants for medicinal purposes, which he then promptly used to slice their throat open, feeling no remorse for killing the one person who helped heal up his old burns mostly to the extent they were gone. The guard that was supposed to watch him was also killed by Wiesel in frenzied panic, shortly after he opened the door to his cell, for his failed attempt to restrain him. He escaped into the forests, leaving the town behind and managing to learn to survive on his own, as the alternative was death by the elements, the wildlife or of starvation. During this time he decided there was one way he could make himself back atop, by killing everyone he wanted to, having the higher privilege of being alive, and stealing all the possessions of those he did not murder. ever since, he had been living as a bandit in the forests, picking on those left alone and defenseless, or which he believes are capable of being defeated by him.

Other: Theme Song: Alice Madness Returns - Madness

So begins...

Wiesel Uring's Story

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Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch
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#, as written by Hyydra
He noticed the swinging man depart from his tree, and paid no mind until he realized it was coming towards him. He then fled in the darkness, hiding withing the trees into a fern bush nearby. He wasn't in sight anymore, not to the group. He laid his eyes onto the beholder, a strange looking fellow, in his mind like that of a jester, or a thief. But could he have come over to murder him? Possibly, he's seen the type. But this was his forest now, he wouldn't allow anyone to harm him, especially not in his forest. Remembering how death's revival was a restless sleep, he shook his head and softly snorted, giving off where he was deliberately. He then dashed closer to another bush nearby the tiny man, coming in his direction now. When the man opened up closer to him, revealing his position, he steadily rose, his chest under is arms which rose him into the air so high as he looked down on him. He didn't smile, or show any offensive, he just stared with confusion and concern. He did not expect combat, nor a conversation. He simply was showing he was of no harm. Inside his mind, he thought of different ways the man would attack, if he wanted to. He thought of three pins, two instant deaths, and two more tackles to pin him. He didn't show these thoughts, though. He did not want to resort to defense, but he would if necessary. He thought he wasn't with them, which in his mind was a good thing. With a raspy breathing, in his deep low whisper, he asked "What is your name? "

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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Mirian just stayed there, staring the two of them. Her confusion had just grown even more. Eve didn't seem to regonize her. ”Was I mistaken after all...?” And suddenly there was a dragon in front of her. Dragon that was Ammy just a while ago. Besides that, she was soaking wet, hungry, her childhood home was a pile of carchoal, her family might be dead and there was ridiculous fights all over the place. This wasn't her day and there was no sing of her usual calmness anymore.

”This is too much. Can't no one be an ordinary human!” She put her katana back to its steath and started walking away. ”I hope we never see again!” Mirian didn't even care where she was going. She just wanted to get away from there. Suddenly she bumped into two men. ”Great. Who are you then? And don't say you're shapeshifters or some dead-not-dead weirdos. I'm getting tired of this shit!” There was a crack of thunder and flash of light. Mirian's eyes flashed with the thunder and turned into yellowish color. The demon inside her was waking up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch
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Wiesel was only getting more frustrated, as his attempt to sneak up on the newest stranger backfired as they instead had snuck up on him, appearing suddenly from a bush, and demanding to know his name. Much to his even greater frustration, the man who looked as if he was from the military was armed with a crossbow, which he certainly wasn't confident in dodging. He drew his sickle with his gloved hand nonetheless, just in case.
"My name is Wiesel good stranger, and what would be yours?", the bandit greeted with false politeness, giving a flourishing bow, before a pang of unease rose up in him when the voice of Mirian came behind him, shouting in frustration of having to put up with the bizarre events that had occurred, demanding who these two men were.
Deciding to use the truth to his advantage, proclaiming to the young lady with suddenly yellow eyes in the flash of lighting warmly; "Greetings madam, I am Wiesel, a simple forest dweller, who merely came across a group of strangers causing a lot of noise in the area and ended up becoming an onlooker. I then saw that this man was spying on you all, to which I felt suspicious of and decided to get a closer look at him."
He gave a smarmy grin as he pointed to the other man, before looking past Mirian for what caused him to turn pale and leave his jaw hanging in shock.
In place of where Eve and Ammy once was, there had been a great dragon, tremendous in presence but not in size, with black razor claws and fangs, the rest a mixture of blue scales and silver fur. He continued to stare in utter bewilderment as the dragon that seemed to appear from nowhere flew up into the sky without wings, and rushing off into the distance, the force of it's flight blowing his hat clean off his head, revealing the badly kept cornrows beneath. He merely squeaked a small tune of shock, transfixed at the space where the dragon was, staring blankly past Mirian.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch
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#, as written by Hyydra
Joshua looked as the shock on his face lost his distraction towards him, but snapped his head towards the one with the golden eyes. His expression turned from stern to wide eyed. He slowly stepped back in awe, staring into her eyes deeply. Kill her. he was thinking those words for some strange reason, not feeling the want to do so, but the thought of doing it did more than scare him. He backed up suddenly, rushing towards the tree behind him, a hand upon his face as he shook his head. "Not again, not again. No." He whispered to himself as he shut his eyes tighter, the water dripping down both sides in pain. He lowered his arm and his head, looking towards the two closest to him, slightly distracted by the girl's presence. He took three steps forward, two with his arms and one with his back left foot. He stared at her, a defensive state on his face turning to a peaceful one at a slow ease. He fluttered his eyes up to hers every now and then, afraid. He never seen such a being before, never in the forests. But within her eyes, he saw an evil presence. Like it from his dreams, his visions, his images. He took one step backwards once more, a small stroke of fear on his face as he raised his body up to keep away from her. "N-No." He worded, but didn't stop to run. An attraction came from her, well, from his mind's thought of the nightmare that haunts him. He stayed there, looking solemnly at the ground, starting to close his eyes slowly.

But as his eyes closed, its eyes began to stare at him in the darkness of his mind.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch
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”I'm Mirian. Mirian Alasi” she answered to Wiesel turning her head towards other man then. ”I think I didn't hear your name.” Her eyes watched closely as he suddenly backed off then stepped forward only to back off again.

She kept staring the man. Her eyes meeting his. Even when he closed them Mirian kept her eyes onto man. ”A spy you said, huh? He seems pretty cowardly to be a spy.” her voice was rather emotionless. There was no warmth in it. It was hard to tell if she was angry or if she just didn't care.

She walked towards him. And as she walked closer her demon claws revealed. One by one long, sharp, black claws grew from her fingers. She was now right in front of the man. As tall as he was compared to her, Mirian didn't seem to be scared at all. In fact she had a little smirk in her lips. ”Tell me, spy. What was your target?” she placed one of her claws on his throat.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch
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#, as written by Hyydra
"P-please." He whispered, but not in fear. His heart began to thump loud enough for them both to hear, a rapid three times, pause, three times. With only to her extent could she see the shadowy aura around him now, his eyes fluttering to reveal his white and golden eye. With a look of fear on his face, he stared into her eyes, but what Mirian could see was the look of madness, an impossible white grin with sharp teeth stretched across his face. "My, my name is Joshua." He whispered, leaning back once more as he opened his eyes again, looking at her claw on his throat. "I wasn't spying, I've been looking for someone. Your business is of no importance to me, I assure you. No. Stop." He interjected randomly, looking to the right of him as if someone was there. With a sigh of relief, he turned back to her. "I am not a shapeshifter, nor an undead. I am a child of the forest, simply going along the boundaries of his home." He said more forcefully, heightening his size to the extent where her claw was on his chest now. "I have no want to fight you, nor trouble you. So please, remove your talons." He seemed to not be afraid anymore, but still fascinated by her existence. "Tell me this, winged one." He asked, "What are you?" He blinked his eyes randomly now, seeing the image of what haunts him amongst the darkness, then her, seeing a weak resemblance in his own thoughts.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch
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”Ah, never seen a demon have you?” Mirian asked and flew a bit over ground as her large, black, birdlike wings grew from her back. She rose up so their eyes were in the same level. ”Black Raven I'm called. Remember that name. It might be the last one you hear.” She spoke still holding her claw on his throat not even paying attention on the looks on his face. It didn't matter to her. He was soon dead anyways.

She glanced over Wiesel. ”He says you're a spy. You say you're not. So one of you is lying. And I don't like liars. So now, both of you, ” a quick look to Wiesel again ”...convince me you're speaking truth and I just might save you life.” she had an evil smirk on her lips.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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After a few more moments of gawping into the sky which the dragon fled into, Wiesel realized that the young boy from earlier hand managed to wander off in the confusion, pondering if perhaps it would be a better idea to chase after a a defenseless child for prey, but soon came to the conclusion that he would have to deal with Mirian, and the crossbow holding stranger.
After being taken by surprise by sudden appearance of the dragon and his mind wandering about the whereabouts of the boy called Keph, Wiesel decided to carry on watching the pair, the one called Joshua obviously unnerved by Mirian, seeming to have some slight mental breakdown or haunted flashback at the encounter with her, though obviously the sudden razor claws against his neck certainly weren't helping, which Wiesel was just as surprised about. He pleaded his innocence, as some child of the forest apparently, and wanting no quarrel, seeming much more curious than fearful now, though Mirian certainly didn't change her tune yet, which was unfortunate for Wiesel as he was also under suspicion. He quickly attempted to compose himself, having been taken off guard by the sudden sprouting of wings upon Mirian's back, feeling quite under-prepared, and his grip tightened on his sickle.
"Well my new apparently demonic acquaintance, Mirian was it?, i never stated he was a spy, per say, only that he was merely spying on you, he merely could of ended up in the same situation i did, with our curiosity peaked to the fact there was some commotion happening in the forest." Wiesel chattered away calmly before adding; "Unsurprisingly for a demon, your are quite bloodthirsty, but obviously neither of us intend to fight you, and obviously neither of us are much of a threat to you. Wouldn't it be much simpler and easier for you to simply let two complete strangers, one who's home your trespassing in, to simply be on their way and be forgotten?"
Though his face put on a desperate look of nervous optimism, inside he was grinning maliciously, hoping to get a few moments consideration by the girl and a chance to make either a quick escape, or a quicker strike.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch
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#, as written by Hyydra
Joshua looked her straight in the eyes now, tilting his head towards his right. "You think I fear you, she-demon. I do not, you are merely a messenger from my master." He grinned after saying that, a flash of the image that haunts him sent to her eyes as he stayed there, motionless. "You do not wish to quarrel with that you do not know of. I am of a higher purpose than to die by some mon-" He paused after hearing a small cub roar behind him, tiny little footsteps followed by it. "Little brother." He gasped, backing up slowly to put his hand out, which was accompanied by a small bonk on his palm. The baby black bear was in sight now, nuzzling his right side of his face with his right paw, looking up towards her and growling a little bit, before looking at his master's eyes and stopping. "P-please." He began, tears heard in his voice. "I-I have a brother, you can't take him from me like this. He'll die out here, he's mine to look after. Please.." He lowered himself slowly to his cub, its face nuzzling against his now. "If I were a spy... why'd I risk those I love to this? Why would I rather end my life and leave theirs abandoned than to look after theirs until my duty is fulfilled? Can't you understand, she-demon? Haven't you ever had brethren?" He looked back up to her, more disgust in his eyes than fear now. "If you wish to kill me, do so. But remember my curse will be lifted upon you, something none will understand OR wish for." With that, he closed his eyes, bringing his cub's head up to his forehead, sighing deeply as he petted it with his left hand.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch
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Mirian didn't even blink when seeing Joshua's haunting image. The demon felt no fear. It's only purpose was to kill. She paid no attention to the growling bear cub either. It meant nothing to her.

When both had finished Mirian flew higher, in place she could see both men at the same time. Slowly she closed her eyes. Her voice was colder, hostile. "Trespassing your home, you say. To say things like that to someone who has lost a place they have always called home."

There was another crack of thunder. Mirian lowered her voice. It was more silent, more threatening.
"Haven't I ever had brethren?"


"Can't I understand?"

(another silence)

Then, slowly, Mirian's eyes opened. Her hatred was enormous. Her eyes flashed with the lightning. "How. Can. You. Say. That?! To someone. Who has lost. A brother..." she stared Joshua now. "How can you say that?!"

Mirian flew higher.
"My home! My brother! My mother! All. Lost. You're going to curse me, you say. I say why wait until you're dead? Why not do it right now?! You say no one wishes it. I say it doesn't matter. I'm already cursed! You can threat me, you can beg mercy from me, you can try to fight with me. There's no difference. I'll kill you. I'll rip the heart out of your chest. And then...I...I..." Mirian's voice had suddenly become shaking. Her whole body was shaking.


She fell towards the ground. Her wings and claws disappeared. It looked they were melting into her skin. Her eyes returned to brown. Her landing was half controlled, half just crashing to ground as her wings had vanished before she was onto the ground.

Mirian dropped down on her kneels. Tears falling down her cheeks.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch
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As Wiesel watched the outburst of Joshua with puzzlement, the man seemingly comfortable with the life threatening predicament he was in, which if Wiesel was in his place, he would be finding any way out of the situation, and then the bear cub came along. Even more surprisingly, Joshua suddenly seemed fearful for the young beasts life, considering it like a little brother, much to Wiesel's greater confusion, but decided to hold his tongue.
A more fearful surprise was the sudden rantings and furious behavior of Mirian, the demon girl bellowing out in rage at him and Joshua, seeming ready to slaughter the other man he released from her grip. This was it, this was going to be the time to strike! Wiesel readied his sickle, waiting to attack as soon as Mirian or Joshua had killed the other, planing to strike at their weak point. But then Mirian's voice became shaky. And then she tumbled back down to the ground, crying.

Before Wiesel could react much, Joshua and the bear cub had begun to flee, the man retorting that he will leave her to suffer today, and they both sprinted like mad ones, into the trees. Wiesel's attention was now entirely on the girl, lowering his sickle as a half baked idea formed in his mind, to which he gave a sinister grin, thinking of how easy this was going to turn out. He knelt down next to the girl and patted and rubbed her on the back gently, feigning concern and pity, trying to show he meant no harm, despite intending the contrary.
"You poor girl, your family was in the village's blaze weren't they? I too know how it feels to lose your family in a fire. My parents were murdered right in front of me, the village turning against us for no real reason, and my mansion home burnt down, with almost me as well along with it. I waked in a cell, with nothing but the clothes upon my back left. Forced to kill to escape, and have fled to these woods ever since, living off nature to survive. This forest is my home now.", Wiesel told Mirian, each word spouted out gently and carefully, trying not to bring forth any more hatred from the girl.
The oddly dressed bandit then stood up and announced carelessly; "I will help you find your family."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch
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Mirian barely heard what Joshua said. She was still trying to calm down, trying to fight against tears. ”I will let you suffer this.” ”No, wait...I...” she whispered looking at him but Joshua had already dashed away out of her sight.

Suddenly she felt hand on her back patting her. She glanced up from the ground seeing Wiesel next to her. She listened when he told her sad history. Miran felt bad for him. She felt even worse knowing that she was almost going to kill this man. No, she was going to kill him. Slowly as Wiesel spoke, Mirian calmed down. Her tears changed into slight sobbing and finally stopped.

"I will help you find your family."

”You do?” Mirian surprised. ”I'm...I'm grateful for that. And I apologize what happened previously.” she said quietly and rose up. ”The demon takes control over me occasionally. If I'm too stressed or angry...But I mean no harm to you.” She stared the groung slightly emberrased. Even in twenty years she hadn't learned how to control it. ”And you're right, my family indeed lived in the Tomachi village. I just hope they got away before...before the fire...” her voice was quiet, she was fighting against new tears.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch
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#, as written by Hyydra
Joshua petted the cub bear, stating "I still haven't found a name for you, have I?" He smiled and hugged the bear's head with his. "Jonah." He said, looking at him now. "Jonah's your new name." He said, then smiled, only to fall for no reason. He dropped the bear, but he fell underneath the ground.

Joshua collapsed weakly, seeing nothing but darkness within the area he was in now. The pit he fell from sealed up, as if it was never there. "W-what!?" He panicked, dashing his head around, turning as he tried to see anything. Then, the four walls appeared. On either side of him, four gigantic purple transparent walls appeared, going underneath where he could stand, but yet he could see him. "What is this...?" He looked in awe, as the walls dashed into him and out of him.

He yelled in pain every time they collided with him, all at once and never stopped. In and out they continued to go. He felt himself changing, his yelling turning into a roar. His eyesight changing to black and white. After he could see in this vision, it all stopped. Nothing could be heard, just silence in the darkness. "You serve me now, and forever." an evil voice all dark and unsettling grined in his head. With that, he looked up, light appearing into his eyes as all of a sudden he appeared back inside the forest. He looked upwards into the sky, seeing nothing but blackness. Because all there was was darkness. The entire sky was engulfed with a strange black mist, every now and then a large appearance barely visible floating around within it. "Wh- what?"

He whirled around to see a strange creature. It shyly hobbled over to him, and as he reached his hand out, it cringed. "It's ok." He said in a dark voice, startling himself. But the creature seemed ok with it, letting Joshua pet it. As if instantly, dozens more, tens of hundreds came out of the ground, from the trees, and some just appearing. "This is your army, wield it in my command." The voice grined in his head again as he nodded. And then, his mind was clear. Images of him and another being flowed throughout his mind. New information and explanation for all this reached his most inner core, and with a pound on the ground, he roared into the air, the monsters around him making a lighter but equally startling screach into the sky.

He had released it, the dark being which has sought to destroy the world.
(Notification: The Game master [Armin] has given me permission to do all that occurs. Nothing here will be godmodding or OP without his permission [but don't worry, I do not intend to do either of those things] This is merely a small campaign for other rpers who feel left out or needing an adventure to occur.)

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Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi
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Wiesel continued to act sympathetic, try to give a look of pity and another gentle pat on the back as he stood besides the half demon girl, though inwardly worried this girl seemed to have a demonic side. "Don't lose hope Mirian, there's no proof in that village they were caught in that fire.", faking a sincere tone and adding; "Well, no use sitting around, let's go searching, they couldn't have wandered off too deep in these forests." He signaled her to walk along with him, giving a sickeningly cheerful grin, formulating a number of half baked ideas on how to kill her in his head without causing the demon side to pop up again.
As he began walking, his wrist twitched and itched, feeling greatly uncomfortable and frustrated at waiting for the ideal chance to strike, while also immensely cautious of causing the demon side to stir up once again, not confident in the slightest of being able to fight back against it. He hated that. Though he decided being dead would be more frustrating. What wasn't frustrating however, was how smoothly things were quickly turning his way, when he found a trail of muddy footprints.
"Well these look promising, this way Mirian!" the bandit said encouragingly, smiling in hope that is was one of the previous folks work, following the filthy tracks.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi
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Mirian walked alongside Wiesel, quietly, not saying anything to him. She crouched to the ground when he found footprints. "I wouldn't say these look very promising. First of all I'm looking my mother and younger brother. These prints are too big to be their. And these are pretty old, you can see it from how the grass around them has already started to recover. Of course now when it's raining the water has caused the footprints to get unclear and messy so it's hard to tell how old exactly."

She looked around her trying to find another footprints when something caught her eye. She slowly walked to a nearby tree looking something. "Blood..." she whispered when seeing the light red stripes on the tree that rain hadn't yet washed away. She walked forward trying to find tracks to follow.

She was only able to took couple of steps when there was monstrous roar. She quickly turned around drawing her katana out of its scabbard. "What was that?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Jona
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#, as written by Hyydra
Through the forest treest, a dark black and grey fur could be seen knocking the trees to wobble. Jona was hunched over, hurrying around to find someone or something that could help him. He let out another roar, louder this time, startling to even himself as he leaped into an opening in the forests, which then he could be seen.

He was almost as tall as the trees and if not taller. His eyes were of a pink pupil surrounded in blood. His face was like a wolf's, blood drooling from his mouth and gums, his teeth ragged and large like a saber's and a bear's intwined. He slammed his head into the dirt, getting a scent of someone. No, two people. He let loose a low grumble, walking slowly towards the two smells he had acquired.

And then, he saw them. A small man which dressed as of a jester in his opinion, and an even smaller girl with a katana and wings. He looked at their faces first, then their eyes. His head snapped down to the girl's katana, and he roared, wind gusting out of his lungs, letting loose a strong powerful boom that'd vibrate their ears and a breeze strong enough to startle them. He backed up, but then lowered down till he was on all fours, still large in size and height. He prowled around them, looking more focused on the girl with the Katana, snarling whenever she pointed it at him. He turned towards the forest and dashed into it, only to appear behind them on the other side of where they were, as if he ran around the world. "I... I need help" He rumbled in his stony voice, lowering himself to one knee. "P-please..." He sniffled, sounding disgusted as he looked towards the ground. "I wish not to fight, young girl. I need your help." he looked up to her, fear and sorrow in his shiny pink eyes from tears.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Jona
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Wiesel decided to grit his teeth as Mirian corrected him, having not a single clue she could also do some tracking, giving a sigh as he followed after her admitting; "My apologies friend, I had no idea you had a nose for these things like I do, i was trying to give you some much needed hope with a white lie.", barely registering the blood on the tree, decisively thinking it was blood from some wild animal being hunted by another. Suddenly there was a colossal roar, which had put his new companion on edge, though to be honest, he too was nervous, and clutched at his sickle. "I'm in no mood to fight a bear!", the oddly dressed bandit growled, holding his ground.

What they were met with was quite surprising, even for Wiesel who had lived in these forests for many a year. Some huge beast of a bear, with ear-shattering roars, was barging his way through the trees, who itself was almost as tall as the trees at the very least, with blood red eyes and pink pupils, his maw filled with ragged and threatening clusters of teeth, blood dripping form his jaws, and lowered himself on all fours, snarling at Mirian, and fleeing back into the trees.
"Suppose he wasn't up for a fight. Handy for us eh, Mirian?", Wiesel commented before turning round to find the bear was behind them, nearly jumping out of his skin, which didn't help when it spoke in it's stony voice, pleading for help. He even seemed to be crying.

Wiesel was not happy to be met with yet another unusual occurrence today, though admittedly it was a very interesting day. He was beginning to worry he wouldn't be able to distinguish who was some magical freak and just a normal animal or human after this was over, and certainly wasn't in the mood for fighting this talking goliath of a bear.He decided to keep playing along as the peaceful stranger in the forest.
"A talking bear? I'd be shocked if there hadn't already been a dragon and a living corpse today. He seems to want you to help Mirian, though a bit rude of you bear, a forest local like yourself and not even so much as a hello.", he babbled with false nervousness, but was inwardly seething at how some simple plan of basic trickery was knocked aside already. He was beginning to wonder if it was better to have just murdered the girl instead of comforting her. Today certainly wasn't going his way.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch Character Portrait: Jona
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#, as written by Hyydra
Jona let out a strange, distorted sob, then stifling it with a sudden gust of air through his lungs that'd sound painful. He looked at Mirian with hope in his eyes, speaking in his horrible voice. "M-my brother is captured by it! You have to help." He looked up towards the sky, the center of the darkness above them slowly beginning to swirl together, but in a very very early stage. "We have to stop it. He will destroy the world." He snapped his head behind him, twisting his body to shoot around. "They're here. We have to go, now!" He shot back to her in panic, and from behind, a small monkey was seen. There could be more, dozens actually, hiding within the trees, but only three were present now, scuttling over to Jona, the nearest target. They seemed peaceful, but carried rocks in their balled fists as they approached.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch Character Portrait: Jona
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Wiesel was merely puzzled, though not interested, in the bears pleas for help, claiming that his brother had been captured by something an will destroy the world. He was beginning to wonder if he didn't just go insane and these were all fantastical illusions and hallucinations. It seemed Mirian was also caught off guard so that was something too. He pondered if it would be worth slaughtering the pair of them now, but decided he simply wasn't in the mood. Suddenly the bear seemed panicked and begged the pair of humans to flee, which Wiesel was stunned by as it turned out his foes were a few monkeys with rocks, though he heard some rustling in the trees which didn't sound too delightful.
Wiesel merely laughed and reasoned; "What's so terrifying about monkeys? Honestly, the three of us could slaughter them easily! And there just monkeys, sure they have rocks, but they don't wish to hurt us, just seems like we wandered into their territory and their angry we walked in on there home."
He then had a smug look upon his face, before giving a shrug and waving his sickle. "But if push comes to shove, I have no qualms with fending them off, so what will it be, apparently more interesting human.", Wiesel said with a cocky smirk, obviously bitter neither of them seemed too bothered he was standing there. He really was getting impatient with the whole fake trust and murder when easy routine.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Jona
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Mirian was quiet a while then silently the words came out. "You want me to help your brother. But currently I'm looking my own brother. And when I have to choose between those two, I choose mine" She said to the bear and looked at the monkeys then. She raised her katana again. "Three monkeys on the ground, more in the trees" Mirian said when watching the tree branches that shook like something would jump from one branch to another. She glanced over Wiesel. "I'm still a bit tired from the previous umm... accident. So hopefully you can use that" she nodded towards the sickle he hold in his hand. "I'll cover your back"