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Wiesel Uring

A former 'noble' turned to homicidal bandit.

0 · 1,241 views · located in Kingdom of Alras

a character in “Fire, Death, Pinetrees”, as played by Lazyscreename


Name: Wiesel Uring

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Orientation: Bisexual

Affiliation: Chaotic Evil

Occupation: Bandit, Former heir to tyrant family

Race: Human

Picture: Image

Physical description: Wiesel stands at roughly 6 ft exactly, with a well toned and but fairly skinny body, his skin of a greyish hue, thick lips, and short, black, cornrows style of hair, with a weird bunch of whiskers from an odd hair disorder that look like they would belong more on a cat's face. He also has dark brown eyes and a rather bony face, as well as slender but strong fingers. He also has a number of burns under his clothes that are still left unhealed, including one on his scalp, his back, his right foot's toes, and his left knee.

Weaponry, Abilities, and Armor: Wiesel carries a plain steel and silver sickle with a wooden handle, which is also his obvious weapons of choice, but isn't afraid to fight unarmed if needs be, often resorting to any dirty tricks or underhanded methods of wining a fight, including kicking sand in peoples faces, striking on old wounds, sneak attacks, or stealing an opponents weapon. He has no real armor, only the clothes upon his back. Although by no real means super human, Wiesel is extremely agile and speedy, able to clamber up a cliff wall and dart between the trees with ease, as well as a bit of strength to him that he wouldn't be crumbled by a few punches, and to find climbing the terrain easier than the average person. He is also fairly good at tracking, able to follow tell-tale sings and trails left behind by man or beast if needs be, but is by no means an expert, the same could be said for his hunting skills.

Description of clothing: Wiesel wears extremely uncharacteristic clothing to his occupation, the clothes he wears are the same he left his hometown in to this day. He is dressed in a black coloured wide brim hat with puffy red plumage, a maroon coloured short sleeved shirt, a green bead necklace, large golden hoop ear rings, and a necklace made of odd diamond shaped pieces, with an odd trinket in the center. He also wears orange trousers, a set of gold bangles and a white band, both on his left wrist, a black glove on his left hand, and a odd pair of pointed ornate shoes.

Equipment: Apart from his sickle, he carries a leather water canteen, a pouch for food, an a climbing rope. All other items he finds, he stores in a great hollow tree, much like a squirrel would.

Personality: Wiesel is a rather cruel and self-centered individual, finding himself constantly with a blood-lust and wish for death on most he meets, and itchy fingers when he meets someone with even a grain of rice in their possession, wishing to steal everything anyone ever owns. He is, however, extremely wary of those he knows he doesn't stand a chance with, often attempting his best to avoid them, or at the very least, have no conflict with them, very much wishing to prolong his life by any means possible. Because of this he is immensely paranoid, believing all living creatures want him dead, and always make a plan of action on how to murdered everyone and anyone, often using his cunning and agility over strength and bravery.

Weaknesses: Due to his focus on self-preservation and picking on those he believes to be weaker, Wiesel is a massive coward, never putting himself in unnecessary danger if he can avoid it. Also, he is fairly greedy in a sense, taking anything he can from people, and therefore can be sometimes a rather open book, and tricked pretty easily when aiming for this goal. He can also be overpowered by those with enough strength and able to catch him, and he is by know means a master of battle, often deciding to flee when the going get's tough.

History: Originally having lived in a life of luxury, Wiesel had lived life as a spoiled child straight to young adulthood, getting everything he wanted from his tyrannical parents that forcefully ruled over his hometown, leeching off their success. This was until there was a sudden revolt by the townsfolk that caused his rich parent's downfall, as well as all those loyal to them, and the imprisonment of Wiesel, but not before being caught in a dreadful fire that was started in his parent's room, that caused a number of burns to cover his body, and incinerating his mansion home along with it, though was only confined to his home. Luckily for everyone who wasn't him.
Due to his condition, and thinking the miserable man to be of no real danger, they allowed a healer to take visits to treat his burns, slowly regaining his physical strength as his wounds healed, though his mind was breaking. He lived his whole life latching onto the wealth and power of his parents, and now having been dragged down to the level of a mere convict, with no real way of climbing back on top. Frustration of this grew, and not blamed his obviously dubious parents, but those that now lived peacefully in the town, including the healer that visited him. Eventually he snapped, and stole a sickle that the healer used for cutting twigs and plants for medicinal purposes, which he then promptly used to slice their throat open, feeling no remorse for killing the one person who helped heal up his old burns mostly to the extent they were gone. The guard that was supposed to watch him was also killed by Wiesel in frenzied panic, shortly after he opened the door to his cell, for his failed attempt to restrain him. He escaped into the forests, leaving the town behind and managing to learn to survive on his own, as the alternative was death by the elements, the wildlife or of starvation. During this time he decided there was one way he could make himself back atop, by killing everyone he wanted to, having the higher privilege of being alive, and stealing all the possessions of those he did not murder. ever since, he had been living as a bandit in the forests, picking on those left alone and defenseless, or which he believes are capable of being defeated by him.

Other: Theme Song: Alice Madness Returns - Madness

So begins...

Wiesel Uring's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch Character Portrait: Jona
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#, as written by Hyydra
"NO!" He roared in fear. "They aren't as you seem!" The apes got bigger as they got closer, now fully seen as 4'5, and then that's when Joshua came in. It was a large thunderous roar that had him land from leaping higher than the trees and onto the opening behind Jona. "GO!" He yelped as the dashed towards them, nipping Mirian in the back of her dress to carry her, as boulders were thrown at them as well as spears, too many of these people to fight at once. If one were to fight, they'd die quickly anyway from Joshua. He dashed and dashed, panting now as he kept his head up as he attempted to carry her, even now they were about ten to twenty meters away.

But from behind, the thunderous pounds of Joshua were gaining, and screeches were following them as well.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch Character Portrait: Jona
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As he and Mirian were about to strike the monkeys, Wiesel grinning to himself manically a she finally had a chance to shed some blood, his smile vanished as the apes began growing larger and larger, suddenly throwing boulders and spears towards them, as well as the sudden appearance of the inhuman beast that unknown to him was the same crossbow wielding wanderer from earlier, immediately deciding to turn tail and flee along with Jona and Mirian, sprinting right besides them, though obviously was jostling to get ahead and as far away as he could, crying out to the pair of them; "God damn it, it's been nothing but trouble since I found that stupid village a flame! I should of just not got involved with you! I hate life and death encounters!", the 'you' referring to Mirian, who he gave a furious look to, and sheathed his sickle, deciding it would be pretty useless right now since he currently only had one plan in mind; survive. A dark thought then hit his mind, of finding a way to slow the other two down to distract the monsters behind him, but struggled to find any obstacles as of yet he would have time to use on them, and gritted his teeth in disappointment, still continuing to find something that would give him and edge, continuing to sprint ahead from the monstrous horde with his temporary companions.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch Character Portrait: Jona
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”Hey! Let me go!” Mirian shouted as the bear snatched her. She tried to wriggle out of his grip when she saw a spear flying next to her. She looked behind her seeing the growing monkeys and huge beast behind them. ”Wh-what is that?” she asked more from herself than anyone else. She calmed down a bit, letting the bear carry her further away. Although she could wield her katana very well, she knew that beast was something she couldn't defeat.

She then heard Wiesel's shout behind her. Her eyes flashed back to yellow again as she turned her towards him quickly. ”And I should have killed you instead! How dare you call my hometown by names!” She would have attacked on him but there was two problems that prevented her. One, she wasn't in shape good enough to fully transform and two, there was a creature after them that would kill her in instant if she stopped now.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch Character Portrait: Jona
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#, as written by Hyydra
Jona easily outran Wiesel, being him weaker and less energetic than that of the wolfish beast he was himself. Within seconds, his attempt to catch up was gone, and nothing was left but a wave of monsters hurdling towards them. Wiesel living or dying was none of his concern, but it was most likely he died from being trampled by the wave of monsters, especially Joshua, hurdling over to them at great speed. "Joshua!" He muffled a roar out of the fabric he had in his mouth carrying Mirian. He was scared, but his adrenaline kept him running, but the same was with Joshua.

With that, he leaped onto one of the trees, jumping off of the slender figure to make it collapse as he jumped to the left of the straight path, hearing Joshua roar in rage as he continued straight, unable to stop moving for quite some time now. Jona set her down, panting lightly with his tongue out of his mouth. "H-He doesn't mean to do this, I swear. He is corrupted, and without your help and that of others, the world will die as well!" His voice got wobbly until he smashed his head into a tree near them, it slowly collapsing on the ground. "I promise to help your brother as soon as you help mine!" He now pleaded, bowing his head as bloodied tears swelled up in his eyes, puffy from crying during the chase.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch Character Portrait: Jona
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"I'll call your hometown what I like, they're the village that killed my family and burnt down my home and everything in it! Why do you think I live in the woods?"; Wiesel retorted with a snarl, realizing that karma was catching up with him all at once as he found he was slowing, tiring somewhat from a rigorous day, the stampeded of monkeys and Joshua closing in behind him, as his rude behavior obviously done him no favors, with Jona and Mirian storming ahead.
During his panic, and his continued struggle to keep from being struck down by the monsters behind him, he heard running water. His head risked a glance to the side to see a cliff where the sound was coming from, along with a stream cascading off the edge of it. He gave a frustrated scream as he put every ounce of his energy to run to the side and sprint to the cliff, before leaping off it with a swan dive in what he hoped was a deep enough lake below.
"Right I've decided, I hate monsters and monkeys!", he bellowed out as he plummeted downwards towards the small lake that could be his grave or his savior, the latter providing the monstrous apes or Joshua didn't catch with him after the fall.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring
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Having landed in the lake below with a great splash, the upwards spraying stinging from somewhat from the impact, Wiesel quickly and hastily kicked and paddled his way to the surface, not bothering to look back as he hastily swam to shore, clambering back onto his feet to stumble over, feeling his exhaustion take sit toll, before taking a running start to continue his sprint in hopefully out of danger.
After some time of plodding along, having run out of steam for some time, he slumped into a nearby tree, and glanced at his surroundings. They were all definitely gone. Not a single sign of the monsters nearing towards him, or the pair of strangers who sped on ahead of him. He sighed to himself in relief, and let himself slide to the ground to relax, grumbling to himself in annoyance of how on earth he managed to get mixed in this sort of situation.
"Alright, next time, if I meet someone, just kill them, no chit chat or damned ideas of tricking them. Just plain murder!", he growled, once again chatting to himself. He rested for a while, the place seeming oddly calm considering the event he had just been through. He gave a weak little yawn after a couple of hours of doing nothing but sit around, waiting for his strength to come back, and began travelling again.
"Well, time to get back to the tree, though I got nothing to add to it now." he mumbled out-loud, as he began strolling towards the direction of his home.