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Marie Mjolnir

"I want to marry this toilet."

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a character in “Flickering Souls: Soul Eater”, as played by Love me Not


Marie Mjolnir

Role: weapon, death scythe, teacher

Gender: Female


In her physical appearance, Marie is a young woman around the age of 25-30. She has large, caramel eyes, and long blonde hair. She wears her hair loosely with no bangs, and it forms a zig-zag pattern on her head.
In her attire, Marie wears a black dress with a large, golden, zig-zag pattern in the front from the waist down. Parts of the dress are made of a different fabric. These parts are located on the long sleeves of the dress from the elbows down, and a part below the chest that resembles a gurtle-like shape. She uses a pair of white, high-heel shoes that also appear to have a zig-zag pattern on them. Finally, her most iconic piece of clothing is her large, left eyepatch, which is decorated with a thunderbolt insignia that also appears in her Weapon form.

Weapon apearance:


Marie is an incredibly caring and gentle individual, and openly expresses her personality at all times. She shows great compassion in creating and maintaining a kind relationship with anyone she meets, and has yet to fail in doing so. Almost always being shown with a smile on her face. Whenever a friend is in need, she is always open to help in any way she can no matter the situation. In general, she is always concerned for the wellbeing of others



*Tea/Coffee (does she really know the difference)
*Helping others
*Cute things
*Stein (shh... he has no clue)

*Getting lost (It doesn't matter cause it ends up happening anyway)
*Not being married (The toilet is a cheater damn toilet!)
*Working to hard
*People being unhappy

She's is obsessive compulsive.

"Ummm does getting lost count"

To be a good teacher.

Franken Stein, Toilet, Azusa Yumi,Crona, Ragnarok, Sid Barett, Spirit, Maka,

So begins...

Marie Mjolnir's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Marie Mjolnir Character Portrait: Kami Afza
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"I'm more worried cause I just sent Maka back to class Spirit" said Kami as she ran behind him.

Marie came out of the bathroom and saw Spirit run by his blades drawn, she had heard the all the commotion and came out after freshening up. He was soon followed by ... "Kami... but what's going on" she ran to catch up. "Kami slow dooown" whined Marie.

Kami stopped when she heard the familiar voice but only long enough to turn "Come on Marie we might need your help" Kami said and turned back to catch up with Spirit.

Marie started running behind them "whats all the commotion?" she huffed and puffed as she ran.

Kami "Don't you feel it, I haven't wielded a weapon in two years, and I can feel it, Jesus Marie" said Kami slightly annoyed.

"Hey what are you gonna be able to do any way without a weapon and I doubt you can still wield Spirit. Your soul's wont resonate correctly" said Marie.

Kami shook her head "I don't care if wielding him hurts. Maka is in that class and if she can get hurt well I don't care if I do" she looked over at Spirit.

"You heard that didn't you Spirit don't try to tell me no just because I'm in pain. I know you'll try to stop me if it does burn to hold you, but your the only weapon I know how to use Spirit" she had a look of pleading and worry in her eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Marie Mjolnir Character Portrait: Kami Afza
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As The teacher's and Death sycthe Rush Through the halls the begin to come up on Crona Carrying Suzu. crona See's at least one of them that looks familiar. crona and one that looks alot like Maka. Corna Shouts. '' Miss Marie Please help......Th....there's....we have a massive problem a....and Mr. stein needs help a....and I don't know if i can Miss Marie....a...and Mr. death scythe please.... I'm not makeing this up....hay'' Crona didn't look exactly in perfect condition either. As he craddled Suzu


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Marie Mjolnir
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Suzu's strength was leaving her, as the pain started becoming noticeable. She winced in Crona's arms as he called out to some teachers she assumed. Shea heard a wicked laugh in her head, They'll always hurt you're brother will one day too...
She pushed her mothers voice out of her head and looked over to see who Crona was calling out to. She held him loosly around the neck as he ran.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Marie Mjolnir Character Portrait: Kami Afza
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"Crona?" Marie stopped and turned to see the young boy she had practically adopted as her own child. She walked over "Whats going on Crona, whats wrong with Stein" the thought of something wrong with Stein was disturbing to Marie. "He hasn't had a slip in two years" she said quietly to herself. "Crona you need to be strong and get this young woman to the nurse. I know your frightened and you look like you've been hurt as well but, if Stein has slipped into his madness again I have to go help with him. I'm counting on you Crona do it for me please" she said trying to encourage the young man. "Your strong Crona you can do it" she said giving him a reassuring smile.

Kami turned when Marie stopped to help a student who was worse for the wear, "Oh my god is he alright".

Marie stood up "She stable Crona but you need to get her to the nurse" she put her hand on top of his head "Hurry"

Marie came back to Kami "Kami he said that something has caused Stein to slip into madness, the last time that happened was when Medusa had control of him"

Kami looke shocked "Do you think it's another witch?" asked Kami.

"I don't know but I have to calm him, or someone might get dissected" said Marie.

"Well come on lets go Spirit is probably already there, I may hate what he did to me but I don't want to see him dead" said Kami. Kami looked at the disheveled young boy "Have courage young man" she said with a smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Marie Mjolnir Character Portrait: Kami Afza
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Suzu mustered up the strength to say, "They're in the nurses office...I can feel Haruka soul wavelength...he and Tanja must be fighting him..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Marie Mjolnir
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'' I....can't.....I can't take Miss Marie....This all started with me in th.....the nurses office.....i....its my Fault all of it..'' crona stumbled but still holding on to Suzu for dear life. tears welled up in his eyes. '' I can't take her there.....I can't.....S...she needs her brother.....she need's haruka....n...not me she needs Haruka. '' Its a kishin Miss Marie.....Its a k....k...kishin...h...he was in my head too..I...I was too weak...'' Corna Sobbed


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Franken Stein Character Portrait: Marie Mjolnir Character Portrait: Kami Afza
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((Oops my bad))

Marie picked up the girl "Don't worry we'll get you taken care of" said Marie to the young girl. Kami helped Crona along and made her way to the nurses office with the girl and Crona. When Spirit came up behind them Kami was relieved that they weren't going into this flatfooted.

"Here Kami take the girl I'll go in first and see if I can get through to Stein" Marie said.

Kami nodded, "Spirit we need to get this girl to her brother and he's in there with Stein and another student, I think you should be on stand by" she said.

Marie walked in to the thick smoke, "Stein it's Marie can you hear me" she called out trying to find her way through the smoke. She could feel him the madness wasn't as strong as that time against Medusa but it was escalated more then had been in a while. "Stein can you come towards my voice" said Marie.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Franken Stein Character Portrait: Marie Mjolnir Character Portrait: Kami Afza Character Portrait: Haruka
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"Thats enough now" said Marie as she began to reach for her eye patch, "The madness is so thick in here" she said taking a deep breath a pulling off the eye patch. Marie did her soul resonance sending a calming wave throughout the whole office. "Everyone needs to have a seat and calm down can you hear my voice. Just listen to me, sit down, relax and the madness will subside" her voice was calm and soothing almost like a breeze blowing, or the flow of a brook. "There you are Stein" she said with a smile. She put her hand on his shoulder, and put herself in between Tanja and Stein.

Kami sat there in awe of Marie, she may be clutsy and a bit of a whiner but she could do some amazing things. She looked over at Spirit she could tell he was uneasy, and the alcohol didn't help. She looked down at Suzu "Your brother will be here soon don't worry" she said as she made her way through the smoke looking for the boy. Thats when she found him in as terrible shape as his sister, "Is your name Haruka" said Kami "I have you sister she's alright but she says she needs you" she tried to help him to a sitting position.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Marie Mjolnir
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Crona made it to the Nurse's office and peeked in the Door to the room was gone, and he saw Miss Marie take off her Eye patch, and a calm feeling came over the room. even ragnarok was affected as he looked on patrudeing from Crona's Back. '' woa WHAT THE HELL, I FEEL.....A LITTLE CALM....WHICH IS A BIG DEAL....FOR ME...'' crona knew Miss Marie was a nice person, and never doughted it. But no matter what calm feeling she would emit. Crona Couldn't hide his concern for Suzu. he looked down at the beeds that where around his wrist. '' I hope Suzu is ....okay...''


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Maka Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Franken Stein Character Portrait: Marie Mjolnir Character Portrait: Kami Afza
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Marie smiled, "There thats better" she said as she knelt down slowly going down with Stein laying his head on her shoulder. "It's all over now, just rest" she stroked his hair smiling to herself. This was the only time she could really get close to him, any other time he was oblivious to her. But she didn't tell him her feeling for him either, she felt silly every time she thought about telling him.

Kami sighed as she watched Spirit, run off and then the young pink haired boy is freaking out. Kami put her hand on his shoulder "It's alright I think she'll be okay now that everything is winding down". She decided to go check on Spirit since the kids and Stein seemed to be under control now. There was another guy coming out of the mens room as Kami walked up "Hey this is the mens room you know" he said. "I know that there only one other man in there, and believe me he doesn't have anything I haven't seen already", said Kami waiving the guy off. Spirit was in the stall loosing his lunch for the last week and a half, she leaned up against the stall door. "You should't drink so much, you were never able to handle it" she said with a sigh. "You know those girls at La Cupacabras get paid more if you drink more right" she said with a half way smirk.


Maka got tired of being in the class room as people snapped out of the madness "I'm gonna go check on Crona" she said to Soul. She made her way to the nruses office, that crazy butler was flying off the handle about the mess. She watched her father run to the bathroom and then her mother followed behind him, Maka walked into the office it was still a little smokey but she found Crona. "Crona are you alright?" asked Maka.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tanja Broom Character Portrait: Marie Mjolnir Character Portrait: Kami Afza
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#, as written by Lirrin
Spirit turned his head to look at her, snot running down his nose. "Wait, I'm confused, you're telling me I shouldn't drink so much but then you tell me they get paid more if I do. You're confusing." He turned away from her again and stood slowly, using toilet paper to wipe his face. "It's just that... Oh, never mind." He thought about telling her that he missed her but that would sound silly since they were divorced.


Franken rested his head on Marie's shoulder, a frown on his face. "I goofed, didn't I?" He asked quietly. He raised his head a little and peered around. Everyone seemed to be okay until he noticed Tanja sitting there looking like she was crying. Oh crap, Franken leaned back and shifted until he was sitting cross legged. "Hey, Marie, go check on her, I would but that would probably makes things worse. I'll just sit right here." Jintsu was probably furious, Franken would probably hear all about it. Maybe he'd offer to clean up. Or maybe he'd just go home. He reached up and spun the screw in his head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Franken Stein Character Portrait: Tanja Broom Character Portrait: Marie Mjolnir Character Portrait: Kami Afza
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Kami gave a concerned look "What?" she asked "Speak your mind Spirit, and what I meant is that your letting the girls talk you into drinking more so they steal your money" she said. She grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser and ran it under cold water, she took and wiped the sweat of stress from his brow. "Listen Spirit..."she didn't know what she wanted to say. "Just because we're divorced doesn't mean with have to hate each other. I know how us fighting affects Maka and I don't want to hurt her any more then she already has been", she said as she began to twist out the paper towel and wipe his face again.

She stopped and looked down at the floor she could feel tears well up in her eyes "I shouldn't have left, Maka was starting a big part of her life and I just ran off like a coward. Because I couldn't handle things now shes gone through so much and I wasn't even there to help her through it" a tear trailed down her cheek. Kami tried to blink off the tears but it was hard when she had so many things rolling around in her head.

"Listen I know Im not the easiest person to live with Spirit and... I was never the prettiest girl around, but Maka means more to me then anything and if to keep her happy I have to forgive you I will. I know she's been angry with you since the divorce, she hardly ever spoke of you in her letters. So from now on I'm going to try to speak positively about you around her" she looked up at him with tears streaming down her cheeks. "I'm sorry Spirit I shouldn't have turned her against you, I didn't mean to" she said.


Marie continued stroking Steins hair "Yes, but it wasn't your fault Stein something was affecting you and the other students. She smiled at his concern for the young witch girl, and Marie smiled when he turned the screw in his head "Alright I'll check on her" she said as she pulled the eye patch back over her eye. She stood and dusted some rubble off her skirt, she walked over and knelt down next to Tanja, "Hello my name is Marie, I think I heard in the commotion that your name was Tanja" she said with a smile. "Are your feeling better now?" Marie asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Franken Stein Character Portrait: Tanja Broom Character Portrait: Marie Mjolnir
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Tanja heard Stein and Marie talking about her, but she didn't look up, she didn't want to uncover her face and let people see she was crying. All of the stress was too much for her, this wasn't supposed to be how things happened. As Marie asked if she was okay Tanja slowly nodded her head and sniffled back some tears, "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't...I don't." She started bawling again as she couldn't find anything to say to try to justify the way she had been acting or excuse her earlier behavior. Her attacks weren't self defense, she had wanted to kill Stein, and that made her dangerous to everyone around her. Maybe witches didn't belong as miesters, Tanja worried, and everything she had done up to this point was a major mistake. She didn't know if Stein or Lord Death would forgive her and she didn't know if she wanted them to.
