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Tanja Broom

"Shadows to hide me, Silence to protect me, Night to guide me"

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a character in “Flickering Souls: Soul Eater”, as played by GothBabeAlex


Character Name: Tanja Broom

Role: Witch - Cat Motif/Glamour Magic

Gender: Female

Tanja is a beautiful blond girl with yellow eyes that shimmer in the dark, she is tall for her age, nearly five and a half feet tall and well developed. She has a thin yet athletic frame, and curvy hips, giving her a pleasant and attractive appearance. Her skin is soft and nearly flawless, her lips sweet and smooth and her fingernails are always well manicured.

Age: 15

Personality: Tanja is a traitor to witches, having betrayed her own kind in order to help out Lord Death and the Meisters, yet because of this she has a low opinion of herself as a bad person deserving punishment. Tanja is a kind hearted witch and will do her best to help those in need. She cares deeply about animals, particularly cats and has decided, despite her feline inclination, to become a vegetarian. She is also a very spiritual girl, enjoying meditation and religious discussion, though she doesn't care to push it on others.

Likes: Friendship, Swords, Cats, Milk, Dolls, Playing Games, Heroes

Dislikes: Liars, Tardiness, Theft, Cowards, Hatred

Quirks: Tanja tends to get very emotional and is prone to crying, but she is also very open with affection.

Hobbies: Tanja likes to meditate, practice her magic and her swordsmanship. Tanja also likes to play games, dress up dolls, go shopping and read books. On rainy days she likes to build model tanks and planes but she doesn't talk about it because she thinks that its a weird hobby to have.

Goal: To be fully accepted despite her being a witch, and to escape from the witches that want to seek out vengeance against her for her betrayal.

Friends: No one yet but she hopes to make many.

So begins...

Tanja Broom's Story


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Character Portrait: Tanja Broom
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Tanja Broom woke up in her bedroom, having kicked off the blankets while she was asleep and pushed the sheets onto the floor. She opened one eye as her alarm went off and stretched her arms high above her head. "Time to get up," she said to convince herself not to just roll over and resume her dreams. She sat up suddenly and stepped out of bed, sauntering towards the bathroom and stepping into the shower. After cleaning up she steps out to look at herself in the mirror, "Kittie Kittie, Glimmer-Glamour," she chants her mantra and her hair fixes itself to her liking, her lips add a faint peach color, her mascara and eye shadow appear done, and her skin suddenly looks softer and healthier. "Now, what to wear?" she said to herself as she walked to her closet and started pulling out clothes. After a few outfit changes she finally settled one one that she felt would compliment her look, and she turned to grab her katana from the wall. She longed to find a partner so that her weapon could be made of more than just steel and wrappings. Yet for now this blade would work for her, and what it lacked, her own magic could make up for.

Tanja stepped outside and started walking towards the DWMA, activating her Soul Protect before she was outside of the warded door to her home. Lord Death had given her permission to live inside of death city. Much like her fellow witch, Kim Diehl, she would be allowed to operate within the DWMA because her loyalties lied with Lord Death. She walked quickly towards the Academy, eager to meet new people.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Franken Stein Character Portrait: Tanja Broom Character Portrait: Haruka
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Tanja looked at the pair that were fighting as shook her head, this is not the right way to start off the day, she though to herself. She slowly lowered her Soul Protect, believing that only a few perceptive individuals would take notice in the moments she had it down. She whispered as she gestured out with her hands towards the two misbehaving siblings, "Kittie Kittie Glimmer-Glamour." The pair would find that the buttons, ties, and zippers on their clothing were starting to undo themselves, something that could be stopped, but only if they stopped fighting with each other. A harmless enough prank in Tanja's opinion. She restored her Soul Protect, to keep herself from being found by any witches.

As she walked up the stairs to the school she looked to professor Stein and bowed her head down, "Good morning, sir. I hope today goes well." She smiled politely to him. He reminded her of a doll.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tanja Broom Character Portrait: soul "eater" evans
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#, as written by Lirrin
Franken waved to a young girl who had spotted him before he could attack. For a split second he had felt the presence of a Witch and his defenses rose before his brain realised that yes, a Witch was attending the school. He should start to make notes of things, since he kept forgetting things. Maybe his age was catching up to him. He'd heard somewhere that cigarettes killed brain cells but there was no proof so he dismissed it. Soul pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Hey, mister Evans, what's up? You're lucky this year, I'll be teaching one of your classes, biology, and we'll have lots of fun dissecting things." Stein gave Soul a creepy smile and puffed on his cigarette.


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Character Portrait: Tanja Broom
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Tanja looked to soul as he asked for Maka, she couldn't be sure but she thought that she had heard the name before, maybe as someone important. She couldn't quite remember. She watched on with the other students as they goofed around and introduced themselves and she felt jealous and nervous. She wanted to be able to walk right up and introduce herself but it was all a little too overwelming for her. She kept herself from crying by telling herself it wasn't appropriate to react like that.

She looked on to Stein with admiration, he was just a laid back and carefree man, and his soul had such a strong wavelength, she blushed slightly and turned away from him, walking inside the DWMA and heading towards the classroom. Hopefully she would find someone to bond with soon, someone who would want to be her friend.


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Character Portrait: Tanja Broom
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Tanja came into the classroom and sat a bit to the side, away from the center where the returning students were greeting each other, she quietly whispered to herself chiding remarks about her being a coward. A braver girl would have just leapt up and started talking to everyone. She bit her tongue to try to drive such doubtful ideas from her mind. She looked appreciative when Lord Death entered the room, it had been a few weeks since she had spoken to him last and come to the agreement that she would be allowed to join them.

Tanja stood up and bowed her head politely, "My name is Tanja, I'm a witch, but I'm not evil! I've decided that I will use my life to serve Lord Death's cause and prevent a Kishin from awakening into this world. I'm looking to become a Weapon Miester but I need to find a Demon Weapon to bond with me first." She paused for a moment, "Also, I hope we can all be friends." Her cheeks were slightly blushed and she sat back down, tucking her hands under her thighs, she felt embarrassed by the process of standing up and talking to everyone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Tanja Broom
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Tanja stood up and walked over to Crona, resting a hand gentle on his shoulder. Glaring up at Haruka she say firmly, "You shouldn't act like a bully, we're all in this together." She looked to Crona again and smiled, "You don't need to feel ashamed, from what I can tell you seem like a good person, so you shouldn't say that you're bad. I'm sure that your friend Maka will be along shortly, I heard that boy Soul over there talking about her earlier."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Tanja Broom Character Portrait: Takai Shukujo
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Ragnarok gets up in Taki and Tanja's face. '' OH SO YOUR ALL GONNA BABY HIM TO HUH.'' Crona just stood there. he didn't know any of these people when he fell on top of a Girl. he didn't know what to say to these people his heart was racing. He'd never been that close to a girl other then Makka. Ragnarok continued. '' LOOK AT HIM SOBBING THERE LIKE A LITTLE BABY. ALL YOU NEED IS A GOOD THUMPING THAT'LL STRAIGHTEN YOU OUT. ERG ...ERG.'' Ragnarok starts punching crona with his little boxing hands.

Crona shouts.'' Ow... STOP IT RAGNAROK...STOP.'' an anime anger vain pops up on ragnaroks head. '' YOUR A MAN ARN'T YEAH. WELL START ACTING LIKE ONE THAT NINJA CHICK WAS A TOTAL BABE YOU HAD A CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME THERE.'' he shouts wile punching. '' you know i can't talk to girls.... girls don't get know that.''


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Tanja Broom Character Portrait: Takai Shukujo
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the x's in ragnarok's eyes turned into swerls and he slid back in to Crona. Crona sat there at the foot of the stairs sobbing. '' I fell on top of a girl, it was inappropriate. no one ever told me how to handle something like that. Maybe I should just go back to my little room down stairs...I don't know. Why did she Hug me and started talking funny ? Dose she like-like me ? Why would she do that ? Don't girls usually slap boys for falling on top of them. I don't know.'' Crona started babbling and talking really fast. he hugged him self tighter and started rocking back and forth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Tanja Broom Character Portrait: Haruka
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Suzu hops up to her brother and pats him on the head, "Yeah, down boy!" she teases, "he just fell that's all." she hurried up to where Crona was sitting and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, "Than you for helping me play a trick on brother!" she then gives him a hug, not caring that she seemed to be invading his personal space..."Now we can be friends!" She is quickly torn off by Haruka, who gives her a scolding...she simply replied "Ok Big Bro!" ignoring every word he said. She gave Crona a little wave and used the desk to propel herself into her chair the row below, flipping over the desk.

Haurka runs after his sister, who has leaped over the desks...mussing some of the other students papers a long the way. Haruka rubs the back of his neck, "I'm sorry man, I thought you were mackin on my lil sister," he ses she is in his space again and pulls her off of him. "Suzu stop acting like that, sometimes you are so oblivious to what you are doing..." she replies in her usual "Ok Big Bro"
I swear I can see the words flow in one ear and right out the other...
He sits in his seat next to Suzu and reaches out to shake Crona's hand, "Im Haruka, don;t worry about Suzu, she is in her own little world. I hope we can get past this..." he grins at the shy boy.
I feel like a jerk... Looking over at the witch girl...he knew he had been. She was staring him down like he had just kicked a puppy.


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Character Portrait: Tanja Broom
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Tanja took her seat, calmly stepping away from the situation now that it seemed it had calmed down. She didn't like to see anyone being bullied, but she had been pushed out of the situation by the sudden rush of energy and hyper that were the other girls of the class. Tanja looked towards Stein, hoping that he would be reigning in control on the classroom soon. She was excited to start the day and maybe get into a situation where she could have a real conversation.

As the brother and sister pair continued to make a scene, Tanja took note of each person in the classroom, trying to remember their names so she wouldn't forget anyone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Death the Kid Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Tanja Broom Character Portrait: Haruka Character Portrait: Takai Shukujo
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Kid laughed and laughed when Takai chopped him. He threw his arm around her shoulders and beamed, "Well what do you know, looks like we have some skill over here!" Liz and Patty added to the laughter,Patty sneered, "Don't mess with our girl!"

Suzu popps under the table with Crona, "Hiyo! I'm playing hide and seek with Haruka, do you want to play too?" she brought her index fringer to her lips and made a "shhh" sound. Haruka's voice rang out from above her shelter somewhere in the classroom, "I take my eyes off of you for one second! Suzu!"
She scooted next to him and whispered, "So why are you hiding down here?"

Haruka watches as the blue haired kid flies into the room, and laughs heartily when Takai chops him. After he wipes the tears from his eyes he turns and says, "Wasn't that funny Suz-" but he is cut off because...her seat is empty.
What if she breaks something! Or hurts herself? Or talks to a BOY?!?! He began frantically searching for his little sister. A few moments of tearing through the aisles, he comes across the witch girl who scolded him earlier. Suzu will be ok for now... He makes his way over to her desk and says, "Hello, I didn't catch your name earlier. I am Haruka, I hope you don't think badly about me from earlier...I get protective over my sister that's all, " he smiled up at her, hoping he hadn't made an enemy out of a witch.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maka Character Portrait: Tanja Broom
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Tanja sat where she was, looking at Maka as she entered into the room. She had a slight smile come onto her face, finally, another normal person. She decided that she should introduce herself to this girl since the professor was allowing the class to simply devolve into absolute chaos and violence.

Tanja walked up to Maka and smiled, holding out her hand. "My name is Tanja Broom, you seem like you're a really chill girl. You're Maka right?" She immediately began to worry that she sounded stupid or weird but getting all upset about it wasn't going to help anyone. "A couple of the others were talking about you, so I heard your name earlier."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Tanja Broom Character Portrait: Jintsuremenu
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Tanja turned to look at Jintsuremenu and stared firmly into his eyes, "No." Then she looked around at everyone else, "Don't pick on Crona!" The was a strong dedication in her voice, she couldn't stand bullying, it didn't matter who it came from, student or teacher. "If you want to pick on someone," she pointed her thumb at her chest, "then you can pick on me." Her gaze was locked on Jintsuremenu.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Tanja Broom Character Portrait: Jintsuremenu
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Tanja decided that she would be better off to simply resign to this "punishment" rather than challenge it on her first day. She walked towards the chalkboard and then looked to him, "I should write, I will not say stupid things, backwards? Right?" The young witch reached for one of the pieces of chalk and held it in her fingers, she was trying very hard to be brave, but getting in trouble on the first day was upsetting. She clenched her teeth to keep her from reacting otherwise.

Seeing Crona's weapon heading towards Jintsuremenu, Tanja drew out her Katana and quickly moved to guard the teacher, "Hey! You're going to cause more trouble for Crona, so settle down," she settled her vision down to look at the blade, "or do you want to anger a witch?" It was a fake threat, but it would work better than begging with a creature like Ragnarok.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Maka Character Portrait: Tanja Broom
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Maka stood there wide eyed what kind of teacher was like this, professor Stein was odd and liked to dissect extinct animals in front of them but he never purposefully humiliated someone. "Ragnorok I have candy!!!" she yelled just to try to get his attention and perhaps get him off the path of destruction he was about to embark on. She ran down to where Ragnorok was "See I have a bag full of jawbreakers your favorite" she put herself between Tanja's sword and Ragnarok in sword form "You cant get it if your chasing after the teacher". Even if the teacher would probably punish her she didn't care, Crona was being dragged along and that wasn't right. "Professor perhaps after this could we continue our lesson I think things would settle down if we did" she said calmly, trying to ignore the fact that right now she had a sword at her back.


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Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Tanja Broom
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tear's began to roll down cona's face. Ragnarok shouted. '' YOU THINK I GIVE TWO FARTS WHAT HAPPEN'S TO CRONA, HECK NO. AND YOU CALL YOURSELF A WITCH YOU GOT NOTHING THAT MEDUSA HAD.'' suddenly the sword let out a massive screech that shook the whole room Ragnarok was using Screech Alpha '' YYAAHHHHHGHHHHHH'' crona was dangle helplessly he couldn't just simply just let go. Ragnarok was a part of him. Crona just cried. '' I'M SORRY....IM SO SORRY.''


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maka Character Portrait: Tanja Broom Character Portrait: Jintsuremenu
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Tanja whispered to Maka, "Thank you." but was suddenly interrupted by Jintsuremenu's apparent teleportation. Tanja wanted to do something but she told herself she should not release her soul protect, nor should she raise a hand against a teacher. Despite these two things, she looked very upset and was on the edge of tears. "This is too much," she whispered quietly. "Teacher, please. Stop," she looked at him with begging eyes. She doubted he would be merciful, he didn't seem the type, but maybe she could direct anything bad toward herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Franken Stein Character Portrait: Tanja Broom
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Tanja nodded her head in response and went to go find Stein. Upon discovering where he had crawled off to she said, "We need you to come back to the classroom, things have gotten a little out of hand. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but Crona's unconscious and the other teacher isn't being very nice." Tanja waited to return with the professor. "Also, he told me to write out a sentence backwards on the board five hundred times."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Death the Kid Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Tanja Broom Character Portrait: Haruka Character Portrait: Takai Shukujo
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Kid woke from the shock of the number 7, and sat in his chair. He looked to Patty and Liz, wiping blood from his nose and eyes and asked them, "Whats going on?"
Patty replied, "I'm coloring with yellow now!"
Liz flipped through her magazine and said, "Well that guy from that movie is getting married to some skank."
He looks over the two girls and estermines that they are pointless.
He determines that Maka, Crona, and the witch girl seem to be up and about. There is black blood on the floor and Jentsu is walking out to the classroom with holes all in his suit. He knew that if anything had happened while he was unconscious, Jentsu most defiantly won.
He heard Dr.Stein announce that they would need partners, so he checked his face for blood one mroe time, then turned to ask her. Would you like to be partners? You can borrow Liz or Patty if you need to."

Haruka was impressed with the witch girl, she was brave and beautiful.He watched her from his desk, chin on his knuckles. He hears that he will need a partner, so he sit in wait at his desk. He assumes he will be Suzu's partner. He turns to ask her and she is sitting Indian style on her desk, chanting "I don't want to be your partner Haruka, I wanna be partners with Crona"
He explains to her, "Crona is at the nurse, why don't you jsut be my partner will ya?"

She turns to him and sighs, "Fine, if Crona isn't back before we start then I'll be your partner." she huffs again and adds, "It's not my fault no one likes you." She thumbs her nose and crosses her eyes at her brother, then continues rock back and forth on her desk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Franken Stein Character Portrait: Tanja Broom Character Portrait: Haruka
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Tanja walked back into the classroom with Stein, wondering if he would enforce the punishment prescribed by Jentsu or if he simply wouldn't care. Stein seemed very laid back, but she couldn't tell if that was something she liked or disliked. Tanja heard the exchange between Haruka and Suzu and spoke up to Haruka, "If she doesn't want to be partnered with you, maybe would you mind if you partnered up with me?" She felt a little embarrassed to ask but she didn't want to be left out of the group without having tried.