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Ziva Henderson

0 · 1,626 views · located in Demesne

a character in “Fragmented Sky”, as played by The_Queen





ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#B22222 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FA8072

|| [url=SONGURL]songname || artist[/url] ||


Ziva Rory Henderson the Third

Ze, Vivi

{☛ ⒶⒼⒺ ☚}


Rori Mercury|| Gate Jietai



{☛ ⒽⒺⒾⒼⒽⓉ ☚}

{☛ ⓌⒺⒾⒼⒽⓉ ☚}
110 Ibs.

Like a dark night sky or a raven's wings, Ziva's hair is a pure, sightless black.

They are an unusual brown that almost appears to be red.

Her ears are pierced, but there are no visible scars marring her skin.


Ziva's appearance is very much like that of a model. Tall and skinny with slim limbs and ligaments that bend and twirl in a way only a dancer or gymnast could move. She is incredibly light and fit, appearing to be made for speed and agility. Ziva's skin is like that of ivory, a pearly perfect white. Her ears are adorned with little diamond studs and her hair is nearly always pulled back with a bow. She loves to look like the picture of perfection and strives hard to look good in a post apocalyptic environment. Ziva has a love for frills and the colors red and black. She doesn't know why these are her favorite colors, but they are. When Ziva has to fight though, or knows that she needs to blend she'll tone down her outfits or coordinate to the mission. As the second in command she always has to be prepared in case their leader should need to branch off or if he is ever injured and so Ziva has prepared both her body and mind for this task. She is ready to lead.



❥ Peanut Butter || Or anything salty really. Ziva has never really been one for sweets.
❥ Battle Ax || She found it in an abandoned armory on her parents property.
❥ Flying || Ziva can't fly, but she wished she could. Therefore she did everything she could to learn how to pilot a plane or helicopter.
❥ Hot Baths || It's rare that Ziva can get any time to herself, but when she can, she uses it to take a bath.



⌦ Children || Loud, noisy, smelly, little snot nosed brats? No thank you.
⌦ Sweets || Anything overly sweet like gummy bears or sour candies, Ziva absolutely despises.
⌦ Mud || Wet dirt notorious for getting her fabulous clothing dirty.


Biting || When frustrated, Ziva will bite down hard on her thumb nail or lip.
Jogging || If Ziva upset about something she'll simply leave the room and go for a run. She won't express or emote the thing that is bothering her.
Sleeping ||If Ziva is bored she'll simply take a nap. It isn't uncommon to find her snoozing during the daily meeting.

Blood || Ziva is absolutely terrified of blood, should she see any she'll freeze in fear.
Scar || There's a spot on the back of her neck that Ziva refers to as her Achilles heel. Should you touch it she'll faint.
Shoes || Ziva won't do anything if it risks ruining her shoes.
Instincts || It's not uncommon for Ziva to go against an order due to her instincts.

Lying || Ziva could lie through her teeth and no one would be able to tell.
Gymnastics || Ziva is an excellent gymnast. She can flip and spin with the best of them..
Dancing || It took years of training for Ziva to be as light on her feet as she is.
Fighting || Wielding her ax, despite the fact that it is so heavy, comes rather easy to her.

Blood || Ziva freezes up at the sight of it.
Isolation || Ziva absolutely hates being alone.
Capture || She would rather die then be taken as a pet.




{| Thoughtful || Sometimes Crazy || Passionate || Loving |}

Ziva is many things, her personality is very adaptable and she can read body language easily. So she'll know to tone it down should the mood be somber. That being said, Ziva is probably one of the most fun and crazy people you will ever meet, she likes to enjoy life and seeing as how she is almost eighteen, knows that she doesn't have much longer to live should the virus continue affecting adults. She has a strong sense of loyalty and would never betray anyone on her side, but she because you are an ally doesn't mean you're her friend. Those Ziva considers close know that she can be a bundle of joy or a terror depending on who you are. She is particularly hostile to newcomers and feels she has to vet them until they have proven their self worth. In reality it's because Ziva doesn't want to become close to anyone who has no chance of surviving. She doesn't want to go through the pain and suffering of losing a friend again. It's also one of the reasons why she is so passionate, because her friends encouraged her to be wild and outgoing. Ziva defends her allies with the ferocity of a mother lion and protects those close to her. While she does hate children, she realizes that many of them have lost their mothers and so she tries to fill in the shoes, but as a big sister. There is no possible way Ziva would ever consider becoming a mother, especially now, in this environment where everything is so uncertain.




Livingston Manor, Catskills

{☛ ⒻⒶⓂⒾⓁⓎ ☚}
Leona Ziva Frans the First || 45 || Mother || Dead
Xavier Charles Henderson the Third || 46 || Father || Dead
Charles Louis Henderson the Fourth || 18 || Brother || Missing, presumed dead

Ziva came from a wealthy family that migrated from Germany to America in the 1800's. They were originally the Livingston's, but when one of the daughters married off they became the Henderson's. Ziva was born on a snowy night in mid-January, the Manor was covered and they couldn't get to the hospital. So she was born in the family's bathroom with the help of three maids and a nanny who had watched a video on child birth five minutes before hand. They all knew what to expect, it was Leona's second child, so when Ziva popped out a healthy baby girl she simply smiled and retired to bed early. Four days later Leona was up and running like a new machine, attempting to get rid of her post-pregnancy stomach and tending to Ziva. In truth she had always wanted a girl and was happy to have finally had one. Leona was very protective of Ziva and held her daughter back a year to ensure that she was ready for kindergarten. She enrolled her in dance and gymnastics and spoiled Ziva with frivolous things. Ziva knew that this was how her mother expressed her love and she went along with it until the woman pulled her from school so that Ziva could be closer to home. Etiquette lessons, private tutors, ballroom dancing, her life was suddenly surrounded by becoming a proper young lady. Leona and Xavier were worried that their child was too worldly and no blue blood would want a girl who spoke out and had a mind of her own. So Ziva was forced to sit still and remain quiet.

It was almost a relief when the virus consumed them. Of course Ziva mourned, she lost her friends, her family, and other good people, but Ziva was finally free. So she left, packing up her bag and carefully traveling through America until she met up with a boy with a crazy dream. He wanted to free the children, reunite them and build a better society. It was love at first sight, although Ziva would never tell him so. Instead she loyally pledged herself to his cause and has been fighting by his side.

{☛ ⓄⓉⒽⒺⓇ ☚}


So begins...

Ziva Henderson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Chinmoku Character Portrait: Mara LaFleur Character Portrait: Echo King Character Portrait: Akali Rothenstein Character Portrait: Yasu Komatsu Character Portrait: Ziva Henderson
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❝Why do I always end up destroying everything I've ever loved?❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#EE3B3B ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FFCCCC

|| The Death of a Bachelor || Panic! At the Disco ||

"Soon," Echo promised. Once she had all of the pieces for the soul piece, Flo would be back to normal and could rejoin them on the battlefield. Echo would cherish that day, she missed seeing Flo standing on her own two feet, breathing with her own lungs. "I think we're nearly there," Echo promised. Her arms hurt, she had been swinging her daggers left and right today. "Tomorrow I should be able to finish the job and-Flo?" Echo questioned, noticing she had slumped over. "Flo? Are you alright?" She placed a finger beneath Flo's nose, stiffening. "She's not breathing!" Christopher jumped into action, calling the emergency telly line. Melody panicked, tripping over the oxygen, ripping the nubs out from Flo's nose.

"Melody!" Echo yelled, pulling the oxygen tank away and trying to reloop it under Flo's nose. The door burst open, the emergency services having arrived. They grabbed Flo and placed her on the stretcher, carting her away. "I'm going with them-" Christopher grabbed her shoulder. "No, you aren't. You need to go to bed, they'll take care of Flo. You can check on her in the morning," Melody had rushed out the door after them, no doubt blaming herself. Echo felt cold. "She wasn't breathing," she whispered, hugging herself. "She wasn't-" unexpectedly, arms wrapped around her. Echo stiffened as Chris silently supported her. She was tired, she was weary down to her very core. "You need a break." Christopher spoke softly, "you're pushing yourself too much Echo."

She shook her head, "No, not until all of the soul pieces are collected." Echo replied, attempting to take a step. She nearly collapsed. "Shadow and Calciferous can gather the last two," Chris lifted her, carrying her to her room. He set up her nighttime feeds and brought her, her pajamas. "Go to sleep, no sneaking out." Echo nodded, the door closing behind him, the nightlight turning on automatically as soon as the light went off. The moment her head hit the pillow, she was out like a light, not even awakening to turn off the annoying beep of her machines. By the time her eyes opened, it was almost noon the next day. The flat was quiet, Echo felt delirious and disoriented. She sat upright, feeling dizzy and sick. Flo... she had to go check on Flo, there was something wrong with her friend, but Echo could barely see straight.

The door opened, but it wasn't Christopher, it was Keron, of all people. "What are you doing here?" Echo asked, her throat dry. "Cress is talking with Chris, he told me to see if you were up yet." Keron replied, crossing her arms in the doorway, her tail swishing. "Tell them I can't get out of bed, my head is spinning." Keron jogged off, returning with both humans, Cress looking concerned, Christopher, well, he looked like himself. "What's wrong?" Cress asked, pushing the door open the rest of the way. "My head won't stop spinning," she felt hot and cold at the same time. Cress felt her forehead, frowning. "It seems like you might have caught a bug."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Chinmoku Character Portrait: Mara LaFleur Character Portrait: Echo King Character Portrait: Akali Rothenstein Character Portrait: Yasu Komatsu Character Portrait: Ziva Henderson
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❝Why do I always end up destroying everything I've ever loved?❞

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|| The Death of a Bachelor || Panic! At the Disco ||

Echo waited, tense, from the moment she heard the news. She could hardly eat or rest. The moment Melody found out that Echo had a fever, she came to tend to her. "You don't have to play nurse," Christopher said, knowing that it would be useless to protest. "I'm not playing nurse, I'm helping make Echo better. Now go do whatever it is you do when you're not working," Melody shooed him out. She made Echo take a bath and braided her wet hair, she made her lay under blankets and brought her soup and pudding, insisting that Echo drink every last drop. "Why are you being so nice?" Echo asked as Melody placed a cold compress on Echo's forehead, trying to massage her tense limbs. "Because you're my sister." Melody replied, her expression curious. "You've never been nice to me before. Why now? Why do you suddenly care?"

Slowly, Melody's expression began to change. It was thoughtful, then sad, then remorseful. "I guess... I want to make up for lost time." She said softly, brushing hair out of Echo's face. "You're five hundred years too late," Echo replied grimmly. "Need I remind you, you are only four years old." Melody teased, which made Echo glower. "I'm almost five," Melody rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes, you're so old." Melody pat her head, "stop trying to grow up so fast, alright? Not many people have been given as many chances as you," Echo's expression changed. "What do you mean?" Melody shook her head, suddenly recalling that those memories were gone. "You've been poisoned, stabbed through the heart, died twice, and you're still here. I don't know if you're lucky or if some higher power is out to kill you."

Melody made Echo take cold medicine after that and Echo drifted off. She awoke when Christopher knocked lightly at the door, "It's been done, Flo's soul piece is completely filled." He had been sitting with Sana for the past few hours, attempting to be a calming presence, but he had returned to let them know. "I want to go see her," Echo said sleepily, trying to sort herself between her blankets. "No, you would just make it worse. What if she caught the bug you have?" Melody placed her hands on her hips. "You'll be staying right here until your fever breaks," Echo tried to glare, but she was too dizzy. "Bucket?" She said instead, feeling sick. "Case in point," Melody said as she handed it over. "Give this to Sana," she handed Christopher a card she had made while Melody was fussing over her. "I will," he disappeared out the door.

"How come I'm always the one that ends up sick when it's most important?" Echo sniffled, reaching for her water. "Because you're the one that's always up in everybody's business. You probably caught it from one of the demons you killed." Echo sighed, looking up at the ceiling, the stickers of stars had been scattered all around it. "Don't worry, you'll be back to killing things as soon as your fever goes down." Melody made Echo a cuppa, watching as she drank it. "You need to go easy on yourself too, your daggers are brand new and they've already seen more wear than they have all year."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Chinmoku Character Portrait: Mara LaFleur Character Portrait: Echo King Character Portrait: Akali Rothenstein Character Portrait: Yasu Komatsu Character Portrait: Ziva Henderson
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❝Why do I always end up destroying everything I've ever loved?❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#EE3B3B ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FFCCCC

|| The Death of a Bachelor || Panic! At the Disco ||

Echo waited, tense, from the moment she heard the news. She could hardly eat or rest. The moment Melody found out that Echo had a fever, she came to tend to her. "You don't have to play nurse," Christopher said, knowing that it would be useless to protest. "I'm not playing nurse, I'm helping make Echo better. Now go do whatever it is you do when you're not working," Melody shooed him out. She made Echo take a bath and braided her wet hair, she made her lay under blankets and brought her soup and pudding, insisting that Echo drink every last drop. "Why are you being so nice?" Echo asked as Melody placed a cold compress on Echo's forehead, trying to massage her tense limbs. "Because you're my sister." Melody replied, her expression curious. "You've never been nice to me before. Why now? Why do you suddenly care?"

Slowly, Melody's expression began to change. It was thoughtful, then sad, then remorseful. "I guess... I want to make up for lost time." She said softly, brushing hair out of Echo's face. "You're five hundred years too late," Echo replied grimmly. "Need I remind you, you are only four years old." Melody teased, which made Echo glower. "I'm almost five," Melody rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes, you're so old." Melody pat her head, "stop trying to grow up so fast, alright? Not many people have been given as many chances as you," Echo's expression changed. "What do you mean?" Melody shook her head, suddenly recalling that those memories were gone. "You've been poisoned, stabbed through the heart, died twice, and you're still here. I don't know if you're lucky or if some higher power is out to kill you."

Melody made Echo take cold medicine after that and Echo drifted off. She awoke when Christopher knocked lightly at the door, "It's been done, Flo's soul piece is completely filled." He had been sitting with Sana for the past few hours, attempting to be a calming presence, but he had returned to let them know. "I want to go see her," Echo said sleepily, trying to sort herself between her blankets. "No, you would just make it worse. What if she caught the bug you have?" Melody placed her hands on her hips. "You'll be staying right here until your fever breaks," Echo tried to glare, but she was too dizzy. "Bucket?" She said instead, feeling sick. "Case in point," Melody said as she handed it over. "Give this to Sana," she handed Christopher a card she had made while Melody was fussing over her. "I will," he disappeared out the door.

"How come I'm always the one that ends up sick when it's most important?" Echo sniffled, reaching for her water. "Because you're the one that's always up in everybody's business. You probably caught it from one of the demons you killed." Echo sighed, looking up at the ceiling, the stickers of stars had been scattered all around it. "Don't worry, you'll be back to killing things as soon as your fever goes down." Melody made Echo a cuppa, watching as she drank it. "You need to go easy on yourself too, your daggers are brand new and they've already seen more wear than they have all year."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Chinmoku Character Portrait: Mara LaFleur Character Portrait: Echo King Character Portrait: Akali Rothenstein Character Portrait: Yasu Komatsu Character Portrait: Ziva Henderson
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❝Why do I always end up destroying everything I've ever loved?❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#EE3B3B ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FFCCCC

|| The Death of a Bachelor || Panic! At the Disco ||

There were things Echo could not remember happening in her dreams, things that she could not recall when she awoke. A plane crash, a fire, being ambushed. Then there was that basement, a reoccuring nightmare. A woman with purple hair, her face always lurking closer and closer, but a shadow obscured her features. There were chains and it was cold, so cold. There was always someone looming over her, torturing her. They dragged knives or claws across her skin, whatever was sharpest. They cut her tail and sawed off her wings, leaving her helpless. She would curl up into a ball to try and sleep, the tatters of her clothing providing little to no warmth in the freezing basement. Anytime the floorboards creaked or someone shuffled, she would stiffen, waiting, knowing they were coming.

She would hold herself and rock or sit against the wall. There was no rescue, no escape, she had tried, but she always ended up right back where she started. She was tired of fighting, her throat was always raw from screaming. Today was different, she could tell. Different was bad, she had learned, different meant pain. The floorboards above creaked, dust shifting, raining down on her. A demon with no face appeared in the light. Echo unconsciounsly shifted, the chains heavy on her wrists. He knelt down, cupping her chin in his fingers and tilting her head up to look at him. "Once so powerful, now so pitiful." Her head lolled, her eyes no longer holding any light. Any hope she had once had, had long since been beaten out of her. "A shame really, had I gotten here earlier, you would have been useful." He stepped away, wiping his hands. She was filthy, covered in dust, dirt, and dried blood.

She was painfully thin and weak, the others always forgetting about her until they needed to let off steam. "Don't bother with Nova," the purple one stood in the shadows, grinning. "I've extracted all the information that I could from her. Rather, pitiful, I must say, but her partner was higher up on the totem pole. Rather useful, I might add." Echo looked at the ground. Her partner... Gwenyth? Everything began to fade. No, no this wasn't right. This wasn't right, what was happening? There were... there were two Echo's. She was standing there, staring at herself, seeing her body tethered to chains in the basement. Everything flickered, her head filled with terrible static. She was no longer in the basement, she was wearing a hospital gown, sitting on the exam table, waiting.

Christopher was standing next to her, Elliot's brow was pinched in concern. She stared at her hands. Why couldn't she remember any of this? Something wasn't right, her head wasn't on right. "I would say about three months," Elliot looked remorseful. Why? Echo looked up, at the holographic image of her brain. Oh. She was going to die, wasn't she? Her hands shook. She wanted to die, so why was she so upset? This was what she had wished for all along, wasn't it? "We'll find a way," Christopher said softly. This wasn't right, none of this was. There were two Echo's. She was watching herself, looking at her terrified face, at her shaking hands.

She awoke sweating, her hair sticking to her face at all angles. It was morning, little after eight o'clock. Her heart throbbed, her head ached, but try as she might, she could not remember. An unsettling feeling was sitting in her chest. Echo stormed out of her room, her teeth chattering. She still had a fever, most likely. "Echo?" Christopher asked, seeing her unsettled state. "Go back to bed," he knelt down to feel her forehead, "you're burning up."

"Something isn't right..." she trailed off, "my head it's-it's hurting." His lips drew into a thin line, his expression serious. "Do you need me to call Elliot?" Echo shook her head, she was shaking. "Echo, I know you don't want to go to the East Tower, but we need to check. You've had a fever for two days." She stepped back, "No... Flo-Flo is worse. She needs their help right now, not me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Chinmoku Character Portrait: Mara LaFleur Character Portrait: Echo King Character Portrait: Akali Rothenstein Character Portrait: Yasu Komatsu Character Portrait: Ziva Henderson
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❝Why do I always end up destroying everything I've ever loved?❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#EE3B3B ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FFCCCC

|| The Death of a Bachelor || Panic! At the Disco ||

They sat in intake, Echo shivering and sweltering at the same time. The fever was making her delirious, or so they said when Echo began to scream at them. "You're hiding something! I know it! It's in my head! There's something wrong with my head!" They gave her versed sometime after that, making her feel sluggish. "She knows," Christopher said softly, standing behind the curtain. Cress was on the other line, listening from her office. "For now we just have to get the fever to break, once Flo is awake and well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Chris nodded, turning the holo off and parting the curtain. "We're going to move Echo up to a room," the nurse said. There were three others in the intake, which served as the ED for the demons. "Is Elliot going to come soon?" Christopher asked, following the nurse as she moved the bed. Echo was still huddled under the blanket, an ice pack on her forehead.

"Once he's done in the ICU," the nurse confirmed. They put Echo in a room with a view of the courtyard, the same room she had been in when Flo had fixed her brain. "I'm gonna die... I don't want to die," she muttered repeatedly to herself, something between relief and fear in her voice. "No you aren't," Christopher replied, sitting beside her, "it's just a bug, you'll be fine." It was an hour later when Elliot arrived, done with his rounds in the ICU, where Flo currently was. "I heard a bit of what's going on from the nurse. Echo, can you tell me what's hurting?" He asked, wanting to hear it from her. "She's been like this since she woke up," Christopher supplied. "My head... I'm dying, there's something wrong with my head." She moaned, shivering as Elliot came close.

"Well, she does have a fever. I would like to get a scan if that's her main complaint, the nurse took bloods so we'll see if that turns anything up." He did an initial exam, shining a light in Echo's eyes and listening to her lungs. "Ah, I think I hear it. Alright, I'm going to order some pictures. I'm going to keep a standing order of versed." A drug that tampered with the memory and evoked a sense of calm. "With any luck, the fever will break tonight and Echo will be in tip top shape for the mission." The nurse came in soon after that, Echo was out like a light with the combination of medicines and they took her to get the scans. Two hours later, they had the answers. "Pnuemonia, more than likely from over exposure to the cold. Poor thing quite nearly worked herself to death for the sake of her friend."

The nurse came to administer antibiotics. The fever was going down at last, but Echo was too loopy from the versed to talk straight. "You should eat lunch," Christopher prodded. She was staring at the ceiling, giggling at nothing. He pushed the button on the bed to sit her up. She reached for her fork, giggling when she nearly knocked over a cup of milk. "I'm here!" Melody chirped, wearing a nurse's outfit. "I can take over from here, Chris. Go get some rest," she practically shoved him out of the room. "Come on Echo, let's eat some lunch." She had come as soon as she had returned from her mission. Chris, in the meantime, went to check on Sana and Flo.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Chinmoku Character Portrait: Mara LaFleur Character Portrait: Echo King Character Portrait: Akali Rothenstein Character Portrait: Yasu Komatsu Character Portrait: Ziva Henderson
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❝Why do I always end up destroying everything I've ever loved?❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#EE3B3B ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FFCCCC

|| The Death of a Bachelor || Panic! At the Disco ||

"There, that should do it." Echo stepped back, examining the new armor in the mirror. "It's tight," she complained, tugging at the neck. "Then I'll fix it," Alex Drake knelt down, using scissors to make the neckline bigger. "How's that?" Echo examined herself in the mirror. "Better," she decided. It was a prototype for the new armor, the one Echo would be wearing tomorrow on the battlefield. Christopher was putting his on behind the curtain. It was black with silver plates that interconnected for easy movement. There were blue lines, two of them, running down each side. There was a visor that went with it that connected to the TB so you could see your synchro rate and the heartbeat of your partner. Echo opted not to wear it, she hated technology and Alex smartly took that into account.

"Shock proof, water proof, with insulated heating and cooling for the English temperment. It can detect your body temperature and adjust accordingly." Echo turned around, examining her behind. "And extra padding for falls. It can withstand most elemental type attacks." Which meant that if Echo used her abilities, it would not tear to shreds. "So what can't it do?" Echo asked sarcastically. "Bake bread?" Alex quirked a brow, "would you like me to add-" Echo shook her head, it seemed that he missed the mark, not uncommon with Drake, as he did not seem to understand humor. "So, what do you think?" Christopher asked, stepping outside of the curtain. It was the same color and model, but somehow, Echo thought that she looked like a joke and Chris looked like a soldier.

"Don't wear them out yet, I'm going to make final adjustments and they'll be in your rooms by tonight." Echo nodded, going behind the curtain to change into her street clothes. Of course, she still had to abide by Christopher's rules. Her street clothes were much fancier than anything she would have worn by choice, but Chris believed that imposing rules on Echo would somehow reign in her wild streak. "You can go up, I'll meet you in the gym." They were going to get in some last minute training, even though their synchro rate was nearly at 95. Echo didn't know why it was so high, but she suspected it had something to do with her coma. She stuffed her hands into her pockets, digging for the sweets she kept in each dress.

"Oh, Flo!" Echo caught her as she was leaving the gym. "What are you up to? Training? You're coming tomorrow, right?" Echo stepped back, taking Flo in. It wasn't strange to see Flo in her demon form, but Echo was most certainly used to her human form. "You look good, how do you feel? How are your lungs? Sorry, I keep peppering you with questions. How's Sana doing?" Echo hadn't been able to see Flo, she had been striken with a pneumonia and then had been buried in work from Cress in preparation for the mission.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Chinmoku Character Portrait: Mara LaFleur Character Portrait: Echo King Character Portrait: Akali Rothenstein Character Portrait: Yasu Komatsu Character Portrait: Ziva Henderson
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❝Why do I always end up destroying everything I've ever loved?❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#EE3B3B ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FFCCCC

|| The Death of a Bachelor || Panic! At the Disco ||

Echo could not recall the last time she had gotten a full night of sleep. Tonight it seemed, she would not be resting up either. Christopher made her go to bed right after the gym, wanting her to at least get some shut eye. Echo didn't know how long she had been asleep for, but it felt like not enough when she was roused. "Put your clothing on, it's nearly time to leave." Echo nodded groggily, putting on her new battle suit and placing her daggers in their sheaths. She attempted to brush her hair, thankful that Chris intervened with a blue ribbon that matched the lines running down the sides of the suit. They were gathering in the mess hall, breakfast a variety of hot and cold cereals. "Eat something," her human partner urged. Echo nodded sleepily, managing a bowl of hot cereal.

They were in the helicopter now, Echo sitting across from Flo and Sana. "Sleepy," she murmured. They wouldn't be there until sunrise. "Sleep," Christopher urged, wrapping her coat around her. He wanted her to get adequate rest so that she could fight. "You should sleep too Flo, we have a few hours." He suggested, "you too Sana." He rose to speak with Cress, allowing Echo to lay down in his seat. It was hard to sleep on the helicopter, even with the internal heaters of the new battle suits, it was still cold and the draft certainly wasn't helping. When Chris returned to check on her, Echo had curled up into a tiny ball on the seat, using her jacket as a blanket. He didn't want to disturb her, especially as they grew closer. They were not the only ones to nap either, many others were taking up positions on the seats and floors to catch some shut eye.

Cress's voice on the intercom roused Echo from her slumber. Doll was supposedly still their ally, they had planned for it, but Echo knew that they could not predict as much. After all, Messiah could be manipulating her. For all they knew, they could be walking right into a trap. "Snacks?" Keron offered, holding out a box full of power bras and juice pouches. Echo took one of each, chowing down. They needed to fuel up before the big mission, after all. Somehow she felt as though this wasn't a raid so much as a war. They were going into battle with Barons, multiple ones. Echo and Chris would be leading the attack, with Flo and Sana right behind them. She swallowed hard, they were the frontlines, the first line of defense. It would be up to them to protect the others. Especially the newbies, which were basically canon fodder.

"We're nearly there," Echo felt something in her stomach, butterflies perhaps. She ate quietly, listening to Cress fill them in on everything they knew. She had all of these details already, Echo had been in metings the last few days, finalizing details, prepping strategies, collecting contact information for where the deceased would be sent. They all wore tags too, with their names on them, in case their corpses could not be identified by facial appearance. It was a terrifying thought, that Echo had a hand in all of this planning. That if someone died, their blood was on her hands. She tried to take a deep breath in, never having been important.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Chinmoku Character Portrait: Mara LaFleur Character Portrait: Echo King Character Portrait: Akali Rothenstein Character Portrait: Yasu Komatsu Character Portrait: Ziva Henderson
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❝Why do I always end up destroying everything I've ever loved?❞

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|| The Death of a Bachelor || Panic! At the Disco ||

War was not black and white. There was no good and evil, it was two sides, each colored in various hues of gray. Echo did not belive in subjective good and bad, she rather believed that each side was simply fighting for what they believed to be right. They marched quietly, the planes of Cascade Beau deserted. It was eerie, the silence, the howling of the wind, the sun rising behind a toppled fortress that once stood tall and proud. There was evidence of the previous battle all around it, the grounds shifting to reveal the rubble, now buried in the snow. Echo swallowed hard, standing on the front lines meant that if something were to happen, she was the first line of defense. Leading the march was full of nothing but tense spines and quiet foot falls in the snow.

"This isn't right," Echo whispered. They were walking right into a trap, all of them could sense it, but none of them could stop it. Cress too, made note of how suspicious this was. The other faction should have been here, facing off against them. Instead, the only inkling of life was Ariel's presence, drawing them forward. Every creak made her jump, every whisper of wind sent a shiver down her spine despite the built in heaters. Alex Drake was lucky to not have to be here, although in spirit, they were all wearing his creation. "Something is going to jump out at us," Echo held a dagger in each hand, glad for the last minute gym session she had squeezed in before bed the night previous.

The interior of the fortress was just as empty. Was there something concealing their presence? Were they waiting in the shadows, looming in the rafters? Echo did not know. The glitter of sunrise had turned into the harsh light of morning, but the only signs that anyone had been here were Ariel's cries and the snakes that slithered across the halls. Echo killed each one they passed, knowing those rats did not deserve sympathy. Anguis had caused far too much anguish, it was time to set things straight, it was time to take back what the humans believed was rightfully their's. From here, Cress wanted to split them up. They could not open the doors, they could not rescue Ariel yet. "Echo, stay safe and listen," Chris said as they parted ways.

Echo nodded, knowing that this was impervious to their mission despite her hesitation to be separated. They were better together, as a team, but from here, he needed to fall back. Echo would remain here, on the frontlines, where she could continue to defend their soldiers. Silence took half of them, they would recon the rest of the fortress to search for any hint they may have missed on their way in. She was reminded of the button and half tempted to press it to see if it would work. "So what are we waiting for?" Echo whispered, her hands shaking from anger. "Let's find Anguis and kill her so we can bring Ariel home." Echo and Ariel had a history, after all. As Nova, Ariel had been one of the only people who had treated her as though she were still worthy of something.

She had taught Echo to swim, she had come visit her when Echo was a baby, and-and. There was a white wall in her mind, what else? There was more, but she could not recall it. Echo shook her head, no matter, there were more important things on hand. "Let's go," she turned towards the others. Flo would be with her, that was reassuring. Melody would be here too, which she was less happy about, but at least Melody and Flame could hold their own against an enemy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Chinmoku Character Portrait: Mara LaFleur Character Portrait: Echo King Character Portrait: Akali Rothenstein Character Portrait: Yasu Komatsu Character Portrait: Ziva Henderson
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❝Why do I always end up destroying everything I've ever loved?❞

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|| The Death of a Bachelor || Panic! At the Disco ||

An hour before the battle:

"Just don't, don't hurt them!" Doll King begged, trembling, kneeling on the floor. "Please, you can kill anyone else. I can't lose them, not again." Messiah looked down on her, practically groveling. "Fine," he granted, "they would make a nice addition to my collection." Relief flooded her, but it was only temporary. Doll had no intention on bringing her sister's back here, she was going to set them loose the moment she could. "Now rise, it does not become you to lay in the dirt like that." Doll nodded, standing unsteadily on her feet. She had bargained for the lives of her daughter, sisters, and husband, but what was the cost? She swallowed hard. It meant the death of everyone else she had served alongside.


Two blades clashed, sparks flying. "Flo, get back!" Echo growled, her daggers crossed, holding Doll's sword. "E-Echo!" Doll stuttered, falling back. In Sana's arms was Baroness Anguis, her clothing stained in blood. "We have a hostage, crawl back to your Master and tell him we have his precious Anguis." Doll hesitated, Echo could see the mark on her wrist. They had all said she hadn't, but Echo knew btter. Baron Messiah would not make such a careless mistake to allow Doll to run freely. The floors and walls were covered in blood, Echo could practically smell Wicked from here. Pray was sobbing somewhere along the halls, "Cal, contain Wicked while we can-" she could regenerate, but a full body explosion would take a few minutes. Cal jumped up, practically sliding on the blood.

"You have Anguis?" Doll asked, was that relief in her voice? Echo nodded. "Yes, we do." Sana held a piece of metal against Anguis's throat, threatening to cut it. Doll took a step back, then another. "Retreat!" She called, Echo looking down at Flo, who still seemed stunned and was covered in blood. "Get up," Echo said gently. She had seen worse. "This is our fight, we finally have a little advantage." She flung the door open, Ariel was passed out, the snakes retreating as soon as they saw their master passed out. She walked slowly into the room, a small fire in her palm to light the interior. "Ariel?" Echo whispered, she wasn't moving.

Echo knelt down, pressing a finger underneath Ariel's nose. She was breathing, which was a good sign. There were bite marks all around her, she was bleeding badly. "Pray! We need you!" Somewhere, Echo heard a yelp. There was shuffling and finally, Pray arrived. They had claimed this section of the Cascade, which was a good thing. There were still sounds of battle everywhere else, which was a bad thing. Pray reached down, lifting her eyepatch. There were still tears in her eyes. "Where's Silence?" Echo inquired, she needed to get in contact with Lana and Cress, but they wouldn't answer their TB signals. "We got separated during the explosion, she's still alive though, I can sense her somewhere in the fort." Echo nodded, rising to her feet.

"Come on Flo, let's go cut this hydra off at the head." They had already lost half of their soldiers, some veterans, most of them rookies. "Let's go," Echo did not want to prolong this fight. The only way to free Doll, to end this, was to kill Messiah himself. "Sana, bring Anguis. She's the only leverage we have right now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Chinmoku Character Portrait: Mara LaFleur Character Portrait: Echo King Character Portrait: Akali Rothenstein Character Portrait: Yasu Komatsu Character Portrait: Ziva Henderson
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❝Why do I always end up destroying everything I've ever loved?❞

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|| The Death of a Bachelor || Panic! At the Disco ||

Echo didn't know what she was going to do, buried in ruble, separated from Flo, and trapped underneath with Baroness Anguis, who was going to bleed out if they didn't get her back to either side. Worst of all, Sana had been posessed by Baroness Acacia and betrayed them. Echo groaned, attempting to open her eyes. There was blood running down her forhead, that couldn't have been good, she realized, trying to move. Her limbs were pinned beneath the rubble and it was far too dark beneath the stack to see. "Bloody hell," she groaned, a crackling in her ribs. Thankfully her armor prevented the damage from being far worse, but knew a broken bone when she felt one. Slowly, Echo flexed her wings, groaning at the weight of them. A diamond burst, wind sweeping the rubble away. She reached up with one arm, smearing the blood across her face as she attempted to clean her eyes enough to open them.

When she at last could, it was still dark. She lit a fire that floated above her, not touching anything, but illuminating the room enough that she could see she was buried deep. Her head throbbed as she tried to sit up, slightly disoriented. Where was she? She recalled falling as the room completely collapsed on them and the briskness of it meant that she was farther below ground. How much farther had she fallen from the throne room? "Silence? Flo? Come in?" She tried to no avail. Somewhere around her was a groan, it seemed Anguis had fallen deep as well. "Bloody hell, this is rubbish. Of course this bloody happened. No solid plan, walking blindly into a trap." She pried herself out of the rest of the pile and picked her way over to Anguis, pulling rocks and debris off of her. She dragged the Baroness over her shoulder, looking for an exit. "Flo!" Echo called, but there was no answer.

Another wind diamond broke, they drifted up, as high as they could, before a ceiling stopped them. The floor here was solid, aside from the massive hole in the center that she had fallen through, where it had given in. "Flo!" Echo called again, only to hear cackling behind her. She stiffened, making a slow circle only to see something strange. Flickering lights, one by one, piecing together to form an enemy she had never encountered. "Hello there, you must be Baroness Nova." The light was near blinding, until finally, they formed one solid piece. "I am Baron Lidel and I'm going to kill you now." Echo turned, she didn't have time for this. "Look, I have Messiah's girlfriend. You can either let us go, or I'll kill you too." Lidel laughed, "kill me? The gaul!" He began to ignite once more, lighting up so brightly that Echo could no longer see.

There was only one solution for this. A black diamond broke, the room encased in inky darkness. Their ability was snuffed out and Lidel cried out, clearly confused. "Fool me once shame on you," she struck him from behind, able to see in the darkness. "Fool me twice shame on me!" She struck once more, as fast as a viper, her dagger taking off Lidel's head. "Send someone stronger next time," she kicked it as it rolled, the darkness receeding. Lidel's soul piece clanked to the ground, Echo stepping over it carefully. "I've gotta find Flo and then get out of here."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Chinmoku Character Portrait: Mara LaFleur Character Portrait: Echo King Character Portrait: Akali Rothenstein Character Portrait: Yasu Komatsu Character Portrait: Ziva Henderson
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❝Why do I always end up destroying everything I've ever loved?❞

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|| The Death of a Bachelor || Panic! At the Disco ||

Out of the one hundred and fifty five soldiers that had come to this battle, there were twenty left. Echo had at last reached the roof, "Messiah!" She screeched to the sky, her throat hoarse. "Messiah, call a cease fire or I'll kill her right here and now!" She was holding her blade against Anguis's throat. Echo was sticky with blood, "Messiah!" The tip of the dagger began to draw blood. Suddenly, he materialized in front of her. Had he been hiding this entire time? Right above their noses? Doll was with him, looking grim, as well as a Baron Echo did not recognize. Where was Flo? Echo did not know. If she could negotiate the terms of surrender, the first thing she would do is go and find Flo. "What do you want?" Baron Messiah asked, Echo's grip on Anguis never faltering. "Surrender, you're cornered. I know you have feelings for this snake." She hissed, swaying on her feet. There was still blood pouring into her eyes.

Messiah looked almost bored. "You think I'm cornered?" Was that amusement in his tone? Echo was having a hard time telling considering his face was faceless. "Look at you, standing on a roof, bleeding out. You have but a handful of soldiers left and have the idea to say that I'm the one cornered?" He laughed, throwing out his arms. "Look around you, you're no more a society than a handful of rebels. Give up and I won't kill you before your next breath." Echo's arms shook, "I will do no such thing. Take another step and I'll kill Anguis." Baroness Anguis groaned in her arms, if anyone would bleed out, it was her. "Go ahead, kill her." Messiah dared to take another step forward, "You won't do it. You've grown soft. What happened to the Nova that hated humans? The Nova that killed the former director?"

Without hesitance, she slid her knife across Anguis's throat and dropped her. Messiah stood stock still. "I'll admit, I did not think you would make me do it." Blood bubbled around her neck, Anguis huffing as she struggled to breathe. "You fool," Messiah shook his head. He waved a hand, Anguis restored to new. She wasn't dead yet, that was the mistake. Once they were dead, they were gone. Anguis suddenly jumped up, a snake biting into Echo's shoulder. "There is something amiss, you know. You can sense it as well, can't you? Your head is playing between memories you don't recall having. Why don't I fix that?" Echo's eyes widened, her head in pain as Messiah waved his hand again, undoing all of Flo's work. Her eyes swam, the veins in her head thinning. "There is no checkmate."

"Messiah, you promised-" Doll grabbed his arm. He nodded as Echo fell to her hands and knees, vomitting blood. "She's having a stroke! What did you do!" Doll tried to run forward, but he stopped her. "She'll live because I allowed her to. That's the thing with dogs, you have to train them." She was going to die here, wasn't she? "Bas...t...a...rd." She slurred, half of her body unable to move. "Echo! Messiah, don't do this!" Echo fell to the ground, her arms giving out. "Flo..." she whispered, her memories returning, that missing time, those three years. It all flashed before her eyes in seconds, her pupils dilating. They were lying to her, all of them. The basement, rehab, going to Heaven, Echo remembered it all. Messiah knelt down, avoiding the puddle of bodily fluids.

"Do you understand now?" He asked, "they were never on your side. They've been using you this entire time. Your friends have been controlling you, concealing things from you." No, Flo wouldn't do that, Flo would never do that. Another snake bit her, right in the stomach, she cried out, paralyzed with pain. "Stop it!" Doll begged, "you promised you would spare her!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Chinmoku Character Portrait: Mara LaFleur Character Portrait: Echo King Character Portrait: Akali Rothenstein Character Portrait: Yasu Komatsu Character Portrait: Ziva Henderson
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❝Why do I always end up destroying everything I've ever loved?❞

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|| The Death of a Bachelor || Panic! At the Disco ||

"Who's at the door?" Riven asked, crossing the foyer of the mansion. Tomorrow was the eve of the celebration of the vampire's unification. They had done everything they could to wipe themselves off of the map and now, they would celebrate their peace. "I'll get it," Slaine opted, no longer a man servant, but one of the head's of the hotel. Another loud bang came, a round of knocking. He opened up the large wooden doors, a small figure practically tumbling inside. "It's a demon!" He yelped, panicked. Riven swpet over, looking as elegant as ever in her red lace gown. "Echo?!" She knelt down in alarm, the demon laying in a puddle of her own blood. She had claw marks on her face and ice clinging to her lashes. How long had she been out there?

"Slaine, prepare a room, Vitoria!" She pointed to a vampire who stiffened at the mention of her name. "Go get Gwenyth!" It took only a blink or two before the aformentioned vampire arrived, kneeling down in panic when she saw the demon who used to be her partner. "Echo! Oh, oh my. Quick, we need a medic." Echo was unconscious, Gwenyth lifted her, carrying her up the stairs to where Slaine was waiting. She shooed the curious eyes away, wondering how Echo had found them. The hotel's presence was concealed, after all, with a magical barrier protecting it. Their Queen had paid a hefty price for a barrier from a red haired witch to make certain that no lost hiker would come stumbling across it in the wood.

It wasn't until morning that Echo finally awoke, Gwenyth having slept in a chair beside the bed. She was still mightily attached to this demon, practically having raised her from an egg. "You're up," Gwen said sleepily, noticing that Echo was looking around, half of her face obscured by bandages. "I'm sorry Echo," Gwenyth suddenly sobbed, taking her hand. "I'm sorry I left you behind, I'm so, so sorry for hurting you." The white haired demon looked around slowly, taking it all in. Then- "I'm sorry, who are you?" It was like a punch in the gut. "And-I have another question, who am I?" The weight of it hit her even moreso. "You-you don't remember?" Gwenyth sniffled, wiping her eyes. "Echo, take off all of your clothes." Gwenyth suddenly ordered, the demon blinking, confused. "Now," Gwen helped her, removing her broken armor and undergarments.

No contract mark.

"Can you explain please?" The demon squeaked, Gwenyth taking a deep breath and sinking down into a chair. "Your name is Echo, you're.... a very special demon." Gwenyth took her hand, clasping it. "Your past doesn't matter, but your future will." She wasn't going to let Echo go, now that she had her. She would give Echo the life she had always wanted her to have. No more fighting, she could live in peace here, with them. "Tonight there's a ball. We have to get ready-" a knock sounded at the door. "Gwenyth is she awake?" Queen Riven stood on the other side, holding a breakfast tray. She wanted to deliver it herself, wanting Echo to feel welcome and wanting to apologize for attacking her. "Yes, come in."

"She doesn't remember anything," it seemed the hit to the head had been harder than any of them had anticipated. "Alright, well, that's a good thing." Riven decided, "she can stay here, with us, at least until her partner comes looking for her." Gwenyth shook her head, "she has no partner." Echo was watching their back and forth banter, wondering what all of this meant. She knew one thing was certain, however and that it was her head was not on right. "Can someone please explain what this all means?" Echo wanted to know, her head ached.

"It means that tonight, you'll be attending a ball."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Chinmoku Character Portrait: Mara LaFleur Character Portrait: Echo King Character Portrait: Akali Rothenstein Character Portrait: Yasu Komatsu Character Portrait: Ziva Henderson
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❝Why do I always end up destroying everything I've ever loved?❞

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|| The Death of a Bachelor || Panic! At the Disco ||

She sat in the tub, the warm, sudsy water washing away the blood and dirt. The strange outfit she had come in was discarded in the corner and a dress was hung on the back of the door, the steam easing out any remaining wrinkles. They had left her alone to bathe, although Gwenyth had promised to return, somehow seeming familiar despite the cavern of blankness in Echo's mind. If she scrunched her nose up and thought, she could see the vague outline of someone, something pink. "She's important," Echo said to herself, touching a blank spot on her chest. "I have to remember," but try as she might, Echo could not recall who she was or why she seemed to be important. She rose from the tub, taking a warm towel to dry off. Outside, it was snowing, Gwenyth had said that it was always snowing. The windows all had special screens on them to protect the vampires from daylight and it gave the sky a slightly red tint.

Her dress was blue with flowers and bells. The bandages were replaced with an eye patch. Echo stood uneasily in front of the mirror as Gwenyth arranged her white hair around her. "I remember it being silver," she murmured, "What?" Echo inquired, but Gwenyth only shook her head. "It isn't important," she stood upright after having been groomed to utmost perfection. Echo looked in the mirror, feeling awkward and slightly itchy. "The ball will begin soon, alright? The other guests are all vampires, but I'm sure they won't notice one demon in the mix." Gwen meant to reassure her, but somehow that only made Echo feel more nervous. "Um, can you explain how I got here?" She inquired, tugging on Gwen's sleeve, feeling self conscious. She held the corner of it as Gwenyth led her out of the room. "Slaine said you banged on the door and when he opened it, you collapsed. I don't know how you got here."

The music had already begun, Echo clung to Gwenyth's sleeve, her tail swishing underneath her dress. There was a bow tied to the end of it, the bell inaudible above the din of the room. "Oh, what have we here?" A vampire with a large chest and floor length blonde hair turned to them. "Athena," Gwenyth stopped. "This is Echo," Athena recognized her of course, but they had never been properly introduced. "Hello," Echo said nervously, hiding behind Gwenyth. "My, my, what a cute little demon." Her smile was tight lipped, she seemed of the strict sort. "Come, let's go find the Queen." They walked into the ballroom, a quartet playing in the corner. There were vampires of all lineage and nobility in the room, but Echo could sense one other demon. She looked around, spotting him in the corner, sipping a cup while smiling, hovering at Queen Riven's side.

"Riven," Gwenyth curtsied low, Echo hurrying to copy her. "It's alright, rise." Riven smiled, there was someone standing beside her, wearing lace over her eyes in decorative fashion. "This is my partner, Viola." She had black hair and wore a smile that said despite her lack of sight, she knew exactly what was happening. "Hello Echo," Viola smiled, Riven nudging her hard in the ribs. "I-ugh, Riven told me your name of course," she tried to cover it up, placing her hands on her hips and laughing rather awkwardly. "H-hello Viola." Echo huried into a curtsy again, Gwenyth snickering. "It's alright, Vi isn't royalty, not yet at least." Riven rolled her eyes, there was talk of it of course, but there was also an issue, Viola was not a pureblooded vampire.

"Oh, how cute!" Came a screech from the side. "I love it, I love it! Can I have it?" A vampire hugged Echo from behind, lifting her off of her feet. "Sweetpea, let go!" A human, human of all things! Came rushing over to her aid. "Sorry," Jacob Delanore apologized profusely, making Sweetpea release her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Chinmoku Character Portrait: Mara LaFleur Character Portrait: Echo King Character Portrait: Akali Rothenstein Character Portrait: Yasu Komatsu Character Portrait: Ziva Henderson
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❝Why do I always end up destroying everything I've ever loved?❞

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|| The Death of a Bachelor || Panic! At the Disco ||

Everyday was different, but it was full of becoming less intimidated by her surroundings. Gwenyth watched her carefully each day, at least until Sweatpea kidnapped her for a tea party, or Julia asked her to play the violin for her while she worked on paperwork for the Queen. Echo, despite her lack of memories, had found her place among the happy mixed family of Castle Seylum. It was not only a castle, however, but a working hotel and a revolving door of vampires constantly streamed in and out. "You really don't remember anything, do you?" Kaito asked, a human. Echo shook her head, he was a head taller than her and seemed to enjoy having someone shorter than him to push around. Not that Echo was weak, but she wouldn't dare lay a hand on him considering his status.

"Come with me, I'll show you something." There was mischief in his eyes, but Echo followed him. They went to the main floor, then to a door she had never realized existed. He unlocked it with a room card, sliding it between the wall and the lock. It opened without a sound and they walked down a dark staircase, her eyes adjusting quickly. Echo swallowed hard, they were in a basement, the lights flickering on as they moved. One by one, they illuminated the dim halls in shadowy figures. "What are we doing down here?" She asked, her tail swishing nervously. "You'll see, just keep walking." They came to an abrupt stop in a hallway, her spine feeling as though someone had just shoved several needles in it. Her knees weakened, a flood of images rushing across her mind, but none of them ones she could place or make sense of.

Echo screamed, her head feeling as though two magnets were pulling on opposite ends, drawing them apart. "Echo!" Gwenyth called, sensing her distress. "Echo!" She ran down the staircase, sweeping the demon up into her arms. "Kaito!" She sneered, "I should have known you were behind this!" Echo passed out from the pain, the eye that wasn't covered in an eye patch having rolled up into her head. When Echo came to, it was dark outside. Gwenyth was sitting in a chair, reading quietly to herself. "What happened?" Her head ached as she turned on her side, unable to recall the last handful of hours. "Nothing important, I'm just glad you're okay." Someone poked their head inside, Athena. It was rare of her to show concern for anyone, but still, she was here with something for the headache.

Echo took it gratefully. "I've locked the door to that stairwell, no one will be able to access it again." That basement was a dreadful place, now it was only used for storage. Kaito was being punished with no desserts for the next month for the cruel trick he had played. The others too, believed he had crossed a line. Queen Riven and Viola came to check on her too, having heard her screams. "I'm alright," Echo promised them, signing with Viola. "I'm glad to hear it," Riven smiled in relief. "You know, we really should do something about Kaito's temperment." Ever since Gavyn's death, he had been acting out, no longer the arm piece of royalty, but a mere human, displaced in a world of vampires. They could not simply loose him upon the human world either, as he was living out of his time. A relic of the past, just like so many of them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Chinmoku Character Portrait: Mara LaFleur Character Portrait: Echo King Character Portrait: Akali Rothenstein Character Portrait: Yasu Komatsu Character Portrait: Ziva Henderson
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❝Why do I always end up destroying everything I've ever loved?❞

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|| The Death of a Bachelor || Panic! At the Disco ||

"Echo, are you ready?" Gwenyth asked, pulling her bag onto her back. Echo nodded, tightening her eye patch. "Are you sure you're ready?" Queen Riven asked nervously, adjusting the coat on Echo's shoulders. "Yes, I think we are." Echo nodded, her winter clothes insulated for extra protection. The last thing she needed was for the cold to grab her. "When will you be back?" Viola signed, already distressed that the only other person who could sign with her was already leaving. "I don't know," Echo admitted, "but I know I will visit when I can." After all, Riven had given her a place of belonging in a house full of vampires. "Well, I'll be back at least. Eventually." Gwenyth hoisted Echo's bag up and opened the door, coat flapping in the wind.

"So? Where to first?" Gwenyth asked as Echo took out her map, she had multiple cities circled in red pen. "London," with a start, Gwenyth looked up. "Are-are you sure?" She asked, cautiously. Echo nodded, "London is the gateway to Europe, from there, we can get just about anywhere." She wanted to take the train to Paris next, then a flight to Italy. She had money, apparently, enough in her account to last for a long time. "After Italy, I want to go to Barcelona, and then Asia." They began to walk towards the woods, their footprints masked by the mass of snow. "Where in Asia would you like to start?" Gwen was sick of Europe to be quite honest, she was ready for an adventure.

"Tokyo, Japan. I hear they have great cake and tea." They walked in silence until they reached the car waiting at the bottom. "Hello Fang," the only other demon that lived in Riven Seylum's mansion, her familiar and servant. "Hello Gwenyth, Echo." He opened up the door, the two of them scooting onto the back seat. "Echo, when we reach London, we have to stay away from the center of town. We'll lodge near Wimbly, alright?" She nodded, grateful that she would not be traveling alone. As nice as it was in Castle Seylum, Echo was ready to go and do other things. "Why? What's wrong with it?" She had a list of things she wanted to do in each city. "It's not safe right now," Gwen replied vaguely. "I'm a demon and you're a vampire, what's not safe?"

"Just, trust me." Echo didn't press the issue, instead, she put her bag down and closed her eyes. Fang drove them all the way to the train station and from there, it was an overnight journey to London. They had a private carriage, with a bunk bed that Echo claimed the top of. She ate and watched things on a magic screen Gwenyth called a TV. There was a dreadful buzzing that came from it, but the moving pictures entertained her. After a while, Gwenyth fell to sleep and Echo looked out the window, watching the changing landscape until she drifted off. "Echo, Echo we're here." She had no dreams nor nightmares, Echo awoke and dressed, putting her coat and boots on. They grabbed small packages of sugary cereal and exited into the cold London air.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Chinmoku Character Portrait: Mara LaFleur Character Portrait: Echo King Character Portrait: Akali Rothenstein Character Portrait: Yasu Komatsu Character Portrait: Ziva Henderson
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❝Why do I always end up destroying everything I've ever loved?❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#EE3B3B ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FFCCCC

|| The Death of a Bachelor || Panic! At the Disco ||

They had a full day in London, tonight they would sleep in Wimbley park and leave tomorrow morning. The first thing they did was have high tea at the British Museum. Gwenyth had ditched the sugary cereal instead opting for a classic English meal. "Oh how I missed this," she sighed, a hand on her cheek as she took a sip of her tea. Echo looked away, taking in the intricate architecture and the beautiful paintings that adorned the walls. There were little seed cakes drizzled with honey and English toffee bars that made her teeth stick together, but were quite good when dipped in tea. Scones and clotted cream with fresh fruit jams brought the entire meal together, making it rather lavoush for breakfast, but enjoyable all the same. Echo wanted for nothing afterwards and was more than satisfied.

"Come on, we have a full day!" Next they went to Picadilly Circus, where Gwenyth perused the sales and bargained for a pretty locket that Echo wanted from a street vendor. "What are you going to do with it?" Gwenyth wanted to know, quirking a brow. "I-I don't know. There's a picture I want to put in it, but I don't know what it is." She looked around, puzzled. Gwenyth nodded, understanding the confusion. It was probably a picture of Flo, but she would not dare to try and trigger any memories, as she had seen the disasterous results when Kaito tried. Judging by the claw marks on her face and the blank slate, it seemed that Echo had, had her memories erased in a demon fight.

[color=#EE3B3B]"What do we do now?"
Echo perused her list. "Can we go to the Hope for Peace Museum?" Gwenyth shook her head, "No, that place is far too dangerous. We'll go to the Gardens next." The Imperial Gardens were beautiful, even in the heavy snow. They were on their way to the most famous street in London when someone hit Echo in the face. She jumped back, yelping in surprise by the blow. Her head throbbed as she stepped back, craddling her now-bleeding nose. "What was that for!" She yelled, her eyes widening as they settled on the pink haired girl. She was the one, the one Echo saw in her dreams but could never quite recall. "How do you know who I am?" She asked, taking a step back.

"Who are you?" She looked up at Gwenyth, who was standing stock still, surprised to see them to. "Gwenyth, do you know them?" Her nose had stopped bleeding, she adjusted her eye patch. "I should've known better than to take her this close," Gwenyth apologized. "I was hoping to take us through a shortcut to get to Harrod's. We're doing a spot of sight seeing before we take the train to Paris tomorrow morning."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Chinmoku Character Portrait: Mara LaFleur Character Portrait: Echo King Character Portrait: Akali Rothenstein Character Portrait: Yasu Komatsu Character Portrait: Ziva Henderson
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❝Why do I always end up destroying everything I've ever loved?❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#EE3B3B ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FFCCCC

|| The Death of a Bachelor || Panic! At the Disco ||

Echo tilted her head to the side in question, wondering why these two seemed so familiar to her and yet so foreign. She attempted to reach inside of her head, but there was a block, as always. She closed her eyes for a moment, ablet o see the image in her mind, but unable to describe it. "Wait," Echo stopped before Gwenyth could turn them away. "You're her, aren't you?" She reached into the folds of her coat, withdrawing a photo that was smeared in blood. It was what she had wanted to put in her locket. "I can't-I can't remember, but I've been trying to find you in my mind." It was clear Echo was frustrated with herself, with her missing memories. Gwenyth placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it. "If you were no one, then why would I have this?" She whispered to herself, suddenly uncertain of everything.

"There are some questions the universe can't answer." Gwenyth said softly, attempting to pull Echo away. It was clear from Mara's face that she was in pain. Echo reached into her other pocket, taking out the locket that Gwenyth had bargained for. "Take this, okay? I don't know what it means, but you should have this." She placed it in Mara's hand, closing it around the necklace. Then Echo turned away and followed Gwenyth into the darkness. The two of them walked quietly in the snow for a while, then, "I guess we'll have to change our flights." Gwenyth nodded, "I guess so." the ally ended on a busy segway, a cross walk tithering with life. They walked opposite the flow, Harrod's brightly lit interior greeting them in the snowy darkness.

Over the din, with all of the sights and sounds and smells, they had no idea that someone was tailing them. "Hide your tail," Gwenyth suggested and Echo nodded, wrapping it around her thigh underneath her dress. "Chris, what are you doing?" Doll asked, "we have to go home, Sonata is waiting for us." Chris looked back in the direction he had been heading, shaking his head. "I thought I saw a ghost," Doll took his arm, staring at him strangely. They both harbored a secret, one that they could never tell the other. They had let someoene go. "I want a bear!" Echo decided, removing her coat as they entered the warm building. "No, those are insanely expensive. We can go to the food hall and get some sweets, I hear they're supposed to be good."

The next morning, they boarded a flight to South Africa. They were upgraded to business class, the flight taking a total of eleven hours. When they landed in Cape Town, Echo was surprised at the lack of snow. "I've never seen a place not covered in snow," she mused. Winter in South Africa was cold, but very few times did it actually snow. There was an ocean and a beach, a giant mountain anywhere they looked, and busy shops. "Look, it says we can go on safari. I want to see animals," Echo said as they passed a billboard. Gwenyth laughed, "Alright, we'll go on safari then." Echo sank back in her seat, she lookes around, expecting the pink haired girl to be there and realizing that she was not.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Chinmoku Character Portrait: Mara LaFleur Character Portrait: Echo King Character Portrait: Akali Rothenstein Character Portrait: Yasu Komatsu Character Portrait: Ziva Henderson
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❝Why do I always end up destroying everything I've ever loved?❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#EE3B3B ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FFCCCC

|| The Death of a Bachelor || Panic! At the Disco ||

The world was a wide and extraordinary place. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Gwenyth asked as she packed her bags, having been summoned back to Queen Riven's side. Echo nodded with a smile one would have never expected of the demon. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, "I can do this, don't worry. Queen Riven needs you," Gwenyth nodded, but it was clear she was unhappy about it. They hugged in the hotel room, then Gwenyth opened the window and turned into a bat, somethign all vampires could do. She flew off into the night, Echo waving until the bat was out of sight. She sat on the edge of the bed, smoothing out her map over her lap and planning her route. From here, she would go to Asia, then North America, then South America, then, hopefully, Australia. Her final plan was to return to Europe, but when and how that would be, Echo did not know.

When her money ran dry, she stayed in cities, working for food and board until she had enough for a plane or train ticket to the next place. She wrote to no one, made no mention of her last name and carefully hid the fact that she was a demon from all, recalling the warning Gwenyth had given her. Five years had past, Echo was now ten years old. She studied alongside monks in a monestary atop Kathmandu, she climbed to the base camp of Mt. Everest, learned how to make mochi in Japan, slept under the stars in India, and accidentally joined a revolution in America. She did a great many things and finding herself was one of them. She knew who she was once more, after a painful month in bodily stasis with a magistrate in Patagonia, Echo awoke atop a snowy mountain, shivering, with an old mage pressing tea into her hands that tasted like dirt and flowers. She starred into the cup, wondering when the last time she had a good cuppa was.

"I think it is time you return home, Echo. There are a great many people that miss you," Echo nodded, aware of the hole by her side. "I know," she spoke softly. "Your third eye has been open, your gates have been flooded, your heart is ready. I will leave you with a parting gift," she gave Echo a purple crystal on a string and disappeared. Echo wrapped the cord around her wrist and packed up her belongings. Over the five years, she had sold much of her property and now only carried a backpack with the essentials. A flight from Patagonia to London cost an arm and a leg. With the last of her money, Echo flew home. Having no passport, she sneaked off the plane the same way she always did and left Heathrow Airport, heading for what she knew to be a changed city.

Freedom was nice, but it was missing something and that was purpose. Her hair was long again, even braided it swept down her back and nearly touched the floor. She wore a tattered red jacket, skin tight jeans, and winter boots. London looked the same, if not a bit spiffier and cleaner. Echo exhaled in relief, that at least, had not changed. She smiled as she took a step forward, but did not get far. "You there, stop!" Almost immediately, Echo was apprehended by two Tower Society Agents. She groaned, having been hoping to avoid this. "Sorry, but I can't!" She bounced light off of a small mirror and her pocket and took off running, heading for what she hoped was still neutral ground. Her stomach sunk as she reached the ally, noticing it was not there. No, that couldn't be right.

The Hope for Peace Museum was now an empty lot. "Stop!" Someone called behind her, Echo falling to her knees in the snow. It was still winter, always winter. She had seen sunshine and warmth and had come back to this dreaded place. Why had she returned? An image of pink hair and a warm smile entered her mind. Oh yeah, that was why. "Under order of the Tower Society, we have to apprehend, you, demon, and bring you in for registration." She did not resist as they cuffed her arms behind her and led her to a car. She was quiet, listening to their conversation, but it was simply idle chat. They marched her into intake, where other demons were waiting, anxious, fidgety. "You there," one pointed to her. "Come with me," Echo nodded, rising. They rode up the lift, the halls clean, refurbished, restored. It was busier than Echo had ever seen it.

"Sit here and wait," he led Echo to a comfy chair, uncuffing her wrists. It did not take long for someone else to arrive. She adjusted her eye patch, sitting up a bit straighter. "Who did you say this demon was again?" Director Wei said as he entered, sitting across from her. She did not blame him for not recognizing her. Echo was thinner, leaner, than she had ever been. Her hair was long and with her eye patch, well, it was easy enough to mistake her for someone else. "Echo, Echo King." His head snapped up and he laughed. "Really? You're going to come in here and pretend to be a dead hero? Very nice, very nice indeed. Alright I've seen enough take-"

Her boney wings snapped open, the diamonds hanging off of them, unmistakable. She reached up with her cuffed hands, lifting the eyepatch to reveal the ugly claw marks that ran across her face. "Oh my stars," Wei breathed. "If you need to, you can check my bar code. It's my you blimey bloody-" he held up a hand, smiling for stars knows what purpose. "It really is you," he laughed. "Yeah, yeah, now take these off." She reached forward and he unlocked the cuffs around her wrists. "I don't understand, you had freedom, why did you come back?" He asked quietly. "Because I missed good tea and was going to lie low while I thought of a plan to make a grand entrance, but apparently I was being tailed because I entered England illegally," she put quotes around illegal.

It did not take long for word to spread, Echo was confined to the office while Wei worked out the details with immigration, but she had a steady stream of visitors since her return. Pandora, Shiro, Keron, all matched with new humans who oggled at Echo with a mix of misbelief and awe. They updated her on everything that had happened, informing her of all of the changes. Melody and Flame were still at large, to her relief. Doll and Christopher adopted a second child, a son. His name was Luke and he was a bumbling little prat, supposedly. There was a statue to commemorate everyone that had died, which had Echo's face on it. That would be the second memorial that she was on. Queen Charlotte, despite her young age, found a boyfriend and they were engaged. Ariel made a full recovery, but returned to Ogygia, where she could live out a proper life as a mermaid.

"What about Flo and Silence?" Echo asked, recalling her brush with them on the street, five years ago. Shiro was quiet a moment. "I think it's better if you heard it from them."