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Arabella and Lilith

We are two separate people just so you know!

0 · 488 views · located in The Grounds

a character in “Freaks Galore”, originally authored by ali_rox96, as played by RolePlayGateway


If You Look In This Cage, You Will See Blueberry and Strawberry .

Arabella (Strawberry)
Lilith (Blueberry)
They Were Born Under The Names Lilith (Lili) and Arabella (Ara) Gordon.
They Are 18 Years Old.
They Are Females.
They Are Here Because Ara and Lili are mutated Siamese twins. Ara is mutated as part Salamander and Lilith as part Sea Snake. Lili’s body is made completely of blue snakelike scales except for her face, the palms of her hands and the bottoms of her feet. She is able to move like a snake and create a weak venom in her body. Ara has pinkish fins attached to her the side of her hands and feet as well as patches of pink salamander skin all over her body. Both girls being amphibious have gills allowing them to breathe underwater, and both excel underwater, Ara especially because of her fins.
Ara really enjoys Swimming, playing cards, cloud watching and staring down the visitors at the Zoo.
Lilith really enjoys Being alone (or at least pretending to be alone,) reading, poetry and playing cards.
Ara Really Hates Not being acknowledge as a separate person from Lili, losing, being left out of the loop and being called Arabella.
Lilith Really Hates Not being acknowledge as a separate person from Ara, socializing, when Ara decides what they are going to do for both of them and her father.
What Really Scares Ara Is Losing Lili and extended periods away from water.
What Really Scares Lilith Is Losing Ara, despite what she says and thinking about what is under her scales.
Their Story Goes Something Like This: Ara and Lilith were born as Siamese twins, due to the complicated birth process though their mother died days after they were born. Their father blamed the girls for his wife’s death and when they were five he sold their parental rights over to a scientist who wanted to ‘experiment on Siamese twins.’ He mutated them into their current states before poking and prodding them to his heart’s desires, when they were eight he decided he was done with them and sent them of to the Zoo to live out the rest of their lives. It is here they have spent their last ten years. Neither of them has a problem with the Zoo, or the enclosures, at least they aren’t alone like the rest of the freaks. They only wish they knew what the outside world was like.
Even If They Are Freaks, They Have Personalities... Lilith’s personality is almost that of the snake she mutated into. Lili likes to keep her cards close to her chest, She maintains a shy, sweet and almost reclusive personality until you get too close. Not even Ara knows what will happen when people get close to Lili. She will either snap at you with her fangs and or let you get close enough to realize that she isn’t as cold and slimey as her scales make her look, that in reality Lilith is quite warm and smooth. This is meant in a physical way as well as in a social way. Ara’s initial personality is almost the opposite of her sister’s, Ara is blunt and doesn’t play social games, she likes to get to the point of things. She’s the type of person who always reads the last page of the book before reading it. The closer you get with Ara the more you realize, that with Ara what you see is what you get, she’s an open book and doesn’t hold part of her personality back. They both seem to agree though when it comes to the visitors to the Zoo, they both refuse to do ‘tricks’..
Wait! One More Thing! The girls are joined at the hip in a way that they can both stand next to each other but also be back to back..
Lilith mutated from a Sea Snake like this:

While Arabella mutated from a Salamander like this: ... anum.e.jpg

Moving on to our next freak...

Writing Sample?
Ara watched the people walk on by their cage after staring at them and taking a few pictures. Ara felt personally degraded every time people stared at her and her sister. She caught the eye of a little boy who was staring at them like they were freaks. Okay, so they were technically freaks, but hey, they still had feelings! Ara sent the boy the scariest most menacing face she could manage and successfully sent him off crying to his mother. She hoped he had nightmares. Normally she would have felt better about her accomplishment but today she just wasn’t feeling it.
Lilith watched her sister scare off the little boy and hoped that it would cheer Ara up but if anything she seemed even more depressed.
“Okay, enough with the moping and sighing, you’ve been doing it all morning, whats up?” Lili finally asked hesitantly.
Ara looked longing over at the pool of water in the inclosure as if it was calling her name. “Nothing.” Ara said roughly before continuing as quietly as she could manage, “I just really want to swim right now.”
Lili had to strain her ears to hear her sister and when she did she had to stop a smiling passing over her face. “Then swim, what’s stopping you. Ar-ah-bell-ah” she said teasingly.
Ara clenched her fists to stop herself from physically harming her sister. She been in this situation long enough to realize getting in a fight with someone who was always with you was not a good idea. There was nothing stopping her from shooting Lili a withering glare though. “I refuse to swim in front of these people and you know it. That’s just what they want, ‘tricks’ and I refuse to play.”
“Yes, yes I’ve heard it all before Ara and while I completely agree can we at least sit down? My legs are killing me.” Lili asked exasperatedly, Ara had forced them to pace their enclosure for a good half hour before this.
“Fine.” Ara replied wistfully while the two sat down in the grass.
The sisters spent the rest of the day in companionable silence together. Ara watching the clouds roll by imagining a life of freedom beyond the walls of the Zoo and Lilith reading her new book for the third time.
(I will change this if your idea of the enclosures don't fit my ideas I just wanted to submit this right away, I got excited :) )

So begins...

Arabella and Lilith's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lily Nicole Summers Character Portrait: Arabella and Lilith Character Portrait: Tony Middleton
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Lily let out a yawn, border-lining a roar, as she casually walked out of her cage. She weaved though the mass of freaks and staff that were in her way. "Where are Lillith and Ara?" She eventually spotted them, but something way less exciting was standing in her way. Tony Middleton, ugh.

"Hey, baby, you look-," His pathetic, stuttering voice began, trying to seduce her. She cut him off with a snarl and a flex of her claws. "What a loser," She thought, grinning a little bit, just to show him her fangs.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lily Nicole Summers Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: The Owner Character Portrait: Dawn Murphy Character Portrait: Salem (Romulus) Whales Character Portrait: Arabella and Lilith
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Dawn looked down, and couldn't help but notice the few people that looked at her. Ridley. She liked her, and she was a friend. Sort of. And then there was Lilith and Ara. They were alright, but she had to say that Lilith was a bit more her style. Sighing as she saw nearly everybody returning to their cage, she tucked her wings in and plummeted to the ground, managing to land on the balls of her feet. It wasn't too hard, she did it everyday. She walked over to her cage, sliding in and allowing the door to close behind her.

Her cage was actually a bit bigger then most. After all, they had to give her room to show off her flying skills. A small frown set on her face, she flew up so she could sit in a fake branch on a fake tree. It was actually quite annoying how this was built exactly like a normal cage at a zoo, with a painting of a landscape and a few trees here and there. From here, the audience wouldn't be able to see her too well. The only problem was she knew the Owner would come around at some point and make her come down.

Dawn looked out the glass and could see Salem. His cage was right across from her own. Giving a small wave and an even smaller smile, she lay down in the fork of the tree. It was going to be one long day at the zoo.
The Owner

"Come on, you freaks! Get back in your cages!" Jack yelled out, looking around at the array of cages. Most of them had already climbed in, but there were a few stragglers hanging around. He saw that tiger girl talking to Tony. Rolling his eyes, he caught the girl's eye and she gave Tony one last growl before returning to her cage. Better. Walking over to Tony, he handed the boy a folder.

"Your the lucky fellow giving out ticket's today. The tickets are in here, and so is the list of prices. Adults are five dollars, kids are three. Not a dime less, okay?" He didn't bother waiting for an answer. He walked around, giving a look into every cage. Most of them gave him a snarl or a hiss, but he just glared back and continued on his way. After making sure all the cage doors were locked from the outside, he stalked back to his office, taking a seat in the chair and staring out the tiny window. Let the day begin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee Character Portrait: Herrick Mederionos Character Portrait: Arabella and Lilith
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Arabella and Lilith wandered around, taking their time to return to their cages seeming as they had left early enough to not have to rush themselves. As they finally arrived at their cage Ara nodded silently at Herrick, who’s cage was opposite theirs. Ara liked Herrick, he was the most different and it interested her but got the feeling that the feeling wasn’t reciprocated. Lilith even liked Herrick as well, he kept to himself, something she liked in people. The two sisters didn’t have a routine or fancy trick to closing their door. They did it like the normal human beings they weren’t.

“Another day the same old things” Ara mumbled as they made their way to the back of the enclosure towards the water part; their favourite part, when an unidentified voice stopped them. Curiously the sisters made their way to the front on their cage to see what was going on. They saw the women, Nixon it seemed she preferred to be called, introduce herself as their new ‘doctor’ to Ridley.

“Boring” Lilith said attempting to move back to their previous position but being stopped by Ara.
“No wait, I wanna watch this.” Ara said like a spoiled child. “Besides, next she’s gonna be talking to Herrick you don’t want to miss that do you. Likewise she’ll come here soon and we need to figure out how we are gonna treat her.” Ara continued adopting a mischievous tone along the way.
“Fine, but only to see her reaction to Herrick and then we are leaving her alone. I refuse to be on what ever your planning and I have a book that needs reading.” Lilith said reluctantly, knowing from past mistakes that no one could out determine Ara. It was far better to compromise with her so at least you got something you wanted. Ara looked at Lilith out of the side of her eye, she wasn’t gonna fight Lilith, yet. They had to see how this doctor would act first.

After a few moment of peaceful silence watching Nixon and Ridley converse Ara went ahead and ruined it. “Ridley seems to like her-”
“Ridley’s newer than us, remember that.” Lilith said cutting off her sister before she could come up with any idiotic thoughts. Staff were not friends.
Ara gave a bitter look at her sister, she was going to say anything like that; staff were not to be trusted or liked, that was a fact they had to live with.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee Character Portrait: The Owner Character Portrait: Dawn Murphy Character Portrait: Herrick Mederionos Character Portrait: Arabella and Lilith
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Dawn sighed, looking around at the huge but empty enclosure. She was sitting up on an air conditioner, which was at the very top of her cage. She should probably be changing into her costume, or practicing, but she wasn't really fond of either. Her costume was simply a white dress with gold colored rhinestones placed here and there, and a pair of golden ballet flats. But her routine she did wasn't much more interesting. She would fly around, did tricks in the air and such. And then proceed to sit and talk to younger children, answering questions of older people. Then finally, towards the end of the day (when her enclosure was mostly populated) she would show off a couple of her mind reading tricks. It never disappointed.

“Besides, next she’s gonna be talking to Herrick you don’t want to miss that do you. Likewise she’ll come here soon and we need to figure out how we are gonna treat her.” It was Arabella and Lilith, who had an eclosure right next to her own. They happened to talk, a lot. And she heard every word of it. Apparently, now some lady was going to talk to Herrick. Dawn was quite fond of Herrick. After all, he was one of the few originals that persisted, besides herself. Well, actually, he had been here a bit longer.

"If you two don't mind me interupting your talkshow, you should probably be practicing," Dawn called, her voice echoing around her own enclosure. She could hear them, they could hear her. It was both a gift and a curse.
"Hello, Miss Avarella. It's required for you to get to all of the freaks, so you have to get to at least half of the freaks now, the other half can be done around 11:00. By then, almost everybody will be having lunch." Jack said, staring at the new doctor. He refused to call her by her silly nickname, it made her sound like a freak herself. Looking into the cage, he could see the spider girl practicing her routine. The same one she did every single day. "Change it up a little, Widow. Your boring both me and and the guests." And with that, he was off again.

"Welcome to the zoo! You are in store for quite a surprise. So if you haven't already, come up and buy a ticket. Those of you who have a ticket, come on in!" A 'friendly' smile lit up The Owner's face as he opened a gate. He took the tickets of a family, a couple, and a girl with pigtails. And yet, even more were coming. They were all waiting in the growing line. More were approaching too, coming from the fenced off area of grass he had called a parking lot.

"Don't forget your tickets!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosa Evangeline Character Portrait: Herrick Mederionos Character Portrait: Arabella and Lilith
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Herrick Mederionos

With the Zoo open, Zero stayed to himself. As usual, many gave his cage a glance and then hurried right on by. Herrick even had his eyes closed during their escapes, which simply confirmed his fears: He was too scary for most, or not scary enough. It was depressing really that he could be both and yet neither at the same time, almost like a paradox. He sat in the middle of his cage, his head slouching down slightly so that his hat covered his face. The scorpion tail attached to him was as defient as ever, poised above his head. Zero had always thought that the thing had a mind of its own, never resting and always keeping watch for onlookers that got too close. To Herrick, that seemed to be one of the reasons why most people just ran on by - who wanted to get near a thing that could kill you without looking?

It was as if the tail had eyes. How childish.

Zero's ears perked up to the noise of the people as they entered. Their heavy footsteps, Jack using his fake announcements, Lilith and Ara arguing about something. Zero wasn't sure how their relationship made sense: Constant bickering between each other, and they somehow stay stronger together? He hadn't read that anywhere, and Shakespeare was supposed to be brilliant with deep and developed characters. Zero made a mental note that 30 minutes after showtime, he would skim through all of his book collection to see if he could find evidence of such characters. Hopefully that would help him understand how Lilith and Ara worked. The problem was that he had already done that 3 times already... He knew that he had, but a fourth look over couldn't hurt.

He peered from under his hat to notice a girl. Roughly his age, red hair. Colourful and interesting clothing style. Piercings. She seemed to be noticing all the freaks, though he couldn't read what her facial expression was. Possibly she could tell how miserable some were? Zero hadn't a clue. All that he knew was that she seemed to be nice, but he didn't want to scare her off now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ebony *Jetta* Keneson Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee Character Portrait: The Owner Character Portrait: Dawn Murphy Character Portrait: Herrick Mederionos
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Ara hadn’t been waiting long when she discovered the conversation going in front of Herrick’s cage. It amused her until she heard yells coming from Ebony’s cage. “Lilith, do you hear that?” Ara asked her sister while jumping up to bars of their cage dragging Lilith along behind her.

Lilith would have yelled out in protest at being dragged behind her sister but she also wanted to know what was happening with Ebony. Of course though she knew they couldn’t see what was happening from their cage. Though she did catch a glimpse of Nixon running off towards the commotion. “Ara would you calm down, you know we aren’t going to be able to see anything anyway.”

Ara listened to her sister before giving her an irritated look, that was not something she cared to hear right now. “Dawn, can you see what is going on?” Ara asked to their neighbor choosing to ignore Lilith’s comment. She waited barely a moment before deciding to find another source. “Zero! Can you see what is going on with Ebony?” Ara yelled hoping he would hear her from across the wide path separating their cages. Ara started tapping her foot impatiently, she hated being in the cage for the simple reason of never knowing what was going on outside. Not that there was ever much to really know anyway, until now of course.

Lilith, while she was worried about Ebony, deep down somewhere - the girl was a little bit to bright and outgoing her tastes - was already resigned to the fact that her and Ara couldn’t do anything about it anyway. She let her eyes wander around while her sister yelled out, no doubt annoying people with her need for more information. Her eyes landed on The Owner standing outside Ridley’s cage. She took a glance at her sister and decided not to let Ara know what she planned to do. No point she already knew Ara would agree with her completely, it was one of the only thing they actually agreed on. “Oi, Jack!” Lilith hissed out a the man. Unlike most of the others she actually hated calling The Owner by his first name, she hated the familiarity of it. She would never in her life wish to be familiar with a man like that. Lilith opened her mouth and felt her fangs protrude threateningly, sure they weren’t all that impressive but they were better than none. Lilith didn’t say anything else, she wasn’t much for words and well, she knew Ara would jump in at any moment now.

Ara heard her sister and immediately looked to see what Lilith had seen and found The Owner yelling at Ridley who was hiding in the darkness of her cage. Of course Ara had seen the men who attacked Ridley, and it wasn’t the first time, she glared with pure hatred towards The Owner. “Piss off. Leave Ridley the hell alone, she doesn’t deserve your shit!” Ara yelled putting emphasis on calling Ridley by her correct name. She continued from Lilith’s original comment knowing that was where she was meant to jump in. They semiconsciously finished each other’s sentences around The Owner, like it made them closer and feeling closer to each other made them mentally stronger and feel safer. They didn’t mind the threat of isolation either since they weren’t actually isolated, luckily enough for them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee Character Portrait: Rosa Evangeline Character Portrait: The Owner Character Portrait: Herrick Mederionos Character Portrait: Arabella and Lilith
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Herrick could tell that by Miss Rosa's constant apologies that she was a very sweet and caring lady, something that made him smile just a bit. However, his mind was focused on other things when she stated Please, just call me Rosa... to which he could only nod his understanding. He didn't want to get anymore involved than he should, for even if Zero had been around the longest of most, that didn't mean that Jack had grown soft for him or something. He would be punished the same, only he wouldn't feel it as much (been there long enough, pain just seems natural after a while).

I thought that he didn't seem like the type to be so happy... No one keeping people in cages and making them perform routines would be calm and kind." He simply nodded throughout her speech, hearing every word even if she meant to keep that to herself. "Right you are, Miss Rosa. His occupation is not one he does calmly." He stated simply, for there wasn't much to hide it. Jack thought that Ridley would ruin the show if she stayed up there, but from Herrick's simply observations, he could tell that the yelling he did on occasion would actually have a more negative effect on the onlookers. Nobody would want the Ringmaster yelling at his elephants during the circus.

Zero! Can you see what is going on with Ebony? Zero's head turned slowly and casually over to the other nearest cage, the Twins Ara and Lilith. Ara didn't seem like she was enjoying the fact that Ebony's cage wasn't in her vision, so he decided to enlighten her. "She fell. Dr. Avarella is investigating." He said in a quiet voice, hopefully loud enough for her to hear. But then Lilith noticed Ridley and Jack and started yelling profanities. Zero had to sigh at the sight, it truly was tiring and depressing. Lilith wasn't the happiest lady in the show, but that didn't mean she had to yell all the time...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ebony *Jetta* Keneson Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: The Owner Character Portrait: Arabella and Lilith
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Ridley swung quietly from her web, picking at her nails. Her foot dangled over the edge, as she watched people peer into her cage. They stared in, wondering where she was before moving onto the next cage. She could hear a commotion coming from Ebony's cage next to hers. She was very close with Ebony, considering they both liked the dark and had a tendency to spend more time crawling on walls, than actually walking.

As much as she cared for the other girl, Ridley couldn't bring herself to come down from her web. She wanted to be left alone, in the quiet. But that wasn't allowed. Not with Jack constantly checking up on them. He had come to her cage, probably after someone had complained, and was banging on the bars. He threatened her with isolation, like he always did.

She glared down at him, even though he couldn't see her. "Come on, Black Widow. We just want to see your act..."

Ridley felt shivers climb up her spine, as he used the same voice those horrendous comic book nerds used. She sat up straight and quickly shot a web covering the entirety of the front of her cage. No one could reach in, no one could see her even if she came out of the shadows. She was alone. She heard Jack start yelling profanities. She knew, the moment the zoo closed, she would get a beating a probably a few days in isolation with no food.

She would take gladly, if it meant she could get away from those people. She could still feel their hands on her, as they rubbed her body in every wrong way. They were lucky she didn't bite them. It would've been easy. One bite to their wrist, shooting venom up to their heart, and they would've been dead. She had killed enough people to know exactly how it worked.

Ridley heard as Lilith and Arabella began yelling profanities at Jack. Trying to get him to leave her alone. She couldn't help but smile, thankful for the kindness they showed towards her, but was overwhelmingly sad. They would definitely be getting a beating from Jack. They might even end up isolation as well. Although, it was never really isolation, so they were conjoined.

Ridley jumped down from her web, and sat in the center of her cage. Waiting patiently for the zoo to close, and one of the bodyguards to carry her out. To come face to face with Jack and the beating she would most definitely get.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: Rosa Evangeline Character Portrait: Sebastian Feoure Character Portrait: Herrick Mederionos Character Portrait: Arabella and Lilith
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"Sorry to cut our conversation short, Sebastian. But, duty calls."
The photographer smiled back. "Of course. Expect to see me again sometime." He promised with a wink, and then the spider girl did a flip and shot a web, pulling herself to the ceiling.
Sebastian stuck around for awhile, capturing some shots of the girl in air doing tricks and listening as her song followed her movements, rising and falling, and sometimes adding a new instrument according to her movements.
After several failed attempts he even got a shot of her webbing, flinging towards a space on the wall. As the crowd began to thicken, Sebastian slipped away, never one for large amounts of people. After the beauty of Ridley's color and sound, a crowd seemed all the more messy.
He scanned the area once more, listening for anything that caught his attention. Once more he realized how unique and synchronized the entire zoo was in their music.
Maybe I should be a musician. I'd make a fortune if I could reproduce this sound. Then he laughed silently to himself and shook his head. Anyone else would simply find these sounds a clash of noise, not the beauty Sebastian saw.
Where to go, where to go?
The young adult began walking cage to cage again, coming across a man with a scorpion tail, holding the hand of a red haired girl. Sebastian smiled at the scene, angling his camera to capture the man in the cage and his small grin, their hands and the back of the girls head. They caused nothing but good music, and Sebastian quickly scuttled to the cage opposite before he could be a nuisance to them.
He glanced at the small plaque labeling Blueberry and Strawberry, before noticing the two girls, each glaring in the direction of the man Sebastian had scolded for his colors. Perhaps they weren't in the mood to humor his photography. He would try though, because the two girls were actually quite intriguing looking.
The the more blond one was covered in blue snakelike scales, while the more red haired one had patches of pink salamander-ish skin, and pink fins on her hands and feet.
While making his assessment of their appearance, some sort of electric-tribal music had started as a low drumming in his ears. The low electronic sounds stirring from the first girl kept time with the rhythmic drumming of the second girl. A rain stick startled Sebastian as he noticed they appeared to be conjoined at the hip.
He smiled. Everyone at this Zoo had such lovely sounds, he almost preferred it to regular people. Well, everyone except those two mean looking men, who, by how they were glaring, these two girls didn't like him either.
"Hello," He said, still smiling at their music. He didn't bother to conceal his French accent. Everyone seemed to notice it, even when he tried his best to get American pronunciation right, so why bother?
"I was wondering if I could take a few pictures of you. Si vous ne me dérange pas." He paused, quickly translating, "If you don't mind, that is."
He raised his camera slightly,to indicate it and ran a hand through his messy hair with the other.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian Feoure Character Portrait: Arabella and Lilith
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“Even if we did mind there’s nothing we could do, we’re an exhibit, photos are part of that aren’t they?”
“You could at least pretend to mind him taking photos of us. You’re so subservient."
"Shut up Ara. Stop being she bitter all the time, it’s getting old.”

Sebastian blinked in confusion, not by they're words, but by the colors he was seeing. They were like a fireworks show gone wrong, with all the explosives going off at once, in a brilliant show of light, but less satisfactory than the actual show. He took it that meant his triggered hearing had heard something his actual ears had missed. A confusing conclusion, but it made sense.

The French boy set his camera back against his chest, tilting his head and pursing his lips at the two. His eyes moved and took them in again, the tight smile the blue-scaled girl showed, the annoyed look on this 'Ara' girls face. He raised his hands and then put them back down in an 'I'm innocent' sort of gesture. He felt the immediate need to prove something to these girls, but he wasn't sure what yet.

"I wouldn't take your picture unless you approved." He said quietly, thoughts occupied with their colors, tapping his lip. "I always ask permission. The others in this... zoo, who I took the photo of and didn't ask, I'll go back and ask them before you close, or I'll delete them."
Sebastian was still lost in the remnants of the fireworks in his eyes, trying to figure out what he had missed in their speech. He mentally shrugged and took a step away from their cage.
"If you don't want the company though, I'll go, bien que votre musique et les couleurs sont belles." Sebastian gave them a playful salute and bowed, hoping they might warm up slightly if he played it cool. He really wanted a photo of them, to capture each of their shimmering skin, which he found quite lovely.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katerina Markov Character Portrait: Ebony *Jetta* Keneson Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: Rosa Evangeline Character Portrait: The Owner Character Portrait: Dawn Murphy
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Dawn looked up as everybody was ushered out, before looking straight ahead. She saw Herrick, since his cage was right across from her own, but he wasn't looking at her. After the show, his hat was back on, and he didn't speak. Well, usually Dawn didn't either. But for some reason, she wanted to talk today. She wanted to ask him about the girl he had spoken to. They were close enough together he could hear her when she spoke normally, so she looked for Jack. Still near the gates. She crawled a bit closer to the bars, before sitting cross legged again.

"Herrick? Who was that? Is she coming back?" She spoke only as loud as she needed to, looking at him with a curious expression. She usually didn't talk to people, why was she starting now? After all, nobody here wanted to be her friend... Freaks didn't have friends... She tried to shake the thought out of her head (literally) but it continued to echo in her mind. A small frown crossed her lips, but she tried to act neutral again as she looked back at Herrick, where his eyes would've been if that hat wasn't tipped so low.

As she waited for an answer, Dawn took time to kick off the flats that were part of her costume. She looked him over one last time. She had watched him the entire time, and to be honest, this girl seemed to make him act like a different person. Which took a lot, for anybody here. Well, not like it was a shocker. The Owner tended to suck the life out of them, at a very young age.
Jack locked up the gate with one last smile, before turning around and facing the cages. It was quiet now, besides the sounds of cars staring to life and freaks that dared to talk to each other before The Owner came along. His foot steps seemed to echo on the cobblestones as he approached the cages, not bothering to look at the freaks. He was ticked off. Very ticked off. He finally stopped, in the center of the zoo where everybody could both hear and see him. He circled around, before finally opening his mouth to talk.

"I'm not happy. You didn't do a good job today, freaks. To start, Miss Widow didn't perform at all today. Oh, and Jetta. Broken rib? But let's not forget my fruits. Talking back isn't allowed here, thought you would've have learned that by now." He took his time to stare at everybody he was talking about, before looking around again at some other faces. Jaws. Zero. Angel. Romulus. Kat. They hadn't done anything wrong, for the most part. He gave a look of disapproval at all of them before continuing.

"There wasn't a lot of performing going on today, either. Quite a lot of chatting, don't you agree, Zero?" Jack approached the scorpion, whom he didn't have a problem with most of the time. He tended to follow the rules. But there were still times. He gave the freak a warning glare before returning to the center again.

"Widow. Jetta. Blueberry and Strawberry. Expect to see me later. I'm not happy. Not at all." With that, he was off again. You had to leave them scared.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katerina Markov Character Portrait: Ebony *Jetta* Keneson Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: Rosa Evangeline Character Portrait: Dawn Murphy Character Portrait: Herrick Mederionos
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Katerina heard every word The Owner said. She shivered slightly at the sound of his voice. It always gave her goosebumps when he was angry. Thank God it had nothing to do with her. Just keep him happy, and nothing would go awry for her.

After The Owner left, there was silence. An eerie silence. Katerina crawled to the bars of her cage, looking to Taylor's tank. She rested her head on the bars and got in her usual sitting position on the edge of the cage. She made sure The Owner was long gone before she dare speak to the others.
"So what now?" she says loud enough for all the other freaks to hear her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: The Owner Character Portrait: Sebastian Feoure Character Portrait: Arabella and Lilith
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“No, Look, fresh start. I’m sorry I was just really blunt, I can get like that sometimes, it is just been on of those days. Please don’t leave though. Look, I’d like you to stay. Believe it or not, being here day in day out with only this one isn’t a dream come true.”
"Just incase you fazed out there like I did. What I think she’s trying to say is she’s sorry that she’s always in one of those moods and that it's fine for you to take pictures of us."
“Do not talk for me. And I am not always in one of those moods,"

Sebastian couldn't help the grin and low chuckle that rang out. These two were funny, arguing like they did, but he knew they really cared for each other. He could see it in their colors, which he had finally figured out. They had been so confusing before because they had acted colder than they were. Now their firework show, though still a bit chaotic, were quickly timed explosions that intertwined when ever their voices overlapped or they talked in quick secession of each other.

The light in the sky was slowly getting darker, and the girls scales shown in the dim light from their cage. Raising his camera, Sebastian captured a few shots of each highlighting their 'mutations', then some of both of them. Between shots he tried to start conversation.

"I have some friends back at art school who are really quite blunt, so it's alright. Both of you are lovely by the way, you make an interesting set of music. Tribal electric, or something." He lowered the camera to study them outside the lens, realizing he should explain that statement.
Before he could, the owner (one of the men Sebastian had scolded earlier, he realized sheepishly) began to push everyone out of the zoo.
"I'll be back, you two are interesting," He said to the siamese twins, giving them a little wave and smile. As he was ushered past Ridley's cage, he shot her a wink and said, "I'll see you tomorrow too!"

Then he was outside the gates with a few other stragglers who had been shoved out. He smiled at them all rather absent minded. "These people are interesting." He announced, not caring if any of them were listening.
Then he walked back to his studio apartment in the dusk, hurrying back to paint the colors he had saw before he forgot.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ebony *Jetta* Keneson Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee Character Portrait: The Owner Character Portrait: Arabella and Lilith
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"How long? .. Has he been doing that, I mean."
Ebony was about to answer, but was cut off at the telltale noises of closing up time. Her eyes widened in horror. Had it really been that long? She jumped to her feet with a little grimace, ripping herself away from Nixon.
"I really don't want to be rude, but we're closing up and if I need to get over and hear his complaints, as much as I hate them. I'm really sorry Nixy, I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay!? You'd best get on too, so you don't get yelled at."
With that, Ebony scrambled over to the shadows next to the bars of her cage, in view in case Jack glanced her way to complain about something, which he probably would.
As she predicted, he began telling off those who had 'messed up today'. "...Oh, and Jetta. Broken rib?...
Ebony flinched slightly at his glare and the anger and disapproval in his tone.
"Widow. Jetta. Blueberry and Strawberry. Expect to see me later. I'm not happy. Not at all."

He liked to leave them hanging, not knowing what was going to happen. Scared. And despite the fact Ebony tried to contain her anxiety, she was scared, just as he wanted.
"So what now?" A girl asked, and Ebony recognized her as one of the newer freaks, Katerina, a cat mutation.
Ebony gave a small laugh, trying to act like she wasn't frightened, just for the sake of Katerina. She was new, no need to make her frightened.

"Now? Now the ones he's mad at get to sit and wait and see how he tries to break us this time. Usted no necesita hacer nada, sweetie, you can go to sleep if you want."
She hoped her calm pretense was good enough to put some of the others at ease, even if they knew Jacks temper.
She then leaned out as far as she could against the bars to whisper to Ridley, and maybe Ara and Lilith with they were listening, wincing at the uncomfortable angle of her brace.
"What do you think we're in for amigas?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ebony *Jetta* Keneson Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: The Owner Character Portrait: Sebastian Feoure Character Portrait: Arabella and Lilith
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Ridley listened as Jack slowly called closing time, the chatters of everyone as they were pushed out of the zoo. She smiled as people passed and couldn't help but blush when she was Sebastian. He winked her, shouting out a promise to see her tomorrow. Did he know that they were going to Vancouver? Once everyone was gone, Jack came to the center of the zoo, not bothering to hide his emotions.

He was pissed. Obviously. He promised to see her, Ebony, Arabella, and Lillith later, which didn't surprise her. She glared back at him, no longer showing fear towards him. Sure she was scared, but he couldn't kill them. At least not Ridley. She was one of the attractions that brought in a lot of people. She wasn't sure about the others, she never really paid attention to crowds.

Fearing Jack was pointless, although that's what he wanted. Ridley refused to show fear, especially to a man who used violence to get his way. "What do you think we're in for amigas?"

She heard Ebony ask. She shook her head sighing. "Nada beuno. Algo horrible, estoy seguro."

(Nothing good. Something horrible, I'm sure.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ebony *Jetta* Keneson Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: The Owner Character Portrait: Arabella and Lilith
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“I have some friends back at art school who are really quite blunt, so it's alright. Both of you are lovely by the way, you make an interesting set of music. Tribal electric, or something." The man said.

Ara immediately stopping following what he was saying when her ears heard art school. Ara and Lilith had lived most of their lives either here or in a scientist’s lab and so they had no experience of the outside world. It made Ara a dreamer of life outside and Lilith a realist, only accepting the life she knew. “Art school, what’s that like?” Ara said dreamily, she was always trying to understand the world outside more, it helped her daydreams come to life.

Lilith rolled her eyes at her sister, Lilith could never understand why Ara was so fascinated by the outside world. It’s not as though they would ever get the chance to experience it. Something the man had said did peak her interest though; “Music?” She asked not understanding what he meant when he talked about their music, it made no sense to her.

The Owner’s voice boomed over the loud speaker before the man had a chance to respond to the two curious sisters. "I'll be back, you two are interesting," He said before disappearing out of their view.

Ara and Lilith watched the spot the man had left for a few moments in silence before Ara decided to ruin one of the only moments they had where they weren’t fighting. “Hear that? He said he thinks I’m interesting and Lovely.” Ara said proudly, only ever choosing to hear what she wanted to.

“He said we both are, and since when did you take what people said at face value.” Lilith said snidely worried the Ara’s head might get too big to allow them to leave this cage.

“He said ‘both’ out of politeness, and since people have started having nice things to say.” Ara replied instantaneously while sporting a smug smile. Why did Lilith have to ruin everything good that ever happened to them? Lilith opened her mouth to respond before she saw The Owner walking down the path between their cages sporting one hell of a scowl. Ara looked over at her sister when she didn’t get a response and noticed The Owner also. She took a step up to the bars dragging Lilith along with her, she was determined not to show him how he really made her feel.

“But let's not forget my fruits. Talking back isn't allowed here, thought you would've have learned that by now." The Owner said stopping to look over them both over thoroughly. The sisters both didn’t look away at his gaze or flinch, they would never give him that satisfaction. Though they were holding hands with each other behind theirs backs out of view.

"Widow. Jetta. Blueberry and Strawberry. Expect to see me later. I'm not happy. Not at all."

Ara had to swallow the sudden urge to roll her eyes. Sure she was terrified of what was to come but seriously the whole waiting in fear had gotten old after her first 2 years here. Ara waited until The Owner was completely out of view before letting go of Lilith hand and turning to say something to her sister. She was cut off before she could get out a syllable though.

"What do you think we're in for amigas?"

Ara couldn’t see Ebony cage but she knew from the voice and foreign word that it was her talking. Normally she would have responded but this time she took a moment to think about which response to pick out of the many she had to that question. Ridley answered in some foreign language; Ara never bothered to remember which one they all spoke.

“English Ridley.” Ara chided playfully trying to lighten the mood, no point worrying about what would happen in wouldn’t change anything. “I think it’ll be the usual, maybe a little worse, he was quite angry. It’s not the first time me and Lilith will be punished for talking back and a can assure you it won’t be the last.” Ara said in what she hope came out as a thoughtful answer.

Lilith listened to the conversation going on before, nodding slightly at some comments, not really having much to say. “So we never got to talk to the new Doc, what was she like? And Ridley, what did you think of the French guy?” Lilith said not really caring all to much about the current topic. Though she was interested in the new Doc, and the French guy. Lilith doesn’t like being caught off guard and likes to know about people, what they say, how they act. She likes to know as much as possible so she can act accordingly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ebony *Jetta* Keneson Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: Arabella and Lilith Character Portrait: Timothy Cross
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"English Ridley."

Ridley smiled hearing Arabella chastise her. She usually did. "Nothing good. Something horrible, I'm sure." Ridley repeated in English.

"I think it'll be the usual maybe a little worse, he was quite angry. It's not the first time me and Lilith will be punished for talking back and I can assure you it won't be the last."

Ridley smiled. All four of them have been punished before, and isolation wasn't too bad. It was actually nice to be away from performing. It was strange to feel completely normal for a change. She couldn't even create venom. Timothy liked to visit her when she was in iso. It was the one time she couldn't hurt him in anyway. She was no longer a spider. Just a sad excuse of a woman.

It was the only time Timothy came to check on her vitals and such. If she had a broken arm, she wouldn't get it fixed until she had a stint in isolation. Which was usually shortly afterward, since she couldn't perform. But sometimes she would go weeks without any sort of medical attention. Avarella was definitely a good hire then. If it meant Ridley could actually get treated before something gets infected like last time.

"So, we never got to talk to the new Doc, what was she like?"

Ridley smiled at Lilith's question. It's like they new what she was thinking sometimes. "She's nice. She doesn't know how to act around us though, so go easy on her. She's nervous."

"And Ridley, what did you think of the French guy?"

Ridley couldn't help but laugh at the mention of Sebastian. "He has a neurological disorder."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ebony *Jetta* Keneson Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: Dawn Murphy Character Portrait: Herrick Mederionos Character Portrait: Arabella and Lilith
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Dawn sat there, staring at Herrick as everybody else began to talk. She then frowned when he didn't answer and tried to tune into what the others were saying, but all she could hear was them talk about people that had visited them. With a sigh, she began to talk to the others.

"Seems like you guys were the ones that drew attention today." She said, craning her neck so she could see Ridley. "After all, it seems you and Ebony got to see the Doc. Oh, and you, Arabella, and Lilith got to see some French guy. Vielleicht bin ich immer weniger beliebt." The last part was in German, (a language she was almost positive nobody but herself spoke) and she said it so the only people that could hear her were the ones in the cages closest to her own. It was a joke, but no matter how much she hated her routines and costume, there was still a pang of disappointment that the audience was apparently growing bored with her.

She stood and walked to the back of her cage, allowing herself to be engulfed in shadows once again. When she was positive nobody could see her, she flew up and sat in the crook of her tree again. It was the same position as before. It was then (when she looked at the door) that she realized something.

"It seems that Jack is keeping us in our cages instead of letting us walk around. He must be really mad, freunde." Dawn still never left the shadows nor her tree, just yelled it out so it echoed around her cage and out into the square.

(1. Maybe I'm growing less and less popular. 2. He must be really mad, friends.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: Dawn Murphy Character Portrait: Arabella and Lilith
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"She's nice. She doesn't know how to act around us though, so go easy on her. She's nervous."
"He has a neurological disorder."

Lilith had opened her mouth to respond to Ridley when Dawn spoke up to them all. Ara looked over in disbelief at Dawn’s cage. “Do you not remember that delightful boy/girl, not really sure, who wanted to draw you?” Ara said almost sourly, was not going to get sucked into Dawn’s pity party.

Lilith watched her sister talk; she honestly had no tack. “Chin up Dawn, your our most popular act.” She said in the kindest voice she had, which was not very kind before turning back not Ridley. “Do you think The Doc will see our side?”

Ara’s ear picked up on Ridley comments and she immediately forced her way in. “Sorry, Riddles, I don’t do easy. Though a neurological disorder eh? Well, I suppose you’d have to have one those to want to see some mutated freak in a cage.” She said.

Lilith glanced at her sister’s comments before brushing her off, her comments were stupid and unnecessary. Just because Ara was not going easy on the new Doc didn’t mean Lilith would either, she hated that general assumption. Lilith only hoped Ridley did the same; ignore Ara’s contributions to the conversation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: Dawn Murphy Character Portrait: Herrick Mederionos Character Portrait: Arabella and Lilith
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There wasn't a lot of performing going on today, either. Quite a lot of chatting, don't you agree, Zero?" Herrick refused to acknowledge Jack, for he knew that he was right - not much performing today, just a lot of talking, and he was one of the worst. What most people didn't know was that if the main stars didn't perform as well as they should, Jack considered it a bad day - even if the new ones tried their hardest. It was the philosophy that Zero had read before - if a few mess up, the whole group is 'punished'. With Zero being one of the main attractions, Herrick knew that he did worse than poorly today, and the rest of the group may pay for his mistakes. However, then again, Dawn, Ridley and the Twins didn't do that well either. Today was brutal, for no other better word.

And Zero wouldn't have had it any other way.

For once in a long time, a small smile grew onto his lips on its own, not induced by book, or any real form of memory. Just thinking of the day made him smile, and that was just about it. However, his smile slowly faded back into a solemn and lonely stare, and he closed his eyes to listen to the other freaks reconnect with their fellow cage-dwellers, and the conversations were interesting to say the least. Dawn had addressed the cages around him - The Twins and Ridley - about their large popularity for the day. The twins then decided to poke fun at what sounded like a sketch artist that came to draw Dawn's picture. Somebody had drawn Zero's picture 8 years ago and 305 days ago - the man decided to draw two and give Zero the other, which he still had. Dawn also spoke in a language he had read about - German, from the country of Germany - capital, Berlin. He couldn't speak it at all.

As usual, Ara was being a more positive speaker and contributer to the conversation, Ridley was just doing her own 'thing' as they called it and Lilith sounded as sour as ever - the comment to Dawn wasn't an indicator that she was being happy.

Herrick decided to push everybody's voices out of his head and began to close his eyes, deciding that the freaks wouldn't talk to him, so there was no need to further engage in the rest of the day.