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Avarella "Nixon" Lee

"Just cause I'm a gal with a vet degree, doesn't mean I enjoy needles or whatever it you're associating me with, you got that?"

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a character in “Freaks Galore”, as played by reveries


My Name Is Averalla "Nixon" Lee.
I Am 28 Years Old.
I Am A

I Came Here Because when traveling the road and doing odd-jobs gets boring, it's time to settle on down for something different. Why not here? I've gotten experience with many things, you just name it! I was in need of a job anyway, and this zoo right here most certainly needed someone of my expertise!.

What Am I Like? Well... some call me rowdy, sort of talkative(but since whenever did that became a bad thing?) excessively crude and slightly feisty with an attitude that "needs some manners". So I suppose that I'm a bit of wild-child. I can handle beasts and doughnut factory explosions (though that one time wasn't my fault!), just not, uh, clowns (they're some freaky things! The movies that I watch don't help either) and thunder. I don't know why, but it just.. gets to me. Professionalism should be included in that category; I do not enjoy acting like those big-shots that know what they're doing, because while I do know what I'm doing, but I don't care much for that of that fancy talk and 'correct' mannerisms expected of me. Hence why I didn't do the job I studied as required of me. I refused to stay in one place to be stuck and chained to a single place that will have me losing interest, really fast. Boredom is my worse enemy.

I can get along pretty well just about anyone that you can throw at me, and whatever you do throw at me, I intend to not make myself a liar. I like people, and well, most people don't seem to feel the same way. Apparently I'm a bit "all up in their faces". Can't help it. They lookin' at me like I'm some weirdo to label in a transfixed category. So listen here: I don't give enough to care about what you think of me, but rather, you should wonder as to what I think of you! I don't look to forward to any "downsides" or whatever negative thoughts you may try to compromise. Just because I speak with a slight twang and an occasional misplaced word here or there, doesn't mean that I can't be like the rest of y'all. I know that judging is something that y'all can't help, but if you gonna do it, do it somewhere I can't hear so that my fist right here won't connect with your face. I don't like to settle often, moving here or there and whatever's interesting, my curiosity'll come on knockin'! Oh, and, uh, I may have a soft spot here or there for the animal or little kid or somethin' like that. Haah.

My Life Has Been Interesting. This is How it Went: T'was born to a pair of parents like the rest of y'all, father an agricultural professor and mother being a Veterinarian. Not that interesting, the jobs career itself. Seeing as the family was focused around nature and animals, I have my fair share of the knowledge more than most folks. Great place. We housed a variety of animals. Grew up and beat up ignorant little snots whenever they had a problem with me, didn't have many friends.. Oh! 'Cept that one guy who was my best friend, but he turned out to a psychopathic serial killer. He's on death row now, but he was a pretty nice guy. Had some crazies here and there. But yeah, didn't have many friends. They didn't like my style or some lame excuse like that. Hm, whatever!

I got my diploma at a college there in Indiana, so that Mama wouldn't worry about me having little chances in careers. Got myself a degree in veterinary medicine and science within 5 years. College was fun, but I didn't really apply for the job that I studied under. Instead, I traveled the States, as a gypsy vet then I guess, had to renew my license every now and then. Visited an occasional country or two, doing tons of odd jobs rather than what my diploma was good for, and just having some fun. Never stayed long, really. Met my fair share of some freaky stuff, like a good friend of mine who had three arms. Amanda, I think her name was? She was cool. Well, after the last fiasco involving my motorcycle exploding (I miss that old thing.) I decided to look for somewhere that I can enjoy and move along with. Found this zoo right here, and the nostalgia made me feel right at home. Though some of the 'exhibits' have yet to open up to me, I suppose. I watch their diets and health and stuff like that; recording.


Wait! One More Thing! Avarella prefers that you refer to her as "Nixon", an old stage name that she went under whilst traveling, and expects you to call her by nothing else, as she feels more comforted by that. Calling her by her actual name is more of a privilege given to the more intimate ones. And those odd jobs, in any case that you may be wondering, included a variety of things, from modeling to countless cashier positions to an elephant trainer. Those days are in the past now though. In total, she's gotten 9 tattoos in various size and design, and 4 piercings in her left ear with 6 in her right. 'Nother interesting fact: she's got a large ugly scar that trails on the back of her right thigh and extends to the front of her leg. The reason why she had to quit modeling.

Writing Sample?

"Well, damn. This place's amazingly lovely." I like it. Avarella was ignoring the odd looks as the other onlookers in the crowd gave her an odd look at her appearance, standing greatly in leather and chains. The tattoos probably didn't help, well in fact, they never really helped. She looked around the place, her eyes fluttering over the general feel and look of this traveling zoo. On her was a shoulder bag, filled with the stuff that Papa sent meant for job interviews. Go and get yourself a job already Ava! It's time that you stop your tomfoolery and start working like the rest of society with diplomas! His voice rang in her head. She was looking for a job, but hey, there's a zoo right here! Couldn't hurt to sit back and relax a bit before having to do some serious business, right?

Turning her attention over the cages, she intensely looked at each of the exhibits, feeling a sorts of pity but at the same time, fascination. With a careful face of concentration, she allowed herself a small smile as she nodded to each animal but a slight shake when looking over to what their environment had to offer. "Geesus, just who's the guy that nurses these guys? I ought to talk to The Owner."

"That'd be me." A voice behind her spoke up, slightly startling her out of her staring match with a small stain on the glass of one of the cages. "You've got a problem with how I operate my zoo?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." She straightened herself, staring at the man who was still taller than even if she were to stand on her toes. Avarella kept a hard stare nevertheless. "Who's your vet? Or at least the caretaker who overlooks the cages?"

They held conversation, and perhaps they were at for a while, but it got to a point where she had offered to do the job herself after looking at the atrociousness that was the cages (how could they honestly think that anyone could live in there? One of the cages looked practically sick from disease.), and when the whole ordeal was done, she walked outside of his office (whether it was really his or something that she misplaced in her memory, she wasn't too sure by now) with a silence. "Huh. Guess that means that I'm working here now."

Immediately, with a quick paced step, she came to one of the cages slowly with a white coat that she found lying around and crept cautiously but with a smile. The coat hung loosely on her arm. Going on her knees immediately and looking up the mutant within the cage, she portrayed her submission and lack of any threat that she could pose to them, smiling lop-sidedly as she spoke up softly, "'Sup." If they were actual animals, she had to portray her dominance as alpha, but these guys were still humans, no matter what anyone else thought. Her hands didn't dare touch the cage's bars, but she held them in air anyway. "I'm Avarella Lee. I don't like that name, so you should just call me Nixon. Apparently, I'll be your vet from now here on in. Oh, and slash co-caretaker. There're other people beside me, right? Well that's that." She laughed softly in all teasing manner. "Now, you can't complain, cause I'll be here some while and it's hard to get rid of me, so don't bother trying. Tell me, you've got anything that you particularly dislike in your food?"

So begins...

Avarella "Nixon" Lee's Story


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"Okay, breathe in.." Inhale." "Breathe out.." Exhale. "Alright then Ave, man it up! Don't you dare get nervous, anxiety's for idiots!" She paused. ".. Well, not for idiots.. but, ugh, I understand what I mean." She slapped her cheek for good measure, not wincing from how sharp her hand felt against her own skin. ".. Ow."

She moved from the spot where she currently was sitting, in between some trees as she got her nerves together. She got hired approximately a week ago, and met at least one of the exhibits, but then had to get her paperwork and license together to be able to work at this new job with all the regulations checked out. The fact that this was a traveling zoo/circus(? She still didn't know, but hey, she was working here! That's good enough for her.) excited her. It was a good thing. Gave her a chance to having to settle too long in one spot, and allowed her to keep this job, hopefully. She didn't meet any of the other staff members just yet either, and officially, this would her first day on the job.

"Hopefully, I can be able to get along with them." Avarella didn't often get nervous, but this was something that was completely new to her, working officially as a veterinarian (the goddamn irony in everything that is right with the world int his current situation!) for the first time since.. well, this'll be the first official time. She suspected that a degree in zoology wasn't needed for this, but hey, she never knew. Life snuck up on you like that.

Getting up off of her ass, she dusted off any grass or dirt off of her jeans, and staring at the white coat in her hands, she merely kept it over her shoulder. It felt too official to actually wearing a coat. She reasoned with herself that she probably didn't need it right now. Maybe when some sort of officials inspect the place or something. "Okay then. I should familiarize myself with the.. " She paused in her sentence, despite having conversation with herself. Mutants? Things? Exhibits? She didn't know what exactly to call them without it feeling off or just plain misfitting and wrong.

Nevertheless, she arrived at the first cage, and peered close but far enough to get her face swiped off if some appendage were to unsuspectingly lash out all of a sudden. Invading their personal space was never a good idea. "'Sup." She paused to at least get their attention if they weren't looking, to allow whomever it was that was in this specific cage currently to be alerted of her presence. She held her hands up as if in surrender, to ensure that they knew that she didn't wish to intent harm upon them. "Name's Avarella Lee. But I don't like that name, so you could refer to me as Nixon. I like that name." She smiled with ease, continuing to speak softly and calmly. "I'm going to be your vet from on in, so you really can't complain too much. It's my first day officially, so go easy on me." She took a pause. "What's your name?"

It was going to be a little while until opening time, but she could take her time, her schedule was quite flexible anyway. She would have to make rounds to all of them by the time lunch would be served.


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Character Portrait: Ebony *Jetta* Keneson Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee
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Ebony awake with a start to the sound of metal on metal. It was the sound of cage doors being slammed shut. She buried her head back into her arms with a groan.
Are you kidding me, I missed my free time... ugh.
Despite her disappointment, Ebony knew it was practice time, then the zoo would open and she would be expected to preform for the small trickle of people that came her way. Even though her cage was among the center, it was also a disadvantage, as when there were way more interesting mutants around, why watch a girl bend past human capabilities, and crawl up walls? It would be better if she was like Ridley, with her webs. She was interesting and graceful at least. Ebony's own crawling style was awkward, as she scrambled incredibly fast on her hands and feet.

She cast away her thoughts, yawned, and dropped from the corner of the ceiling where she slept. She didn't ask for much in her cage, just as long at it was dark. The Owner had taken the liberty to add a hoop, a pole on either side, and a chain stretching just inside the bars, for her act. She preferred sleeping up in the shadows were no one could see her, but sometimes that meant she missed the wake up call. Hopefully she wouldn't get in trouble again.

She ran her routine in head as she started stretch, going through her twists and flips mentally. Ebony pulled her leg into a perfect Needle, resting a free hand on the wall to help pull her foot farther up. There was a voice from the bars.

"Sup. Name's Avarella Lee. But I don't like that name, so you could refer to me as Nixon. I like that name. I'm going to be your vet from on in, so you really can't complain too much. It's my first day officially, so go easy on me. What's your name?"

Ebony narrowed her eyes. The woman seemed too nice. Nothing she or any of the others were exactly used to. of course, then there was that certain word she had just used.
The raven haired teen flipped onto her hands walking out of the shadows and springing onto the chain just in front of the bars. It hung tightly from the ceiling, and Ebony's adhesive feet stuck to it easily. She swiped her devils point tail behind her nervously, clearly visible as she was in her show wear
Well, it was supposed to just be her show clothes, but Ebony took to wearing the spandex hot pants and shimmery blue crop top a lot of the time. She wondered how this doctors first impression of her would be, her slim form easily hanging, eyes narrowed and probably quite bright from recently using her night vision. Her hair was jet black and hung in a braid behind her, like a second scorpions tail. Her skin itself was probably set by her dark cage, extremely pale and tinged blue.
First impressions were everything. Hopefully this Nixon character could handle her unique appearance, considering some of the others were.... well more extreme.

"Vet? Eso no es una buena palabra mujer. You are not dealing with animals. True, we may be a bit different from you, mutated maybe. But we're people. Somos humanos. Aprender buenos modales."

She couldn't help slipping into Spanish at the words, as she always did when she thought a staff member might take offence. They couldn't understand and wouldn't bother to punish her. Ebony considered translating, but figured that would dampen her point, hoping the woman would get the idea from the English bit.
Ebony dropped from the chain, landing in a crouch to glare at the woman. It was surely a miscommunication, though, since Nixon was new. She knew they were considered animals to everyone. That didn't change her own opinion. Hopefully the good doctor wasn't set on the mindset of them being animals.

"They call me Jetta, but my name is Ebony. I have lagartija... er, lizard 'mutations'... at least to some effect I suppose."

(1. That's not good word choice woman. 2)We're human. Learn some manners.)


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Character Portrait: Ebony *Jetta* Keneson Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee
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Avarella stared at the female from within the cage, the sudden Spanish coming into effect, and the nostalgic twang in her mind from hearing the language again, but kept silent as she was lectured by the lizard-mutated Ebony. She kept her small smile, but her facial expression shifted to that of more of an ashamed child. Would you look at that. Messed up already. ".. Sorry." She took another pause, gathering her thoughts, still trying to maintain the freely easy-going tone. "But I can't change what's on my diploma. I am a certified veterinarian, after all." She can't remember the last time where she's been so.. quiet and ashamed of whatever it was that she said. Running a hand through her blond hair, the locks short and slightly oily in her dirt covered touch, Avarella exhaled from her nose.

She placed her white coat, messily folded, neatly onto the dirty ground first, slowly. "But, if you'd like that I'd be your doctor instead, then I hope 'ta be able to patch up some rough first impressions here." Placing her hands on her hips, she looked past through the bars where Ebony was in the vast darkness of the cage, leaning in a bit more. "It's nice to meet you Ebony." She wouldn't put it pass the other if the girl was still more than wary of her by now, and with the way that this zoo seemed to be set up, she highly doubted that the freaks here would really trust her, being the way that she was. Well, I suppose that they're going to have to get used to my behavior. I'm going to get along with them, over time at the very least.

Picking up the white lab coat off the ground, she dusted it barely and lightly before wrapping it around her hips in a knot. "Well, as your apparent doctor," she paused to let it settle on her mind. "I hope to be able to serve to your needs and interests as best that I can. I hope to be able to gain your trust over time." Speaking all professional-like feels so incredibly.. weird. She found it that it would be unwise to try to enter any of the cages if this environment was going to be the way it was, but she hoped that they would at least slightly clean up a little. The only reason that she got the job was that she offered to do it in the first place, because of the horrid living conditions. Perhaps that I would be able to influence it to change to better conditions. Avarella doubted that it'll be very soon, but it was certainly something to try to look forward to.


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Character Portrait: Ebony *Jetta* Keneson Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee
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Ebony watched as Nixons face turned slightly ashamed, and she apologized. "But I can't change what's on my diploma. I am a certified veterinarian, after all. But, if you'd like that I'd be your doctor instead, then I hope 'ta be able to patch up some rough first impressions here."

The dark haired teen stood, immediately changing her glare into a small smile. She liked this woman. She knew how to fix her mistakes. As long as she was willing to see Ebony's side of it, the teen couldn't care less.

"It's alright, lo siento for my hostility. It's true we're all animals of some sort, so I won't criticize you on your title again."
"I hope to be able to serve to your needs and interests as best that I can"

"I'll let you know medico. For now though, I think you'll do just fine as long as you don't get to close or enter anyone's jaula." Ebony was now perfectly bubbly, as she was with the other mutants. The only people she was hostile with was the staff, and Nixon seemed okay so she was an exception.
She slinked up to the bars and stuck out a hand, smiling happily.
"It's nice to meet you!"
With practiced ease, she rendered her adhesive hand, well, non-adhesive for the moment. She them pulled back with a wink and a wave of her tail.

"I really have to start going through my routine before another one of the staff comes around or the zoo opens. I'll get in trouble, even if I'm talking to you."
She jumped easily onto the hoop swinging in the center of her cage. Beginning her twists, she gave Nixon a last wave goodbye, signaling 'Leave me alone' not in a rude way, Ebony just wasn't in the mood to get in trouble.

"Oi! Senora! Voy a hablar con usted más tarde! Tal vez mañana por la mañana, durante mi tiempo social."
(I'll talk to you later! Maybe tomorrow morning for my social time.)

With the doctor out of the picture, Ebony got through one complete run of her routine, which consisted of some advanced tricks on the hoop, swinging onto the group and doing some Acro-Ballet, twisting up around one of the poles, swinging on it, walking across the ceiling then finishing on the chain near the bars. Then it was time for the quests to arrive.


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Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee
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Avarella hovered around the cage for a bit, watching intently on the fluid movements that only practice could bring, as Ebony performed a routine that she supposed that most of the others had of their own. She watched halfway through before moving away. Looking at her hand where the young girl's hand had placed upon on her own, a wide grin spreading on her face as some more confidence settled onto her expression. "I'll look forward to it." She said it quietly, at least enough so that it'd be to herself, and fully walked away from the cage, eager to move on to meet the rest of the others here at this zoo. Well, Ebony would be her first friend here, she was most certainly an easily likeable person. At the very least, she hoped that the girl in question would consider her the same. A small of her goal, accomplished. Good. Some progress. Now to ensure that there will be some more by her self-set deadline.

Hopefully, this foretells of some good omens. She's still looking at her hand carefully, slightly fascinated by the touch that had left already, and stopping as she reached the next cage. This seemed almost as dark and lonely as the previous that Ebony resided in, before she had gotten to meet the girl who seemed so hostile at first, but warmed up immediately once she had corrected her careless mistake. Okay, don't mess this up again Ava.

Calmly, she leaned forward closer to the edges of the cage, far enough for comfort but close enough to at east hold conversation. She would have to repeat the same routine here, though with some altered parts in her introduction. "'Sup." Pausing again before speaking just so whomever it was in the cage would have her attention at the very least. No need to be incredibly formal. "I'm Avarella Lee. But I prefer the name Nixon. I'm going to be your.. doctor from here on in. I'm a bit of newbie." She smiled, perhaps a bit of hopeful gaze. "So try to go easy on me. Not much you could do to get rid of me, just to let you know." She took another pause, but laughed softly anyway. I do hope that I wouldn't have to keep up with such quietness for too long. "What's your name?"

She dusted off a bit of the white lab coat, a bit out of slight nervousness, but resisted the urge to slap herself like earlier. There was a sorts of light being much more clearer than she had last noticed. Glancing towards the sky, she took a short note to herself. Early mid-morning already then? But then tore her brief glance away back to the cage and whatever it was that the cage housed.


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Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee
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(double post)


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Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee
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Ridley was in the process of trying to get a few minutes of sleep before the zoo opened when she heard a soft "hey" coming from the front of her cage. She opened one eye, seeing someone standing outside her cage. Sighing and rolling her eyes, she dropped from the ceiling, landing gracefully on the ground. She crawled on all fours towards the front, coming out of the darkness.

She was in the young girls face, before she knew what to do with herself. Avarella, she said her name was, jumped finally noticing the hunched figure in front of her. "Nixon?" Ridley questioned. "You like the name of a president who laundered money and denied he ever did it? Interesting choice."

Ridley relaxed out of her position, deciding to sit with her legs crossed. Avarella was obviously new, and was trying her best to get on all of the attractions' good sides. She couldn't wait to see her reaction when she got to Herrick's cage next to hers. That would be interesting.

"My name is Ridley. Or Black Widow as the audience members like to call me." Ridley said. "A pleasure it is to meet you." She smiled, trying to show the girl, that although she had extremely deadly venom in her body, that she was kind.

She tried to be kind to all the human staff. They had willingly signed up to watch over the crazy half humans, half animals, the least she could do was be nice. They tended to keep Jack from beating the crap out of the freaks. They kept them safe, at least until Jack decided they were no longer needed.

"A doctor, huh?" Ridley questioned. "Ever performed surgery on a freak before?"


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Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee
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At first, she had been taken aback from the suddenness of the inhabitant appearing before her, but before she could actualyl let a gasp of surprise, her reaction time often a bit slow, Avarella honestly had to laugh at the younger girl's first statement. Nixon? That was the thirty.. fifth president, right? It rather loud, much more so than her soft spoken voice earlier. Ridley, huh? By gosh, Avarella certainly enjoyed the girl's sense of humor. She decided to answer her questions backwards as best that she could, taking in slight awe at the spider-mutated female in front of her. At the very least, I know that a portion of the mutants here are friendly. While she should have been slightly freaked out by the fact that the girl in front of her possessed very arachnid like qualities, her human-like humor made her immediately throw that earlier thought process out of the window.

Running her fingers through her hair again out of habit, tousling out the dirt from earlier, she casually grinned, a bit more comfortable in a more normal way of speaking that she used to. Not any soft-spoken manner bullshittery, the slight accent echoing at the edges. "I'm glad you asked. No, I haven't. But I did help treat a good friend of mine, an Amanda who had three arms, with a sprained ankle.. and that one time of the sprained.. wrists. The irony of the situation." She took a pause, thinking thoughtfully on the subject. "Not quite the same as surgery, but I don't think that surgery would be allowed in my license anyhow." Avarella frowned a bit to ponder a bit more on the subject, enjoying to continue conversation. "You don't think that I may have to perform surgery at any time here soon? I've been a nursemaid, but still not the same concept." Avarella shut that train of thought (and her mouth) off before she could ramble any further on non-related things.

She tilted her head slightly, glancing at the cage's general layout inside as best that she could from where she was standing. There's webbing. Wow. She glanced back to Ridley, the same smile on her face. "Well, Ridley - I can just call you that, right? 'Black Widow' is cool and all, but your name sounds better to my ears, since it's the given name, right? - The pleasure's all mine." She took in Ridley's general appearance, looking at the fangs more than anything, but looked back to the girl's eyes directly, as so not to be too rude. "But before I get too far, I just wanted to throw in that Nixon's not quite from the president that you're thinking of. More of a.. childhood hero of mine back from where I was from." She shrugged. "But hey. I don't know my presidents very well, so I wouldn't let it bother me too much."

Avarella walked a bit closer, but kept some personal space between the two, the friendly smile that she was used to having on her wide, as she kept a hand on one hip whilst standing straight. This one was easily likable as well, despite the brief questions and mere first impression. "Does that answer all of your questions?"


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Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee
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"Does that answer all your questions?"

Ridley tilted her head to the side, eyeing the young doctor. "Three arms? It must be impossible to find cute clothes with three arms. That would be horrendous!" She couldn't help but giggle at her own comment. "But yes, you have done well in answering all my questions. Very good. Most people just ignore me."

She laughed again, standing up. She stretched her arms above her head, realizing that she should probably get to practicing her routine. She was forced to do one like everybody else, although she preferred to sit and talk to her audience members. With the safety of the cage, she could freely talk to people, without fear of biting them and accidently killing them.

"I'm sure you have other people to see. If you'll excuse me, I have to practice." She did a few back flips before spraying a web and pulling herself up towards the ceiling. She rarely did anything different, most people didn't really care. They were seeing a real life spider woman, they didn't care about her routine.


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Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee Character Portrait: Herrick Mederionos Character Portrait: Arabella and Lilith
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Arabella and Lilith wandered around, taking their time to return to their cages seeming as they had left early enough to not have to rush themselves. As they finally arrived at their cage Ara nodded silently at Herrick, who’s cage was opposite theirs. Ara liked Herrick, he was the most different and it interested her but got the feeling that the feeling wasn’t reciprocated. Lilith even liked Herrick as well, he kept to himself, something she liked in people. The two sisters didn’t have a routine or fancy trick to closing their door. They did it like the normal human beings they weren’t.

“Another day the same old things” Ara mumbled as they made their way to the back of the enclosure towards the water part; their favourite part, when an unidentified voice stopped them. Curiously the sisters made their way to the front on their cage to see what was going on. They saw the women, Nixon it seemed she preferred to be called, introduce herself as their new ‘doctor’ to Ridley.

“Boring” Lilith said attempting to move back to their previous position but being stopped by Ara.
“No wait, I wanna watch this.” Ara said like a spoiled child. “Besides, next she’s gonna be talking to Herrick you don’t want to miss that do you. Likewise she’ll come here soon and we need to figure out how we are gonna treat her.” Ara continued adopting a mischievous tone along the way.
“Fine, but only to see her reaction to Herrick and then we are leaving her alone. I refuse to be on what ever your planning and I have a book that needs reading.” Lilith said reluctantly, knowing from past mistakes that no one could out determine Ara. It was far better to compromise with her so at least you got something you wanted. Ara looked at Lilith out of the side of her eye, she wasn’t gonna fight Lilith, yet. They had to see how this doctor would act first.

After a few moment of peaceful silence watching Nixon and Ridley converse Ara went ahead and ruined it. “Ridley seems to like her-”
“Ridley’s newer than us, remember that.” Lilith said cutting off her sister before she could come up with any idiotic thoughts. Staff were not friends.
Ara gave a bitter look at her sister, she was going to say anything like that; staff were not to be trusted or liked, that was a fact they had to live with.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee Character Portrait: The Owner Character Portrait: Dawn Murphy Character Portrait: Herrick Mederionos Character Portrait: Arabella and Lilith
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Dawn sighed, looking around at the huge but empty enclosure. She was sitting up on an air conditioner, which was at the very top of her cage. She should probably be changing into her costume, or practicing, but she wasn't really fond of either. Her costume was simply a white dress with gold colored rhinestones placed here and there, and a pair of golden ballet flats. But her routine she did wasn't much more interesting. She would fly around, did tricks in the air and such. And then proceed to sit and talk to younger children, answering questions of older people. Then finally, towards the end of the day (when her enclosure was mostly populated) she would show off a couple of her mind reading tricks. It never disappointed.

“Besides, next she’s gonna be talking to Herrick you don’t want to miss that do you. Likewise she’ll come here soon and we need to figure out how we are gonna treat her.” It was Arabella and Lilith, who had an eclosure right next to her own. They happened to talk, a lot. And she heard every word of it. Apparently, now some lady was going to talk to Herrick. Dawn was quite fond of Herrick. After all, he was one of the few originals that persisted, besides herself. Well, actually, he had been here a bit longer.

"If you two don't mind me interupting your talkshow, you should probably be practicing," Dawn called, her voice echoing around her own enclosure. She could hear them, they could hear her. It was both a gift and a curse.
"Hello, Miss Avarella. It's required for you to get to all of the freaks, so you have to get to at least half of the freaks now, the other half can be done around 11:00. By then, almost everybody will be having lunch." Jack said, staring at the new doctor. He refused to call her by her silly nickname, it made her sound like a freak herself. Looking into the cage, he could see the spider girl practicing her routine. The same one she did every single day. "Change it up a little, Widow. Your boring both me and and the guests." And with that, he was off again.

"Welcome to the zoo! You are in store for quite a surprise. So if you haven't already, come up and buy a ticket. Those of you who have a ticket, come on in!" A 'friendly' smile lit up The Owner's face as he opened a gate. He took the tickets of a family, a couple, and a girl with pigtails. And yet, even more were coming. They were all waiting in the growing line. More were approaching too, coming from the fenced off area of grass he had called a parking lot.

"Don't forget your tickets!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee Character Portrait: The Owner Character Portrait: Freye Martzelli
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"Yes, I'm not gonna stop you from practicing." Avarella smiled, but slightly startled by the sudden voice of The Owner that seemed to have come out of nowhere. She turned around to see the man in authority, still taller than her as ever. Maybe I should find some ways to get taller myself? It's quite unsettling. She was used to tall people, but Jack - oh, wait, she's not allowed to call him that. She could ponder about the subject later.

Sharping herself with a straighter back to pay proper attention, she was able to call the tidbits of getting to the rest of the mutants by by 11. "Understood, sir." She spoke calmly, her expression turning into a blank glare when he commented on Ridley's practice. She held her tongue, and watched as he went off to somewhere that she didn't have any idea was. Probably to open up the zoo, seeing as opening hours would begin right about now. She quickly glanced to her watch, but didn't even look at the time, and glanced back to the cage with a smile. ".. I'll see you later then, Ridley."

Not wanting to be behind schedule before noon, she moved over to the next cage. There was some rustling about in the other cages that she had faintly heard earlier. Then again, it could have been just her, or the noise of the others practicing. Avarella wasn't exactly sure as to what to call the exhibits. Freaks was something too much, and mutants didn't fit just right. She wasn't sure as to what to call them, seeing as they would probably want to be acknowledged as such for what they were without being insulted. .. Perhaps I'll just ask them. Her attention was caught the sudden amount of people that were around that weren't there before, and quickened her pace. I'll be behind schedule at this rate!

As she reached the next cage, peering into the darkness that was just like that of Ridley's and Ebony's before she had disturbed them, only that this one seemed a bit occupied. It had already attracted a few people, and she smiled. She'd probably hover around here before talking to the one inside the cage alone. It probably wouldn't be very professional to do this while customers were around. Though, she couldn't help the widening of her eyes and the slight freeze of the limbs as she looked as at what was in the cage, possessing that of a scorpion tail. It took a few moments to process what it was that she was looking at. ".. Wow." She breathed out.


Freye lined up to the rest of the crowd who came by to see the zoo here that caught their attention, probably like how they did with hers.. His. (Just another year Freye, just another year, and you'll be free from this torture.) As he walked in with a small smile on his face - large smiles weren't too lady-like after all - he took a map of the zoo quite absentmindedly, taking in the entire sight of the entire zoo in general. ".. Surely to bring inspiration." He murmured to himself. While it should be wondrous to be here at this.. 'freak' zoo, he was alone, and no one should be very happy being alone. Mother had to stay back since she got herself hospitalized from falling down the stairs and fortunately only breaking a leg. He kept the bag that hung over his shoulder a bit tighter in his grip, barely glancing to the yelling man who he's assume was some big shot here at the zoo. Perhaps a sorts of ringleader or some other nonsense.

He kept his gaze on the map, looking over the color and coordination and wondering how it would look if he stuck to a palette of the specific colors on his map for an illustration. ".. Like swans and tigers." Patting down the white dress he wore for any dirt marks, he looked back up to the man who so enthusiastic. A good sculpture design concept. Looking around the crowd of that seemed to have gotten even larger, he took his phone out, only to sigh at the correspondence messages as he looked through it with a manicured hand. Sighing to himself, he looked back to the map/brochure paper. ".. Seems like I'll have to look through this place alone." Turning the paper over, he smiled as he stared over each portrait of the featured.. 'freaks', at the color and the overall appeal of the design. Though, he supposed that that they could've looked happier. Then again, not many would be happy if you think about these sorts of circumstances.

Her eye was caught by the image of the one 'freak' that was called 'Angel'. Wings.. They sound wondrous. He made a bee line to go and search for the girl. She certainly seemed quite beautiful on the picture. He tried to imagine what she would appear as in person itself, though the fact that he wasn't able to helped motivate his searching.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ridley Shay Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee Character Portrait: The Owner
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Ridley noticed Jack coming up and saying something to Avarella. The Owner, she meant. No one was allowed to call Jack by his first name, there was too much familiarity with first names. The Owner was a cold detachment, so that when he was beating the poor mutations, he wouldn't feel as guilty. Ridley preferred calling everyone by their actual name. It was the name giving to them by their parents, the name that they were born with. Although Avarella preferred Nixon, Ridley couldn't see herself calling the young doctor that.

"Change it up a little Widow. You're boring me and the guests."

She hissed at him from her spot upside down. She really couldn't stand him. Him and his constant, "I'm better than you, for I am fully human" act. He treated the poor people like animals, torturing them if they didn't do their routines right. And the staff were treated just as miserably. Why anyone would want to willingly work for a man such as Jack was beyond Ridley.

Avarella waved goodbye, moving onto the next exhibit. As soon as she left, several children ran up to her cage, Spider Man masks strapped to their heads. They were regulars at the zoo. Always excited to see Spider Man's distant cousin. At least that's what Jack advertised. Ridley was just a way to get more children to come to the zoo. More children meant more parents. More parents meant more money.

The children peered into the cage, waiting for Ridley to pop out of the shadows. Sometimes she would lie on her web, waiting for them to appear. Sometimes she liked to scare them, like she did to Avarella earlier.

"Black Widow!" One of the children called. Their grubby hands snaked through the bars, reaching out into the darkness.

Ridley crawled onto the ceiling passing over a small latch that turned on the soft glowing lights in her cage. They cheered happily, excited to see her. She looked at them upside down, her black hair swaying. Finally, she crawled quickly to the side wall and down to the ground before moving exceptionally close to the bars.

The children gasped and then laughed, clapping their hands. Ridley tilted her head to side showing her fangs. She pushed herself off of all fours, and shot a web pulling herself up. She swung back and forth doing aerial flips and tricks. And while free falling towards the ground, she shot a web net that caught her easily.

She smiled as the cheers came. She loved entertaining the children. It was the older men that concerned her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee Character Portrait: Rosa Evangeline Character Portrait: Herrick Mederionos
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Herrick blinked at the sudden attention he was getting from the girl. He hadn't expected her to notice him peering at her, yet she caught on to him in a flash. It amazed him how at times normal humans could be highly dense, yet at other times they could have the senses of a freak. The thought made him chuckle inside his mind a little: It was somewhat amusing to think that Jack was hunting for freaks, when some of the normal people were somewhat freakish themselves. Sure it wasn't obvious, but it was still there.

Hello. He blinked once again once the girl had spoken, but remained silent. She was leaning against his cage, a move that could have her killed if she was looking at one of his older comrades, or if his tail decided to have a little bit of target practice. Your tail is really amazing... That caught him off guard a little, and his body language showed it clearly. He, along with his tail, jerked back a little, confused as to why someone would compliment it. After many years, most comments about his tail included "What the-' profanities, the 'So, can you like kill people with that' obnoxious comments and the ever popular 'So are you supposed to be scary?' naive comments. Rarely - in fact, the recorded count was now at 8 because of her - had anyone thought of it as amazing. The lady suddenly frowned, noticing his straight face, and stated a very odd question.

Do you mind me asking, why you have to be in a cage? Zero didn't know what to say to that. He never questioned why he was in a cage, or how or when. He was simply IN the cage. No real point in asking that sort of question. And the lady seemed to realize it as well. No, oh, sorry, I shouldn't ask that first, should I? Zero made no response, but he gave a lighthearted smile in the absurdity of it all. She then asked a question only 2 other people that weren't freaks had asked him. I'm Rosa. What's your name?" Zero couldn't believe it. Somebody actually cared enough to know his name? He started stumbling over his massive memory bank as he instantly remembered her name for life. Her name is Rosa, and she is #2 to ask such a question. But should I give her my stage name or that other name that Jack said I was named? Really, I only know myself as Zero, but that may come off as weird, so I guess I'll go with both.

Zero paused, then lifted his head to finally show the lady what he really looked like: His pure white eyes stared at her, and his head cocked to the side a little. She was quite feminine, a definition of what most men would probably call pretty. He then sucked in a small breath, and spoke in his soft, sweet tenor, also keeping his tongue firmly in his mouth. Didn't need her freaked out by his third eye. "Herrick Mederionos is the name of this one. Stage name, Zero. Pleasure to meet you Miss Rosa." He gave a small smile, and noticed the lady behind her. He assumed that she was the new staff member that Jack had talked about 7 days ago. Jack never gave a name, which somewhat irritated Zero. The new staff lady seemed to also be in awe of his tail, which always seemed to be the focal point of onlookers. They never seemed to notice the protruding ankle talons - they resembled therapods actually - or his feet, hair or hands. The tail was all that seemed to matter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee Character Portrait: Rosa Evangeline Character Portrait: Herrick Mederionos
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Ah, so they have conversations with the visitors as well. She smiled, not being able to help herself as she watched the scene while the girl and the one int hec age exchanged words. Well, the visitors who are brave enough to close as close as I would. She paused, debating on whether it would be wise to allow the girl to be there so close to the cage than what the average one was comfortable with, but the male (as Avarella focused better, there was a male's suit being worn and other indications to help support her theory) didn't seem to be threatening her in any sorts of way. In fact, Avarella could've sympathized that he seemed relieved to be rid of the apparent loneliness that his cage seemed to emit from the appearance itself. Running her hands through her hair again, she murmured to herself, looking away from what seemed to be quite the intimate moment between the two, "Maybe I should come back later?"

Crossing and uncrossing her arms that seemed to done so on their own, she seriously considered her options. Looking around, there didn't seem to be many staff members anywhere present in this range of the premises, and she didn't want to leave should there be any case of an accident. It made her regret not coming by much earlier to check up on everyone before opening hours began, so she could at least be able to believe that she could trust all of the mutants (still working on that) here. Geesus, all of these moral conducts pulling at me.

"Should've asked about this during the apparent job interview." She ran through her hair again, sighing. There was a slightly tugging at her side, and looked down to see the pulling of a child, very young and asking for directions for the bathroom. Pulling it from memory as she could, Avarella told the girl the information and watched her run back to her mother (to what she could see, anyway) and then point in the direction she told her and began to run. Pulling her gaze back to the cage that she has been transfixed on for a while now, she gave in, and began walking past, unsure if she were to regret this decision. She quietly whispered to herself, "Okay, if she gets hurt by any means, I'll just be over by the next cage, and I'm sure that I can run fast enough. And Jack- ugh, The Owner, probably would've put some sort of glass in the cage so he wouldn't be sued for lawsuit should anyone get hurt if the guy there was really dangerous, right?" Avarella reminded herself that this was the man who she had been arguing with over how the state of the cages were in the first place. She stopped in her steps. "Goddamnnit."

Turning herself around, she slowed down as she walked back to that cage, and cautiously entered into the hearing range of their conversation, slightly tapping the girl's - a redhead, huh? It was a sorts of reddish brown. - shoulder to gain her attention. "Hi. Uh. I'm .." She begrudgingly said the title that she never felt comfortable saying, "Dr. Avarella Lee. I was hoping to.. inquire about your close proximity with the, uh," she struggled to find the correct word that she could feel comfortable saying, "exhibit?" She cringed a bit. "I'm unsure as to what the protocol is around here, but I must ask you to please step back a bit as.. The Owner may not appreciate your'l being there." She shrugged. "I suppose." She knew to even to her own ears that she seemed unsure as to how to approach her tone as she struggled through speaking to the girl, her accent coming back in within the last words it slurred up a word here or there. I hate this professionalism. Not much use when you've got a stupid employee card clipped to your person. Avarella reminded herself to get herself a damn script next time, seeing as professionalism made her clamp up in entire nervousness. A good main reason why she didn't pursue this job immediately after graduation. Her cheeks burned, just a little.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee Character Portrait: Rosa Evangeline Character Portrait: Herrick Mederionos
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Rosa turned when she was tapped on the shoulder, looking round to the woman with a slightly confused look as she attempted to read her lips. It was pretty hard though. Her words consisted of lots of pauses, 'uhm's 'Ah's and such and it seemed as though she just couldn't collect up what the woman was saying. "I'm sorry, could you say it again, but a little clearer for me." she asked Avarella, frowning slightly. "I do appologise, I, uh... Read lips." she informed her, biting her lip as her grip loosened a little on the bars.

She always felt like she needed to tell people if she couldn't understand them about her problem, purely because she was told by one person that "Deaf people need to have a sign attatched." then again, she'd always been pretty embaressed about her faults. Purely because it needed more attention than other things. And attention was the last thing she wanted. She glanced back to Herrick, looking down his body towards his feet and smiling when she saw the spikes at his ankles. She grinned, wishing she could touch them but looking to Avarella's lips to see her response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee Character Portrait: Rosa Evangeline Character Portrait: Herrick Mederionos
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Pleasure's all mine, Mister Herrick." She leaned farther into his cage, something somebody hadn't done for about 4 months and 13 days. That last person accidentally thought his tail was cool, and it didn't like that. But she seemed particularly calm about him, so he did too. You know, you really are quite stylish. I mean, for a man in a cage, you wouldn't expect them to look that great in a suit." Herrick blushed a colour red that he didn't know existed. Sure, he had been complimented on small things, such as his suit, but never like this. He was at a complete loss for words at the compliment, and he didn't know what to do about his now red face - it almost matched her hair colour.

Zero noticed the other lady that had been in awe of his tail walk up to Miss Rosa and say the most bizarre thing yet. Hi. Uh. I'm ..Dr. Avarella Lee. I was hoping to.. inquire about your close proximity with the, uh, exhibit?" Zero started chuckling at her speech, and as she spoke it slowly got louder. "I'm unsure as to what the protocol is around here, but I must ask you to please step back a bit as.. The Owner may not appreciate your being there." She shrugged. "I suppose." Zero couldn't stop himself, the entire question and statement, along with the Dr. Avarella's embarrassment was all too amusing. It wasn't a rude laugh, just one of actual enjoyment.

When he slowly controlled himself, he noticed that Rosa didn't seem to hear his laugh as he turned away and then he heard the statement to clear up everything I do apologize, I, uh... Read lips Zero's white eyes widened in understanding, finally figuring out why she was staring at his mouth the entire time he had spoken. Probably not a good idea to tell her that he had mouths on his hands - he remembered reading that humans couldn't focus on more than 1 thing at once. When she turned back to him, she noticed the talons in his heels - he couldn't wear his shoes because of them, unless they had holes in the back - and smiled. Zero couldn't understand why she was so facinated with him, it made no sense.

But so that the new Doctor could understand his situation, he turned to Avarella. "Do not worry, Miss Avarella. I stopped being dangerous roughly 5 years and 295 days ago." He gave a small smile, and then continued to speak. For her, his voice would sound like a tenor, but since his eye acted like a tongue ring, his talking had the same oddity as it did if he had one. "You are already introduced, so it is my turn. Herrick Mederionos. Most remember me as Zero." He tipped his hat a little while still sitting cross legged. "You are the new doctor Jack spoke of? Then I shall have to show you my differences to humanity." And with that, he simply stuck out his tongue to reveal his third eye. Unlike most people who didn't have another eye, his actually worked - he just kept it shut. His third eye is actually better for night vision, and can only be used if another eye is shut while its open. Otherwise, if all three are open, his eyesight goes blurry.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee Character Portrait: Rosa Evangeline Character Portrait: Herrick Mederionos
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Rosa looked back to Herrick as he began talking to the other woman, by the looks of her name tag, she worked there, but she didn't know quite for sure. However, when Herrick revealed his third eye, it appeared that she became distracted. "W-wow..." she murmured with a giant grin lighting up her face. She leant into the bars again, "That's really... Wow." she laughed at her own lack in vocabulary, though her eyes remained glued to the eyeball within His tongue, unable to pull her eyes away.

Rosa unconsciously snaked one hand around one of the bars again, her eyes moving from the third eye, back up to Herrick's face, her smile never seeming to fade. "You really are amazing... But..." she trailed off a little, leaning against the cage slightly. "I can't help but get the feeling that you're not used to human interaction." she said, tilting her head at him with a slightly raised, questioning eyebrow that went beneath her messy red fringe. "You look very thoughtful about every single word someone else says, as if every word matters..." she smiled at him. "Don't get me wrong, knowing that you're listening at all times is really great to hear." As ironic as I sounded... "But... I'm just wondering. You looked really quite sad when people walked past you, only managing to spare a glance." she frowned a little at him. "It must be rough."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee Character Portrait: Rosa Evangeline Character Portrait: Herrick Mederionos
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Oh. ... Oh. She read lips? "My apologies, again." She cleared her throat, forming her a thought process as she improvised on her apparent script again. This was definitely not working out for her, this professionalism. "I was concerned.. I mean, sort of worried there over how close you are to the cage here." To hell with professionalism. Avarella's attention was slightly distracted by the amusement that the man behind the bars in front of them seemed, but she focused on the red haired girl. She seemed slight nervous over revealing the bit of information to her, and Avarella became just a tad more embarrassed, if not more than she's ever been in her life.

She turned towards the cage as he introduced himself and quickly explained the situation - Herrick he said his name was, right? - with a sort of odd tone in his voice, and she carefully noted the 5 years, 290 days bit to herself, the passing thought of He keeps track? gone with the wind as she generally took in his appearance, much more so as Avarella quietly listened, more or less surprised that he knew of her presence and being on the job already (Well that saves some introductory embarrassments.) and caught completely by attention as he proceeded to show her the eye on his tongue. She wasn't sure as to what to say to that, her mind trying to process this all together as scattered thoughts formed in her mind, Well, this certainly beats everything that I've been through here in the States and Swallowing and tasting must some sight to wonder about. "Woah."

Avarella couldn't say anything, and turned her attention towards Rosa, who seemed much more utterly fascinated towards Herrick in such a.. non-negative sort of way. The blonde wasn't sure how to describe it. She didn't say anything as Rosa spoke quite softly yet so casually. Concerned. That was at least one way to look at it. With a sheepish smile of her own and feeling quite out of place, she looked towards Herrick, speaking quietly, ".. I should go, and uh, let you two to be." Her sight switched between focusing on either of the two slowly, trying to understand what to make out the situation here. "I could come back to see what other features you may have that I should be aware of, so you could talk to your.. uhm, lady friend?" God, she hasn't been this awkward since she was an early teenager, and even then she wasn't as much of a sore thumb as she was currently being right now. "Since the situation's all fine and dandy and all of that."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avarella "Nixon" Lee Character Portrait: Rosa Evangeline Character Portrait: Herrick Mederionos
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Herrick was again confused as he withdrew his tongue back into his mouth. Once again, Miss Rosa was not only in shock by one of his abnormalities, but in awe. Most humans went running when he showed his tongue, and yet this girl who could not hear a word he was actually saying quite enjoyed his act. One hadn't enjoyed his actual act since the day before he stopped being dangerous: 5 years, 296 days ago. Zero could remember it quite well, for it was the day before the last of the true veterans - aka one of the guys he grew up with, codenamed Maximilien - committed suicide. It was a sad day for most of the freaks, since Maximilien was well loved by most. Who didn't love a guy with the powers of a chameleon?

Zero brought himself back out of his memories - which were probably the most dangerous thing to him - when Rosa said something quite peculiar. You really are amazing... But...I can't help but get the feeling that you're not used to human interaction." Herrick was taken aback by this statement, but merely stated nothing. He knew she was right - he hadn't had a conversation this lengthy since the man that gave him his tie - One couldn't really call that a conversation much either. "You look very thoughtful about every single word someone else says, as if every word matters..." It truly does Miss Rosa - you have no idea. His thought to himself, sorrow streaking his eyes for longer than he would like to admit. Don't get me wrong, knowing that you're listening at all times is really great to hear. But... I'm just wondering. You looked really quite sad when people walked past you, only managing to spare a glance. It must be rough." Her frown that she gave was quite cute for a human, and he gave a sad smile to her before stating. "Truly you have spoken the truth Miss." That was all he had to say, for it answered most of her questions and simply got his point across.

When he turned back to Dr. Avarella, she seemed to be feeling very awkward and out-of-place, as if she was intruding on something. I should go, and uh, let you two to be. I could come back to see what other features you may have that I should be aware of, so you could talk to your.. uhm, lady friend? Since the situation's all fine and dandy and all of that." Zero raised an eyebrow at the new Doctor, while his cheeks did flush pink. His normal skin tone had returned to his face by now after turning a shade of red, but the pink hadn't left his cheeks. "Interesting how you would simply trust my word, Dr. Avarella." Trust wasn't something he was entirely used to, for it was usually the first of many morals to be lost in the zoo. His completely white eyes stared at her for a second, and he only muttered a quick "I shall show you the rest now." before raising both of his hands to show the mouths on each one. This was usually the part where the crowd either threw up or ran screaming, since they looked exactly like a mouth up until the point that they weren't on a face. They couldn't speak, nor could they really eat anything, but they were good for storing little objects if he had any - no gag reflexes.