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There's only one person on my "good side". Don't bother sucking up.

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a character in “Freaks Like Me”, as played by WriteLive


He appears to be in his early twenties but is actually almost 100 years old.

Vampire, one of the sons of the Eldest.


He is just over six feet tall.

He is lean but muscular. He is no body builder but looks as if he could take care of himself if the situation calls for it.

Shorter, but just as black as his brother's. In light, it shimmers a deep blue

His eyes are an ethereal shade of purple, the same as his twin's. The color is slightly distorted by his glasses

Other features:
Much of his chest is covered in burns, up to his neck and stretches down almost to his hips

About Michael/timeline:
Growing up, Michael and his twin were raised in a religiously strict household, the reason for their names being those of archangels. Their lives revolved around their church, living their lives by the 'Word of God'. Once he and his brother had reached the age of manhood their were allowed to leave their parent's home to start lives of their own. As twins they did not want to be far from each other, so they did not travel far, and found homes near each other. They found a place to work and were relatively happy on their own.
One late night they were ambushed and attacked. They were turned that night by the Eldest who had been watching them for a while. After regaining his senses, Michael, fascinated and horrified by his new abilities and sharp fangs, went to show his parents.
It took hours of explaining, but he finally got them to believe he was telling the truth-just as Remiel came after him. His brother was rendered unconscious, and moments later his own world went black.
He came to gradually, realizing he had been tied down by his own parents, left to die in the sun while they screeched prayers that their sons would reach Heaven, despite what had happened to them. As the sun rose, his body began to burn. He had passed out from the pain. When he came to, his brother's face was in his own, the only face he trusted. Both of them had been badly burned that day...
After that, the Eldest took them in, bringing them up to rule together.

As with all vampires he had increased strength, speed and senses. Unlike his brother, whose ability focuses on bending the mind of others, his ability fiddles with the emotions. People under his influence seem calmer even when he reveals his true self.

Since almost being burned alive, he hasn't been able to trust anyone except his brother. He's also extremely insecure about his burns, so he's constantly wearing long sleeves Compared to his brother, he's twisted, and without his brother around he can be near tyrannical.

Being burned alive by the sun.
More than being "damned", he fears that any mate he might try to have will be disgusted by his "ruined" body.

So begins...

Michael's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Melia
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She looked around the room curiously. She almost couldn't help herself as she went to the bookshelves, looking at all the titles then nearly running to the weapons shelves. While she looked over the many different types several questions ran through her mind. What was he doing here? How long had he been here? How old was he?How manyplaces hadhe been?Whatwerealltheseweapons?Wouldheshowher?Whatwashefighting?Couldheprobjkshdlaajghsieurbjv? At that point she blinked and took a deep breath, slow down...think... Trying to remember where her thoughts were and in which order they were supposed to go usually took her awhile. Sometimes she was too curious for her own good.
She picked up one of the practice swords and dusted it off. Looking at the designs etched on it. After another moment of concentrating she had her train of thought back and figured she should start at the beginning. "What are you doing in this city? Would be easier to stay hidden in a fully human place." At the same time she heard banging on the door that they just entered from. Wonder how he stayed hidden for so long if he's found out so easily....


He chuckled at the comment and nodded. <Yes, without her here there's no need to be "proper princes."> He took a long drink from the glass that was set next to him. He started talking with the couple females next to him, best to get them a bit comfortable with him. Plus he liked the "flirting" game, it made things interesting.
After a minute he took a breath in and caught a new scent. It was different from the humans and vamps he normally smelt; this was foreign to him, exotic almost. <Did you smell that?>


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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Thorne shuddered at the question, twisting around to stab a "Baron" and to look at Jazz. "Staying in Human places is twice as dangerous for me as it is for Purebloods of both species. I require blood to survive. Not as much as Vamps do, but I also don't have nearly the control most of them do. So being in a town of Monsters is actually safer for the public. If I'm found out here, I'm likely the only one who gets killed." There was far more to it than that, but he snapped his head around as he finished the words at the banging at his door. "Take the Fox behind the Kitchen shelves. Now." He leapt over the ring's edges, cautiously moving toward the door, praying the girls would do as he demanded.
"Who are you? State your business!" He barked, looking through a small hole in the metal he had carved himself.

Michael smiled at his brother's politeness and flirtatiousness as he pulled the vampire female closer and kissed her hard, running his fingers down the human's spine.<Yes I smelled it. Coconut. Not a human, that's for sure. Should we look? Or do we stay and have some fun?> He looked over lazily over the top off the human's head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Melia
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She ducked behind one of the bookcases as soon as she was told, bringing the fox along with her. In the back of her mind she wondered why they would have to hide, she could hold her own, and Thorne even said that there were several ways out of here. She pushed aside one of the books so that she could see to the door and listen to what was going on. The voice sounded feminine and she relaxed, female means not much of a threat. She didn't really want to pay attention to what was being said after that but at the mention of this place being a dojo she peeked up again, maybe he will teach me something. She was okay on her own but she could always do better. No doubt that she would be challenged eventually, as soon as her father either died of starvation or stepped down. Maybe on of the others would kill him. She shuddered at the thought of someone in her pride killing him. I should be going back as soon as the sun's up. They'll start to worry where I've gone.
Getting sidetracked, she got brought back into the situation with a new smell. The female at the door didn't smell like a shifter, or a vamp, or even a strange cross like Thorne. She couldn't bring to mind what kind of smell it was, but the image that formed was a pineapple.


He shrugs and lightly kisses the neck of the female in front of him, keeping his arm around her waist. He glances across at Michael as he lightly nips. <Could spend a few more minutes, then go find what that little morsel was. Want to taste whatever she was....> He slowly sinks his fangs into the tender flesh of the woman, drinking slowly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Aleara-Rayn Hart Character Portrait: Melia
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Before he could answer the unknown woman, the smell of blood made him stagger. Not now... Not now, not now notnownotnow..... His vision blurred as he lunged toward the smell, his mouth open enough to reveal fangs. He stalked toward the new scent, nearly tripping over it from his lack of vision. He stared at the blood with single-minded focus, picking the female up.


With a low growl of agreement he sank his fangs deep into the human female's neck, coiling an arm around her middle to keep her from pulling away. After a few moments the poor morsel went limp, dazed as he released his grip and sealed the wound. Compared to the one he had smelled, this girl was bland, tasteless. <She did smell delicious. Better than the Humans here....>


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Aleara-Rayn Hart Character Portrait: Melia
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She slowly stood up as Thorne rushed out the door. He had gone silent and from her vantage point he looked like something had his sole attention, or had fallen under a trance. She stood up and went towards the door, poking her head out to see what was going on; at the same time catching a whiff of the distinct metallic smell of blood. Someone was hurt, bleeding, and in the presence of a half vamp.
Not good, not good, not good. She rushed out quickly after the female that was at the door. Though a bit too late because she had pulled a knife on him. She skidded to a halt, taking the last few steps slowly just incase the female had more than just the one knife. "No need for that...Though I think the wounded one over there needs more help..." She glanced over at the one on the ground, clearly in pain and probably dying. She couldn't focus on Thorne, he would most likely have to solve that himself.
She quickly went to the one on the ground and tore several strips of cloth off of her own shirt to tie up what looked to be an arrow wound. "Don't worry, will get you cleaned up soon. Just hold on ok?"


He continued drinking from the woman until she started to go limp in his arms. He let go, licking the bite slowly to close the marks his fangs left behind. Then slowly got her sitting down in the chair nearby. <Compared to that smell...these human's don't compare to that...> He smiled at a few of the other women that are still around him and started weaving his way out of the mesh of bodies. <Lets go find that sweet smelling snack.>


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Aleara-Rayn Hart
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Thorne snarled at the newcomer that made him let his snack get away....No. Get a grip, you blockhead! She is NOT a snack! Focus! His body was at war with itself, his frame shaking and ignoring the woman completely. The wooden blade, however, insulted him enough to pull enough of himself back to the surface. He gripped her wrist roughly, his strength barely reigned in. His eyes took on a look closer to the Shifter's wolf, but the eyes were narrower, slitted slightly like a cat's. "Do you honestly think a practice blade will stop someone like me, child? I an going to let go; you will step away and put that block where you'd had it stashed." His voice shook hungrily, and he dug his claws into his own palm. "I will not harm the young ones. My control slipped, that is all." He slowly loosened his hold on the female's arm, glancing at Jazz. "Get her inside, quickly. Before the blood draws attention."


Michael stood, kissing the female vampire deeply before slipping on his jacket and leaving a bit of money on the table for the bartender. Without a word, he headed fo the door, his nose locking onto the scent of the Unknown Female.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Melia
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Al tensed as more beings showed up. She wouldn't lie to herself, she was terrified. She snapped at the new being that came to her. A female. But relaxed a little when she heard cloth ripping. A friend? So far she would have to rely on the kind act for now. The man spoke again and he seemed more like how he did before but with residual hunger still in his voice. She would have to think on it later but for now nothingness claimed her as its own.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Aleara-Rayn Hart Character Portrait: Melia
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As the wolf fell unconscious she knew that she had to find a way to help, but the situation was too dire and there was no time to make it all the way back to the clinic. The strange female came over to her, that tropical scent wafting over her again as she bent down and placed her hands under the fallen wolf. "Alright. Count of three?" She nodded and slid her hands to the sides so they would have her balanced. "One...Two...Three." She slowly started lifting, making sure the wolf wouldn't fall or wasn't jostled too much. Probably can't loose too much more blood...hope she's going to be alright...
"Okay lets get her inside, then we can tend to her." She tilted her head back towards the door and started taking slow steps back, nearly gliding her feet across the pavement, like she would in her panther form, running along a tree limb. Light, soft, steady, don't waver... She repeated the words in her mind as she continued walking.


Michael started for the door after leaving some cash. He took a final swallow from his drink then hopped off the stool in order to follow his brother out the door. The scent of the strange female was still lingering and fairly easy to track. Within seconds both of them were walking along the scent trail. <Haven't hunted in a long time...this is nice.>


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Melia
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Al hated this feeling. She has felt it before and she remember it like it was mere days ago. Her scar says other though. She felt and heard everything but could do nothing; she was paralysed. Too much blood loss. Too much pain. Wolf god? Am I to finally die? she doubted it. Al would go through the boring and vulnerable period of healing. She would hate it but like always deal with it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Aleara-Rayn Hart
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Thorne watched the girls take the wounded wolf in, moving past them and swept clear the bed for them to set her down. He moved stiffly, each step a struggle not to turn around and eat all four females on the spot. He pulled a box from above the first kitchen cabinet and set it by Jazz and Ushio. "This should have everything else you need. Not as good as a hospital though....I'll be back in a few hours. Do not let anyone in here, understood? I don't care who they are or how hungry. No one gets in until I get back." He smiled a little, strained, and walked briskly out the door.
I need to hunt. Now. The burning in his throat was unbearable. He had to get out of the neutral area, into the Vampire zone, before any humans crossed his path. He had almost reached a safe feeding place when a familiar scent caught his attention. He looked up and froze: the Princes of the Eldest Coven were walking not twenty feet from him. Blast...! Please don't let them find out. Please, PLEASE.... He hadn't seen these two in nearly 50 years, and he hadn't planned on seeing him anytime soon. Automatically though, he gave a half bow, as low as he could without looking out of place in the crowd.

Michael nodded at his brother, smiling, and walked along. He sniffed, the smells of the city such a pleasant change from the Eldest's mansion--<Rem. Who's that? The strange scent, I know this one....> It was... off. Vampire, but with the foul undertone of wet dog that made it familiar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Aleara-Rayn Hart
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She helped set the wolf down on the bed that Thorne swept clean for them. She then looked at the box he brought out once the fox had tended the wound; though she wondered why she would have items from the clinic with her... They don't just give those things to people...well sometimes they do in bulk, but not single items... But that was cause for contemplation for another time. Thorne was quickly walking out of the building and she nearly missed what he told them.
Okay, don't let any one in. We can do that. Once we determine that we aren't going to cause widespread pandemonium and fighting between our families... She opened the med kit and pointed to the kitchen area. "Ushio, will you bring over some water for her?" She smiled as she found some pain meds in a bottle and dumped two of them in her hand. She propped the wolf's head up with a pillow and patted her cheek lightly. "Come on...wake up a little bit, going to have you take these pain meds with water alright?"


He paused slightly, taking in the scent of the stranger who bowed to them. He was obviously vampire, though there was something off about the scent, like a street dog. He smiled slightly and nodded his head in the vampire's direction. <He's one of Caine's isn't he? Probably spending his time like the homeless to be away from his maker; wouldn't blame him. Explains that smell coming from him.>


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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Al swallowed the med with some difficulty and then expanded her senses to distract her from the pain she was experiencing. In the haze of drugs she recognised that two creatures were coming this way. She was unable to vocalise anything as the meds knocked her out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Melia
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She glanced between the stranger and Ushio, then sighed and picked up the water bottle since it was closest. She quickly tilted the wolf's head back, getting her to swallow at least a mouthful of water before she passed out from the meds. She set the bottle down then went over to Ushio. "I know you probably don't get along normally, but she's hurt. If we weren't here on neutral ground I probably wouldn't be talking to you now."
She picked up the cup she set down in the middle of floor and took it back to the sink. She seemed fine talking with me before, though got defensive now with the wolf? It didn't make too much sense since the panthers had hunted some of the foxes once in awhile. They were a challenge, quick on their feet and being shifters they were smarter than normal prey. Well she would play it by ear, if the fox wanted to stay neutral fine, but if she started drawing lines she would probably do the same.


He let out a mental grumble <He will never get close to the thrones. Well as long as we can keep him away. Our society would fall to ruins with him in charge.> The idea of using this older vampire to help them was an intriguing idea. Though to get that to work they would need to befriend him in some way. Not that either of them were educated properly in how to interact with others besides themselves. They pretty much new how to talk to other high class vampires at structured parties. It was about time they were able to get out of the house. He nodded his head to the stranger who stiffened at their approach, though that fear isn't often seen in others they come to. "Nice evening tonight yes?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Melia
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The down side to being a shifter was that you burned through medication rapidly. Excellent metabolism has it's awesome sides like Al could eat anything, however being in pain meant being in pain. She came to her senses slowly. First she was with the man from before and he appeared to be with two other strange men. She didn't think it would end well. Then she honed her senses to the house. She heard the three women from before talking. Couldn't understand them because she thought it rude to eavesdrop, but she knew they were there.
Al shivered. Shifting from human to wolf to human again meant being naked and at the moment she apparently was not covered other than the bandages. Al hoped they brought her clothes... not that she minded being naked, but humans tended to find it inappropriate. She carefully shifted on the bed as not to disturb the bandages and carefully sat up. She was now in a predicament. She needed to map out her surroundings and find a blanket, however due to her current state there was a great possibility she would pass out. She tapped her finger quietly before slowly standing. If nothing else, she needed a drink of water.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Aleara-Rayn Hart
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((OOC: @ Tristis: Michael, Rem, and Thorne are in a different area than Jazz, Al, Melia, and Ushio))

Thorne nodded at the Prince's question. It had been a while, but he remembered Remiel was the one without glasses. "It is, Prince Remiel. I don't normally see you in this area of town. Why aren't you up at the Mansion with the Coven?" He glanced at Michael, who had gone tense, and wondered if he said anything wrong. Don't do anything stupid, Thorne. They're younger, true, but the Eldest pick their successors for power, not age...Stay on guard...

Michael frowned slightly. "We aren't stooges of the Coven. Who are you, anyway, child of Caine?" He hid an amused smile when the stinking commoner flinched.

"Thorne Buchanan, Prince Michael. I do not appreciate being associated with my Maker, however. I have cut as many ties with him as possible...."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Melia
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She nodded to Ushio, "I've have bad experiences with them also. Don't need to be friends..." She glanced up as she heard footsteps coming closer, and saw the stranger coming over to them. At her stammering she smiled a little. Seems she hasn't been around our type of society before. Though considering she is something none of us have seen around here before. Wonder where she came from. She put her hand out to meet Melia's and shook it briefly so Ushio could do the same.
"Yes, there's quite a few different types, though we all live in our respective areas of the city. I'm a panther." It felt a bit odd to tell someone that. Usually you could catch the scent of who someone ways, their type almost as easy to smell as it is to see their hair color. Perhaps she isn't a were-creature. That would mean no strong sense of smell, and explain why she couldn't smell who we are...


He tilted his head slightly, watching his brother and Thorne, they both seemed edgy though he knew Michael hated being associated with the Eldest, almost as much as this Thorne seemed to be with being connected to Caine. Interesting.... "He can be quite cruel, though it is a bit unusual for someone to disconnect from their makers isn't it?" Typically, even if they didn't want to be turned, they still stayed near their makers from what he had seen. Even now, he and his brother hadn't left, though they had plans to take over. We are still young by vampire standards, perhaps he has spent too much time near his maker. If we hadn't been made by the Eldest would we have moved on as well?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Aleara-Rayn Hart
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Ushio shrugged. "I suppose you're right, Jazz... however, I still need time to adjust... well, let's be honest, even without the wolf, I'm still having trouble adjusting..." She said with a quiet sigh. Ushio was already becoming homesick. She looked over her shoulder and found the one she'd refereed to as citrus-fruits-lady was approaching the two. Hearing her question explained a lot to Ushio, she was for a fact, not one of their kind, or even a vampire for that matter.

Nevertheless, she nodded. "I'm a Fennec fox." Ushio muttered as she shook Melia's hand. "However, my name is Ushio. Plus, just saying it for the sake of saying it, but I'm glad I can drop the 'citrus-fruits-lady' nickname." She said in a slightly bashful matter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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Thorne hissed between his teeth. "Cruel doesn't begin to describe The Baron Caine. Barons." That word was said with nearly as much disgust and hatred as Caine's name, as though it left a foul taste in Thorne's mouth. He ran a hand through his hair. "It is unusual, my Princes, but necessary to separate. Frankly, my lords, if I had a proper chance to kill him, I would, just for making e like this. For putting me in front of my village as he did, I would make him suffer the agonies of the sun and the Change at once. And it still wouldn't be enough." How often did he wake to his village's, his family's confused and terrified screams, even in the middle of the day? How often did he imagine having died instead? Or watching Caine's head sail and tumble down the green hills of his homeland, to land in the murky waters of the ocean? Not enough, he growled to himself.Until he's gone for good, it won't be.
Michael nodded grimly at Thorne's outburst. If he had said that about any of the others, particularly the Eldest, he would have been obligated to drag him to the Mansion and torture him to death. But this was Caine we were talking about. A mutual enemy. <So, brother, do you think we can use him? The drive to destroy that old man is there...>


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Melia
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She nodded to Ushio's comment. It would take them all awhile to get used to each other. If they planned to stay together for a few more days that is. It was almost natural to dislike the other groups in the city, it was something that was taught to everyone sooner or later. It probably began for some reason though now it was more a taught habit.
As her attention went to Melia, all those thoughts went to the back of her mind, due to her somewhat short attention span. "So a Dryad hm? I haven't heard of one of those in the city. Though I think there are some old stories of them." Dryads had nearly faded into pure myth; their race being so old and their numbers decreasing the last she heard. Though it was still pretty cool to be able to talk to one, even if she was only half of one.


He tilted his head at Thorne's outburst. It wasn't common for someone to lash out like that in front of them, but at the same time it was refreshing to see someone act themselves instead of portraying a false persona. He never liked those fake nobles anyway, they were nothing but image and status, nothing real or natural. <The enemy of my enemy is my friend...He seems to only want the death of Caine. We could use that to help us be rid of him.> It was complicated, trying to rid yourself of your maker. So many rules and laws that would need to be bent, broken, and even cast aside in the attempt to do so. But that is what he and Michael wanted to do. They needed to end the old ways of their society and bring it into today. They would end up being ran out by the humans if the mass of the innocent ones ever found out about them. There was also a strenuous truce with the shifter clans within the city with hazy lines to the neutral zones. "You can't hope to achieve that goal all on our own. It also runs the risk of being killed, just at the mention of it...Unless you had the proper help."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Melia
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Thorne and Michael

Thorne couldn't help but gawk at Remiel. "Excuse me, Prince Remiel. Did you just say what I thought you did?" Any other noble or royal could have killed him then and there for talking badly about Lady Eldest's right hand man. He hadn't meant to say what he had aloud, but now that it was out in the open, they seemed to agree.
Michael laughed outright at Thorne's expression. "Of course he did. You need contacts, information other than what you can get on your own." <If it benefits us, I see no reason not to. But we'll let him think we're helping him, and not the other way around, I think. Do you agree, Brother?>