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Hurt my brother and I will hurt you.

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a character in “Freaks Like Me”, as played by yogitheambrangyl


He appears to be in his early twenties but is actually almost 100 years old.

Vampire, one of the sons of the Eldest.


He is just over six feet tall.

He is lean but muscular. He is no body builder but looks as if he could take care of himself if the situation calls for it.

His hair is shaggy, shoulder length black hair. In the shadows there is a purple hue to the color, but in the moonlight it is pitch black.

His eyes are an ethereal shade of purple, the same as his twins.

Other features:
He has a mesh of old burns along his upper back.
About Remiel/timeline:
Growing up, Remiel and his twin were raised in a religiously strict household, hence their names being that of two of the arch angels. Their lives revolved around their church, living their lives by the 'Word of God'. Once he and his brother had reached the age of manhood their were allowed to leave their parent's home to start lives of their own. As twins they did not want to be far from each other, so they did not travel far, and found homes near each other. They found a place to work and were relatively happy on their own.
One late night they were ambushed and attacked. They were turned that night by the Eldest who had been watching them for a while. After regaining his senses, Remiel noticed his brother was missing and ran away from the Eldest to find him.
He found his twin trying to explain to their parents what had happened to them. As soon as they started to believe Remiel began to think that it was not the best idea that they had come back. Their parents ushered them inside and promptly knocked them out, when Remiel woke he was bound laying on the floor. He looked around for his twin and saw him outside, their parents waiting for the sun to rise a bit further.
Before he would be forced to watch his brother burned alive he broke free of the ropes and ran to him, he grabbed onto him and started pulling him back inside as the sun rose and began to burn them both. Their mother and father beat on them, trying to keep them in the sun. As soon as Remiel had made it into the shade, in his bloodlust, turned on his parents. He drained them both before he realized what he was doing.
Once he had calmed down he went to his twin and stayed with him the entire day. When the sun had set the Eldest found them and took them away as their children.

As with all vampires he had increased strength, speed and senses. Being made from high noble blood had developed an extra ability, almost like hypnosis he can force others to do what he wants. It works especially well on humans, were as vampires have to be weak willed like the servant class.

His personality does not match his 'bad boy' image. He is actually the kinder of the two and often looks to his brother to take the lead.
Being burned alive by the sun.
That his soul is damned.

So begins...

Remiel's Story


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Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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"I'm fine, my dear... I just haven't been out to the woods in a long time. I am no longer allowed with my old group..."Best not to say anything specific...Don't need anyone finding out about me.... He smiled thinly, turning away. His hunger flared again,, and he dug claws into his palms to keep from attacking the child. This was neither the time nor place. "If you had no business here I would suggest getting home, okay...?" He hurried to open the door.


<So bored, brother...> Michael thought at his twin with a yawn, taking a drink from the paper wrapped bottle he had snuck into the house. Sitting in the billiards room was how they spent most nights lately, after their studies were done with for the night. He wanted to go out, play with some gorgeous human, have live food for once. <When will mother and father stop treating us like children?> He rubbed his left shoulder, scratching at the burn scar there, his thoughts drifting painfully back to that night....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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She headed right home as quick as she could. For one she knew the cub needed the medicine soon, his fever was too high when she left, and it would definitely be worse when she got there.
As soon as she came into the house she knew she was right, the mother was rushing to refill the ice pack, nearly missing Jazz as she came in. She told the mother she had the medicine and looked over the instructions, telling her how to crush the pills and put them in a warm drink. They both went to the kid that was laying bundled in a few blankets on his bed, his mother helping him drink the warm tea.
She left as soon as she could, not because she didn't care about the cub, that she did. But the stranger was still on her mind. She wanted to know what he was, what group he belonged to, and why he smelled so different than any of the others she had ever smelt before. She headed back into the city, sniffing as she went, she did not expect him to have stayed at the clinic.
Maybe he was sick, and that's why he smelt weird... She started to retrace her steps, looking around at the people around her as she went.


He looked over the billiards table, lining up his shot and taking it. He reached over and took the paper wrapped bottle from Michael. <We will always be children in their eyes.> He took a long drink and set the bottle down.
He wasn't as impatient as his brother but he did agree that they were always cooped up in the house. It was always lessons first, then meals, than some other noble business that they needed to learn or tend to.
<Why don't we just leave right now? There are still quite a few hours in the night. And some fresh warm food sounds excellent right now.> He leaned back against the wall. <That is, if you don't mind being yelled at by mother when we get back.>


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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Thorne hurried down the street, ignoring the child's presence as he wove his way through the crowd. Wisely, the presence disappeared.I will find a way to make it up to the child... She is only curious, after all....I wonder if she caught my scent...Oh, God, I beg you, let that not be the case! He made his way into the nearest club, desperate for somewhere crowded where he could feed without being noticed. No one here cared if they got bit, really; it was one of those "Nightling" clubs, where humans who knew nothing(and some who knew too much) spent their nights drinking and wishing thy were creatures of the night. Idiots. At least they made good food, and he had enough control that he didn't kill any one, because he had several "snacks" instead of a single feeding.
After an hour, once his lust wasn't quite so dangerous, he headed out again, strolling lazily, lost in the euphoric high that was temporary relief.


Snatching the bottle back and downing another glassful at once, Michael waited for his brother to miss a ball. <Sounds good. After this game? Let her think we went to bed early, less likely to be screeched at. She needs to hurry up and step down, I'm tired of that scratchy shriek of hers...> With a chuckle he perched on his favorite stool, fidgeting and waiting for his turn.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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She walked along the streets back towards the clinic. She thought that maybe the stranger would still be there, but that strange scent lead away from the building. Determined to find the stranger she followed the smell, going slowly so as not to get it confused with all the other scents of the city.
The scent lead to a club, one she knew she would never go inside; she avoided this area a lot actually, it was far from their range of territory.
I shouldn't be out here...why the hell am I following this person? Maybe he was kicked out of his pack...that's why he came to this area, he doesn't know which creatures claimed this part of town...
When she finally spotted him she glanced around, making sure there were no Vamps around, she could get killed easily if they found her here. With that thought she started to make her way towards the stranger.


His next shot missed and he scowled a little. <Sounds good, this should be over soon...but I doubt she and Father will step down any time soon. They're too happy where they are.> He went and took his spot on one of the stools and waited. <Tired of being told what to do all the time, had a tutor since the beginning, I'm sure we know everything there is to learn.>


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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Thorne relaxed as the cool wind hit him, strolling out of Vampire territory and into a gap between it and the Shifter space. This two block stretch was full of humans, and probably the only place were Nightlings and Monsters could interact with any sense of peace or safety. He let his guard down, allowed his mind to wander.
Until the Panther from earlier came toward him. How did I not see her?! He growled as he whipped around, one hand up in a guard, the other reaching into his jacket. "What do you want, Panther-child? Why are you following me?"


Michael chuckled as Rem missed his shot, lining one of his own up from his perch. With a shattering crack, the balls went flying, bouncing off the walls of the table and each other--until three of his striped ones were pocketed. He grinned and pushed his glasses back onto his nose. <Unfortunately, too true. Only thing left to gain I experience, and we can't do that cooped p like his, now can we? Haven't had a chance to paint the town red in decades... When we do go out, it's always to some dull party full of ring-kissers and tissue paper dresses. All pomp and frills. I want to see one of them in modern vampire slink. Silk dresses that cling to the body and fitted suits. And people with their own opinions....> He sighed longingly.<Should stop by that blood club. The new one here. Perhaps we might find something particularly tasty....>


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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She relaxed only slightly as the man walked into what was more or less a neutral zone, then stumbled a little as he noticed her.
"Uh...I were at the clinic...I just, wanted to know who you were..." Smooth Jazz, smooth. Making an idiot of yourself... "You're different than the others I know are here...just wanted to know what...and if you needed help..."
She hoped that was a good explanation, it was the truth, though she did not know how she could help this man.


He sat back and watched his brother hit the balls into the pockets, he would probably win again, not that he minded. <A club sounds perfect...though willing prey isn't always fun, but it'll do.> He was right, they were being sheltered too much, how were mother and father expecting them to rule if they did nothing but stay inside and go visit the kiss-up nobles. There was so much more to do outside, even more than when they were just human.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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Relax.... No need to create suspicion... He lowered the hand in his pocket and turned fully to face her. "Kind of you to notice that I'm not like the others. I was kind of hoping you didn't though. I had thought I was being sneaky." He smiled a little to take the bite out of the words. "I doubt you could help me, child. However, I am Thorne Buchanan. What do they call you, Panther?" He held out his hand, begging she wouldn't sense him for what he was at the touch. Especially not out here...


He smiled, pocketing another two before he missed his shot. "Damn!" He sighed and sat down on his stool again. <Better than revealing ourselves. I don't need to be that stupid twice, brother...> He rubbed his shoulder, looking down at himself.Never again. No one needs to see these scars either...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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She held out her own hand and shook his. She couldn't tell right away if he was mad at her or not, hopefully it was the latter. "Jasmine, but everyone calls me Jazz. And if you were trying to be sneaky, going into a clinic isn't the best move. It's easy to smell something that's 'off'." Or maybe it was a smart move...everyone who's sick smells different...
"You positive I can't do anything to help you?"


He smiled as Michael missed the shot and he stepped up, taking aim. <All too not need a repeat of that sunrise...> He hit the ball and with a soft thud it bounced off the sides of the table, knocking two of his solid colored ones into their pockets.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Lilia
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(OOC: My apologies for taking so long to post guys, been going through school and some minor emotional issues. I hope everyone's still here....Tagged everyone so they knew I had FINALLY posted... Sorry again...)


Thorne couldn't help but laugh at the girl's response. "A beautiful name, Miss Jazz. And for who I am hiding from, it is much smarter than it seems. Clinics are sanctuaries, to most sacred ground. Unless you're a vile coward, you wouldn't harm someone in a place of healing, spiritual or physical. As to helping me, perhaps you can start by explaining to me what it was you smelled? You still seem nervous, or am I mistaken?"


Michael couldn't help but flinch at the word "sunrise." He took a long drink, finishing off the hidden bottle and chucking it halfway across the room into the large trash can in the corner behind the bar with practiced aim. He ocld swear the times he missed still marred the wall with shards of glass.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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She shook her head and smiled a little. "No, I'm not nervous. I thought that maybe you were mad that I followed you. I know that people don't always take kindly to a stranger going after them..."
She relaxed now that she knew he wasn't going to be angry with her. She opened her mouth to answer his previous question. What did she smell on him? Now that they were both out in the open she could better define the scents on him. There was the faint smell of an animal shifter, but another tinge that was almost like the vampire sulfur...
Before she could answer there was a loud snap of a twig and the cussing of someone nearby. Immediately she spun towards the sound, looking for who it was.


There were only a few more balls on the table as he took his aim again. Shooting at the side closest him he mumbled a curse as his shot strayed too far and only grazed the one he wanted. He went and sat down again, glancing towards Michael. He always worried about him even though he never said so, he knew he would probably antagonize his brother his he fussed over him about anything; and he knew Michael needed at least one person to trust. Otherwise they might both go insane.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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Thorne froze, hand in his pocket again as he moved toward the sound. He sniffed the air; Fox. Young... "Come out here," He growled softly, his feet braced apart, his accent rolling thickly through his words.Dammit.... "You revealed yourself. Come on now," This time he softened his words, loosening his stance just enough to seem less threatening.


He got to his feet, scanning the table. If he did this right, he'd get his last two pocketed at once. He shoved his bothersome thoughts to the back, crouched low, and lined up his shot....CRACK! the balls went spinning about the green surface, bouncing off the edges until they finally sank into their pockets. "That's game. Let's go."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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She slowly relaxed as the girl came out, stammering a plea. With a quick sniff she could tell that the girl was a fox. She hadn't been around many but from what she knew they were generally small, swift, and sneaky. Though she didn't come off as a threat.
"You said you needed shelter? Why...?" It wasn't often that a group would abandon or kick out their members; only in extreme circumstances in her clans case.


He nodded and stood up, putting the pole stick away gently as he passed by the rack. "Any place you would prefer to start?" He didn't care where they went, as long as they could get out of the house. It had been way too long since they had a night out to themselves that didn't include kiss up high class and groveling or resentful middle class...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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She slowly relaxed as the girl came out, stammering a plea. With a quick sniff she could tell that the girl was a fox. She hadn't been around many but from what she knew they were generally small, swift, and sneaky. Though she didn't come off as a threat.
"You said you needed shelter? Why...?" It wasn't often that a group would abandon or kick out their members; only in extreme circumstances in her clans case.


He nodded and stood up, putting the pole stick away gently as he passed by the rack. "Any place you would prefer to start?" He didn't care where they went, as long as they could get out of the house. It had been way too long since they had a night out to themselves that didn't include kiss up high class and groveling or resentful middle class...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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Thorne couldn't help but acknowledge the young fox's words. Crossbreed. Banned. That her family would kill her. He nodded once as she spoke of shelter during the most dangerous time of night. So, someone there DID notice... kind of her to not point it out as me...."I'm sorry for your misfortune. Most would have singled a Cross out. Why didn't you?" He pulled his hand from his pocket, still empty, and showed it palm out briefly to her to prove it. In the same movement he shifted his stance, still cautious but far more relaxed.Kid needs a place to stay... she obviously isn't one to blurt secrets.....well, let's see what her answer is....


"Nowhere in particular... Honestly, anywhere with strong booze and beautiful women, Rem. I need to feed on something living, and not obligated." He put the rest of the game away, grabbing his jacket off a chair.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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She nodded a little at the foxes comment; she did make a lot of sense after all. There was no real point of being scared of something you didn't understand. It would be best to learn about the unknown first then determine whether it was good or bad.
She looked up at the stranger, thinking to herself for a moment. "I agree...the hysteria is kind of pointless without facts..." She took in a breath, getting the mixed scents from him once again. "You had asked what I smelled on you earlier...are you the crossbreed their all looking for?"


He quickly grabbed his jacket and followed him outside. "Alright then, there should be some clubs not far from here that are friendly to our kind." He started heading down the street, breathing in the fresh air and letting out a sigh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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He whipped around rigidly to stare at Jazz. He scanned her face for what seemed like hours, his heart pounding in his ears. Rage and...fear, yes, he made himself admit it. Fear, with both, he watched the two girls. After a mental eternity, he nodded slowly. "Come. You, particularly, young Fox. My home is safe enough for you two. Safe place for me to answer.... anything you like really..." He pegged each of them with a dark glare, "But if either of you try and throw me to the Alphas, or the Eldest themselves, the will never find you. I hope that is perfectly clear." With a smile to soften his words, he headed down an alleyway.


Michael relaxed almost instantly being out in the night air. With almost a groan, he pushed his glasses up, tilting his head back to take a deep breath. He couldn't have cared less where they went. He and his brother were together, safe--for now, anyway....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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She kept very quiet after she asked the man her question. She watched his eyes and the emotions flowing through them. Right away there was anger, which she almost flinched from. She should have known he would be angry, she just accused him out here in the open, where any passerby listening could turn him in to either group if they wanted to. If she had thought things through she probably wouldn't have asked so bluntly. Next there was fear in his eyes, which was reasonable, it was frightening even being asked such a personal question, but even more so confiding in people you just met. Then he nodded.
In what felt like only a few seconds the cross-breed said something to the two of them and then they were following him down one of the dark alleys nearby. It took her a few moments to go back mentally and process what had happened. He had just admitted to them that he was the cross everyone was looking for, then threatened them... But at the same time he said they would be safe at his home, where he would answer any question they had for them.
She trailed back slightly, not enough to make either the fox or the cross to believe that she was going to run though. She was way to curious to run away from this, it may be her downfall but she couldn't resist. She gently nudged the fox with her elbow. "What's your name..?"


He thought was nice to be out in the open air again after being held almost captive inside for so long. Although at first all the different scents were overwhelming. After several minutes he was able to distinguish the difference between the people of their kind, the strong perfumes of human females, and of course the mouth watering smells of all kinds of foods.
He glanced around at all the shops and eateries that they passed and quickly caught the sound of music. He nudged Michael and nodded to a set of stairs which headed down to a lower club. The frequency low enough to be comfortable to his own ears marked a club where their own kind could go and where humans went willingly to be fed from.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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She almost laughed at Ushio, in light of the situation they were currently in, she thought the girl was cute. She seemed a bit flustered and scared; to her predator senses it was amusing and fun to watch. On the other hand she knew in the back of her mind that she should try to comfort the poor thing. They were both in a situation they never thought would happen and currently the future was just a blurred mass of possibilities.
"That's alright, sometimes it's good to listen in. Things should be alright though...and if you don't want to stay here I'm sure I could sneak you into my room."
As Thorne lifted the metal door she blinked in surprise. The place was much different than she would have imagined for someone who was hiding from all the different clans. The room was huge with plenty of things inside, though at the same time it wasn't overly cluttered or messy. At least it wasn't messier than her own room and home. She stepped inside to get a closer look and glanced at Thorne. "Looks like you've been here a while already."


He smiled when he and his brother were almost immediately surrounded by females. He took a moment to let the feeling of the room go through him and then he started towards the bar, nodding to the vamps who nodded or greeted him. He sat down on a stool and orders drinks for himself and Michael. He looked over the females that were still near him and pulled one close. <Perfect place brother?>


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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((OOC: hey AgentPocky, minor thing: the tunnels are under his residence XD they're escape routes, not how to get to his house(unless he's up and about during the day).))


Thorne barked a laugh and closed the heavy door. "I usually have some warning before anyone finds me, a day at least. Long enough to move my things. I've been doing this for quite a while now..." He glanced over at Ushio and smiled apologetically, "Sorry, Miss Ushio. I should have warned you; not all of the books are like that, but watch the practice weapons. I don't use them often; no one to practice with." He stretched and pointed to the large bed. "You're more than welcome to sleep there, lass. You're also quite welcome to anything I have in the kitchen. You as well, Miss Jazz, should you need anything..." With another good stretch, he climbed into the ring, reached over to the wall of weapons and lifted a basket-hilt claymore, and swung it a few times. The blade was one of his favorites: the story behind it's style was that when Scotland was under the control of England((I think it was England, I'll double check and edit otherwise)), the Scotts weren't allowed to use two handed claymores. The Scotts laughed at them and lopped off the second hand's worth of metal, turning it into the basket most commonly seen in fencing swords. Their might allowed them to wield the blade one handed as easily as they did with two. He took a wide stance, his blade at his side, and glared across the empty ring. One day, Caine... As the words crossed his mind, the fuzzy image of the Vampire who had turned him, One day, I will have your HEAD! With a warcry he lunged forward, slicing through the air at the imaginary opponent's head. He continued, altering his opponents to just about everything possible--bandits, other lairds, whatever came to mind. He attacked, blocked, shifted, rolled, entirely focused on his "work." "Ask whatever you wish..."


Michael chuckled, pulling one of the vampire females to his arm, headed for the bar as well. A human immediately took to his other side. Michael licked his lips. <Perfect. Plenty of food, wonderful drink, and Mother isn't anywhere near here.>


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Melia
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She looked around the room curiously. She almost couldn't help herself as she went to the bookshelves, looking at all the titles then nearly running to the weapons shelves. While she looked over the many different types several questions ran through her mind. What was he doing here? How long had he been here? How old was he?How manyplaces hadhe been?Whatwerealltheseweapons?Wouldheshowher?Whatwashefighting?Couldheprobjkshdlaajghsieurbjv? At that point she blinked and took a deep breath, slow down...think... Trying to remember where her thoughts were and in which order they were supposed to go usually took her awhile. Sometimes she was too curious for her own good.
She picked up one of the practice swords and dusted it off. Looking at the designs etched on it. After another moment of concentrating she had her train of thought back and figured she should start at the beginning. "What are you doing in this city? Would be easier to stay hidden in a fully human place." At the same time she heard banging on the door that they just entered from. Wonder how he stayed hidden for so long if he's found out so easily....


He chuckled at the comment and nodded. <Yes, without her here there's no need to be "proper princes."> He took a long drink from the glass that was set next to him. He started talking with the couple females next to him, best to get them a bit comfortable with him. Plus he liked the "flirting" game, it made things interesting.
After a minute he took a breath in and caught a new scent. It was different from the humans and vamps he normally smelt; this was foreign to him, exotic almost. <Did you smell that?>