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Thorne Buchanan

One part Shifter, one part Vampire

0 · 768 views · located in City Nightscape

a character in “Freaks Like Me”, as played by WriteLive


Name: Thorne Buchanan

Age: (appear)25*ish*(actual)532

Species: Vampire/shifter (Irish Wolfhound, former Alpha before Vampirism)

Sex: male

Height: 6 feet even

Build: broad shouldered, but lean. A body meant for speed rather than brute strength

Hair: Russet, usually shaggy enough to brush the nape of his neck

Eyes: deep blue, swirls of green and violet
Other Facial Notes: various scars, each from different "human" battles; a deep claw-gash scar across his chest from his final duel

About Thorne/Timeline: His family name is "House of the Cannon", and he has lived up to it as a soldier, warrior, lover, and--briefly--husband. He is strong, both physically and mentally. A Shapeshifter originally, and natural strategist, he was swiftly promoted through the ranks, but was told to stay off the front lines. In response, he dueled the offender and led his troops to victory almost every battle thereafter. As wartime ended, he felt time to settle down. He took a wife, a woman already with child, and raised the infant as his own. Five years after his marriage, though, he was dragged into a land-feud against a pureblooded Vampire. He dueled the vampiric lord, and fell. However, instead of murdering Buchanan outright, the Vampire fed from Thorne, and forced Immortal blood down his throat. A week later, Buchanan awoke ravenous, a true beast. In his blood lust-rage, he slaughtered most of his town as he tore through it back to his family. He regained his senses before he killed his wife and adopted son, but was chased from his home, hunted by those he once called friend. After, he fought numerous wars in Europe, moved to the New World(later U.S.A), and fought some more*Revolution, Civil War, the World Wars*. He spent some time as a singer, an escort, a body guard, even a lawyer. In his centuries of travel, he has been educated in almost all forms of combat, basic medicine(and alternate), and through experience knows both the history and culture of countless countries. He currently works as a professor for night classes in the local college.

Abilities/strengths: Enhanced physical strength and speed, agility. Shape-shifting. Strategic intelligence, primarily for calculations in fights(from fist-fights to arguments to war*both*). Unlike Full Vampires, can go out in the sun.

Weaknesses: Can only shapeshift to cats and dogs, his overcalculating nature leads to trust issues. occasional near rages like the one wherein he had slaughtered hundreds

Fears: His greatest fear is that he will go to blood lust again, harming more even than he had the first time; he doesn't want to lose himself. He is also afraid of being found out for his mixed blood, which would get him killed in most Immortal societies.

So begins...

Thorne Buchanan's Story


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Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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Al swallowed the med with some difficulty and then expanded her senses to distract her from the pain she was experiencing. In the haze of drugs she recognised that two creatures were coming this way. She was unable to vocalise anything as the meds knocked her out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Aleara-Rayn Hart
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Once Melia set down the wolf, she stayed out of the way. citrus-fruits-lady? Everyone tells me I smell like coconuts. Whatever. She made sure to keep the wolf still while person-who-can't-smell-right worked. She thought about ignoring the vamp just to annoy him, but she knew better. Luckily she had kicked her bag in while carrying the injured wolf in, So when the other woman asked for water, she pulled out a water bottle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Melia
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She glanced between the stranger and Ushio, then sighed and picked up the water bottle since it was closest. She quickly tilted the wolf's head back, getting her to swallow at least a mouthful of water before she passed out from the meds. She set the bottle down then went over to Ushio. "I know you probably don't get along normally, but she's hurt. If we weren't here on neutral ground I probably wouldn't be talking to you now."
She picked up the cup she set down in the middle of floor and took it back to the sink. She seemed fine talking with me before, though got defensive now with the wolf? It didn't make too much sense since the panthers had hunted some of the foxes once in awhile. They were a challenge, quick on their feet and being shifters they were smarter than normal prey. Well she would play it by ear, if the fox wanted to stay neutral fine, but if she started drawing lines she would probably do the same.


He let out a mental grumble <He will never get close to the thrones. Well as long as we can keep him away. Our society would fall to ruins with him in charge.> The idea of using this older vampire to help them was an intriguing idea. Though to get that to work they would need to befriend him in some way. Not that either of them were educated properly in how to interact with others besides themselves. They pretty much new how to talk to other high class vampires at structured parties. It was about time they were able to get out of the house. He nodded his head to the stranger who stiffened at their approach, though that fear isn't often seen in others they come to. "Nice evening tonight yes?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Melia
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The down side to being a shifter was that you burned through medication rapidly. Excellent metabolism has it's awesome sides like Al could eat anything, however being in pain meant being in pain. She came to her senses slowly. First she was with the man from before and he appeared to be with two other strange men. She didn't think it would end well. Then she honed her senses to the house. She heard the three women from before talking. Couldn't understand them because she thought it rude to eavesdrop, but she knew they were there.
Al shivered. Shifting from human to wolf to human again meant being naked and at the moment she apparently was not covered other than the bandages. Al hoped they brought her clothes... not that she minded being naked, but humans tended to find it inappropriate. She carefully shifted on the bed as not to disturb the bandages and carefully sat up. She was now in a predicament. She needed to map out her surroundings and find a blanket, however due to her current state there was a great possibility she would pass out. She tapped her finger quietly before slowly standing. If nothing else, she needed a drink of water.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Aleara-Rayn Hart
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((OOC: @ Tristis: Michael, Rem, and Thorne are in a different area than Jazz, Al, Melia, and Ushio))

Thorne nodded at the Prince's question. It had been a while, but he remembered Remiel was the one without glasses. "It is, Prince Remiel. I don't normally see you in this area of town. Why aren't you up at the Mansion with the Coven?" He glanced at Michael, who had gone tense, and wondered if he said anything wrong. Don't do anything stupid, Thorne. They're younger, true, but the Eldest pick their successors for power, not age...Stay on guard...

Michael frowned slightly. "We aren't stooges of the Coven. Who are you, anyway, child of Caine?" He hid an amused smile when the stinking commoner flinched.

"Thorne Buchanan, Prince Michael. I do not appreciate being associated with my Maker, however. I have cut as many ties with him as possible...."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Melia
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She nodded to Ushio, "I've have bad experiences with them also. Don't need to be friends..." She glanced up as she heard footsteps coming closer, and saw the stranger coming over to them. At her stammering she smiled a little. Seems she hasn't been around our type of society before. Though considering she is something none of us have seen around here before. Wonder where she came from. She put her hand out to meet Melia's and shook it briefly so Ushio could do the same.
"Yes, there's quite a few different types, though we all live in our respective areas of the city. I'm a panther." It felt a bit odd to tell someone that. Usually you could catch the scent of who someone ways, their type almost as easy to smell as it is to see their hair color. Perhaps she isn't a were-creature. That would mean no strong sense of smell, and explain why she couldn't smell who we are...


He tilted his head slightly, watching his brother and Thorne, they both seemed edgy though he knew Michael hated being associated with the Eldest, almost as much as this Thorne seemed to be with being connected to Caine. Interesting.... "He can be quite cruel, though it is a bit unusual for someone to disconnect from their makers isn't it?" Typically, even if they didn't want to be turned, they still stayed near their makers from what he had seen. Even now, he and his brother hadn't left, though they had plans to take over. We are still young by vampire standards, perhaps he has spent too much time near his maker. If we hadn't been made by the Eldest would we have moved on as well?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Aleara-Rayn Hart
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Ushio shrugged. "I suppose you're right, Jazz... however, I still need time to adjust... well, let's be honest, even without the wolf, I'm still having trouble adjusting..." She said with a quiet sigh. Ushio was already becoming homesick. She looked over her shoulder and found the one she'd refereed to as citrus-fruits-lady was approaching the two. Hearing her question explained a lot to Ushio, she was for a fact, not one of their kind, or even a vampire for that matter.

Nevertheless, she nodded. "I'm a Fennec fox." Ushio muttered as she shook Melia's hand. "However, my name is Ushio. Plus, just saying it for the sake of saying it, but I'm glad I can drop the 'citrus-fruits-lady' nickname." She said in a slightly bashful matter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Melia
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She nodded to Ushio's comment. It would take them all awhile to get used to each other. If they planned to stay together for a few more days that is. It was almost natural to dislike the other groups in the city, it was something that was taught to everyone sooner or later. It probably began for some reason though now it was more a taught habit.
As her attention went to Melia, all those thoughts went to the back of her mind, due to her somewhat short attention span. "So a Dryad hm? I haven't heard of one of those in the city. Though I think there are some old stories of them." Dryads had nearly faded into pure myth; their race being so old and their numbers decreasing the last she heard. Though it was still pretty cool to be able to talk to one, even if she was only half of one.


He tilted his head at Thorne's outburst. It wasn't common for someone to lash out like that in front of them, but at the same time it was refreshing to see someone act themselves instead of portraying a false persona. He never liked those fake nobles anyway, they were nothing but image and status, nothing real or natural. <The enemy of my enemy is my friend...He seems to only want the death of Caine. We could use that to help us be rid of him.> It was complicated, trying to rid yourself of your maker. So many rules and laws that would need to be bent, broken, and even cast aside in the attempt to do so. But that is what he and Michael wanted to do. They needed to end the old ways of their society and bring it into today. They would end up being ran out by the humans if the mass of the innocent ones ever found out about them. There was also a strenuous truce with the shifter clans within the city with hazy lines to the neutral zones. "You can't hope to achieve that goal all on our own. It also runs the risk of being killed, just at the mention of it...Unless you had the proper help."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Melia
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Thorne and Michael

Thorne couldn't help but gawk at Remiel. "Excuse me, Prince Remiel. Did you just say what I thought you did?" Any other noble or royal could have killed him then and there for talking badly about Lady Eldest's right hand man. He hadn't meant to say what he had aloud, but now that it was out in the open, they seemed to agree.
Michael laughed outright at Thorne's expression. "Of course he did. You need contacts, information other than what you can get on your own." <If it benefits us, I see no reason not to. But we'll let him think we're helping him, and not the other way around, I think. Do you agree, Brother?>


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Aleara-Rayn Hart
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((OOC: Sorry I have idea what happened with the computer and the posting but it went up like so many times >.< I fixed them though...))


She was about to ask the dryad more questions but then there was a yelling coming from the wolf they had brought in. She rushed over with the others and had intended to help but before she could the dryad was already trying to comfort her. She wouldn't have attempted that right away, she had seen her father come out swinging from his nightmares and had even hit her a few times. It didn't surprise her when the wolf started growling at the dryad. Luckily she seemed to come out of the dream quickly before she hurt anyone. She must have had that dream often if she was able to come out of it that quickly. It wad a good thing no one got hurt. When the wolf started apologizing she stepped closer, It's alright, no need for that. Are you okay though is there anything that we can do?


He chuckled at Thorne's response to his statement and mentally nodded towards Michael. <We would be able to lead him toward our goals a lot easier that way. You don't think that he will catch on though? Or should we plant our ideas on his head so that he thinks that he is in control of the entire situation?> If things worked out the way he has it planned out in his head then there would be almost no fall ask for them. If they were found out then Thorne would take the blame, and if their plans worked then Thorne would most likely rise in status and be a personal assistant type to them. Just keep in contact, if you want to make those plans a reality, I suggest taking advantage of any assistance you are given immediately.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael
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((OOC: AgentPocky: I think so, at least a general idea. He'll be headed that way soon))

Michael chuckled and nodded, with a businessman like gesture he slipped a card into Thorne's palm. <I think we can leave him be. lead him around for now; messing with the minds of our kind doesn't always work the way we want it to. He will think it's his idea though, just look at him. He wouldn't go along with it unless we give him the chance to twist it about.> "We hope to hear from you, Buchanan. I wouldn't call tomorrow, were I you. Unless, of course, you would like to give Caine the chance to hear this...." Thorne stuck his hand in his pocket with a held back snarl and bowed low, all but showing his back to the princes. Let them think he trusted them. He would have Caine's head. He could care less about what the Princes did.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Aleara-Rayn Hart
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Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Aleara-Rayn Hart Character Portrait: Melia
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She frowned as she watched the others. She could already tell that what ever dynamics in play here weren't going to go away quickly; there were too many deep set ridges between types for friendships to be made right away. She nodded to Ally, "Yes, she'll be fine. Eventually. Best if none of us caused trouble or we might end up killing each other." She didn't like the way Melia had told off Ushio, though perhaps she didn't understand how prevalent the distances between groups were.
Jazz walked away and followed Ushio out of the room. She rubbed her nose to get rid of the wolf scent still lingering there; it was a smell that she was always told was disgusting, so it wasn't a pleasant smell to her. She aught up to Ushio and put her hand on her shoulder. "Hey, just me. You alright now? Anything I can do?"


He nodded to Thorne and started walking off with his brother. <He still may not trust us. Would be best if we just let him take the reins completely, and we give him ideas here and there. In the mean time, I lost that scent smell.> He looked around the street to see who was out late. <Shall we go find something else to snack on while it's still dark?>


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Aleara-Rayn Hart Character Portrait: Melia
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Ushio felt a tear run down her cheek. "Oh Jazz, this is all so horrible..." She mumbled, turning to her. "I shouldn't of came here... I honestly shouldn't... I'm glad I made a friend or two, but to have this happen? Too much has happened today... I-I can't take it...!!" She stomped her foot. "I wanna go home... I wanna be with my grandparents, I-I don't even care if I'm treated like a 8 year old!"

She sighed deeply, leaning up against the wall. "... Jazz, I'm so scared... I'm almost petrified... what could possibly be out there? What will I... will I have to fight? Who will be by my side?" Ushio started to tremble. "I... I feel so helpless... and having to argue with everyone else makes it even worse..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Aleara-Rayn Hart
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Thorne relaxed as finally he was able to get away from the Princes, but only slightly. He was starving now, a danger to himself and the city around him--in more ways than one. he made his way out into the woods as quickly as he could to hunt before sunrise came around.
Although, what I am going to do with a group of females in my home, I am not sure....


<Definitely. It's a pity though, that we've lost the scent... We'll find her eventually, though, won't we?> He smiled at a human woman as he passed, laughing loudly as she turned into a blabbering puddle on the sidewalk. He whistled to himself, his gaze scanning the streets for a perfect target. Nothing could ruin this little adventure.
Well... Nearly nothing....
<Dammit! What is that Baron doing out here? Shouldn't he be kissing the back of Mother's ballgown?> He growled as he caught sight of the Baron Caine himself, looking only slightly older than most 40-somethings. Not in how he dressed, but the feel about him. Soulless, coal colored eyes that stared through you, a steady pace that was as timeless as it was predatory. The near black suit he wore could very well have been died to its deep crimson by the blood of some of those who crossed him.
And he had spotted the Princes.

((OOC: Sorry it took me so long to post, guys. Got done with finals last week, and various events this week, so things may take a bit))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Aleara-Rayn Hart Character Portrait: Melia Character Portrait: Dahlia
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That was all that was on Dahlia's mind at the moment as she stuck her snout into the dirt, searching frantically. The little girl was starving, she hasn't eaten in two hours! The baby boar stomped her hoof into the ground, substituting it for a shovel. "Puhi Puhi..." This was a sign that she found what she was looking for, since she couldn't talk in her animal form.

A few minutes later, Dahlia was happily chowing down on a fresh-out-of-the-ground truffle. Granted, it wasn't enough to satisfy her, but it'll do for now.

Just then, she heard something coming her way, but made nothing of it. She was completely oblivious to how dangerous it was to be alone in the middle of the forrest, especially at night! Dahlia turned her back and assumed it was just a... really big squirrel.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ushio Character Portrait: Jazz Character Portrait: Thorne Buchanan Character Portrait: Remiel Character Portrait: Michael Character Portrait: Aleara-Rayn Hart
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Really, why does she try? He lost her three months ago when he stupidly fell asleep. Keeping a 24 hour watch on the pup was tiring. She tried to run every chance she got. He sighed as his nose took in every smell and sorted out them into unimportant scents. Vince knew he was close to where she was. It was like having a live wire running through his body instead of veins and whenever he was close to her his body simply buzzed with finding the little tramp. He shouldn't have attacked her, then again if she hadn't looked at him the way she always did none of this would have happened. It was her own fault. But what can you do? She needed to be kept on a short leash and punished for running away... again.
Vince was about to settle down for the night when a familiar smell hit him. Mint and cool crisp air. He's found her. He started running towards the source and found day old blood. He snarled at the offensive coagulated liquid. Whoever did this to her was going to pay! He scented around for the other party's scent. Musk and tobacco. He sneezed at the equally offensive smell. He pawed at the ground before deciding what to do. Find the man who had hurt his pet? Or go after his woman? Well it had been a while since he hunted something as challenging as a human.
He trotted off in the direction of the man's scent. Vince shifted into his human form with a cruel smile. He could kill two birds with one stone. Kill the man who had hurt his bitch and track her down. Things were looking up for Vince.