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Freedom Forsaken

Freedom Forsaken


This is not the roleplay Freedom Forsaken; this is a compilation by the GM of what we, the participants of FF, have created during the course of the WoLaD RPG series. If you'd like to join us, then read the rules and follow through.

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A Brief Summary of the Beginning, the Middle and What's Happened (which lobs an entire RP into a teeny paragraph, thus eliminating a great deal of interesting details which you can catch up on at The War of Light and Dark

Aduro is a land of four races—the faeries and elves, as well as shape-shifters and humans. Neighboring Aduro is Acerbus, a land inhabited by Rau-lass, fell beings who sought more power than they had, aiming to raise their dark race above the other four. The war started separately for each race—first the faeries, then their neighbors, the elves, fought for freedom. Each race has a special trademark—in the case of the faeries, this would be their strong, resilient souls, bound by magic in a link reaching to all members of their race, resulting in astounding unity and force, also giving rise to many telepaths among them. The Rau-lass, being a race of soul-mages, knew that conquering the land would be easiest with this power, so they struck them first. They hadn’t counted on the alliance between their opponent and the elves, though—that immortal race struck them with a vengeance. Soon after came the shifters, who joined only when the Rau-lass tried to take their lands as well. Last were the human, providing strength in numbers when it became apparent their livelihoods were threatened. For years they fought thus, divided and weak. However, after about a quarter of a century, they saw that alone, they were vulnerable, but in unity there was a chance of victory. So meetings were made, councils held, and after much deliberation, a new alliance was forged between the four races, one that instilled a new fear in the Rau-lass and set them planning a new course of action…

The War of Light and Dark (translation from the faery tongue, named thus because of legendary origins) was an RP centering around the people who were part of the battle front at Tumulosus (also a faery name— I like to work on cultures and whatnot, so feel free to bandy about some elvish or shifter’s tongue, if you so desire). It began with Dei (commander) Sorea Pardai of the faeries, Commander Keara of the shape-shifters, Commander Night of the elves, Colonel Alder Crow (later demoted to Major, then promoted to General) and Captain Rae Ambey (later promoted to Colonel) of the humans. Another person who joins is Phoenix Raine (later discovered to be Major Jasmine Ambey) of the forest wolf-pack. An elf assassin named Lilith also enters the fray, unwillingly at first, to spread word of a secret land created centuries ago in the cold north, born of the followers of a betrayed assassin, which she hints at to Altus (high healer) Signum Vulnus, another northerner. A young woman, Selan Ilyea, joins the war effort as well, though she places herself with the faeries instead of her kinsmen, the humans, her memories hidden from her knowing. We see what happened, how they came to discover treachery from the mages in their own ranks, as well as betrayal from humans, false allies led by Brigadier-General Astrophel Soryuu, secretly working for the Rau-lass. The humans, apparently, weren’t with their ‘allies’ among the other races for long before they began to bargain with the Rau-lass; such underhand trickery was a part of Phoenix’s forgotten past, revealed in full and resulting in her capture and torture by that selfsame race. A young faery named Aeolus, still little more than a child, escapes from his captors to tell of harsh experiments conducted on others of his kind, to harness the strength of the faeries, which they couldn’t obtain either from Phoenix when she was still a Major under General Ymandra Llanna. If you want to read it, the beginning is a tad boring, but the rest works out.

It has been seven months since the fall of the allied forces and since Sorea died at the hands of Astrophel Soryuu, leaving her soldiers leaderless whilst battle raged and the remaining three of the sundered alliance between four races fell, defeated by the onslaught of human and Rau-lass. They’ve gone their separate ways now, spread far and wide across Aduro. A handful of cities still resist, but this, the beginning of the RP, is the eve of their destruction. Occalus is one of these places, as is the elves’ capital city, Duilliúir. They’ve each shared their forces, lending telepath or mage as well as could be done under pressing circumstances, for these two races were allies long before the war, when they were yet a young people who knew little of shifters or humans. The shifters themselves fight separated, as their last place of resistance is too far for any aid to be sent. Alone they will die, with no comrades save their own. Set your character somewhere in the land, give them some purpose, be it as simple as remaining under the Rau-lass’s radar or as complex as playing a spy or traitor. Because we’re all separate, I don’t want everybody running into each other at once, like a school reunion. It’d be interesting, I think, if chance meetings occurred, and it’s alright if half of the characters never run into the other half, but remain at opposite ends of the land, working parallel to them towards a joint goal, or even working against them. If this is incomprehensible rambling to anyone, I’ll answer questions. So… that’s it.

A simple map of Aduro and the surrounding lands. I’ve only included the largest geographical details, so there’re obviously a great many more forests, mountains and waterways than you see here. Additionally, the only locations I’ve pointed out are those mentioned in the previous RP, so if a spot is indicated, I’ll add the location to the map.

Cetairiacelos, marked as ‘Lilith’s Land’ in the above map, is a small country under the rule of an unknown elf, the Avelate. Northern settlements near the boundary-forest have many strange tales concerning the area, for there are scouts posted all along the periphery whose job is to scare away and keep out people. Cetairiacelos itself is unknown, which is why I left it blank on the map of Aduro.

A combined and colored map by ShadowWake. :D

(Reiterated at far end of Introduction)

-If your character dies, you can make a new one, so don’t hesitate to make them croak if it makes sense.
- No perfect characters that are good at everything, learn things at the speed of light and have awesome looks to boot, or who can miraculously compete with any kind of magic or do all sorts of wondrous acts (especially if they’re new to magic). Life is full of trials and tribulations; not only does it suck reading about such characters, it also takes away from the whole RP experience. Likewise, don’t put characters whose life is a huge sob story, who’ll always have had more hardships than the guy next to them.
- Swearing and violence is allowed, but again, sexual violence can only be implied. It’s a dark time—things like that are to be expected, and it adds a nice emotional turmoil should it happen, but the RPGateway rules still stand.
- In real life, not everyone is nice or golden. Try to see if you can worm in slightly treacherous thoughts that lean more towards self-preservation than chivalry from time to time.
- No Text Type! Use complete grammar unless you’ve got a good reason to not do so, and refrain from one-liners.
- As Game Master, I reserve the right to see your characters beforehand, so if you haven’t already received my badge of approval, PM your bio to me. Your character will come out in one piece, I assure you. Be warned, I look at the bio to see how good your writing style is, and while a bio isn’t the best example (heck, mine are like fillers in the newspaper), it still lets me see some of your creativity and grasp of sentence structure (sad that I need to check that last one).

Note-worthy blurbs

- We have no half-breeds here, because in this world, each race is a separate species, so their offspring would be like that of a human and a monkey—nonexistent. Also, most people would be slightly nauseated by the inter-racial alliance (like a human with a goat). It’s fine to have a one-night stand with another race, but not to get into a deep relationship.
-Bird-wing faeries don’t mate with butterfly-wings. Just like tigers and lions are big cats, but of a different species, so are these two. In other words, they can produce offspring, but the children would be infertile, unable to fly from the bizarre hybrid wing-structure, etc. Lions date lions, tigers date tigers—they usually get together only when there are no others of the same kind.
-Shifters may be fully human, or fully animal, but nothing in between for any extended period of time (so mid-morph, in freeze-frame photography, you could catch a picture of a stretched-out semi-human face, but you ain't gonna get no shifters sashaying around with claws and tail on a human body).
-If your character is of a scholarly cast, then keep in mind that they can’t have read every text under the sun without a lot of traveling. In a day and age such as this wherein we find ourselves, the only way to obtain a copy of a book is by copying it down, word for word. Also, libraries (which are usually huge buildings situated in well-populated cities) don’t lend books, because if you lose it, then poof! It’s gone. Too bad for them.

Present yourself thus:
Name: (Include both first and last name. I’m just mentioning that because not everyone does it)
Sexual Orientation:
Appearance: (Either picture or description, which should include eye color, hair color, skin tone, height, and additional things like clothing or accessories)
Strengths and weaknesses (can be combined with bio): (This is hard for everyone, I guess. Just put down something glaringly obvious for weaknesses, and let the rest flow as the RP progresses. I won’t nit-pick about a lack of weaknesses now, unless it becomes apparent in your posts)

Information Concerning the Various Races

These are a winged people, not small creatures such as one might find in fairy tales, but tall, stately men and women akin to the Fae of Celtic mythology or the Norse legends. However, they aren’t the demi-gods myth makes them out to be; a steel-pointed lance or quick blow will hurt them as much as it would hurt any other creature. Evolution-wise, their bodies have adapted to be able to endure flight, rendering their anatomy a rather different thing than those of the humans, as well as giving rise to faster healing. There are two types of faery: the butterfly-winged and the bird-winged.

Butterfly-wings: The wing is translucent, tinted in varying colors as simple as blue or a s complex as a monarch butterfly’s wings and made of chitin (like insects, though they’re more glass-like). However, the seemingly fragile appearance of these structures belies their true strength, for it isn’t some puny fly that these wings lift, but a near-human being, far heavier despite their physical adaptations. You’ll find these folk prefer a semi-tropical or tropical environment, living in fertile valleys or bountiful forests, finding a home in the east and southern parts of Acerbus (easterners look fairly Caucasian, though with slanted eyes and angular cheekbones; southerners are midnight-skinned and proud-faced). Their homes are built on the ground—remember, though, that the southerners are for the most part nomads. Smaller and less war-like, their culture revolves around the green and growing, or the pursuit of finer arts and knowledge. They’re open to many ideas (and accept homosexuality to a certain degree), but because they have such an intense curiosity about why things are the way they are, their religion is more of an animistic thing. As such, ‘religious’ ceremonies tend to be a celebration of the spirit inhabiting objects more than anything else.

Bird-wings: Well, the name says it all, doesn’t it? They have enormous, feathered wings stuck on their back. Tall and adapted to harsh climes, these faeries inhabit mountains and other places where a butterfly might not live as comfortably. They’ve populated the western mountain range, near the elven forests, as well as a good part of the north (westerners have tanned skin, northerners are pale, with thickly feathered wings to conserve body heat). The metal-smithy of the western race is renown, for their weapons are of an extraordinary make, imbued with the innate magic of their race (faery magic). The Eastern people were the ones who refined the art, making the weapons beautiful as well as efficient, but it was the bird-wings who founded it. Let me be clear on this: faery magic isn’t the kind of magic that can be summoned forth like flames or elements; it’s a subtle bond, a communal link between the people which, when the races were young, was crucial to their survival, resulting in it becoming a part of them. Evolution again, sort of. All faeries have keen sight, much like a hawk or falcon, enabling them to observe terrestrial events from great heights. Back to the bird-wings. Cities are high, constructed on cliff walls, tree branches, or other lofty perches; the only way to enter their keeps is via flight, meaning that no, they aren’t very flexible towards visitors. If you want in and you have no wings, you’ll either have to ask someone to fly you up, or wander off elsewhere. As far as religion is concerned, they believe in war-gods, with the odd goddess of healing here and there. Priestesses carry out the rituals and ceremonies honoring the deities, but priests take care of day-to-day work at temples. However, early bird-wings were more concerned with survival than maintaining a good image in the eyes of the gods, which led to a fairly lax upholding of beliefs. Many of the race are agnostic or simply believe in the gods without doing all that much in the way of paying homage. Bird-wing society has a rather disgusted view of homosexuality and barely tolerates bisexuality.

For all faeries, the mourning regalia isn’t black, it’s grey—a pearly, soft, sad shade of grey, like an overcast day when the clouds are just about ready to toss around some thunder. In addition to the somber clothing, a faery in mourning generally wears his/her hair unbound. Also, they’ve got special clothing, because there is absolutely no way they’d ever manage to don human clothing, what with the wings. Their lifespan runs thus:
1-7 yrs. = toddler, 8-10 yrs. = older child, 11-14 yrs. = preteen, 14-19 yrs. = teen, 19-250 yrs. = young adult, 251-485 yrs. = middle aged, 486+ yrs. = old. The reason for the bizarre age patterns is that while young, faeries mature fast, and then cellular aging rapidly slows down, so that they spend a longer time on the various stages of adulthood.



How much more versatile can you get? When you’ve got a race of people that can turn into animals, it ain’t by much. Mind you, shifters don’t turn into every living thing under the sun—they’ve got more style and panache than that. Such a sort of versatility is for losers who don’t have the skill to manage with a limited range. Shifters shift by animal family. Here’s an example, because that wasn’t too clear: A feline shifter can turn into all sorts of felines. They can be a jaguar, an ocelot, a housecat, and so on. Canines can be dogs, foxes, wolves, coyotes and etcetera. I think you get the picture. Now, that would make them seem like a powerful race, but that’s not quite the full of it.

Shifters don’t have very much magic. Have you ever heard of a magically inclined cat? Only if it’s a witch’s familiar (none of those in this RP, please). Although they can belong to two worlds, that of the human and that of animals, the cost of this is that other forms of magic are weaker in their strain, because of that very magic which makes their souls so malleable. In fact, they’ve got less of it than the humans do, although that’s not to say they don’t have their (not too strong, if skilled) mages—they do, but less often. In keeping with this, I’d like it if shifter-mages were kept to a minimum. Aside from that, they live a little longer than a human does; say an average lifespan of 95 years?

Concerning the matter of worship, the shape-shifters hold annual festivals and celebrations honoring the link between human and animal. Each type has their own different way of carrying out such traditions, although the central concept to them is the vast web of connectedness between all living things (now we wonder what the heck happened to plants that made them get excluded…).

In the early days, shifters weren’t able to make clothes that morphed with them (which led to awkward moments). Now, though, they’ve figured out how to imbue their weavery with shifting magic, so that their clothes morph with them. Their armor will alter to fit the form they don—so a rodent shifter can go from being a stout warrior to being a steel-clad squirrel, if he wished as much. There are some repercussions for their shifting, though; when they’re in animal form, certain muscles are bound to be exercised more than others. An equine shifter, for instance, would be fleet and strong-legged, but with weaker biceps. A bear would, perhaps, be extremely muscular, but none too fast, and so on. Culture-wise, they’re rather diverse. The main reason for this is that although they are classified as a single race, the people themselves feel more kinship towards others of the same kind, so they tend to break off into their own tribes of felines, equines, canines, ect. However, all members consider a dark, rich purple color, velvety and soft, to be their dress of mourning.



The Elves preoccupy themselves with various things, such as sculpture, music and other arts. They live predominantly in forests, which have given way to a pale-skinned people of tall stature and silent foot; there are, however, smaller settlements by the sea-side, which is dear to these people of trees and ocean. In addition, elves have keener hearing and fleeter foot than many a people, as well as being able to heal faster than humans, a trait found in faeries as well. Males and females can do almost everything equally; females can defend themselves at need as well as males, and many males are skilled healers as well.

Yes, they are long-lived. Whether they are indeed immortal, no one knows yet, for it takes a strong soul to endure the dusty years, to keep living without being weighed down by grief or sorrow after having had seen centuries of trouble—even then, you’d be hard-pressed to find an elf that has lived for more than 1,000 years, for they are still susceptible to illness, wounds, starvation and the aforementioned grief. Keep in mind that because of this, their off-spring are the slowest to mature out of all the races. Eternal; life leads to some open-minded views, so the elves don’t care about anyones’ sexual orientation too much.

Humans have little magic, shifters hardly go beyond their shifting and faeries, when they have magic, have a very selective kind of magic. Not so with elves. These folk are probably the most magically adept of all the races; true, the faeries have more telepaths, true, the shifters are both animal and human, true that the humans are the only race with holy magic—however, most elves have some kind of magical power to their name, even if it’s only enough to light a candle. This natural strength brought about a complete disdain for belief in deities or gods in general. Although this race carries a profound respect for the working of fate (they believe in that, because the dying magic of foresight is always accurate), the thought of worship is disgusting.

Their customary mourning apparel is long, white robes (for the ceremony honoring the deceased) and from then on, clothing the blue-black color of the evening sky. As traditional fantasy characters, there’s little more to add here; if I see the need, I’ll stick some more in.



…and the title sums it up. I’m not about to describe our own race in full. Heck, WE’RE human! However, there are a few points of interest concerning these seemingly inconsequential buggers (by thew way, the average lifespan for humans is sixty-five years).

What powers have humans? Have they keen sight and silent speed, as do the elves, or strong, resilient souls and flight, as do the faeries? No, nor can they shift shapes, a gift reserved only for the Shifters. What have these people to their name, then? They have belief. Humans, unlike any other race, can be driven by their belief such that it may manifest itself as magic, known as ‘Holy Magic’. Even this is rare enough (In fact, I’m not sure I want any more of these people than we already have, because this entire bit was created by Okugi99, and I don’t want to encroach upon his/her territory); Astrophel Soryuu is a man blessed with the gift, and Selan Ilyea has a different kind of it. She’s what is called a sa’ancendia (plural sa’ancedi) by the faeries, a person whose ancestors bore two magics—elemental and holy—which, through some rare chance of fate, commingled to produce a hybrid magic, wherein one calls upon the elements via prayer and supplements, an uncommon thing. To use the words of Comitis Concero in the previous RP, “… this occurrence in itself is rare, because magics usually don't mingle thus, and sa'ancedi can show up after huge generation gaps when it looks as though a family has no magic in its line.” And straight from the mouth of an Ambey (Rae Ambey), addressing Selan on the subject of holy magic, "You know, back at the camp, we called magic like that 'holy' magic. Because you prayed, see? There's some cults, too, that dedicate their entire life to the teaching and the learning of that magic. There once was a time, too, when they were killed off because no one could understand how and why they had this power. But no one's heard from the cult in ages. Most people believe that they've lost their battle against the Shadowmen. A handful says that they've hidden themselves. Who knows?"

Other than that, humans have displayed an astonishing capacity for growth, even in face of their apparent weaknesses. They far outnumber the sole populations of faeries, elves or shifter, and this has been achieved without the longevity of elf and faery. They are the main choice of prey for Rau-lass, as their weak souls make them easy to convert into atrox. As far as mourning apparel goes, humans favor a full, inky black, as deep as the grief they feel and as unending as the pit in their hearts.

Rau-lass (Raí’alssa) & Atrox

The Rau-lass, Raí’alssa to the faeries, are a species so powerful that not only could they single-handedly take on four others, they could also conquer and enslave them. Females are dominant among this race of erotic men and women, though they all bear an ambiguous appeal to both sexes. All of them are characterized by a full, sensuous mouth, heavy-lidded eyes and arched brows, with shapely bodies and slender, sharp-nailed (talon would be a better word) hands. Their hair is comprised of long tentacles, not the kind that hang limp and lifeless, but writhing like a bed of snakes. These seducers are gifted in telepathy, apparent in some degree among the majority of their populace, and all wield formidable skill with soul-magic.

Their servants are the atrox. Once human, the atrox are insensible, gutted things, ravaged by their masters and bereft of souls. A constant layer of shadow ensconces them, an armor that blisters and scalds bare flesh. Their loyalty is unflagging, save amongst a very few who managed to resist during their turning; they consequentially are culled, for their telepathic masters can sense rebellion, and the newborn atrox is uncoordinated and senseless. Faeries can’t be made into atrox—their souls are too strong, too closely linked by their innate bond. Turn a faery, and the result will either be death for the subject, madness, or a horribly mutilated effigy of what is desired, that dies within an hour of its creation a horrible death. Elves too are protected by magic. Their spirit endures, as they endure the long years of their lives, patiently withstanding the attempts of the Rau-lass to change them—try to make an elvish atrox, and both the subject and experimenter are apt to die, the elf from the agony and sheer strength necessary to resist, the Rau-lass only if he or she persists on trying to turn the elf. As for shifters? They’re neither human or animal, so their souls have to accommodate that. The spirit must match the vessel (because that defines the soul), which is why attempts made by other races to shape-shift ends in disaster. Until the Rau-lass have gained the ability to twist and morph their magic and essences to follow the shifters’ ever-changing spirit, no matter what their form, they won’t be able to turn them.

This has put the Rau-lass in a bit of a tiff. At the beginning of the previous RP, it was established that faery children were being kidnapped and used as test subjects because their strength wasn’t as fast and matured as an adults’, news brought by an escaped experiment (Aeolus) who couldn’t fly and who had lost the bond of faery-magic. Now all children of the three magical races are being used to see how the Rau-lass may be improved. They desire the unity and strength through soul of the faeries, the magic and immortality of elves, and the dual lives of shifters.


Rough Timeline of Cornerstone Events in Aduro (in years)

1-150: Three of Aduro's four races inhabited separate, distinct corners, bird-wings had yet to meet butterfly-wings, elves were an unknown race, humans were barbaric south-east nomads, and shifters all over the place lived in unruly tribes or were a solo affair, depending on what they shifted into (felines only paired to mate, canines had packs of people, etc.)

151-375: The races start to create crude civilizations. A sprawling city of stone masonry forms on the western moutain range, though small by Aduro's modern standards; the elves come in contact with a strange group of people in the East who live in sod dugouts and bear glassy wings on their backs. Tentative communication links are established. Shifters continue to live in much the same way, though they've reduced their attacks on the other races. Humans have formed rough settlements which are taking babysteps towards expansion.

375-678: Elves have become slightly more trusting of the butterfly-faeries. The Eastern faeries have a more advanced government than that of most other races. Originally living in familial clans, the elves take the initiative to begin to unify their race. Western faeries discover deposits of iron ore in their mountains, but lack the technology to make it into weaponry. At this point, they continue to hammer out plates of weaker metals to affix to poles as crude spears; they begin to expand their Western cities. Lingering nomads seeking to find new places to travel in order to escape the expansionist human gov't run into a bird-wing hunting-party. Within months they return to the humans to tell them their fantastical tale; despite the fact that they have an enormous, shorn feather with them, their claims are dismissed as incredulous. Nothing of note happens with the shifters.

730-1000: Birdwings meet butterfly wings for the first time as they send out groups of explorers who travel via skies; though they are aware of the existence of avian shifters, never before have they seen other beings who naturally have an anatomy designed for flight. Immediate alliances and vows of protection are formed. Through the butterflies, the bird-wings meet the elves. Through the joint influence of the two new races, the faeries begin to add much-needed altercations to their heavily autocratic government. War breaks out between the tribal shifters and the humans in the south. Initially bearing the upper hand with their holy-mages wreaking havoc, humans start to win, but at the last moment the shifters unite (think Mongols) and together repulse the new threat. In honor of their achievement they create a city on the battlefield, calling it Nadria, meaning new hope. Though still relatively separated, there is more inter-tribal contact as they use the city for festivities, and the inhabitants start to take a more pacific view of other races than those who continue to wander.

1200-1300: A lot of things start to happen really fast. Southern butterflies had become a part of the eastern-butterfly government, with two joint rulers at the head. In the west, the old faery king has been toppled by a courtisan called Regis Bacilio, who assassinated him with the aid of a poison made by the elves. The new monarch, aware of his unstable position, hastily calls a meeting of the three races (birds, butterflies and elves) and forges a treatise with the elves, making them allies forevermore (while assuring that they won't help someone else assassinate him as they did with Regis's predecessor). Twelve elves of the more powerful clans were present, which led to the later position of the Twelve Advisors in elvish government. At this meeting, the bird-wings also declared the butterflies as being of the same race. Interestingly, the butterfly emissaries were forced to accept at sword-point, thus placing their entire population under the rule of the bird-wing Regis. He returned to the west shortly after, keeping a few butterflies at court so that communication lines with the east were open; he named the capital city Tehralos. The humans continued to try and expand, only this time they made straight for the east, which bore fewer settlements but promises of fertile land.

1301-1400: Butterfly rebellions have almost completely ceased to exist when they realized that though the birdwings were new rulers, they were really too far away to properly impose their strict, war-like laws upon their philosophical counterparts. Though governors were placed amongst them, they were for the most part content to let the life of the butterflies progress much as it had before. The elves have created a new technology, which is the making of glass. Humans have settled in the far east, in what is now Acerbus; they've discovered how to melt down iron and properly smelt, hammer, gild and treat it to make short swords. Armed with these improved weapons and greater numbers, they redouble their efforts to expand in the west. However, they are repulsed by the elvish mages, who with their air-borne allies make quick work of them. The frustration of the humans begins to give way to a deep-rooted prejudice against the more advanced species.

1450-1700: Periodic wars and skirmishes between the butterfly faeries (them being closest) and humans have lead to the naturally curious faeries learning the secret of sword-making. This is immediately made use of by the war-oriented bird-wings in the making of superior steel weaponry (an team of butterflies and elves had made steel, as well as various other metal alloys, some years past). The humans are frantic at this point, and start experimenting with ways to make explosives; early attempts are largely unsuccessful, because science is rather weak in Aduro, what with magic being able to do everything so efficiently. They also seek to improve their mediocre magic-users, among the strongest of which can light a candle.

2000-2200: Strange ships with a long, elegant design land on far eastern shores. Such vessels have never been seen before. A few shifter tribes had made small curraghs to skim waves near shore, but nothing of the scale and strength. The beings upon them were initially terrifying to the humans; they hadn't been able to speak their Common tongue, communicating instead with a harsh, guttural language of their own. Yet within minutes of encountering their first human, all of them could communicate in rough, heavily accented Common Tongue. They called themselves the Rau-lass, and explained that they were gifted with a superior knowledge (no, they didn't elaborate far enough to explain that this knowledge was actually telepathy; that would have caused war). At this time too the faeries have learned how to imbue magic into their weapons, a method gleaned from the shape-shifters, who'd finally learned how to make their clothes shift with them.

2250-2600: Initially peaceful, as soon as the Rau-lass had gone back to their far-off land and returned some years later with a much larger fleet, they attacked the human settlement, routing them from the coastlines. Then the foreigners set about exploring the new patch of land they'd fought for, naming the tiny state Acerbus. Experimentations on war-prisoners revealed that humans had oddly weak souls which could be twisted and perverted with magic, leading to the creation of the first atrox. The vastness of the human race meant that there was an ample supply of subjects, which should make up for the still-low numbers of the Rau-lass. At this time too the shifters, whose development was lax in the past centuries, created a council with elected representatives from each tribe that would act as a proper governing body. They started to settle down, establishing more towns and cities around Nadria. Oh, and the humans develop flint-lock guns and hand-tossed explosives.

2600-2675: The humans have scattered throughout the north, south and east of Aduro (as it is now being called by elves and faeries, the predominant races). They establish a new north-east settlement, dubbed Oestin, to be the new base for their government. Around this time the Rau-lass have expanded their growing empire with stunning speed. The shifter capital Nadria falls before them, turning into a bloody battle-ground. They rename it Narda, new sorrow, and retreat to create a new capital dubbed Calydon. The shifters sent envoys to the other three races warning them of the new threat to their land. The humans dismiss them (having already met the enemy), but this is news to the faeries and elves, who agree to sent a coalition of mages and soldiers to make peace negotiations.

2676: Negotiations failed when it became evident hat the terms would halt the growth of the Rau-lass empire. A mages' duel ensued, which was the first time the Rau-lass could fully see the magic of the other two races; they'd become familiar with the shifters' morphing and humans' lack of magic, so they naturally assumed that these puny diplomats would bear just as little magic. Not so. Confronted with the telepaths of the faeries, whose strength could actually parallel their own in the strongest individuals, and the ferocity of the elvish mages, they engaged in a bloody fight. Eventually they won, but that was only when they deployed their soul-magic; many of the Rau-las who'd done so, though, died even as their victims did, for the elves proved oddly resistant. The wars between the the two groups begin just a year later. In this time, humans continue to work on their explosives, rapidly ascending in strength of arms in order to make mince-meat of faery arms.

2701: All the races are engaged in warfare with this new threat. After a succession of devastating losses, they come to realize that the cannot continue to fight thus, and a period of fourteen months is spent exchanging messages and vows of allegiance, until a new alliance is formed, with the four races unified by the Rau-lass much the way that the shifters were, many centuries past, unified by the humans.

2703: The humans still resent the other races for their physical superiority-- they know that without their guns and grenades, they'd be easy fodder for the others. At this time the Rau-lass begin to make underhand, secret negotiations with them and their mages.

2705: The War of Light and Dark begins, just as the humans discover the secret to making cannons, which will aid them in blasting faeries and avian shifters out of the air.
The Deities
-compiled courtesy of ShadowWake

Ys’fralista (pron: Iss-frah-liss-tah): The highest-worshipped deity in the Rau-lass religion, Ys’fralista is the goddess of love, lust and war. As cruel as she is compassionate, all Rau-lass – females especially – follow her example, otherwise fearing punishment from T’sarl, Goddess of Fortallat’im (the afterlife). Depicted as a nude woman, statues often show chained individuals - both men and women – in postures of worship at her feet, describing the control love, lust and war has over every soul and thus the enormous amount of power the goddess possesses. Sacrifices – often personal – are made to encourage both courage and confidence and to aid in victory in each aspect she controls.

Kas’vn (pron: kaz-vin): This god is one of a twin and ruler of the heavens and all it contains, including the sun, moon, stars and weather. Kas’vn is often depicted in an enveloping robe of stars, the sun held in one palm and the moon held in the other. It is said by the Rau-lass that the weather is based on his emotions and that anyone angering him is likely to feel his personal wrath via a storm of some means. In order to prevent this, a vigil is held on one night every year to which all the Rau-lass attend by some means: usually a traditional spiritual affair with candles and incantations as well as fasting – an apparent physical and mental voiding of emotion.

Lamal’esh (pron: lamma-lesh): As Kas’vn’s twin sister, Lamal’esh is the goddess of earth and nature, the provider of food and fertility. Apparently calmer than her twin, Lamal’esh is depicted with four breasts, sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed on a rocky outcrop. Statues of her are usually roughly carved and draped in dark vines in order to further appreciate her control over the elements, earth and water – her brother carrying the burden of fire and air. Animal sacrifices are often made in her honour for a gain in agriculture, fertility or for pre-empting destructive events such as war.

T’sarl (pron: zarl): Goddess of Fortallat’im, the Rau-lass afterlife, T’sarl goes hand-in-hand with the worship of Ys’fralista. Also named as ‘the punisher’ or ‘justice’, she is always depicted with a cat-o-nine-tails and an expression that can only be described as ‘remorseless’, her long, unbound tentacles draping around her armoured form and reaching to her feet. Those who to not worship Ys’fralista rightly are said to be tormented eternally, while those that are worthy move beyond torment into a life of luxury in Fortallat’im, where they will forever have every wish their heart desires.

Vas’lar (pron: vaz-lar): God of Time, Fate and Fortune, Vas’lar is often not depicted at all and is simply quietly worshipped as an everyday occurrence. Known also as ‘the life-giver’, ‘the master of paths’ and ‘death’, he controls time and all it encompasses, including the when, where and how of each birth and death as well as each of the myriad of paths an individual may take in between.
Butterfly-Winged Faeries
-Compilation by Selothi

The Shifters would believe in a sort of Mother Nature figure, rather than any specific deity of a certain role.

It would in a way be monotheistic (one god only only), but as she represents many things, they might worship her in different forms, depending on the reasons for the worship. For example, the Lady might be worshipped in the form of a pregnant woman, draped in a light gown to reveal her swollen belly to represent fertility, as she would've given birth to the world, and all its animals. For the elements, like when fighting a battle or something, maybe have her melded waist-down with a tree, to symbolise her link to nature, and have her wielding the elements in different ways. Hair blowing wild to represent wind, water in one hand, fire in the other, and the tree as earth too.

Etcetera. However, she wouldn't be considered to be now non-present on Earth like our modern monotheistic religions. Rather, have it that rather than having just set the wheels of life, evolution, and time and all that into motion, have it so that she constantly turns them, therefore making her job to maintain Nature that much greater than just having all put it in motion and sitting back to watch it like our own gods.

I usually, in my own RPs, incorporate three big deities: Mother Nature, Fate and Death. I'll abstain from the last two with the Shifters, I think that seeing their strong link to nature, they need only worship her, in her many different forms and aspects. And of course, this wouldn't be a very strict religion. No need to uphold it much, it already is in the way Shifters act in regards to their relation with Nature. They defend it and respect it. However, it can't be denied. I don't think any Shifter could be allowed to say that the Lady, Mother Nature, doesn't exist, as most believe the proof of her existence to be around them, the very earth they walk on.

I don't know much about what's called paganism, but I see it in my mind as similar to Gaelic religions. I think these are polytheistic though, right ? Still, change that to monotheistic and that would be my view of Shifter religion.

Bird-Winged Faeries

Aurelius-- A symbol of what one must strive for, a god of victory on the field and a valiant death. He's traditionally depicted with the sun or through embossed gold, and his altar is wide with rich decorations, mostly in the form of gilt weaponry. Rams and Stages are bled before his alter, and trained eagles are usually an aspect of the ritual worship. He's fickle at best, and one can never tell when he decides to abandon the faithful and leave them to the unnamed god of chaos.

Calixto-- Symbolized by the chalice, he's the god of worship. Literally. He's the representative of mortal subordinance to the gods, so that would suck pretty badly for him if he weren't also the god of the arcane magics, of souls and of deaths neither glorious nor brave. In addition, he doesn't have an altar so much as a statue with an alcove, in with there'd be either a) some flammable liquid in a goblet, burning or b) a chalice full of red wine, 'cause pale, clear white wine is for blood-eschewing sissies. In early, pre-expansionist times, a radical sect of faeries followed him as the lesser form of the Uncreated Creator after he relinquished the rest of his powers, though that small following gradually died off.

Itineris--A god of travelling warriors, his shrines may usually be found on cliffs and high roads where travel becomes treacherous. The shrine may be a simple hollow in a stone wall, or a statue of him with an enclave for the burning of essences. His presences is symbolized by migratory birds or salmon, who migrate upstream during the mating season. As far as physical manifestations go, it's oft believed he'll show up as one of the small black roe deer that inhabit the western mountain range, or as a crow to lead the lost man of good faith. He was the original god of pacts and vows between friends, although in later times, the unnamed god began to share worship for such things with him.

-The unnamed god of chaos and order, who shows the world as constantly balanced between truth and lie. He's a rather impartial fellow (at the point of creation, he was the brother of the One Uncreated Creator, who decided to lose his greatest powers, that he might watch over the mortal world), who doesn't do much, other than balance out the two extremes of truth and lie on his huge silver scales. Occasionally, when there is too much of either one in the world, he'll set about mending it. No doubt the priests are just waiting for him to fix the current situation with the Rau-lass; however, his sort of intervention is via vessels, such as stoking the ire of strife in the souls of a few influential individuals (in times of peace and way too much truth; ye olde King Regis Bacilio, anyone?). His symbol is obviously the scales, although the warrior class represents him with the double-headed halberd or two-edged sword.

Ceremonial blades usually flank his altar, of which one half is polished silver, the other blackened iron. Rowan trees are given a degree of reverence because in one myth, he fell in love with mortal faery and subsequently was tempted to weigh the scales in her favor. The other gods, aware of the danger, decided to allow Calixto to add her to his kingdom. In desperation, our unnamed god of chaos and order turned his lady-love into a rowan tree, hoping that the arboreal container would morph the essence of her soul to such a degree that Calixto wouldn't recognize her. Unfortunately, Calixto, god of the arcane, read both his thoughts and the memories of the tree, saw through the plot and burned the rowan tree as a painful reminder of the misfortunes that follow disloyalty to your vows.

In some newer, modern interpretations, he's also beginning to be considered a god of trysts, pacts and alliances, particularly those of warlords of marriages made between and purely for the well-being of two warring factions.

Southern Butterfly-Wings

-Odjani-- Associated with the sun and often represented as a black lion with the sun in his claws, Odjani is one half of the collective godhead referred to as Odjani-Janu. He's associated with punishment and rendering judgment, as well as being the creator of all life on earth. It is believed that when Odjani deals harsh punishment, Janu may reverse it.

-Janu-- Associated with the moon and represented by a night-owl, Janu is the consort of Odjani, who gave the newly-created beings of earth knowledge. She taught the fish how to swim, the trees how to grow fruits, fae folk how to fly, and so forth. According to legend, she has ever made only two large mistakes: teaching the western faery how to make weapons and giving the gift of her knowledge and curiosity to mankind. Odjani counteracted both errors with punishment, by making humans short-lived and magickless, and by throwing up mountains around the bird-wings.

-The Ancestors-- Casual prayer isn't directed to the godhead, but to the spirits of one's departed relatives, who are believed to continue actively protecting their kindred, sometimes by adopting the form of a small animal, like a gerbil or lizard, and offering guidance to their kith.


*Humans have a more diverse array of belief systems, such as the monotheistic system Soryuu espoused, the cult of the Holy Mages, and more folklore-based religions. Hedya has outlined that basics of the religion dominant in the region where Selan Ilyea grew up*

-Courtesy of Hedya

According to old beliefs of the humans, the world was created by the Five Nature Gods, and they believe the world is ruled by them. This means that, to humans, the five elements, being Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, and Lightning are the base of this world. Without a single of those elements, the land would collapse, and life would not be possible. As for the sixth element Selan uses. It was acknowledged in the past, but with the passing of the years, decades, … it was forgotten. This so called “light” element is the physical representation of those five elements, merged together.

Let me explain a bit. When Selan calls for the fire, she is demanding for this element to lend her the power. Of course, nothing changes for the other 4. But when she calls for light, she’s using all her power, she is in fact calling for all of them at the same time. This would mean that, whoever that used the light element, would naturally be able to use all other 5.

Sacred story says the Five Nature Gods created the world together. This means that each element became influenced by the other 4. These five main elements, who rule the world, are represented the following way:

Lightning; represents war, and loyalty. It is used especially in human war gear, and it is believed to be a great male soldier, as wise as skilful with his weapons. This soldier is usually represented with a golden armour, and the finest spear ever created, his body being quite well-built. This caused humans to relate lightning to the battles, to the clash of two groups. This would have been especially important against the darkness of the Atrox, since lightning gives a moment of light. The God of Lightning’s name is “Allance”

Water; represents innocence and tenderness. The Goddess of Water is represented in form of a teenage girl with long ethereal hair, who has hope in her kin. She protects the families, keeps them unite, and especially protects children and their innocence, too. She is prayed at during home ceremonies. There are a lot of children’s clothes that are blue, due to this. Her name is “Calie”

Fire; represents passion and romantic love. Despite passion and romantic love being related, the passion the Fire Goddess represents goes beyond that. This passion means passion to protect the people (courage), passion to work hard, to improve yourself, … In fact, this Goddess is the one related to human emotions. She is a dark haired woman with a voluptuous body, who uses her heart rather than her mind. The red is a colour usually grown-ups wear, and it’s the colour used to demand things. It is believed that the redder the blood, the more passionate the person is. Her name is “Maene”

Wind; represents dreams, travel and self-discovery. It is represented by a cheerful and active young man who never worries about things. Wild dark hair and slender figure represents the God of Wind. The star is a usual representation of the Wind God. It’s up to him, to protect people who travel, who chase for their dreams, and those who search. For this reason, ships would carry names that relate to the wind, and it’s usual for horses to do so, too. His name is “Sishen”

Earth; represents life itself, and human society. It is represented by a mature, almost old man. His hair would start to be gray, but he is still strong. It is said he governs over the other Gods. He rules specifically over nature itself, and human order. Everything follows his plan, and if someone does something really surprising, it is usually said he defied the God of Earth. Earthquakes would happen whenever he’s angry. His name is “Tralaem”

The Light element itself has no representation, since it actually means all of them are together. As for its opposite, the Darkness. It is known that there’s no light without darkness. This means that darkness is “Lack of Light”, or what it’s the same “Nothing” or the so called “Void Element”. Being nothing, it appears as darkness, as “black”. Of course, in order for darkness to be there, there has to be something that maintains it. In Selan’s case, it is her life force, her energy. Using that darkness made her feel not only physically tired, but mentally, as well.

Natural darkness would only appear as a way to avoid the other elements mixing together. If there was no “barrier” in between them. Everything would join a collective light, and life would again not be possible.

Of course, besides the five main elements (plus light and darkness) there are minor deities, such as the Forest Goddess that Selan mentioned back during the first time she was caught with magic, when she was a child. We have this:

- Forest Goddess
- Sea Goddess
- Mountain Goddess
- City God
- Storm Goddess
- War God
- Justice God

These minor deities act as guardians. They cannot compare to the Five Nature Gods, but in a way, they do the small work for them. Think of them as secretaries.

We're currently working on it-- to be updated at a later time

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Cetairiacelos by RolePlayGateway

Cetairiacelos is the northernmost country on the world of the War of Light and Dark. In the farthest reaches live the Devkto'ans, a tribe of shifters whose culture is notoriously hostile towards foreigners. This country's extreme isolationism has allowed it to sink out of Aduronian history.

The Seven Academies

The Seven Academies by RolePlayGateway

Primary education for the citizens of Cetairiacelos; compiled by ShadowPhoenix

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Cetairiacelos by RolePlayGateway

Cetairiacelos is the northernmost country on the world of the War of Light and Dark. In the farthest reaches live the Devkto'ans, a tribe of shifters whose culture is notoriously hostile towards foreigners. This country's extreme isolationism has allowed it to sink out of Aduronian history.

The Seven Academies

The Seven Academies by RolePlayGateway

Primary education for the citizens of Cetairiacelos; compiled by ShadowPhoenix

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Character Portrait: Sorea Pardai
Character Portrait: Phoenix Raine
Character Portrait: Signum Vulnus
Character Portrait: Darragh Unorian
Character Portrait: Lysander ??lfher


Character Portrait: Lysander ??lfher
Lysander ??lfher

Gorgeously beautiful, handsome, accomplished, rich mage with lustrous hair and powers untold. Emphasis on the hair.

Character Portrait: Darragh Unorian
Darragh Unorian

Pronounced Dar-a. A flautist and dog-lover, Elvish sportsman, and Lysander's occasionally arrogant foster-brother.

Character Portrait: Signum Vulnus
Signum Vulnus

Altus and Taladei under Sorea Pardai, now subvertive resistor to Rau-lass reign.

Character Portrait: Phoenix Raine
Phoenix Raine

Also known as Major Jasmine Ambey, friend of the wolves, companion to Argenti and enemy of the Rau-lass.

Character Portrait: Sorea Pardai
Sorea Pardai

After a tumultuous life with a future that made a habit of remaining uncertain, Sorea Pardai died in combat for her people.


Character Portrait: Sorea Pardai
Sorea Pardai

After a tumultuous life with a future that made a habit of remaining uncertain, Sorea Pardai died in combat for her people.

Character Portrait: Lysander ??lfher
Lysander ??lfher

Gorgeously beautiful, handsome, accomplished, rich mage with lustrous hair and powers untold. Emphasis on the hair.

Character Portrait: Phoenix Raine
Phoenix Raine

Also known as Major Jasmine Ambey, friend of the wolves, companion to Argenti and enemy of the Rau-lass.

Character Portrait: Darragh Unorian
Darragh Unorian

Pronounced Dar-a. A flautist and dog-lover, Elvish sportsman, and Lysander's occasionally arrogant foster-brother.

Character Portrait: Signum Vulnus
Signum Vulnus

Altus and Taladei under Sorea Pardai, now subvertive resistor to Rau-lass reign.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Lysander ??lfher
Lysander ??lfher

Gorgeously beautiful, handsome, accomplished, rich mage with lustrous hair and powers untold. Emphasis on the hair.

Character Portrait: Phoenix Raine
Phoenix Raine

Also known as Major Jasmine Ambey, friend of the wolves, companion to Argenti and enemy of the Rau-lass.

Character Portrait: Sorea Pardai
Sorea Pardai

After a tumultuous life with a future that made a habit of remaining uncertain, Sorea Pardai died in combat for her people.

Character Portrait: Darragh Unorian
Darragh Unorian

Pronounced Dar-a. A flautist and dog-lover, Elvish sportsman, and Lysander's occasionally arrogant foster-brother.

Character Portrait: Signum Vulnus
Signum Vulnus

Altus and Taladei under Sorea Pardai, now subvertive resistor to Rau-lass reign.

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Cetairiacelos by RolePlayGateway

Cetairiacelos is the northernmost country on the world of the War of Light and Dark. In the farthest reaches live the Devkto'ans, a tribe of shifters whose culture is notoriously hostile towards foreigners. This country's extreme isolationism has allowed it to sink out of Aduronian history.

The Seven Academies

The Seven Academies by RolePlayGateway

Primary education for the citizens of Cetairiacelos; compiled by ShadowPhoenix

The Seven Academies

Primary education for the citizens of Cetairiacelos; compiled by ShadowPhoenix


Cetairiacelos Owner: RolePlayGateway

Cetairiacelos is the northernmost country on the world of the War of Light and Dark. In the farthest reaches live the Devkto'ans, a tribe of shifters whose culture is notoriously hostile towards foreigners. This country's extreme isolationism has allowed it to sink out of Aduronian history.

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