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Tyler Brent

What's wrong with enjoying life?

0 · 466 views · located in Mountain Brook

a character in “Fresh Poison”, as played by Izzyvamp




"We do not remember days, we remember moments."
~Cesare Pavese

If There's Time| ODESZA || Can I| Alina Baraz || Inside Out| 999

Tyler Brent






Dating a student:
While professionalism has never been his thing, he still doesn't want everyone to know he's dating a student. For obvious reasons. He's never been one to really get the whole teachers can't befriend students thing, and has been known to have a very laid back attitude even at school. But with one particular student, they just seemed to get on really well. So they started dating secretly.


+Electronic Music
+Black Coffee

-Orange flavored anything
-Being lied to
-His boss

+Runner and kick-boxer
+Writer; he writes a lot in his free time
+Adaptable; he finds it easy to adjust to different situations

-Forgetful and not very reliable
-Laid-back to the point of just plain laziness
-Has hard time taking anything seriously

~Not making the most of his life



Tyler is, for the most part, a genuinely nice and relaxed person. Even when trying to be taken serious he finds it hard to keep a straight face, preferring to be happy when he can. He has an easy smile that he wears even when no one's around to see him. Along with being very laid-back, he's not very good when it comes to things like being on time or reliable. He often forgets things easily and has a hard time keeping track of his life, especially things having to do with work.

Though being a kind person at heart, Tyler has a temper that can get very out of control very easily. He finds exercise, specifically things like running and kick boxing, help him work out the aggression and help him stay calm the rest of the time. He also is kind of a chain smoker, as cigarettes seem to mellow him out. As of right now, the habit isn't that out of hand, but it's working its way toward being a problem. While Tyler likes fighting in a controlled setting, he hates hurting people outside of it. He hates having to raise his voice or argue, and has never been the best at things like debate. While he himself has a hard time arguing with people, he usually doesn't have to often because he finds it very easy to adapt to whatever situation he's in. Usually, he'll be the one who agres to change his mind just to be able to move on. He does have quite a bit of pride, he just doesn't believe allowing someone else to 'win' as something that should hurt his pride.

Tyler, above all, likes being around people. He's friendly and fun-loving, wanting to just have a good time. He leans more to the 'law abiding', upstanding citizen attitude, but at the same time doesn't really care about breaking rules here and there. He believes everything should be judged in the moment, and therefore is a more "roll with the punches" kind of guy.


Though he's had his fair share of bad moments, Tyler has a pretty positive relationship with Mountain Brook and all the memories he has there. He was born and raised there, only leaving for a few years to go to college before deciding to come back. When he was younger, he was known for getting into trouble a lot but never anything that serious. Really, it was more playful mischief than anything else. As he got older he matured a little bit, but really he just got better at not getting caught.

He originally wanted to become a professional fighter and only went to college on a whim. He made friends there for sure, but none that he had wanted to keep after leaving. Really, the only thing that came out of going to college was debt and a change in career paths. He found himself finding the whole fighting thing too much work to be bothered with. Instead he did the stereotypical thing and became a teacher. 'Those who can't do, teach,' as they say. He decided to move back to his home town, only being a substitute teacher now and then at first before becoming a full-time gym teacher. Despite the fact that in high school the thought of being a teacher seemed horrifying, he found he actually enjoyed it. Maybe it was because he was still young so he didn't find it hard to get along with students. Maybe it was because he was a shitty teacher and never really did anything other than give vague instructions at the start of class before letting the kids do their thing. Either way, he enjoyed his job, and saw no reason to change what he was doing.


High school gym teacher

Face Claim:
Garret Hedlund


So begins...

Tyler Brent's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalyn Narváez Character Portrait: Alexandria "Geo" Allen Character Portrait: Alissa Blackburn Character Portrait: Aidan Fletcher Character Portrait: Charles Wilkins Character Portrait: Abbie Stone
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The music was loud enough for Abbie to feel the bass in her chest. There was already a small crowd on the dancefloor, some grinding, some doing the dorkiest dance moves known to humanity, and some trying to work up the courage to dance. In one corner, a group was playing some kind of drinking game. Every so often, there was a cheer as somebody chugged a beer. Abbie was not engaging in any of these. She was sitting on a couch, holding a red solo cup and occasionally taking sips out of it. After saying that she wasn't drinking, somebody had found her a soda. She appreciated that- then again, in reply to her saying she wasn't drinking, the guy offering her a beer and simply said, "MORE FOR ME THEN!" and gone to find her a non-alcoholic drink. She'd been too nervous to ask her therapist if she could drink with her medication, and so wasn't going to take any chances.

Right now, she was waiting for Jason to show up. They'd agreed to meet at the party- Abbie had had a therapist's appointment, so not having to arrange to meet him gave her time to get changed,put her makeup on and get something to eat. She'd expected him to be here by now, but hadn't seen him yet. He must have gotten held up for whatever reason. She'd dressed up for the party. Instead of her usual t-shirt and jeans, she was in a sapphire blue cocktail dress, wearing silver heels. She would have been lying if she had said that she hadn't enjoyed dressing up. It felt good after having not done it in a while.


Callum could hear the party from several blocks away. He'd been forced to walk after his father had gone on a rant about "those goddamn faggots" and had left Callum far too anxious to ask for the keys. The conversation had driven Callum to his room, where he had to try and not have a panic attack. He'd failed, and had then had to calm himself down and pretend like nothing had ever happened. The walk had calmed him down again, and he was looking forward to knowing that he could actually relax for once. Not entirely- relaxing to much could lead to... things happening, and if that got out... That wasn't worth thinking about.

He reached the house, not surprised to see the door wide open. You didn't get invited to these parties, you just heard what time they were on at and where they were, and you turned up. That was why the cops were having such a hard time finding the killer- everyone at the party was a suspect, and there had been a lot of people. He'd had an interview with the police himself earlier that day. One of the officers had been incredibly attractive, and trying not to stare and give himself away had probably made him sound a little suspicious.

He entered the room where everything seemed to be happening and scanned the room, looking for a familiar face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandria "Geo" Allen Character Portrait: Charles Wilkins Character Portrait: Abbie Stone Character Portrait: Jason Reide Character Portrait: Callum Watson Character Portrait: Tyler Brent
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He was late. Probably. Maybe? No, definitely. Jason was walking kind of slowly down the street toward the party Abbie had wanted to meet him at. He was walking slowly because, well, really he was just giving himself a plausible lie as to why he was just showing up. Which now that he thought about it was counter intuitive, since the longer he took the more out of character he seemed. He always tended to be one of the first people to show up at a party, but he had been... held up. To say the least. Abbie had to go see her therapist so he had decided to stop and grab dinner. He was just going to ask for something to go and eat at his place, but no. Of course he had been there, and had insisted on sitting down to eat with him.

"What am I doing?" Jason muttered to himself, looking over at the house he assumed the party was at. If the blasting music and random teenagers stumbling about was any indication. I need a drink. The thought had come from no where but to say it wasn't true would be a lie. Normally feeling upbeat, if not energetic, this whole 'nervous' thing was new to him. Jason stood outside for a moment, only deciding to go in after spotting Callum walk inside.

The music was deafening. Who ever picked the playlist should be shot, but at least it had a beat to it. Jason looked around and spotted Callum with Charlie. Jason suddenly grinned, any worrying thoughts vanishing from his mind as he snuck up behind Callum, merely putting a finger to his lips in a 'shhh' motion to signal to Charlie to not give him away. Without warning he jumped up and bear hugged his friend, nearly causing them both to fall over. "Callum! Charlie! You guys weren't having too much fun without me, right?" he half-yelled over the music, his wide grin still in place. He knew Callum had just showed up, but he couldn't tell with Charlie. The guy didn't seem all that sober. A cursory glance around the room didn't give him much hope in the area of friends- he didn't recognize most people here. Alex was standing by herself, which wasn't a shock. She seemed to be waiting for someone though, so he decided against calling her over. He suddenly remembered something. "You guys haven't seen Abbie, have you? I was supposed to meet her here."

Almost on cue, Jason spotted a red head sitting by herself on the couch. "Nevermind. I'll talk to you guys later," he said offhandedly before walking over to Abbie. She looked kind of bored, if he was honest. And painfully sober. At that thought, he realized he was too. Why didn't he have a drink yet?

"Hey," Jason said, ungracefully dropping himself on the couch next to Abbie. "You haven't been here long, have you?" he asked, his way of saying 'sorry it took me so long' without actually apologizing.

Even though it was no where near morning, Tyler had a coffee clutched in his hand. As far as he was concerned coffee was good at any time of the day. Though, his sleeping schedule was seriously confusing, and no where near consistent enough to even really be considered a 'schedule'. But it was worth it. Taking another sip from the drink, he nodded to himself. Very worth it.

He was currently heading home. A few blocks away he could faintly hear music, and knew for a fact that there was a huge party going on. Considering the panic that had happened not to long ago with the murder and everything, he was surprised they still wanted to have parties. Okay, maybe not surprised they wanted parties, more surprised they were allowed to have them. As far as he knew every one of those kids were under suspicion, and he would think the police would find it kind of dangerous to let a murderer just hang out in a crowd like that.

Better a crowd than alone with them in an alley, he thought to himself, feeling slightly disturbed after at how dark the thought was. Shaking off the feeling of 'I'm a terrible person' for having the thought, Tyler threw out his now empty coffee cup. He hadn't even remembered finishing it, and now he wished he had more. "I need a coffee intervention," he mumbled, laughing under his breath.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Alexandria "Geo" Allen Character Portrait: Abbie Stone Character Portrait: Jason Reide Character Portrait: Callum Watson Character Portrait: Tyler Brent
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#, as written by TBaccs

Terrian was exactly where you would expect him to be in a situation like this, hiding in plain sight. He was so paranoid about what could be lurking in the shadows seeking him out that he took any opportunity to be around an abundance of people. As long as he was around people, noone was going to come and collect debts. Of course they would come seeking money, but when he didn't have the money, they decided to take other forms of collateral. "Just a friendly reminder" they called it.

Though he didn't have any money, you would never know it. He was dressed in a charcoal grey suit, with a black pearlsnap silk shirt peeking through. He had always dressed like a businessman. In the NBA, you wore a suit and tie when you were in public and weren't in uniform. His dream was to play in the NBA, so he carried himself the same way that he would have if he were in the NBA, though he usually opted for a tieless look.

He had perched himself up against a wall in the main room, directly on the other side of the room from where Abbie and Jason were sitting. Seeing Abbie in her beautiful blue dress made him smile a bit, at least he wasn't the only one over-dressed for the occasion. He'd given Callum a two-finger salute when he had seen him. They werent super friendly with each other, but he'd been in varsity athletics as Callum was transitioning from JV, so he had helped with the transition, and they had become somewhat friendly with each other.

Come to think of it, Terrian wasn't super friendly with anyone. He had always been so focused on chasing his dreams during school that he hadn't spent any time working on human interaction, or ingratiating himself with anyone for that matter. He was quite an enigmatic persona, really. He had all the tools to be one of the most popular, attractive guys in school, but he just never gave it the time of day. Now that his dreams had been shattered, he honestly found himself a little lost as to how to handle these kinds of situations. At least he had the whole mysterious appeal going on about him, right? He played on that for all he could.

He gazed about the room, sometimes watching the crowd as they danced...ish and sometimes watching an individual, like Alexandria or Tyler, and wondering idly what their story was. He had a red solo cup in his hand, holding some form of alcohol in it, but he was definitely slow-drinking it. He had no desire to be drunk in public. Whether it be the police that were watching them, or someone else that might have been watching him, he was going to need his faculties about him if he wanted to make it home in one piece.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalyn Narváez Character Portrait: Alexandria "Geo" Allen Character Portrait: Alissa Blackburn Character Portrait: Aidan Fletcher Character Portrait: Charles Wilkins Character Portrait: Reagan Hughes
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(For anybody who's interested, this has been rebooted here! I'd love to see you guys back (: )