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Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez

"I can still accept you for what you are now, but this will be slightly awkward. My worst thought is having to teach them how to dress, oh my lord."

0 · 491 views · located in Brungerey

a character in “From Cat to Neko”, as played by KuruLesperance




Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez "Y-Yeah."

17, though looks a bit young for his age. "..hngh."



131lbs, a bit skinny


Alone Time
Spicy Foods

Dishes "I hate doing them, but I do them anyways. They..they make me gag."

An accepting yet short tempered boy, not taking much back talk from a stranger or a person he has no interest in. He has a fascination with dancing and adores listening to music. The boy likes to dance with his cat a lot, blaring music as loud as it will go. Diego is also not the most social person, so in conversations, he tends to stutter and be a little awkward.

Not at the moment! He's believed to be bisexual, but he's never actually admit it.

So begins...

Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez's Story


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Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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Diego was already up and about, being the light sleeper he is, he woke up at about 3:00 in the morning to be greeted with a human body laying down at the edge of his bed. Weirdest thing was, it looked like JoJo, but in human form, with ears and a tail. The poor Spanish boy had no idea what to think at that time, considering he just woke up. Hallucinations, he reasoned, and began pinching his skin until he bled. Well, he was definitely awake, and it seemed too real to be a lie.

The male was sitting on the couch, face glittered with sweat as his cheeks were flushed from concentrating, and of course, THERE WAS A HUMAN CAT AT THE EDGE OF HIS BED. Who wouldn't be surprised?

He had his tan fingers running through his jet black, shiny locks of hair, eyes closed and brows furrowed. A million questions ran through the teen's head. Am I going to have to teach him how to bathe? Use a toilet? Put on clothes? O-Oh my god. T-there's so many problems that could occur.

It was almost too much for the socially awkward male to handle. How would JoJo act? Would he end up being mean? Would he be sweet? A pervert, even?

Gripping his head, he groaned, his temper flaring in confusion, frustration, and well, everything negative that he's thinking. "Gagh! This is so hard! Now that he's..he's..human to an extent, what feelings would he get? How would he act? What if he ends up crying? I can't deal with people crying! I freak out! I'm freaking out right now! I-I mean, I can accept him, it's's...going to be so awkward! I-I-I-I.."

His constant stressing getting to him, he slumped back against the couch and rolled over to lay on it, eyes seemingly glazed over and dazed, and along with the sweat and blushing, he was extremely hot. "I don't feel well now..I've been stressing for 5 hours straight..I'm so tired.."

Hand flying to his forehead, he mumbled something inaudible and if you looked closely, you could almost see circles twirling in his pupils. "Where's Leon.." the male muttered. "He should be taking care of me. Oh yeah..he said he's paying my rent and that he's living somewhere else. Ugh. Stupid brothers. Leonnnnnn! JoJooooo!" Diego whined loudly, falling down onto the cushioned softness of the couch, head resting against the armrest.

Prodding at a bucket he had on the table with water in it, there was a cloth next to it incase he ended up getting a headache or becoming hot or feverish. Throwing the wet cloth onto his eyes and forehead, he moaned and shivered. "That's as cold as Antarctica."

He sat up and threw his head back, resting it on upright cushions, eyes looking up at the ceiling; though the cloth was blocking his sight. Hands resting on his thighs, he sighed. "Of all people.."


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Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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"Looks like the little guy woke up."

Diego rolled on his stomach, arms dangling off the side of the couch, a lost expression plastered across his face. Slowly, he removed the cloth away from his forehead and eyes. "Calm down," the male grumbled, "I'm as freaked out as you are, that's why I'm feeling like crap. I've been stressing out for five hours straight, trying to figure out why you're like this, but nothing, absolutely nothing made a light bulb shine. You'll have to make the best of it for now, well, we will."

Throwing the cloth into the bucket, he rose, walking over to the smaller male and gently leaning against his shoulder for support, since he was still a bit dazed, tired, and well overall dizzy. "Sorry, but that means no more litter pans, no more running around without clothes on, and no more trying to get mice. In this form, I think you'd end up getting really sick, and I don't think we want that. This also gives some advantages as well. You'll be able to go outside more often, you won't have to jump up on the window sill to look outside, and well, you can learn how to do some other stuff."

Lowering his head, he groaned. "The learning I'm going to have to teach you a lot. This is going to be a bit..weird, though. You being human and all now. I mean, I can accept you gladly for what you are now, it's just.."

The male's cheeks flushed again. "Damn it. That means I can't kiss you out in public, or else that'd look really weird, how judgmental society is like now. It's making me go insane!" Diego tugged at a piece of his black hair, groaning. Turning to crouch down in front of the smaller male, he stared him in the eyes, trying hard to get accustomed to the new form.

Diego's cheeks grew to be magenta, and he sighed. "What a dragging night. Come here." The male picked up the smaller one bridal-style, walking over to the couch and setting him down for them to talk. Staring at JoJo for the longest time, he contemplated whether it'd be too awkward to kiss him or not, like he usually did with his fluffy friend, except in animal form.

"Damn it," he mumbled. "Get it together, Diego. He's your cat. He's still a cat at heart, just his physical body is a an extent."

Leaning over, about to kiss his "cat" on the cheek, he quickly pulled away and just stared at the table. "Aye, aye..just do it. it..he's your cat. You have a right." He whispered to himself quietly.

Once again, the male leaned over, and gently kissed the other on the cheek. Staying there for a couple of second, he kind of froze, cheeks now a bright red scarlet rather than magenta.

The male squeaked and curled himself into a ball, screaming into his own tanktop-covered chest. "This is too awkward! This is too awkward! This is too awkward! If I was a girl maybe it'd be different! Agh, gah! What am I saying?! I don't want to be a girl! JoJo is afraid of girls anyways! I-I-I..."

Diego quickly un-curled himself and fell over onto JoJo's human lap. His head was resting there, anyways, because he was freaking out so much. "I'm sorry..." the male murmured.

(Hurray for epic freak outs!)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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All the information that Diego said just went over his head. JoJo looked more skittish than before. His cheeks blushed as his master picked up, but he blushed more at the thought about kissing. "N-no more...k-kissing?" Then poor boy wanted to cry. He loves the kisses that he got from Diego. He rubbed his eyes, trying not to cry before he leaned in and was kissed on the cheek. He squeaked and then watch his master have one of his panic attacks. He fell on his knees, not too hard, as he watched Diego curl into a ball. Of course, JoJo crawled over to him in a cat like manner. He never did like seeing his master like this. Soon he slipped into Diego's lap, unaware of his nakedness at the moment. He looked up at him through his unruly hair and big eyes. "Meow...Diego..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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Diego used one hand to gently rub the cats head. "I'll be fine, JoJo. I think I just need to relax. I get too worked up.." His words backfired, once he realized through glazed-over, confused eyes, that...

JoJo, was naked.

Across his cheeks and nose, he turned as red as roses, more darker and darker as he got more embarrassed and embarrassed. "I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I..." His eyes were completely glassy and glazed now, a headache threatening to pound near his temples. "I feel lightheaded.."

How did I not notice?! He thought frantically.

"J-J-J-JoJo..come with me, please.." Getting up, the male grabbed onto his cat's arm, quietly amazed at how fragile he felt. Oh god. His skin's so soft! I wonder why..ugh. Shut up Diego. We just need to get him dressed.

Walking in his jean shorts, that oddly were comfortable, he made his way with the cat boy across the living room without falling. He entered their bedroom and separated from him, walking to his wardrobe and sighing. "Thank god I've kept some clothes from when I was younger. Mom always said to keep them no matter what, for good causes and needs. What a vague woman she was," he said with a quiet chuckle.

Picking out a shirt with a picture of Pokemon characters on it, his face deadpanned with an "are you serious" look. "I used to wear this? Wow. I'm more into Soul Eater and Genshiken and all that other stuff. Honestly, but oh well. I think it would cute on you. But, let me say, I am NOT helping you get boxers on."

Diego went up to the younger male and sighed, raising his arms to slip the shirt onto him. "Aw. You look kind of cute with the ears and the Pokemon." Going back to his wardrobe, he pulled out some shorts, a huge hat to cover his ears, and smaller boxers that should fit the little one..hopefully. "Go into the bathroom and see if you can try these on. They shouldn't be too difficult..I've probably changed in front of you anyways."

At that thought, and after the blush recently when away, it came back full force like a hit in the face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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JoJo tilted his head to the side as his ears twitched. He smiled innocently when Diego petted his ears, he loved it when he was petted on the ears. He started to purr until he watched his master have another panic attack. "D-Diego...?" He cocked his head again, confused about why his face was red. Then he looked down as his naked body. He reacted and blushed himself, having a overwhelming feeling to cover himself up. "Waah!" He continued to blush as Diego pulled on his small arm, he knew he was a small cat, so it was only natural he was small as a human too. Taking about clothes, he nodded and stood up, watching him get clothes for him. He giggled a little, listening to him talk. When he gave him the clothes, he looked down at them and nodded slowly. He remembered watching Diego getting dressed, it didn't look that hard. He padded to the bathroom, the door closed. He didn't know what to do, so he just swatted at the knob. He hissed a little as his tail puffed. He let out a whiny meow before going back to Diego. "I-it's closed...I-I can put them on here?" He pulled out the boxers, lifting his skinny legs and slipping them on. The were just slightly bigger, but nothing too bad. He bent down to the shorts and attempted them on, he got stuck at the buttons. "D-Diego...?" He let out another whiny moan, begging for him to help.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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The male deadpanned, sweating from stress, embarrassment, and well, everything bad happening to him. "Excuse me," he murmured, turning around and resting his head against the wall, breathing heavily. "Just think of him as your child. It can't be that bad....but, he looks about my age. How can I think of him as a child? That's too hard, no no. Once this is all over, I can just relax on the sofa and watch some anime or something with him. Yeah, think about the good stuff. The good stuff, not the bad stuff."

Taking a deep breath, Diego turned around to face the smaller form, crouching down to button his shorts. "There. Better?" He asked softly. "Now you're all good. I'll see if I can buy some clothes for 'ya later. Well, while you're in the house, you don't need to have the hat on. Ha, ha." Diego chuckled. "You look really cute in human form too. Figures, because you were just as adorable in cat form as well. It's kind of like having a child, y'know? I'm just curious as to how this happened. I suppose we'll find out in time, right?"

He breathed in, fighting in his mind. It doesn't matter anymore. It's not like you're inside or anything, so just kiss your little cat. He's still so cute, anyways. The male grinned, a soft giggle threatening to sound. "Gah! You have the cutest eyes! I don't care any more! Curse society!"

Diego hugged his cat and pressed his cheek against his. "Sooooo cuteeeeee!~ You look like a little cartoon character!" The blush soon fading to a simple hue of pale pink, the older male got up, kissed JoJo on the forehead, and started towards the door. "You hungry at all?" He asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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His cat ears twitched as Diego helped him button the shorts. They were a little loose, only hanging off his hips slightly. He held the hat in his hands as he smiled brightly up at his master, happy that he was still being cared for. He nodded and blushed a little bit more as Diego complimented him on how he was adorable. He tilted his head once again as he listened to him again, cursing society. Then he was being hugged and he couldn't help, but hug back. He giggled and let him kiss his forehead. When he was asked if he was hungry, his stomach growled loudly. "Banana milk! Banana milk!" He squeaked as he padded after him, grabbing onto him and not wanting to let go.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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"You're lucky I was able to find that stuff somewhere. Some weird Star Market was selling that, since it's rare, but when I learned you liked it I was a bit happy because it's kind of cheap. I tried it once, it tastes okay, but I'm not a banana fan."

Diego chuckled and allowed the smaller boy to hang on his arm, leading them both to the kitchen. Using one hand to open the refrigerator, he grabbed a glass and opened the carton of Banana Milk, by some European milk company. Pouring it into the glass, closing it back up, and setting it in the refrigerator, he crouched down infront of JoJo and handed it to him.

"You can't drink out of bowls anymore, JoJo. Human tongues don't have those bumps like cat tongues have, since those bumps hold liquid in them. We only have tastebuds, but it should be easy to drink. Just don't try to spill it, okay? Or else I'll end up tickling you to death as a punishment." The male teased, patting his head. "Just kidding."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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(woops! Double post!)


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Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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JoJo looked up at Diego, his ears twitched once again before he took the glass of banana milk. He held the glass and thought about it. No more bowls? He brought the glass to his lips, remembering how his master did it. He lifted it and drank a little of the milk before realizing that he did it correctly. His tail and ears flicked in happiness as he drank more of his favorite drink. As he finished it off, he realized that some of it dripped down his chin. "Ah, oops..." He hoped Diego wasn't too mad. It didn't get on the shirt yet, so it would be okay, right? He looked up with his big innocent eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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Diego chuckled, grabbing a paper towel and wiping it off of his chin. "That's nothing. You should see the spills I end up making. I remember taking a shower one day, and the curtain was still a bit open, and water got everywhere."

The male took the glass that was finished and set it down in the sink, running a hand through his black hair. "At least I'm starting to relax. Well, I might as well buy you some clothes. Want to come? Just hide your ears with the hat and hide your tail in your shorts. Shouldn't be too uncomfortable. Pick out what you like."

Gently taking his hand, he began heading towards the door and grabbed the key off the hook, and once they were outside, he locked the door, walking to his black convertible. "You've never been in one of these before, have you? It's fun, the wind blowing in your hair and stuff."

Chuckling, he opened the door and buckled the younger male in the passenger seat. He closed the door and got in his own seat, the driver's seat, and started the car, patting the dashboard. "Got this car when I was 15, yep yep. Brother gave it to me after he got a mustang, but I don't care. This is nice, good for cruisin' down to the beach."

Pulling on the shaft to the "D", for drive, he drove off, turning on the stereo to one of his favorite techno songs.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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The cat boy hardly had time to register what was happened until he was being pulled outside. He had hurriedly flopped the hat on, almost covering his eyes because it was so big. He giggled as Diego put him into the car and buckled him in. He blushed and smiled happily, peering over at his master. Never being in a car, he was nervous, but once Diego started to drive, he felt better. He glanced up at his master as the music came on. It bothered his ears just a little, but he didn't complain. The big hat kept slipping down hiding his eyes, but it just seemed to make him cuter than before (even though he was unaware of it).


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Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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"We're here."

Diego said softly once he drove up to once of his favorite clothing stores. Looking to his cat, he got up, closed the door, and turned to walk over to JoJo's door. Opening it, he chuckled. "Cats first."

(Sorry for the extreme shortness. I've been so busy lately. :c Roleplays, characters, it's makin' me go insane.)


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Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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Jojo nodded and attempted to unbuckle his belt, in which he got off eventually. Once he got out, he quickly tucked his tail in and looked up at Diego lovingly, giggling at the cats first statement.

[It's okay, I really didn't mean to rush you~! :)]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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(It's fine! No problems! Watching the transit of Venus as well as making a character and posting is a bit to handle, but I can handle!)

Diego smiled, instinctively holding the smaller boy's hand as he led them both into the store. Gazing at the cat as he walked, pink began to engulf his cheeks once again. He is so cute, cat form and human. Goddamn adorable, it's unbearable.. He thought. Taking him to the boy's clothes rack, he leaned down and kissed the boy on the cheek. "Pick out whatever you want, but make sure it looks like it'll fit you." He said, sitting down on the carpeted ground.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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JoJo's cheeks also turned into a darker pink when he was dragged and was kissed again on the cheek. He showed a happy, chibi expression as he looked through the clothes. Some of them still looked too big for him. So he walked a little more and found some small sizes for him. He found a cute pink cardigan and tan shorts, a white shirt to go under it. He then found red converse and striped stockings. He picked out the outfit before picking out other outfits. He went back over to Diego and smiled brightly. "I'm done!"