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Hadoff Nasser

"I can not guarantee your safety or your competence with a weapon. I can- however- more than assure you that your Reznov ACB-20 will- why are your eyes glazing over like that?!"

0 · 322 views · located in The World of Dust

a character in “From Dust to Dust”, as played by The Adversary




Theme: Suljeva

Name: Hadoff Nasser | Age: 48 | Sex: Male | Height: 6'3'' | Position: Weapons Expert

Hadoff can be a hard man to judge. At one moment he might be an antisocial, ill-tempered old man and the next he'll have pulled a complete three-sixty. That is not to say he's ever one to be friendly, or even really talk - not unless he's angry or discussing a firearm of some kind. Hadoff is not a man to form relationships, especially not binding ones. He hardly knows his children, aware only that his daughter is soon to be trading her surname for another man's - eagerly - and that his son is taking courses under the watchful eye of a large construction corporation. He takes his role as Weapons Expert seriously, though has assumed a mindset of: "I can tell you how to use it, but I can't tell you how to be good with it." His stores of ammunition and firearms are well guarded and deemed sacrosanct, only doling out what's needed as it's required and absolutely nothing more. This belies a regimented mind, and he truly is a man devoted to an order - his order. This is not to say he will disobey orders, even ones he does not like. He'll let his superiors know of his distaste, but will carry out their commands to the letter and then some, if necessary. He's still more than willing to take up arms if the need arises, whether it be to defend the expedition from monsters, mercenaries or saboteurs. Some might call him eccentric, even crazy. They would more or less be correct. This should never be mistaken as a weakness. Hadoff is cunning and fiercely intelligent, always absorbing information from his surroundings. Catching him off guard is a difficult thing to do, indeed.

Hadoff is a grizzled, scarred and aging man. His green eyes are clouding, his hair slowly turning to silver, and darkly tanned skin is pocked and littered with scar tissue. Several wounds mar his face, alone, and many more cover his arms, legs and torso. His bearing is tall and muscular, his presence alone filling a room. He carries a weight with him in that way- a shadow of experience that follows him wherever he goes. If not for his sometimes "odd" demeanor, most would take a single look at him and deem Hadoff a fearsome figure fit for leadership. Not to say he has no commanding qualities, it's just his personality tends to undermine his physical impact in the eyes of others. The little finger is missing from his right hand, along with most of his ring finger - an injury sustained from being swarmed by wild beasts during his early years, when he was only nineteen. Old tattoos cover his left arm, most of them symbolically added during his long tenure with Reykjat and denote anything from membership to successfulness and lethality.

Over his lifetime, Hadoff has used a vast assortment of weapons to make end's meet. As such, he could very well be considered a qualified expert concerning most of the various firearms on the market. And even if it's something he's not wielded before, he probably knows a lot about it from using something similar. He can recite the care and handling of every weapon in his store, the various forms of ammunition they can load and all the mods these weapons can be fitted with. Aside from this job requirement, Hadoff is also a trained soldier - which should be obvious given his experience using this cache of firearms to the extent he has. He has seen combat in all forms, and undergone extreme pressure and pain to complete an assignment in some of the worst scenarios imaginable. He is no stranger to duress, and considers threats challenges to be overcome- although not eagerly awaiting new problems to arise, he meets them with never-waning zeal whenever they choose to rear their heads. He has never been one for magic, preferring the solidity of a gun and the surefire reliability it provides, boasting that skill with a rifle will always outlast talent for magic - not to say he has no appreciation for magic, he simply believes it is less effective or dependable.

-Personalized Gen-9i HAZOP Armor: Among the standard issue series of armors within the folds of Reykjat, this particular model is fully equipped for handling some of the most extreme conditions and combat situations. The suit is airtight and water-proofed; fitted with air filtration, full spectrum optics and HUD, two way radio, reflex-enhancing exoskeleton, defensive plating comprised of carbon alloys and ceramics. Supplemental shielding on the torso bolsters protection of the most vital organs. The suit draws power from five Dust batteries situated on the lower back, beneath a protective plate. The Gen-9i relies on low energy consumption for most of its functions, affording the wearer up to three days of power if run non-stop, however the suit can be worn with minimal drain to extend this limit for much longer.

-M67C Deck-Clearing Shotgun: Loaded with up to twelve 8-gauge magnum shells at a time, and capable of an effective range of up to 40-50 metres with a tight spread and high penetration capability. The M67C is a tube-fed, gas operated automatic cycling shotgun, boasting tremendous stopping power up to considerable ranges - although lethality does drop after a certain point due to widening spread and gradually decreasing velocity of the shot. A choke applied to the weapon extends its reach somewhat, but not stupidly so. Armor penetration is especially lax at longer distances, making this a weapon far more suitable for close-quarters engagements.

-Taglite Mawler-M4: The Mawler is a trustworthy sidearm in any engagement. Staggered magazines fit up to twenty rounds with basic armor piercing capability. Not a weapon designed for range by any means, the Mawler is meant for precisely the role a side-carry is intended: a back up, only to be used in case of emergency.

Background Information:
Hadoff was born in what could only be called a company town. The sky was choked to an eternal grey, even under the light of the sun, and constantly reeked of processed Dust and other assorted chemical wastes. The population was mostly indentured, but Hadoff's father wanted better for his son- his only child. At the age of eight he was sent to live with his uncle in another city, far from the reach of the small corporation that had run his birthplace. His uncle had been a soldier, and then a mercenary, and raised his nephew to be just that. He was drilled, grilled and pushed constantly past his breaking point as the years dragged on. His uncle was stern, but not cruel. Any resentment Hadoff may have had for the man faded away rapidly as time went by, and eventually he came to more than admire him. Ten years after his expulsion from home, Hadoff entered into a talent search directed by Gilter Company, a mercenary organization ultimately controlled by the Massada Group- a powerful holding concern with several such "freelancer enterprises" within its considerably expansive pockets. The work was often somewhat challenging, and paid well enough. Hadoff distinguished himself in the jobs he partook in, going above and beyond what he was typically called to do to ensure the fulfillment of the contracts as best as possible. This continued for nearly four years, lasting until the Company took a contract to attack a convoy of Dust collectors and requisition their recent haul. The job seemed to go down without a hitch, but that changed when the corporation that had funded the expedition somehow discovered the Giler Company had been behind it. In order to settle the score and protect their own interests, Massada decided to liquidate the Company, but not before contacting a handful of operatives and offering to erase their names from Gilter's manifests and employ them elsewhere under the Group's umbrella. Hadoff was among those few, and not a single one refused- constituting the entirety of the survivors of Gilter Company.

Three years later his contract with Massada expired, and he left seeking other work. He found it with Reykjat, an autonomas paramilitary organization free from the restrictions businesses like Gilter Company had been bound by. Of course, this entailed an even more dangerous breed of contracts, involving long-term assignments into hazardous environments and conflicts with powerful enemies, including state militaries on occasion. The years bled together after this, with Hadoff moving from one job to another, his willingness to sink to lower tactics to emerge with his paycheck growing with every day spent in the field. Somewhere along the line Hadoff entered a brief retirement and married, bearing two children: a daughter: Kiliya; and a son: Edissan. This didn't last for more than a few years, and soon enough he was back in the thick of mercenary work. One job in particular that sticks out in his past is where he had been hired by a private investor to lead an expedition out to a newly discovered Dust deposit, one that was supposed to be incredibly rich. On the side he had been paid off by a corporation to sabotage the team. He accomplished this with ease, watching from a safe distance as the expedition was destroyed entirely. Word of Hadoff's betrayal reached the investor, who dispatched an assassin to track down the man responsible for the collapse of his venture. Unable to find Hadoff or his children, he settled on murdering Hadoff's wife, instead. Soon after, both the killer and his employer went missing. Hadoff took measures to ensure their bodies will never be recovered.

With no real end to his career in sight, Hadoff decided to take a bit of a slower line of work, as he saw it. All throughout his life he'd taken jobs where he had been near Dust in some way- somehow. He had never truly gotten involved, always just sort of skirting along the sidelines of the industry but keeping mostly to other things. As desperately important as Dust was, he had always managed to avoid directly associating himself with the stuff. He'd never really been on an expedition before, never been part of a collection crew. Finally, after all those years he decided to see what the lifestyle was like and took a contract as a Weapons Expert within a convoy. Whenever asked how it compares, he answers without hesitation, "It's a good bit of respite."

So begins...

Hadoff Nasser's Story

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Behind the glowing orange lights of his face plate, the old soldier quietly observed the extra hands that had been sent down to organize his store for him. Crates of ammunition, rifles, pistols and a vast assortment of other weapons packed away and sealed up tight. They went about their task in utter silence, feeling the burning of his gaze like the fiery glow produced real heat wherever it landed. He could see them tense as he walked by, took note whenever one of them suddenly surged back to work when his head turned in their direction. His hands clasped behind his back, Nasser looked every bit like a regimented warrior who'd spent his days in the rank-and-file, despite this not quite being the case. True, the mercenary life entailed a little less discipline in certain circles, but Gilter Company and Reykjat - especially - had operated very much like state militaries. Every man and woman was expected to pull their weight, even if it meant doing something that ordinarily didn't fall to you. Your share was yours alone, however your superiors decided you should show it.

It was also possible that they were so nervous in his presence because of the shotgun hanging at his side by a strap slung over his shoulder. The modded barrel was aimed down, the stock toward the sky, but the intimidation factor remained all the same. Not difficult to see why. It was a bloody shotgun. On a sudden whim, Hadoff came to a halt next to a long black case. The young man who'd been tending to it skittered back and busied himself with another load. Nasser unlocked the box and lifted the lid. Inside rested a pristine condition W4DR, an anti-materiel rifle. The body and barrel blended smoothly, establishing from the first glance that this was a ruggedly fearsome, yet artistically defined tool. Satisfied, Hadoff lowered the lid and locked it back, and hand sliding over the slick paint as he walked away, almost feeling the thickness of the plating.

A mechanical rack released on the wall and extended out, allowing the workers to load each of the spaces within. There were quite a lot of similar storage compartments, allowing for ease of access to firearms whenever the need to hand them out arose. Bolters, assault rifles, scatterguns, grenade launcher, and more. It filled Hadoff with a kind of pride, and relaxed him. He felt at home amidst these machines. Their familiarity, the solidarity. Every one of them dependable and proven in combat situations. He'd trust them in an instant over any of the hired hands unpacking and putting them away.

Reaching the center of the storeroom, Nasser stopped and stood like a statue, turning in a slow circle and looking over the room. His voice broke the silence like a bat taken to glass, "I expect you to finish up here as quickly as possible. I don't like the thought of any you runts stalling to stay down here longer 'n you should be." It sounded hollow, tinny and mechanical through his mask's speaker, resonating eerily off the steel walls. "You've an hour. Not finished by them?" He shrugged, "I'll be happy to demonstrate the rate of fire the Thebma'at PDW-08's capable of." Nasser waited a few moments, and decided to add on as further incentive, "Fifteen hundred RPM."

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Truth be told, Hadoff wouldn't have killed all of them had it come down to it. Maybe just two or three- enough to get the point through the others' heads. Although, even that would have been a bloody waste, just not in his eyes. He wasn't so sure his superiors on this convoy would cotton so well to his killing of work hands just to make them a little more productive. Although, he had gone out of his way to pull one of the PDWs from a crate and slide a magazine home. That ultimately did the job well enough, and before the hour marker had passed they'd all cleared out from his storeroom. Every weapon was snug and secure in a rack or drawer, just waiting for the time to come when they'd be called from their slumber to spit fire. He'd stood there in the relative quiet for a short few minutes, just listening to the rumble and rattle and roar of the tank as it rolled along its path, all the pieces and parts a-whirrin' and grinding and humming. It was a beautiful thing, to be back on the road again. He'd have preferred to be on his way to some engagement, truthfully, but.. as soon as that thought had come he'd remembered why he'd decided to go on a Dust collecting expedition. He'd felt a little.. tired. After all those years, some of the stress was finally getting to him.

Okay, well.. in more ways than the usual eccentricities and paranoia, at least.

As it were at the moment, Hadoff'd decided upon taking a bit of a walk through the roaring belly of the mechanical beast. His target was the CIC. He'd gotten it in his head to find the CO of this convoy and formally introduce himself. He liked getting to know who'd be telling him how to do his job as soon as possible, and he finally had the time required to do so. He already knew who it was, but not who they were. A Replica, one of the super soldiers of the Atoll State. It was, at once, an exciting and.. unsettling thought. For one, Hadoff knew full well what the Replicas were capable of. He'd seen them in action- fought alongside them, against them. He'd been saved by them, killed them, and understood their capabilities. On the other hand, he didn't count them as real people, which gave him some cause for anxiety - okay, more than usual - when it came to what kind of leadership they'd be getting on this little trip into the wilds.

Nasser had been on his way up a flight of stairs when he ran nearly headlong into the CO himself. Not missing a beat, he snapped a crisp salute and then stood at attention, declaring with a solid tone, "Sir! Hadoff Nasser, Reykjat. Weapons Specialist, sir! I was just on my way to find you, sir." There wasn't anything to give away Hadoff's thoughts or feelings at the moment. His body language was stiff and statuesque- not just because of the armor cloaking his entire form. And then, of course, his face was wholly shielded by cold red lights, ceramics and steel. "I prefer getting a good look at my commanding officer on any assignment before it really gets underway, sir." He lifted his head, visibly examining the bulkhead of the tank wrapping around them. His attention returned to Drake, and he coolly added, "Sir. Atoll does it better, sir." He'd been around the military forces of Atoll enough to know that little slogan well. And that it was more often true than not.

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At the pitch of night amongst the gale of clashing storms, hellfire rained. Theirs, especially. A torrent of artillery fire of all types pounded down upon the enemy complex. To any who happened to be unfortunate enough to be in the open found themselves swept into oblivion by the overwhelming deluge of fire. Truly an awe inducing display of military might. Especially from the skies - high above the target instillation within one of the two special operations dropships. This was where he and his nineteen other kin stood, watching the bombardment from on high as they prepared to descend down amongst the inferno......

......the air whistled past him as he fell through the sky, part of a loose circle formation with his brothers and sisters. Performing feats of aerial agility that would seem impossible considering the sheer weight of his armor, at least to those who didn't know what the SAAICS suits could do. Indeed, they were falling like bricks. But they were falling in style. Fast approaching the target he, in unison with his fellows, activated the "air brakes" - semi-transparent shields of Dust that materialized in front of them, creating extreme drag that jolted every bone in their bodies with the sudden deceleration. Moments later he all but crashed into the target building....

....Barely seventeen minutes after touchdown and they were already deep within the enemy's central complex. Seemingly doing in such a short amount of time what three hours of bombardment had yet to accomplish; unraveling the opponents' operation by the seams. Moving deeper into the complex, three enemy combatants engaged him. Attempting to overwhelm him with fire only to watch as the titan sidestepped their shots - the sparse few rounds that connected simply pinging off his armor - charged into one of their own at such inhuman speed that the sheer velocity of the impact sent him hurtling into the far wall, dead upon impact. Snapping the second assailant's neck before they could even react, he turned to bash away the coming blow from the third. Grabbing the man's wrist, he squeezed the bones into dust in a sicking crunch. Before the man could so much as scream he caved in his skull with the butt of his rifle.

Targets neutralized, he moved on....

.... An hour and a half into the operation and their adversaries ambitions were all but sunk. Sixty percent of the complex's defenses were offline or destroyed, data-banks hacked then purged, communications network in disarray, essential structures destroyed and a bloody swath cut through their ranks. And this was just the opening stroke. The Replicas were simply there to open the gates, to punch a whole into the enemy's defenses while their back was against a wall so the conventional forces could move in. He and his kin were never meant to take the place on their own(they didn't have numbers necessary for that), it was simply a testament to the sheer skill and power of the Replicas coupled with successful planning and intel that they were able to reap such chaos....

....He was a dead man, there was no point in denying it. He cursed himself for being so uncharacteristically reckless, such a thing went against everything he had been trained for and look where it got him: bleeding on the ground, half his arm missing, armor a wreck, comms screwed, enough internal injuries that if he was a normal human he'd be dead already. The only thing between him and a pissed off mech was a large piece of rubble. Great. Whelp, if he was going to die he would go down fighting. Gritting his teeth he stood...

...Smoke and fire.....

....the angry scream of machinery in its death throes...

.....searing pain...


....He heard voices in the distance, their words familiar yet he couldn't understand. The voices were dismissed in wake of an overwhelming feeling: he...hurt. Good. Pain told him he was was still alive so he focused on the pain. Fought to keep it at the forefront of his mind. As long as he could feel it it meant his body hadn't given out on him, not yet....

....his eyes opened. His vision was out of focus and he saw red; at least he could see! Goddammit, he hurt - his entire body was screaming at him. Haha! Take that, reaper! Uttering a silent chuckle just as someone entered his vision, talking to him. It took him awhile to focus enough to realize that it was his CO. Her SAAICS scarred and blackened and her eye was bleeding, but she looked good. Much better than his broken carcass, he bet. She was saying something but he couldn't understand - the world falling away around him. He knew he'd die soon but, goddammit, he'd die on his terms.

Shackily raising his hand to his CO, he slowly placed two of his fingers on either side of her nose, below her eyes. The Replica sign for companionship. As his hand dropped she grabbed it and held it gently, her eyes locking with his in understanding. He thought to his fellow Replicas and the bond they shared. He would be with his family, in memory, long after his body was burnt to ash. That gave him a kind of peace.... his eyes closed for the final time he felt comforting fingers on his skin, returning the age old greeting...and farewell......


Drake shook his head, clearing his momentary daze. Saddened by the loss of a member of his kin. Death was a fact of any Replica's exisence, but it was never pleasant to "watch" them die. Still, this one died well and in the end that's all they could ask for. As information was broadcast into his brain, he mused in satisfaction that the far off operation was a success because of the Replicas and that his fallen brother was the only casualty amongst his kin.

And, too, that his actions would be remembered.

Continuing his track through the command vehicle only to have his weapons specialist turn the corner and approach him. A tiny smirk dawning on Drake's face at his words. โ€œAtoll does it betterโ€. Ha, indeed. Looking over Nasser with stern eyes, Drake recalled his history. The man had more experience than almost everyone on this convoy and his reputation was earned. Drake knew his history, knew his skills and knew his outlook - and that's exactly why Drake had chosen him.

Drake blinked and his vision changed. Observing spectrums that no mere human eye could hope to see naturally, and with it Drake peered past Hadoff's armor and saw what no man could hide. To others there would be no indication of this change. Onlookers would only see two stern military men eying one another up.

Satisfied, Drake's vision returned to normal. In an ever calm and commanding tone, "Sizing me up, eh? Tell me, Specialist Nasser, what do you see?"