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A Life-Supported Velociraptor

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a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, originally authored by Alexander von Koopa, as played by RolePlayGateway


Theme – Jurassic Park Calypso


Age: 6

Gender: Female

Race: Velociraptor

Alignment: True Neutral


Physical Description: Duma is a Velociraptor (Deinonychus, if we’re to be correct – Jurassic Park velociraptors were misidentified) wearing a mechanical suit, with wires connected to most of her vital organs. This suit is not to make her look intimidating or power her up – it’s to keep her alive, because underneath the suit there are numerous would-be fatal wounds on Duma’s body.

Personality: Duma is naturally curious and incredibly intelligent, able to learn things quicker than most animals but unable to speak. Her previous personality was overwritten to act more like a loyal guard dog, and loyal she is – she will defend to the death anyone kind to her.

History: Duma was developed as a weapon by renegade scientists on Isla Sorna, hoping to train her to replace modern soldiers. She was bought off instead by the White Platoon and has served them loyally ever since. After gaining the enmity of Majestic, Duma was captured and nearly killed in a failed rescue attempt. Miraculously, the White Platoon was able to save her life and hook her up to a suit to save her life.

Equipment: Duma’s suit increases her durability and natural speed, lets her climb up walls, and vibrate her molecules so fast she effectively turns invisible. However, great damage to the suit puts Duma in a critical state where she’s likely to die.

Abilities: None, other than incredible speed

Other: Duma has been trained not to attack humans – humanoids are fine.

So begins...

Duma's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Gunnr
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It's right about now that Alex's reception comes back and. He reaches for his phone and picks it up.

"Patches, thank God," said Alex. "Quick, I need you to search for any sign of someone calling himself the god of wa-"

"No time for that, guv!" shouted Patches. "Bell Tower's under attack by a whole bunch 'a airships!"

"And... you expect me to take them all out?" asked Alex. "Me. Whose powers include having a sword. One sword and one piece of one."

"Come off it!" said Patches. "This world's gonna need all the help it can bloody well get, and you ain't helpin' a thing by moanin' about yer one sword! Now are you gonna 'elp or aren't ya?"

"... Well, in case you haven't noticed, I can't fly," said Alex.

"Not a worry," said Patches. "Help's on the way."

"Can that help get here and to the Bell Tower fast?" asked Alex.

A dragon suddenly crashed through the ceiling of the ice cave, landing next to the heroes and morphing into a pale-skinned humanoid with no shirt. Equally as quickly a blur ran into the cave, then stopped right next to Alex, revealing a velociraptor in a metallic suit. She's carrying what looks like a portable electric generator.

"That fast enough for ya?" asked Patches.

"Plenty fast," said Alex. "And... what's Duma holding?"

"Secret weapon," said Patches. "Doc would probably order it."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Gunnr
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"Hang on..." Kaia said. "Does...Does anyone else feel that?"

"(?) Feel what?" Andy asked.

Kaia felt like her pain was subsiding. As if...the world's pain was subsiding, rather.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Gunnr
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"I cannot feel 'that' if I do not know what 'that' feels like," said Terrus.

"No... I feel it, too," said Redcloak.

"Patches," said Alex. "I was PREPARING to kick some butt."

"Well... you can still kick butt anywhere else, I suppose," said Patches. "'Sides, I got Duma and Terrus to ya, didn't I?"

"It's still kind of disappointing," muttered Alex.

"Well, sorry that saving the entire planet with the hopes and dreams of everyone on it disappoints you, guv."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Gunnr
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"Ah, don't feel bad, Alex," Andy said. "What's done is done, right? And it's one less problem for us to worry about right now."

Meanwhile, Kaia was occupied with Duma, mostly concerned about her cybernetic augments. "Oh my...! Whatever happened to you?"

Lucas's voice was also heard on the other end. "And that's...that. ...Now then! The equations on the second scroll seem to pertain more to people than places. There's the Mars figure you mentioned before; as for the second, we believe it's most likely related to Duncan, Sir Ganymede's brother. We're still lost on the third, though..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Gunnr
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Duma looks down sadly.

"We don't like to talk about what happened to Duma," said Terrus.

"Not to mention that one we deciphered about the traitor..." said Patches.

"Wait, what?" asked Alex. "What's that one about?"

"Summat about 'order to purest chaos'. Know anyfin' about it?"

Alex sighed.

"Yeah," said Alex. "Daniel Xavier. Before your time. He used to be this big 'man-on-a-mission' out to kill everyone who wanted to destroy the world or something, and then... he found some Wheel of Fate artifact and went crazy. Now he can't make any decision without consulting it, no matter how crazy it would be. If it's talking about him, than he and the first piece of Entropy would be in the Old Chateau."

"While yer at it, any ideas about this Mars fella?" asked Patches.

"Look for anywhere that a whole bunch of people have been recently killing each other," said Alex. "He... he has that effect on people."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Gunnr
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"Alright, searching..."

"The Old Chateau? Alright! I've always wanted to check that place out! Who knows what ghostly remnants it's got?" Andy said.

"Okay, but what about this Duncan figure? Where might he turn up at?" Kaia asked.

"Well, Chateau first. Then wherever this Duncan guy is," Andy replied.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Gunnr
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"That's not good," said Patches on the other end.

"What?" asked Alex.

"Summat goin' down at Yōgan Volcano, guv," said Patches.

"Dammit!" shouted Alex. "We don't have anyone that can get there in time!"

Duma nuzzles up against Alex, who looks down at her and smiles.

"Unless... Duma, Terrus, you think you can get to the volcano?"

"Yes," said Terrus simply.

"... Can you do it, and will you?" clarified Alex.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Gunnr
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Andy and Kaia are currently waiting on Alex. The current path would be west into the Dry Dry Desert and up through Gritzy Junction, going into the Edge Wilds and proceeding north to the Emerald Forest.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Gunnr
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"Call you back," said Alex, hanging up.

Duma bolts off into the distance, with Terrus transforming into a copy of her and following.

"Let's go," said Alex, heading west towards Dry Dry Desert (where the blizzard seems to be dying down).

The setting changes from Crystal Land to Yōgan Volcano


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Ares
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Suddenly, a blur zooms to the top of the volcano, stopping to reveal Duma (carrying a generator), as a dragon lands next to her and transforms into Terrus.

"Ah... so this is what's left of the White Platoon?" asked Ares.

"There is no White Platoon any more," said Terrus.

"So I've heard," said Ares, laughing. "Still, I'm disappointed. I expected more than just you. But conflict is still conflict."

As the Orkz keep shooting at each other, Ares summons floating swords and axes.

"You'll do for now."

Ares hurls the swords and axes at Terrus and Duma, the former of whom transforms into an iron statue to avoid the damage and the latter of whom runs around to flank Ares, but gets caught up in the fighting Orkz. The swords and axes disappear as Terrus transforms into a minotaur and charges at Ares, who teleports behind Terrus and lets him gore an unfortunate Ork.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Ares
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Red scaled up the volcano, leaping from crag to crag. As she got halfway up, she could see the figures fighting up near the summit.

"Someone's picked an asinine spot for a brawl...!" She continued upward.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Ares
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Terrus turns back to normal and points his spear at Ares.

"You can simply give us the shard, you know!" said Terrus.

"You would dare demand such a thing of me?" asked Ares, laughing. "You are in no position to make deals!"

Ares leaps into the air, preparing to come crashing down on Terrus' head... only for Duma to tackle him to the side, where Terrus stabs him with the spear. This doesn't seem to have the expected results, as Ares quickly gets up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Sarina Zaritoni Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Ares
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Karasz
"Hey, if you're going to investigate up there, you're gonna need some some help." Sarina is behind The Red Riding Hood, "If there's a concern regarding the safety of Nikko Village, I'll be more than willing to save them from their doom."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Sarina Zaritoni Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Ares
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"Okay, works for me!" Red just gave a slight glance at Sarina while saying that, as she was busy running up the mountain. However, Red glanced back again, getting a better look at Sarina's eyes. "Have we met before...?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Sarina Zaritoni Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Ares
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Duma looks at the sword piece hanging off Ares' belt, looks to Terrus, and nods. Terrus nods back, turns into a yeti, and charges for Ares, making as much noise as possible... Only for Ares to turn invisible. Duma looks around, confused.

"If your goal was to distract me and take the sword," echoed Ares' voice. "You'll have to do much better than that."

Ares appears behind Duma, slamming her into the ground with two fists.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Sarina Zaritoni Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Ares
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A connected pair of daggers flew out like a shuriken and hit Ares in the back, bouncing back to the hands of the thrower - Red, leaping into action!

"Well hello there! Been a few hours since I faced anything as big as you. Care to entertain me, big guy?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Sarina Zaritoni Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Ares
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Ares turns to Red.

"You will be the one entertaining me, child!" said Ares.

Ares conjures up more swords from nothing and hurls them at Red while Terrus returns to normal and stabs Ares in the back with a spear. He doesn't look too damaged by it, as he quickly pushes himself off. Meanwhile, the Orkz continue to fight amongst themselves.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Sarina Zaritoni Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Ares
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#, as written by Karasz
"Cool it!"

Sarina casts a cold spell at Ares by freezing his legs to prevent him from moving.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Sarina Zaritoni Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Ares
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"The waters of Poseidon would not be enough to hold me!" said Ares, smashing out of the ice. "What hope does one little girl have?"

Terrus transforms into a dragon and breathes fire onto Ares, who seems irritated but not badly damaged.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Sarina Zaritoni Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Ares
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It's then that the sword piece caught the corner of Red's eye. Wrapping herself in the Cloak of Secrets, she dashed to Ares's belt while he was distracted, grabbing the shard.