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A Life-Supported Velociraptor

0 · 1,184 views · located in Ingenium

a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, originally authored by Alexander von Koopa, as played by RolePlayGateway


Theme – Jurassic Park Calypso


Age: 6

Gender: Female

Race: Velociraptor

Alignment: True Neutral


Physical Description: Duma is a Velociraptor (Deinonychus, if we’re to be correct – Jurassic Park velociraptors were misidentified) wearing a mechanical suit, with wires connected to most of her vital organs. This suit is not to make her look intimidating or power her up – it’s to keep her alive, because underneath the suit there are numerous would-be fatal wounds on Duma’s body.

Personality: Duma is naturally curious and incredibly intelligent, able to learn things quicker than most animals but unable to speak. Her previous personality was overwritten to act more like a loyal guard dog, and loyal she is – she will defend to the death anyone kind to her.

History: Duma was developed as a weapon by renegade scientists on Isla Sorna, hoping to train her to replace modern soldiers. She was bought off instead by the White Platoon and has served them loyally ever since. After gaining the enmity of Majestic, Duma was captured and nearly killed in a failed rescue attempt. Miraculously, the White Platoon was able to save her life and hook her up to a suit to save her life.

Equipment: Duma’s suit increases her durability and natural speed, lets her climb up walls, and vibrate her molecules so fast she effectively turns invisible. However, great damage to the suit puts Duma in a critical state where she’s likely to die.

Abilities: None, other than incredible speed

Other: Duma has been trained not to attack humans – humanoids are fine.

So begins...

Duma's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus
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Terrus and Duma step out of the portal. Why were they later when they stepped in first? Shut up and don't ask questions or you get five across the bum, young man

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus
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#, as written by GBA
The portal quickly fizzles out once the four exit it. Whether for better or worse (or likely for his own reasons), Quercus hasn't followed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus
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"(!) Hey - !" Lightning was surprised that Quercus didn't follow.

"Why...didn't he...?" Lucas asked, even more surprised.

"...I guess he has his own battles back there. Nothing to fret over right now," Lightning replied.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus
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"Indeed," said Terrus. "There were, after all, several of the monsters still there when we left. No doubt he has to fight them."

A brief, awkward pause.

"I suppose we should be off," said Terrus. "Alex isn't going to find himself."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus
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"Of course," Lucas said. "We should inform the dragons of the new events..." With that, Lucas set his sights toward the palace.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus
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Terrus and Duma head out in some other direction.

The setting changes from Corona Residence to Rarofiore


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Abraham
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In Dr. Y's memory...

Five years ago. Dr. Y stands across a table a table from Black Jack, who is chained to that table and struggling against his bonds.

"You know," said Black Jack. "When I learned you called your little group the White Platoon I thought you'd be against torture."

"This isn't torture," said Dr. Y. "Not yet."

"If that was your most intimidating line you're out of luck," laughed Black Jack. "We're trained to ignore idle threats."

"Who said that was an idle threat?" asked Dr. Y.

"You did," said Black Jack. "You haven't told me what the punishment for failure is, nor have you told me what you're after. You're all bluster, doctor."

"I could say the same about your organization," spat Dr. Y.

"Ah, but you know that's not the case," said Black Jack. "You must think we're Saturday morning cartoon villains like the Happy Family, with only vague plans to take over the world or make money. We are not. We've had plans in place since before you even thought of picking up your shotgun. We are swift and efficient in our tasks - but then, you know that already, thanks to your little gang in traction. You know nothing about us. And we know everything about you."

A brief pause as Dr. Y draws his broadsword.

"I don't think I got my message across the first time," said Dr. Y. "You're going to tell me everything I want to know about Majestic. And since you seem obsessed with efficiency, allow me to show you how efficient I can be."

Dr. Y swings at Black Jack's right arm, cutting it off at the shoulder, as the agent screams in pain...

"Doctor?" interjected a voice. "Why are you lying down in the sand?"

Dr. Y came to, looking up and seeing Terrus and Duma standing over him. He stood up, shaking sand out of his leather clothing.

“I wasn’t lying down here by choice,” said Dr. Y. “I was attacked.”

“By who?” asked Terrus.

“Black Jack,” said Dr. Y. “And if he’s still around that must mean Majestic’s back in full force.”

“I doubt they’re in full force,” said Terrus. “Most of them are dead.”

“You know what I mean,” said Dr. Y.

“No, doctor,” said Terrus. “I don’t.”

Before Dr. Y could say anything else, his phone started ringing. He pulled it out, amazed he could get reception this good in the middle of the desert – but then saw that Patches was calling. That explained a lot – the phones were modified from the platoon’s old communicators, and anyone who was previously a member of the Platoon could get a decent signal to any other member’s phone regardless of distance or location. He answered the phone.

“What do you want?” asked Dr. Y.

Izzat any way to say ‘ello?” asked Patches.

“You left the Platoon after Judah’s last visit,” said Dr. Y. “And ignored my multiple reasons as to why you should stay. So you’re not going to be calling me unless you need something. What is it?”

I need ‘elp,” said Patches.

“Really?” asked Dr. Y. “You never asked for help from any of us before.”

That was before I was bein’ ‘unted down fer a crime I didn’t commit!” shouted Patches. “The same one yer bein’ hunted down fer!

“I noticed,” said Dr. Y.

Listen, guv, I’m in Ingenium wif soldiers on me bum,” said Patches, sounding quite irritated. “An’ I can’t get out on my own, so I need you to come over ‘ere an’ bail me out!

“That’s a suicide mission,” said Dr. Y.

Well, ain’t that yer specialty?” asked Patches.

“My specialty is missions no one else will do,” said Dr. Y. “Not ones that are impossible. If you’re expecting me to just show up and save the day you’re crazy.”

We’re used to crazy,” said Patches. “But if you insist I guess I’ll just rot here.

Patches hung up, followed by Dr. Y.

“Duma,” said Dr. Y. “This might sting a little bit.”

Dr. Y knelt down beside Duma, opening a panel on the generator attached to her side.

“What are you doing, doctor?” asked Terrus.

“I’m getting together a squad to get Patches out of Ingenium,” said Dr. Y.

“But I thought you didn’t want her-“ began Terrus.

“She left the Platoon,” said Dr. Y. “But now she wants our help. And I never leave someone behind, unlike some people.”

Terrus doesn’t quite know what Dr. Y is talking about, but he thinks he gets it. Dr. Y inputs a password into a keypad hidden beneath the panel, and after he does, sparks fly from the generator at Duma’s side and Abraham flies up.

“Doctor!” shouted Abraham. “Are my services needed?”

“Yes,” said Dr. Y. “I need you, Duma, and Terrus to go to Ingenium and make a mess. Do something to make sure Patches can make her escape.”

“Certainly!” said Abraham. “The workers of Haven have set up false gods and towers to the heavens for too long! The vengeance of the lord shall fall upon them!”

“Whatever floats your boat,” said Dr. Y. “In the meantime, I’ve got to make a few calls.”

“Like to Alex?” asked Terrus. “We were looking for him-“

“No,” said Dr. Y, already dialing the phone. “Alex is dead to me.”

“But he’s still alive-“ began Terrus.

“Terrus,” said Dr. Y. “Stop talking about it and get to Ingenium.”

“… Okay,” said Terrus, turning into a gryphon and flying off.

Duma (with Abraham attached to the generator) quickly follows.

The setting changes from Rarofiore to Ingenium


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Patches Character Portrait: Abraham
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One of the bluffside guards catches something out of the corner of his eye and turns, seeing a dragon flying towards Ingenium. Before he can comprehend what, exactly, it's doing, a lightning bolt strikes him and a velociraptor runs over him. Shortly thereafter, the dragon lands and turns back into Terrus. Terrus stops beside the velociraptor, who has an electrical phantom coming out of a generator strapped to her side.

"COME THEN, YOU COWARDS!" shouted Abraham. "Gaze upon your lord and despair!"

This isn't exactly a stealthy approach, and it attracts all of the guards in the immediate area. They aim guns at the three, who scatter and attack them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Death's Head Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Patches Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa Character Portrait: Abraham
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Soon after, an armored police vehicle comes screaming into Ingenium. Two things are different about this vehicle, though - for one Quintus von Koopa killed everyone inside and is now driving. For two, Death's Head is attached by grappling hook to the vehicle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Death's Head Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Patches Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa Character Portrait: Abraham
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sockie
"This one may be a hassle..." says Death's Head to himself as the grappling hook begins reeling him in closer to the vehicle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Death's Head Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Patches Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa Character Portrait: Abraham
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Quintus doesn't seem to notice, concerned only with running over various panicking officers.


Meanwhile, the power to a city block in Ingenium goes out, leeched away by Abraham, who is clearly putting it to much better use blasting every cop in sight. Duma and Terrus at this point just try to stay out of his way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Death's Head Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Patches Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa Character Portrait: Abraham
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sockie
Death's Head reaches the vehicle thanks to his grappling hook, and begins climbing up to its roof.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Death's Head Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Patches Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa Character Portrait: Abraham
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Quintus hears the thumping but imagines it's the sound of bodies he's running over. The vehicle must have awesome traction if it can keep running over officers and not slow down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Death's Head Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Patches Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa Character Portrait: Abraham
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sockie
Death's Head makes his way towards the vehicle's cab, swapping his grappling hook out for a mace. Upon reaching the cab, he smashes the mace down through the cab's roof.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Death's Head Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Patches Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa Character Portrait: Abraham
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The mace bashes in the roof of the vehicle.

"What the hell?" asked Quintus, looking up to see Death's Head.

He should have kept his eyes on the road, because the vehicle is now careening towards a rather large laboratory.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Death's Head Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Patches Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa Character Portrait: Abraham
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#, as written by Sockie
"You're under arrest, yes?" says Death's Head as he attempts to swing the mace at Quintus' head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: Terrus Character Portrait: Patches Character Portrait: Abraham
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Meanwhile, Abraham has practically fried every available guard incoming.

"Y...eah, ah think we can make it out with lit'l problem now, guv," Patches pointed out.

"Wait! Should we not discipline these arrogant fools first?" Abraham asked desperately.

"...Probably should not?" Terrus guessed. "We should go somewhere safer."

Duma nodded. After Terrus took on his dragon form, Patches and Duma (with Abraham still connected) hopped on.

"B-But I just know they're asking for it - !" Abraham little avail, as Terrus flew off with his three comrades.