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Patches (v2)

'Ello, guv!

0 · 702 views · located in Black Platoon Space Station

a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by Alexander von Koopa


Theme – It’s A Smile World


Age: 25 (Appearance), 15 (Actual years since creation – robot)

Gender: Technically none (Robot); Looks Female

Race: Robot

Alignment: Neutral Good


Physical Description: Patches looks like a six-foot-tall human with brown hair, stitched together and given shabby clothes to make her look like a ragdoll. Beneath this, however, she is comprised of nanobots placed together to give her a silver metallic sheen.

Personality: Patches talks with a cockney accent and has a happy-go-lucky attitude, always seeing the best in people and not wanting anyone to fight anyone. She hates resorting to violence as a way to stop evil and would gladly stay behind and clean up the mess other heroes make.

History: Patches doesn’t like to talk about herself, but what we do know is that she was in the White Platoon’s base before even Dr. Y, the nominal founder, keeping it spick and span. The White Platoon appreciated her there even though she didn’t help them go out and battle evil, but eventually she gained the confidence to defend the base and act as their mission control. After the White Platoon’s last mission against Morbul she was revealed to be a robot, but has not said anything about why.

Equipment: Patches technically is equipment, being comprised of shapeshifting nanobots, but most of her equipment is of the cleaning variety – a broom, a mop, a pail of water, whatever she needs to keep some place tidy.

Abilities: Patches is not constrained by human limitations, and as such is incredibly hardy and durable. She’s also physically stronger than most humans, but limits herself to fighting with a broom to lessen this cheap advantage.

Other: Patches isn’t good with names and tends to nickname everyone she meets.

So begins...

Patches (v2)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Princess Parasoul Renoir Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Death's Head
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Dr. Y slings Andy over a piece of airship debris, leaving him to float on the water. It's not dignified, but he's not drowning.

"Terrus," shouted Dr. Y. "Get us out of here. Stick close to the water."

Terrus rises from the depths, transforms into a dragon, and picks up Patches, Dr. Y, and Duma and flies west.


"This is Douglas Falcon. An incident has broken out in the stands at the Cosmos Speedway, and is escalating in severity! Backup may be required."

"Copy that," said Crane. "Backup's on its way."

Using a series of arm signals, Crane redirects several police vehicles over towards Cosmos Speedway.

The setting changes from Ingenium to Arsenal Cove


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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Soon after their flight from Ingenium, Terrus and the rest of the Platoon members on his back arrive at Arsenal Cove, the former landing on the shore, transforming back to normal, and gasping for breath.

"Now what, doc?" asked Patches.

"Since Terrus obviously doesn't feel like carrying us around any more," said Dr. Y. "We should stay here for now. The place should have enough weapons to hold off any Haven goons that come after us."

Meanwhile, Nikolai, having fled a few minutes before Dr. Y and his party set out, is recharging his batteries in an abandoned, yet still functional, power station...

The setting changes from Arsenal Cove to Ingenium


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Princess Parasoul Renoir Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Death's Head
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Kaia makes it down to the broken dock and finds Andy unconscious and on the debris. Walking across the water surface, she brings him ashore and sits him upright.

"Andy! Andy, wake up, please!" she pleaded, slapping him on the back a few times. This made him wake, coughing water up.

"Th...That...!" Andy stammered as he reoriented his vision. "...That was way too crazy. Even for my tastes. {cough} Which is super-salty now."


Meanwhile, Parasoul saw as Terrus flew off with his cohorts. Still, they're not currently the Egrets' priority.

"...Men, we're going down to the wreck site. Assess all damage found there, understood?"

"Sir!" the Egrets all said, following Parasoul down to the dock area.

The setting changes from Ingenium to Arsenal Cove


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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At the power station, someone steps out of the shadows, aiming a pistol straight for Nikolai.

"Don't move," said the man, in a voice indicating he was barely out of puberty. "Or I put a bullet in your eye."

Dr. Y goes to explore the cove and see where a good place to hole up would be, finding the power station... and seeing someone aiming a gun at Nikolai. He quickly pulls out his own gun and aims it at the newcomer.

"Don't move," said Dr. Y.

"Whoa!" said the newcomer, taken by surprise.

The new man drops his gun and holds his hands skyward, looking at Dr. Y. A few seconds of awkward silence pass, Dr. Y using the time to take in the newcomer - a lanky young man with unwashed hair and a leather jacket that barely fits over him.

"Doc?" asked the young man.

"John Connor," said Dr. Y. "Fancy seeing you out here."

"Yeah," said John. "I've been hiding out for a while. People don't exactly expect to find a corporate saboteur in an old weapons facility..."

"I didn't ask," said Dr. Y.

"Doc... what's going on?" asked John.

"You'll have to be more specific than that," said Dr. Y.

"I can still catch the news out here," said John. "People are saying that you attacked Ingenium with a Coronach airship, and then more airships like yours attacked Sanctuary."

"... That last part's new to me," admitted Dr. Y. "Tell me more."

"Tell you what," said John. "I'm just gonna grab a remote and turn on the TV, okay? Please do not shoot me!"

John warily reaches over into the shadows, pulling out a remote and turning on a nearby TV. It's tuned in to the news, which is reporting on the mass of posters now littering Sanctuary.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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#, as written by GBA
Outside of the power station and high up in Arsenal Cove's skies, meanwhile, a sleek-looking silver helicopter suddenly appears in the area, coming from Fantasma's general direction. It doesn't stick around long enough to warrant attention, however; quickly flying by overhead as it makes its way towards Haven's mainland.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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Dr. Y hears the faint whirring of helicopter blades outside and runs out of the power station, obviously seeing nothing. John follows him outside.

"Doc?" asked John.

"Helicopters outside," said Dr. Y. "I thought it was Haven coming after us."

"Doc, not everything is out looking for you," said John. "Maybe you ought to rest for a bit."

"I don't need rest," simply said Dr. Y.

"Really?" asked John.

Dr. Y takes off his sunglasses, revealing pure green eyes.

"Oh," said John. "Well, I do, so... I'm turning in for the night. You and whoever you brought here ought to think about that, too."

John Connor walks back into the power station. Soon enough, Nikolai enters sleep mode while Terrus and Duma go off to sleep somewhere and Patches... well, she's busy somewhere else. I'm not entirely sure she needs sleep, either, since she's a robot and all. Dr. Y just sits on an overturned munitions crate and thinks back...


Eleven or so years ago. Dr. Y was walking through his base when he heard fevered conversation from the research lab. Entering, he found a young blonde woman in a lab coat talking to another, older woman, this one clad in a flowing white robe with hair decorated to look like a tornado. The younger woman is working on disassembling a strange gun-type device with a large fan on the end.

"I dunno, Tempestra," said the blonde woman. "If people have guns that replicate your tornado powers, I'd be a bit more worried..."

"Oh, please," said Tempestra, the older woman. "They are mere toys compared to the true power of the winds! You ought not to worry so much, Mary!"

"I know, I know," said Mary, the younger woman, sheepishly. "But it's just when I don't focus, I forget about stuff, and when I forget about stuff, I get surprised, and when I get surprised I mess up, and I don't want to mess up working on this because then the doctor gets mad and..."

Mary then dropped a delicate-looking set of instruments.

"... Oops," said Mary.

Dr. Y cleared his throat. Tempestra calmly turns to face Dr. Y, while Mary, startled, jumps into the air and knocks the gun to the ground.

"AH! Sorry!" shouted Mary. "You just startled me, and I... Please don't be mad..."

"... I'm just disappointed," said Dr. Y.

"Sorry!" said Mary, not calmed down. "I know, I know, I need to be more careful if we're going to find out who did this, and..."

"What Mary here means to say," said Tempestra. "Is that she's working very hard on disassembling this tornado gun to figure out how it works. And I've been standing by to help her."

"You could be using this time training," pointed out Dr. Y. "Instead you-"

"Are doing a very good job," came a voice with a thick British accent behind Dr. Y.

Behind Dr. Y is Special Agent Black Jack, retired from the SAS and now aiding Dr. Y in setting up his White Platoon. Mary is again startled, tripping over her own feet.

"SORRY!" said Mary.

"You're building excellent camaraderie," said Black Jack. "A necessity for any team. You see, it doesn't matter how good any particular asset works. If it doesn't have good support, it's nothing. Now come on, doctor. Stop micromanaging these fine ladies."

Dr. Y is silent for a few seconds. Then...

"As you were," he said, walking off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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Underneath the rubble of Arsenal Cove, some black mist starts to rise from a central point deep underground. From it emerges a few small black bugs, the same kind that appeared in Mt. Moon. They skittered through the debris, emerging to the surface eventually.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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On the next day, John Connor, rubbing his eyes, headed out of the makeshift sleeping quarters/power station, to see Dr. Y, deep in thought.

"Doc?" asked John.

No response.

"Doc, why are you still out here?"

"I'm thinking," said Dr. Y.

"About?" asked John.

"I failed this place," said Dr. Y. "Ten years ago. And if Majestic has their way... I'll have failed this place again."

"You never mentioned that to me before," said John.

"You never needed to know," said Dr. Y, heading back into the power station.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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The little bugs have made their way closer to Dr. Y and John, flaring up their tattered-looking wings.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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Dr. Y and John hear the wingbeats and turn to see the little bugs.

"What the hell are those?" asked Dr. Y.

John said nothing, just taking out his pistol and opening fire - with much greater aim than you'd expect from a teenager.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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Two of the bugs got hit by the gunfire, toppling back a few meters. The other one leaped forth, intent on grappling to John's neck and sucking his life force dry.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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John slides beneath the leaping bug and fires at it from below.

"You've improved," said Dr. Y, pulling out his shotgun and opening fire at the two bugs John recently shot.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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Dr. Y destroys these two bugs, making them burst into nothingness. The last bug seemed to panic and evaded the shot. It then turned into a liquid-like state, melding into another shape. It soon became a monochrome version of Dr. Y, wielding a replica-shotgun in one hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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"You know," said John, leaping to his feet. "Now that I see it on him, your cowboy hat looks kind of tacky."

"Fashion advice from a man with greased hair and a leather jacket," said Dr. Y. "I'm flattered."

The two open fire on the monochrome Dr. Y.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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The fake Dr. Y sprinted out the way of the gunfire, quickly rushing behind the two and attempting a wide slash with its broadsword.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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Dr. Y quickly drew his own broadsword and blocked the swing.

"I was never that slow," said Dr. Y, taking advantage of the close range to once again fire at the fake.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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The fake Dr. Y blocked the shot with its arm, though this still took a toll on its stamina. In response, it looked to the broken facility's lights, powered by Abraham. It tapped into its...or rather, Dr. Y's Gloom powers to sap the light and take in its energy, regaining some strength.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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"What's it doing?" asked John.

"It's eating light," said Dr. Y. "Now make it keep doing that!"

"But that's HEALING it!" shouted John.

"Ever hear of the phrase 'too much of a good thing is bad for you'?" asked Dr. Y, continuing to fire at the fake Dr. Y.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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The fake Y parried their shots with its sword and shot back with its gun while swiftly strafing to the right.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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Dr. Y and John counter-strafe while continuing fire. Meanwhile, the other Platoon members are alerted by the sound of gunfire and rush over, seeing Dr. Y and John engaged in battle.