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Inspector David Crane (V2)

You going to come quietly?

0 · 1,398 views · located in Sanctuary Prison

a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by Alexander von Koopa


Theme – We Are Finally Cowboys


Age: 59

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Alignment: Lawful Neutral


Physical Description: Wearing a heavy trench coat and decked out with all of his tools of the trade, David Crane looks physically imposing despite not being overly muscular.

Personality: Crane is “too old for this” and is only captain of the Haven police force because he was paid really, really well. Despite what many super-powered beings may tell you, he’s a fair officer and is above such crimes as bribery, assault on prisoners, or other means of torture. If he’s going to bring order to Haven, he’s going to do it fairly (anyone who says otherwise has incredible bias against him and the acts he has to enforce). He’s also a religious man, though many of the super-powered individuals he captures or interrogates don’t care.

History: Inspector David Crane used to be a detective/active officer specializing in the takedown of super-powered individuals who would bring harm to Haven. He retired years ago, but was called back as captain of one of Haven’s new branches – the enforcement of the White Platoon’s arrest and the Superhuman Registration Act.

Equipment: David Crane has been outfitted with the best of Haven’s technology in order to better fight uncooperative super-powered individuals, including a pistol that packs a powerful paralyzing punch, multiple specialized grenades, a blade that looks sharp but actually was made to deal blunt force damage, a tranquilizer sniper rifle, and a knife with deadly poison contained in a small pouch, which can be released onto the blade in case lethal force is needed.

Abilities: David Crane has incredible accuracy and dogged determination that leads to more endurance than the average man, but all in all he is still an average man with fancy toys.

Other: He’s had quite enough of your shit, especially about conspiracy theories. He’s not on Majestic’s payroll and is only doing this job because the law and his paycheck mandate it.

Full Outfit: Image

Image Credits: Winterfluss

So begins...

Inspector David Crane (V2)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Needles Kane Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: Grubba
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"Technically you gave us no choice when you decided murdering officers was a good course of action," said an officer to Sweet Tooth. "But alright."

"Wait, ah surren-" began Grubba.

The police fire tasers at Sweet Tooth and... wait, actually just Sweet Tooth. They heard Grubba just fine, what did you expect?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Needles Kane Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: Grubba
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#, as written by Karasz
"NNRGGHHH...." Sweet Tooth is resisting the electric shocks. and slowly draws his chainsaw.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Needles Kane Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: Grubba
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The officers open fire on Sweet Tooth's arms, hoping to make him drop the chainsaw.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Needles Kane Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: Grubba
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#, as written by Karasz
They did. But Sweet Tooth won't take this lying down.

"Garghh.... Fine... But know this, you worthless beings... you made a mistake." He snarled while covering his wounds.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Needles Kane Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: Grubba
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"Really?" asked an officer. "Who made the mistake here? You, for murdering twenty Haven police officers? Or us for upholding the law? Take him away!"

Several officers drag Sweet Tooth into an armored van and drive off with him. Another officer radios in to Inspector Crane.

"We're all good here," said the officer.

Crane goes back to his microphone.

"Thank you for your cooperation!" said Inspector Crane. "You are now free to do as you please!"

Crane puts away the microphone.

"I'm heading over to Ingenium," said Crane. "I need twenty officers with me. The rest of you, fall back to Sanctuary."

"Yes sir!" shouted several officers, piling into more police vans.

Crane turns to Nankoro.

"Look, I'm really busy," said Crane. "And while I think it's a damn shame you couldn't go compete in the Techno Dome, I don't have the time or manpower right now to bring Mr. Torgue back here. Now if you'll excuse me I've got terrorists to capture."

Crane hops into a police van as it drives off for Ingenium.

The setting changes from Techno Dome to Ingenium


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Death's Head
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At such close range Quintus can't get away from the flames entirely. Even as he tries leaping over the flames he still catches on fire.

"Alright," said Quintus. "Now I'm just mad."

Quintus, still on fire, rushes for Death's Head and attempts to claw away at him. Meanwhile, several police vans arrive at Ingenium, their sirens filling the air...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Death's Head
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#, as written by Sockie
Quintus does manage to claw at Death's Head, who proceeds to start punching him in return.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Death's Head
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As the two brawlers continue scratching and punching, Inspector Crane arrives with a squad of other officers, who begin cordoning off the area.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Death's Head
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sockie
Death's Head looks up in the midst of the brawl, and sees the falling airship.

"Hmm... that's a problem. Certainly not being paid enough to get myself killed, yes?" remarks Death's Head. With that, he begins making a mad dash away from Quintus, and Ingenium itself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Death's Head
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0.00 INK

The cops make no attempt to stop Death's Head.

"Yeah, you better run!" said Quintus, still on fire.

Looking up, Quintus sees the falling airship... and himself surrounded by several police officers.

"Oh," said Quintus.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Death's Head
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As Death and Quintus were fighting, Rita, at some point, thought it would be a good idea to take out her smartphone and start recording a part of the battle.

"If nothing else, Tempo and I can talk about this homemade kaiju flick," Rita said, chuckling. With her video recorded, she sent a copy of it to Cole and Tempo and was about to put it away when the police showed up, including that tall guy dressed in black that Cole mentioned.

"And here come the cops," Rita said. It didn't look like he had seen her, so Rita turned her phone's camcorder back on, this time focusing on the police. She stayed in the alley she was hiding in, sticking out just enough to get a good view and that she could easily take cover if she needed to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Death's Head
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0.00 INK

The cops look up into the sky and see the airship falling towards Ingenium.

"Ah, crap," muttered Crane. "Everyone! Change of plans! Spread out and begin evacuation protocol! Move it, people!"

The cops scatter, trying to get as many innocent civilians out of the way of the falling airship as they can. Crane turns to Quintus.

"This isn't over," said Crane.

"Looking forward to it!" laughed Quintus, running off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Princess Parasoul Renoir Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez
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0.00 INK

With the airship plummeting toward the streets of Ingenium, Parasoul was unable to keep her balance. Still, she made a relay on the radio: "Egrets! Fall back from the impact zone! I repeat, fall back from the impact zone!"

Not wanting to risk more political strife from Haven, Kaia glided to Parasoul's side, hanging onto her arm. "Stay calm! I'll get you off of here!" Focusing, Kaia used the power of Warp Out to teleport herself and Parasoul to a safe spot away from where the airship is about to hit.

Many of the Egrets have made it here, reporting to Parasoul. "Princess, are you alright?" "Thank goodness!" "Uh, what about the airship...?"

Back at the airship, Andy kept his balance. "Not now!" With that, he leaped off the ship and onto the street near Quintus and the officers, weaving his Hand of Fate into electric prongs. With it, he fired a Primordial Spark over to a vacant area in midair. This electric focus drew the airship toward it like a magnet.

"Now, take the airship outta here!" Andy then threw a shot of Holy Wind into the Primordial Spark, carrying it (and luring the airship) away from the city and out toward the sea. Using these two occults in such succession exhausted Andy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Princess Parasoul Renoir Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez
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Dr. Y wordlessly walks over to the exhausted Andy and grabs him, carrying him over towards the exit of the airship. Surely he means to throw Andy out...

"Hang on," said Dr. Y, grasping Andy tightly.

Dr. Y leaps out of the airship (still holding onto Andy), getting the two away from the explosion that's sure to happen once the Primordial Spark detonates. Meanwhile, the Haven police officers are trying their best to get everyone clear of the airship landing site. The police radio then starts relaying an SOS signal.

"Goddammit!" shouted Crane. "This is not a good time!"

Regardless, Crane picks up the radio and answers.

"This is Captain David Crane," said Crane. "State the nature of your emergency."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Princess Parasoul Renoir Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez
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"(?) Urk - !" was Andy's response to Dr. Y grabbing him and jumping off the ship with him.

Good thing the drifted Primordial Spark lured the airship toward an area that's mostly sea. Its crash did break the port down below, of course.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Princess Parasoul Renoir Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez
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0.00 INK

The speed at which Dr. Y and Andy hit the water isn't quite terminal velocity, but it still hurts like a son of a gun. Dr. Y's joints snap painfully out of place as he pulls Andy up to the surface of the water (not actually gasping for air, though). Looking around he spots Patches holding up Duma to keep the raptor from sinking, with Abraham basically so fried that he's KOd and stuck in the generator. The two look over to the destroyed docks, noting that, without them, the Haven police force would be hard-pressed to go out into the water and fetch the Platoon members.

"So ye decided the best way out would be crashin' a plane?" asked Patches. "'O's gonna clean that up?"

Quintus takes the time to sneak off towards Sanctuary now that everyone's distracted...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Princess Parasoul Renoir Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez
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0.00 INK

"What's their problem?" At first, Rita didn't get why everyone was running around in a panic, but then she happened to look up at the large airship falling towards the city.

"OH CRAP!" Rita shouted, running off to get some distance from the crashing ship, but then the ship wound up crashing some distance away. Rita sighed, glad that she was safe for the time being.

"What the hell was that all about?!" She said as she looked out into the street, towards where the ship crashed, then looked back toward where the cops were still trying to keep the crowd under control. She came over here to check stuff out and now, she really got something. She could either go over to the police and try to investigate Mr. Tall, Dark, and Suspicious or she could see just what the heck was up with that ship.

She decided that she needed to try to check out that ship before the cops try to tape it off, so she ran off to where it crashed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Princess Parasoul Renoir Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Death's Head
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sockie
On the outskirts of Ingenium, Death's Head watches the airship as it crashes into the sea.

"This is going to be one of those bounties, isn't it?" he sighs.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Princess Parasoul Renoir Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Death's Head
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0.00 INK

"(!) Andy...!" Kaia hurried toward the site of the airship crash, before Parasoul or the Egrets could react to her.


Down with Dr. Y and the others, Andy was indeed knocked out by the impact with the water.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Princess Parasoul Renoir Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Death's Head
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0.00 INK

Dr. Y slings Andy over a piece of airship debris, leaving him to float on the water. It's not dignified, but he's not drowning.

"Terrus," shouted Dr. Y. "Get us out of here. Stick close to the water."

Terrus rises from the depths, transforms into a dragon, and picks up Patches, Dr. Y, and Duma and flies west.


"This is Douglas Falcon. An incident has broken out in the stands at the Cosmos Speedway, and is escalating in severity! Backup may be required."

"Copy that," said Crane. "Backup's on its way."

Using a series of arm signals, Crane redirects several police vehicles over towards Cosmos Speedway.