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Professor Hershel Layton

An archaeologist with a puzzling aptitude.

0 · 499 views · located in Tracgam University

a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by MrAuthor3DS



An archaeology teacher of Gressenheller University. Because of his brilliant mind, he's often called upon for some of the most unusual mysteries in Europe, like the mysterious Specter, the search for the Golden Apple, the curse of the Elysian Box, even the secret of Ambrosia.

Kindly and well-mannered, Layton expresses the importance of being a gentleman - for this reason, he's very considerate of others. Also, he likes to train his mind daily with puzzles and brainteasers. Since his travels often get him involved in a lot of major cases, he's often mistaken for a detective - though his intellect does help crack a number of these cases. Also noteworthy is that he's almost never seen without his trademark top hat - he even modified the roof of his Laytonmobile so that he can get in and out without having to take off his hat.

Besides archaeology, Layton is also a skilled fencer, good at anticipating attacks and countering them. Not to say he's at all great at traversing fields of ice, of course...

So begins...

Professor Hershel Layton's Story

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Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton
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Meanwhile, the resident History teacher is setting things up in his classroom. He set up the coatrack, cleaned the blackboard, and straightened the chairs along the desks. After all this, he took a moment to observe while adjusting his silk top hat.

"There we go, all is ready."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Bundowski Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton
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#, as written by Karasz
The school principle enters the homeroom and checks in if everything is all set. He is impressed of what Layton has done. "My my, Mr. Layton," he smiled, "I'm very impressed with your preparations. I'm sure the students will feel more comfortable about your environment."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Bundowski Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton
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"Why, thank you, Mr. Bundowski," Layton replied. "Your approval does ease any doubts I may have had before. Yes, I'm certain that this semester will go swimmingly."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Bundowski Character Portrait: Lara Croft Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton
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(This is long but plz read :3)

The distinguished Lady Croft looked through the bars of her prison cell in Sanctuary Prison at the corridor filled with raving mad people and sighed. Lara, how on EARTH could you get yourself into this! You should never have trusted that dratted pirate! She examined the bars closely and shook them at their base. "Ugh, hardly strong but they're not going to give in in the time frame I'm thinking of." She heard something move behind her and whipped around, trying to draw her guns before realising they were gone. The source of the movement was a woman wearing a white outfit complete with a furred jacket, grinning as she stood up. "And what's the time frame you're thinking of?" She smiled in a very calming manner but Lara's mind was alive with possible ways this woman could kill her or maybe worse. "I was thinking about as soon as possible." Her inmate grinned and beckoned her with a finger. Lara approached with caution, ready to defend herself at any moment. The woman leaned in towards her ear and whispered. "I've got a way out, but it needs two people!" She stepped back from Lara, her surprisingly clean teeth in a grin as Lara's face lit up with a smile.

The two women walked away from the hospital's entrance, their belongings back in their hands, giggling together as they talked about their escape. "That acid was quite brilliant! Where were you keeping it? How did you get it?" The woman put a finger to her lips, her big. curly, head of blonde hair shook slightly as she moved. "That's a secret." She smiled and picked up a chunky wristwatch looking thing from an unconscious guard. She put it on and tapped on it's interface before throwing another wristwatch thing at Lara, who had her trusty gear back. She caught it and looked at it, and put it on. The curly haired lady pointed at it, whilst she tapped at hers more. "It's a vortex manipulator. I put in the coordinates already, you'll find yourself right at home there I think." She looked up at Lara, who already had hers on, and was staring at her. "A teleporter? How on earth did you get your hands on one of these?" The woman smiled again and put her hand above her vortex manipulator. "Spoilers." She then put her palm down on the face of the vortex manipulator and they both popped out of the prison.

Lara appeared outside of a large building, feeling a little dizzy. She managed not to throw up however, and put her hand on a tree trunk, steadying herself as she regained her balance. She looked down at the vortex manipulator, which was black and smoking. She cried out a little in pain and got it off her. There was a burn on her wrist and she got a medpack and bandaged it with a cold shred of plastic skin. She stomped with her right boot on the smoking teleporter, and spat on it. "Broken. I should of known it would be a bit dodgy." She sighed and looked up at the big building in front of her. She read the sign. "Tracgam University. Well at least the woman was right about me being right at home here. She walked up to the doors, through the bustling crowds of students. She walked around until she found a door with a sign saying; Professor Hershel Layton, Archaeologist. An archaeologist you say? She knocked on the door before walking in on two men talking. One was partially bald with a large nose and moustache, whilst the other was a rather gentlemanly looking fellow with a large silk top hat and an orange and black suit on. "Ah, hello. I'm Lara Croft, archaeologist. If you wanted to be formal I suppose you could call me Lady Croft, but formalities are rather dull unless you're at some sort of embassy." She kept a stony face and stood with her hand resting on her hip where her guns were. "I don't suppose you could tell me exactly where I am? What planet would help as well actually."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Bundowski Character Portrait: Lara Croft Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton
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#, as written by Karasz
"Why, this is planet Unita," Theodore chuckled and explained, "And where you're in is the fabled Tracgam University, one of the most educative facilities in Fantasma. As you can see, we are making preparations for the new semester so our fabled students can come, enroll, and study with us. We offer a lot of courses in this facility so our students can pick whatever courses they would like to take. If you have anymore questions, please feel free to do so. I am open for anything."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Bundowski Character Portrait: Lara Croft Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton
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"Well, greetings. I am Professor Hershel Layton," Layton introduced himself to Lara. "So, a fellow archaeologist, are you?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Bundowski Character Portrait: Lara Croft Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton
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Lara smiled charmingly, and shook Professor Layton's hand, inclining her head slightly in respect. "Yes, I am an archaeologist, from Planet Earth, which this isn't. I've always known about space travel, but only recently actually experienced it, thanks to a deal with some swashbuckling space pirate." She smiled, and tightened her weapon belt, and retied her plait, making her appearance slightly neater. "So, as you can see Professor, I'm quite befuddled as to where exactly I am. I've never heard of a planet called Coronach, but the name sounds lovely. And this university is quite nice too." She grinned and walked towards towards the mustachioed man, the heels of her boots clicking with every . "You never quite introduced yourself. Shall I start again for you? Hello. I'm Lara Croft, archaeologist. If you wanted to be formal I suppose you could call me Lady Croft, but formalities are rather dull unless you're at some sort of embassy." She smiled in a not as charming way as before, and stuck out her hand. "Pleased to meet you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Bundowski Character Portrait: Lara Croft Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton
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#, as written by Karasz
"Pleasure to meet you, ma'am! Anyway, school is about get ready shortly so we better finish up the preparations." Principal Theodore clears throat, "Although we are missing a couple of teachers for the positions, I am confident that this school will live up to its expectations"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Bundowski Character Portrait: Benson Character Portrait: Lara Croft Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton Character Portrait: Thomas Kindell
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Lara nodded her understanding and walked over to the door. "Well I'd better go find a place to stay, or a way home. But to be honest..." She looked around with a fairly straight face. "Exploring these new planets could be fun!" She smiled, and waved at the two men. "Professor, Mystery man, I assume you're the principal, I'll see you at some other point I suppose. Have a good day gentlemen." She turned on her heel and exited the office, and jogged down the hall, her boots clicking on the smooth floor as she looked for the exit, or maybe an extra dormitory.

While jogging down the hall, she bumped into a man dressed in brown with black rimmed glasses, sending him spinning for a second. "Sorry!" She helped the man stand straight before running off again. She soon found a weird gumball machine, and her stomach rumbled. Gum would fend off the hunger I suppose. She found a coin in her pocket, and was about to try and push it in when it turned around and looked at her.

Lara whipped out her pistols and flipped backwards, and aimed the pistols at him. "Say back unless you want bullet in your.... Thing. Which would be a real shame wouldn't it now. Maybe I'll be nice and use my hands." She spoke whilst keeping an eye on everything near the walking gumball machine with a face. "Also, if you knew a place or dormitory for me to stay would be nice." She smiled, but in a very dark way, making sure it understood she was prepared to defend herself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Bundowski Character Portrait: Benson Character Portrait: Lara Croft Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton Character Portrait: Thomas Kindell
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"Well then...I suppose I'd best finish up here," Layton said. "I should at least be ready for the students' independent study reports over the summer."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Bundowski Character Portrait: Benson Character Portrait: Lara Croft Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton Character Portrait: Thomas Kindell
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#, as written by Karasz
Benson is not amused. Just because he is a walking talking gumball machine doesn't mean he can be used to dispense gumballs. "Ha ha, very funny ma'am. It's not like they use me every single day when they're hungry!" Benson is stern about it too.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Bundowski Character Portrait: Benson Character Portrait: Lara Croft Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton Character Portrait: Kaoru Sakurazuka Character Portrait: Thomas Kindell
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#, as written by mgtwan
Kaoru arrives at the university.

After all those crazy events for the past 2 years after he turned into a woman, he's finally able to attend an university. Kaoru deceided to let nobody know that he once was a male and focus on the study, although he's not fully used to it yet.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Bundowski Character Portrait: Benson Character Portrait: Lara Croft Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton Character Portrait: Kaoru Sakurazuka Character Portrait: Thomas Kindell
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#, as written by Karasz
"Ah, good day to you ma'am. Is this your first time in the university?" Theodore greets Kaoru, "Do not worry~ You did not come here at a bad time. Apparently we are also preparing ourselves for the new semester. Now then, I take it that you are here to enroll at Tracgam University, correct?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Bundowski Character Portrait: Benson Character Portrait: Lara Croft Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton Character Portrait: Kaoru Sakurazuka Character Portrait: Thomas Kindell
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#, as written by mgtwan
"Yeah, that's right." Kaoru said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Bundowski Character Portrait: Benson Character Portrait: Lara Croft Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton Character Portrait: Kaoru Sakurazuka Character Portrait: Thomas Kindell
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#, as written by Karasz
"Tell me what are you majoring, young lady?" the principal asked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Bundowski Character Portrait: Benson Character Portrait: Lara Croft Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton Character Portrait: Kaoru Sakurazuka Character Portrait: Thomas Kindell
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#, as written by mgtwan
"I'd like to study science." Kaoru said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Bundowski Character Portrait: Benson Character Portrait: Lara Croft Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton Character Portrait: Kaoru Sakurazuka Character Portrait: Thomas Kindell
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#, as written by Karasz
Theodore scratched his chin in her choices.

"Interesting choice. Science may be the hardest course out of the other choices, but they bring bigger challenges! They're even beneficial if you know what I mean. Whether it can be chemistry, earth and space or technology, all of them are simply challenging. And if you completed your major, then you will be the new scientist for any kind of facility you wish to work at."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Bundowski Character Portrait: Benson Character Portrait: Lara Croft Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton Character Portrait: Kaoru Sakurazuka Character Portrait: Thomas Kindell
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#, as written by mgtwan
"Sounds cool! When can I start?" Kaoru asks.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Bundowski Character Portrait: Benson Character Portrait: Lara Croft Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton Character Portrait: Kaoru Sakurazuka Character Portrait: Thomas Kindell
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#, as written by Karasz
"Well, only the bell will tell you when. Right now, you'll be staying over at the west dormitory. You'll be in dorm room W03." Theodore replied, "I hope you have a great time in Tracgam University!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Bundowski Character Portrait: Benson Character Portrait: Lara Croft Character Portrait: Professor Hershel Layton Character Portrait: Kaoru Sakurazuka Character Portrait: Thomas Kindell
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#, as written by mgtwan
"Okay then." Kaoru said and went to her dorm.

To: roleplay/fusion-fantasy-neo/places/dormitory-west