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Quartz Temporance

The youth of clockwork and heart.

0 · 680 views · located in Gymnasium

a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by MrAuthor3DS



Lunar Dial - Touhou Koubutou

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Specie: Human/Cyborg

Physical Description: A sharp-dressed boy with short tan hair and golden eyes. His hands, strangely, are made of a brass alloy.

Personality: Hates violence and tries to stay out of fights if he can help it. However, he is interested in timekeeping mechanisms and is currently learning the craft of bomb disposal to follow in his father's footsteps.

History: A student of Manhattan High School. His father, Horace Temporance, was a leading expert in bomb disposal and ran a clock store. One day, Quartz was caught in a bombing that Horace couldn't make it to in time, damaging almost all the organs and bones in his torso - his heart miraculously suffered the least damage with just a scratch. Since conventional surgery couldn't possibly fix the boy's body, Horace took it upon himself to repair every damaged organ with clockwork variations that operate just like the originals. To keep the heart together, he implanted an Affix called the Chrono-Drive, which empowers his heartbeats' energy output. Quartz's father has since disappeared, and the boy would go any distance to find him.

Equipment: His body is filled with clockwork weaponry operated by the Chrono-Drive, an Affix fueled by a temporal spirit. It manifests the past and present of brass shards, providing nearly-infinite ammo.

Abilities: Besides extending his brass fists and feet, he can pop out a cannon or gatling gun from his arms to shoot foes with the past and present of ammunition. The Chrono-Drive can manifest special time bombs that hang in mid-air, and lets him teleport forward, drag time in a given area, and speed up.

Other: N/A

Specific Moves
  • Gear Shot: Collects the past and present of brass to fire a gear-shaped projectile from his arm cannon. Dissipates into time upon impact.
  • Time Bomb: Generates a clump of temporal energy in mid-air, which ticks down and explodes.
  • Ticking Missile: Shoots a concussive smart missile from his arm cannon.
  • Spring-Trap: Generates a tile on the ground that springs upon foe's contact, sending them tumbling back.
  • Gear Swing: Grapples a pendulum up his arm onto a point in the air, then swings from it.
  • Slow-Zone: Creates a spherical area. Anything within it becomes slowed.
  • Time Warp: Teleports forward a fair distance.
  • Accelerator: Powers up the Chrono-Drive temporarily, making all his attacks a bit faster than before.
  • Chrono Rush: Uses the Chrono-Drive to speed up a slide kick, making it go far and fast.
  • Grinding Gear: Soul Drive A. Makes a gear within his wrist grow as he throws forth an extending punch. The spinning gear acts as a shield.
  • Gatling Cog: Soul Drive B. Protrudes a gatling gun from his arm and fires multiple brass shards from across time.
  • Ten-Strong: Soul Drive C. An amplified Chrono Rush that trails Quartz with nine after-images.
  • Hickory Dickory: Arcane Drive AB. Launches five temporal gears into the air, which dog after the foe tenaciously.
  • Precision Moondial: Arcane Drive AC. Fires a tracking beam forth. If it hits a foe, s/he is bound by a temporal clamp for a limited time.
  • Clock Out: Arcane Drive BC. Freezes time around himself for a bit. Anything is possible with this locked time.
  • Time Crisis: Omega Drive. Surrounds foe with multiple selves, which all gun down the foe with Gatling Cog attacks, finished with a temporal-bombing.

  • Batsu (Rival Schools)
  • Ryan (River City Ransom)
  • Inspector Gadget
  • Robocop
  • Cable (Marvel comics)
  • "The World" (JoJo's Bizarre Adventures)
  • Dhalsim (Street Fighter)

  • Quartz is a crystal with piezoelectric properties that makes it useful for many devices, like clocks. "Temporance" is derived from "temporal", relating to worldly or time properties.
  • He uses bombs in his moveset, as bombs are sometimes regarded as a metaphor of everything's impermanence - every thing's time runs out at some point.
  • Of the Major Arcana, Quartz is based on Strength, or The Passion.
  • Like Robocop, Quartz retains his brain and heart after the modifications. This is the same with Inspector Gadget, who may have also been partially inspired by Robocop.
  • His Omega Drive, Time Crisis, is named after a first-person shooting game by Namco.

So begins...

Quartz Temporance's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Connor Dunstan Character Portrait: Quartz Temporance
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At that time, a boy of tan hair was approaching the school gates. He didn't seem aware that it would be held under siege today...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Connor Dunstan Character Portrait: Quartz Temporance
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#, as written by Echelon
Image Upupupu. Looks like we have a few rulebreakers outside.

Image If you'll excuse me, I got to take care of this beary annoying problem.

Monokuma vanished from the room and appeared next to Tesela.

Image What are you doing, you punk! Don't you know you're defacing school property?!

Image I swear, this generation of bastards knows no respect....

Image I suggest you cut that out right now and get outta here unless you want to make me beary angry!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Connor Dunstan Character Portrait: Quartz Temporance
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0.00 INK

The schoolboy was startled by the arrival of Monokuma. "(!) W-What's going on here?? What is this??"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Connor Dunstan Character Portrait: Quartz Temporance
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Echelon
Image Oh. a new student? Well, I think I'll be merciful and tell you to scram before I decide to use my super special corporal punishment on you and this bastard right here.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Connor Dunstan Character Portrait: Quartz Temporance
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0.00 INK

"Now just a minute!" the boy retorted. "Who put you in charge of the school to begin with?! What happened to the principal?!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Connor Dunstan Character Portrait: Quartz Temporance
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0.00 INK

Tesla did a double-take to his side to see a weird-looking teddy bear close to him. Taking a brief break from trying to knock the door down, it seemed like this thing had something to do with what was going on. But unlike his friend on the other side of the door, that wasn't about to get him to stop.

"Screw you, Teddy Ruxpin. I'm tryin' ta save my best bud," Tesla said. He was about to start pounding away at the door again, when out the corner of his eye, he saw some kid in a suit walk up to the gate. "Hey kid, go get some help! Some nutjob's locked the place up and there's people inside."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Connor Dunstan Character Portrait: Quartz Temporance
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0.00 INK

"On it!" With that, the boy suddenly warped past the gate in a golden light. He then charged at Monokuma.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle Character Portrait: Connor Dunstan
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0.00 INK

Renna and Lara leaned out their east dormitory windows and saw some bear trying to take over the school. Renna tutted whilst Lara sighed. "Now we can't have that!" Renna leaned out further and whistled sharply. Chelle had learnt this signal a while ago and leaned out her window too. "So girls, wanna kick some butt?" Chelle grinned and Lara shrugged. "As long as you don't turn your back on me this time!" Renna smirked and crossed her heart. "Promise." Lara scowled. "How am I supposed to trust you?" Renna put a leg over the window sill, picking up her hammer and replied. "I said I promised." Lara couldn't help but smirk at Renna's childishness, and put her leg over the windowsill too. "Hey Chelle, fire those portals of yours will you?" Chelle smiled and squinted down her portal gun, aiming the portals ever so carefully, and got ready to jump. Renna looked at her trio and grinned. "Man Karasz and Co. would be so jealous right now." And then she jumped.

Renna shot out of the orange portal, her war hammer held in front of her like super man, with Lara close behind, her pistols held out, and Chelle behind her, her portal gun held at her side. Renna flew through the air like a rocket, her hammer slamming into the back of the black and white bear's head, knocking him down as Lara rolled to a halt, aiming her dual pistols at the bear's head, and Chelle holding a very heavy rock with her portal gun above his body. Renna knelt down next to the bear, and took his gun away. "Now, what's Teddy been doing? Has Teddy loved a bad boy?" She pouted her lips mockingly and then scowled in the bear's face. "I think you'll find that Tracgam Uni isn't ready to be taken over. Anyway, that would be my job." She smirked then spoke to the girls, never taking her eyes off the bear. "Shall we give him a choice girls? Guns, hammer, rock, or peaceful life without destroying the uni?" All three of them smiled mischievously down at the bear as they awaited his answer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle Character Portrait: Connor Dunstan
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0.00 INK

Oops, double post! :|

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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0.00 INK

Kotonoha slid down her window, dozuki at the ready. "What's all this now?!"

Peacock also popped into the front yard via portal. "Seriously? THIS thing is the terrorist? Ha! I could fry that with a simple glare! {Argus eyes twinkle}"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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0.00 INK

Renna looked up and saw Peacock standing there. "Peacock! Haven't seen you since Yuyake!! Why is it I always meet old friends in the middle of danger?" She shook her head and looked down at the bear again. Lara looked up and smiled courteously. "Lara Croft, pleasure to meet you I'm sure. We're holding the teddy as hostage to himself, he's got four choices. Death by hammer, death by rock, death by guns, or he leaves the uni in peace." She explained to Peacock and Kotonoha. She then looked back at the bear too, keeping her pistols sights set on the teddy's head.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Karasz
(Did you guys really have to drag Tomoko over here? :| )

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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0.00 INK

Peacock waltzed up to Monokuma, joining the other ladies in their gunpointing...with her blade-in-a-gun. "What say we add 'death by shanking' to the list o' choices? That or 'death by KERBLOOIE'."

The schoolboy carefully walked toward Monokuma. Who knows what surprises it has...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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0.00 INK

"Whoa, Calvary came out big time," Tesla remarked, taking a look at these new reinforcements. "All these guys against one whacked-out thing? I'm likin' these odds."

"Hey Tesla. What's going on out there?" Connor said, moving to a window to see if he could get a view of what's going on.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Echelon
Image Attacking the principal is against the rules, you know...

Image So I think it's time for some corporal punishment.

Monokuma's red eye begins to flash rapidly and a high pitched sound can be heard, that starts to slowly become intense.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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0.00 INK

"(I know that sound...!) Look out! It's gonna blow!!" the schoolboy shouted, casting a blue glow from his brass hands. This somehow caused Monokuma to be frozen in time. "Hurry! Get away from him before he starts moving again!"

"A bomb, huh..." Peacock mused. "Well, that's a shame. Suicide's the coward's way out, y'know!" That said, she whipped out a burlap sack, stuffed the halted Monokuma into it, bound the mouth tight, and then swung the bag around and around, tossing it sky-high. The time-stop on Monokuma should expire about then...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Echelon
The bag exploded, sending parts of the bear flying around. It looked to be the end of it. But...

???: Upupupupu~ Looks like you punks are smarter than you look.

The bear appears once more in front of them.

Image This time I'll be forgiving. But the next time one of you bastards decides to attack me...

Image They'll get their very own pulse-pounding execution!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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0.00 INK

"Oh great, he's got a twin!" Peacock groaned.

"H-How - ??" Kotonoha stammered. "Did he just duplicate?"

"That's not possible," the schoolboy said. "There's no kind of temporal residue on this one."

"Whatever," Peacock grumbled as she stuffed this Monokuma into another bag and tossed it into the air.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Echelon
Suddenly, a chain wrapped around the body of Peacock and dragged him off through a door which had a sign reading "Detention Room" Once inside, the doors sealed themselves, and a video appeared on all the monitors in the school.

Image Despite all my warnings, this one punk decided to still try and attack me...

Image Well now I'll show you all just how real this situation is, and what happens to the bastards who decide to break the rules!

Peacock was being dragged off into a furnace, his body bound and unable to move. As if to taunt him, Monokuma appeared in front of him, driving a forklift.

Image I guess I should thank you. You've given me the perfect opportunity to make an example of someone.

As the fires closed in on him, Monokuma waved him off as he plunged into the fires, and the furnace closed shut. After a short while, the back end of the furnace opened up, popping out a small pile of ash and bone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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0.00 INK

An eye-shaped portal appeared, and out popped Peacock, her dress all sooty.

"{cough} HA! It'll take more than some dumb furnace to off me, teddy!" she laughed. Avery appeared behind Monokuma, stabbing him repeatedly with his two knives.