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Riley MacCreedy (V2)

You might recognize him if he starts talking about brothers.

0 · 818 views · located in Rusty Carnival

a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by Alexander von Koopa


Theme – The Carnival


Age: Late 40s

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Physical Description: Riley MacCreedy is a thin man in a bloodstained lab coat, but that’s not the first thing people notice. What people usually notice first is the smile tearing across his face that he never, ever drops (because he’s physically incapable). That or the bladed instruments he carries.

Personality: When Riley operated as Grimace he was completely insane, trying to convert the world into “brothers and sisters” with similar grins on their faces and willing to stop at nothing. Now he’s more concerned with money and his own survival than anything.

History: Formerly operating as the terrorist known as Grimace, Riley MacCreedy was one of the most feared mortals in the known world. His operation was dismantled by the White Platoon and G.U.N. and he was frozen solid. Recently, though, he’s thawed out, and the ice pulled away most of the Grimace Gas that was driving Riley insane. He seeks redemption (of a sort), but can he ever achieve it?
*Riley worked for Dr. Y several years ago in an early iteration of the White Platoon. After a disastrous mission, he decided he wasn’t getting paid enough and turned to supervillain mercenary work. When that didn’t work out he turned to drugs, getting mixed up with horrible alien monstrosities and becoming the terrorist known as Grimace. Now that he’s been unfrozen and the Grimace Gas in his body has released its hold on his mind, he’s got plenty of money to spare…*

Equipment: Riley uses any equipment he can scavenge up, but mainly uses medical tools, whips, and a chainsaw. Many people remember the chainsaw because that’s what he used as Grimace. It’s theoretically possible that Riley could make more batches of Grimace Gas, modified laughing gas that drives whoever breathes it in insane and plants a permanent smile on their face. (Thankfully, the antidote recipe was released to the public)

Abilities: Due to the high amounts of Grimace Gas pumped through his body, Riley has an incredible resistance to pain. He’s also a brilliant chemist, but given his poor drug history doesn’t want to go anywhere near it.

Other: Yes, people, I turned Grimace good. WHAT YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT?

So begins...

Riley MacCreedy (V2)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Riley MacCreedy (V2)
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Quintus von Koopa, fresh from an escape from Ingenium, runs into Sanctuary, panting in a back alley. He looks up to see a rather lanky man in a bloodstained lab coat, with a twisted smile running across his face (though his eyes look more perplexed than happy).

"Hello," said the man. "My name's Riley MacCreedy. What's yours?"

Quintus laughed - a deep, threatening laugh.

"Quintus von Koopa," answered Quintus.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," said Riley.

"... Seriously?" asked Quintus. "Normally people either try to fight me or run when they hear who I am."

"Well I've never heard of you, personally," said Riley with a shrug.

"Oh, you'll get to know me pretty well!" shouted Quintus.

Quintus grabbed Riley's right arm and pulled, hard, with enough force to yank it out of its socket... but strangely enough the arm stayed attached. It made a loud "crunch", sure, but it's still there.

"What on earth are you doing?" asked Riley. "Please stop."

Meanwhile, several airships from Coronach approach Sanctuary airspace...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Riley MacCreedy (V2)
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0.00 INK

Cole looked to his phone to see that he got a text message from Tempo and a couple of video messages from Rita. Opening the text first, it read Got nothing here. 5-O incoming. Watch out.

"Damn. The police coming might make lookin' around here a bit harder," Cole said as he looked over the message. He opened the video from Rita next.

"What in the world did she just send me?" Cole asked, confused as to why she sent him a video of a robot fighting some big turtle monster.

"Hey, the stuff in the video. This fight that's going on. It's happening right now. Crazy, right?" Rita said in the video. "Tempo, tell me that turtle guy doesn't look a little like Godzilla." This was followed up by another video. This one was of the police arriving on the scene, including that guy in the black trenchcoat from Desmos. Then, a crowd was seen running away from something and Rita turned the camera to show an airship falling to the streets, Rita started to run but then she turned back when something pulled the ship away.

Cole whistled then said, "Rita got a lot o' stuff ta work with. Glad someone's makin' progress."

That was when he looked up and saw a bunch of airships approaching the city. "I don't think those are from around here," he said. He started getting his camcorder ready. He had a feeling he was going to need it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Riley MacCreedy (V2)
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The airships start playing "Ride of the Valkyries" as they release mysterious payloads...


At the Sanctuary bus station, the same guard that held up Mordred earlier is on break, taking a smoke outside. He looks up when he hears the sound of "Ride of the Valkyries," just in time to see a large capsule burst above him, releasing several nanites that cover him (and anyone in a 100-yard radius) and burrow under his skin. At first wincing in pain, the guard begins screaming, falling to the ground as he bursts into flames. Jets of flame rocket all around him as others nearby similarly scream in pain. One's body stretches to incredible lengths, one's body starts glowing with necrotic energy, and one phases straight through the ground.


Similar nanite-filled capsules burst and cover the area around various police patrols and Superhuman Registration offices, everyone affected suddenly developing a superpower without the ability to control it.


As screaming and "Ride of the Valkyries" fills the air, Quintus and Riley look up.

"Oh, this day keeps getting better and better," spat Quintus.

"My day's only just begun," said Riley. "I'd hate to start it out screaming in pain. What say we make tracks?"

Quintus runs out of the alley... only to see nanites burrowing under a police officer's skin down the street. As this officer rolls down the street, he knocks down several fire hydrants, cars, light poles, and other things that a human body generally shouldn't knock down. Quintus runs back into the alley.

"I'm not going out there without cover!" said Quintus.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adel Torrez Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Riley MacCreedy (V2)
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0.00 INK

At one apartment, a young man with auburn hair takes note of the situation from his window. Shocked by the sudden arrival of Coronach airships and people suddenly developing magic powers, he stumbled back from the window.

"W...What in Unitas...??" he stuttered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adel Torrez Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Riley MacCreedy (V2)
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0.00 INK

The nanite bombs keep getting dropped over Sanctuary. Many people try fleeing indoors and staying away from windows or other openings. The key word here is "many people". It's a traffic jam out there, which leads to more people getting exposed to nanites.

Meanwhile, Riley takes two nearby trash cans and pushes them over before picking up the lids, tossing one to Quintus and putting the other one over his head.

"Are you serious?" asked Quintus.

"It may not look it, but yes," said Riley. "Now do you want to get out of here or not?"

"... What do you even want?" asked Quintus, part to himself.

"The same thing as you, I imagine," said Riley, running out from the alleyway. "I want to not be here if and when something worse happens!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adel Torrez Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: Riley MacCreedy (V2)
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sockie
In a factory somewhere in Sanctuary, several engineers are in the midst of moving in equipment when they look outside and see the nanite bombs being dropped.

"What the hell is goin' on out there?" asks one.

"It might be for the best if we all stay inside." remarks Ninjacker as he walks up to the engineers. "Especially if those are what I think they are."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adel Torrez Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Riley MacCreedy (V2)
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0.00 INK

Cole watched with his camera as the airships dropped the nanite bombs on Sanctuary. "What the hell?! Are these Coronach ships? If I didn't know better, I'd swear they were protesting the craziness around here. This doesn't..." Cole said, his eyes widening as he paused on that last sentence. "...make sense."

Cole started voicing his thoughts as he moved through the back alleys away from the ships, his camera pointed behind him and still recording. "It don't make sense for Coronach airships to just up and attack Haven outta the blue. Just like it didn't make sense for the White Platoon to just up and kill an important person. I may not know much about them, but I knew somethin' was off when I heard about that. Somethin's not right about this." He took a quick glance behind him at the airships. "I'll bet these things didn't even come from Coronach."

With one hand still holding the camera, he took out his phone with his other hand and started dialing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adel Torrez Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Riley MacCreedy (V2)
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0.00 INK

The auburn-haired youth wasn't sure if he was even prepared to tackle this situation. True, he passed his entrance exam for Haven's military covert ops with flying colors, but he's yet to even receive his designated weapon. Just then, there was a knock on his door.

"Hu - ? Who could have made it through that mess?" he wondered as he went to the door. Opening it, he saw a soldier from Haven's army, carrying a package.

"Looks like I got into this building just in time," the soldier said. "This feels like such a big coincidence, don't it, Private Adel?"

The youth, Adel Torrez, saluted. "It does...sir!"

"Anyhoo, the brass has gone over your combat style preference, and have picked out the weapon that would suit your skills," the soldier said, placing the package on the floor. "Now then, I must be off to handle this crisis. Until later!"

Adel and the soldier saluted each other as the soldier left the apartment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adel Torrez Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Riley MacCreedy (V2)
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0.00 INK

Police cars and ambulances zoom by, a few stopping at large clusters of screaming nanite-infected civilians, but most keeping on trucking, heading for Haven.

"Figures," said Quintus. "The rich get the most attention."

"You think I could flash a few coins and get them to come over here?" asked Riley.

"Now is hardly the time!" shouted Quintus.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Adel Torrez Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Riley MacCreedy (V2)
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0.00 INK

Andy and Kaia hurried in from Ingenium, strafing past the incoming bombs.

"Since when did Coronach switch to Haven-model airships??" Andy wondered out loud. "I'm sure I've never seen their ships plated in metal head-to-toe."

"Worry about that later!" Kaia said. "We have to get on those ships and...erm..."

"Play this by ear, then!" Andy hurried to a building and, using the power of Circuit Grind, rode up the side on his skateboard. Kaia ran to another building and glided up its side.


Adel opened the package, revealing his weapon - a gauntlet of some kind that looked like a red/gold lion head. Its cyan eyes lit up as Adel lifted it out of the box.

"...Startup complete," the weapon said in a female synthesized voice. "Commencing owner registration. Please hold still."

Adel kept still as the weapon cast a scanning ray over him.

"Adel Torrez, private of Haven Secret Defense Force, in service for 30 days. Registration complete. I am the Nano-Electronic Matter-Emitting Attack Option, AKA Nemea Option. I hope to be of service to you."

"Impressive..." Adel said, eyes wide with amazement. "Well, um...good to meet you, Nemea!"

He equipped Nemea to his right wrist, looking back to the outside. If he can help out, this is his chance to do so.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Adel Torrez Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Riley MacCreedy (V2)
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0.00 INK

Well, to be fair, Dr. Y was flying a Coronach-model airship that looked a whole lot like these.


A fireball comes flying in from outside, sailing into Adel's apartment window.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Adel Torrez Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Riley MacCreedy (V2)
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0.00 INK

Andy and Kaia have reached the top of the buildings, hopefully high enough to glide across to a couple of the airships.


Meanwhile, Adel hurried to the streets with Nemea equipped. Nemea linked to his nervous system through his natural bioelectric field, allowing him to directly understand what her capabilities are, and trigger them by thought.

"Attack system is ready, Master," Nemea said.

"Roger. Now let's move!" Adel said, proceeding ahead to rescue anyone that's in danger.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Adel Torrez Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Adriel Killian (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans
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They can glide across to one, the lowest-flying of the bunch.


Police vans zoom by Adel and, coincidentally, Quintus and Riley, heading straight for Sanctuary's radio tower.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Adel Torrez Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Adriel Killian (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans
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0.00 INK

"There!" Kaia said. "Okay, we're going in!"

Andy shrunk his Hand of Fate, which re-manifested in the form of two big flat wings on his back. With these, he glided toward the deck of this airship. Kaia did the same with her wings, the two touching down on deck.


One nanite bomb seems to be falling Adel's way.

"(!!!) Nemea! Uh...what is it...Discharge!" he commanded.

"Affirmative," Nemea replied, surrounding Adel with a spherical electric barrier. On contact, it shorted out the bomb, disabling its detonation, as well as the nanites within.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Adel Torrez Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Adriel Killian (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sockie
Death's Head, meanwhile, arrives in Sanctuary and switches out his right hand for a gun that resembles a harpoon launcher. He begins to look around at the various individuals that have been given out-of-control super-powers, and decides that it may be time for some crowd control. He then begins launching steel rope nets out of his gun, pinning some people to the ground or walls. There's not much he can do about the airships over the city, but this works just fine.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Adel Torrez Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Adriel Killian (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans
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0.00 INK

On deck are several men in armor, typically worn by knights of Coronach. The knights not busy piloting the aircraft turn to Andy and Kaia, draw blades, and charge.


Killian's police escort arrives at the radio tower... only to find several nanite-infected citizens standing in the way, hurling fire, ice, electricity, and all sorts of other unpleasant elements. With all those people there, getting safely into the tower is nigh-impossible.

"Dammit!" said an officer, pulling out his police radio. "All available units, report to the Sanctuary Radio Tower immediately!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Adel Torrez Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Adriel Killian (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans
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0.00 INK

Cole kept running and looking around as he was passed up by police vans, some guys flying above him, and even a giant robot.

"Where the heck is Tempo?!" he screamed. When he turned his head and saw a purple and orange blur quickly moving towards him from where the Techno Dome should be, he just said, "About time!"

Tempo picked up Cole and skated away until they were clear of the bombs. Stopping next to a hotel, Tempo let Cole down.

"Sorry to keep ya waitin'." Tempo said. "So what's the plan?"

"I need you to get me onto one of those ships." Cole said, pointing at the airships.

"What?! You wanna head towards the people that're lightin' this place up?!" Tempo shouted.

"Nothin' about this attack makes sense. If we can get up there, we might figure out what's really goin' on. If you can get to the rooftops, you might be able to ramp off one and shoot us onto one of the airships." Cole explained.

Tempo sighed and said, "Man, you crazy. I can't believe I'm about to do this. But I ain't carryin' you again. You need to find somethin' to ride on or whatever."

Looking around, Cole saw what looked like a hotel luggage cart. "We'll use this," he said. "Now let's go."

Cole held tight to one of the bars of the luggage cart as Tempo revved his skates again and sped towards the airships.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Adel Torrez Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Adriel Killian (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans
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0.00 INK

Andy and Kaia assumed battle positions, ready to take on the knights.

"What gives, guys?!" Andy shouted. "I know Haven hasn't yet extended that act, but this is uncalled for!"

As Andy's frustration built up, his eyes began sparking up with the effects of Gaze of Guilt. The knights better not be looking to his eyes - those that do might experience a horrifying, numbing sensation...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Adel Torrez Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Adriel Killian (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans
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0.00 INK

The knight actually making eye contact with Andy falls to the deck, paralyzed.

"Don't look at him!" shouted another.

The knights scatter, not making direct eye contact with Andy, before moving in, slashing at Andy and Kaia with deadly precision.

"They need to be taught a lesson," said one of the knights, in between blows. "They dared make Captain Mordred sign this ridiculous act when he wasn't a resident of Haven. It's only a matter of time before they expand their views and make everyone register. We're just helping them out. They fear supers so much, it's only fair that they know what it's like!"

Meanwhile, Cole and Tempo should be able to get onto that same airship with a solid leap.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Adel Torrez Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Adriel Killian (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans
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0.00 INK

Andy weaved his Hand of Fate into a shield, blocking incoming attacks. Kaia materialized a barrier, withstanding the blows.

"Fighting terror with terror? That's just silly!" Andy retorted. "And not 'haha' silly."
