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Odessa Duquesne

"Ya'll wanna hang t'night?"

0 · 296 views · located in Gaol Academy

a character in “Gaol Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry”, originally authored by TCDinNYC, as played by RolePlayGateway


Odessa Duquesne

Age: 17
Year: 7th
House: Ursus
Wand: Cherry, Unicorn Hair, 14”
Patronus: Pelican
Pet: Tabby Cat, six years old, named Morgana

Odessa is a rather friendly girl, with many smiles and good natured laughs at her own accent, but she is indeed complicated. Firstly, she is what she appears on the outside, a rather friendly southern girl who does enjoy life and some bringing her culture into new places. She likes to talk to people, and finds politics very fun for some reasons. However, on the less known note, she is rather mischievous, with a love of gaining the inside knowledge and learning how to play both sides of an argument. She loves to advance herself along with who she considers her friends, and willing to do almost anything to gain an advantage, no matter how small.

Odessa is from a family who lives in what many muggles consider the black magic capital of the US, New Orleans. In truth, while New Orleans does have a rather large wizard population, no traces of ‘black’ magic have been started in it. Some dark wizards have come from there, also some from New York, or anywhere else, but New Orleans in always given the reputation for magic.

She was born as the oldest child, with only her little sister, Harriet, being born ten years after her. Her family is magical, but both of her parents are half-bloods, so is Odessa as well. Her parents are both graduates of Orenda, so they knew from the start she would go there as well. She grew up around magic, and muggles as well, as her parents ran a flower shop in the city, so she is used to both types of people.

Odessa has loved being at Orenda, and found that many classes are at the very least interesting, her favorite being History of the Magical World. She has found that she is a somewhat skilled flyer, and likes a good game. She is pretty smart, with some people wondering why she wasn’t put in Vulpes House, but she knows why. She has found that she loves to get to the ‘next level’ and can be ruthless about it. Not that she is a cruel person, or what not, she just has a major competitive streak in her, which she holds onto fiercely, to the point of semi-insanity, which she denies.

Nothing too important has happened to Odessa in her time at school, aside from dates, lessons, and the odd competition, she has remained pretty happy. Although, she was embarrassed when she first attended, when hardly anyone could understand her thick New Orleans accent, but some people have warmed up to her. Her dream is to become the Secretary of Magic, or even the President of the United States.

  • Magic
  • Winning
  • Learning
  • Outdoors
  • anything related to ‘Cajun’

  • Silence
  • ’Fancy’ things
  • Bright lights or colors
  • Losing
  • People making fun of anyone for their accents, or any other reason

Password: Specialis Revelio

So begins...

Odessa Duquesne's Story


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Character Portrait: Odessa Duquesne
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Character Portrait: Odessa Duquesne
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Hartzel Character Portrait: Eric Lee Greene Character Portrait: Zeke Barrow Character Portrait: Zane Barrow Character Portrait: Odessa Duquesne
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Odessa found herself walking around the Rhiamon Way, trying to think of any last minute things she needed before going to the ship. She made a mental check list, ‘ ‘Supplies? Yep. Quills? Yep. Books? Yep.’ She honestly couldn’t think of much she had forgotten. She usually had someone with her to help remind her, but she hadn’t really run into any of her friends on the street so far, so she was left alone.

If one was looking at her, they would think she was unprepared. She had a yellow sun dress on, and with her carts already loaded into the ship, she was left with a semi-large red bag. The bag had a ton of things in it, mainly due to the fact she was now legal age to perform magic outside of school, so she had an expansion charm on her bag. It was a hard charm, but she loved it, no longer having to worry about space. She had a crossword book she was going to work on later, but right now she was just wondering.

She did a quick ran into the book store owned by Liam’s family, who she was on friendly terms with, and wanted to see his adorable little sister, but they were out. Finding she couldn’t really find anyone, she began to walk towards the ship, taking the odd ways around. New York magic strips were fine, but she preferred New Orleans’, way more plant life and in her opinion, friendliness. She did see the Barrow twins, and even gave a friendly “ Heya!” To Zane.

As she walked, she noticed someone’s back, who she could honestly tell from any angle; Eric Greene. She honestly considered him to be one of her closest friends, and he had spent the summer with her family, up until he left a couple of weeks ago. Her family saw what a mess she was after, her mom started to tell her to ask him out, and if they got married, to not take his last name. Her sister was a major player in that, having drawn up several pictures, which made Odessa sigh at her family. She actually did have a picture form his stay to give him; It was him and her standing beside each other, laughing in front of an old theater she loved. She walked close to him, and once she was close enough, she went “ Guess who?” while covering his eyes. Not waiting for a proper response, she got in front of him, still walking forward. ”Eric! ‘ow ya been? W’at has it been; now and a half weeks? I got some food in my bag, if ya wanna share on t’e ride over.” She said in her rapid fire style. She was glad to see him again, made a little part of her extra happy.


Zane was walking with his twin, his very hasty twin, his twin who this morning had tried to slip an itching cream into his bag, but was caught and busted by Zane. That stuff spilled too often for his liking, and not in the beginning of the year was he going to risk that.

“You are being melodramatic again, Zeke!” Zane said, while rolling his eyes. He was walking slower than his brother, and only for around 28% because of the itching thing, the rest because he was calmer, however slightly, more than Zeke. He saw a group of students near where they were, both older and younger. He was planning a prank when that Odessa girl had said hello.

Zane looked at his brother. “You know we have some time, and most of the stuff is already loaded, right? You see that group up there?” He pointed at the group, and then noticing the girl running away, he saw it was Chloe, the only girl who shared him slightly. She hated them, mainly because she couldn’t appreciate a good joke. “It’s little miss joke killer. You know it’s her last year? Maybe she should start it out with a bang, you have any mini dung bombs?” A completely stinky Chloe is something that mad Zane smile, plus the small size of a dungbomb would be harder to tie to them, all they needed was to light the fuse and throw.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Hartzel Character Portrait: Eric Lee Greene Character Portrait: Max Avarus Character Portrait: Zeke Barrow Character Portrait: Zane Barrow Character Portrait: Odessa Duquesne
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Zeke Barrow:

"Am not! We don't have any other form of transportation to get there! Besides, we can't risk missing it!"

Zeke said hello. And when Zane mentioned Chloe, his head started spinning with ideas. "Yeah they are next to the..." He started, when a large firecracker dropped out of his bag. The kind of firecracker that explodes spectacularly when it hits the ground. "Shit....LOOK OUT!"

Awkward turned away as the Firecracker went off, a large portion of the blast going everywhere. Not so much an explosion as a magical light show, but it knocked Zeke backwards, distracted everyone, and sent this one kid (Max) flying backward. A large portion of the firecracker also went in the way of Chloe and Eric.

Zeke, of course, broke out into laughter. "That was awesome! Zane, did you see that? Those firecrackers are going to be a blast! We should have gotten more!" He stood up, and looked at Zane. "Those are going to be great".

He then looked at everyone else, and his mind immediately realized something. "Uhh...sorry....accidental firecracker use". He was still smiling though, clearly enjoying what the firecracker caused.