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"They call it SOUL, but I don't feel very human."

0 · 146 views · located in New Babbage

a character in “Generation SOUL”, as played by The_Queen




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Model Age
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Serial Number

Image.Model Description
Special Operations Unit, Lyra is crafted meticulously with a reinforced,
woven carbon fiber endoskeleton. Lyra weighs a whopping four hundred pounds,
but you would never be able to tell judging from her size. Internally, Lyra has a
few differences from a standard frontline DOLL. One is hollow spot in her leg,
built to smuggle weapons.

Another is the LED strip on her lower spine, which shows that she is connected
to her attachment. Lyra's attachments are a duel pair of electric swords, which
use a backup battery inside of her spine to power them. She also has LEDs
inside of her eyes, which are crafted from resin and a layer of glass.

Lyra's hair is woven from PYROMAX, a flameproof material and her outer skin
is crafted from a mix of silicone and latex to give it a distinctly human-feel.
Beneath her left eye is an ink dot, made to make her look more human.

All DOLLs have an internal program to delete itself on the occasion that
they are ever captured. Lyra was built with a bomb inside of her, so if she ever
was captured, it would destroy her entirely. The bomb has since been deactivated.

SOU DOLLs are made to maintain their own systems, perform their own upgrades, and
need as little maintenance as possible, because of the possibility of them being gone for
months and possibly years at a time from a service station. All SOU DOLLs are equipped
with their own tool kit in their left arm. Coincidentally, Lyra is also pre-dominantly right-handed.

Special Operations Unit DOLLs are odd birds, any other DOLL can tell
you that. While Most other DOLLs learn some form of empathy, SOU DOLLs seem
to lack it almost entirely.

Lyra likes the thrill of battle. She feels no remorse for slaying the humans
she was told to kill. In fact, Lyra seems to lack any kind of ability to sympathize
with the enemy.

With the war over and her retirement imminent, Lyra has been going through something
of a crisis. She does not know how to live without a command. With her unit dissolved,
Lyra finds herself on her own and does not like it. It has been difficult for her to adjust
after spending her entire life surrounded by others.

Therefore, she has been spending her days wandering. Lyra likes the noise of the city.
She enjoys how it fills her head, getting rid of the silence that plagues her like a vise.

Learning new things everyday, Lyra has begun to make a list of some of the things she
has discovered she likes. Music, is one. Although, she cannot differentiate between
genres. Her AI can also identify smells, but not the same way a human can.
Her system is particularly fond of cinnamon.

Why wasn't she dead?

The bomb inside of SO20987 had gone off, effectively eliminating the enemy. Her ears rang from the explosion, an incineration mark where her partner had once been was all that remained. He had told Lyra something in his final moments. He had told her to run. Lyra looked around the warehouse, her clarity returning. She had been temporarily disoriented from flipping upside down, due to the blast.

Where was the rest of the team? Lyra rose, her foot not engaging. She limped to the exit, making her way to the extraction point, but Lyra was the only one in her unit to arrive.

Special Operation DOLLs are not meant to exist. Officially, they have no records, save for a single digital file on a USB in the president's desk. SOU DOLLs operate under secrecy, often waking up for the first time with a mission implanted in their brains. Such was the case for Lyra, whose first memory is waking up in a box full of packing peanuts, somewhere in Hexvania, the city of her first mission. Lyra was the newest in her unit. Her AI was shaped by her time. Vince, their leader, Manny, the one who was always smiling, Freyja, the Goddess of death, and Lyra, the newbie. She was made to replace their last newbie, who had died on his first day.

They called her Lyra, after the constellation that shone brightest the eve of her delivery.

SOU DOLLs were only given pieces of a puzzle, they were only told as much information as needed to complete the mission and nothing else. Lyra and her team infiltrated galas, charity auctions, banquets, homes. They operated under darkness, spending their daytime hiding in plain sight. Lyra's AI and personality was formed through them and their odd sense of humor. It was the closest thing she had to a family.

Until their final mission.

Vince had been looking forward to going home, they all had. None of them knew what New Babbage looked like, but their AI told them it was home. They would swap stories of what they thought it looked like, unaware that Hexvania would become their graveyard.

When they entered that warehouse, they expected to be eliminating the nest of a weapon's dealer. What they were met with instead was an ambush. Their enemy knew they were coming but how, Lyra could never figure out.

She was the only one to make it to the extraction point that day, saved by Manny's self-destruction and Frejya's quick thinking to shield Lyra with her own body. Lyra was the only one to go back to a peaceful country, the names and sacrifices of her comrades buried under bureaucracy and paperwork.

So begins...

Lyra's Story


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Location: New Babbage DOLL Recovery Ward || Speech: #CD5C5C Thought: #8B6969

Light filtered in through the window, the windchime dancing on a small breeze while the curtains fluttered. The low hum of machinery could be heard by any DOLL passing through, their sensitive ears tuned to pick up frequencies humans could not hear.

Exiting sleep mode, please wait to be disconnected.

Her AI spoke sharply, warning Lyra of the dangers of attempting to manually disconnect herself from the machines she was plugged into. She looked around the room in something of a daze, recalling her helicopter ride out of Hexvania, with her arm dangling by the wires and her left ankle no longer able to engage. Slowly, she flexed both feet, able to feel them again. Lyra opened and closed the fingers on her hand, no longer broken, but covered in a smooth silicone sleeve. If Lyra didn't know any better, she would have thought that she had dreamed up the entire ordeal.

The DOLL craned her neck this way and that, looking around the small room in an attempt to gain her bearings. She was laying on a metal table, a thin blanket covering her body. Coming out of her skin were dozens of wires, monitoring and powering her while she had been shut down for repairs. There was a large gap in her memory logs.

"Access system logs." Lyra whispered, watching her AI flicker in the corner of her sight.

DOLL Number SO204851, AKA, Lyra, underwent repairs by DOLL E49610 on May 1st, XXXXX. Repairs included total arm replacement, hip, knee, and ankle joint repairs, as well as the removal of any internal weapons. DOLL number E49610 does not have the clearance to identify these weapons.

Lyra suddenly sat upright, her torso feeling too light. She reached to pry at her leg, noticing that the latch was closed completely, sealed over with synthetic skin. A light above her flashed red, her AI blaring inside of her head, the DOLL wincing at the noise. PLEASE REMAIN ON YOUR BACK UNTIL A DOLL ARRIVES TO DISCONNECT YOU. PLEASE REMAIN ON HER BACK UNTIL A DOLL ARRIVES TO-" Lyra lay back down slowly, the red lights stopping. The door to the room slid open, a DOLL in coveralls entering with smudges of grease on their face. They held a tool kit full of various wires. Small metal fingers sticking out out from the bag.

Their hair was short and curly, brown, with what Lyra thought were freckles at first, but realized were actually singes. They removed their goggles, deep green eyes staring at her with a look of frustration. "Why did you get up?" They asked, hand on their hip.

"Why did you take my weapons?" Lyra replied, dodging the question. "I need those, the others are waiting for me-" a part of Lyra was in denial, even after having seen their bodies laying in puddles of oil. She needed to return to Hexvania, where her team was waiting. "You've been decommissioned, all combat units have. The war is over." The DOLL placed their work tools down on a bench beside the table. The words hit Lyra like a freight train. Decommissioned? The war was over? No, that wasn't possible. She struggled against the wires, but the DOLL entered a few short lines of code using a black stick, paralyzing her. "If you don't lay still, this will hurt a lot more."

"Where are the others from my squad?"

"I don't have the clearance to answer that." The DOLL took out a screwdriver, accessing the panel behind Lyra's neck. Numbers scrolled down her vision, a string of 1's and 0's filling her eyes and just as suddenly disappearing. The panel behind her neck was closed. Lyra's sensors detected something distinctly warm. Finally, a thick layer of paste was applied, the DOLL intricately applying the silicone and latex to leave next to no scar. When it was done, feeling returned to her limbs as if it had never left. "What did you do?" Lyra demanded while the engineer DOLL unplugged her. "I rewired your sensors for taste and scent detection. It's an update all DOLLs are getting." Lyra was handed a bundle of clothes; it was a pair of white trousers with a tie band and a white shirt. She put them on slowly, her limbs a bit stiff from having been switched off for so long.

"Check your inbox, you should have received instructions with your POD number and orientation group." Lyra looked in the corner of her eye, spotting the indication for a new message. The engineer DOLL picked up their work bag and left without another word, the door sliding closed behind them. Lyra looked through her messages, hoping to see one from Vince or Manny. Heck, she would even take one from Frejya, but their com lines were non-operational.

A new message popped up in the corner of her eye, something from her overseeing commander. Excitement rushed through her, Lyra opened the message eagerly, hoping for some kind of explanation.

"DOLL SO204851, it is my honor to tell you that your mission was a success. Thanks to you and the effort and contributions of your unit, the war is now over. Unfortunately, this also means the access to your closed communication lines and security clearance have been revoked. Enjoy your retirement, you've earned it."

So it was true? She was decommissioned? Lyra's legs wobbled. She reached for the door, which slid away from her and deposited her into the hall. Retired? No, DOLLs like her didn't retire. They worked until they died. Lyra didn't know how to enjoy a cushy, slow life. She went into sleep mode on concrete floors, she recharged via illegal electricity lines, sometimes going for days without seeing the sun. Retirement?

Without realizing it, Lyra had reached her pod. She let out a short, humorless laugh. Even now, she was still taking orders. The door slid open, recognizing her ID number. Inside, the space was plain. There was a singular bed, along with a window and a desk. Lyra looked outside, at a city she had defended fiercely, but had never been inside of. It was just like Manny had said.

There were vines covering buildings, trees taller than the eye could see, all intertwined with buildings and streets. A train whistled from somewhere inside, humans, not modified beasts or DOLLs, real humans, walked the streets. They talked with one another, some even laughed. Lyra stepped away, swallowing hard. Something in her mind pinged, informing her that it was time to make her way to the first floor for orientation.

The elevator trip down was short, a large room set up with dozens of other DOLLs, all dressed in white. Two large screens had been set up, a podium in the center. A man stood there, a tall DOLL beside him. Lyra's eyes widened, her facial recognition system identifying her creator.

"Papa," Lyra whispered, walking closer to the stage, but the other DOLLs crowded in as well. He was something of an urban myth to them. Frejya didn't believe any kind of entity called Papa existed. Manny thought that it was a made up face meant to keep them in line. Vince had once said that if Papa did exist, he hoped he wasn't as cruel as he had heard. A man that created machines, only to force them to die.

"H-hello!" He started, fumbling almost immediately. Lyra watched as the DOLL beside him steadied his mic. "By now, I'm sure you all must have identified me," he let out a chuckle. "I am Papa, the creator of the DOLL and SOUL." She watched, rapt with attention. "You are all here, because you've been picked to be reintegrated into society, not as combatants, but as civilians. From this day on, you are no longer soldiers and pilots, but whatever you want to be."

He turned towards the screen, which detailed some of the jobs that DOLLs might be able to do. Baristas, dog walkers, and gardeners were some. Lyra knew what those professions were, in practicality, but she had never seen a dog before. Most of Hexvania's animals had perished.

"I'm sure many of you are be feeling uncertain about this change. You've spent your entire lives on the front lines, it will not be easy to learn peace. However, with some time, I believe you will come to enjoy what you have all been working so hard for."