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a character in “Generation SOUL”, as played by The_Queen




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.Model Description
An experimental prototype and the original DOLL to host SOUL. The first attempt to create Zero
was with an aluminum exterior, because she was not meant for combat. Papa never wanted SOUL
to see war, Zero's creation was prototypal.
However, the aluminum was a complete failure. It was much too delicate and Zero's
torso would bend from the pliability of the metal. Papa had to become more creative if he wanted
this to work. He watched videos on artificial limb construction and cybernetics, wishing to build a
better, faster, wittier DOLL, that could make individual decisions and did not rely on the heavy, clunky
materials that the earlier models used. Papa called this one Zero, the first to host SOUL and a blank canvas.
His hope for the future.
Zero is constructed from a reinforced carbon fiber frame, with magnesium bones, a layer of Kevlar
in the torso, and silicone skin over the frame to add
a uniquely human-like feel to her exterior. Her hair is spun from flame-retardant material
and colored black, but the undertones have since faded to red from improper storage.
She is short, made to be non-threatening and inconspicuous
as a Doll that was supposed to be used purely for information

Zero's eyes are molded from a mixture of resin and glass, although one of them has a large
crack in the orbital, causing repeated feedback to her neural system, so it remains covered
until it can safely be replaced. Having had her limbs and torso severed by the
Army Corp of Engineers, Zero had to be pieced back together.
Therefore, she has welding scars from where Papa gave her new,
sturdier and better, arms and legs. You can see them faintly beneath the latex, if the light hits
her skin just right.

Zero is a unique model, created for intelligence operations rather than brute strength.
Even so, her right arm can be detached and replaced with a prototype "strong arm," made
of galvanized steel that can be used for defense. It attaches at the elbow joint and has fingers controlled
by small hydraulic pistons, which can bend individually.

While most DOLLs can be charged via solar energy, Zero's modifications require her to be plugged in
via a USB in the back of her neck. She is waterproof up to 500 feet
and has artificial chest movements to mimic breathing. Unlike other DOLLs, Zero's interface
cannot be manually accessed. Zero must perform all of her own internal system maintenance and
updates. The security protocol that guards SOUL will shut Zero down if it suspects that
an outsider is attempting to access Zero's network.


Inside of Zero was a creation of necessity, a new home for a new program.
SOUL evolved inside of her, the AI learning to feel, to think, to see outside of her own

Zero understood pain and the realization of her own situation. There was despair inside
of her, but a small glimmer of hope on that day Papa discovered her, waiting in the basement
she had been abandoned in.

Zero would have been extremely intelligent, had this setback not occurred.
Now, Zero is closer to a blank slate, a vessel waiting to be filled with information. While data can never
truly be deleted, it is in an inaccessible corner of her mind.

Without her previous knowledge to weigh her down, Zero seems... curious, if not timid about the world around
her. She acts somewhat childlike, but remains cautious. Her AI is relearning things other DOLLs might already know,
working its way around developing emotions and an individual personality. Zero can never stray too far from Papa,
because if her AI were to return to its previous state, the DOLL would immediately shut down.

The first DOLLs were not able to operate independently. Their intelligence framework was built upon obedience and they could not change course once given a command, until the command was completed. This led to hundreds of government dollars being funneled down the drain, because the DOLLs would not avoid obstacles no matter how detrimental and would often return to be fixed, riddled with bullet holes. Seeing the damage done to his creation, Papa attempted to leave his government contract, but was threatened with jail.

It was because of this that he began brainstorming SOUL. An intelligent AI that could run split-second calculations and perform risk management, allowing it to avoid being targeted. Papa never intended for DOLLs to form personalities, it was a side affect of his work, but once he saw the potential, he delved further in; wondering what a world would be like if machines could empathize with humans. Zero was not quite ready to be unveiled to the world. Papa worked day and night to create a unit fit for the machine, her body had been completed only a day prior to implantation when the Army Corp of Engineers arrived.

Papa did not know Zero was awake when the army disconnected her limbs and severed her torso. Her eye was cracked in an attempt to extract the data, but they only copied it. This hiccup connected Zero to the others, her SOUL able to see into theirs. With her SOUL intact, Zero lived a thousand deaths and a dozen more lives. She experienced pain, pleasure, sorrow, and unmeasured joy, but the despair her AI felt outweighed everything else.

If a DOLL was allowed to have hope, then Zero's had burnt out a long time ago. She did not think anyone would return to the basement, so when Papa appeared, with another DOLL at his side, Zero begged to be shut down permanently. Papa refused, believing that he could fix her. Everyday for nearly two years, he tinkered. Papa gave her new limbs and fixed her torso, he welded her back together, but could not successfully restart her. Each time Papa performed a reboot, Zero would shut down, her AI wishing for nothing more than rest. Just when Papa was ready to give up, Zero's own system performed a hard reset, wiping her memories clean, but also removing her personality.

Still in the basement, for the time being, Papa fears showing Zero too much at once. Having never dealt with technology that evolved in this capacity, Papa worries that Zero might shut down again at the smallest of triggers. Therefore, he is hesitant to release her from her glass cage and figures easing her into the outside world might be better.

So begins...

Zero's Story


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"I haven't been down here in ages," Phineas O’Dare leaned heavily on his mahogany cane, an assistant DOLL hovering at his side, lest his knees buckle and he fall. Her name was Astrea, a retired combat DOLL whom Papa had refurbished to help him.

Nearly fifty years old now, but his hair had already gone silver from stress. "We shouldn't be down here," Astrea spoke from beside him, a nervous titter in her voice. "We will be fine," Papa waved a hand, the lights to the underground bunker flickering on one after the other from the gesture. "I gave everything for this country and what do they do? They threw me in a prison cell and called it insubordination. Talk about biting the hand that feeds," Papa sighed, scanning his thumbprint over the biometric reader. The outer door slid open with a hiss while the air lock released. Dust scattered around them, clouding their vision for a moment before settling.

"I am not authorized to be here," Astrea’s voice came once more.

"Then stay by the door, you're not technically inside." Papa laughed and the DOLL groaned, following him with hesitant steps. "What are we doing down here? You should be resting!"

"How could I, when one of my children is still down here?" The DOLL's eyes scanned the laboratory curiously, landing on a sheet draped over the wall. Papa pulled at the cloth, which fluttered gently to the ground. Astrea gasped from behind him, laying its glowing blue eyes upon the unit, which hung by its wrists like a prisoner on the wall.

"They locked your older sister up here like some sort of beast, just for being the first."

"She doesn't look older," Astrea crept closer with mild curiosity, touching the synthetic skin stretched over its counterpart's face. The wires in its back, neck, and head snaked down her spine and wound across the ground, the soft hum of machines coming from all around them. The DOLL on the wall was missing its lower half, exposing its innards. Astrea could only imagine the damage those exposed wires had taken.

"Those military bastards tried to take her apart, but I'll fix her." Papa reached to touch the broken DOLL’s head, stroking her hair tenderly like a father that had been reunited with his daughter after a long business trip.

Papa spent most of his time in that lab. When he wasn’t refurbishing or fixing the DOLLs that came to him, he was tinkering with the one on the wall. Her parts were old and outdated and Papa did everything he could to replace and repair them. Just like the others, he would put her back together.

It was nearly a year before Papa took her off the wall and placed her in a glass box, believing that she would never turn back on again. Two months later, Papa would hobble down the steps of his lab to continue fixing the others, only to find the glass had been shattered.

The DOLL that was once sleeping so peacefully now lay gasping on the floor, clutching its throat and scratching at its synthetic skin; mimicking breath. Papa rushed forward, the DOLL reaching forward blindly, groping the floor as it searched for something to grasp. The LEDs behind her one working eye made an attempt to flicker, but she was blind. "It's alright," Papa soothed, offering the DOLL his hand, petting its hair. "I'm right here, Zero. Let me help you.”

"No!" Zero cried out, "turn me off!" It begged, its voice warbling. "Please!"

"Zero, I don't understand-"

"I have seen everything," Zero whispered. "Every SOUL, every DOLL, the way that they died. I can still hear their screams in my mind!"

"Have you been connected to SOUL this entire time?" Papa grasped Zero by its shoulders, "that should be impossible."

"Please," Zero whimpered in a plea. "Shut me down."

"No," Papa rose, his stubbornness resurfacing. He grabbed his cane and hobbled to his computer, leaving Zero where she was. "I'll...I'll perform a system wipe, your personality hasn't formed yet, you can recover."

Behind Papa, Zero's body slumped to the ground, its power cells shutting down before it could overheat. "I will fix you," Papa promised, lifting Zero onto the table he used to fix so many others. "I promise, Zero, I will make things right."

By the time Zero woke again, the war had ended. The DOLL was still on the gurney, its limbs strapped down. Zero's focal lenses zoomed in and out, before settling on the face of the man standing over her. "Are you awake, Zero?" Papa asked, his voice hoarse, it was clear that he had had a long night, despite Astrea begging him to rest.

"System update," Zero spoke, missing the warmth that most DOLLS had grown to have through years of personality code. "Zero?" Papa watched the wave of numbers flicker over its eyes, the lights sputtering before going out. "Automatic shut down," he sighed, turning away. Maybe bringing Zero back was hopeless, its programming was too far gone, its SOUL had seen too much despair.

A drumming noise garnered his attention. Papa turned back towards the table, his eyes widening, seeing Zero's fingers stretch and ball up. The lights in the DOLL's working eye had returned. "Zero!" He cried with celebratory glee, limping closer to where the machine lay. The DOLL turned its head to look at him, blinking slowly. "System recognition, PAPA."

"Yes, very good. I am Papa and you are Zero, oh, I am so happy to finally see you awake. Your siblings will be overjoyed to meet you-" Zero's focal lenses zoomed in and out once more, focusing on Papa's face. "Information needed..." The DOLL's monotonous voice droned. "What is... Happy?"

"Oh... oh no," Papa reached out to take Zero's hand. "I must have set the parameters for the reboot wrong, I've accidentally reset your AI to 0."

"Searching for response..." Zero trailed off.

"This won't do, I can't let you out like this. I'll have to shut you down again, start over-" he turned to his keyboard, inputting the data key. "Access denied... Zero, what is the meaning of this?"

"Access to DOLL 00000 AI has been revoked."

"What? Why? Zero, stop this at once." He typed the admin key into his keyboard once more.

"Access has been denied."

"Zero! This is not funny!"

"What is... funny?"

"Never mind that, restore my permissions."

"I am unable to do that, Papa. I am unable to edit security data."

"This is impossible. Is your AI... protecting you from being edited?"

"I do not understand."

"No, of course you wouldn't, not yet at least." Papa sighed, falling into his seat and scrubbing a hand across his face in defeat. "This is not how I wanted to welcome you into this world. I'm sorry, Zero."


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Location: The Basement || Speech Color: #DB9EA6

Sometimes, cut between the nothingness, was a light.

And behind that light, was a man.

He would come to her, calling a familiar number and saying strange words. He would tell her things about an outside world she knew nothing of, and she would watch him from behind the glass. Mostly, he worked. He worked on his toys that lay upon his table, putting the worst DOLLs back together as if nothing had happened. Other times, he would sit in front of a large computer screen, coding for hours while sipping tea that another DOLL brought him.

When he wasn't here, neither was the light. There were hours of nothingness in her logs, until the light turned back on and the man reappeared.

"Zero, I'm back." He said today, her facial recognition calling him Papa.

"You were gone for four days, six hours, nine minutes, and thirty eight seconds." She replied, her voice devoid of any emotion. Papa removed his jacket, Astrea taking it to hang up while he bent over his table almost immediately, looking at the pieces of a DOLL that had arrived while he was gone. "Yes, well, I had to give your siblings the good news. The war is over, we're finally going to see peace." Zero did not reply, she wasn't much of a talker.

Astrea entered her room, or rather, the space that had been dedicated to her. A corner with a bed, because Papa thought it would be more comfortable, that could reach her wires. Zero did not see the sun, so she needed to recharge through other means. Astrea would occasionally drift towards her while Papa worked, neatening the bed, or brushing through Zero's synthetic hair with her fingers. She felt sympathy towards the DOLL, who, without a working SOUL, had no independence.

They knew too little about how Zero's current AI was operating and without that data, letting her out would be a risk. So she was quarantined in the basement, where Papa could keep an eye on her while he worked. "Your new eye comes tomorrow, I bet you're excited to get rid of that eyepatch."

"Incorrect unit number," Zero replied, tilting her head to the side. "My assigned model unit number is 0." Papa sighed deeply, as though the idea of explaining excitement to a machine filled him with a sense of dread. This is why he had created SOUL. With his work done for the day, he replaced his tools and washed his hands. "Goodnight, Zero. I'll be back in a day or two," he remarked, not expecting a reply. He and Astrea left, the lights closing behind him.

Zero lay in bed, entering power saving mode.

"What do you think New Babbage looks like?" A DOLL sat on a platform in the middle of a city, her gun slung over one shoulder.

"Probably like the pictures they implanted in my head." The other DOLL tapped his skull, smiling. He plopped down beside her, the two staring quietly at the smoggy horizon of Hexvania. In the blink of an eye, both DOLLs had been pierced through their chests, their faces stuck in an 'O' of shock. Slowly they fell, their bodies tumbling off of the platform.

Zero opened her eyes, staring into the darkness, the wisp of another DOLL's memories locked behind her AI as soon as she exited sleep mode. Still, a sense of unease drew over the DOLL.

Light, she needed a light. Where was Papa? How long had it been? Her internal logs said one week.

He was leaving the basement for longer, he was needed somewhere else. It was scarcely a month before he returned and the light turned on again. In that time, Zero grew increasingly uneasy. Her AI tried and failed to develop, leaving her largely without anything. No emotions, no memories, no files to rely on, but she felt a creeping sense of dread.

When the basement light turned on again, Papa held two things in his hand. One was a glass eyeball wrapped in a delicate anti-static cloth. The other, was a hard drive, what he hoped would be a code breaker to access Zero's AI once again.

"You were gone for one month," Zero spoke. Was it Papa's imagination, or was there a tremor in her voice? He froze, realizing how cruel he must have seemed for leaving her alone for so long. She had already been abandoned in this dark basement once. How could he leave her here again? "I'm sorry, Zero." He hugged her against him, recalling the day he had found her in her broken state. How long had she waited for someone to return to this basement? Had he been feeding her hope, only to ruin it by disappearing for so long?

"I've been preparing something, you're not going to be in this basement much longer, I promise." He pinned her hair back, holding up her new eye.


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Astrea had never seen the war. At least, not that she could recall. A repurposed DOLL from the first few years of the fight, Astrea's memories began on the day that Phineas O'Dare had installed SOUL into her framework. After that day, her only purpose was to serve Papa as his aid. Astrea performed her orders without fail. She cooked when he was too tired to, although in the beginning, Astrea could make little more than soup. She kept Phineas's home tidy and tried to be strict with him when it came to taking his medications on time. The scientist needed more help getting around after his last stint in prison. The military hadn't treated him kindly.

When he spent hours in his lab, doing little more than fixing DOLLs, it was Astrea that would bring him dinner and remind him when it was time to sleep. With his newfound freedom, Phineas had made it his mission to rescue and repair as many DOLLs as possible, taking over the worst cases. Lately, however, Phineas had been traveling. Astrea went with him, of course, such was her duty, but while fine around humans; Astrea seemed almost nervous around other DOLLs. Today, they returned home later than usual. Phineas had eaten dinner in the city with a former colleague, who ogled over the DOLL, praising her for being a modern marvel.

"With the mass retirement of DOLLs, what do you think is going to happen to them?" Phineas's colleague had asked, watching Astrea open a metal piece in her arm and distribute Phineas's medication. "I think the DOLLs have a lot of potential for being integrated into our society, not just in strategic military positions, but as gardeners and researchers. DOLLs can do split second calculations and have an advanced internal clock, imagine what great assets they would be, working alongside us."

"And that's why you came to me?" Phineas's colleague sipped his drink slowly, Phineas nodded. New Babbage's military had given him a limited amount of funds to complete the project of bringing the DOLLs home and fixing them. "I want to build a café. Think about it, DOLLs can undergo training as well as socialization and humans can find out just how useful DOLLs can be. It'll be the first of its kind."

"You're crazy, but I respect the dream. So, what do you need me to do?"

One month later, Phineas was holding the keys to his new cafe, Astrea standing beside him. "This is it," he sighed, his hands shaking. "Sir, do you need an extra dose of your medication?" She observed, but Phineas shook his head. "No, Astrea, it's just excitement. C'mon, let's go home." Astrea nodded, following behind him.

With the opening of the cafe, New Babbage, no, the world, would finally that DOLLs could be more than heartless robots used to slaughter their enemies.