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Hayden Ren

Disciple of the Eastern Illusion Strike, Hayden seeks to restore the lost martial art.

0 · 606 views · located in Kohaku Island

a character in “Ginryu: School of the Fist”, as played by Jacopo


Hayden is a tall, lanky teenager who stretches to a full height of 6'3. As he often claims, his muscles forgot to catch up. Indeed Hayden has always been on the thin side, with only an average build. He is partly Chinese but inherited the genes for blonde hair from his parents; it's grown out a few inches past his ears, the longest strands hanging down his neck to his shoulders. He wears thin silver hoops in both of his ears. Hayden's eyes always seem to be smiling. He gives off a general aura of peace and pleasantness.

As for his face, it looks exactly as it does in the picture except, obviously, his eyes are not purple. Hayden isn't fond of weapons much; he believes they serve little to no defensive purpose and that hand-to-hand combat is the most peaceful way to resolve a fight besides talking it out. He won't pick up a weapon until his teachers tell him to; in order to attain his black belt in karate, Hayden's teachers forced him to choose a weapon. He decided on throwing knives, which were next to useless in a close range combat situation but could immobilize the enemy without actually hurting him by pinning down his clothes.

Hayden always wear a loose, white three-quarters sleeved shirt, and baggy black pants. His clothes appear very casual- almost too casual to others, but Hayden wears them because they allow him a lot of flexibility and also obscure his stances and movements.


Hayden is very easygoing, friendly, and peaceful. He's a pacifist by nature; he avoids fights almost to the point of cowardice. Hayden has the ability to make anyone feel comfortable around him, although sometimes his inability to take anything seriously gets slightly annoying. He comments about very grave issues with a sort of offhandedness that angers some people.

The best word to describe Hayden is neutral. He seems to be unambitious, nonagressive, and peaceful. He doesn't appear to be interested in anything for his own means. Hayden dislikes fighting because he often doesn't see the point in it. He prefers settling things through nonviolent means. Even his fighting style is designed to be as non-injurious to both parties as possible.

When one gets very close to Hayden however, it becomes obvious that there's more that's hidden behind his innocent face. He can be incredibly protective of his fighting style, which is why he wears such baggy clothes- to hide it. In fact, it has been speculated that Hayden dislikes fighting just because it gives others to chance to analyze his fighting style. What his true goals are, nobody really seems to know- but often Hayden does things for reasons no one can fathom, until it's too late.


As a practitioner of the Eastern Illusion Strike, Hayden doesn't employ the use of any weapons. He carries a long rosary around with him; it's quite simple, with black beads and one cross. Occasionally he'll use the rosary during meditation, and although it can be used in battle, Hayden prefers not to take it out.


Hayden was born to a half-Chinese father and an English mother, both of whom had very large hopes for him. He managed to dash all of these hopes when he nearly failed school and was the worst student at the karate dojo where he was enrolled. After years of trying to get him to shape up and get better at school, they gave up on him, focusing on nurturing his prodigious little sister Hannah instead.

Hayden didn't really care; in fact, from an early age, it had been difficult to make him care about anything.

What his parents didn't know, however, was that Hayden had stumbled across knowledge of hidden Korean martial arts one day while pestering his karate teacher about martial arts theory. He had found one lost art- the Eastern Illusion Strike- particularly interesting. From history, the Eastern Illusion Strike allowed the illusionist to confuse the enemy and bend their mindset to his will, using quick, dance-like motions and perfected technique. It barely even touched on strength, but focused instead on skill, agility, and an ability to be completely in harmony with nature, to be like a balanced pool of water. The general principle seemed to be dodging so much that the opponent eventually realized there was no point in fighting. The Eastern Illusion Strike was considered by many martial artists of the past as useless and stupid; one master even recorded it as "about as effective as throwing water at an enemy". This was due to the fact that the Eastern Illusion Strike seemed to avoid harming the enemy at all- most of it seemed to be tactics of dodging and running. As an art, it was completely unambitious, seeking not to harm, but just to defend and keep both opponents uninjured. But what these masters failed to realize was the true potential of the Eastern Illusion Strike- it was not an art used for war, it was an art used to keep peace. It was incredibly effective at putting a quick stop to fights without harming anyone.

Hayden was fascinated.

From then on, he only dragged himself to karate to keep up his strength and stamina, while he often skipped school to pore over old records of the Eastern Illusion Strike. After years of research, Hayden formulated a theory of the martial arts in his head, and began to become the only living practitioner of it. His theory, although on the right track, was very lacking, however, because of the missing information he hadn't been able to obtain. Regardless, Hayden began using the Eastern Illusion Strike against enemies at karate tournaments to considerable effect. It was at one of those tournaments that the Hayden caught the interest of the school. Upon receiving the letter, Hayden knew that he had no other opportunity to learn the true secrets of the Eastern Illusion Strike, if they even existed.

So begins...

Hayden Ren's Story


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#, as written by Jacopo
Ignore T_T"