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Mitei Isuno

"Never fear shadows. They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby."

0 · 1,604 views · located in Daughtris

a character in “Gods of Elements: Sylph's kiss”, as played by Mineczka


Appearance: Image

Name: Mitei Isuno

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: about 5'1"

Weight: 130 lbs (she'll kill you if you ask)

Hair: Black

Eyes:Silver-ish red

Cloths and armor: Look at appearance for clothes, her armor is a black armor that is a bit frail and has many battle hits.

Sexual Orientation: Hetro.

Likes: Nature and the forest

Dislikes: Fire. And Venash. And. GEN.

Special skills and magic abilities: Strong Black Magic (Like fire, blizzard, thunder, etc) and she can summon her Mythic Beast for battle (Its a Squirrel of DOOM!) and the Mythic beast can help Mitei do almost anything.

Are you one of the children of Venash or an Ally of Avory? Was Venash but now Avory.

Personality: Mitei is a cool and calm person whom is rare to get angry except for if you ask about her past and weight (Cause thats just rude!). Mitei is also scarred by her past and what she had done. She hates herself for it. Mitei is defeatist to herself and her abilities and always doubts herself. UPDATE: Mitei is knowledgeable and tends to always protect her sister Reiko with everything she's got weather it be Judgment Bolt or a new spell (which she'll learn later) Meteo. She's a bit irritated with what has been going on with her.

History/ past:Mitei grew up in Tutelia, near clearwood but also is near Pruwas with her family of her mum, father, and sister her life was at the least, normal. Until she was about 15, she was wandering the forest. Until Venash's troops saw her she attempted to fight and get out, but failed. And was taken. After brainwashing Mitei was put through the brutal training to be in Venash's army and eventually joined. She quickly rose through the ranks and became an officer in his army. The next year she was asked to do the unspeakable, Kill her family. She took the order without question and took off on her mission, she killed her parents and when she went to her sister her sister broke Venash's control (twins...). And at that point, Mitei turned on the troops she led and killed them in rage. She and her sister fled to Avory.

Please~ write down their personality and history too~~

So begins...

Mitei Isuno's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabe Godfrey Character Portrait: Reiko Isuno Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno Character Portrait: Rixator Falmona Character Portrait: Ringo
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The sound of falling water smashing on water and rocks was loud in the Great Waterfall of Amara, Clearwood. It was a little difficult for the group to hear each others voice. Undine left just a moment ago after kissing Reiko on the lips. The sky was getting dark as the sun was setting and the day was turning into night.

Bella walked toward Reiko to shorten their distance.

"It seems that Undine has bestow you part of her spirits" She paused for a moment before continuing "Now you somewhat are like me. You can sense the gods and goddesses better than other creatures in Daughtris"

Bella turned to look at Mitei before turning to look at Rixator and Gabe.

"Where is Ringo?" Bella question loud enough for everyone to hear.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Hemmingway Character Portrait: Gabe Godfrey Character Portrait: Reiko Isuno Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno Character Portrait: Rixator Falmona Character Portrait: Ringo
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Rixator rubbed the back of his neck, listening to Bella's question as he looked around from side to side. The princess posed a fair question: where was Ringo? As far as the mercenary could see, the male was nowhere to be found. "Hm...Good question...He didn't come up with me, so I can't answer that. Was he with any of you guys while we were searching?" He asked quizically, flexing the gauntlets that covered his hands.

His armor was finally starting to dry out from the time he spent climbing under the waterfall, but the clothing, scarves, and rags he used to keep his features hidden were still soaked, hanging off his head. He had to pull back his hood and facial covering during his climb in order to keep from being waterboarded.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Hemmingway Character Portrait: Gabe Godfrey Character Portrait: Reiko Isuno Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno Character Portrait: Rixator Falmona Character Portrait: Ringo
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Ringo realized the water had stopped and closed Tony’s mouth, shutting off his attack. “Hey let me eat the bodies of the twins they are probably drowned they seem to have much magic power, it will feed me for days.” Tony told Ringo “not yet let me see if they’re really dead, even then you would only be allowed to drain the magic, not eat the bodies”. He followed the trail back to the entrance not seeing any bodies, and saw the rest of his team. They were looking around for someone, him he thought. The others looked different levels of soaked, but him he was virtually dry a little dusty perhaps. “Hey the little twin doesn’t smell right, quick kill her”. He unwrapped Tony and made him into a sword shape, and pointed it at the little twin “everybody I don’t mean to alarm you but Reiko might have been replaced by a changeling, shape shifter, or have a magical or mental parasite, Tony says she smells majorly different and that doesn’t usually mean anything good”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reiko Isuno Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno Character Portrait: Ringo
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Mitei heard Ringo and his talking arm speak pointing a sword pointing at Reiko, "Don't think about it." Mitei said walking in front of Reiko, "You touch her and I'll kill you myself." and Mitei was serious in that cold remark too. She was going to kill him if they dare to threaten Reiko, since she's the only family member she has left and had Undine in her, she put a fireball just away from her hand, "Do you want to test my aim?" she asked as Reiko came up behind her, "Its okay" Reiko said placing her hand on Reiko's shoulder, 'Undine, can you appear to show our ally that I am of no harm?' Reiko had asked as Undine appeared in front of the twins, "I'm just merged spiritually with Undine, I don't mean to harm you." Reiko said as Mitei continued to charge for if Ringo decided to attack.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Hemmingway Character Portrait: Gabe Godfrey Character Portrait: Reiko Isuno Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno Character Portrait: Ringo
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Ringo looked at the sisters and lowered his weapon, “I will believe you the smell is similar to what I was following when I found you, but what happens if she becomes a changeling or corrupted like the dragon? Will you be able to kill it if it was all but your sister? So what’s the plan which god are we after now?” He wrapped Tony in the sealing wraps almost to the mouth when Tony looked at the princess and said “You Princess Wimp there have been spies following us, not any one here but there have been birds and insects flying around that are mostly shadow magic. Whoever uses these things I wouldn’t put it past them to know what your plans are, and how many of us there are. Sooner or later you’re going to be ambushed, this fool thinks that we could take any threats, but I think that in true battle the only two important ones are the god touched take those two out and the dark shall win. Of course as soon as this fool …..” Ringo knew that from that point it wouldn’t be productive to allow Tony to talk anymore wrapping the rest of tony. “I’m sorry for Tony as I believe I said he want to get me in trouble so I will have to allow him out. But as much as I have to allow him to say all that I agree with all of it. That’s why you sir knight don’t leave her side, if we lose both then this quest is done. I’ll help you fight even if that happens, but let’s try not to let that happen”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Hemmingway Character Portrait: Gabe Godfrey Character Portrait: Reiko Isuno Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno Character Portrait: Rixator Falmona Character Portrait: Ringo
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Gabe didn't like Ringo very much ever since they met in Amara. Somehow, hearing Ringo advising him to not leave Bella's side enraged him.

"You da-"

He stopped when a sudden loud pop was heard before a small vortex made of water appeared on top of Reiko right shoulder, beside her head. The vortex reformed and changed into the shape of a small water dragon, leviathan, and hung on Reiko's shoulder and made a sound that resembled a cat. "Mew"


"Sorry for leaving so suddenly" Undine's telepathic voice could be heard by everyone coming from the leviathan "I heard Reiko's summon. can I help with anything?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reiko Isuno Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno
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Mitei lowered her arm, "I'd do something other than kill Reiko" Mitei said looking down and away, "Since she's the only family I have left." Mitei was haunted by her mindless slaughter of her parents and most of the village, it was horrible, they didn't put up a fight and she killed them like sheep. She couldn't help but let her emotions run out and she did as well. She silently ran out from her past and just stopped in the dark cave just standing there knowing the others will search for her soon. She lives with the guilt. And has trouble dealing with it. Back at Reiko she was speaking to Undine, "No its fine now!" She said semi-happily to Undine to make sure she keeps beating the dragon out of Bahamut. Although she was surprised by the little Leviathan on her shoulder, 'Undine must want to keep an eye on me to protect me...' she thought as she looked over where Mitei ran.

((Random Character development post to create a spark for the few that are standing around))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Undine Character Portrait: Reiko Isuno Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno Character Portrait: Rixator Falmona Character Portrait: Ringo
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Rixator jumped back and took a stance in a nearly comical manner. It was bad enough that this Tony character was acting all crazy, and Undine had somehow became tied to Reiko, now some miniature sized Leviathan was coming along, perching on the girl's shoulder, and commencing casual conversation. After taking a few breaths and calming down, he ran a few fingers through his hair, sighing and muttering lightly. "I'm getting too old for this..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Hemmingway Character Portrait: Gabe Godfrey Character Portrait: Reiko Isuno Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno Character Portrait: Rixator Falmona Character Portrait: Ringo
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"Mew" the mini leviathan made a sound before another telepathic voice could be heard

"Reiko, I am the small leviathan. I split some of my body and left it with you with that last kiss"

Gabe looked to the sky and saw that it was getting darker and night was coming.

"It's getting dark!" Gabe said loudly by cause of the loud sound of the waterfall "Let's get back to the airship and continue our discussion there!"

He looked around and noticed Mitei wasn't there

"Where is Mitei?" He looked around a second time before slapping his forehead "aw man!"

He took out his radio/communicator from his belt, held it near his mouth and spoke

"Mitei. We are going back to the airship. Meet us at the aircraft, now, please"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabe Godfrey Character Portrait: Reiko Isuno Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno
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Mitei heard Gabe and didn't really respond, just kinda grunted with a "right" in it sorta, she wanted to be alone but soon decided to just exit where she was and sent Koro out to find her the aircraft she was in, and within a few minutes she was there waiting for the others since she kind had a shortcut, 'that was too easy to me...' she thought as she looked around for the others or any sort of threat. Over where Reiko was she was a little relived that the little Leviathan was actually Undine instead of any sort of enemy, she followed Gabe to where e either knew or thought their aircraft was, she was okay though because she knew Mitei could protect herself, but she didn't know what was in the cave and drew her bow again, she had an arrow on standby in case she needed it. She knew she was a good shot, but doubted herself in that because she hadn't fired her bow for a bit, she remembered the last time...

-- Three Weeks Ago... --
It was peaceful in Tutelia, the men were out farming or hunting for the others and the rest were at home, except Reiko, she had went adventuring to find Mitei whom had been missing for three years now, and all she had was her bow and about 45 arrows that her father taught her how to make since he was slowly dying from illness, and she would have to take his place since Mitei was Most likely dead. She had gotten out about 10 Km, until she saw the footsteps of what she seemed was the hunters, at least- until she saw the smoke. At this pint she knew something was up. And raced back to help everyone. -To be continued next post of mine-


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Hemmingway Character Portrait: Gabe Godfrey Character Portrait: Reiko Isuno Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno Character Portrait: Rixator Falmona Character Portrait: Ringo
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"right" Mitei's voice could be heard sounding more like a grunt on everyone's radio.

Gabe raised and eyebrow while looking at the radio before putting it back on his belt. He turned to the group and watched them for a second. He noticed Ringo and glared at him but said nothing. He had a lot of things to complain about Ringo, especially about Ringo's creature on his hand, Tony, that recently insulted Bella before the small leviathan appeared but decided that it was not the time to do so. Ringo is currently saved from from Gabe's wrath.

Gabe nodded to the group and spoke "If everyone is ready, let's go. We should be able to rest in the airship"

Gabe then walked to Bella's side. Bella nodded at Gabe then to the group and back tracked down the waterfall, heading to the aircraft which would take them to the airship.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Hemmingway Character Portrait: Gabe Godfrey Character Portrait: Reiko Isuno Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno Character Portrait: Rixator Falmona Character Portrait: Ringo
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Ringo saw that the others weren’t happy with his thoughts; the twin Mitei was hopeless in her thoughts that if her sister was captured, replaced, or brainwashed that it wouldn’t end with blood if not death. Ringo walked towards the aircraft and thought about this group. Mitei and Gabe were too caught up in their charges, Rixator he didn’t know he had not been around him enough, the two god touched he wouldn’t trust them to have his back in battle; the others were almost as mysterious as Rixator. “Why stay here, none of the others are trusted in battle” Tony said in his mind, “I want to stay with them, they seem the best choice right now and I trust them more then I trust you” Ringo thought back. “wow you really have changed since the deal we made, the you before would not of taken this you would of destroyed them before you allowed fools like this to help you, you are so much weaker than before.” Ringo was shocked and let it show on his face for a second, he turned to the the four that were with him and said out loud and into the radio “you know what I said to Mitei stands for all of us, we already had a example in the dragon, we were all better be ready for when that happens again, even if it’s a princess or close blood.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Hemmingway Character Portrait: Gabe Godfrey Character Portrait: Reiko Isuno Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno Character Portrait: Rixator Falmona Character Portrait: Ringo
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Gabe replied Ringo comment with only three words.

"Shut up, Ringo!" He said furiously as he clenched his fist, trying to control his anger.

They reached the aircraft and saw Mitei waiting. It was already night time. Gabe opened the passenger seat for Bella and she went in. Gabe closed the door and quickly want to the other side, opened the door to the driver's seat and got in. He started the engine and waited for everybody to get in. Once everyone was in and ready, he kicked the accelerator and raised the aircraft high up to the sky and they flew towards the airship. Upon reaching the airship, the hatch opened and Gabe flew in and parked the ship. He got opened his side of the door and walked to Bella side and opened the door for her before turning to look at the others.

"okay, we finally reached the airship. Feel free to relax or get some rest. Anything you need is in the airship. You just need to search in the right place"

Gabe glared at Ringo

"Ringo" He called to the man dressed like a monk "I need to talk to you in private"

Bella decided to ignore Gabe and Ringo and quickly walked towards Mitei

"Mitei" She whispered while smiling "can I talk to you"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Hemmingway Character Portrait: Gabe Godfrey Character Portrait: Reiko Isuno Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno
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Mitei was troubled by her past, she now couldn't stop thinking about it,

-- Three weeks ago --
Mitei was brainwashed by Gen and was sent to go pillage a village by the coordinates of, (374, 398). she took the orders and followed them without a single question, she had been trudging through the woods for a few hours now. And she finally reached the target and immediately fired off a few quick fire-bursts and the destruction had began. She carelessly slaughtered the others in her village. She barley hesitated when killing her close friend, Koro she then went to a house that was familiar, it was her own, but she just walked through and saw her parents, they were shocked that she was there and alive and corralled around her. And then fell to the floor, motionless. She had no hesitation before, but now, she noticed something was wrong, she started breaking free from Gen's control. Mitei fell to her knees at what she had done then she saw her twin Reiko, with soot on her body and Reiko was shocked, Mitei was alive, but her parents were dead. Reiko took aim and fired at Mitei which just bounced off her armor. Mitei then was controlled again and prepared to attack. Reiko stopped her throwing her down and pinned her. She blanked for a minute, and then woke up. Mitei was free. And fought the battalion she had led back. In a rage she had killed all of them.

Mitei was remembering until she was interrupted by Bella, "Yes" Mitei seemed to mutter out in a flustered moment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Hemmingway Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno
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"um..." Bella said shyly. She hesitated to open her mouth but finally asked "can you teach me some offensive spells?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Hemmingway Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno
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Mitei was shocked that such a person wants to know black magic, "Yes your highness." She said as she looked at Bella, "First, you need to know that black magic is very powerful and draining." she instructed, "I use Mana instead of Ki, Mana is my focussed spiritual and physical energy combined to create a spell of your mind." Mitei looked around, "I'll teach you a few basic spells to start, since you don't exactly know much about black magic." Mitei stuck her hand out, "Imagine a red glow in your hand, the warmth of it felt throughout, your arm" Almost immediately Mitei had a smal fireball in her hand, "This is the fire spell, usually the first spell most learn." Mitei waited for Bella to try the spell she had showed her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Hemmingway Character Portrait: Reiko Isuno Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno
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"um.. Let's go up to the deck... I don't want to start a fire in the ship" Bella said to Mitei and blushed.

Bella looked at Reiko and back to Mitei

"um... let's take Reiko along... I can show her how to control the goddesses spirit"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Hemmingway Character Portrait: Reiko Isuno Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno
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Reiko looked up from playing Koro, "Whats this about me now?" Reiko asked as Mitei basically dragged her to the upper deck, "Okay Reiko, I brought you here under her highness' request." Mitei said as she looked at Bella, "Okay, so try not to be like me the first time I learned this spell and torched half my house." Mitei said with a smile like she meant that jokingly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Hemmingway Character Portrait: Reiko Isuno Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno
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Bella smiled at Mitei before she held her hands together with her palms facing up. She made a serious face and focused. A spark appeared for a second before dissipating. She turned at Mitei and pouted.

"I only managed to create a spark" She said to Mitei "can you help me some more"

"Mew" The leviathan hovered around Bella then flew towards Reiko

"try conjuring water out off nothing, Reiko" Undine's joyfull voice could be heard


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Hemmingway Character Portrait: Undine Character Portrait: Gabe Godfrey Character Portrait: Reiko Isuno Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno Character Portrait: Rixator Falmona
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Rixator stood by and listened as the others bickered with Ringo; the mercernary decided to hold his tongue and stay out of it for the most part. He still was wet, and he waved in agreement when they were made to head back to the airship.

Bella had gone with Mitei and Reiko to help demonstrate control over the new power of the goddess, while Gabe had taken Ringo off to the side in some sort of arguement. After standing along for a little while, Rixator shrugged and went to his quarters, hanging up the clothes and armor so that they could dry out. Sitting in the clothes that weren't absolutely soaked or damp, he brought two hands together with a sigh as he began his meditation. Things were going crazy, so the alone time was needed. "I wonder how Sensei and Gomah are holding up...?" Rixator looked to the sky as he pondered. He knew his Sensei was unnaturally old, but still in incredible shape; though he was trained by the elderly man, Rixator still had yet to best the old man. "Heh...I'm sure they're fine...Besides, I figure Gomah is full grown by now." A grin creased his lips as he reflected on his past.