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King of Pruwas, Father of the dark children

0 · 663 views · located in Daughtris

a character in “Gods of Elements: Sylph's kiss”, as played by shadereen



Name: Venash

Race: There is a rumor that he is part demon-kind, part elf, and part human.

Age: n/a

Gender: Male

Height: 6'

Weight: weightless

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Sexual Orientation: Pan-sexual

Likes: nothing

Dislikes: nothing

Special skills and magic abilities: Every power of darkness


Emotionless but he takes care of business.


A Metropolis in Pruwas controls the biggest energy pool in Daughtris and is the primary source of its wealth. The king of Pruwas's metropolis is Venash. Venash is not evil but he owns little emotion and do not much feeling of joy and sadness. No mortal knows how long have Venash lived but he has many children from his many mistresses. Venash’s children are not normal beings, they own dark powers like Venash himself but not as strong. There was a time when all his children joined together and try and take on Venash, but they failed in seconds.

So begins...

Venash's Story


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Character Portrait: Bella Hemmingway Character Portrait: Sylverana Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Myria  Cray Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Venash
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#, as written by Arik223
The carrier finally descended into the ground. Medics started to pour out, they were everywhere, taking care of wounded soldiers as well as citizens. Myria stepped outside, the ground general approached her and spoke "Its over my lady, we've won", she looked at him, trying to hide her happiness "it may be so but how long will it be until there are others?" Myria examined the field, looking in every direction trying to figure our what had happened. The two airships were burning outside of town, more crew ran out of the carrier to try and calm the fire. The citizens were peering through their windows trying to figure our what had happened. Her radio crackled and a man spoke "All clear" he said. She smiled and stood in the town center, someone ran out and brought her a speaker and microphone. She spoke loud and clear. "We have won. There is nothing to fear, you can come out of your homes, your king has sent forced to your help, and we succeeded in driving Sylverana off." within seconds hundreds of civilians ran out of their homes, cheering and clapping. All hail the king they were yelling. Myria couldn't help but laugh. When the last of the wounded was on the carrier and the last soldier boarded myria was ready to leave. Looking back and what had happened. The broken airships were left in place, no doubt the citizens would create some sort of monument or building out of the broken ships. The mayor ran up to Myria, "Thank you my lady, everyone here thanks you." Myria looked at the man "Thank your king." she walked away then stopped "Your town is on the edge of lightwakes continent, King Kage is going to build defenses and send troops all around the outer edges of Lightwake. I hope you don't mind?" the man stuttered "No, no my lady! we will being to build homes for troops, no one will get inside light wake anymore." she nodded and walking inside the airship.

Entering the ship was followed by more clapping and cheering. Myria couldn't get her mind off something, where did Sylverana go? It didn't matter to her at the moment. People ran out of their temporary quarters with champagne and beer to celebrate the recent victory. Myria made a toast and the drank. They arrived in the capitol after about an hour, the carrier was slower then the airship. The radio crackled, "Prepare to board" the ship landed on the runway and engineers ran everywhere to see if there was demage to be fixed. The doors opened and Myria walked out, she was immediately greeted by Kage "Dear sister!" He laughed "Your victory i sure something to remember, Come, we have things to discuss" Myria followed him.

Kage walked and sat on his throne. There were a few people in the hall, he told them to being construction. He looked at Myria "Let me tell you what were doing, all around the outer edges of Lightwake were going to build outpost's, with gunners and cannons and the top of the towers, no enemy will enter Lightwake for as long as I live." Myria looked at him "I would've done the same" he looked at the contractors still in the hall and waved them off, they bowed and left. "Now for more pressing matters. I am going to announce my claim to Vanesh's throne today, announce myself as his son. I'm going to announce that there will be no more territory disputes, i'm prepared to take care of brothers and sisters. Oh and i'm going to send troops to aid with the destruction of bahamut.

After that a TV crew ran in, cameras and computers were placed on the throne. After a few minutes of preparations it was ready. A man at the console said that he would be able to hack the Daughtris TV's only for a short while, only until the end of the speech. Then a man yelled action and the cameras were on Kage. "People of Daughtris, you are all probably wondering why you're seeing me on today, I have an important message to announce. My name is Kage, King of lightwake. I'm here to announce my claim to Vanesh's throne for the reason of being his son." Everyone in the throne room were in shock "Today i have successfully fend off an attack by my sister, Sylverana. Furthermore, with this message i announce that the fight to rule daughtris will end today, i will personally take to it that my brothers and sisters are back to their town and everyone else is left alone. The next message is to the Avory ship. I will come to your aid, i will send my best commander, Myria, my sister. That would be all" He waved his hand and the man at the console said that in a few seconds the message will air all around Daughtris. Even in airships.


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Character Portrait: Venash
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Venash sits on his throne while on leg on top of the other. His head was on his fist. His arm rests on the throne's hand rest. His eyes looking straight at the playback of Kage exposing himself of being his son on the holoscreen in the middle of the hall. Venash has given his other sons and daughters unknown creatures that some of them hasn't used yet, but Kage did not get that present. Venash thinks of what he should do. Seeing Kage now is a king and a ruler of a kingdom, he probably doesn't need Venash's creatures to have a fair fight with his other sibling. He waits for any advancement to the story of his children.


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Venash was as usual, sitting on his throne with his face on his palm. He had a lazy look as he watched the large holo-screen in the middle of the throne hall. Intro music of the news started playing, revealing dark skinned, messy blonde hair, beautifully curved body, goat horned demon woman.

“This is Aya, reporting from the sky of Daughtris” The reported started “A couple of hourse ago, I have got on the Avory airship but because of some complications, me and my crew did not get a direct interview with the princess of Avory herself but we have managed get a view of the crew”

The view on the holo-screen changed to the edited video of what happened on the airship. Aya started to speak again.

“As you can see, the princess’s group is uncoordinated, but two goddesses revealed themselves on the airship. After a minute, one of the princess men, a hired mercenary, started to lost control and attempted to murder me. Fortunately, I managed to get away. The Goddess of Water, Undine, cleansed the mercenary and from him, came out a shadow creature which escaped”

The view changed back to Aya.

“Not long after that, I and my crew were told to leave” Aya said “I shall be investigating more about this matter. Hear and see the truth, tomorrow, on Demora News”

Venash waved his hand and the holo-television was gone. He was silent. A few second later, he murmured “long time no see...”


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Character Portrait: Venash
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With a sly and shifting move, the dark shadow decided to make use of what he had gathered. Mrak had reached the Pruwas energy pool, a natural spring for the dark energy he so thrived on, and after remaining in such close proximity to it and absorbing so much power oer time, he was ready to retake a place in the realm of the tangibles. The shadow that formed his body expanded and twisted, growing tall and taking a humanoid silhouette. Mrak looked to his "hands", narrowing the soft glowing eyes that had opened in their respective location. He had his general form back, but, there was something missing. He needed a balance for all the dark energy and shadows that consisted his being. He needed purity, innocence, sheer energy of goodness; light energy. In his current state, he'd be able to easily assimilate a source, but, where to find one? As he pondered this, he glanced up to the mighty tower in the center of Pruwas, not too far from his current location. "Oh Venash, Oh Venash, how fairs thee dark one? What willst thou do when the shadow parasite returneth?" He cackled as he pondered Venash's reaction upon his reemergence. He'd nearly wiped out a clan, and would've completed it if his old host wasn't such a stubborn mule.


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Character Portrait: Venash Character Portrait: Mrak
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Mrak had grown bored in his wait for something of light power to come to him. Those light valkyries seemed to have given up there pursuit of him so that ruled out that source of energy balance source. "What to do...?" The shadow parasite pondered, his tangible yet mostly humanoid form of amorphous shadow leaning against a solid structure. The city was full of shadows, even in the darkness. The perfect place for something such as him to exist.

Before he could think of an alternate plan, something caught his glowering eyes. An elven woman standing and looking up to the massive tower at the energy pool in awe. A tourist maybe? Transfer student? Denizen? It didn't matter to Mrak, since two things caught the parasite's attention: the gem on her necklace and the energy sbe exuded. Both light energy. Pure, clean energy. Perfect. With a cackle, the shadow entity slipped down into the darkness, slithering forth. The woman went to take a photo, but she felt a tug near her neck. Glancing down, she saw tendrils of shadows snatch up the light crystal from her necklace. Having been a gift, she naturally proceeded to protest, not sure of who or what stole from her. Preparing to step forward, she was stopped when a hand went over her mouth and drew her to a body.

Mrak looked to the struggling woman, a twisted grin of sharpened teeth breaking the shadows. He was taking his true shadow form, the parasite he was. Solid at last, he just needed that last bit of energy. Not much, just enough to create the balance. The female elf had plenty, but he was a greedy parasite; he wanted it all.

The woman struggled and shifted and squirmed, wanting to get away from this...thing. It was solid, but its "skin" was moving and shifting constantly. She gave muffled shouts and screams, trying to attract help. A new life would be born in Venash's city. "Shhhh...This will only hurt until you're dead..." Several mouths, similar to the one on his face, took form on his body. A few on his chest, on at his stomach, but the majority at his arms, one on each palm. Swiftly, he began draining the mana and energy from her body. She started struggling less, partly from the pain, partly from fatigue. But then the parasite got his bloodlust back. Plunging a hand into the woman's back, blood poured from the entry wound, Mrak's hand moving away to hold her steady. She screamed loudly in sheer pain and terror, echoing for a great distance. The parasite's fingers probed and dug until it reached her heart. Then the mouths opened and went to town. Mrak, the Parasite of Shadows, had returned to the realm of the tangibles (as the shadowborn called it). And he was devouring his first prey right in front of Venash's very home. "You're next Venash..." Mrak muttered as the mouths tore, chewed, and swallowed energy, blood, bone, and flesh from the shrieking and dying elf's body.


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Character Portrait: Venash Character Portrait: Mrak
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The summoned Valkyries spirits spent hours searching and tracing Mrak’s fluttering waves through the forests in the continent of Clearwood. The quantities and sizes of the trees kept decreasing, becoming rare as they flew towards the continent of Pruwas. Finally, as day turn to night, all the trees were gone as they reached the empty grey plains of the continent of Pruwas. They traveled huge distance a quarter of the world and chased the fluttering waves more until finally reaching Pruwas’s main metropolis called Dark Wing. Because of the many similar auras that were released by countless other dark inhabitants of the metropolis, the Valkyries spirits lost Mrak’s. It was going to be like finding a needle in a haystack to find the shadow creature there but Hikari wasn’t going to give up so easily, especially after the story that was told on the airship. With a burst of white lights, the Valkyrie spirits flew down, swirling to the metropolis to continue their search, leaving trails of glowing lights behind them as they go.

Venash was sitting in a relaxed position in his throne with his eyes closed, his head resting on his hand, listening to a pale blue coloured furred old lion beastman with horns reading the report of his kingdom from the holographic screen beside the throne. He was completely still, focusing his hearing to the old beastman’s voice. A moment later, Venash then opened his eyes and turned his head sideways. No words came out of his mouth. He continued to focus listening to the old beastman.


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When he finished his meal of the elven female, there was little more than a mangled mess of skin, flesh, and bone. Her back has half gone, and a great deal of her body chewed and torn. The organs of her torso where gone, her chest and stomach cavity emptied. Cracking his neck while holding the back of his neck, his body was fully restored. The mouths disappeared and his skin soon became whole again, the only thing breaking the darkness of his body being his ambient eyes.


Standing for a moment, he turned to the tower and walked forward, stepping into the shadows of the building and sinking into them as if they were water. A moment later, Mrak emerged, slipping from a shadow in Venash's throne room. The dark emperor's gaze was in Mrak's direction before he even was all the way out. Standing tall, Mrak looked down to the sitting Venash, silent and unmoving. After some time of the news reporter breaking the silence, Mrak bowed lightly at the waist, as if receiving appluase from a roaring audience. "Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night. Greetings to you Venash. It has been a long time since we last crossed paths." Mrak spoke slyly and calmly as usual, his sharp-toothed mouth of the face emerging with that twisted grin.


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Character Portrait: Venash Character Portrait: Mrak
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Venash didn’t seem surprised by his sudden appearance in the middle of the throne hall but everyone else did. Every well armoured guard quickly positioned themselves around the dark skinned creature, protecting their king. All twenty of them were now ready for him. Every kind of blades where pointed towards Mrak. With a gesture of the hand from Venash, they all quickly stood their weapons down and moved back to their posts, standing still like statues. The old beastman bowed to Venash and slowly left the hall.

“And who might you be?” Venash questioned Mrak, bored and not very interested

[OOC: anyhoo~ it is currently night time in Pruwas and Clearwood. Demotia is just breaking dawn, Afukira and Lightwake is morning, while Fishan and Avory is afternoon or evening]


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Character Portrait: Venash Character Portrait: Mrak
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Mrak's eyes lowered a bit after the guards dispersed, hardly phased by them. The fingers of his right hand reached up and stroked his own chin, sighing a bit. "Oh, poor Venash has forgotten in his old age." The humanoid strolled around the throne room, staying in his reach of Venash, but away enough to where the emperor would have to get up to try something with him. "You created me long before those brats of yours existed. The shadow parasite of yours that got away...No, you got bored with me." Shifting a bit, he stood lined up with a guard, an attendant slowly slipping in.

The parasite shifted and glanced to her for second before looking back to Venash. "Well...I'm no longer the little shadowling I once was. I am a complete Shadow born, and I have returned to my master. Or, who used to be my master." Without warning, Mrak slung his arms back, the shadow tendrils bursting from one, the mouths erupting forth on his arms. The tentacle like appendages snagged the attendant and dragged her close. She squirmed and cried, begging for Venash to help her. Mrak's free arm reached over and stroked her cheek with a finger. "Give me the order sir, and I shall obey. Consider me your personal hunter." That twisted grin creased the lips of his mouth on his head.


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Character Portrait: Venash Character Portrait: Mrak
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“Kyaaa!” The female servant screamed, attempting to pull herself away from Mrak’s tentacles “no! Get away!” instantly; tears fell from her eyes, slightly petrified when her face was stroked by the cold dark finger “my king… Save me… Please…” she whimpered

Venash tilted his head sideways slightly and two of the guards moved and rushed in, snatching the girl from Mrak’s clutches. They then dropped her gently on one of the doors leading out where she quickly ran away, upset.

“Please do not do as you wish in the premises of the castle…” Venash sighed and turned his head looking at the walls “I have created many shadow creatures for a very long time. It is hard to keep track of any of them any longer…” he paused and turned his head back to Mrak, running his thumb and index finger under his chin “but it seems that you are special as you seem to have emotions and thoughts of your own… which means you may have been able to obtain a soul or a fragment of it…” Venash continued “how did you manage that and why have you come here asking me to give you orders?” he questioned


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Mrak chuckled lightly as the guards snatched the girl away while he willingly released her, turning his full attention back to Venash. "It's amazing what you can find buried in a desert...But, that's besides the point. Many times I have conquered a being and eventually taken over it, but that was always by force. However...One gave themself up willingly..." Mrak waved a hand, shifting and turning. "That's when it happened. I took the time to do what I needed...The body deteriorated and was eventually absorbed as the mass I needed to create the form you see before you...But the soul..." The tall parasite looked to his hands, shifting a bit at the mouths quivered and slowly disappeared.

"The soul remained...It gave itself up. The poor old fool erased from its existence, he was no more...It gave me a template, to choose what- no, who I wanted to become...I went through many times where I couldn't decide on what to be. Then it happened. Mrak. Mrak was born. I was completed." Mrak turned and faced Venash, kneeling down in respect. "I have come to show my worth to you, Lord Venash. That is why I ask for orders, that is why I ask for a chance to prove myself. The others are powerful, yes, but haven't my intelligence, my skill, and my cunning."


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Venash was quiet. It was too early to trust Mrak even if the shadow creature was one of his creations. For a moment, Venash thought of what to do.

“Recently, It was revealed that the current king of Lightwake is actually my son” Venash told Mrak “if you wish to prove yourself, investigate about him. Inform me where he is and what his plans are…”

[OOC: send a simple character sheet for Mrak]


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Mrak shifted and turned, bowing at the waist in a quasi-sincere manner. "Of course Lord Venash. It shall be done." The parasite's twisted grin grew as he slid back through the shadows of the building, disappearing into the darkness and moving his way through. It was time to prove himself to his creator.

Stepping out and stretching, he returned to the tangible realm out of a pillar near one of the capital's defense towers. Not caring whether or not he startled any citizens or guards, he looked left and right. "Intel gathering, huh...? Lovely." The shadow-born remarked, folding his long arms over his chest, the mouth on his face having become hidden during his shadow travel.
