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Green Lantern: F4-1L TEAM

Green Lantern: F4-1L TEAM


The Lantern Corps, Of Any Color, Are Major Inhabitants Of the Universe…Then, There's The Guys Who, When Not In Some Major Arc Playing a Minor Role, Are Off Screwing Around in the universe.

1,293 readers have visited Green Lantern: F4-1L TEAM since JayZeroSnake created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



You who are wicked, evil and mean

I'm the nastiest creep you've ever seen!

Come one, come all, put up a fight

I'll pound your asses with Green Lantern's light!


-Jack T. Chance, Former Green Lantern -Deceased-



The Green Lantern Corps, as you ought to know, are a well known military police force of the universe. At first, it was just the one superhero, Alan Scott, and his ring powered by the pure star heart, thanks to the power of the Immortal Guardians, who would later decide to form an entire organization, utilizing the willpower of all living beings to power a giant 'power battery' which in turn powered smaller lanterns, which in turn recharged 'power rings' that could fire blasts of energy, and create green hard-light constructs. The rings would search out those with indomitable willpower to wield them, and have them initiated as a member of this illustrious group.

Then, that fucknut one dickweed former senior green lantern, Sinestro, decided that The power of green just wasn't cool enough for him. He would later harness the power of the 'Yellow' Element, which harnessed the strength that was fear, even though it was piss colored. Hey, imagine if Sinestro led the BROWN lanterns. hah!… and that's right: he started the Sinestro Corps, feeling the Greens weren't the justice the universe needed. He was bloody wrong!

Of course, At some point, the Corps experienced…even MORE other Corps, pretty much. I mean, you didn't think green and yellow would be the only colors, right? If you did, you're pretty dumb. Anyways, We additionally had Red for Rage, Blue For Hope, The Indigo Tribe of Compassion, The Violet Star Sapphires of Love, Orange For Greed, and even had a cool zombie apocalypse battle with the one time only Black Lantern Corps and White Lantern Corps. Pretty Cool, if you ask me.

Anyways, The (Important members of the) Green Lantern Corps are off doing their own thing (Ex. Green Lantern Comics, Green Lantern Corps Comics, Green Lantern: New Guardians Comics, etc), and everyone's pitching in to help clean up the galaxy and keep things…green. This consists mostly of random lanterns, and most prominently, the F4-1L Teams.

What? You've NEVER heard of the F4-L1 Teams? They're only the biggest losers and total assholes best secret ultra black ops unit that far surpasses (the corpse- *shot, memory wiped*) black ops teams of any planetary military force. Nearly Every Lantern Corps has one. It consists of less plot-important rookies or complete and total faliures mostly. Thankfully, despite being categorized that way, they still get decent missions, but tend to have some of the WORST luck the majority of the time, whether it be going beyond failure on a mission, and missing an important subject, or doing all too well, being told to destroy a secret base, and utterly annihilating the entire planet casually.

Whether they be driven to wail on people because they're pissed, fall in love with the first person they meet, strike fear into people, or use their own green to get some green. ($$$!!!), these are the exciting adventures of the F4-L1 Teams!


The Teams: By Lantern Corps

F4-1LUR3 2 G0 GR33N:
The Green Lantern Corps F4-1L. They have the willpower to be lanterns, and try to be good even through the worst of childish pranks, to a couple rare encounters of them committing crimes themselves. Like I said though: they're still good at heart…They just have temptations too. ... zraeuz.jpg

R3D R01D R4G3: The Red Lantern Corps F4-1L are a bunch of assholes. Whether they give a shit or not, or act like a meatheaded jock stereotype, depends on who you meet. Otherwise, They're a bunch of raging bulls waiting for the red cape. Give them the Green Lanterns' F4-1L and they'll keep each other busy, in space battles, or just playing some Xbox, and actually, being pretty good friends when off-duty. ... 1snu49.jpg

OR4NG3 B17CH3Z: The Orange Lantern Corps are the rare group surprisingly. Next to Sinestro's Sins, these guys are some of the biggest douchebags around. They will attack anyone they see on sight with all their power. They also troll the Universal Internets, and use hax0rz on XBL and PSN. ... Orange.jpg

Sinestro's Sins: Sinestro personally went out of his way to get these fuckers away from the others, these guys being incredibly dangerous (not on purpose in most cases) and as such, inspiring fear due to their ability to buttfuck a mission with their mere presence. They're actually more respected and not seen as an F4-1L unit all the time, even as far as to be deployed in battle against other corps as the most evil weapon in existence, although Sinestro promised after the first time he would not use such a group ever again: the casualties would pile up on not only the opposing lantern corps, but the Sinestro Corps as well. ... ckjack.jpg

Sexy And You Know It: The Females only Violet Lantern- Err, 'Star Sapphires' Corps F4-1L unit ranges from those whose 'love' goes so far, they desire to seek a relationship of commitment (Marriage, biatchkachou), while keeping up the sexuality. However, at this cost, they sometimes nag at you like a vile demon, their evil greater than the Red Lanterns, Orange Lanterns, and Sinestro Corps combined. Some of them might even be high level feminists! ... 9026126339


Lantern Corps Application (Character Sheet Requirements)

"Greetings! You have been recommended for *insert lantern corps here*, so we'll need your personal info!"

Custom Lantern Oath (Optional)

Alignment (Which Lantern Corps? Does not entirely affect character morality.)



Skills/Abilities (Besides the bloody power ring, please.)

Preferred Constructs (What do you enjoy making with your ring?)

Fun Facts
Theme Song

Toggle Rules

1. No Godmodding

2. Watch the number of Lanterns running around. At the moment, I'd like one per player. However, you CAN have as many non-lanterns as you can manage. I'll set up an OOC submission area for secondary characters.

- Do NOT make a Blue Lantern, Indigo Tribes-People(?), Black/White Lantern, or any of those guys. You'd have to be a pretty experienced role player, and this would also have to be a slightly more serious RP for that. (May grow more serious later?)

- I'm totally cool with mostly Green Lanterns Corps, Sinestro Corps, Red Lantern Corps, Star Sapphires, and Orange Lantern Corps.

3. 200 Words Or More For Posts.

That's all for now.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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"Some folks are born made to wave their power rings,
Ooo, the Green Lantern Corps~!!
And when the band plays hail to the guardians,
Ooo, they point the construct at you, y’all!"


Nash was seated in a vehicle owned by the Green Lantern Corps, designed to look like a Space ship straight out of a sci-fi flick back home on Earth. Among him were laughing fellows in similarly colored outfits, drinking multiple liquids of varied origin, waving around holo disks and other such trinkets to keep themselves busy, the vast majority consisting of members of the 'illustrious,' ultimately infamous F4-1L team of the corps. Every lantern corp has its own version of this unit, rag-tag fellows who can ring sling and uphold the laws of the lanterns, whether they be good, bad, or just plain pointless. In this case, the green F4-1L was being deployed into a real hellhole: A planet terrorized by war, and they were there to primarily provide firepower for the big wigs, like Kilowog, John Stewart, or god help you, Guy Gardner.


"It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no superman’s son.
It ain’t me, it ain’t me; I ain’t no fortunate one. No.

Some folks are born white ring in hand,
Lord, don’t they help themselves, y’all!
But when the Sinestro Corps comes to the door,
Lord, the house looks like Ysmault!"


Nash looked at his ring, and back to his personal lantern with a piece of tape slapped on that had his name in sharpie. Moving his hand back down to his side, he looked around at the others, unsure of what was to come next, what with all the excitement: to get themselves killed as soon as they ran out there. At least, that's what their immaturity was saying for them, that is.


"It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t Mr. Wayne's son. No, no.
It ain’t me, it ain’t me; I ain’t no fortunate one. No.

Some folks inherit the starheart ring,
Ooo, they send you down to war, y’all.
And when you ask them, how much should we give?
Ooo, they only answer more! More! More! Y’all."


A siren went off, as the numerous lanterns began to recite their varied oaths, most of them custom, some the original version. Nash himself hurried over, not bothering to fly, but being smart enough to turn on his green glowing protective aura as they headed for the doors: They would be dropped soon. Nash looked at his ring, and like many others, assumed a fancy pose, in his cast, raising his right fist into the air, and keeping his other, ring-less hand down by his side, fore arm between rib-cage and lower-side, as he spoke his own oath among tens of thousands.


"In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night

You Assholes Better Put Up A Good Fight.

Let Those Who Worship The Douchebag Blight,

Get Curb-stomped By My Might, Green Lantern's Light!"


"It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no Lantern, son.
It ain’t me, it ain’t me; I ain’t no fortunate one, one.

It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no fortunate one. No, no, no.
It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no fortunate son. No, no, no."


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Character Portrait: Thrallk Omnibus
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As Thrallk flew, a song popped into his head, one that he hadn't heard since he was on his home planet. It was hard to translate into other languages, but the one that had one of the best was English, the language of a great population of Earthlings. As he remembered the lyrics, he began to sing them to himself.

"Kill your enemies,
my brothers dead around me.
Wounds are hurting,
Death is creeping for me."

He bobed his head as he sang, slowly remembering the rythm of the song.

"Smoke is lighting, hearts are pounding,
Chaos soon ignites.
The carnage made is one for all,
Will I meet my maker?"

He flew over a group of some alien species on the planet below. They were fighting, they're whole planet at war, just the perfect place for fear. He flew towards the group, watching how one by one they slow fell to the ground. He projected his voice loud enough so that they could all hear him.

"Over the top, over the top,
Right now is killing time."

As he sang, the more fear the aliens had, which naturally caused 'fight or flight' instincts. While most of them continued to fight, a few fled, getting killed by shots he fired from above. He continued to watch the fight until just two aliens survived. They stood with their guns pointed at each other. It was a stand off.

"Over the top, over the top,
The only way out is to die."

The words influenced more fear, that the war would never end, and the only way to avoid it, was to kill themselves. And that they did, turning their guns on themselves and shooting. Thrallk hovered just above the battlefield. "That was easier than I thought it would be."


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The Green Lantern Corps themselves had been deployed against the South-Western Army attacking the Eastern areas of this planet, the guardians having chosen to help annihilate said south-western forces and restore whatever peace could be found. Of course, this would not come all THAT easily…right? Oh well. Nash was flying towards the field of battle with the rest of his unit, firing incredibly carefully as not to hit his supposed allies. Halfway through, Nash accidentally fired two stray energy blasts, killing some of the guys on his side!…

…that is, until another lantern just laughed at him.

"Hah!" Chuckled the other being, which looked very similar to Link from Legend of Zelda, including a similarly designed uniform. "It doesn't matter. When they fall, these guys will climb back up. They've got a repeater cell they have to voluntarily disconnect at a certain number of times."

"Is that what the whole conflict is about?!" Barked Nash, trying to speak over gunfire, as he projected a shield construct, a circular shield like that of a roman gladiator, complete with little rivets and such. "Living forever?!"

"Actually, no. It has to do with the food supply, I think…"

"So how do we stop the opposing guys?"

"Oh, no worries. Our rings have adjusted, and will stun the repeater cell of the south-western forces."


Nash was just running about, spinning and smashing into people with hard light baseball bats, before noticing the yellow bastard guy causing people in his vicinity to kill themselves.

He looked at his ring, and it identified only that it was another lantern corps member. Angrily, he sent a text to the guy. How dare this asshole make his job harder?!


(The Texts)


I Will Kill You

With My




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Hmmm, Thrallk thought as he read the texts. Clearly this Green Lantern hadn't had much of a grasp on the Earthlings English language. "I don't even know where to start." He sighed before texting back:

"How descriptive. Well I look forward to death as much as the next guy, so when your done inventing the wheel for your people, feel free to stop by, and give me the sweet embrace of death."

Thrallk didn't necessarily like to start stuff, but this Green newb was clearly asking for it. "When will they ever learn?" He asked himself. "Willpower is nothing against the almighty power of fear."

He flew into another group of warriors, but instead of the aggressive confrontation, he decided to be a little more secretive. He used his ring to make a sniper rifle like construct, and slowly picked them off, one by one. With each shot fired, the group became more and more frightened. By the time a quarter of them were down, the rest were all huddled in a group, back to back, firing in all directions in an attempt to kill whatever it was that was killing them. Two minutes passed and what remained of the group lay sprawled across the ground. Thrallk sighed, watching as the few remaining ones ran away in different directions, becoming bored once again. "No matter. I'm sure the Green creature will entertain me."


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Nash was annoyed by the return text. This guy now earned himself a free ass-whooping, courtesy of the Macleod Family Beat-Down Business. He began to fly around to hunt down the guy he had just spoken to, harming both his allies and enemies alike, minus his fellow green lanterns, as he made a warpath towards…wherever he was going. He was paving entire roads with bodies, moving to attack the punk who was making his job more difficult. It took some time, but eventually, he found Thrallk, the most unfortunate thing being that the guardians never informed him of the concept of the Yellow Rings, or the Sinestro Corps.

"Hey, you should get outta here, dude. I'mma stomp some poor fuck who happens to be a lantern like me. Only I didn't see him use any green or anything…Anyways, if you have any trouble getting out of the area, I could make a shield construct for you. :D"

Nash suddenly made a large square, trying to keep the guy in tow. He had a couple shivers, the hairs standing up on the back of his neck. He shrugged it off however, feeling he had to fulfill his duty as a Green Lantern that moment. His ring's effects flickered slightly as he tried to take the guy with him...

"Here, I'll take you over to the Northern forces' camp. There's a ton of guys back there. If you were that asshole from before, he'd probably just kill everyone there and come back to finish me off. But you're dressed in this cool golden color, so I'd say you must be a pretty stand-up guy."

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View All » Add Character » 3 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Nash Macleod
Character Portrait: Ssa'Lahaal Vense
Character Portrait: Thrallk Omnibus


Character Portrait: Thrallk Omnibus
Thrallk Omnibus

Ummmm, boo?

Character Portrait: Ssa'Lahaal Vense
Ssa'Lahaal Vense


Character Portrait: Nash Macleod
Nash Macleod

To Boldly Go Where Plenty Have Gone Before, And Screw Shit Up...


Character Portrait: Thrallk Omnibus
Thrallk Omnibus

Ummmm, boo?

Character Portrait: Ssa'Lahaal Vense
Ssa'Lahaal Vense


Character Portrait: Nash Macleod
Nash Macleod

To Boldly Go Where Plenty Have Gone Before, And Screw Shit Up...

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ssa'Lahaal Vense
Ssa'Lahaal Vense


Character Portrait: Nash Macleod
Nash Macleod

To Boldly Go Where Plenty Have Gone Before, And Screw Shit Up...

Character Portrait: Thrallk Omnibus
Thrallk Omnibus

Ummmm, boo?

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Re: [OOC] Green Lantern: F4-1L TEAM

Thank you, Brother Blade. Allow us to do battle until the Blackest Night! >:D

Re: [OOC] Green Lantern: F4-1L TEAM

God, even after all this time your rps are still awesome concepts Jay.

I salute you!

Re: [OOC] Green Lantern: F4-1L TEAM


Re: [OOC] Green Lantern: F4-1L TEAM

Don't Be.

You're in a good place now.


Re: [OOC] Green Lantern: F4-1L TEAM

I'm almost ashamed I love the idea.

[OOC] Green Lantern: F4-1L TEAM

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