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Liam Xao

"Everyone expects a Chinese Agent to be Asian. Won't they be in for a surprise".


Name: Liam Xao

Age: 11

Gender: Male


Personality: (See history)

Likes: Technology, Getting the Job done, Succeeding, his Nation, and Designing Technology. Also the Color Red.

Dislikes: People doubting him, people believing he is too young, failure, terrorists.

Fears: He fears

Skills: Hand to Hand Combat, Hacking and Technology, Sniper Rifles, Pistols, More Hand to Hand Combat, Advanced Hand to Hand Combat, more Sniper Rifle training, General Gun Training, He speaks over 17 languages, and is capable of subduing and using any accent.

Equipment: Bio-Sync Watch that can only be accessed with his Fingerprints, can be used to control his Drones. Also used as a communicator and computer.
Spider Drone: A Drone that crawls like a spider, is silent, can climb surfaces, and allow Liam to remotely hack things.
Mini-Drone: A drone with four mini propellers, it can fly silently, and is capable of spying on people, and shooting people with a specialized mini bullet rounds.
Chinese Compact Pistol: A special Chinese pistol that can be packed up and is easy to hide. It has absolutely no metal, and shoots non-metallic bullets.
Bullet Proof Fibers in his clothing.
Grappling Equipment.

History: He was an Orphan in China, but a unique Orphan. His mother had been an American Businesswoman, who stayed in China for 9 months to do research and conduct business. In truth, she had an affair ith another man in the United States, and she did not want her husband to know. However, she was just religious enough to not believe in abortion. So, she gave the child to an Orphanage in China.

He would stay and grow up there for 4 years. He was given the name Liam Xao, a first name to represent his heritage, and a last name to represent his nationality. He would learn to fight, and that the strong survive. But, he was different. Not only was he the only non-Asian in the Orphanage, but he figured out how to crack safes by ear. He would break into places not only for food, but money that supported the Orphanage to keep it running. A Chinese Recruitment Officer noticed this, and despite his young age, selected him for Special Training for the Covert Ops Division.

He was put in a class of 12, who got the best teachers and the best education programs. But, they did something else. Each year during his training, they gave him a choice: Leave or Stay. He chose Stay. He exceeded in intelligence, and in his combat training. Over 1000 Orphanages vetted for this Program, 24 Orphans selected, given the best training and equipment, and education (and you should see their dental plan), and no matter what, they all chose Stay. Out of this 24, 8 are selected to Higher Advanced Training. Out of those 8, 4 ascend to the Elite ranks. Liam was one of those 4. At age 9, he became an official Agent. His first mission was a simple one. Complete an exchange with a British Intelligence Agent (Hint hint nudge nudge). The first mission was a complete success, despite hostile terrorist cells trying to kill them both and retrieve it.

Liam would later go on a second mission to learn about the contents of a package an Arms Dealer was selling. It was stollen Nuclear Warheads from America. Liam not only identified them, but went a step further, and stopped them, and retrieved the Warheads, which now sit in a secret Chinese Vault. Oh, and some Arms Dealers and Terrorists killed each other, excluding the Arms Dealer, who shot the last Terrorist and now looks for who stole the Warheads.

For the next two years, he completed more assignments, often going beyond what was asked of him.

Other: He is possibly the best Hand to Hand Combat Expert, but he never gets a chance to test this because he never has the time. He has learned multiple forms of Martial Arts, and is capable of changing mid combat.

So begins...

Liam Xao's Story

Liam walked through the crowds, finding his person. "We need to go, now".

As they began to walk out, an alarm went out for an airport lockdown. "Long Story".

A few hours earlier...

Several gunmen had taken over Liam's plane as they were flying over Washington D.C.. Just another Terrorist attack he figured. Until their terrorists mentioned his cover's name. Actually, it wasn't even his cover's name, it was his cover's codename. And he only ever used it on his second assignment, involving the Arms Dealer. He heard something about the CIA, so he guessed that a certain Arms Dealer still thought he was with the CIA. Well, to be fair, the Warheads he stole from the Arms Dealer were stolen from the Americans. Do the Americans even know their warheads were already rescued?

Anyways, he had managed to crawl into a ventilation shaft of the airplane. The assassins had gassed the whole cabin, but the gas could be beaten with a specialized adrenaline pill. Most of his weapons were in his other bags, so he only had his Compact Pistol. However, he also had his drones. He took out and activated a Spider Drone, using it to go and find the piloting controls. He took over avionics, and set the plane to auto-pilot and locked the assassins out of the controls. This seemed to frustrate them, so he set the plane to extra fast mode (a mode they rarely used to safe fuel and therefore money) to get them to the airport much faster. He also locked the door to and from the cockpit.

He used his Mini-Drone then, flying it out of the vents and seeing 4 assassins going through the isles, looking for him, as well as searching the aisles. He shot one of them using the Mini-Drone, which was silent. The assassin hit the ground dead, and the other three turned around and started going towards him. Liam popped out of a vent, and shot one in the back, and another in the head as he turned towards him. He dropped down, and started fighting the forth in hand to hand combat. Which he won. He shot the man in the head, and then picked up his cell phone. A fifth assassin, who seemed frustrated and confused, finally broke out of the cabin, only to beet a bullet to the face. He immediately took out his phone and called command. "Consider this alias burned, switching to backup. They do not know my face however, so everything is green. Oh, and tell the British this plane needs a cleaning crew. Some assassins tried to kill me, and I suspect the Arms Dealer we know as Trinity is involved".

He then looked down. He managed to get blood over his clothes, so he changed into his sparring atire until he could get his luggage and change later. He then looked at all the other passengers, who were still asleep. "Well, at least some people can get some nice deep sleep".

He retook his seat for when they woke up, only then realizing there were a bunch of bodies on the ground. He, one by one, dragged them into the bathroom, and managed to lock the door from the outside, before taking his seat again.

Present Time...

He got into his car, and the driver drove him towards Greenfield. An unmarked white van passed them, heading towards the airport. "Should we be concerned?"

"No. Just a nearly filled flight with some assassins piled in the bathroom for whatever reason. They did have one open seat on that flight though...".

"I see. Well do not worry, we will be there within the hour..."


He arrived there, and saw everyone else aproaching. The team he would be with, from what he could only assume, since they were walking in with them. And all three were female. Now, Liam had no quarrels with female agents, but unless there was a male british agent inside and not a female one, he would be the only boy on the team. A thought he was not a fan of.

He walked and followed the woman, Madam Devone. Eventually they made it to the conference room. However, he found it strange there was no British agent for this team. It also meant he could expect to be the only male on the team. He looked at everyone else, the other three agents. Two of them he did not recognize, but the third, Riley, seemed familiar. He knew he had some rivals in the CIA, and often it was a friendly competition between his intelligence agency and the CIA. He decided to let it be, and only bring it up if she recognized him.

of course, it occurred to Liam he was still wearing his sparring attire, which was basically a black Karate outfit with a black belt (which did not mean anything, but it would be accurate if it did), and some sneakers, because of the whole incident on the plane that got his other stuff bloody. He also would need to get some other things from that bag if he was to go on any missions, like his EVGs (Enhanced Vision Goggles), a laser knife, and his XKM-Designator Rifle, a sniper rifle which he invented, his spare drones, and his prototype drones he was still working on, as well as a variety of other projects. He could not help but notice the cover for this building, beginning to suspect this assignment would be more long term then he planned, though he was not sure for certain, but if so he would need to have more stuff shipped over.

"So, shall we get straight to it?"

#, as written by Darkie
Johanna watched the woman greet them. Madam Devone was her name if she remembered right and she suspected that there was something huge going on if they all had been asked to come here in such a short notice. She looked at the other agents that she probably would work with, Johanna had never really had any problem working with anyone else so it didn't bother her much. The more the merrier as they would say. Two girls and a fairly young boy, she of course knew the CIA agent. Who wouldn't? She was the second most experienced agent in the field, short after Keelan. And where could he be? If they were here on such a short notice then he should also be, right? She hummed quietly for herself, maybe he was busy on a mission.

When she heard that they were going to leave their baggage, she hesitated with her tool bag. It was the most precious thing she owned. It only took her a moment to leave it behind with the rest of her baggage to follow Madam Devone to a conference room. She thanked her for holding up the door and went to sit down at the table.

"So, shall we get straight to it?" The boy had asked the minute they all sat down at the table. He would probably be the only boy in this team which.. Could be interesting. A young boy among older girls. She held back a laugh at the thought and just smiled. Though he was right, they had been called here for a reason and as it seemed, no time for pleasantries. She entwined her hands on her lap and leaned backwards in the chair, looking at Madam Devone and waited for some explanation on why they were here on such a short notice.

Liam looked around. No British agent on the team, but they are asking for us specifically for one. Now, the only agent here I am family with is Keelan. Well, Keelan and that one girl from that joint mission a month ago against that media mogul trying to start a war. But, she would still be recovering from the toxic bullet she was shot with. What are you not telling us?

"Yeah, stop beating around the bush and tell us why we are really here. You want us to rescue your agent, a group of foreign agents. And you assign none of your own to this team, implying this is a one time only thing. But the cover for this building is a school, you took our luggage to rooms and told us to pack quite a bit, and you assembled some of the best agents from all Intelligence Organizations into a team to work together, something this large scale has never been done since Workd War 2 Blackfiles. And yes, I know about those. This implies long term assignment, otherwise you would use your own agents".

However, Liam took it a step further. He has a high IQ, and he was still putting the pieces together, but he had theories.

"So, a Multi-National team, long term assignment, and enough skill to capture an agent. My guess is this agent is going to be a future member of this team, but I still don't understand why not bringing one of your own on this as well. Not unless you suspect a security breach. Even then, Keelan could be here. You trained him since he was young, and I know he is fiercely loyal".

"Anyways, so this issue must be of global concern if my nation and the CIA are working together, which leaves three options: Massive nuclear threat, World War III threat, or the unknown threat that has been buying everything off the black market. Maybe a combination of those choices even".

Liam looked at the others. He couldn't help but still notice the age and gender difference. "Other then that analysis, I don't think I have any questions".

(Liam is smart, but I figured it would be stupid to immediately have him assume it was Keelan). (Also accidentally tagged Keelan)


Adele had been quite silent throughout the entirety of their being in the presence of this Madame Devone. She listened patiently as the situation was explained and while the woman was talking, all she could think about was Keelan's non-appearance. Wouldn't they at least have one of their best agents here? Or even, if not him, another one of their own? Why send for members of mostly every Intelligence Agency in the world?

Before she could get to questioning that herself, the young boy - the male agent, she corrected herself out of respect - was the first to crack under the suspicious tension in the room. Adele's eyes lightly grazed over the younger agent as he spoke. While she knew she wasn't stupid to say the least, her curiosity about this one boy and his careful observation of the situation was impressive to say the least. After a few moments, however, her attention was off him and the woman.

Despite the cool features she schooled her face with, Madame Devone's eyes showed a hint of panic. She kept clasping and unclasping her hands, Adele noted, and she pursed her lips the entire time the guy talked. While she had spoken, she noticed worry lace with the woman's voice and that alone already had Adele even more suspicious. And now that the boy had caught the woman, a small smirk played out on Adele's face at the deer-caught-in-headlights look that Madame Devone seriously tried to play.

"Frau töricht," Adele said softly, her smirk not fading. She then went back to speaking English for the sake of the others. "It seems that when you called for all of us agents, you forgot that you were dealing agents, and not children. And I don't think I need to look at everyone else's faces to see that we aren't just children you can manipulate and whose times you can monopolize just because you feel like it. So, I suggest that you tell us the full story here."

#, as written by Darkie
Johanna bit her bottom lip hard to keep back the laugh that bubbled inside of her. In her eyes this was kind of amusing meeting. Madam Devone seemed to be in a hurry and wanted them to leave quickly when they had arrived. The mission was of high priority and an agents life were at stake here. They will rescue him even though the computer was top priority. All of the agents here were one of the best in their respective country. She hadn't figured out who everyone came from but the boy was damn smart for his age. Okay, compared to a normal non agent like boy in his age and it was hard to keep the laugh inside of her as he laid forwards his theories on why they were there and it all seemed to make sense. He was right, there was something fishy about all this and they deserved to know more then what Madam Devone had just told them.

Then the German agent, she guessed from what she had first said, started to talk and well.. She more or less put what Johanna wanted to say in those sentences. Maybe a bit dragged out but Johanna liked to keep things simple and straightforward instead of using unnecessary words to make the sentence longer. She grinned at them, moving her chair a bit back and put her boots on the table, her hands still locked together in her lap. Her day had started bad when she came back from that god damn mission but now she thought it might lighten up good enough for her to enjoy the rest of the day, even the mission they were going to go on.

So they all were going to be a team it seemed and the agent they are going to save is probably Keelan, she hoped that he was okay and that they will manage to rescue him in time. "May I do an input in this very amusing verbal assault against Madam Devone? I think we all can wait for further details until we have recovered the computer and rescued the agent. So, I suggest we introduce each other and get a bit familiar with one and another before we leave. We have an agent that might still be alive who needs to be rescued and our flight leaves soon so we should get ready for that. Am I not right?" She asked everyone with a raised eyebrow and a wide smile on her lips.

Liam was unimpressed by some of the tech. His watch was more advanced, his phone was more advanced. Bluetooth was the most easily hacked thing in the universe. Now, he suspected that the Chinese Government had some of the best tech and budget for their Intelligence Service, but he had no idea by this much. He activated his Watch's data sync function, taking all the features and adapting them to his own gear.

Liam found his room to be the closest to Keelan's. Being in a rush, he opened up his case full of gear. He put on a combat vest, combat boots, cargo pants, combat shirt, and a black hat you might expect a theif to wear. He also took out his dual Chinese Compact Mark II Pistols, a combat knife, his extra drones, a second Combat knife, some rope, and a G-36 Bolt Rifle with the A-25 Attachments allowing it to become a Sniper Rifle when needed.

He also took out some Red and Green gum, and put it into his pocket.

He walked to the landing pad where they would meet with their vehicle. He hoped it was a DS9 Prowler. He absolutely loved to fly those things. So stealthy, so silent, so smooth.

As Riley packed her supplies into her sleek, bulletproof backpack, she found her mind wandering to the meeting. It hadn't gone as smoothly as she had expected. The CIA had conditioned her to sit in her seat, soak up all the information she could, without uttering a word of disapproval. If she did, as she would often back talk her superiors, she was put through extra "training" with Special Agent Abbott, a man she sworn had studied every type of torture tactic alive, and somehow molded it into a form of training. Needless to say, the ex-street kid had learned to keep her lips sealed tight.
Riley picked up a small explosive device that could easily stick, and ultimately detonate, on any surface. "This will most likely be of help," she smiled, packing the device away.
If Keelan is even still alive, her brain argued, which he is, she hoped.
When Madame Devone had said that it was Keelan who had gone on the mission, Riley felt her heart stop. While she had only crossed paths with Keelan occasionally, he seemed like a good kid, at least according to her gut. It pained her to think of what they might be doing to him. The thought trailed off as she absent mindedly traced the thin scars that lined her left arm with her finger. It had just been over a year since she had been blown up by a stray land mine, resulting her confinements in the States, up until this point at least.
She hoped that Keelan wasn't too hurt, though the odds of that were slim to none. She placed a heavy duty first aid kit on the outer pocket, for easy access when they find him....if they found him.
Stop thinking like that, she scolded her roaming mind, if she kept thinking like that, then they would surely fail.
Packing the rest of her supplies, Riley closed the backpack with in one, fluid motion, she stared for a few moments. I don't care what they say. I am NEVER leaving an agent to die...not again. her fist and jaw seemed to tense in an eerie unison.
Slinging her pack over her shoulder, she went to go find Liam, the one agent who she actually recognized. After all, he was her rival. Plus she had been wanting a hug since she got their, and Liam's reactions to her attempts at an older sister like affection towards him, always managed to put the smile back on her face.

(Anything is back! But where did everyone else go...maybe a post will draw them out....)

Liam saw Riley coming onto the platform, and immediately got this feeling she was going to do something he didn't like. Maybe it was because she had a history of doing that.

He had no doubt Keelan was still a live. Keelan was a tough and stubborn SOB, even when it was against his best interests. Still, Liam had no doubt he was alive.

If he was dead though, he would dismember the person who did it while they are awake, taking an arm and a leg.

"Wonder what our ride will be. I can probably fly it, I have flight and driving training in most vehicles".

He turned to Riley. "Oh, did you pass your Fighter Jet flight test yet?"


Adele had to roll her eyes at the equipment she found in her room. Without really thinking much on it, she got changed into all black clothing, zipping up her black vest and black combat boots at last. She gathered her long hair into a tight ponytail. As she considered the gear, worry struck her, surprising her as she didn't even realize she was as concerned about Keelan as she was. He's not dead, she told herself. Too much of an ass. Adele mentally vowed that when she did find Keelan - and she had to tell herself that they would - she was going to punch him for getting caught.

Adele sheathed her two pair of sais on the insides of her vest. She decided against bringing her own communicator, but packed her laptop in a bag along with a handgun and compound box and arrows. Once decidedly ready, she glanced around her room surreptitiously and walked out.

She arrived onto the platform at least a few moments after Riley and gave a brief smile to the others. It wasn't out of contempt or anything, but she had this nagging feeling like they really needed to go now and that something was wrong. But she squashed it down and schooled her features before anyone cold notice.

#, as written by Darkie
((I can barely post everyday since I have a full house and everything and I don't like leaving people behind so I usually wait until everyone have posted once before I post again. We all have a life so I think everyone should be granted a day or two to be able to post before anyone post again. But that's my thoughts. So we don't leave anyone behind.))

Johanna thanked Charles for the envelope and got her room that was on the second floor. She looked down on herself and wondered if she needed to change. She wore cargo pants in greenish brown colour, combat boots and a black vest. She thought it was fine enough for her to go in and just took a belt with pockets on to put some of her more important tools in. You never knew if they would be in use or not, with her gun and knife. She put her hair in a messy pony tail and put a worn green cap on. This should be good enough, she thought for herself as she took up the rest of the equipment that was laid out on her bed.

She headed towards the platform where the others were waiting, with her hands in her pockets. She cleared her throat when she approached the others. "Well then, I guess we all are ready. Let's head out then? Oh you can call me Jojo, short for Johanna." She said and made a small salute with two fingers.


Adele turned her head to the one that spoke, offering a gentle smile in response to the girl.

"Adelina, but you all can call me Adele," she told the others just as the Chopper landed. Adele nodded towards the chopper and began walking towards it. "Might as well get this show on the road." Just as she approached the helicopter, the doors were opened and the pilot began speaking. Adele nodded to his words and climbed on in, strapping herself before glancing at the others and waiting for them to enter.

"Liam. Everyone calls me Liam, or Li. Anyways, lets get this show on the road..."

Liam was geared up and good to go. He took his seat, although he would have preferred to have been the one flying the ship.

He also would have preferred a DS9 Prowler, but he kept that to himself for now.

"Riley," she said with a smile, "...uh, I don't really have a nickname, but honestly I don't care what you call me."
Riley climbed onto the helicopter and strapped herself in next to Liam. A thought occurred to her once she was finished.
"I did pass my fighter flight test, three years ago," she smiled gently ruffling Liam's hair, before wrapping the small boy into an tight hug.
Knowing he hated it when he did it, she couldn't help herself, the boy was just to damn cute.

#, as written by Darkie
Johanna nodded and smiled at everyone. "Well, nice meeting you all." She said and followed everyone inside the chopper. She sat down next to Adele and in front of Riley before strapping herself tight. She leaned backwards in the chair and entwined her hands in her lap. She had never really been a fan of flying in a chopper but that was something she held to herself. The only ones who knew her dislike of chopper was her parents and they hadn't told anyone, she hoped. Too easily to be shot down and a crash with one would most likely end all of theirs like. She tensed a little and mentally shook away the thoughts. It wasn't a fear really, just a.. Discomfort to her.

She looked to the side and bit her lip. Don't give up yet Keelan, we're coming. She thought and hoped that mission would at least go well. Everyone here was a top agent in their agency so it should go well for them. Not the best time to go out as a team but you had to work with what you get, right?

Liam wriggled as Riley hugged him. "Riley....Ri....personal space please! Please let go!"

Liam continued to try and escape? "Riley...this wasn't funny the first time, or the second. Now let me go!!"

Liam hated when Riley did this. Liam could be kind, he could be caring, but he absolutely hated when people hugged him. Or picking him up. He wasn't much of a fan of that either.

When they arrived, Liam was the first to get out. He scoped out the building ahead. "So. Heavily guarded, heavily armed, looks like thick walls. Reminds me of that nuclear bunker last year".

He walked forward, watching the building. "So. Two Teams of two, scatter and search, or combined force? Personally, I think one of the first two. I see three entry ways. Third Floor window on the inner corner. Basement access from the east side storm drain. Oh, and then there is the kitchen's heat ducts. Not ventilation shafts, too easily booby trapped, but the heat ducts for the kitchens are often overlooked. I will take those".

Liam was used to solo missions, so his brain was racing ahead and thinking about what he would do next. "Computer room is either on the top floor or the basement. Keelan will almost certainly be in the basement or sub basement if this place has one".

Liam looked back. "Oh, sorry, did you say something?"

#, as written by Darkie
Johanna got out after Liam and watched the building in front of her as she heard Liam talk away. She couldn't help but grin at him. It was at least a good thing he spoke out loud instead of thinking all that in his head. She took off her cap to brush back some hair before she put it on again and walked up to stand a bit behind him to his right. She looked at every spot Liam pointed out where they could get inside.

"I think we should go in pairs. One team look for the computer and the other Keelan. The one looking for the computer go to the top floor and work their way down. The other team start in the basement and when they find Keelan they should head out from there. I don't think he will be in a very good shape. If the computer team meets difficulties then one of the other team goes and help them when they have made sure Keelan is safe enough. Though we can start from different points when we have teamed up, then meet in the middle before heading out." She said when Liam had looked back at them.

She winked at him before looking at the building again. "I like the way you think. So, who goes with who? I don't have any problem with going with either of you or which search team. If none of you don't really feel like going through the Storm Drain then I can take that one. I don't mind getting my hands dirty." She said with a shrug as she turned to the others with her hands in her pockets.

(Well, you people said to wait for two days at least. I did. time to go on a tagging spree. Oh, and death, I WILL hunt you down if you don't come back :) I am also enacting one of the secret plans)

Liam looked back at Johanna. He admitted to himself that he was somewhat conflicted. He was trained to prioritize. And this training made him know, for a fact, they had to focus on the computer. He did want to save Keelan, but he knew the mission. Keelan was technically a secondary objective, however much he did not want to admit it. He also knew which team he had to be on. He could access the computer remotely and download the data if he got close enough with his watch, or he could use his spider drone to hack into it and get all the data. He needed to be on the Computer team.

"I will go get the data. We..." he hesitated a little. He quickly slapped himself. Hesitation means death. "We need to get the data, that is the priority. And I have the best equipment for getting the data too. I don't have any preferences on who goes with me either..."

----4 years ago, Top Secret Chinese Training Facility, Location: CLASSIFIED----


Liam fought off the attacker, both of them wielding Chinese swords. They were sparring in the Sparring room, being watched by their trainers and the project leader. The Project leader looked at the trainers. "Where did you get this...Liam?"

"An orphanage in southern Hong Kong. He was left there by someone. We believe the mother was American and left him here".

"He is exceptional. He is surpassing all of your other students".

"Indeed. He has natural talents. The one that caught our attention was his natural ability to break into safes by ear, but he is equally exceptional at cracking electronic ones. He is short for his age, but he uses that to his advantage, getting under his opponents".

"I assume you looked into who his parents are?"

"Of course. Though he displays no interest to find them, or even know who they are. Which may be for the best. While we have no identity for the mother, the father's DNA has been found once, at a crime scene where an arms dealer was selling some heavy grade weaponry. We do not know his actual identity, we have come to believe he is a master criminal".

"And Liam himself? What else can you tell me about him?"

"Loyal, Goal Oriented, capable of compartamentalizing but showing compassion when he needs to. He has avoided relationships with most of his peers, excluding one who came from the Orphanage he was at. A Itari Xhe. He has also had violent complications with another one of our older trainees, Weyvet Chan. They seem to be of equal match, which is exceptional considering the 5 year age difference. We are selecting him for even further advanced training".


The horn sounded. The trainer and Project Leader looked back. Liam had won, and his opponent was naked from the waste down. Liam had cut his belt and pants, which had startled him. "Liam is not afraid of doing what needs to be done. And he is creative too. He shocked his opponent for just a second, and used that one second to disarm him. A trick people have tried to use on him, but he is goal oriented enough that when people do that, he disarms them. He is well trained".

"Indeed. Consider Liam accepted".


Liam looked at the others. "Well, you guys ready to start?"


"Excuse me, Interrogator. I need a word with this boy for a moment".

He dismissed the torturer, and looked at Keelan. "Do you know who I am? I am the man who can make your life hell...". He took a knife that had a blade that was heated on an oven, and stuck it into Keelan's chest. "Lets not deny the facts. You are British Intelligence. Not MI6, we all know that is a cover for the real agents. And other will come to get you. Now, if you tell us what you know, we will kill you, and make sure your body gets media attention. You will spare anyone who comes here trying to rescue you. But if you don't talk...then you will be letting innocent men and women be slaughtered. It will be your fault. They died coming to save you, and if you give us the information in the first place, they will never have to die. So what do you say? How much blood do you want on your hands?"

Riley nodded and turned to Adele. "Let's move out frauline," she said with a smile.
With a fluid movement, Riley lept out of the helicopter and began sprinting at her top speed. If Keelan was still alive, which he was, then the probability of torture was frighteningly high, meaning that the odds he was severely injured were of the same proportion. In all honesty, she was grateful for Liam and Johanna, god bless their souls, with their attention funneled towards the prioritized computer, it allowed, for Adelaide and Riley to focus on finding and rescuing Keelan.
Her mind drifted towards the First Aid kit in her backpack, it was fully equipped to deal lacerations, but it worried her that she would not be able to treat the injuries he had sustained.
"Keelan, you better not go dieing on me," Riley thought, as Keelan himself could hear, as a hot, unshed tears began to sting her eyes.

(probably wont be able to post for awhile, so to not hold everyone up, il sneak my post in before Darkie's. Also, no reply get from Darkdiva. I asked if she minded if one of us controlled her character as well. She read the PM, but no response yet, so I would say wait another day before anyone does that).

Liam looked at the climb ahead. There was a narrow indent in the outer wall that had a Heat Duct shaft. However, the walls by it were near unscalable. Emphasis on near. Liam put his hands on one side of the indent, and jumped his legs up to press against the other side. He then began climbing up, moving an arm and a leg at the same time, slowly making his way up...


The instructors and the Project Manager watched as Liam made his way up the completely flat surface. "He is creative. He seems perfect even. So, tell me his flaws. I have been alive too long to believe in perfect".

"Despite some people seeing it has a strength, A flaw I see is his inability to form new connections easily. Sure, he can joke and train and talk with others, but he doesn't really let them in easily. And while he has yet to have a major failure because it was his fault, his overreaching could potentially be dangerous, no matter how careful he claims he will be. Its not pride so much as commitment, but he believes he can go in and do things alone. I am afraid this will eventually get him killed, if we, or him, are not careful".

"But the skills are there?"

"Other then people skills and real social skills, yes. The skills are there".



Liam made it to the top, and got the Heat Duct open, before looking back down at Jo. He tossed down some rope so she could climb up, before going on ahead. He was goal oriented. And the sooner he found the computer, the sooner he could go save Keelan.