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Alex Garcia

"I am afraid. Not of life, or death, or nothingness, but of wasting it as if I had never been."

0 · 2,298 views · located in Greythorne

a character in “greythorne”, as played by phosphene


absinthe | The Sounds of Silence | One of the Drunks
"Life is for the living. Death is for the dead. Let life be like music. And death a note unsaid."
Life is for the living. Death is for the dead. Let life be like music. And death a note-Langston Hughes


i d e n t i t y
xxxxx|| Name || Alejandro Luis Peña Garcia
xxxxx|| Nicknames || Alex; Preferred, this is what he introduces himself as - various Spanish terms of endearment from his grandmother
xxxxx|| Gender || cismale
xxxxx|| Age || 23
xxxxx|| Birthday || March 19
xxxxx|| Sexuality || bisexual
xxxxx|| Hometown || born in Flagstaff, Arizona; raised in Greythorne.
xxxxx|| Ethnicity || Mexican, Puerto Rican, Spanish

a p p e a r a n c e

xxxxx|| Height || 5'9"
xxxxx|| Weight || 159 lbs
xxxxx|| Hair Color || Dark brown
xxxxx|| Eye Color || brown
xxxxx|| Identifying Features || Alex's arms are littered with the kinds of scars you might expect from someone practicing necromancy, along with a number of scars from childhood stupidity. His newest, ugliest scar, is on his lower abdomen; a horrible, gnarled scar given to him by a silver blade. It doesn't bother him as was supernaturally healed, which is likely the only reason he survived it, but the reminder of what happened will never leave him. His newest scar takes up a good bit of real estate on his left forearm; a sigil carved into his arm as way of marking, him for the pact he's made.
xxxxx|| Description || Alex is not an intimidating figure; though he stays fit, he really lacks the height and muscle mass necessary for his physique to be considered anything other than average. His hair holds big, loose curls which, at the length he keeps it, tends to fall in loose waves. He keeps it as tamed as he can, but anyone with textured hair will tell you that it's sometimes a loosing battle. Alex's eyebrows tend to give his resting face a sad, thoughtful quality. This, perhaps, makes him look much wiser than he could ever hope to be. While he doesn't dress in the highest fashions, Alex still likes to dress well. He's drawn to dark colors, tight jeans, and crisp, clean shoes; along with a menagerie of accessories. He tends to wear long-sleeves, as he doesn't like showing his scars. In all, he tends to try to fade away a little with his attire, even if his personality makes him stand out.

p e r s o n a l i t y

Alex tries to project an aura of being calm, cool, and collected. Sometimes he succeeds, but often times people can sense a deep and profound sense of uncertainty to him. When you’ve lived your life steeped in predictions of a future that may- or may not- come to be, you begin to worry, looking over your shoulder at every turn. His friends have grown weary of hearing his constant warnings. “Be careful,” may as well be a catchphrase. Even he has trouble taking himself seriously, though. When nothing you predict ever comes to be, you start feeling a little insecure. However, after recent events, he's begun to take his dreams and gut feelings more seriously, if only for himself.

Alex often thinks of his friends, and occasionally likes to do things for them. A text on their birthday, a small gift when they’ve achieved something important. He doesn’t normally go for large, grand gestures (though, he has been known to pull them off occasionally), but he does like to make sure the people in his life know he cares about them. Though he can be sarcastic, and will often decry all of a person’s faults, he’s still a fairly good friend. To that end, he loves to crack jokes, especially to ease a troubled mind, and most especially of all when his friends are worried about him.

He’s a big flirt, though his style of flirting can occasionally be a little on the
 aggressive side. Alex knows what he wants, and he’s not really one to beat around the bush to get it. He often flirts with his friends in what he considers a platonic way, and it’s something that most of them just get used to over time. He’s never held down a real relationship, so he doesn’t have much experience in love, and may have some trouble separating lust from romance if he ever decides to settle down.

Alex is very dysfunctional, and some consider it a wonder that he’s even still alive, though he gives credit to his best friend for getting him through his adolescence. His living space is cluttered with useless junk findings from his many traipses through the woods. He is, at best, chaotic and, at worst, a complete disaster. He often speaks without thinking, and the words that tumble out of his mouth often embarrass everyone but him. He seems to have no sense of shame whatsoever, which honestly serves him well.

Lately he's been a little... Fidgety. This is not uncommon, and anyone who's known him for more than the past few years has very likely seen this side of him many times before. Something is very wrong in Greythorne, and something is very wrong inside of him, as well, though he would never admit it. He let all the pain and fear out once, the night of the attack, and he is loathe to express it again. It's only natural for a near-death experience to give way to some trauma, but Alex prefers to pretend nothing happened to him, that night. That he's okay. The town has enough to worry about, they don't need to put him back on the list. He's fine. He's fine. He'll be fine. He just needs some rest, that's all. Just needs a drink. Just needs... He doesn't know what he needs, but he feels like he's missing a part of himself, and like he will never be safe again.


f l a v o r

xxxxx|| Likes || Alex seems to love food more than anything in the world, and giving him something delicious to eat is an almost surefire way to get in his good graces. He also loves running, and before the attack ran almost every morning, though he’s been scarcely seen outside his house since. He’s never minded dreamless sleep, and has occasionally drugged himself to ensure a restful night with no dreams. He likes to go on walks in the woods, both alone or with others, where he will often pick up rocks and other “treasures” he may find. He won’t say no to most alcoholic beverages, no matter how bad an idea drinking may be. He adores kissing, cuddling, and a few other less than pg activities. He’s been known to partake in... various substances- some more legal than others. He is, unsurprisingly, very fascinated with death, the idea, process, and aftermath of it. He just adores dogs, actually he loves most animals, really. He loves to listen to music, he loves to dance, and he absolutely adores a good party.
xxxxx|| Dislikes || Alex has a lot of vivid dreams, and over time they all start to meld together, and it becomes hard to tell the difference between visions sent from the dead, and regular dreams. He used to love chocolate, but since the attack on the town, it’s made his stomach churn. He can’t handle criticism, and loathes being talked down to. He neither needs or wants your pity, he had enough people pity him to last him a lifetime. He isn’t a fan of death, or at least, the finality of it. He’s accepted it for what it is, and can appreciate it, but he doesn’t like thinking that he, too, will die one day. He hates being the third wheel, though he’s had plenty of practice. And it isn’t that he dislikes Disney movies, but it seems the only time he ever watches them are with Phoenix crying on his shoulder while they eat ice cream. He’s not a fan of his father, and he’s even less fond of his mother. He doesn’t like the concept of accepting his feelings and emotions like a functional human being, and instead chooses to ignore them all and replace them with humor. Alex is pretty superstitious, and always keeps an eye out for bad omens.
xxxxx|| Fears || Alex is afraid of commitment and being alone; but most of all, he is afraid of his powers, and how badly they could go wrong.
xxxxx|| Secrets || Despite what he's always said, Alex is pretty open to the idea of falling in love. | He's only actually tried to raise the dead once, and it didn't go so well. | He has an on-and-off relationship with various drugs, which is a pretty poorly kept secret to anyone who has gotten to know him much at all | He feels himself spiraling out of control again, and feels powerless to stop it | He is terrified of being alone, especially at night, but he's trying to pretend that the attack didn't effect him muchxx

w i t c h

xxxxx|| Necromancy || Sensing the dead is no difficult feat; most everyone feels the chill of their spirits in old houses, abandoned woods, on the full moon. Many hear their cries and intelligible moans, but a necromancer makes sense of them. They see them, hear them, call on them in times of need. It is a magic full of ritual and superstition, and for good reason. Nearly every part of necromancy requires sacrifice, from leaving gifts for the dead, to a sacrifice of blood. Some, like Alex, receive visions in the form of dreams. Sleep can thin the veil between the living and the dead, making it an ideal time to impart ideas and knowledge. Knowledge of the present, of the past, and of the future. Ghosts exist on a less than linear path, and while their predictions are often less than reliable, more often than not they carry a warning. The dead, it seems, are not the most optimistic.

Raising the dead is a difficult task, and is best left to groups of experienced necromancers. Still, Alex has been known to raise the odd bird or small forest-dwelling creature out of a mixture of curiosity, and a desire to practice. But small animals are easier to raise than humans, easier to control, and require a less substantial sacrifice.
xxxxx|| Talents || Language: Alex speaks English and Spanish fluently, and he speaks passable French. Juggling: his friends tell him it's a useless skill, but you never know. Costuming: he's been making his own costumes for the town's fall festival every year since he was young, and they have only gotten more ridiculously elaborate with time.
xxxxx|| Strengths || Alex is good at drinking, he's not the fastest runner, but he has decent endurance, he's actually a fast learner, especially when it comes to physical tasks.
xxxxx|| Weaknesses || Silver, being a witch, he has a natural- and literal- weakness to silver, which can cause painful burns on contact. He's not so good at being serious, especially in tense or emotional situations. He doesn't have much of a filter, and has said some... Awkward things to people without thinking.

h i s t o r y

Alex's grandparents moved to Greythorne when they were a young couple, Abuela was younger than Alex is now, and already pregnant with their only child. They were a quiet family, until Marisol became a teenager; she was a trouble-maker, always up to no good. People have compared Alex to his mother since he was a child, but if they were being honest, he's much tamer. Alex’s mother ran away from Greythorne when she was no more than eighteen years old- Marisol Garcia had met a handsome young witch named Alejandro Peña, and Marisol ultimately decided to follow him and leave her home. The relationship was short-lived, but produced Marisol’s only child, who she named after his father.

From a young age, Alex showed his powers. His parents, being air and fire elemental witches, had no clue what to do with a child who wouldn’t stop talking to ghosts and resurrecting butterflies. Alex’s mother wanted to send him to Greythorne to live with his grandparents, as his grandmother was also a necromancer. His father didn’t agree, and the arguments this caused is what ultimately broke their on-and-off relationship for good. They had their final split the day before Alex's third birthday. He went to Greythorne to live with his grandparents the next year, barely speaking English, but a healthy, though nervous child.

Maria and Luis did their best with the boy, who they raised with as much love and support they could muster, but he was so like his mother. Headstrong and careless, Alex caused his fair share of trouble, though he was rarely alone. Phoenix was almost always nearby; though Phoenix was a little older, having another young witch in such a small town made for a nearly instant friendship- their personalities just sealed the deal. With Phoenix by his side, Alex came out of his shell, though some of the adults in town may have preferred he stay quiet and reserved. His grandparents (Abuela very vocally, Abuelo more passively) adored Phoenix, and welcomed him into their home any time he wanted to visit. The boy's were always the best of friends, and Alex's grandparents could tell from pretty early on that neither of them were straight. His Abuela even has had this idea in her head and Alex and Phoenix were going to grow up, be high school sweethearts, and be happy together forever- preferably right down the street. So, him sitting them down and saying he was bisexual was met with a tentative chorus of, "are you sure?" And "you know we would never think any less of you, no matter what." Which honestly confused Alex, but he just ignored it and went on with his life. He still has no idea why they reacted that way.

He visited his mother at Christmas and over the summers, but he never felt quite at home with her; never felt quite right so far from home. He saw his father more sporadically, and most of his contact with him was- and still is- limited to phone calls. The amount of time he's spent visiting and talking to both of his parents has trickled to practical radio silence over the years, culminating, most recently, with his mother sending him a birthday text a day late.

Alex had his first real taste of personal tragedy at fourteen, when his grandfather passed away. A lifetime of smoking and not caring for his health resulted in a heart attack, and he didn’t last long after that. It was sudden, unexpected, and wholly tragic. It ultimately led to the ruin of Alex’s relationship with his mother, when she didn’t even try to attend the funeral. The two haven’t been able to repair the damage, though they also haven’t tried.

His grandmother took a long time to recover from her grief, and Alex was often left alone to work through his own sadness. He spent a lot of time with his closer friends, but did wind up isolating himself more often than not. That, combined with him growing into his powers, and the stresses of high school became too much for him. One night, he went to bed, and had a vision of death, destruction, chaos, and darkness. He woke to a bedroom full of the dead, come to see him in his hour of darkness. Most people in town remember that cold February night, where Alex Garcia ran out of his home into the snow, wearing only a tee-shirt and his underwear. He was running from something most of them couldn’t see, couldn’t feel, and would never know.

It’s been a few years since then, and Alex has desperately tried to stay in control. He went deeply into himself for a long time, and completely ignored most aspects of his powers, only even using them to participate in rights and rituals with his grandmother. In the past few years, however, he decided to embrace himself and his powers, and to try to create a viable future for himself. He’s now nearly done apprenticing to be a funeral director, and has started to really try to understand his powers, and how to interpret his dreams. Or, he was.

The fall festival is normally a night filled with fun; there are endless things to do, and it's normally the town's collective favorite day of the year. Alex knew something was wrong, but he ignored every rational part of himself and pushed on through anyway. He was normally wrong about those things, anyway, so he had nothing to worry about. That was what he told himself, anyway. That everything would be fine. But he got separated from his friends, cornered by hunters, and he almost died in more ways than one. Now he can hardly close his eyes without being there again, cold and scared and alone. He would be lying if he said he wasn't angry, if he said he wasn't scared. He blames himself for some of it; he knew something wasn't right, and his ignored that. He feels like he should have tried to warn more people, but there is a part of him that knows no one would have listened. Nobody takes Alex seriously. Why would they? He had been the boy that cried wolf one too many times.

writer: nonconformingrole - fc: Diego Boneta - hex code: #3a0a4d

So begins...

Alex Garcia's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

zzzzoutfit - #3A0A4D

to be alive: not just the carcass, but the spark.
that's crudely put, but. . .

if we're not supposed to dance, why all this music?


Alex grinned when Phoenix agreed to leaving early, taking a moment to pump his fist and very lamely whisper “Yes,” to celebrate his miniature victory over attending oppressive fancy parties. He couldn’t help but sigh contentedly when Phoenix kissed his cheek and took his hand, the combination of love and whatever carnal desires were running through his head were enough to bring any man to his knees. Phoenix practically had him on a leash- Alex would go wherever he desired. This ball wasn’t something he’d choose to go to, not after last Halloween, but for Phoenix
 Anything for Phoenix. And, hey, if he could get laid at the end of the night he’d do just about anything, so that probably played into it too.

As soon as they entered the mansion, though, Alex started to feel caged in. He tried not to look too tense, but he knew he couldn’t hide that from Phoenix if he tried. They’d known each other too long, Nix knew all his tells. Luckily, Phoenix seemed distracted by looking around long enough for Alex to take a few deep breaths and try to slow down his heart rate. You’re fine, He thought to himself, You’re going to be fine. Nothing bad is going to happen. But he couldn’t shake the dread that settled into his chest. Was this anxiety or an omen? As much as he really didn’t want to he started almost frantically scanning the room; exits were found, and he tried to make out the identities of anyone wearing masks. Marianne Ward, Silas Thorne, Kevin-

He jumped when Phoenix spoke, quickly turning to face the other man.

Alex reached out and placed a hand on Phoenix’s arm. It was just Phoenix. He was fine. He just needed to breath, ground himself, calm down. ”Uhh
” He vocalized, looking right into Phoenix’s eyes for some sign of assurance- this was fine, he was okay. He was okay.

His mind flashed to someone he’d seen while quickly surveying the room and he said, ”Actually, I need to talk to, umm,” He gestured vaguely in Rosie’s direction; he knew it was very likely if he didn’t head over there now that she’d be too busy for the foreseeable future. ”So why don’t you go talk to Zoe, and I’ll go have a quick word with Ms Thompson, and then I’ll get us both a drink and come find you.” He forced out the thoughts that, the last time he’d left Phoenix to go do something else at an event like this, he’d been stabbed and technically died. Before Phoenix could ask, he added, [color=#3A0A4D][b]”I’m okay, I promise, just got a little overwhelmed. I’ll find you.” He leaned in and gave Phoenix a kiss that was just a little too long to be considered chaste, and went to work his way over to Rosie.

He started talking before he’d even come to a full stop in front of her, ”Hey Ms Thompson, could I have a moment of your-” He paused, only then fully realizing that Neden was there. He looked between the two of them for a moment, ”I’m not
 Interrupting something, am I?” He shook his head, ”I’ll be quick.” Focusing back on Rosie, and trying to sound a lot more confident than he felt, he said, ”I want to try to help with
 All the attacks and stuff, uhh
” This was going great, ”I know I’ve said I can’t control the visions, and I can’t, but I can force them on, and I wanted to try to see if we could maybe predict if and when an attack would be.” He took a deep breath, nervously shifting his gaze to the floor, ”I know that trying to predict the future isn’t a sure bet, and I don’t have the best track record but
 Greythorne is my home, and I want to try, and in the past year everything I’ve been able to interpret has come true, and I don’t know if I’m finally coming into my powers or just finally figuring out how they work, but I want to try
 If you’ll give me a chance.” He nodded, mostly to himself, and looked back up at Rosie, really hoping he wasn’t interrupting something serious and important to beg to be given the chance to try to predict the next time people in town would be murdered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Zoe Peña
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxi know the world's a broken bone
xxxbut melt your headaches, call it home
xxxhey moon, please forget to fall down
xxxhey moon, don't you go down

As they approached the mansion, Phoenix could feel that familiar burn of anxiety in his stomach. The place looked wonderful, lit up with warm lights that bounced off of metallic and glittering surfaces. But it was the crowds of people in masks that brought back unpleasant memories. Not to mention, it was much harder to recognise who was there, and whether or not they were strangers or friends. He could see the tension building in Alex's frame, and so he had to try and keep his own frame relaxed. This was how they so often worked, one of them attempting to look outwardly calm to try and stop the other from freaking out more. Neither of them would admit it, and neither of them ever acknowledged that the other was doing it; but it was appreciated.

When Alex spoke, it caught Phoenix a little off guard. He nodded as Alex said that he needed to go talk to Rosie. But even still, Phoenix studied Alex’s face, trying to read exactly how anxious he was. Alex knew exactly what he was doing, and reassured him that he was okay. The kiss was welcomed, both as a confirmation that Alex was okay, and to steady Phoenix’s own nerves. He didn’t want to dwell on the bubble of anxiety sitting in his stomach. There was the feeling that something bad was going to happen; because it seemed like something bad always did at these things. But letting that show outwardly would have only worried Alex more, so he told himself that it was just him worrying too much again

Alex headed for Rosie, and Phoenix scanned the room in search of Zoe. Once he spotted her, he made a beeline for her, wearing a huge grin and a slightly forced bounce in his step. “You made it!” He said cheerily. “And you look lovely. I think Jaiden’s around here somewhere, I think I saw her and Neden coming in a few minutes ago,” he said, scanning the room for her. “How are you doing? How’s the flower shop?” he asked.

outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxyou will remember
xxxwhen this is blown over
xxxand everything's all by the way
xxxwhen I grow older
Rosie glanced up as someone greeted her, and she smiled as she spotted Neden. “Wow, you look dashing!” She said, grinning at them. “I feel like you should be carrying a sword or something.” Before she could say much more than that, however, another person joined them. She hadn’t been expecting Alex of all people to come over, but nonetheless, she was delighted to see him. She’d always had a soft spot for him, even when he’d been a major source of headaches for her when he’d been a student. She frowned as Alex asked if he was interrupting something, glancing at Neden, before shaking her head.

Alex was clearly trying to appear a certain way, but the fact that he spoke without letting Rosie get a word in edgeways gave away that he was more nervous about what he said than he wanted to appear. And so, she didn’t try and push him, just let him talk and explain himself as much as was needed. His offer took her aback a little. His visions had been at their worst when he was a student, and Rosie had seen the second hand effects. To voluntarily bring one on
 she knew that it was a major thing for him to offer. Her first instinct was to refuse, to say that he didn’t have to do that. But
 any glimpse of what they might be about to face would be welcome in helping them figure out what was needed.

“Thank you, Alex. That
 that would be helpful, but only if you’re sure. I don’t want you to put yourself through something unpleasant or to push yourself too hard if you’re not sure about it. Any help you can give would be great,” she said. She doubted that he would offer if he wasn’t sure about it. This wasn’t the type of thing one would offer without some level of certainty, and she knew that. But she didn’t want him to feel forced into it. “I appreciate it, Alex. And we can consider it an apology for the Macbeth incident in your junior year,” She teased, raising an eyebrow and smiling.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

Neden Isimir
The Angel | Attire | #a39d9d

Neden couldn't help the small grin that formed on their face as Rosie complimented them. "Oh please, you're one to talk. You look-" they paused for a moment to look over her dress once more, "You look fantastic. Really." Neden beamed as the two continued to walk. "Well funnily enough, I do have one, just in case." Neden finished with a small nod, before taking a small sip of their drink. They were going to say something else, but just in luck someone made their way over to the two of them. Neden grimaced for a moment before turning to see who it was, before correcting their posture, "Oh hey, Alex." apparently they had caught the necromancer off guard, as he looked at them as if surprised.

However, at the question of whether or not he was interrupting anything, Neden paused, trying to think of how to come up with a more polite way of saying 'Yes, yes you are-', but the look that was exchanged between Neden and Rosie was enough for them, simply giving a small, slightly dejected shake of their head as well. What had caught Neden off guard though, was what Alex was here to say, not being able to help the raise of their eyebrow at what was being offered. Truth be told, his help could prove useful, all things considered. So, why not?

However, when Rosie brought up 'The Macbeth Incident', Neden's attention was brought to her, raising an eyebrow once again in question. Would they even want to know what she was talking about? Probably not. But they couldn't have been at least a little curious for whatever that incident was. Neden opened their mouth to form a response to said inquiry, but something else had gained their attention instead. The sound of the music from the orchestral band playing somewhere off in the room formed an idea in their head. Looking back at the two, Neden glanced between Alex, and then Rosie. Then back at Alex, "Hate to intrude this very intellectual conversation, and trust me, I would like to know what this Macbeth Incident was, but
I'm gonna have to borrow her for a few minutes-" Neden said before gently taking one of Rosie's wrists, and looked back out at where some other guests were. "You owe me a dance, and for once, this is one of the few things I know to do right." without much more, Neden kept their grasp on Rosie's arm, and pulled her along through the various groups of clustered people before managing to come out on the other side.

Taking the drink from Rosie's hand, Neden placed both her's and their's on a nearby table. Before turning back around to face the Siren in question. Correcting their posture once more as they gave a small bow, hand outstretched, "Honor me with a dance?" they questioned softly, "And I promise, I won't step on your feet."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Zoe Peña
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0.00 INK

zoutfit - mask - #6E9ECF

i thank you, friend, from all my heart
the one you shaped, gently and smart
for all you've seen
and all you've been

Zoe gasped, ”I look lovely?” She took half a step back, gesturing to Phoenix, ”Look at you!” She reached over to the man, picking some dog hair off his jacket with a smile, and looked around the room, her face turning a light shade of pink at the mention of Jaiden. She had texted her, so Zoe knew she was hanging around somewhere. Zoe had just decided she was going to let Jaiden find her. She still felt a little out of place in town, so it just felt
 Awkward to be roaming around someone’s home, even during a fancy party she’d been technically invited to. The flower shop was easier to talk about. ”Oh my god, it’s so great!” She gushed, waving her hands dramatically, ”Something about all the plants is so peaceful, you know?” She nodded, agreeing with herself whether Phoenix did or not. ”How’s the cafe? I always mean to stop in, and it seems silly that I never get around to it, it’s so close but
” She shrugged, ”I haven’t been getting out much, I guess

As if suddenly realizing Phoenix had changed his hair or something, Zoe tilted her head to the side, ”Did Alex not come?” She knew they were practically attached to one another at some point, ”He’d been so excited about the suit he’d gotten, I thought he’d be here for sure
” She wasn’t supposed to say anything about it to Phoenix; Alex had mentioned it while he was helping her hem the dress, just as something to talk about. Things were still pretty awkward between them most of the time, and Zoe didn’t know if it was Phoenix’s doing or not, but she could tell Alex was trying.

”It is an awful lot of people when they’re all in one place,” She admitted, knowing Alex had a thing about crowds, ”You’d never think the words ‘small town’ and ‘overwhelmingly crowded room’ could exist in the same sentence, really.” She half-laughed at her own little joke, then glanced around the room again.

zzzzoutfit - #3A0A4D

church bells ringing, muted singing
carries our exuberance away
our friends have all but left us
they departed many years ago

Alex nodded at Rosie, ”Any time you need me, let me know. I’m always awake except for when I should be,” He smiled, knowing Rosie knew that all too well after he slept through her homeroom class for two years straight, ”So you don’t need to worry about disturbing me.” He had defended himself enough about the Macbeth thing, and held fast that his interpretation of the script was exceedingly appropriate, even if the PTA didn’t agree. He opened his mouth to argue with Neden, but ultimately just smiled and nodded. He had something he needed to talk to Neden about, too, but it could wait.

”Enjoy yourself, don’t do anything I wouldn’t!”

Now to find Phoenix

He grabbed two flutes of champagne and started scanning the room. He spotted Jaiden first, and walked right over to her, ”Who’s curtains did you murder to get that outfit?” He smiled, waited half a second, and then launched into a poorly-prepared speech of sorts. ”Listen, Zoe is really nervous about tonight, and really excited,” He sighed, ”She
” No, that wasn’t something he should tell. He just
 He knew what it looked like, to look at your closest friend in town like they’d hung the moon. Well, he could usually spot that sort of thing, missed it in at least one case.

”She really values your opinion, okay.” He gave Jaiden a pointed look, hoping she’d understand the subtext behind his words. ”Here,” He handed Jaiden both glasses, ”Give her a drink, tell her she’s pretty, even if you think the dress sucks. It’s for my sake as much as hers you would not believe the work I put into making it fit her properly.” Pretty soon they’d found Phoenix and Zoe chatting, and Alex slid an arm around Phoenix’s waist, nuzzling his boyfriend’s cheek. Then he turned to Zoe and smiled, ”You look
” He frowned and reached out to adjust the way her neckline was laying, ”Perfect.”

Zoe giggled, ”Oh my god, you two are so cute! They matched and everything, ”Please make sure you get pictures.” Her eyes flitted to Jaiden, ”There you are! Hi.” She grinned at the woman, ”You look so great,”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Zoe Peña
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outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxi know the world's a broken bone
xxxbut melt your headaches, call it home
xxxhey moon, please forget to fall down
xxxhey moon, don't you go down

Even though Phoenix knew that Zoe and Alex were related, it was moments like this where he struggled to believe it. He’d spent most of his life being the one to do most of the talking in conversations, and he’d always been perfectly fine with that. He was used to filling up the empty spaces. But with Zoe, there were no empty spaces to fill. He wasn’t sure if it was nerves or if this was just how she was all the time, but he could hardly get a word in edgeways. It was strange, but he couldn’t say that he minded. Her enthusiasm and cheerfulness was infectious, and so he found himself nodding and smiling as she spoke. At the mention of Alex, Phoenix deliberately glanced over to where he was talking to Rosie. Neden had an expression on their face somewhat reminiscent of thunder. Phoenix had to bite back a laugh at that expression, turning to look back at Zoe. That was an expression he knew all too well. For years, he’d thought that it was just Alex being his usual grumpy self. Now, he could read it as something different.

“You’d be surprised. Nothing gets the people of Greythorne out like the promise of free food and drinks,” Phoenix said. As if summoned by the mere mention of free refreshments, Alex appeared from nowhere, his arm already going around Phoenix’s waist. The smile that came to Phoenix’s face was easy and relaxed, kissing the top of Alex’s head without even thinking about it. When Zoe commented on how cute they were, he just shrugged a little and laughed. At the mention of pictures and at Jaiden’s arrival, he was struck with an idea. “Hold on.” He fished out his phone and opened up the camera. “Everybody smile!” He called, snapping a few selfies before grinning in triumph and shoving his phone back into his pocket.

“Want to grab some drinks?” Phoenix said to Alex, a knowing glimmer in his eyes. Zoe and Jaiden needed some one on one conversation time, and he knew that Alex knew it too. “Enjoy!” He called to the two women.

outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxyou will remember
xxxwhen this is blown over
xxxand everything's all by the way
xxxwhen I grow older
Rosie grinned and shook her head a little as Alex made a joke about his sleeping patterns. She’d always let him sleep through her homeroom and had only ever made passing jokes about it, never actually writing him up for it. But she wasn’t beyond teasing him about it now. Before she could, however, Neden interjected and said they needed to borrow Rosie. Rosie raised an eyebrow, letting them take her wrist and pull her away. Alex’s parting remark made her laugh a little. She almost missed Neden’s comment about what exactly they wanted her for, but when she realised, she found herself a little taken aback.

Once they got to what could feasibly be called a dancefloor, Neden took Rosie’s glass from her hand. Truth be told, she’d almost forgotten she’d been holding it, and as Neden once again asked her for a dance, she suddenly wished that the angel hadn’t put the glass quite so far away. Rosie suddenly felt like she needed to down the rest of the glass to soothe the bubbling nerves in her stomach. She couldn’t quite explain it, and she didn’t want to in that moment either. Instead, she returned Neden’s bow with a curtsey. “I shall hold you to that,” she said, stepping in to take Neden’s hand.

Something about dancing with Neden felt oddly right. With Rosie in heels, they were almost the same height. The steps were slow at first as they got used to being in hold and to the beat of the music. Sure enough, Neden was a wonderful dancer. Rosie hadn’t danced properly in years, but with Neden, it all seemed to just come flooding back. They didn’t have to speak. They could just stay perfectly in sync and in time with the music.

But at the same time, Rosie found it almost unbearable. She hadn’t been this close to somebody for this long since
 well. For a little while. It felt all at once like it was lightyears ago and also no time at all. It felt too long and too soon all at once. It shouldn’t have mattered. Neden was a friend. Her best friend. That was all they had ever been. And yet a part of Rosie ached. Ached with some emotion too dangerous to put into words. Maybe it would have been easier if she had known how to put it into words. But she couldn’t name what she was feeling, let alone speak it aloud.

She was glad when the song came to an end. Letting go of Neden and taking a step back was more difficult than it should have been, but she did it anyway. “I think I need a drink after that,” she laughed lightly, a cover for an opportunity to step away and recover a little more than anything else. “I’ll grab you one too,” she said.

She had just taken another step away from Neden when the smell of ozone began to fill the air. She turned to look back at the angel, knowing that was unlikely to be good. But before she could ask any questions, the glass in the nearby windows shattered behind them. For a moment, the whole room was plunged into darkness, and when the lights flickered back on, a woman stood in the centre of the dancefloor. Rosie had never seen her before, but everything about her screamed danger. There was a violence about her, even as she stood perfectly still, just surveying all of those gathered. The silence that fell was heavy. And so Rosie took it upon herself to break it.

“Who are you?” She asked. The woman raised an eyebrow, studying her.
“You are not the one I wish to speak with, Siren.” She said, her voice echoing far more than it should have done in the packed room.
“Tough. I’m the one in charge here. Who are you?” Rosie repeated, taking a step forward. The woman laughed.
“You know, Siren, once upon a time, men said that our kinds were one and the same. Can we still call each other sisters? Will you stand against me?” She asked. Rosie swallowed, but raised her chin slightly.
“Your refusal to identify yourself makes me think that you are not the type I wish to ally myself with,” Rosie replied. “Tell me who you are.”
“I am Seterah. And I have come to seek justice for what I am owed.”