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Alex Garcia

"I am afraid. Not of life, or death, or nothingness, but of wasting it as if I had never been."

0 · 2,296 views · located in Greythorne

a character in “greythorne”, as played by phosphene


absinthe | The Sounds of Silence | One of the Drunks
"Life is for the living. Death is for the dead. Let life be like music. And death a note unsaid."
Life is for the living. Death is for the dead. Let life be like music. And death a note-Langston Hughes


i d e n t i t y
xxxxx|| Name || Alejandro Luis Peña Garcia
xxxxx|| Nicknames || Alex; Preferred, this is what he introduces himself as - various Spanish terms of endearment from his grandmother
xxxxx|| Gender || cismale
xxxxx|| Age || 23
xxxxx|| Birthday || March 19
xxxxx|| Sexuality || bisexual
xxxxx|| Hometown || born in Flagstaff, Arizona; raised in Greythorne.
xxxxx|| Ethnicity || Mexican, Puerto Rican, Spanish

a p p e a r a n c e

xxxxx|| Height || 5'9"
xxxxx|| Weight || 159 lbs
xxxxx|| Hair Color || Dark brown
xxxxx|| Eye Color || brown
xxxxx|| Identifying Features || Alex's arms are littered with the kinds of scars you might expect from someone practicing necromancy, along with a number of scars from childhood stupidity. His newest, ugliest scar, is on his lower abdomen; a horrible, gnarled scar given to him by a silver blade. It doesn't bother him as was supernaturally healed, which is likely the only reason he survived it, but the reminder of what happened will never leave him. His newest scar takes up a good bit of real estate on his left forearm; a sigil carved into his arm as way of marking, him for the pact he's made.
xxxxx|| Description || Alex is not an intimidating figure; though he stays fit, he really lacks the height and muscle mass necessary for his physique to be considered anything other than average. His hair holds big, loose curls which, at the length he keeps it, tends to fall in loose waves. He keeps it as tamed as he can, but anyone with textured hair will tell you that it's sometimes a loosing battle. Alex's eyebrows tend to give his resting face a sad, thoughtful quality. This, perhaps, makes him look much wiser than he could ever hope to be. While he doesn't dress in the highest fashions, Alex still likes to dress well. He's drawn to dark colors, tight jeans, and crisp, clean shoes; along with a menagerie of accessories. He tends to wear long-sleeves, as he doesn't like showing his scars. In all, he tends to try to fade away a little with his attire, even if his personality makes him stand out.

p e r s o n a l i t y

Alex tries to project an aura of being calm, cool, and collected. Sometimes he succeeds, but often times people can sense a deep and profound sense of uncertainty to him. When you’ve lived your life steeped in predictions of a future that may- or may not- come to be, you begin to worry, looking over your shoulder at every turn. His friends have grown weary of hearing his constant warnings. “Be careful,” may as well be a catchphrase. Even he has trouble taking himself seriously, though. When nothing you predict ever comes to be, you start feeling a little insecure. However, after recent events, he's begun to take his dreams and gut feelings more seriously, if only for himself.

Alex often thinks of his friends, and occasionally likes to do things for them. A text on their birthday, a small gift when they’ve achieved something important. He doesn’t normally go for large, grand gestures (though, he has been known to pull them off occasionally), but he does like to make sure the people in his life know he cares about them. Though he can be sarcastic, and will often decry all of a person’s faults, he’s still a fairly good friend. To that end, he loves to crack jokes, especially to ease a troubled mind, and most especially of all when his friends are worried about him.

He’s a big flirt, though his style of flirting can occasionally be a little on the
 aggressive side. Alex knows what he wants, and he’s not really one to beat around the bush to get it. He often flirts with his friends in what he considers a platonic way, and it’s something that most of them just get used to over time. He’s never held down a real relationship, so he doesn’t have much experience in love, and may have some trouble separating lust from romance if he ever decides to settle down.

Alex is very dysfunctional, and some consider it a wonder that he’s even still alive, though he gives credit to his best friend for getting him through his adolescence. His living space is cluttered with useless junk findings from his many traipses through the woods. He is, at best, chaotic and, at worst, a complete disaster. He often speaks without thinking, and the words that tumble out of his mouth often embarrass everyone but him. He seems to have no sense of shame whatsoever, which honestly serves him well.

Lately he's been a little... Fidgety. This is not uncommon, and anyone who's known him for more than the past few years has very likely seen this side of him many times before. Something is very wrong in Greythorne, and something is very wrong inside of him, as well, though he would never admit it. He let all the pain and fear out once, the night of the attack, and he is loathe to express it again. It's only natural for a near-death experience to give way to some trauma, but Alex prefers to pretend nothing happened to him, that night. That he's okay. The town has enough to worry about, they don't need to put him back on the list. He's fine. He's fine. He'll be fine. He just needs some rest, that's all. Just needs a drink. Just needs... He doesn't know what he needs, but he feels like he's missing a part of himself, and like he will never be safe again.


f l a v o r

xxxxx|| Likes || Alex seems to love food more than anything in the world, and giving him something delicious to eat is an almost surefire way to get in his good graces. He also loves running, and before the attack ran almost every morning, though he’s been scarcely seen outside his house since. He’s never minded dreamless sleep, and has occasionally drugged himself to ensure a restful night with no dreams. He likes to go on walks in the woods, both alone or with others, where he will often pick up rocks and other “treasures” he may find. He won’t say no to most alcoholic beverages, no matter how bad an idea drinking may be. He adores kissing, cuddling, and a few other less than pg activities. He’s been known to partake in... various substances- some more legal than others. He is, unsurprisingly, very fascinated with death, the idea, process, and aftermath of it. He just adores dogs, actually he loves most animals, really. He loves to listen to music, he loves to dance, and he absolutely adores a good party.
xxxxx|| Dislikes || Alex has a lot of vivid dreams, and over time they all start to meld together, and it becomes hard to tell the difference between visions sent from the dead, and regular dreams. He used to love chocolate, but since the attack on the town, it’s made his stomach churn. He can’t handle criticism, and loathes being talked down to. He neither needs or wants your pity, he had enough people pity him to last him a lifetime. He isn’t a fan of death, or at least, the finality of it. He’s accepted it for what it is, and can appreciate it, but he doesn’t like thinking that he, too, will die one day. He hates being the third wheel, though he’s had plenty of practice. And it isn’t that he dislikes Disney movies, but it seems the only time he ever watches them are with Phoenix crying on his shoulder while they eat ice cream. He’s not a fan of his father, and he’s even less fond of his mother. He doesn’t like the concept of accepting his feelings and emotions like a functional human being, and instead chooses to ignore them all and replace them with humor. Alex is pretty superstitious, and always keeps an eye out for bad omens.
xxxxx|| Fears || Alex is afraid of commitment and being alone; but most of all, he is afraid of his powers, and how badly they could go wrong.
xxxxx|| Secrets || Despite what he's always said, Alex is pretty open to the idea of falling in love. | He's only actually tried to raise the dead once, and it didn't go so well. | He has an on-and-off relationship with various drugs, which is a pretty poorly kept secret to anyone who has gotten to know him much at all | He feels himself spiraling out of control again, and feels powerless to stop it | He is terrified of being alone, especially at night, but he's trying to pretend that the attack didn't effect him muchxx

w i t c h

xxxxx|| Necromancy || Sensing the dead is no difficult feat; most everyone feels the chill of their spirits in old houses, abandoned woods, on the full moon. Many hear their cries and intelligible moans, but a necromancer makes sense of them. They see them, hear them, call on them in times of need. It is a magic full of ritual and superstition, and for good reason. Nearly every part of necromancy requires sacrifice, from leaving gifts for the dead, to a sacrifice of blood. Some, like Alex, receive visions in the form of dreams. Sleep can thin the veil between the living and the dead, making it an ideal time to impart ideas and knowledge. Knowledge of the present, of the past, and of the future. Ghosts exist on a less than linear path, and while their predictions are often less than reliable, more often than not they carry a warning. The dead, it seems, are not the most optimistic.

Raising the dead is a difficult task, and is best left to groups of experienced necromancers. Still, Alex has been known to raise the odd bird or small forest-dwelling creature out of a mixture of curiosity, and a desire to practice. But small animals are easier to raise than humans, easier to control, and require a less substantial sacrifice.
xxxxx|| Talents || Language: Alex speaks English and Spanish fluently, and he speaks passable French. Juggling: his friends tell him it's a useless skill, but you never know. Costuming: he's been making his own costumes for the town's fall festival every year since he was young, and they have only gotten more ridiculously elaborate with time.
xxxxx|| Strengths || Alex is good at drinking, he's not the fastest runner, but he has decent endurance, he's actually a fast learner, especially when it comes to physical tasks.
xxxxx|| Weaknesses || Silver, being a witch, he has a natural- and literal- weakness to silver, which can cause painful burns on contact. He's not so good at being serious, especially in tense or emotional situations. He doesn't have much of a filter, and has said some... Awkward things to people without thinking.

h i s t o r y

Alex's grandparents moved to Greythorne when they were a young couple, Abuela was younger than Alex is now, and already pregnant with their only child. They were a quiet family, until Marisol became a teenager; she was a trouble-maker, always up to no good. People have compared Alex to his mother since he was a child, but if they were being honest, he's much tamer. Alex’s mother ran away from Greythorne when she was no more than eighteen years old- Marisol Garcia had met a handsome young witch named Alejandro Peña, and Marisol ultimately decided to follow him and leave her home. The relationship was short-lived, but produced Marisol’s only child, who she named after his father.

From a young age, Alex showed his powers. His parents, being air and fire elemental witches, had no clue what to do with a child who wouldn’t stop talking to ghosts and resurrecting butterflies. Alex’s mother wanted to send him to Greythorne to live with his grandparents, as his grandmother was also a necromancer. His father didn’t agree, and the arguments this caused is what ultimately broke their on-and-off relationship for good. They had their final split the day before Alex's third birthday. He went to Greythorne to live with his grandparents the next year, barely speaking English, but a healthy, though nervous child.

Maria and Luis did their best with the boy, who they raised with as much love and support they could muster, but he was so like his mother. Headstrong and careless, Alex caused his fair share of trouble, though he was rarely alone. Phoenix was almost always nearby; though Phoenix was a little older, having another young witch in such a small town made for a nearly instant friendship- their personalities just sealed the deal. With Phoenix by his side, Alex came out of his shell, though some of the adults in town may have preferred he stay quiet and reserved. His grandparents (Abuela very vocally, Abuelo more passively) adored Phoenix, and welcomed him into their home any time he wanted to visit. The boy's were always the best of friends, and Alex's grandparents could tell from pretty early on that neither of them were straight. His Abuela even has had this idea in her head and Alex and Phoenix were going to grow up, be high school sweethearts, and be happy together forever- preferably right down the street. So, him sitting them down and saying he was bisexual was met with a tentative chorus of, "are you sure?" And "you know we would never think any less of you, no matter what." Which honestly confused Alex, but he just ignored it and went on with his life. He still has no idea why they reacted that way.

He visited his mother at Christmas and over the summers, but he never felt quite at home with her; never felt quite right so far from home. He saw his father more sporadically, and most of his contact with him was- and still is- limited to phone calls. The amount of time he's spent visiting and talking to both of his parents has trickled to practical radio silence over the years, culminating, most recently, with his mother sending him a birthday text a day late.

Alex had his first real taste of personal tragedy at fourteen, when his grandfather passed away. A lifetime of smoking and not caring for his health resulted in a heart attack, and he didn’t last long after that. It was sudden, unexpected, and wholly tragic. It ultimately led to the ruin of Alex’s relationship with his mother, when she didn’t even try to attend the funeral. The two haven’t been able to repair the damage, though they also haven’t tried.

His grandmother took a long time to recover from her grief, and Alex was often left alone to work through his own sadness. He spent a lot of time with his closer friends, but did wind up isolating himself more often than not. That, combined with him growing into his powers, and the stresses of high school became too much for him. One night, he went to bed, and had a vision of death, destruction, chaos, and darkness. He woke to a bedroom full of the dead, come to see him in his hour of darkness. Most people in town remember that cold February night, where Alex Garcia ran out of his home into the snow, wearing only a tee-shirt and his underwear. He was running from something most of them couldn’t see, couldn’t feel, and would never know.

It’s been a few years since then, and Alex has desperately tried to stay in control. He went deeply into himself for a long time, and completely ignored most aspects of his powers, only even using them to participate in rights and rituals with his grandmother. In the past few years, however, he decided to embrace himself and his powers, and to try to create a viable future for himself. He’s now nearly done apprenticing to be a funeral director, and has started to really try to understand his powers, and how to interpret his dreams. Or, he was.

The fall festival is normally a night filled with fun; there are endless things to do, and it's normally the town's collective favorite day of the year. Alex knew something was wrong, but he ignored every rational part of himself and pushed on through anyway. He was normally wrong about those things, anyway, so he had nothing to worry about. That was what he told himself, anyway. That everything would be fine. But he got separated from his friends, cornered by hunters, and he almost died in more ways than one. Now he can hardly close his eyes without being there again, cold and scared and alone. He would be lying if he said he wasn't angry, if he said he wasn't scared. He blames himself for some of it; he knew something wasn't right, and his ignored that. He feels like he should have tried to warn more people, but there is a part of him that knows no one would have listened. Nobody takes Alex seriously. Why would they? He had been the boy that cried wolf one too many times.

writer: nonconformingrole - fc: Diego Boneta - hex code: #3a0a4d

So begins...

Alex Garcia's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser Character Portrait: Kaylessa Valven
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0.00 INK

outfit | #D4AF37


outfit | #78b0ad
xxxxxdon't ever think you're alone here, we've just been trapped in different hells
Zada couldn’t say she minded seeing Kay. The girl was a delight, and if her concern was genuinely as urgent as she made it sound, then Zada would feel nothing but guilt if she didn’t make time for Kay. The news that Kay was leaving wasn’t the most surprising thing Zada had heard- Greythorne was becoming dangerous, and Zada couldn’t blame anyone that decided leaving town was a better option.

Kay sat down, and Zada walked towards the couch, but decided to stand. She glanced back at Alex when Kay greeted “Triss,” shooting a silent warning not to say a word. He seemed to understand. Quickly, Zada turned all of her attention to Kay. She tried not to grimace at the mention of Hayden. He didn’t seem like a terrible man, but he was still a man. Before she could offer any kinds of warnings about the nature of men, Kay had stood, and wrapped Zada in a tight embrace. Instinctively, Zada wrapped her arms around Kay, returning the hug. Zada wasn’t much of a hugger, but knowing that Kay would be leaving
 Zada wasn’t inclined to be the first to let go.

The fact that Alex would probably not get to properly say goodbye to Kay was upsetting, to say the least. It seemed to Alex that he and Kay had always been friends. She was sweet, and caring, and he enjoyed her company. Mostly, Kaylessa seemed to be there to talk to Zada, which made sense. It didn’t seem like Kay and Triss were particularly well acquainted. Alex felt a little like he was eavesdropping, but there wasn’t much he could do, barring leaving the room (which he doubted Zada would be very happy with, she seemed to want to keep an eye on him). But then Kay mentioned him and Phoenix, and Alex wasn’t sure what to think.

As Kay went over her story, detailing the night she fell into the lake, Alex felt his heart drop, and guilt form in his stomach all at once. He started piecing things together in his mind, and suddenly a few events made a lot more sense to him.

“Kay,” Alex looked up, a little surprised to see Zada with one hand on Kay’s shoulder, the other on the girl’s face. Alex couldn’t say he’d ever seen Zada be so gentle; she stood there, looking very much like a mother consoling her child. “Alex is a fool. He didn’t deserve you then, he doesn’t deserve you now, and even if- by some miracle- he were to grow and be a better person, so would you; and you’d likely find that he wasn’t what you wanted, anyway. Men are rarely worth the trouble they put us through.” All that, said as if Alex wasn’t standing three feet away from her.

When Kay asked if she should tell Alex, he was quickly reminded that he wasn’t quite himself (as if he could have forgotten), and Alex couldn’t keep his opinion to himself, “If it were me,” God, hearing someone else’s voice speaking his thoughts was a feeling he couldn’t begin to describe, “I think I’d like to know.” Alex caught the glare Zada shot him as Kaylessa bound over to hug him- Triss. This would be his only chance to really say goodbye, so he hugged Kay tightly, deeply wishing he’d been better to her over the years, and that she’d told him how she felt. He could have let her down much more gently if he’d known.

Then Phoenix showed up, and so did his body. He assumed Triss was in there, based on the look he got. Truly, Alex wanted nothing more than to go to Phoenix; he’d always leaned a lot on Phoenix when things were difficult. With Kay there, though, he couldn’t. Instead, he found himself carefully watching himself. Triss? He’d never seen himself from this perspective, and it was strange, to say the least.

When Phoenix came by, Zada wanted to check on Triss (that had to be Triss. Poor thing, trapped in Alex’s body. He really got off easy, with this one), but she couldn’t with Kay there. So instead, Zada stood by Alex (who was irritating her more with each passing second; though she had to admit, she didn’t know which Alex to be more annoyed by). When she saw the wink from the man’s body, she just raised a brow. When (who she could only assume to be) Triss kissed Kaylessa, Zada found herself looking to Phoenix, and then to Alex. Neither of them looked particularly pleased. Then Kay left, and Phoenix quickly disappeared as well. Before she could say a word to anyone, Alex was being his brutish self.

Alex had never been known for being particularly level-headed, but he waited a moment after Kay left to react to the situation. “What the fuck was that?” He was, of course, referring to the kiss, “Why would you do that?”

Zada rolled her eyes, “As if you wouldn’t have done something similar.”

“No, I wouldn’t have.” He closed his eyes for a few seconds, pressing his fingernails into the palm of his hand. The last thing he wanted to do was explode; he needed Zada to cooperate with him, because for all he knew, that was going to be the only way to get Triss to cooperate. “Zada, I know you hate me, but come on. You know me better than that.” When Phoenix came back, Alex instinctively wanted to apologize, but he’d done nothing wrong, so he didn’t know what for.

Zada raised an eyebrow when Phoenix asked what they were going to do, “You don’t know how to fix it?” She turned an accusatory eye to Alex, “Then why did you do this in the first place?”

Alex sighed, “I didn’t. I’m-”

“Sure, you didn’t do anything. That’s why you woke up in my house. In Trisstana’s body.”

Alex didn’t like what she was implying, “Believe it or not, I don’t sit around and think up different ways to make your life difficult.”

Zada huffed, “I just think this feels suspiciously like-”

“That’s enough, Zada,” Alex interrupted, “We don’t have time to stand around and argue.”

The fact that he had the nerve to interrupt her was more than enough to make rage flare up in Zada. If he’d been in his proper body, she might have slapped him. Then again, he might’ve liked that, so she might not have. As it was, she just wanted Triss back in her own body. “Fine. How would you explain this, then?”

That was a good question, and Alex didn’t know how to answer it. “Well, I don’t,” He’d turned to look at his proper body when he spoke. He was slightly annoyed that Phoenix had let Triss out with short sleeves on, but his eyes were quickly drawn to the prominent scar on the left forearm. Shit. He turned to Phoenix, “D’you think it was,” He briefly considered trying to keep the situation quiet, but then he figured that Zada and Triss were going to find out anyway, “The demon?” She’d wanted something from him, and he’d decided to ignore her. At the time, he’d thought that maybe, if he didn’t do what she’d wanted, she’d break the contract. He didn’t think that she’d be
 Doing this.

Zada had never been super concerned about demons. She didn’t have an immortal soul, so they didn’t have much on her. She’d even been friends with a demon or two, in her day. However, she knew that an angry demon was no laughing matter. “You’ve pissed off a demon?” She scoffed, ”And got us involved. Wonderful.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxhow it should be
xxxmany years after the disasters that we’ve seen
xxxwhat have we learned?
xxxother than people burn in purifying flame
Phoenix wished he could say he was surprised when Zada decided to blame Alex for the whole thing, but he’d been expecting it. As they bickered, he just threw himself into the nearest chair, slinging a leg over the armrest. Trying to get a word in edgeways was going to be futile and a waste of effort. But as Alex told Zada to stop, that they didn’t have time, it was enough to even get Phoenix to look up in surprise. He knew that Alex was more than a little scared of the mermaid- but then again, maybe Phoenix’s presence was enough to reassure him that Zada probably wouldn’t kill him there and then.

The thought of the demon being involved had already occurred to Phoenix, but he’d just
 prayed that Alex would know something he didn’t. Some
 spell backfiring or something on another midnight trip to the woods or something. But the moment that Alex shot him that look, a look he could read even from someone else’s body, Phoenix knew that his fears had been justified.

 yeah, it’s starting to look more and more like that, isn’t it?” He said, running a hand through his hair. “But
 you haven’t done anything. We’ve just been
 ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away.” Like that wasn’t how he coped with everything, like his first port of call of dealing with any negative emotion wasn’t to ignore it, bury it deep, deep down and hope it didn’t resurface. It hardly ever worked, and it occasionally made things worse. Like how he’d just ignored how he knew Kay liked Alex but hadn’t said anything, and now they’d ended up here, and everyone involved was probably angry at him.

 I’m guessing that you don’t want to get Abuela involved in this?” He said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “So
 how do we fix this?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser
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0.00 INK

unless i am myself,
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi am nobody.
Saying she wasn’t proud of herself with the reaction she got, Triss would’ve been lying. The half-elfs blushing red and stuttering, and the witches getting upset entertained her a bit, not caring that the one named Phoenix stormed away while the other one asked what that was about. Trisstana just shrugged as Zada quickly spoke, accusing him that he would do the same, causing her to let out a bit of a chuckle, but stopping once hearing the octave that laugh was at, not exactly something she liked.

Triss’s eyes darted between the others as they talked. Zada quickly tried to take control and figure out what was going on, and accused Alex of causing it. This exact thought did come across her mind; witches could cause a number of problems and their spells were very unpredictable to Triss, so in her mind this was 100% their fault and they would know how to fix it. She was a bit disappointed when they said it wasn’t their fault, she would've been happy to blame and yell at them for this. But as her old body looked back at her, their eyes met for a second, as her old body scanned her current form.

She had never seen herself like this before. Trisstana had of course seen herself in a mirror or reflections of water, but this was different. She mostly ignored the others as they talked, something here or there about a demon, but her eyes were fixated on Alex, in her body. The way the bright yellow hair floated down her shoulders, the scars scattered beautifully across her skin, the perfect shape of her body; she could now see why it was so easy for her to seduce and mystify other men. Triss slowly walked over to her body as the others continued to talk.

As Trisstana approached silently, Alex took a few steps back. “Stand still.” She said in a flat tone, more of a demand than a question. Triss didn’t stop until she was inches from Alex, looking down slightly at him, at her. Her hands lightly grabbed Alex at his hips, feeling them through the thin clothing. “Never seen myself like this before
” She whispered as her hands slid up until right beneath her old body’s breasts. As her palms began to go over the mounds on Alex’s chest and start to begin to squeeze, Triss felt a force from beside her push her away, quickly looking and seeing Zada, and not exactly in a happy mood.

“I.. Sorry. Little seafish, I’m sorry. I got distracted. Won’t happen again.” Triss quickly said looking Zada in the eyes, before her head dropped down. She can’t imagine what or how that made her feel, and in part with, made her feel terrible for making her feel that way. “So, what’s the plan? Something about a demon or something? Can’t you just like, sacrifice something in their name or something? And why did they have to pick me?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser
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0.00 INK

there are no bargains between lions and men,
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi will kill you and eat you raw.
Zada could believe that Alex would make a stupid mistake and get himself into trouble, what felt unbelievable to her was that he had the nerve to get her involved. If looks could kill, he would have been dead even after he stood there and floundered about the details of what happened. It was typical of him. He was a prime example of a man who’s only redeeming qualities were that he was generally nonviolent, and he was handsome. And now, with him being in Trisstana’s body, Zada didn’t know what to think.

She watched for a moment as Triss approached Alex. Zada knew, in her gut, that nothing good would come of that. Still, for a moment, she felt powerless to do a thing. Beside, Triss would surely never do anything stupid. Probably was just curious, wanted a closer look. Seeing the look that crossed Trisstana’s face- even if Alex was the one in her body- Zada felt temporarily crushed. She glanced between them, and decided to end that exchange before it got out of hand. “That’s enough.” Her voice was even, even as she roughly pushed Triss away from her own body
 Away from Alex. She looked at Alex as Triss apologised, and for a moment she started to reach out to him, but stopped herself just shy of resting a hand on that familiar shoulder. She looked at Phoenix, almost as if to ask if he was okay.

Truly, she would also like to know why Trisstana was chosen, but something in her thought it may have something to do with the fact that she’d tried to kill Alex in the past. Demons had a strange sense of humor. When Alex didn’t immediately answer Triss’ questions, Zada shot a look at Phoenix. Was Alex going to be able to keep it together?

“Alex?” Even she was surprised by how concerned, and how gentle her voice sounded. If Alex couldn’t keep from fall apart during all of this, she was worried that he and Trisstana may wind up stuck this way. That was the last thing she wanted.

i am out with lanterns,
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzlooking for myself.
 you haven’t done anything. We’ve just been
 ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away.” After Phoenix said that, Alex started to wonder if that wasn’t the issue. The demon had asked for Alex to do something for her, and he’d decided to ignore her. Clearly, she wasn’t a low-maintenance woman. He shook his head vigorously when Phoenix asked if he wanted to involve his abuela. No, he didn’t want that. Not unless this was too big of a problem to fix by himself. This was exactly the kind of thing she’d always warned him about. He couldn’t very well go and prove to her that he couldn’t handle life out on his own. He was even on his own, and he didn’t even pretend to not understand just how much Phoenix did for him. He wished he knew how to fix it off the top of his head.

“Well, umm-” He started, but quickly cut himself off when he noticed himself- Triss- walking towards him. Alex had never thought of himself as intimidating, but something about the unfamiliar look on that face. His face. Triss’ face? Confusion mixed with uncertainty and turned to a bit of fear. He started to step back, get out of the way, but stopped when he was told to stay still. What a time to start listening to other people. “What are you doing?” For how out of control he felt, he had to give himself credit; he didn’t falter. It was weird, being touched like this. Not necessarily unpleasant, but they really didn’t have the time for this. Then he felt the hands on his chest, and that was something he was entirely unfamiliar with. He felt his cheeks burn red, but almost as quickly as it had all started, it was ended. He turned his head and stared at the wall for a moment, trying to process just what he was feeling. This feeling wasn’t entirely unfamiliar, and all he knew for certain was that he desperately wanted his own body back. He wanted to forget this had ever happened. He remembered how easily Triss had enchanted him before, and wondered if he wasn’t accidentally doing the same thing now.

He didn’t even realize he hadn’t been paying attention until he heard his name, “Alex?” He turned and looked at Zada- it was weird hearing her say his name with so little hatred in her voice.

He shook his head, “I’m trying to think.” He spared a glance at Phoenix, as if to check in on him, “The demon, she probably just wants to make my little difficult so I
 I don’t know, always do what she wants.” He thought, probably, that if they just did what she’d asked for in the first place, maybe she’d fix everything. Hopefully, anyway. He didn’t know how forgiving she was. “She wanted an altar
 Or something.”

He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at Triss, “How are you feeling?” Before she got the chance to go on some tangent about how much she hated being in his body, he added, “Physically.” He sighed, and added, “My blood is what I used to bind the pact, and I doubt I’ll be able to substitute your blood for what I’m going to need to do, even if I’m in your body.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser Character Portrait: Kaylessa Valven
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outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxhow it should be
xxxmany years after the disasters that we’ve seen
xxxwhat have we learned?
xxxother than people burn in purifying flame
Phoenix just nodded at Alex’s objection to involving Abuela. She’d spent most of Alex’s life trying to get him to embrace his abilities, so for him to go and do something like this
 she’d probably kill him. Or, at the very least, he’d certainly never live this down.

Phoenix could feel his stomach sinking as Triss made his way over to Alex. He went to stand up, already bracing himself to intervene, thinking that things were about to go wrong. He was right, but it wasn’t in the way he imagined. He was expecting a fight, but one look at Triss in Alex’s body told him that wasn’t it. He could only watch helplessly as hands grasped hips. His breath was catching in his throat, even though he knew it wasn’t Alex doing that, even though he knew that he wouldn’t, it felt like all of his nightmares were starting to come true and why couldn’t things be easy-

He snapped back to reality as Zada intervened, like waking up from some horrific dream. She’d been able to do what he should have done, but instead he’d just frozen because he was too much of a coward.

He met Zada’s gaze but couldn’t even force himself to respond. And she was the one to check in on Alex as he was silent for too long. And he felt Alex looking at him, everyone was checking on him and he couldn’t keep it together, he needed to pull it together or he’d be completely useless-

He forced himself to take in a deep, shaking breath, trying to ground himself. He hadn’t even realised that he was sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest, a very visible sign that he wasn’t as okay as he might have wanted to seem. There was something about an altar, and needing a blood sacrifice or something. “Is there any way you can contact her? Try and figure out exactly what we need to do? We can’t risk doing it wrong and making her more angry. If this is her punishment for just ignoring her, we don’t want to make her any angrier.” His voice was surprisingly steady, considering he was pretty sure that if his hands weren’t gripping his ankles they would have been shaking.

outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxi know we're not everlasting
xxxwe’re a train wreck waiting to happen
xxxone day the blood won't flow so gladly
xxxone day we'll all get still
Rosie grinned as Neden went in to hug Kay, stepping away to let the angel hug the half-elf. She was going to miss Kay, but she was happy to see the girl spreading her wings and seeing the world. Greythorne was nice, but seeing new places and meeting more people like her and learning about the world. The necklace that Neden gave Kay was suitably pretty for her, and she was so happy to receive the gift.

She nodded as Kay mentioned saying something to Trav, but then Travis appeared from down the hall and got her attention. She laughed as Kay ran and hugged him, but at the back of her mind she was concerned. She trusted Kay not to say anything deliberately, but she could get excited and mention Trav to the wrong person. She let them have their goodbye, wondering how she was going to tell Trav about the trial. At least Kay wouldn’t be here for that, it would break her heart. Rosie didn’t want to think about how she would break the news to Kay if everything went wrong.

She nodded as Trav said him and Evelyn were going hunting, laughing as Evelyn said she’d stop him from doing anything stupid. “Have a nice time!” She called, turning back to Neden. “So. I know we said that we were going to leave the trial behind but
 we have to tell him. Let him prepare, and let him get his defense ready. Officially, of course, I won’t be able to help him but
 will you help him? Just
 so he has someone on his side. So he has a fighting chance.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser
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0.00 INK

The Nixie
outfit | #D4AF37


The Demon
outfit | #191919
in the very depths of hell, do not demons love one another?
Trisstana stood there a minute staring at Alex, waiting for a reply. He seemed to be frozen and only broke out of whatever thought he was in when Zada said his name. He began speaking about the demon wanting to make his life difficult or something. Triss just sighed as she turned around and headed towards the single seat couch and flopped down. She felt like she was starting to get a headache, probably caused by all that was going on around her. The others continued to talk among themselves, but she just closed her eyes and tried to relax. Though as she closed her eyes, she felt like she was being pulled into a deep sleep, the voices of Zada, Alex, and Phoenix seemed to begin to get quieter and quieter. At the point when she couldn’t hear anything, so she opened her eyes and was thrown off when everyone around her was good and her environment seemed
 empty, but she was still in her and Zada's house.

The front door opened, and instead of streams of light, an impossible, otherworldly, darkness seemed to shine in through the open door. A figure walked in, dressed more for a gala than a walk in the woods. Beautiful, and with an air about her that she’d lived lifetimes before you were even on the horizon. “Nice little place you’ve got here.” She had an accent, but it was difficult to place. Like it came from years of speaking a language that had long since been forgotten. She crossed the room to sit in an armchair, smoothing out her skirt as she sat. She seemed to have the ability to make an ordinary chair look more like a throne, just from virtue of having her sit upon it. “Trisstana, was it?” She said, as if they’d met before, “How are you finding my client’s body? I do hope you’re comfortable.” Without really letting Triss respond, she continued, saying, “Thank you for meeting me here.” As if Trisstana had any choice in the matter.

The door opening caught Triss’ attention, but the woman that walked in held her attention. The woman was wearing a black ball gown dress that showed off her assets, short necklace that hung around her neck, and pitch black eyes that seemed to stare into your soul, though Triss didn’t know they literally did. The woman had a very unique aura around her. “Excuse me?” Trisstana spoke, confused by having her more feminem voice back and then realizing she was back in her body, and wearing an outfit she hadn’t worn nor seen before, sort of reminding her of a sort of school uniform. The woman continued speaking, not giving much time for a reply between questions and comments. Though from how she spoke, her accent, and the words she said, Triss was able to put the pieces together rather quickly. “So you’re Alex’s demon that’s responsible for this. And I’m not enjoying it, men feel so
 unnatural.” She shuttered her body before continuing. “I appreciate being back to my natural form though, Miss

An eyebrow raised, this one was interesting. “I apologise, little one, it’s nothing personal.” She tilted her head when Triss asked her name, as if debating whether she should give it or not. “You may call me Setareh.” It was, of course, not the demon’s true name. Triss didn’t need to know that, though. “I’ve called you here to speak with you, Trisstana.” She smiled, though with those eyes, it would never look natural. “Alejandro is behaving like a child, and children who misbehave must be punished. I would not have involved you, but it seemed a good way to get his attention.” She shrugged, “If you would be so kind tp pass a message along; once he learns his lesson, all will be well again.” A dismissive wave of her hand, “You should be back to normal in ten, fifteen years. Maybe five if he behaves. I can be swayed by devotion and loyalty.”

Setareh. Obviously a name with an old origin. The woman’s smile wasn’t the most relaxing thing for Triss, but it held a sort of aura between the lips that drew Triss to want to listen. She let out a chuckle when Setareh said Alex was being childish; from what she’s heard from Zada that wasn’t much of a surprise. But after the length of this punishment, she no longer agreed. “Years? I haven't have time for years, Setareh. I mean no offense to you, but time is more precious for us. If I’m stuck as him for any amount of years, I’m either going to kill myself, or kill him.” Triss spoke true, knowing better to piss off a demon. Her mind lingered on the comment of devotion and loyalty, knowing a deal with a demon always comes with a price.

Setareh chuckled, “By all means, kill one of your bodies.” A wicked sort of smile spread across her face, “I’d like to see what happens.” Clearly, neither of their lives meant much to the demon. She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees, and her head on her hands, “You may even get back in your own body if you kill his. Or you may trap him in yours forever.” Her face changed, the expression suddenly stone cold and impossible to read, “But if you find it unacceptable
” A soft smile graced her lips; not overtly sinister, but it certainly didn’t look friendly, “Perhaps we can come to an agreement.”

A sigh left Triss’ lips as Setareh spoke, not seeming to care if her client, servant, or whatever Alex was to her died, Trisstana truly had no leverage in this meeting. She raised her eyebrow as the demon spoke of an agreement, joined with a smile that didn’t seem like it would be followed with good news. Triss leaned back against the couch for a moment, thinking. “I’m a Nixie, I know you could have a million other beings serve you, what benefit from me?” She spoke after taking the moments to speak, genuinely curious what the demon could ask for, assuming it wouldn’t be easy nor simple.

Setareh shrugged and waved a dismissive hand when Triss asked how she could benefit from her, “It’s simple, little one; the best person for the job is the one right in front of you.” She stood up and took the few steps in front of Triss, stopping right in front of the woman so she would be forced to look up at her, “My wants are simple, really. I only want to be adored.” This probably wasn’t the truth, but it was the narrative she was crafting, “Sure, I could kill Alejandro for his insolence, but do you have any idea how hard it is to track down a natural necromancer with low enough self-esteem to make a deal with a demon?” She shook her head, “Nearly impossible.” She placed a hand on either side of Triss, leaning over until their faces were nearly touching, “I need him to listen to me.” For a moment, her facade seemed to crack: she wasn’t as in control as she seemed. “I can’t have him ruining my reputation, but I cannot waste his pact.” There was an intensity in her voice, as if all the world depended on this moment. Maybe her world did.

Triss kept her eyes on the demon, even more so when she got up and walked towards her, stopping in front of the cushion she was sitting on. Even if Triss wanted to move, or even look away, it would be hard now. But Triss kept the stare, looking up the tall woman, even tall to Triss. She almost wanted to laugh as Seterah described Alex; Alex did seem to fit the type to make deals with someone and not knowing the consequences, as well as stupid enough to try to ignore them when they are made with a demon. Triss was about to speak when the demon slowly bent down to her, faces inches from each other, as well as having a much more enhanced view of the demon. She was starting to get a bit red now in her face, usually she would try to hide it, but Triss just let it come out. Seterah was trying to get into her head, and while the demon was beautiful and knew how to use her beauty to get what she wanted, Triss knew this was her goal and knew the game well, doing it in the past herself.

“So what, you want me to just tell him to stop ignoring you and ‘adore’ you Seterah?” Trisstana asked, trying to get more of a clarification from the demon. “I’ve always been told deals that sound too good to be true, are. What else is it you want?” She knew better than to just trust the demon with the first words spoke, expecting more to be revealed between the lines and under fine print. “And is this deal between us binded when I say yes, or some sort of other thing?”

Seterah smiled, “I need you to guide him, assure my altar is built. That’s all I want.” It was true, though, that there wasn’t much of an agreement to be made there, not many ways it could be made binding. “There is one other thing,” She- presumably from nowhere- produced an ancient piece of parchment, folded neatly into a small square. “For my altar. You’ll know what to do with it when the time comes.” She held the paper firmly, but not out of Triss’ reach, “This is a short term agreement, and I want to make sure you understand the conditions.” She stayed there, in Trisstana’s space, “You do this one thing for me, and I will expedite your return to your proper body.”

She stood, calmly (and perfectly- impossibly- still) and waited for confirmation that these terms were acceptable. When Triss agreed, Seterah smiled. It was a wicked sort of grin, but perhaps that was the only way the demon knew how to smile. She held onto the paper, a corner in each hand, and extended it to Triss, “Hold it firmly, with both hands.” She didn’t let go of the parchment when Triss took hold of it, “It will be on your person when you wake.” She looked directly into Trisstana’s eyes for a moment of uncomfortable, unblinking, eye-contact as she whispered something in a language Triss couldn’t understand. The moment she finished speaking, she planted a deep kiss on Trisstana’s lips. Some pacts were bound in blood, others in flesh. She let go of the parchment, transferring it to Triss’ care even as she transferred power between them. She broke the kiss, smiled at Triss, and said, “I’m sure we’ll meet again.” Before pressing a hand to Triss’ chest, pushing her backwards, and into black nothingness.

The two women kept eye contact while Seterah spoke, only breaking when a paper square appeared. The deal was simple, make sure Alex built some sort of altar, seemed easy enough. “Okay Seterah, I accept this deal.” Triss spoke quickly, reaching for the paper and holding the corners opposite of the ones the demon was holding, looking back up at the demon as she was told it would be on her person when she woke up. She nodded in response, but before she could ask how or where, the demon’s glare to her changed, sending a chill down Triss’ spine, and then began whispering a tongue that she could not understand. Just as the words ended a kiss was received from the demon; she could feel something more than just a kiss from it, some sort of vigor or intense energy. She was still a little stunned as the demon broke the kiss, being met with a smile, one that was different than all the other times she smirked or grinned during their conversation. The demon spoke again and then pushed her hand into Triss. Everything slowly changed to blackness and Triss felt as if she fell through the couch she was sitting on, and was falling.

unless i am myself,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi am nobody.
Trisstana sat up quickly, letting out a small shriek. Her eyes shot open and she looked around, relieved to be back in the actual house and seeing Zada and Phoenix, and of course her body. She looked down at herself and saw she was back in Alex’s body. “Fuc-” Triss went to mumble seeing she was trapped again, but felt something in her mouth and parted her lips and pulled out a small paper square, the one from Seterah. “So
 it wasn’t just a dream.” She mumbled to herself before looking up at Alex. “I spoke with her.” Triss said quickly, pausing as Alex seemed confused and she took a moment looking down at the paper in her hand. “Seterah. Your demon.”

As she read her hand through the short hair on her head, Triss stood up and paced for a bit, going through all that just happened to her, all of it feeling so real, even still being able to taste the demon on her lips. “We talked and she said the whole body this would last ten to fifteen years, or like five if Alex was on good behavior.” She paused for a second, but quickly continued. “But we made an arrangement, a deal.” Triss sighed, already feeling like a deal with a demon was a bad idea, especially since that is what got them into this mess. She was hoping Alex wouldn’t ask if their deal was sealed, not caring if he assumed it was or wasn’t, she didn’t really feel like talking about the kiss. “Seterah gave me this paper and said something about you needing to finish making the altar, her altar.” Triss showed the paper, but quickly pulling back as Alex reached for it, though not entirely sure why she pulled it away. “I
 I think I should hold onto it.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser Character Portrait: Zoe Peña
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0.00 INK

being alive is in itself a little thrilling,
zzzzzzzzzzzzzand pleasant, and romantic, and miraculous.


Zoe nodded when Jaiden said she’d do well, and said she knew a guy who could help them if they needed it. She was pretty sure Jaiden meant Phoenix, and if she did, Zoe knew they’d be in good hands if they ran into anything they couldn’t handle. As Jaiden kept talking, Zoe couldn’t help but laugh, “I wouldn’t have minded staying with you, but I appreciate having a space of my own.” She started thinking of everything she could potentially do now, with a more permanent place to stay. Jaiden was wondering what she’d do, and so was she. “I really miss playing piano. I might see if I can find a keyboard or something. I don’t want to get rusty.” She nibbled absently on her lower lip, very obviously mulling that over, “Is there anywhere in town that might have a keyboard? I don’t want anything too heavy to have to move up the stairs or anything.” A bit of a mischievous look crossed her face as she joked, “I don’t know anyone well enough for that.”

Then, as if the realization hit her all at once, she said, “I need to call my dad. I was only supposed to stay for a week or two in the first place. He’s probably going to be upset that I’m staying
” Then, she quickly added, “I mean, just because he worries,” She didn’t want to paint her parents in a negative light- they weren’t bad people, just a little overbearing, “I’m his only daughter, and he lives in Arizona, and Alex doesn’t even talk to him, so growing up it was like I was an only child. With the attacks and everything here, he wants me to come home. But, Greythorne just
 Feels like it could be home. You know?” Zoe’s mind was buzzing: she didn’t have an abundance of things to move. She wondered if she could get her parents to mail her the rest of her clothes. She would still need to go shopping soon, buy some essentials she’d need if she was staying.

“Oh,” She’d only just calmed down, and here she was on the verge of tears again, “I’m so excited! I need to get all my things together. Not that I brought a whole lot with me. I mean, it’s way more than I needed for a two week stay, but it still isn’t much.” Was she talking too much? She hoped not. She was really excited. “I really think that making a life here for myself, without my parents to try to push me down the path they took
 I think it’ll be good for me.” Zoe didn’t mind it in Arizona, and she didn't mind helping to teach the young children, but she did know that this was an opportunity to be her own person.

She cleared her throat and picked a menu back up, “So
 What’s good here?”

Alex was probably going to be pissed that she was staying.

i am out with lanterns,
zzzzzzz.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.looking for myself.
Alex wasn’t too surprised when Triss brushed off his questions in favor of sitting down. It was a little frustrating, but fine, sure. He could figure this out. Phoenix asked if they could contact the demon, and Alex turned to him. Seeing Phoenix this way, so visibly upset, filled his chest and face with guilt. This was all his fault, and he knew it. If he’d made better decisions, none of this would be happening. And what was all this for? Because he was scared? His anxiety seemed to do nothing but hurt Phoenix. “I can try to contact her. She normally contacts me.” Alex didn’t even know if the demon would respond if he tried to reach out to her.

“You don’t know how to contact her, do you?”

Alex sighed, “I can
 I’ll figure it out. I just need a minute to think, it’ll be different in-” He looked over to his body, to Triss. Asleep. “Are you fucking kidding me? She’s sleeping?” He knew why this was happening to him, but he just felt so
 Powerless. A part of him wanted to lash out, but he helpfully reminded himself that he’d gotten them all into this mess. He went to massage the bridge of his nose between his first two fingers and his thumb, but it was all wrong. It felt wrong- this wasn’t his face. His frustration and anxiety were growing by the second, and that had historically not been a good combination for him. This was such an impossibly big task, he felt like he could hardly think. What if they were stuck that way forever? What would that mean for him? He knew that wasn’t something that Phoenix could handle. Was it something that he could handle? Probably not. No, this wasn’t going to be permanent. It couldn’t be. He’d find a way to fix this.

He had to.

For a moment, he considered excusing himself to the kitchen. He could use a glass of water, and maybe a moment without Zada glaring holes into his skull. But that was assuming she didn’t follow right behind him. He hated this. He was confused and angry and scared, and he didn’t feel like himself. He hadn’t felt this weird and awkward since puberty had coincided with the beginnings of his ghostly visions. At this point, he wasn’t sure which was worse. He sighed; he couldn’t run from Zada, not in her own house.

“I know it’s not what anyone wants to hear, but I just need a little time to figure out if I can still contact the demon. For all I know she’s severed my connection to her, or I can’t do it properly outside of my body. I’ve never had to contact a demon while also being stuck in someone else’s body before.” He looked over at Phoenix, “We’ll figure this out, though.” Though, if he were being honest, he wasn’t sure how confident he felt. This was a disaster.

Then he heard a yelp, and turned to see that Triss was awake. Was that really what he sounded like? He watched as Triss pulled something out of his her mouth, and it struck him how odd that seemed. “I spoke with her.” Alex just stared at Triss after she’d said that, a small shake of his head to indicate that he wasn’t following, but she quickly confirmed she was talking about the demon. Alex wasn’t familiar with the name, but he wasn’t about to admit that he hadn’t known it before then.

Alex crossed his arms as Triss went over the conversation she’d had with the demon. Even five years like this was too long, but before anyone could complain about it, Triss went on to say that she’d made a deal. Alex didn’t think that was such a good idea, but then there was something about a paper, and constructing the altar. Alex went to grab the paper when Trisstana showed it to the group, but it was pulled away before he had the chance. “Okay, you keep the paper,” In truth, Alex was a little offended that Triss didn’t seem to trust him to even look it over, and it showed in his voice, “Is that all we have to do, then? Make the altar?" In theory, that would be easy enough. Things were never easy in Greythorne, though. "If that's the case, we should get to it. We’ll have to gather some supplies..." He started going over the list of things they’d need in his head: some stones, candles, maybe some other miscellaneous things for decoration. Seterah never said the altar had to look any specific way, just that she wanted it to be in the woods. He assumed that something simple would suffice.

you never really understand a person
zzzzzz.zzzuntil you consider things from his point of view
Zada was already tired of having men in her house. She didn’t invite many men through her front door, and it was mostly because most of them grated her down to her last nerve. She rolled her eyes as Alex spoke of “trying” to contact the demon. “You don’t know how to contact her, do you?” It was pretty obvious to Zada that he didn’t. Leave it to him to make a deal with someone he couldn’t even contact when things went wrong. He could backpedal and try to explain how things would be different all he wanted, it didn’t change the fact that he clearly had no idea what he was doing. Maria must be embarrassed to have a grandchild so content to fumble his way through life, ruining his own life at every opportunity. Zada knew she would be.

She found herself feeling a little protective at Alex’s anger- what right did he have to be frustrated with Trisstana. She crossed her arms and leveled a glare at Alex, but it quickly became apparent that he was going to stay put and think. Zada turned to Phoenix, “How are you?” She knew that this was a difficult situation; she felt about how Phoenix looked. The fact that she was less emotive wasn’t either of their faults, though. She rested a hand on Phoenix’s shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. The way she saw it, Alex and Trisstana were preoccupied with being stuck in one another’s bodies, so she and Phoenix needed to be there for one another. Zada liked Phoenix, so it wasn’t going to be an overly difficult task.

When Alex started speaking again, though, all softness and gentleness left her. Zada crossed her arms; all of Alex’s words sounded like excuses to her. Though, that was what a lot of the things he said sounded like to her- excuses piled atop more excuses. Zada was growing beyond tired of it, and she wasn’t so sure Alex had the ability to figure anything out. She didn’t say anything, though. For Phoenix’s sake. And then Trisstana woke up. Zada tried to keep up with what she was saying, but her mind caught on the mention of fifteen years like this. Her own aging was practically nonexistent as long as she played her cards right, so it wasn’t as if she was going to lose a significant portion of time
 Zada was sure she’d be able to manage, but she couldn’t imagine not being able to properly be with Triss for that long. Now that they’d found each other, Zada had just assumed they’d always be together. Even if it was going to be Triss by her side, it wouldn’t be the same.

Then Triss said she’d made a deal with the demon, and Zada didn’t know how to handle that. She didn’t know how Alex managed to handle it like it was a perfectly normal and rational thing to do, but the moment he finished speaking, Zada said, “Hold on,” She knew that Alex and Triss were likely eager to get going and get back to normal, but she had questions, “Why would you make a deal with the same demon that got you into this mess?” Though she knew the answer was very likely going to be that Triss didn’t really have a choice. Zada sighed, “Never mind. I need to get dressed.” And she hurried back to her room to throw something on. She left her pajamas on the floor- something she never did- in her rush. She needed to be a part of this, make sure it didn’t go horribly wrong.

“Okay,” She said, even before she’d walked back into the room, “What can I do?”

“Do you have any candles you wouldn’t mind parting with?”

Zada nodded; she had a lot of candles. “Does it matter if they’re scented?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

So she walked over to- what was meant to be- a linen closet and started rummaging around. Alex didn’t say how many he needed, but she came back with several candles, “Anything else?”

Alex sighed, and Zada didn’t like the sound of it. “Yeah
” He turned and looked at Phoenix, “I need a knife and some
 Stuff. Not a lot. Maybe some of my crystals. Some bones, maybe. A bird skull or something like that would be perfect.” All of those things were just laying around the apartment, “Then we’ll need a space to build the altar, something to build it out of, like, uh, some rocks. Hell, a fallen tree or a stump will do. She’s going to want something nicer eventually, but that should be fine for now.”

Zada had to hope that Alex knew what he was doing; she’d never built an altar before. Never had a reason to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxhow it should be
xxxmany years after the disasters that we’ve seen
xxxwhat have we learned?
xxxother than people burn in purifying flame
Phoenix caught the look of guilt on Alex’s face. Even if it was in a different body, it was the same expression he’d seen before, a strange juxtaposition on the unfamiliar face. Phoenix needed to pull himself together, for God’s sake, Alex was dealing with this too and didn’t need to be worrying about him.

He sighed as Alex confessed to not knowing how to contact her. The demon didn’t seem to want to make things easy for them, considering she was apparently pissed at Alex for not having listened in the past. As Alex stopped talking for a moment, Phoenix found himself also turning to look at Triss. Great. Of all moments to take a nap. Good to know she was so concerned about fixing things.

He sighed as Zada asked how he was doing, the brief physical contact being nice. “I’m
 things are just
 weird,” he said softly, not wanting to disturb Alex’s thinking. “You know exactly what it’s like, though,” he added. He didn’t want to say exactly what was stressing him out so much, because he didn’t want to make Alex feel any worse, but he knew Zada would know. He put his hand over hers and squeezed back gently, just for a moment, before folding them back in his lap.

He looked back again as Alex began to speak, sighing a little. It wasn’t what they wanted to hear, and Phoenix felt the pit in his stomach grow. They needed to figure this out, the thought of things being like this for any longer than a day was terrifying. But he forced a small smile and nodded as Alex said they’d figure it out. They had to.

He jumped a little as Triss woke with a start and pulled something from her mouth, and said she’d spoken with the demon. It felt like somebody had kicked him in the chest as she explained how long it would last. Years. The mention of a deal did nothing to make him feel better. Demons were masters of trickery, he wasn’t convinced that it wouldn’t backfire horribly and make everything worse. He agreed with Zada, but also knew they really didn’t have much of a choice. The thought of things being like this for years made him feel like he was going to throw up, pass out, or probably both.

And at least building an altar was a somewhat easy and quick task. Zada had a ready supply of candles, which was good. He nodded as Alex mentioned needing certain items for the apartment. He got to his feet and stopped, looking at Alex for a moment. Alex had a knack for knowing exactly where he’d left items, even if things seemed to be a bit of a mess. He’d probably find them in half the time it would take Phoenix.

“You should come with me. You know where everything is,” he admitted. “You two should stay put,” he advised, turning to Triss and Zada. “People probably won’t pay too much attention to seeing me and
 Triss together and it’ll be easier to explain. But seeing as you two normally hate each other, people will take notice and ask questions. We’ll be as quick as we can. Text me if you need anything or there are any issues. I’ll bring back some snacks,” he added with a smile, before heading out of the house.

outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxi know we're not everlasting
xxxwe’re a train wreck waiting to happen
xxxone day the blood won't flow so gladly
xxxone day we'll all get still
The silence as Neden considered her question made Rosie a little uneasy. She wasn’t entirely sure that she could blame them if they refused. The entire town was going to be crying out for Travis’ blood, and if someone was to stand against that, they’d been seen as being just as bad. And if things went wrong, well
 they’d definitely be seen as a traitor and be treated as such. Which meant their life would be in danger too.

She smiled with relief as Neden agreed to it. Neden would dedicate their entire self to it, no matter what, and Rosie knew their best chance was with Neden on their side. Rosie couldn’t be seen to be helping. “Thank you, Neden, really. I appreciate it.” Neden had background knowledge on the hunters which might work in their favour, and Rosie knew they’d be thorough in their investigation. She decided against mentioning that they’d probably be working with Evelyn, knowing that the vampire was one of very few people that Neden was actually afraid of.

She frowned a little at the shake in Neden’s voice, before smiling at their question. “Neden, you’re welcome here for as long as you want. You’ve been through hell. There’s always a spot here for you, no matter what. And it’ll be nice to have someone else around.” She said, shrugging a little. Honestly, she was glad for the company. Travis and Evelyn were training so much and working so much together, and Rosie sometimes felt a little bit on the outside. But dwelling on those feelings wasn’t going to do anyone any favours. “So, you want anything else to eat or drink?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser
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0.00 INK

unless i am myself,
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.zzzzzzzi am nobody.
After telling the other’s what had just happened to her, she knew they would probably ask questions. It wasn’t exactly smart to make a deal with a demon, especially the one who got you into this mess, but Triss didn’t want to stay in this man’s body. The body belonging to a man that Zada disliked wasn;t good either. She could’ve said no, or tried to negotiate, but it was too late. Alex quickly asked to confirm if that’s all they needed to do, which she replied with a small nod of her head.

It wasn’t long until Zada spoke up after Alex finished, asking about her making a deal with the demon, but quickly dismissed it and said she was going to change, quickly leaving the room. Triss lowered her head a bit after Zada left, feeling bad about just making the deal, wishing she would have discussed it with Zada, but that was in the past now. It didn’t take Zada long to change, which made Triss tilt her head a bit, knowing she usually took a bit longer to get ready and put clothes away, but before she could ask, ther mermaid spoke, asking what she could do.

As Zada, Alex, and Phoenix spoke about what to do and the next course of action in their plan to have things go back to normal, Triss just stood by with her hands crossed in front of her current body, staying quiet. Triss' thoughts wandered for a bit before she realized Phoenix was talking to her, saying that her and Zada should just stay while the other two went back to gather some supplies. When he called Alex, her old body Triss, her stomach turned and a scowl came across her face. That was not something she enjoyed hearing, she was Triss, not him. Her. And now she just had to trust him to be in her body without her supervision, not something she liked. But what he was saying did make sense. Zada’s dislike of Alex wasn’t something that was much of a secret so if they didn’t want questions, she would just have to sit and wait. Something she didn’t like.

” Trisstana just said as they left, going to sit on the couch, but then turning around and looking at Zada. The two of them would usually be enjoying their time together, but now that couldn’t happen, and now she wasn’t sure what to do. Triss didn’t want to make Zada feel uncomfortable due to Triss now being in Alex’s body. “Little seafish
” She started, but trailed off a bit. “I’m
 I’m sorry for making the deal. I should’ve said no, or negotiated, or somehow asked to talk to you about it. But I can’t be like this, it feels so
 wrong. And I know you don’t like me being like this either...”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser Character Portrait: Zoe Peña
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0.00 INK

being alive is in itself a little thrilling,
zzzzzzzz.zzzand pleasant, and romantic, and miraculous.

When Jaiden mentioned Neden, Zoe thought for a moment. “I think I’ve met Neden
” She didn’t, however, know that Neden was an angel. That was interesting: Zoe had grown up really only knowing other witches, maybe the occasional elf that passed through. But to know that there were angels, mermaids, and vampires. That was more than she could imagine, really.

Zoe laughed when Jaiden said she could get some people to help her move her things if she needed, “I have, you know, two suitcases worth of belongings. I doubt I’ll need help moving my stuff in.” She shrugged, “I could probably use the help getting all the other things I may need, though. So... thanks, I’m sure that’ll be helpful.” Jaiden said everything on the menu was good, and Zoe furrowed her brow, trying hard to think of what she may want. She wasn’t the most adventurous, so trying new things at new places was sometimes more stressful than it should be.

Then Jaiden said she needed to ask something, and Zoe looked up at the other woman, eyebrow raised. She gave a small smile when she heard the subject of that question. Jaiden’s description of Alex was, well, amusing, to say the least. “I wouldn’t call him tall, exactly, but it does sound like we’re talking about the same Alex.” She shrugged, “Alejandro Peña Garcia.” She waved off Jaiden’s apology; Jaiden trashing Alex didn’t bother Zoe at all. She didn’t, however, need Jaiden to scold him. “Talk to him if you want, but I can handle him.”

She smiled, “The way he acted bothered me at first, but honestly I get the feeling it’s just how he is.” Zoe shook her head, “Honestly, from what I’ve seen, I don’t know what Phoenix sees in him.” She paused for a moment, then sighed, “I’m sure Alex is delightful in his own way once you get to know him.” If she were being honest, she wasn’t sure that Alex’s treatment of her was even really about her. There was a part of her that wondered if his feelings towards their father didn’t bleed out in his treatment of her.

“Anyway, who needs him? I have you,” Zoe was fond enough of Jaiden that she thought nothing of the statement, “And I’m sure I’ll get to meet all sorts of people working in the shop.” There was a sort of hopeful glint in Zoe’s eyes, “I’m sure I’ll have a whole new family here in no time.”

Zoe started to look through the menu again, ”I think that’s what most excites me. The whole, you know, idea of getting to make a life that’s all my own.” She smiled as she spoke, ”Away from expectations and people that expect me to be just like my parents, you know?”

i am out with lanterns,
zzzzzzz.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.looking for myself.

For a brief moment, Alex considered arguing that he should stay here with Triss and Zada. He didn’t know how to be Triss, so if something went wrong, he was sure he’d fuck the whole thing up and somehow wind up with his head on a spike. Or, well, Triss’ head.

Maybe that was a little dramatic.

Phoenix was right, though, he knew just about where everything he wanted would be. Even if he didn’t know the exact location, he knew about where things should be. It would save some time. “Okay,” He said, voice hardly more than a nervous sigh. He let Phoenix lead the way out of Zada’s house, pulling the door shut behind the two of them as he went.

He briefly crossed his arms over his chest, but that felt
 Wrong, somehow. He knew he wasn’t doing anything wrong, really, but it just didn’t feel right. Really, he just didn’t know what to do with his hands. Usually, he’d hold Phoenix’s hand (it hadn’t taken long for that to be the most normal thing in the world, and now not holding hands just felt wrong), but that didn’t feel like a good idea given the circumstances. Then there was the question of whether he should say something or not. It was his fault they were even in this situation, it would be better if he didn’t do anything that might make it worse.

He had a lot to say, really. Plenty of things on his mind. He wondered how this was affecting Phoenix (Nix was holding it together pretty well, but Alex knew that none of this was easy), and Alex wanted to reassure him that things would be okay. They’d figure something out, or
 Or what? Phoenix couldn’t just deal with this for fifteen years. What was he going to say? ’If this doesn’t work, I promise I won’t hate you if you break up with me because you can’t handle it’? No, that wasn’t something he could say. It might be true, but saying out loud made it real, and he wasn’t ready for that train of thought to be real.

So he walked with his head down, and the moment that he got into the apartment he made a beeline to gather the things he needed. Technically, he didn’t really need most of it, but he figured doing a little extra might make the demon happy.

God, building an altar for a demon. That was something Alex never would have predicted he’d do. It all hit him heavily at once, and he quickly went from looking through a box of rocks and crystals to sitting on the arm of the couch. He was trying to keep his composure, but now that he was somewhere he really felt safe he felt all the panic set in. Strange how that worked. A part of him was worried that Trisstana would kill him if she found out he’d started crying in her body, and as silly as it was, that was the only reason he was keeping it together.

Then, of course, Coco started sniffing at his feet, and he whispered a weak, “I’m sorry, Coco. You don’t deserve to get caught up in all of this.” Truthfully, Alex had gotten a lot of people caught up in this, and nobody else had done anything to deserve it. So he needed to fix it. So long as everyone held up to their end of the bargain, everything would be fine. He just needed to stop feeling sorry for himself and get it done.

He covered his mouth with both hands as he let out a silent sob. No, no, no. He didn’t have time for this. He was fine. It was fine. He could handle this. He squeezed his eyes shut as tears started to flow from his eyes, and tried to will himself to relax.

He realized then how alone he felt. He’d not been without the voices and eerie presence of the dead since he was barely any more than a child. It was strange, how you could miss something that scared you so deeply.

you never really understand a person
zzzzzz.zzzuntil you consider things from his point of view

The thought of Alex leaving with Phoenix made Zada nervous. She didn’t want anything to happen to Trisstana’s body, but she knew that Phoenix was right. It might be good for them to all have some time alone with one another, anyway. Perhaps Zada could process it a little better if she could speak to Triss in private. “Be careful,” She called, even as Phoenix and Alex walked through the doors. It probably wasn’t necessary, but with how things were in town these days, one never knew.

She wrapped her arms around herself in a sort of embrace as she heard Triss speaking across the room, apologising for dealing with the demon. Zada shook her head, “I think that I could deal with you being like this,” She crossed the room to rest a hand on Triss’ face, rubbing her thumb gently across her cheek. It was strange, though ultimately not entirely unfamiliar. “I understand you didn’t have much of a choice.” This was, perhaps, Zada’s way of saying that all was forgiven. She pulled her hand back to herself, clasping it together with her other hand against her stomach. “What-” She paused, considering her words carefully before speaking again, “If you can tell me, I’d like to know what kind of deal you made.”

Zada was more than a little worried that this deal, whatever it may be, would affect her and Triss’ entire life. Would things like this be common? Would everything Zada know be turned on its head at every turn? She could handle this happening just the once (even if she did wish it had never happened at all), but if things like this were to happen very often at all
 She didn’t think she could stomach that. She adored her time with Triss, treasured it. Triss was the first person Zada had met in a long time that understood the intricacies of who she was, and Zada didn’t want to give that up, but if life became too complicated

No, she didn’t want to think about that. “I know that demons aren’t known for being easy to work with,” She added, “I just want to know what to expect.” Difficult decisions could be made later, if and when things got too messy for her tastes. For now, it was best to hold onto hope that things could go back to normal. Zada had to believe that this could work. Even if she could ultimately live with whatever the results may be, Triss couldn’t, and that was what mattered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxhow it should be
xxxmany years after the disasters that we’ve seen
xxxwhat have we learned?
xxxother than people burn in purifying flame
Phoenix felt as though he was caught between two worlds. He looked at the person beside him, and he saw Triss, saw someone that he had never cared for, but there was also the fact that he knew it was Alex. At once, they felt too close together and too far away. He knew that they probably weren’t that far away from each other, not really, but after weeks of always being hand in hand or arms around each other, the distance felt like miles. But at the same time, it felt wrong because it wouldn’t have been Alex’s hand he’d been holding. The silence fell heavy between them, Phoenix feeling like one of them should say something, but neither of them seemed to know what to say.

They got back to the apartment and Alex immediately started gathering what they needed, still not saying anything. Phoenix went to the kitchen and started filling a box with what was left of the batch of brownies and cookies he’d made the day before. He hesitated slightly, before reaching into one of the cupboards and pulling out a jar of tea. This wasn’t his usual soothing blend. It was one he’d worked on with Abuela and Alex, one that was infused with protective magic. He didn’t know if a simple cup of tea could do anything to protect them against a demon that had the power to do something like this, but it was worth a try. He didn’t trust the demon not to turn around and curse them all for messing up the slightest thing, and anything that could help, anything that could give them any chance of surviving it, was better than nothing.

A change in movement from behind him drew his attention, and he turned just in time to see Alex sitting down heavily on the arm of the couch. Phoenix froze, just watching him for a second. In a different situation, Phoenix knew he would have reacted differently, knew exactly what he would have done. But it felt wrong, it felt inappropriate here. But Alex’s reaction to Coco broke Phoenix’s heart, and he crossed the room to him, kneeling down in front of Alex. “Hey. Hey, it’s okay. You’re safe. We’re safe. We’re going to figure this out, okay? We’ll be okay.” He rested his hand on Alex’s shoulder, squeezing it. It didn’t feel enough, Phoenix knew it wasn’t enough, but it was something. This was a strange new territory and everything but the most innocent of contact felt wrong and inappropriate, and Phoenix could feel the panic, the fear that things would be stuck like this, rising in his chest and threatening to choke him. But Alex needed him. He needed to keep it together, just for now. “We’ll be fine. I promise.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser
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0.00 INK

i am out with lanterns,
zzzzzzz.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.looking for myself.
Alex didn’t know if Phoenix understood just how much his presence grounded him; Phoenix had been a constant in Alex’s life for as long as he could remember, and there was almost no one else that made him feel as secure. Alex felt a little guilty that Phoenix had to comfort him like this. This was his fault, he didn’t deserve the gentle words, or the hushed tones. Still, he nodded. They were going to be okay. It was going to work out. He closed his eyes tightly, and for a moment tried to focus on nothing but his breathing and Phoenix’s hand on his shoulder. Everything was so different, and in that moment he felt like an intruder in his own home.

“It’s so quiet.” Alex wasn’t sure why he said it, except for the fact that the better part of the past decade of his life had been drenched in the whispering of the spirits of the dead. He hadn’t always noticed them before, but he certainly noticed their absence. Most notable was the ghost of a puppy that had followed him here when he moved his things. Alex mostly didn’t even notice him (he didn’t even tend to notice spirits that just minded their business and left him alone, anymore), but now he couldn’t see the ghost, and that bothered him in ways he didn’t know how to explain. “I always thought I’d be happy to be rid of the spirits, but it’s just
 Lonely.” Of course, he wasn’t alone, and even if ghosts and spirits weren’t constantly whispering in his ear, he still felt their absence, like the last child left at home when all of the others had moved on.

Alex shook his head; he could think about that later, but hopefully everything would be righted soon, and this could all be an unpleasant memory. “I’m sorry, Phoenix.” Alex sighed, grappling with his words in a way he probably normally wouldn’t have. Everything felt a little uncomfortable and foreign. “I never imagined something like this would happen,” He trailed off, almost as if there were more he wanted to say, but instead he took a deep breath and mumbled, “Okay. I’m okay,” It was more for his own sake than anything, as if he needed to assure himself that he wasn’t going to melt into a puddle of anxiety. He was okay. Everything was going to be okay. He needed to finish gathering up supplies; he’d learned by now it was best not to leave Zada waiting. He didn’t feel like being murdered.

“Thanks,” What he was thanking Phoenix for, he couldn’t tell you. He was grateful for Phoenix’s help, and emotional support, his patience. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Alex paused, and chuckled softly to cover up how awkward he felt, “Probably have a nervous breakdown.” He didn’t vocalize the I don’t deserve you, but it was there; somewhere in the air between them. The only thing he seemed to be any good at was fucking everything up, and still Phoenix stayed beside him. He needed to be better, he knew he did, but every time he tried to improve he just fucked things up again, and often made things worse than they were before.

But he didn’t have time to sit around feeling worthless, so he got up and started gathering things in earnest. A few crystals, the skull he’d salvaged from his secret santa gift, as well as the other various things he thought he might need. Chalk, paint, wood ash. Basic stuff. As Phoenix predicted, it didn’t take him long. There wasn’t really a rhyme or reason to why Alex kept things where he did, but he tended to remember where they were.

He’d set everything out; he wanted to see it all together to make sure he hadn’t forgotten anything, and was silently contemplating swapping the crystals for different ones when the thought that this may not even work overwhelmed him. Of course, it had always been there, in the back of his mind. “Hey, Phoenix?” He knew that Phoenix was likely waiting on him as he fretted over what were- ultimately- unimportant details, but his entire life was riding on this. “If
 If this goes wrong, or it doesn’t work, or
” This was their only option, but Alex couldn’t just happily pretend he thought everything was going to work out perfectly. He’d be happy if it did, of course, but there were no guarantees when you worked with demons. “I just
 I love you.” And while he could have stopped there, those words seemed to unlock something within him, and the word-vomit of whatever he was feeling seemed to pour out of his mouth before he could stop it. “And knowing you, and being your friend, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I never thought that
” It was strange, hearing his words expressed by a different voice, “Loving you, and being loved by you, has been the greatest privilege of my life.”

He knew that he needed to shut up and stop talking like he was getting ready to die, so he cleared his throat, “I just mean that
 If this doesn’t work out, I don’t expect you to just be okay with it. I’ll understand whatever you do.”

you never really understand a person
zzzzzz.zzzuntil you consider things from his point of view

When Triss admitted to not knowing what to expect from the deal, Zada’s brow furrowed. That was troublesome, and she would have been lying if she said she wasn’t worried. It was foolish, in her mind, to make a deal one didn’t fully understand. But as Trisstana elaborated, Zada couldn’t help but feel more annoyed than anything. Of course Alex needed a babysitter, and of course Trisstana would be pulled into doing that job. “So you have to babysit an immature manchild? Wonderful.” The irritation was evident in her voice, though truthfully she wasn’t upset with Triss; she hadn’t chosen any of this, nor did she have much of a choice in the matter if she wanted to return to normal.

She didn’t mind Triss fiddling with her bracelet, or holding her hand. Really, Zada wouldn't have protested much of anything if it brough Triss some comfort. This was an awkward and uncomfortable situation, and as upset and scared as she may be, she was sure it was only worse for Triss. When she started to talk about the demon sealing the deal, Zada raised an eyebrow. That was importable, because if they’d sealed the deal, it likely meant that Triss was going to have to follow her end of the deal to the letter, or the demon wouldn’t hold up her end of the bargain. Zada hadn’t dealt with too many demons, but she’d once known one well enough to learn that much.

Then Triss pulled away, reacting in pain. Zada gasped and recoiled, herself, mostly in surprise. “Are you okay?” She searched Triss’s face for any answers, then glanced down to her hand. Realization dawned on Zada’s face and she lightly touched her bracelet, gently turning it over her wrist. “It’s silver.” She took the bracelet off and set it aside, then reached out for Triss’ injured hand, “I’m sorry, I forgot. I’m not used to dealing with people who have silver sensitivities.” Just how many supernatural beings had a sensitivity to silver was among one of the first things Zada had learned when she moved to Greythorne, but she didn’t generally interact overly closely with most of them. She hadn’t thought about the implications of Triss being in this body, and what that might mean.

“Come with me,” She demanded, as she led Triss to the kitchen. The best she could think of was running some cold water over Triss’ hand, “It
 It’s like a burn, right?” Zada had to admit, she had no idea what they were meant to do in this situation. Would it heal normally? Would it spread and get worse if they didn’t perform some sort of strange and ancient ritual? Nothing about witches was easy or straightforward, if you asked Zada. “I don’t know what to do.” She seemed to remember, then, that she could text Phoenix to ask. “I’ll ask Phoenix.” She reached for her phone, which she kept charging on the kitchen counter.

Phoenix Woods:
We have had accidental contact with silver. It is not immediately fatal, correct?

Texting didn’t come easily to Zada, and she didn’t always convey her tone properly, but cell phones were one thing she could never get the hang of. Maybe it was a human thing, to be able to use them intuitively. “Does it hurt badly?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Travis Graveson
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxhow it should be
xxxmany years after the disasters that we’ve seen
xxxwhat have we learned?
xxxother than people burn in purifying flame
Hearing Alex talking about how quiet it was, how much he missed the spirits. Phoenix couldn’t imagine what it was like. He couldn’t imagine what it was like to constantly hear their whispers and their murmurs, but he also couldn’t imagine what it was like for that to just
 disappear. This whole scenario was so horrible, and Phoenix couldn’t imagine what it was like. He didn’t know how to help. He felt like he hadn’t even been much help in the whole scenario, just making things worse with his stress and anxiety. He forced a smile as Alex thanked him. There was so much he wanted to say. If Alex would have had a nervous breakdown without Phoenix, Phoenix didn’t want to think about where he would be without Alex.

As Alex got back to his feet and finished gathering what they needed, Phoenix finished packing up the few bits he was to bring. He turned back around as Alex called him, raising an eyebrow, and expecting Alex to maybe say they were ready to go or to ask where Phoenix had put something when he’d been tidying up. But instead, his words just felt like a kick to the chest. He’d kept telling himself that everything would work out, that it would be fine, that they’d be fine, but Alex’s words were just an unpleasant reminder that Phoenix had no idea what the future held for him if this didn’t work. Until then, it had seemed straight forward, and maybe naive. But him and Alex fitted so well together that it was hard to imagine anything other than Alex always being there. He hadn’t said anything, because how could he? They’d only been properly dating for a relatively short period of time, and yet when Phoenix pictured his future now, Alex was always there. But Phoenix knew that if they couldn’t fix this, then everything would just be wrong. Greythorne would be wrong.

He’d been trying to keep it together all morning, but that was the point that his resolve shattered and he choked out a sob, instinctively pressing his hand to his mouth. “I don’t-” he tried to say, but he choked on the words and tried to take a deep, shuddering breath. It just turned into another sob. “I don’t know what- what I’m supposed to do without you.” He choked out. There was so much he wanted, no, so much he needed to say, and he couldn’t put any of it into words. “I’m sorry, I just- this has to work. I don’t care what you have to do, but I need this to work,” he managed to get out, managing to calm his breathing a little. “I love you so much. I don't want to think about what happens if this doesn't work.”

His phone buzzed, and he wanted to ignore it, but he caught a glimpse of the screen. Zada needed him, and he tried to take another deep breath, this one a little more successful. “Sounds like Triss has managed to burn herself on some silver. We should head back,” he said, wiping his face. “Can you grab the burn paste from the bathroom?” He didn’t want to go back, but he didn’t want to stay here either. He wanted to just go somewhere else entirely until all this was gone, somewhere he could pretend it wasn’t happening. But that wasn’t an option. He wasn’t going to let Zada down like that. He sent her back a text.

To: Zada
Shouldn’t be fatal, just a sore burn for a few days. Bringing something to help heal it up.

outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxi know we're not everlasting
xxxwe’re a train wreck waiting to happen
xxxone day the blood won't flow so gladly
xxxone day we'll all get still
Rosie looked up as Neden began to speak from where they were in the kitchen. She frowned at the angel’s words, shaking her head slightly. “Neden, sweetheart
 You can’t dwell on that. It isn’t healthy, and it won’t do you any favours. You’ve done bad things in the past. But you’ve also done good things since. You can’t change or erase the things you’ve done, but you leave it in the past where it belongs. Don’t let it hold you back or stop you from doing good things,” she said softly, standing up and putting a hand on Neden’s arm for a few seconds as she spoke.

“And as for your leg, I think you might be out of luck considering we just lost two of our best healers to the wilds of the Irish countryside. And I think there’s only so much Phoenix’s tea can do for something like that,” she said lightly. “But we’ll figure it out. We’ll figure it all out.” She looked up as she heard two more people approaching, tensing up a little out of habit. But she heard familiar voices and relaxed as Evelyn and Rosie came back in. It suddenly hit her again that she was going to have to tell Travis about the trial. The joking banter between Travis and Evelyn didn’t do much to help things.

She sighed as Travis asked her what was up, shooting Neden a glance. “I got a letter while you were gone. You’ve been called to stand trial for everything you’ve done. And
 I’ve been asked to preside over proceedings as the Council’s representative, which means I can’t directly help you.”
“What the fuck?” Evelyn said, folding her arms. “Can they do that? Given your
” she trailed off, but Rosie knew what she meant.
“They can do whatever the hell they want. They, strictly speaking, run this place. There’s nothing stopping them. And if I fight it, I’ll make it worse. It’s a public trial, so the whole town will be there to keep me accountable. There’s nothing I can do. So
 Neden has agreed to help you figure it out, find something that might help.”
“You can count me in too. You fucked up, hunter boy, but you don’t deserve to be ki-” Evelyn cut herself off. “Uhh
 does he know about that part?”
“No. But he should,” Rosie said, turning to look fully at Trav. “That’s the other thing. The traditional punishment for a guilty party is ritualistic execution. Death. So if there’s anything you can think of that could help your case, we need to know about it.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser
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0.00 INK

i am out with lanterns,
zzzzzzz.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.looking for myself.
The moment Alex had finished talking, he had the sense that he probably shouldn’t have said anything at all. It crushed his heart when Phoenix began to sob, and Phoenix’s words had tears welling up in his eyes: this was all his fault. None of this would have happened if he wasn’t so impulsive and useless and afraid. He wanted to hold Phoenix close, to comfort him and be comforted in turn, but nothing about that felt right. He wasn’t himself, and a part of him wasn’t sure his touch would be well-received, and he didn’t know what to say. What could he say? “I’m sorry,” He half spoke, half mumbled, “I shouldn’t have said anything, I’m just scared, and-” And what? He knew he had needed to express his feelings before that fear turned to anger. He was angry enough with himself, he didn’t need to risk becoming overwhelmed by the combination of the situation and his own emotions. He’d learned the hard way that letting his feelings fester didn’t do him any favors.

Then Phoenix received a text, and like a crashing wave that was it, the moment had been taken over by the next event that required attention. Alex hadn’t thought to warn Triss against silver; honestly, he thought it was a give-in for supernatural creatures to avoid the stuff. Shows what he knew. Phoenix had asked him to grab the burn cream, and Alex nodded immediately, but stood rooted in place for a short moment, studying Phoenix’s face.

He moved on without another word. There wasn’t anything to be said, anyway.

In the bathroom, he found himself a little distracted by his reflection. There was something surreal about looking at yourself in a mirror and seeing someone else. It made everything feel a bit like a dream. He quickly grabbed up what he’d come from and went to rejoin Phoenix, but he hesitated there for a few extra seconds to give Phoenix a moment to- hopefully- compose himself. He briefly considered taking a moment to run and grab one of his hoodies. He’d feel better, he thought, if he had one. He hadn’t realized until that moment how he’d been using them for security.

But that would be hard to explain, and potentially upsetting, so instead he returned to Phoenix. “It’s gonna be okay, I’m just being negative. I need to learn how to keep my thoughts to myself.” He sighed, then reached out and smoothed a stray lock of Phoenix’s hair back in place. But his hands were too small, and it was weird and everything felt a little like it had before. Alex knew, on some level, that he’d been trying to absolve Phoenix of guilt, but he felt like he’d just made everything worse.

He cleared his throat, wanting to move on before either of them got any chance to get too emotional again, “We better get back before Triss ends up breaking an arm. Of course she’d get hurt. Everything goes well, she won’t have to deal with it much longer.” He started to gather up all the things he’d gotten together; hopefully they’d get this done very quickly, and he could bitch about Triss getting him hurt in the comfort of his own body.

Once they were both ready, they could head out easily enough, and Alex figured neither of them would much mind if they didn't discuss the feeling of impending doom that had so nicely settled between them.

you never really understand a person
zzzzzz.zzzuntil you consider things from his point of view

Zada frowned when Triss spoke about how the water felt different; she couldn’t even imagine that, if she were being honest. Being in- and around- the water was like breathing to Zada, and the thought of having her connection to water severed was a horrifying thought. Zada sighed and rested a hand on Triss’ shoulder, gently rubbing her thumb across it. She hoped it would be comforting, but she didn’t know. “You’ll be back to normal soon enough, Trisstana.” Zada wasn’t sure she believed it, but she needed to. “And once you’re back, we can have a good, long soak.” Zada would have loved nothing more than to promise Triss they’d go for a swim, but going to the lake had made both of them nervous after what happened the last time. Zada had been so sure then that she was going to lose Triss, she never thought she’d lose her to something as stupid as a demon’s bruised ego.

Zada turned the tap off after Triss removed her hand from the water, and reached out to gently take Triss’ hand in her own, carefully inspecting the burn, “It doesn’t look too bad.” She jumped when her phone went off, and took a second to relax before checking the message. Phoenix’s words were a relief, “They’re going to bring something to help with the pain.”

She tilted her head slightly to the side, as if looking at Triss from a different angle would suddenly give her answers she didn’t have before. “I don’t know what it’s like to feel the water in the way you’ve described it,” She admitted, finally, “But I promise you it’s temporary.” Zada hadn’t felt so deeply devoted to another person since she’d been rejected by her pod, and she wasn’t going to throw it away for anything. “We’ll get you back to normal, you’ll be connected to the water again, and all will be well. I promise, lover, as much as I can promise you such a thing, all will be righted again.”

She grabbed a towel and gently dried off Triss’ hand, careful not to be abrasive on the burns, “And I’ll be with you the whole way.” She wasn’t sure the assurance meant much, but it made her feel better to have said it. It was funny, how a part of comforting others was sometimes comforting yourself.

“I’m going to take off this bracelet.” She said, before turning to leave the room. She didn’t know if Triss would follow or not, but she added, “I’ll just be a moment.” She went to her bedroom, traded silver for a bracelet of a more appropriate composition, and sighed. This was the strangest experience of her life, and certainly not anything she’d expected would actually happen. She’d known strange things would happen living in an inland supernatural community, but she never would have guessed at any of this.

She returned to the main room to wait. The town was small, and it didn’t take long at all to get around, even if you were walking, so she knew it wouldn’t be too terribly long, now. She spotted Phoenix and Triss- no, Alex- through the window and felt an overwhelming sense of relief. They were back. They could fix things now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxhow it should be
xxxmany years after the disasters that we’ve seen
xxxwhat have we learned?
xxxother than people burn in purifying flame
While Alex was gone, Phoenix took the precious few seconds to try and pull himself together. He wasn’t the only one dealing with this, he reminded himself, and having meltdowns wasn’t going to help anybody. This would work. It had to work. For everyone’s sake. He made sure everything they needed was in the bag and that he had the tea and the promised baked goods, knowing that keeping himself busy was key. He just needed to get through the next few hours.

He managed to shoot a smile at Alex as he came back. Alex reaching out to fix Phoenix’s hair was such a natural familiar gesture, but Phoenix flinched away from the touch for a fraction of a second, his body reacting almost instinctively to the wrong hand. “No. I think
 we needed to say it,” he admitted softly, before taking Alex’s hint to move on and picking up the bag. Alex joking about Triss getting hurt made him crack a proper smile.

The walk back to Zada’s was quiet, but Phoenix was glad for that. Reflecting on and discussing what had happened seemed like something they should do when everyone was back in their correct bodies and the whole thing was behind them. Carrying the bag gave him something to do with his hands and made the absence of Alex’s hand feel less strange.

They let themselves back into Zada’s and went back into the main room. Phoenix dug the healing paste out of the bag and handed it to Triss. “You only need a little bit, and it should start to work right away,” he instructed. “I also brought some protective tea. Me and Abuela figured it out a while back, when the attacks were
 really bad.” When him and Alex still weren’t talking to each other. The memory alone made the hollow feeling in his chest come back. “It’s all herbs, fruits, and flowers known to have a protective effect in necromancy and other forms of magic, and I grew them myself which means their effects should be increased. We don’t know for sure if it makes a difference, but I think we need to do everything we can to protect ourselves.” He explained it mostly for Triss’ benefit, as he guessed she was the most likely to question it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser
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0.00 INK

unless i am myself,
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.zzzzzzzi am nobody.

Trisstana let Zada take her hand and watched her inspect it, lightly twisting and rotating it to see the full damage of the silver bracelet. She tensed a bit at the touch, but tried not to show any more pain from it. Triss nodded as Zada said the burn wasn’t too bad and was looking better. Her hand hung for a second in the air as Zada let go and checked her phone. She seemed a bit more happy and spoke about the others on their way back, and with things with the pain. “Good.” She said quickly, looking back towards the sink again.

When Zada spoke again, Triss looked back towards her partner. She simply just stared and kept eye contact with her, soaking in the words she spoke. She hoped what she was saying was true, that this was only temporarily and soon be gone. When the mermaid called her lover, the word struck her differently. Trisstana’s internal temperature rose as she continued to speak, promising to be there for her, and knowing she was speaking the truth. She let Zada take her hand again and gently dry it off.

Triss was going to follow Zada to the main room, wanting to embrace her, talk to her, bathe with her. But it didn’t feel right at the moment, so she just turned and headed back to the main room. She heard Zada join her but didn’t face her yet, just staring out the window as Phoenix and her body approaching the house.

Phoenix motioned towards Triss and she walked over as he handed her a paste, speaking that it was to help with the burn and not use much of it. “Thanks.” She replied and walked a bit away, ending up next to Zada. She started putting the paste in her burn, Zada quickly assisted, spreading it out in a more calm manner and evenly across the burn.

The witches continued to talk, speaking soemthing about attacks, which confused her. Besides the silver burning her, nothing has really attacked her yet. “Attacks? What attacks?” She asked. If there were to be more side effects to being stuck in this body, she would like to know. “I don’t need anything to protect myself.” Trisstana said sharply, not exactly trying to be so hostile, but might be coming off that way. “Are we ready to go? Seterah wants us to make this shrine, and the sooner, the better.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser
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0.00 INK

i am out with lanterns,
zzzzzzz.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.looking for myself.
Alex had gotten over the need to fill every silence between himself and Phoenix years before he’d felt any inkling of romantic attraction towards him, but the silence on the walk to Zada’s was far from comfortable to him. He knew it was because he felt guilty, as he often did. He really had been trying to do better, to not fuck everything in his life up yet again. He tried not to dwell on it- he didn’t want to spiral down into self-loathing just yet, that would be far from helpful.

He was relieved to see that Triss had only been burned on the hand- he knew it hurt like hell, but it would heal fairly quickly. That was good for the both of them, really. Something about seeing the way Zada didn’t shy away from Triss made the sadness and dread in the pit of his stomach more intense than it had been before before, so he went about finding a space to set down the box he’d packed his things in. He could get it loaded up with the candles then, and everything would hopefully be manageable. He could get through this if he just stayed busy.

He was half-listening to Phoenix talk about the tea as he started to carefully pack the candles up, and when Triss asked about the attacks he said, “Hunters. The attacks were,” He paused for a second, considering his words, “Intense when they first started.” He hadn’t turned away from his task, but when Triss spoke up saying she didn’t need any extra protection, he turned to look at her, “I know it seems like a waste of time, but you really can’t be too careful with things like this. I promise we’ll make the altar soon- I want this over with as badly as you do- but you never know. One thing could go wrong, and you’ll be cursed or something. Besides, it’ll probably help keep the spirits off your back.” He paused and, less flippantly, added, “I know it can be a little overwhelming.” He remembered when he’d first started to actively see and hear spirits in his everyday life, and not just catch glimpses of them out of the corner of his eye. It was a lot to deal with, even when you’d spent your entire life knowing that day would come. He couldn’t imagine if it came out of the blue.

you never really understand a person
zzzzzz.zzzuntil you consider things from his point of view

Phoenix explained the paste to Triss, but Zada listened intently. She wanted to do whatever she could to ease this for Trisstana. This situation was intense- it was hell. Zada couldn’t think of something she’d enjoy much less, but they just needed to get through it. If they could just get through it, it would be fine. Zada felt better when Triss was at her side- wrong body or not, it was easier to make sure Triss was okay when she was beside her. Maybe she was too protective, but Zada had lost everyone she’d ever loved before, and she wasn’t ready to start losing the people she cared for again. When Triss started trying to apply the paste to the burn, Zada thought that it seemed difficult, having to apply a paste to your own hand. Zada gently took the paste from her and smoothed it over the burn, trying not to irritate it any. It was a strangely intimate thing, helping someone with an injury.

As the paste was being applied, Phoenix went on to talk about a tea with some sort of protective properties. It made some sense to Zada- even if she didn’t want to waste any extra time, there was no telling what they might encounter out there. They were dealing with magic and demons, not humans who had the strange idea that everyone different than them was evil.

Triss was insisting that she didn’t need any protection. Zada understood; she was impatient, wanted to get back to normal. It made sense, felt natural, and Zada found herself resting a hand on Triss’ shoulder, almost instinctively, “He’s trying to help,” Zada reminded her. Then Alex was speaking of curses and spirits, and that made Zada uncomfortable, maybe even afraid, “If it’ll help, it might be worth it.” She spoke softly, so only Trisstana would hear. She wanted this to go smoothly, and she didn’t know overly much about things that were more magical. Mermaids had their own sort of magic, but Zada had the inkling that it worked very differently from this.

Zada normally wouldn’t concede to any point Alex made, but he had a point. She was sure he and Phoenix knew more about this sort of thing than they did, so she offered, ”Obviously, we don’t want to spend more time than absolutely necessary,” Zada sighed, and looked at Phoenix. She knew she felt very helpless, and wished there was more that she could do. She understood that. She glanced at Triss, ”But I don’t think any of us know exactly what to expect.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxhow it should be
xxxmany years after the disasters that we’ve seen
xxxwhat have we learned?
xxxother than people burn in purifying flame
Phoenix just frowned as Triss refused the tea. At any other time, he would have considered it to be her own damn problem, but while she was in Alex's body, he didn't like the thought of her turning down protection. Both Zada and Alex spoke in favour of her drinking the tea, but a small pit of anger burned in Phoenix's stomach. He wondered if she'd be so reckless if she was within her own body.

"This is a demon we're dealing with," he said, quietly but firmly. "We can't take any chances. And besides. It's not your body that's going to have to deal with the consequences if you do get hurt," he said, a trace of warning in his voice as he pushed the tea into her hands. He was frustrated and the whole situation was beginning to wear him down. He handed Zada and Alex their tea. He had never thought that they'd be in a situation where Zada would be the one trying to keep the peace between them all, but there they were. He shot her a look of thanks.

"It's better that we take the time to discuss exactly what we have to do anyway. Trust me, I want to be out of this nightmare as soon as possible too, but rushing is only going to risk putting us all even more in danger which none of us want. You don't take chances when you mess with demons." He said.

He sighed and sat back down, both hands wrapped around his own cup. "So. What exactly do we need to do when it comes to building this altar. Is it just... find a place where it won't be disturbed, light a few candles, lay out a pattern of charms and so on, and hope for the best? Or are there specifics we need to be aware of now?" He asked, looking at Alex.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser
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0.00 INK

unless i am myself,
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.zzzzzzzi am nobody.
Triss sighed when the others insisted on this further protection, not entirely caring about more protection and just wanting to get things back to normal, get back to her body, get back to enjoying her time with Zada. She wanted to retort back at Phoenix when he seemed to get hostile, speaking in a much firmer tone. But Zada quickly calmed her down, putting her hand on her shoulder and whispering into her ear. She took a deep breath and nodded to her, taking a sip of the tea. “Fine. But I don’t know anything about these attacks or spirits you are talking about.” Trisstana spoke as she continued to sip the tea as the others spoke.

Phoenix spoke again, talking about taking time to discuss instead of just going to make an altar. It’s an altar. How hard or difficult is it? You already have the items in that box. Triss thought to herself, she didn’t understand any of this witch and demon nonsense. She was content with her solemn living with her mermaid companion, but now all that is gone and at risk to not come back. She didn’t want to wait, she was getting frustrated after being told what to do so many times instead of just going and fixing the problem.

But Trisstana knew it was best to just stay quiet for now, knowing Zada had their best intentions in mind, more so than Alex’s and Phoenix’s. She didn’t want to force Zada to keep trying to calm her down. She met Zada’s glance for a second, flashing a short smile to the beautiful mermaid before staring back down at the tea before lifting it to her lips and finishing it, setting the cup down on the table. Her gaze rose up to Alex as Phoenix asked him more about the altar.

“What do you mean?” Triss quickly said in response to Alex, quickly before anyone else could. “Seafish has the candles, you have the box of items, I have what Seterah gave me. Why can’t we just go out and build this altar?” She continued, a bit of sharpness behind her tongue. This is witch magic, to Triss, witches should know about this sort of thing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser
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0.00 INK

i am out with lanterns,
zzzzzzz.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.looking for myself.
Alex absently sipped on the tea Phoenix handed to him, glad that Triss at least relented and agreed to drink the stuff. When Phoenix asked about what was next, Alex took a brief moment to mull the question over in his head. It was easy enough to answer, or, at least, it should have been. “Well,” He started, fully aware of how unconfident he sounded, “She never really specified what she wanted, so
 I’m not sure,” He shrugged, “I’m sure it’s not going to be as simple as building an altar but-” He stopped, mulling over the words in his mind when Triss jumped in. Alex understood that this was frustrating. Truly, no one in this room understood what Triss was going through like he did, but the anxiety that had been simmering just under the surface had come to a rolling boil, and- as seemed to be the custom- was presenting itself as anger.

He walked the space between himself and Triss (standing there smugly in his body, refusing to take this seriously) until he was right in front of her, “Have you ever built an altar?” He questioned, “You know, just in general?” He paused for a moment, but not really long enough to let her answer, “Do you have any idea of the amount of care and planning that typically goes into this?” Alex shook his head, “I have never built an altar to an ancient demon that could condemn me to a life in someone else’s body. Have you?” He didn’t mean to raise his voice, really, but he had before he’d realized it, “Forgive me for wanting to make sure we don’t fuck it up and make things worse!” He should have paused, taken a breath, tried to compose himself, but he went on, “This is all my fault. I understand that, there’s no delusion in my mind that it isn’t. If this goes wrong, that’s going to be my fault too. I don’t want that hanging over my head for the rest of my life, because I know at least one person in this room who’s set on making sure I remember that I’m a piece of shit.” He did take a breath there, tried to calm down a little, “I promise you that I’m doing my best. I need you to not be a fucking idiot and get us killed. Can you do that for me?”

you never really understand a person
zzzzzz.zzzuntil you consider things from his point of view

Zada really wanted everyone to calm down so that they could get this over with, but Triss seemed to continually be getting under Phoenix and Alex’s skin. She hurried to Triss’ side as Alex had his little temper tantrum, but ultimately didn’t feel a need to intervene until Alex accused Triss of being an idiot, “Excuse me,” Zada raised an eyebrow, “How is that helpful?” Zada crossed her arms as Alex rolled his eyes, and the two stared at one another for an uncomfortable moment before Alex finally said,

“You’re right,” And then, directed at Triss, “I’m sorry.”

Knowing that was the best they were going to get, Zada gestured vaguely around the room, “I know that we’d like to be better prepared, but sitting around arguing isn’t helping. Trisstana and I don’t know anything about
 Witch business.” She sighed, it was hard feeling powerless, and not knowing how, or if, she could help. “Some of us here are just feeling very out of the loop, I think.”

She glanced over at the box of candles and trinkets that Alex had been putting together and said, “I think I have some newspaper we can use to keep things from getting broken,” Normally she wouldn’t dream of being helpful to Alex, but this was bigger than her usual disdain of the man, “Wouldn’t want anything short of perfect for our demon friend, yes?” With that, she removed herself from the situation, if only temporarily, to go grab a small stack of newspapers that had been waiting to be recycled. She handed some of them to Alex, and since the candles were hers, and there was a chance they wouldn’t use all of them, she went about helping him more properly package everything up.

It always astounded her, how he could be so meticulous and careful when he wanted to be.

With that work finished, Zada stood and smoothed out the back of her pants, “Now, if everyone’s feeling better,” She shot a pointed look at Alex, and then gestured towards the door, “Staying here is only making it worse.”