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Violet Marsden


0 · 1,277 views · located in Greythorne

a character in “greythorne”, as played by Wolf's Bane109



"I'm lost and it kills me inside."
Paralyzed -NF
Lovely -Billie Eilish Ft. Khalid
Sorry -Halsey


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Violet Rose Cynthia Marsden

N I C K N A M E (S)
Violet | Most commonly used
V/Vi/Vio | Used by those closest to her
Rose | Childhood petname by her mother
Marsy | Petname by a few people, doesn't like it much

November 10th

Died at 19 | Has been a ghost for well over ten years

Ghost | Unknowingly a Revenant now

Panromantic | Demisexual | Openly so | No preference |


Greythorne, British Columiba | Born | Raised | Death, and Return



Before Violet became what she is now, or more so what she used to be, her style was like any other for her age. T-shirts and jeans, sweaters and jumpers with boots or shoes. Anything that was comfortable for her. With the occasional dresses when she needed to for a special occasion. Her color choices were bright such as light blues, purples and pinks, and even reds. But after everything that had happened, her choice of clothing became, minimal as one would expect for a ghost. But since she came back from wherever she went after the attack, her style changed. She veers more on the darker colors now, of grays, dark blues and reds, but mainly black as her primary color. Now she wears leather jackets and sweatshirts, flannels of darker shades and skinny jeans with boots. Always veering more towards the darker side of fashion, and it seamlessly blends in with her almost doll-like appearance. The dark colors contrast with her pale skin is something to take of note as of recently.

H E I G H T & W E I G H T
5' 3" | 106lbs

At first glances, she comes across as innocent and almost fragile. From her small and feminine frame, and doll-like appearance, she seems to be almost inhuman, possibly due to the fact that she indeed just that, but as well as her strong jawline and cheekbones and dark eyes and dark locks of hair. But one thing is certain, if her sharp yet doll-like features don't strike you first, then maybe her personality and way she carries herself will. Her appearance is the only thing lady-like about her. For anyone that truly knows her, they know that she carries an aura of confidence and pride. Her most striking features are her eyes, strong jawline, and her oddly muscular frame. What she lacks in initial intimidation, she makes up for in the way she exudes confidence and self-assurance, as well as not afraid of getting her hands dirty. While she may be somewhat short, she makes up for it and more with her surprisingly cocky attitude if her sharp glare doesn't get to you first.

For any oddities, she has a few. A small scar is visible in her right brow, causing a small notch in the hairline and is rather prominent when she has her hair up or pulled to the side. Aside from that, she has no real scars aside from minor ones from childhood clumsiness and accidents. But she does have a few tattoos, the first one she ever got was of a small ghost that is on her left inner forearm. She got it for her eight-teenth birthday and has some regret getting it due to the irony of the situation. And her last one is more of a brand than tattoo. It seemingly appeared out of nowhere when she returned after the attack in Greythorne. It is a small heart rate tattoo that crosses over her right wrist. She has no idea where it came from or how she got it. All she knows is that her wrist occasionally feels as if itself is beating at times and she doesn't know what to think of the strange and unknown mark.


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| Soft and classical music, oddly enough she's always found it calming and peacefull, and ever since she became a ghost she's found it even more calming | Books, seeing as she doesn't have much to do anymore all she ever does is read and is usually at the library for new books to read | Animals, as they're the only other ones that can see her, other than the other supernatrual beings in the town | People, she's very much so a people person and rarely likes being left alone as it makes her feel as if she'll nbe forgotten and disapear | Kalvin, as he was her pet before she died and is her only real friend |

Paranormal Investigators and Exhorsists, rather obvious why she wouldn't like them | Her death, and she refuses to accept the fact that she passed away | Disapearing or being forgotten, she feels if anyone were to forget who she was, that she'd disapear not only from memory but also from the human world as well | Being alone, as it makes her feel as though she's the only one and it causes massive paranoia and anxiety | Cars, anything that has to do with them scares and terrifies her to the point that she refuses to go anywhere near them | Being ignored, as it only reassures the fact that she is a ghost | Being alone forever, she doesn't want to be alone for the rest of whatever existance she has left | Deep and dark waters, as she never knew how to swim and was terrified of water her entire life |


In simple terms, Violet is the loyal Ghost best friend everyone wants. She's funny, smart, kind, loyal to the point that it's painfully so, and would do anything to keep whatever friends she has left safe from harm, even if the only thing she can really do is warn them or cause a chain reaction in hopes of them being safe. She cares for people, it's just hard for her since she lost everyone she's ever truly cared for aside from her grandmother who has fallen ill. She's the type of girl who would save a cup of hot chocolate and help you if you're having a bad day. She enjoys the quiet life, sometimes pretending to be that person who really never deals with the million problems she deals with in real life, and puts her friends first. That's her motto..and if it's anything she want's, she will do whatever it takes to get it. She has her good moments, especially with her few friends. Sometimes they can feel like family to her, and sometimes she feels like they want her to disappear. Her personality has been referred to as, innocent by most who know her, and annoying by those who are meeting her for the first time. She always has a smile on her face and has jokes to tell and positive vibes to share.

She never intends to, but she usually becomes the noticeable one, usually by being a clutz or making a really awkward first impression. The only one who differs from being just an ordinary person or in this case your normal ghost. She and her friend used to be both the ones who can have similar ways of thinking things through the right way, though all Violet feels like is that every good move she makes ends up becoming a bad one, which it usually does due to her lack of common sense, and in a way, her lack of everyday smarts. Her charm came from her mother or as she thinks as she has a hard problem with remembering things from her past life. Sometimes Vio just wants everyone to like her for who he is really- tricky thing is that she's helpful and worst of all everyone tends to never see her usefulness, and instead take her quirks and ending up having them be used as a way to put her down, resulting in her shutting down and disappearing for a while until her spirits have been lifted again.

Aside from the positives, and quirkiness she usually exudes, Violet is very stubborn to where it's painful, especially when it comes to the fact that she is indeed dead. And nothing more than a ghost, a small and slowly fading remnant of what she once was. With her parents gone and with her grandmother's slowly fading health, her memory is slowly fading and becoming none existant, and without anyone around to remember or think of her she feels herself slowly fading and growing weaker as time goes on, and she fears that the day her grandmother passes away so will her memory and in extension, Violet as a whole will soon be snuffed out as well..

But since she came back after the first attack in Greythorne, she hasn't been exactly the same. She can do everything a human can do and more. While she doesn't need to sleep like humans do, she now has the ability to if she so desires, as well as dream and even lucid dreaming and possible possession. Since coming back she's attempted a few that didn't end well and has vowed to never do it again. Ever since coming back she's been much more cheerful, but somewhat distant. Like, part of her never fully came back. She seems more distant at times than she ever did before and tends to get down and soft-spoken far more often than she did prior. Whatever happened when she was gone after saving Alex, she's never spoken about it and prefers not to. Her most recent behaviors has been cause for some alarm among her friends, like Markus. They've known each other for years, and even then their relationship seems to becoming rather distant, and it doesn't seem to bother Violet like people would imagine it would have otherwise.

But since her return, she has become even more sarcastic and almost cynical in nature. Her view on life and how she treats people has become slightly different than before. She was always a very sarcastic person that would easily insult her friend to no end and then remind them that she loves them, but since coming back she has been almost bitter and not seeming to really care if she hurt someone's feelings like she did prior. She'll realize what she did and apologize, but it doesn't seem like it's as genuine as it used to be and it has been rather worrisome for the others.



Violet's human life, from what she can remember was about as normal and average as one would imagine, even while living in a town full of supernatural beings. But as years went on and as she grew up, she learned to have an appreciation for the supernatural and was almost obsessed, always wanting to learn new things from anyone that would give her the time of day and answer her seemingly endless questions. From an early age, about seven or so she remembers being able to see things and people that others couldn't see, no matter how badly she may have tried to prove that she was seeing things and not just imagining things, while her parents put aside her childish thoughts her grandmother encouraged them. Which in turn caused more of a strain on Violet and her parent's relationship as Violet grew closer to her grandmother than her own parents.

Her grandmother was essentially her only real parent as her mother and father were always too busy to take care of and look after their only child. It was when she was eleven years old that her parents were killed in a car accident that left Violet badly injured, but nothing she wouldn't be able to recover from. Except for maybe a deathly fear of cars and loud noises. After the accident, she had refused to go anywhere near cars and would always walk to school, no matter if it was rain or shine, summer or winter she would always walk to school and back to her house in the small town with her grandmother. After a few years had passed Violet knew something was off about her, not just that she could see as her grandmother put it, "Dead people", as blunt as she was, Violet knew she wasn't like the other kids her age. While her friends were getting boyfriends and girlfriends she always felt like the odd one out as she never had any interest in anyone else. At least it was until she met someone that helped open her eyes and helped connect the dots she had been trying to put together ever since she was little, and it was because of said person that at the age of seventeen she was finally able to come out to her grandmother.

Violet sat her Grandmother down after a day at school and tried explaining it the most beating around the bush way she could, trying to avoid saying it as bluntly as she could until her grandmother simply called her out on it and blatantly said it herself. And to Violet's surprise and relief, her grandmother said she always had a feeling that Violet wasn't entirely straight, if not at most gay. She explained that she didn't care who she was interested in no matter if they were human or not, male or female, as long as they treated her with the respect that was all she cared about. And that night she invited a friend who was slightly older than her and named Sarah, over who she introduced as her girlfriend. They had been secretly dating for a few months and when Violet found out that she was actually a Fae, or more commonly known as a Succubus in lamen terms. Contrary to popular belief, Sarah did actually care for Violet, and their relationship was as innocent and pure and genuine as anyone would have guessed from a supernatural force.

But as time went on and two years went by, their relationship only grew closer and stronger, becoming rather intense. They had planned that once Violet had graduated her last year of school and got a job that they would think about getting engaged if the cards were on the table and that they would stay in Greythorn to take care of her grandmother as she was the only real family Violet had. So when her nine-teenth birthday finally arrived they had decided to go on a group date with a few of their friends to the lake in the backwoods of the town, as a way to get away from people and be able to have fun as their end of the school year was coming to a close. The day had been nothing but full of fun as they had a fire pit, ice skating, and sledding and all-around fun as they played guitar and sang songs until the sun had begun to go down and people began to leave as it was getting late. Sarah suggested that they should leave with their friends, but Violet simply said that Sarah should go as she would help clean up and catch up with them later. They kissed goodbye and Violet watched as the group left, and she busily cleaned up the area they had been occupying.

When she was finally done the sun had already set and it was almost entirely dark and the temperature began to drop. Violet was getting ready to leave when she noticed something on the ice and went to retrieve whatever it was, but little did she know that there were several thin patches of ice all across the lake. When she had retrieved the item that was on the ice she began her way back when without any warning the ice beneath her broke causing her to fall through the ice, and due to her never learning to swim due to her immense fear and no one else around she was helpless. After what seemed like an eternity of struggling and feeling weak as things began to slowly dim she felt herself begin to drift off. It was only when she opened her eyes did she realize something was wrong. Everything was silent and cold, as if she couldn't get warm, she finally found herself back home, but no one was there. She couldn't find anyone.

It was only after what felt like days that she finally found out the truth of what happened at the day at the lake. She never came back home and she was reported as a missing person. For weeks no one was able to find her, until two months later a body was discovered by an ice fisherman, and it was taken to be identified. It was Violet. She never made it back from that night and everyone, especially her grandmother and Sarah were heartbroken at the news of her passing. It was ruled an accidental drowning as it was public knowledge she didn't know how to swim. Violet attended her own funeral, not understanding what was happening as she was right there. She yelled at her grandmother, asking why she couldn't see her or why she didn't answer her. It was only when Violet saw her own body in the casket that the truth hit her. She was dead..Simply a Ghost of her former self, something no one could see or hear. Years passed as she watched the others eventually move past her death, accepting it as any other death. Her grandmother took the hardest and over the years that came by her health deteriorated severely, Sarah visited her every day until she wasn't recognized by Violet's grandmother anymore, understanding that it was her time to finally leave. Sarah left Greythorne as she had originally planned, but this time it was without Violet, who only watched as the only one that could see her left.

After that Violet was left alone, having nothing to do but watch over her grandmother silently as she was invisible to anyone that seemed to care. With being nothing more than a literal Ghost, Violet grew weak and depressed over the years as everyone she ever cared about either died or forgot who she was. But as time went on, Violet has been left alone by everyone from her life prior. in the weeks that led up to the attack on Greythorne, her grandmother's health completely took a nose-dive and hit the worst it ever had. The doctors said she had weeks, if not days to live. It was the day after the attack that Violet visited her grandmother, and for the first time in years they spoke. Her grandmother apologized for how she treated Violet and that she should have done more, and that she was sorry about what happened to Violet all those years ago. After some tearful words the two exchanged one final embrace and her grandmother was gone, finally able to move on knowing her granddaughter was safe, even if that wasn't the case. Her grandmother didn't know the truth of the situation, and had passed on with false hope that Violet was okay. Something that Violet know how to live with that sense of guilt.

But after that attack, and having to save Alex from death itself, which had caused her to almost die again in the process, something changed in her. She isn't sure exactly what happened or who or what it was, but something brought her back. She's taking every day as if it's her last, and she knows what she has to do, and she is simply waiting for that day to come. The brand on her right wrist is simply a reminder of the decision she made and she has to live the rest of her life with that, but something doesn't sit well with her, and she's scared of what type of reality she nows lives in, as no one makes a deal with the devil and makes it out without any repercussions...


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Unlike most of the supernatural forces that coexist in Greythorne, Violet used to be one of the odd ones out, as the others can live their life and get to enjoy life, Violet simply had to stand on the sidelines and simply observe but never interact with most of the people in the small town. As you see, Violet was a literal Ghost for well over a decade among the Vampires, Lycans, Faeries, Witches, Angels, Demons, and whatever else have you in the small town. While others could interact with anything in the physical world, Violet simply had to watch from afar as if she weren't even really there. Being a Ghost or well, a grounded spirit unable to move on, she possessed free will to roam as she wished, not being contained to the place where she passed away. But as a Ghost, she had the properties that came with it, which is when they are usually only visible to other supernatural creatures and occasionally some humans, often their loved ones, which in this case it would be her grandmother.

But due to her old age and ever failing memory and eyesight, she wasn't able to see Violet, but simply hear a faint whisper from afar and have a sense of someone being there, but just slightly. Which caused such anger and frustration as she can be standing right infront of her and be screaming and her grandmother would be none the wiser that her beloved granddaughter was with her. On the occasion, Violet was able mto ake herself corporeal for a short time, but that was relatively rare and required much concentration, peace of mind, and acceptance that she truly was dead. Normally with Ghosts or spirits, there's usually something that ties them to the mortal realm, something preventing their soul from resting, which usually, in the end, they can choose to pass on if that is ever resolved so they can find peace. But in Violet's case, she refused to accept her reality. For well over a decade she chose to reject what her existence was, and had been in a depressive episode for some time. That was until she had met some people in the town that had changed her perspective, a grumpy and reclusive lycan, a few witches that were chaotic, and then that one dumbass of a necromancer. They, for the most part, had made her existence worth it, being trapped in one's own made-up purgatory.

But during the attack, Alex, had been severely injured and with no other choice, she chose to give part of herself up to bring him back from the literal brink of death. After that, she hadn't been seen for weeks and everyone had thought she was gone. But one day she just reappeared like nothing had happened. Whatever came back, well, when Violet came back she was in an odd state and slowly became like her old self. But something has been off with her, she is able to sleep, eat, and interact with the physical realm on a daily basis without much effort compared to when she had to focus before. Now she can practically do everything and anything she could do before her tragic demise, and then some. If she focuses hard enough, she can project part of herself into other's subconscious in a state of lucid dreaming, but as everyone knows it has dangerous consequences, such as possible possession or in the ultimate rare case, both the host and the one performing the lucid dream can both perish and cease to exist.

| Before the accident, Violet had learned how to play several instruments such as the violin, cello, drums and piano, and as such she grew up to be a massive music nerd and has retained her skills even after all of these years | Unknown to most people, she was always obsessed with reading and writing, and as such she is also a history nerd as well as English nerd | Ice-Skating, ironically enough. She grew up living near the lake in the back part of Greythorne and as such she spent much time there especially in the winter | Memory and retaining knowledge since she didn't have much to do for well over a decade, she spent a lot of time reading and spending time in the library, and as such her knowledge in most fields is rather intricate for someone her age | Lucid dreaming and possession, while she knows she shouldn't, she's spent a lot of time practicing her newfound skills and is rather skilled in them, with only a few mistakes made so far |

| Lucid dreaming, she's spent a lot of time practicing and has almost perfected it, but that's not to say there wasn't any slight mistakes along the way | Since coming back, her ability to possess or momentarily take over someone has become one of her greatest skills, but that also has had plenty of drawbacks | Violet has been able to master the ability of becoming intangible without getting stuck in that state and has used it more than once to save her ass | Since returning, most things that affected her have no effect, but priests/exorcisms still terrify her | She's accepted the fact that she is indeed dead, or at least what she is now and uses it as her greatest tool and isn't afraid to do what she has to, to keep her friends safe |

| Salt, exorcisms, and sage are still a major repellent to her and have only been amplified since she came back | Her inability to have any real sense of self-worth, being more of a hollowed husk than she ever was before | Her friends, while she loves them dearly and would do anything to keep them safe, it is also her greatest weakness now and she has the feeling if her feelings were to be exposed it'd be used against her |


So begins...

Violet Marsden's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Violet Marsden Character Portrait: Travis Graveson
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outfit xxxxxxx hex; #8B4513
xxx Older than water, stubborn as stone
xxx There'll be no forgiveness for all that you've known
xxx Oh these days, oh these days get heavy
xxx Hotter than friction, subtle as sound
xxx There'll be no forgiveness for you to come around


Travis heard someone else walking up and glanced over his shoulder to see Zada, a little surprised. He knew her thoughts on men in general, and he was pretty sure she despised Alex, so he wasn’t expecting to see her there. But before he could say anything to Zada, Neden walked up carrying a giant bag and quickly greeted them all, then opening the door to and go inside. The door must have been unlocked, but Travis didn’t want to just barge in.

Trav walked inside carrying his present for Violet and the drinks he offered to carry for Rosie, letting her know he was gonna set them out on the open table across the room for people to pour themselves some if they wanted. As he finished setting out the drinks he felt a tap on his shoulder and was greeted by Neden again, holding out a numerous gifts. A golden necklace, a journal, leather jacket and a flower crown, similar to what he noticed some others had but different than the others. “Wow, killer jacket, I like it. Thank you Neden.”

After Travis wrapped the gifts up from Neden inside the jacket and set them aside they wouldn’t be in the way. He took a glance around looking for Violet so he could give her the small book he had gotten for her, but was quickly met with Alex. He had come to Travis a couple days ago asking for a glitter, and lots of it, but wouldn’t tell him what it was for. The thought skipped through his mind for a second that the gift was for him, but was relieved when Alex just handed him a pocket knife, saying it might not be haunted. Trav quickly whipped it open and examined the blade, not exactly dull but would need some sharpening. “This is cool, Thanks bro.” Travis said as he patted him on the shoulder. He then spotted Violet across the room sitting in a chair a little bit away from everyone else.

Travis excused himself from Alex and headed over to Violet, holding the book behind his back. “Hey Violet. So, uh, I pulled your name for the Secret Santa. Don’t really know you so well so I had to ask around about what you might like…” Trav pulled the book from behind his back and handed faded green book to Violet. “It’s a First Edition, not exactly mint condition, but hopefully you like it.” He returned the smile she gave him thanking him. “None needed, just glad it wasn’t a bust.”

As he was pouring himself a drink, Neden spoke up in the center of the room to get everyone’s attention and spoke. “Merry Christmas!” Travis cheered with the whiskey he just poured himself and saw Rosie talking to Zada. He poured Rosie some Rosé and carried it over to her, messing with the hat Neden had given Rosie and wrapping his arm around her, and greeting Zada with a smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

outfit xxxxxxx hex; #FF4500
xxx If I'm a bad person, you don't like me
xxx Well, I guess I'll make my own way
xxx It's a circle, a mean cycle
xxx Sometimes I wanna fuckin' scream or run away,
xxxI can't excite you anymore


Kaylessa was happy with the others being nice to Hayden and greeting him, and the group quickly entered the apartment, dispersing to do their own thing. She quickly sat crossed legged on the floor as Neden spoke, handing out a hat and presents to everyone, even Hayden. She quickly opened her gifts. She gave out an audible squeak as she saw the dress. “Thank you!” Kay watched as the others got their gifts and awed a little bit at what Hayden got.

Jaiden quickly called over to Kay and handed her another gift, explaining she was her Secret Santa. The gifts Jaiden had gotten here were a little bit more than what Neden got her. “I love this art! Did you do this yourself? It’s perfect!” Kaylessa quickly lunged and gave Jaiden a hug from her sitting position before pulling back and flashing a smile at Hayden, though then a commotion caught her attention. Alex and Phoenix. A weird feeling came across Kaylessa’s chest that she didn’t really understand and she thought back to how she told Phoenix her feelings about Alex and then seeing him kissing Alex.

Kay was then brought back out of her thoughts by Hayden leaning against her and asking about the others. “Oh! Sorry. That's Jaiden, she's a witch, controls fire. A little shy but nice to be around, she gave me these!” She showed the gifts Jaiden had just given her. “Neden, the person who gave us the gifts, shes I think an angel? But her wings were different, but still pretty.” Kay paused for a second as she glanced around the room. “That’s Violet. She’s like a sister to me. I think people have said she's a ghost, but she’s alive now. It’s confusing as well.” She then pointed at Rosie, Travis, and Zada. “You met Trav. Rosie is a Siren and the teacher at the school, she taught me in school. Zada is a mermaid, she eats men's hearts , but she's super nice so you shouldn’t have to worry. Though she doesn’t exactly like Alex.”

Kaylessa paused for a second after saying Alex’s name. “He… Me and him went to school together, and I thought we had feelings for each other… But I guess Phoenix likes him more…” Kay trailed off for a moment before catching herself. “Oh, sorry. They are both witches as well. Well Alex is more of a necromancer type, while Phoenix works mostly with earth-y things and plants-” Kay was cut off when the door opened and she saw Markus walk in. “And thats Markus! He’s a werewolf, and the person I got a present for. So be right back.”

After getting up and grabbing her sundress and the gift for Markus, Kay hugged Markus. “Hey! So I got you for the present exchange thingy.” She held out the small bag with the homemade dog pull toy for Markus’ pup. “Well, more so for Coco.” Kaylessa quickly excused herself and went to the bathroom with the sundress and changed. When she slid the dress on Kay twirled for a second to see how it looked on her in the bathroom mirror and smiled. Most of her stuff was multicolored and more laid back, but she loved the little stitches in the dress. She quickly came out of the bathroom and went back to Hayden, who had gotten up and started talking with the others. She grabbed his hand and smiled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

xxxglass sky, killin' time
xxxyou leaned upon my shoulder
xxxand my thoughts dried
xxxdidn't mind

Alex smiled as he watched Phoenix open the card, though he was also keeping an eye on Jaiden-he knew that he probably deserved whatever pain she would inflict on him, once she got her present all opened. Phoenix’s reaction brought the biggest, brightest smile to Alex’s face. “I told you it was a good present.” Alex happily returned the hug, chuckling slightly as Phoenix thanked him. “Of course. It’s for you.” As Phoenix started to let go, Alex heard Jaiden yell that she was going to kill him. “Okay, I gotta go.” He turned and ran from Jaiden, but there was only so far he could go without heading outside, and he really didn’t want to do that.

So, after a short time, Alex stopped and turned to Jaiden, arms outstretched as if to hug her, “Jaiden, just listen-” She didn’t listen, though. Before long, Alex and Jaiden were both tumbling to the ground. Alex was laughing, Jaiden was not. “Jai! Jai! Stop it!” He brought his arms up to cover his face, as if he thought she was going to start punching him, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It was a joke!”

It wasn’t long before someone had physically restrained Jaiden, and they were both back on their feet. “I guess the glitter was taking it too far.” He shrugged, “I thought it would be funny. Lesson learned.” He looked down at himself, and realized that now he was covered in glitter. “Oh, wow. I’m sorry, Jaiden, I-” He cut himself off as he started laughing again, bringing a fist to his mouth to try and hide the smile, “I didn’t really think it through.” After brushing himself off the best he could, and then just accepting that he was just going to look extra fabulous for a while, Alex decided to rejoin the party. First order of business was collecting his dead bird and putting it in the freezer until they left. He was going to thank Zada again but she looked happy for once, and not at all like she wanted to murder someone, so he decided not to be the one to ruin that.

Instead, he returned from the kitchen with a small paper bag, heading straight for Markus, practically purring out a, “Hey, Daddy.” As he approached, leaning up against a nearby wall in an effort to look cool and composed, “I have something for Coco.” He handed over the bag, filled with Christmas cookie shaped dog treats, “She’s a good girl and I love her.” He leaned in a little closer, “And, listen, I know we’ve been dancing around-” He gestured between the two of them, “You know, for years. I want you to know that it’s fine, I really and truly am over it.”

xxxi called it the moonsea
xxxit is a cruel dream
xxxfrom up so high, I can hardly decide
xxxif you're waving hello, or waving goodbye

At first, Zada didn’t outwardly react when Neden said they had something else for her, and to find them later, but she did flash a small smile to them before moving on and looking around the room. A lot of chaos had erupted as soon as Neden finished handing out their gifts, and Zada had never experienced anything quite like it in her time on dry land. She had to admit, though, that she loved it. Something about it all really made her feel like she belonged and, for the first time since she'd left the sea, she really felt like she might have something resembling a family, again. She didn't know that she really liked them all, but she didn't need to.

When Rosie handed her a gift bag, Zada initially just raised an eyebrow but when she opened it up, a genuine and warm smile lit up her face. “Thank you!” She stood up, wrapping her arms around Rosie in a gentle hug, “It’s perfect,” She gushed, “Of course, you’ll have to come by soon so we can drink this, and I'll tell you what I think of the books.” Naturally, she would expect her closest friend to know what to get her for Christmas, but she was honestly thrilled. She pretty quickly sat down and started looking over the covers of the books, admittedly judging them a bit. She always said that she liked to get to know a book before and as she read them, and that was a part of it.

She heard some commotion, saw the glitter in the air, and then Jaiden went running. She was after Alex, though, and Zada just genuinely didn’t care. Jaiden could kill him, for all she cared. As that was going on, Zada saw, out of the corner of her eye, someone new walking in. He quickly turned to check it out, but it turned out to just be Markus. She flashed him a smile: a mixture of relief and, just maybe, a bit of happiness on her face. They weren’t close, but she was comfortable enough with Markus, almost enough to call him a friend.

After Kay had changed into her new dress, Zada walked over to where she sat. She smiled over at Kay, "You looked wonderful before, but that new dress is lovely on you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxam i more than you bargained for yet?
xxxi'm just dying to tell you
xxxanything you want to hear
xxxbut that's just who i am this week
Phoenix laughed as Alex pulled away from the hug to run away from Jaiden, who had just been covered in glitter by Alex's present. A distraction, however, came in the form of Markus, who awkwardly handed him two boxes, explaining that he'd pulled his name. Alex opened the smaller box first and laughed with delight at the mug. The jacket, however, was a surprise. He recognised it right away, he was pretty sure he'd complimented Markus on it when he'd been wearing it. "Markus, this is... this is wonderful, thank you so much!" He said.

As he went back into the kitchen, he spotted Alex trying and failing to brush the glitter off of himself and laughed again, shaking his head. He'd tried to talk Alex out of the glitter bomb and had failed, but was glad to see that it had at least backfired somewhat. Everyone seemed so... happy, so relaxed. After the past few weeks they'd had, they all needed it, and it made him happy to see it. He was about to go into the kitchen when he saw Alex, still covered in glitter, heading for Markus. Just Alex's expression made Phoenix smirk and lean against the doorframe, watching what was going to happen. He managed to keep a relatively straight face even as he was just able to overhear the conversation. He sauntered over to Alex, leaning an arm on his shoulder. "Sorry, babe, but... he gave me his jacket. We both know what that means," he said, before kissing Alex on the cheek, winking at Markus, before heading back out to the kitchen, smirking to himself the whole time.

It didn't take dinner long to come together. Someone had started handing around drinks and had kept Phoenix's rum and coke sufficiently topped up as he cooked, calling everyone to the table as he dished up. As Alex had accurately predicted, they had way too many desserts with plenty of leftovers for people to bring home, but he didn't even mind. It felt nice to do something like this, something where everyone was relaxed and happy. Well, Phoenix wasn't convinced that Jaiden had completely given up on killing Alex, but he was pretty sure she wasn't going to do it immediately. As they moved into the sitting room to play some boardgames, he found himself leaning his head on Alex’s shoulder, feeling happy and safe as if he could fall asleep there and then.

outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxlittle things i should have said and done
xxxi never took the time
xxxbut you are always on my mind
xxxyou are always on my mind.
Zada’s reaction to her present made Rosie grin, returning the hug. Zada was honestly like a sister to her and she’d been so relieved when she’d pulled her name. She sat back down and laughed as Jaiden chased Alex out of the room, a glitter bomb having been unleashed upon her. She smiled at Travis handed her the wine and she leaned into him a little as he put her arm around her, sipping the wine. It had been so long since she’d been in a room where everyone was so relaxed, where nobody seemed worried. Phoenix was popping in and out as he cooked, laughing at whatever was going on at the time. Even Markus seemed relaxed.

The dinner was amazing, as expected, with plenty of food to go around and plenty of leftovers too. They were under strict orders from Phoenix to take something home with them, and to take as much as they wanted. They ended up draped across various couches and chairs, playing board games and laughing. Phoenix seemed to be nearly falling asleep on Alex’s shoulder, and Rosie took that as a sign for them to leave. She sat up, stretching a little. “Okay, I think we’re going to leave. Thank you so much for everything,” she said.

“No problem. Don’t forget your leftovers,” Phoenix mumbled with a sleepy grin, and Rosie grinned. She retrieved a box of leftovers from the kitchen, before calling goodbye to everyone again, and waiting for Trav to catch up with her outside. “So… do you want to come back to mine?”

outfit : herex|xhex: #005555
xxxoh should my people fall
xxxthen surely i'd do the same
xxxconfined in mountain halls
xxxwe got too close to the flame
Hayden watched as Kay pointed out each of the people in the room. She pointed out the people he’d encountered already- the witch who had given Kay her secret santa gift, Jaiden, the androgynous person who had given Hayden his gifts, Neden- and then started onto the others. There was a “ghost” which wasn’t really a ghost, the human, a siren… He raised his eyebrows at the description of the mermaid. The woman who Kay had indicated was the vaguely terrifying woman who had given one of the others the dead bird. Even if Kay said that she was nice, Hayden made a mental note to avoid crossing her as much as possible.

Hearing Kay talk about Alex made him a little sad, seeing the expression on her face. But she quickly gathered herself, explaining that he was a necromancer and that Phoenix was an earth witch. And then, to round out the group, was a werewolf, who Kay ran up to to give his present.

Someone started asking about drinks, and Hayden was handed a Coke. He started chatting to the others. When Kay came back, he smiled at her. “You look nice. Your dress is pretty,” he said, with a grin, blushing a little as she took his hand. Then Zada came over to talk to Kay, and Hayden straightened up a little. “You must be Zada, right? I’m Hayden, it’s nice to meet you,” he said, holding out a hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Kaylessa Valven
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0.00 INK

outfit xxxxxxx hex; #8B4513
xxx Older than water, stubborn as stone
xxx There'll be no forgiveness for all that you've known
xxx Oh these days, oh these days get heavy
xxx Hotter than friction, subtle as sound
xxx There'll be no forgiveness for you to come around


Travis sighed a little as he watched the glitter bomb happen in Jaiden’s hand and then again when she dropped it as she chased Alex yelling she was going to kill him. He thought about helping but quickly saw some of the others seperate them, and relaxed as Markus gave in and gave him a slight head nod as a greeting and turned back to talk and laugh with Rosie before food was finally done cooking and the group ate.

It wasn’t long until everyone was done, somehow Kaylessa was the one who ate the most, but sort of made sense as she probably had a high metabolism as well as her healing powers. Travis stopped for a second. Powers… Supernaturals… He zoned out, thinking back to why he was here. He originally came to this town to get rid of these people because he thought they were all monsters. But they weren’t. They were just like him, just like humans, and just normal people with normal lives who just happen to be a little different.

And now Travis felt like he actually belonged for once. Yeah he belonged to the group called the Branded, but it was more of work, and maybe some friends. But in Greythorne it was different, he felt comfortable, safe. The people around him weren’t looking to get ahead, but just get by. They were more than just monsters, or just people with powers, but like their own little dysfunctional family, and Travis didn’t want to ruin that. He already had the first two attacks on his conscience and he spelt many nights drinking himself to pass out after closing his shop, or just staying up all night so he wouldn’t have nightmares. But now...

Travis was taken out of his thoughts as Rosie moved a bit, and he helped her up. Not only did he feel comfortable, but he had someone amazing that cared for him, and helped drown out the demons in his head. Trav looked deep into Rosie’s eyes and saw the innocence in her and the happiness behind her smile. He couldn’t help the Branded anymore. These aren't monsters. They were his friends, his family.

Travis walked out of Alex’s place carrying some leftovers and his gifts, then hearing Rosie ask him if he wanted to come over. “God I don’t know, been with you all day, don’t know if I can handle anymore…” Trav said, laughing a little and smiling. “Of course.” He said, giving an actual answer as the two walked back to her place. Talking about the party, laughing at the events that happened. It wasn’t long before they were back at Rosie’s and quickly taking off their jackets and putting down all the things they had to carry.

“I really enjoyed myself tonight Rosie...” Trav said as he gently grabbed Rosie from behind and wrapped his arms around her. She quickly spun around and threw her arms around his neck. She replied with a smile and leaned up and the two kissed, he pulled her in more and held her tighter, before pulling back. But he just looked at her and smiled. Travis lowered his hands and lifted Rosie up and started kissing her again as he carried her through the hallway.

outfit xxxxxxx hex; #FF4500
xxx If I'm a bad person, you don't like me
xxx Well, I guess I'll make my own way
xxx It's a circle, a mean cycle
xxx Sometimes I wanna fuckin' scream or run away,
xxxI can't excite you anymore


Kaylessa blushed a bit and smiled keeping her head low as Hayden complimented her and the dress. “Th-thanks.” People complimented her often, but hearing it from her new friend, made her feel warm inside, she wasn’t sure why exactly though. As she was about to say something to Hayden, Zada came over and also commented on her dress. “Thank you Zada! Neden just gave it to me!” She replied, then hearing Hayden introduce himself and hold out a hand to Zada.

“Oh sorry! This is Hayden! He’s an elf, like my mother. He just got here and I wanted to bring him here so he wouldn’t be alone.” Kaylessa said as her hand reactively rested on his leg. “Don’t worry Zada, he’s a really good guy. Not like the other elves that wouldn’t stay long here.” The three of them sat together and talked for a bit before food was finally done and brought out, Kay thanking everyone for cooking and bringing food.

Kaylessa laid down on her back on the floor as she finished eating, stuffing herself full. The food was some of the best food she has had in awhile, so she wanted to enjoy as much of it as possible. But now she was exhausted and feeling really sleepy from the food and barely kept herself awake during some of the games, having her head in Hayden’s lap as they finished the last game of cards and people started getting their things and saying goodbye. Kay stretched and made a small squeak noise as she stood up and said bye to everyone again before walking outside with Hayden.

As Hayden and Kay walked back to her place, she huddled close to him, not because she was cold, but because it just felt right. When they reached the door Kaylessa opened it and looked back at him. “Do, do you want to stay the night here? I wouldn’t mind.” The two walked in after Hayden said yes and Kay started getting ready to go to sleep. She stopped and stared for a second at Hayden. “Do you want to sleep with me?” She blurted out, but quickly gasped and covered her mouth, getting red. “I mean, uh, I have a bunch of blankets on my bed, we could share them…”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

xxxi called it the moonsea
xxxit is a cruel dream
xxxfrom up so high, I can hardly decide
xxxif you're waving hello, or waving goodbye

Zada glanced over Hayden for a short moment before taking his hand, giving it-perhaps-a firmer-than-necessary shake. She had really come to care for Kay, and wasn’t keen to see him around her so soon after her heart had been broken. She didn’t smile as Kay introduced him, instead she nodded in understanding, “Well, Greythorne is normally a wonderful place to live. With any luck, Hayden will be able to enjoy his time here.” Zada enjoyed the rest of her evening; the conversation ranged from irritating to excellent, but considering the guest list, she expected no less. The food was good, and overall, she had a great time. Zada had never been good at board games, or card games, and found them mostly frustrating, but everyone else seemed (mostly) happy, and she just couldn’t help but enjoy herself, in spite of her constant losses.

It wasn’t long before everyone seemed to be getting ready to leave, some looking more tired than others. She gathered up her leftovers, and as she said her goodbye, made sure to thank Phoenix for inviting her along. It was nice to not be alone on a holiday, for once. Being alone truly didn’t bother her anymore, but something about being included in the festivities just felt… Nice. When she’d first come to Greythorne, Zada had thought of it as a place that she could live in peace, and nothing more. Nowhere had ever felt like home, not since she’d come ashore. Greythorne came close, but she didn’t think she would ever fully feel at home on dry land.

The walk home was a quick one, and for the first time in a while, Zada felt a small pang of something in her chest. Loneliness, maybe. Or homesickness. She still longed for the sea, even if her life in town was wonderful, her friends amazing. She wondered, briefly, if her sisters would like Christmas, and came to the conclusion that it didn’t matter. Her friends in Greythorne did, and they were her family, now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

xxxglass sky, killin' time
xxxyou leaned upon my shoulder
xxxand my thoughts dried
xxxdidn't mind

When Markus planted a kiss on the top of his head, Alex couldn’t help but grin. In the back of his head he felt like he’d won some sort of a prize. It had only taken years of teasing Markus, and while they both knew that it was (mostly) not very serious, something in him was still very pleased by the gesture. When Phoenix commented that Markus had given him his jacket, Alex laughed. “Dammit, Phoenix. I thought I finally had a chance!” He was happy, though. He couldn’t think of a better gift from Markus. Well, he could, but there was no way Markus would entertain it.

It wasn’t too long before the food was done, and Alex tried to keep drinks full (but mostly focused on his own) in the time between. Mostly, Alex was just glad to have everyone together and happy. He saw smiles on faces that had been missing them for a while; even Zada seemed happy enough, and Alex wasn’t sure he’d seen her with anything but an angry or perfectly neutral expression before. It was nice to see everyone talking and laughing together, especially after all they’d been through recently. Sometimes all the different conversations and noise felt almost like it was too much, but Alex managed just fine.

After dinner, they broke out the board games, which was fun. Everyone was getting along well, and it was going great, until Violet accused Alex of cheating. This spiraled into a bit of an argument. It was, honestly, amusing, and probably inevitable. Alex never was able to convince Violet that he wasn’t cheating, but she did eventually drop it… After it was politely suggested that the group should just start a different game. Which was fine, but Alex still insisted that he hadn’t been cheating, and he was offended that Violet thought he was.

Eventually things started winding down. Phoenix had leaned up against Alex’s shoulder, and Alex couldn’t help but smile. He also didn’t dare move; if Phoenix was going to fall asleep using him as a pillow, then Alex accepted his fate and decided to enjoy his new life as a pillow. It was around then that people started packing up to go, saying their goodbyes, and eventually it was just the two of them left. Alex would’ve been lying if he said he wasn’t a little relieved. He was tired, and as much as he’d enjoyed everyone’s company, he was ready to wind down. He rested his head against Phoenix’s for a moment, savoring in the quiet. Which was, maybe, not the best idea at the moment. Because there, feeling safe and secure, heart full of love and happiness and no worries on his mind, he quickly drifted off to sleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

0R O S I E 0 T H O M P S O N 000000000000000000000000 T R A V I S 0 G R A V E S O N


#cc0460 0 | 0 #8B4513

rosie 0 | 0 travis

Christmas had been a welcome break from the fear and the tension of the previous attacks. But the peace and quiet had to end at some point, and it ended two days after Christmas, when Neden called her to tell her that Markus had died. It didn’t take long for the anxiety to start seeping back in. Rosie knew it was time to do something. Something that could make people feel a part of something, let them know that they were doing something. So she called another town meeting. Neden was going to update them on the patrols, let them know if or how they could help. Rosie was going to see if there was any more interest in her self-defense class, and see if anyone else had anything to contribute. And more than anything, she was going to try and give everyone hope.

After the holidays things seemed to get back to normal, though unfortunately normal meant people being paranoid and scared of the Branded and the town being vulnerable. Travis had slowly been spreading rumors of another attack to keep people on alert and not to get comfortable, though he did feel bad making people freak out. He was thankful that another meeting awas coming together, would give the town a chance to come together, as well as get some more information for him to report back to his superiors.

Travis set up in the same spot as last time, towards the back of the room and keeping an eye on things, the only thing he had on him this time was the knife gifted to him by Alex. He took a deep breath as people sat down and the meeting was about to get underway. Though a running figure through the crowd caught his attention, Kaylessa. She handed something to Rosie, and glanced at Travis, but didn’t keep eye contact before backing out of the light and people turned their attention back to Rosie.

Rosie didn’t quite know how to react when Kay ran up to her as she was about to start to speak and shoved a note into her hand, telling her she had to read it out to the crowd. Rosie didn’t have time to read it beforehand, and so opened it on stage, in front of the entire town. She didn’t know how she managed to keep herself composed, her stomach feeling as though it had plummeted through the floor. For just a moment, she was tempted to just read out the statement and let what happened happen. But she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She needed to get his side of the story first. And so she read out the statement, but instead changed the final line.

“Dear monsters of the so called town of Greythorne,

From our recent attack on your encampment and what we have observed, we have seen that you are somehow able to act somewhat like actual human citizens. So this is a letter from us to let you know we will be withdrawing our resources that were used to try to smother you from this world. We will be keeping an eye on all of you from a distance to monitor our new peace.

Also, to prove this to you here is some information. There is a spy amongst you, and has been for an extended amount of time. Providing us figures with your numbers, the details of the type monsters you are, points of interest, and other information so we could have the advantage.

We will reveal the spy in three days.


-The Branded”

She shot a look at Kay. “Trust me, I’ll explain later,” the look said. She took a deep breath as panicked and angry discussion broke out. “Listen to me.” She said with enough power to make everyone listen. “We cannot let this divide us. For all we know, this could all be another ploy. We need to trust each other. We have to work together, no matter what. Neden will now discuss the patrols, as well as how this changes in light of what we’ve just discovered.”

She didn’t particularly listen for the rest of the meeting, instead staring at the floor and trying to keep herself calm. The minute things wrapped up, she got to her feet and walked up to Trav. “My place. Now,” she ordered, heading straight outside to avoid anyone talking to her.

The letter. Travis leaned off the wall as it was read. He knew nothing about it, where it came from, why it was sent. Especially with the part with them almost blowing his cover. What is their plan here, why would they act like they are giving up? Possibly to make them lower their guard. Trav thought to himself as he watched Rosie take control of the situation. He thought about sneaking out, but knew that would quickly put suspicion on him, more than there already was. People would panic and probably quickly pointing fingers.

As the meeting came to the end Rosie caught Travis’ attention as she approached him, just about demanding him to follow her. He took a look around and followed her out. The two didn’t talk during the walk, Rosie keeping a slightly faster pace than Travis towards her place. After the two arrived, she closed the door behind him, a look on her face he hadn’t seen before. Travis quickly spoke up to try to ease the tension. “I don’t believe this letter, it’s a fake out for us to lower our guards. But if this spy talk is real, we sho-” Travis was cut off when Rosie held out the letter to him.

Rosie could hardly even look at Travis as they walked back to hers, her heart in her mouth. She was furious- both at him and at herself. Because she had never even considered it, not really. She’d let herself be drawn in, just let herself believe he was different, after everything. She let them both in, slamming the door behind them. She was almost hurt when Travis began trying to cover it. She couldn’t even say anything, just shoved the letter into his hands.

“Don’t you dare try and bullshit me, Travis,” she said quietly. “I could have turned the town on you, so the least you owe me is the goddamn truth. Is this for real?” She asked, her voice low and even and too calm.

Travis was surprised how Rosie spoke to him, asking for the truth and if it was real. He opened the letter and saw it was exactly what Rosie had said during the meeting, except for one thing, something that Rosie hadn’t said, but changed.

The spy, Travis Richard Graveson.

He was petrified. They had ratted him out. Just about threw him to the wolves, and it was only Rosie that had prevented it. Trav stuttered for a second before letting the letter fall to the ground as he looked up at Rosie with soft eyes. “Rosie… I…” Travis took a deep breath. “Yes…” He sighed as he confessed the letter spoke truth about him being a spy and working for the Branded. “But Rosie, you have to listen to me. I didn’t mean for any of our friends to get hurt. I didn’t know how amazing any of you were, are.”

Rosie knew it long before he said yes, but that didn’t stop that one word from feeling like a punch to the chest. She raised an eyebrow as he said he’d never meant for any of their friends to be hurt. Our friends, Travis? Are you actually being serious right now? Is that the only part of it you regret? Every single person that died in those attacks was somebody’s friend. They were all people, and you had a part in their death. Don’t you dare say you regret our friends being hurt.” She shook her head, turning away slightly. “So… what was this? Just… a way of working your way even deeper into the town? They don’t trust you, but they trust me, so if they know I trust you, maybe they’ll trust you too?” She asked.

Travis just listened to the retort coming from her, everything she was saying was true. He was responsible for the death of many people in Greythorne. He regretted all of it. The morning after the attacks, seeing not just the bloodshed, but the internal pain and mourning that people wore. Trav barely kept himself together after seeing the misery he had caused. “Rosie, listen. You’re right, I am responsible for all that, and it’s eaten away at me. I regret all of it, I wish I could take it all back, never come to Greythorne and not bring the death that had followed me here…” He trailed off as Rosie turned away from him.

Hearing her question what they were hurt more than anything, after everything that had happened, being with her actually brought joy to Trav’s life, bringing light to the darkness that had been clouding him. “What? No, this. Us. It’s real. I promise. Just listen to me.” Travis said as she reached and gently grabbed onto Rosie’s shoulder.

Rosie felt his hand on her shoulder and for the first time, she snapped. She slapped his hand away and whirled around to face him. “No, Travis. Nothing you can say is going to change my mind. You came here with the sole purpose of hurting people, and you succeeded. Markus is dead because of you!” She yelled, her voice cracking. She took a step back and reached up, undoing her necklace and pressing it into his hand. “Get out of here. You have two days before I tell everyone what you did,” she said. “And if you’re still here then… it’s your own problem.”

Travis took a step back as his hand was slapped away and was quickly met with Rosie yelling at him, he had never seen her like this before. He barely had time to respond to what she had yelled about, bringing up Markus, saying he was dead because of him. Rosie had come to Trav when she found out, and telling him. He was speechless and his heart sank along with a pain in his chest. He wasn’t exactly close to Markus, but they got along well enough, and he was dead because of him. The next thing that came out of her mouth was telling him to leave, that he had two days before she would tell everyone. Travis wanted to stay, say whatever he needed to convince Rosie, but he knew by the tone of her voice that there was no way. He closed his hand around the necklace forced into his hand. “If this is truly what you want…” He said in a low voice, pain building up in his chest.

After stuffing the necklace into his internal jacket pocket, Trav turned around and went to leave Rosie’s place, but stopped and turned back as he opened the door. “Rosie, I lo-” He paused, realizing there was no point in saying the next two words. “Thank you…” Travis said as he walked out and closed the door behind him, keeping his head low as he went back to his place. He had two days to leave, he didn’t want to, but he knew he had no other choice. Travis had realized he had lost the greatest thing that had been gifted to him, not just friends, not just someone that cared for him, but just happiness in general. I’m sorry for everything Rosie, but I’m not sorry for loving you…

Rosie couldn’t even look at him right then. She only stayed in the hall to make sure he actually left. Then when he left, she just sank down against the wall, the tears starting to stream down her face. After everything, she’d really let herself think there would be one good thing in it all. She’d been wrong. She gave herself a few seconds before standing up, brushing herself down. She went to the bathroom to fix her makeup, before taking a deep breath and heading back into town. She had to keep it together. She had to lead by example, and that meant going back out to see if anyone needed her help.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxwhen you act like this
xxxwhen you get so into yourself
xxxi lose track of common goals
xxxand letting go so i can be all alone
Rosie was been relieved and delighted when Jaiden had taken her up on her offer. Jaiden was spending much more time around Rosie’s, which was making Travis’ absence a little less difficult. The town knew by now, and people had started regarding her with a degree of suspicion. But it had only lasted a day or two until they’d realised she was deathly serious in her warning that if he was found within town limits, he was to be captured and taken to whoever was leading the patrols at the time. A vampire by the name of Evelyn had stepped up to help with the patrols following Markus’ death. A young vampire by all standards, even younger than Rosie herself, but she’d quickly proved herself. And she’d promised Rosie she would only kill him if really necessary. He’d left town after three days. She’d been reassured of that by the spriggans, who seemed to be of the opinion they were much better off without them and that she could do better anyway. Rosie had thanked them for their information and had left it at that.

Training Jaiden had been a welcome distraction. She was trying to keep it as broad as she can, teaching self defense as well as offensive techniques. She’d been taking it slow with the magic, partially because Jaiden was still unsure, and partially because Rosie herself was unsure of how to best train and advise on it. But she was seeing progress. It was small, but it was there, and that was something.

She’d all but stopped giving her classes assignments and tests. Partially so she’d have less to do herself, but also because she could tell they were scared and stressed enough without her piling work on top of it. More than once, her class had gotten derailed as they talked about what was happening. She let it happen, knowing that talking about what was happening was important.

Seeing how scared her students were had prompted Rosie to do some thinking. People were feeling scared all over town, holding their breaths, waiting for something to happen. People needed hope, needed a sign, needed support. There were families who had lost a loved one or who were trying to help a loved one heal. So Rosie had approached Phoenix with an idea, and he’d organized the whole thing in a week. A brunch in his cafe, donation only. All of the money raised would be going to the families that needed it. She had no idea if they’d even make that much, but it was also something to get people out, to get people interacting again.

She woke up a little earlier than usual, showered and got ready. She’d volunteered her services to Phoenix to help keep things running smoothly for the morning, but she’d also accepted the leadership role she seemed to have been handed, and she knew it was important for people to see her there. She found herself ready a little earlier than needed, and decided to make herself some breakfast, figuring that she was going to the cafe to help, not get brunch herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

0000Neden0Isimir 00000000000000000|000000000000000000000| Violet0 Marsden

Fallen Angel | Outfit x|xhex: #a39d9d 0000000000000000000000000000000Revenant | Outfit | xxhex:#2b2a2a

Image000000000000000000000000000 Image

The following days had been a blur for both of them, as well as everyone else. Things had been leading up to the brunch and fundraiser at the cafe, and everyone had been looking forward to it. Well, mostly everyone. Neden would have passed on it, if it hadn’t been for Phoenix and being at his own cafe, Neden knew they couldn’t say no. But it was Phoenix, and after they had been through, they knew they had to. The morning had been a slow one. An almost painfully slow morning. Neden rolled out of bed, and haphazardly dressed thselves in an outfit of clothing they just threw together, not caring if things entirely matched or not. Tying their hair up in a pony-tail and put a black beanie on, Neden glanced in the broken reflection of the mirror once more and sighed. Maybe all of this was a big mistake coming here, to Greythorn in the first place. They were shaken out of their thoughts when their phone buzzed in their pants’ pocket, bringing them back to earth. It was a short message from Violet.

Meet me at the cafe, it’s important. Come early, we need to talk.

Was all that the message read. Neden quirked an eyebrow in response. They didn’t know what or why Violet needed to talk to them about, they hadn’t really talked to anyone in the past few days. Deciding to be a hermit and just give themselves time, to just...Think. Think of everything that lead up to this, and it was something they hadn’t wanted to think about, yet here they were. Greythorn had become their home in the short amount of time that they had first arrived, and nothing was going to change that. At least that’s what they wanted to think. Neden sent a quick text back to Violet in response as they shoved a few things into their pockets, and quickly left for the cafe with an ever growing pit in their stomach.

Alright, will be there soon. Just leaving now. Cya in a bit.


The walk to the cafe had been a long one. It wasn’t that they lived far away from the town, it just seemed to go on for miles. Being in their head tended to do that. Neden didn’t know what Violet wanted to talk about, or if it was even really important, or if Violet was just trying to throw them off track. Seeing the small cafe in the distance, Neden tried to cheer up. They didn’t want anyone to see them so distressed, even if their overall appearance may have portrayed otherwise. Neden watched as a few familiar and unfamiliar faces walked in through the main door of the caffe as they grew closer to the building, but stopped as they were a few yards away from the entrance. Maybe they should just turn back and leave now, go back home and just not go. Act like something important came up, but something in the back of their head told them they had to, and that they really didn’t have much of a choice in this. Stepping into the cafe, and seeing familiar faces, who seemed to be in a better mood caused a small smile to crease their lips, but only for a moment. Neden gave Phoenix a small smile and nod of their head as they passed by him and Zoe who were in a small conversation by the front end of the building, not wanting to disturb them now.

Looking around for anyone else they may have recognized, they saw Rosie who was talking to a few different people, giving her a small nod and smile before passing on to the back part of the cafe. Looking around silently, Neden spotted a familiar figure off in the back corner, in a small booth by herself. Taking a deep breath they slowly strolled over and weaved through the dozens of people that flocked to the event. Neden gave a small smile as they neared the table, “This seat taken?” they said with a small, but obviously fake chuckle. Violet simply looked up at them with what seemed to be like dead eyes. “Sit.” she said simply to the Angel. Neden nodded and slipped into the booth, looking across at Violet with a quizzical look. “Everything okay? You haven’t really texted me in a while, nevermind not much before so...I started to worry-” Neden started, but was cut off as Violet shot them a look, one Neden had never seen from her before. It wasn’t one of anger or anything like that. It seemed like one of sadness. As if she had been crying prior to coming here. “Vio...I mean it. If something happened, you can tell me.” Neden said softly, giving her a small and genuine smile. Violet simply shook her head for a moment as she looked down. The two sat in silence for a moment before Violet looked back up at Neden, breaking the silence after what seemed like an eternity. “While I was away, again...I talked with someone. Someone that knows...Things and...Neden...I know. About...Everything.” she said softly, making sure that they kept their conversation low and between the two of them. Thankfully the music playing was helping to drown out most of what they were saying.

Neden was taken a back by the sudden exclamation by Violet. They weren’t expecting this, whatever it was. A genuine look of confusion overcame them as their brows furrowed. Leaning forward to be closer to Violet as they sat across the table from one another, “Sorry, but what? What are you talking about, Vio? You know what? And who did you talk to, nevermind where you went.” Neden said softly. Genuine concern and worry was now forming in their stomach, the more Violet spoke. “I know, Neden...About everything. Maybe not everything, but I know more about you than I did before. I know what you are, and what you’ve done.” Violet said, as her face began to slowly turn redder as tears began to slowly fall from her eyes. Wiping her tears away, she began to talk again before Neden could speak. “And don’t try bullshitting me, alright? I’ve seen the things that you’ve done...I just want to know why. How long did you think you could keep this charade up, Neden? Which, I know isn’t even your actual name.” tears burned behind her eyes as she looked at Neden, which only caused a small pit to form in her stomach. Having to look away from Neden, as even looking at them now became too much. Neden listened silently as Violet spoke, the words hit them like a brick wall to the chest. Neden felt like they couldn’t breathe, like all the oxygen in their lungs had been ripped out violently. Left gasping for air, as they just sat there motionless. Neden tried to think of what to say, anything. Anything at all, but their mind just went blank. For the first time in years, everything was just blank. Neden had no words to say, nothing to even try to say to her. Everything came out left field, leaving them in so much confusion. But worry soon overcame like waves in the ocean.

Neden struggled for a moment to regain the ability to speak as they felt their heart stop for a moment. Shaking their head for a moment as they looked back up at the girl that sat across from them. Neden wanted to just get up and give Violet a hug, apologize for everything. Explain that it wasn’t true, that it was all a lie. But feeling the emotions radiate off of her was so palpable, and real. Violet wasn’t lying, she was telling the truth. She knew, somehow she knew. She knew it all, and Neden didn’t know what to do. Biting their lip for a moment, Neden finally gathered the words to say as they could feel their own eyes beginning to burn, “Violet, I swear...Whoever told you those things...I’m sorry. I want to say that those were lies but...I can’t. I just don’t know what to say to you, I can’t say it’s all a lie and didn’t happen...Even though I wish it was, and never did happen. But I’m not that person anymore. I’m not.” Neden said with a look of sadness that overcame their entire face, leading up to their eyes as they looked around. “It’s all just really, really fucking complicated and a long story it’s just...I don’t know what to tell you or do...I’m sorry, Vio…” they said as they finally made eye contact with Violet, who simply looked up at them in return.

What came next, Neden wasn’t expecting and their heart sank at the words that came next from Violet. “I don’t want to hear that you’re sorry. I just want to know why. Why you lied for so long...You have to tell them. Everyone, Neden. Not just me. They all deserve to know.” Neden felt their heart skip more than just one beat. “Wh...What? Violet, I can’t. I can’t tell them. You’ll know what they’ll do. No one will-” “You tell them, or I will, Neden. That’s your choice. They know and find out by you, where you can explain everything. Or I’ll tell them. What one would you prefer?” Violet asked as she crossed her arms over her chest as she looked at the angel that sat across from her. Neden swallowed hard for a moment, looking down and away as thoughts rushed through their mind. Coming here was a mistake, and they knew it. They should have left, but Violet would have told them all anyway. And no one would have been able to trust Neden again. They would have been viewed and seen as a traitor, that simply left before they could have been caught.

Neden exhaled sharply, looking up at Violet as they gave her a small glance, “Fine...I’ll tell them.” Neden slowly removed themselves from the booth. Looking about, they saw that everyone was still scattered across the building, and there was no way that they were going to make it a public display. Neden took out their phone, and after a few moments, multiple texts had been sent to those that needed to know, telling them they needed to talk in the backroom and that it couldn’t wait. Neden simply gave Violet one more look, one of sorrow and regret, before they turned and excused themselves to one of the backrooms, where they would await the others to arrive. A massive pit formed in Neden’s stomach as they stepped into the extra room in the back. It was small, but big enough for more than a dozen or so people to stand in. Neden felt a sudden urge and ran into the bathroom, and emptied whatever the contents in their stomach was. Everything felt like such a nightmare, that everything was out of touch and reality. Like this was some sort of dream or nightmare that had come to life. None of this was supposed to happen, and now they were forced to face one of their fears. Looking in the small mirror for a moment, Neden simply shook their head and exited the bathroom and returning to the backroom once more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser Character Portrait: Zoe Peña
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xxxsomething is familiar
xxxlike a dream I can reach but not quite hold
xxxi can sense you there
xxxlike a friend I've always known

Two things quickly happened: Phoenix rushed away, which Zoe completely understood, and the woman who had asked about Alex in the first place was introducing herself. Zoe shook her hand and returned Jaiden’s smile with one of her own. Soft, and maybe a little forced, but it was there. “I’m Zoe,” She sighed, “I’m actually in town visiting,” She paused, not currently sure she wanted to be associated with Alex at the moment, “Family.” She felt a little guilty about the omission, but told herself that it really wasn’t that big of a deal. Alex didn’t seem to give a shit about her, anyway. Something inside told her that he didn’t have a reason to care, and something else argued that she shouldn’t care about him either, then. She decided to change the subject quickly, maybe say something nice about Jaiden. “I, uh, I really like your jacket. It’s nice.” It very clearly wasn’t really Zoe’s style, and she was mostly just saying it to be nice, but she did think it looked good on Jaiden.

As they sat down, Zoe gave Jaiden an awkward smile, “Thank you, I’ve been alone a lot since I got to town.” She paused as she realized how pathetic that sounded, and quickly moved on, “Is it always so exciting here?” By exciting, she did mean filled with drama. She knew small communities came with their drama (she lived in one, herself), but it seemed that things got weird when you got assorted magical beings together. Maybe living with nothing but other witches wasn’t such a bad thing. “I’m from a coven in Arizona, and this is… Very different than what I’m used to.”

Zoe did feel a little better, having something to distract her from the stupid drama her half-brother seemed to be proficient in causing, but she still felt almost on the verge of tears. Somehow, though she knew it didn’t make sense, she felt almost responsible. Alex and Phoenix had seemed so happy and comfortable with one another when she’d arrived, but ever since then fights and drama and weirdness erupted every time she saw them. Logically, she knew that these things would almost certainly happen with or without her presence, but that didn’t stop her from feeling like a bad omen.

As they talked, Zoe kind of studied Jaiden. She didn’t want to be weird, and she tried to be subtle, but Zoe liked to watch people’s faces while they talked. She felt like it helped her get to know them, and sometimes she felt like it gave her some insight into what kind of a person they were. Zoe thought Jaiden was incredibly kind, or else she wouldn’t have offered to sit and talk to someone she didn’t know. If Zoe stayed in town very long, maybe they could be friends.

Sipping the tea Phoenix made helped to calm Zoe’s mind a little. This was still a stressful situation, but not being right in the middle of it was nice.

xxxi'm guessing that i've grown horns
xxxi guess i'm human no more
xxxi can tell i've rotted in your brain

Zada’s voice distracted Alex a little. He hadn’t expected her, and for a moment he almost realized that something was wrong, and then Phoenix slapped him. For a moment, he didn’t quite realize what had happened; he brought a hand up to his face, a mixture of pain and confusion on his face. He figured it out pretty quickly, though, when he heard Phoenix’s words. It was hard to piece together what was happening, though. He felt half asleep, like this was just some bizzare dream he hadn’t quite woken up from. He was piecing it all together, though, head clearing as people were yelling. It was about when he realized that the woman standing in front of him was shirtless and that the memories he had in his head hadn’t been some sort of middle school fever dream when Violet found it necessary to hit him, too.

At first, he wanted to be annoyed, but then he realized that she was defending him. Wait, Phoenix was crying. He realized what this must look like, how incriminating it seemed to be, but that didn’t stop him from being upset about it. Besides, what was he supposed to say, ‘this isn’t what it looks like, Phoenix! She grabbed my hand and suddenly the fact that she had boobs and was paying attention to me overrode all my common sense’? Yeah, that was a great defense. Might have worked in middle school. He realized he was still holding her shirt, but between not wanting to make things worse with Phoenix, and the strange sense of fear he was beginning to feel, he didn’t want to try to give it back. In fact, he didn’t even want to look in her direction.

In truth, Alex wasn’t sure what had happened. Well, he knew what had happened- he remembered it- he wasn’t sure why it happened. Normally, he wouldn’t even think of doing something like this. Not now, when he had Phoenix. A few months ago, maybe, but even then probably not out in the open. “Phoenix,” He wanted to talk to Phoenix, try to make it better somehow, “please, I would never, I-” He stopped himself there, realizing that anything he could say would probably just come off as empty words.

He’d been so distressed about Phoenix, that Alex hadn’t even really noticed the claws. Suddenly, a sort of fear started to gnaw at his stomach. He thought he understood what was happening, then, and he felt like he was going to be sick. Violet’s words really didn’t make him feel better, either. He knew he hadn’t been the nicest to her in the past, and that she didn’t like him much, but he really didn’t feel like calling him a piece of shit was necessary. He found himself almost wringing the shirt in his hands, as if that would help. It wasn’t comforting, in fact he wanted to be rid of it, but aside from Violet beginning pushing him back inside he almost felt glued in place. No wonder people kept trying to kill him, he was an easy target.

He heard Zada say everything was just a misunderstanding, with that came an unspoken promise that nothing like this would happen again. If that would make all of this end, at this point, Alex was willing to accept it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser Character Portrait: Violet Marsden
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0.00 INK

outfit xxxxxxx hex; #D4AF37
xxx The price of your greed
xxx Is your son and your daughter
xxx What you gon' do
xxx When there's blood in the water?


Trisstana was about to get started on the man when a voice from behind told her to stop. She turned aggressively with her fangs fully out and claws extended, thrown off seeing it was Zada. “What?” She was confused why Zada would be telling her to stop. Before she could say anything else someone else came out, approaching them with anger and she was getting ready to retaliate but the man just slapped her prey instead and started cursing him out. Now Triss was very much confused about what was all going on.

Another woman, shorter than everyone else, also came out and slapped Alex, trying to shake him from Triss’ trance. Triss just rolled her eyes ad the situation going on around her. The women then began to talk about this wasn’t him and quickly turned and got infront of her, demanding to know what was going on, trying to insult her using the term Goldie Locks. This Trisstana didn’t like, she just snarled at the smaller woman, not exactly all the hostility that was forming around her and was starting to get aggressive and ready to defend herself.

Triss felt a hand on her arm and turned her focus from the woman in front of her to whoever was touching her, a little surprised to see it was Zada. Trisstana wasn’t sure what it was, but feeling Zada’s soft hand on her arm calmed her down, followed by the words that flowed from her mouth. She slowly retracted her fangs and claws before turning back to the smaller woman. She started to talk and try to explain to herself, but Zada spoke up first.

Triss nodded as Zada explained it was a misunderstanding and looked at her. “Yeah… I guess I misunderstood what she meant. Sorry?” She said towards Alex with a light smile before she and her mermaid partner headed inside. Trisstana was asked if she wanted her shirt, but refused it as she walked in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser Character Portrait: Violet Marsden
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0.00 INK

xxxdon't do love, don't do friends
xxxi'm only after success
xxxdon't need a relationship
xxxi'll never soften my grip

This was not an ideal situation. Zada found herself standing by Triss, awkwardly watching as Phoenix, and then Violet, slapped Alex across the face. A part of her relished in the sight; Alex was nothing if not annoying, and the fact that he likely didn’t deserve it didn’t matter in the least. Still, something told her that attention would be brought to Triss before much longer. In most situations, Zada liked being right, but this wasn’t one of them.

Trisstana was growing agitated, and Violet was only making it worse. Zada didn’t want to see a fight break out, that wasn’t what anyone here needed. She rested a hand on Triss’ arm, hoping to calm her a little, or at least get her attention. If Triss was going to stay in Greythorne, Zada didn’t want there to be too many barriers. Triss could get used to the way life here worked, and the people could get used to Triss. Zada knew that to be true, because she’d gotten used to the way the land-dwellers lived, and they’d gotten used to her. “You need to calm down before you make things worse.”

Her voice wasn’t harsh, just matter-of-fact. Humans (and basically everyone on dry land) were slaves to their emotions, and they wouldn’t easily accept that Triss didn’t mean anything by her actions. Zada knew that it wasn’t personal, but she was sure Alex would take it personally, irrational as he was. She decided not to leave this to Triss, not because she didn’t think Triss could handle herself, but because she was much more used to dealing with them.

“How embarrassing,” Zada looked at Alex, and then to Phoenix. She wasn’t sure she really cared about all of this, if not for Trisstana’s well being, and how distressed Phoenix seemed to be. Normally she would chalk it up to the repercussions of loving a man, but since she knew that wasn’t fully true, she continued, “After speaking with Alex earlier I complained about how terrible he was. I’m so used to all of you I forgot about the strong instinct to kill strange men that bother your friends.” She offered a smile, but as usual it didn’t look quite natural. “We’ll be sure to remember that, going forward.

After Triss offered up an apology, they headed back inside. At first, Zada wanted to just go home, but then she checked her phone and saw a message. From Neden. This was strange, but Zada supposed it was important. Neden had said it couldn’t wait, typically they told Zada they would speak with her later, and then never got around to it. “Apparently I’m needed.” She sighed, “I don’t know what for, though.” She decided to head towards the back room; if it was a waste of time then so be it, but if it was important she didn’t want to be left in the dark.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxhey, i promise you will be fine
xxxgot the universe on your side
xxxwhen you're out in space
xxxdon't be afraid, no.
The first instinct that maybe there was more going on than first appeared was when Violet appeared... and also slapped Alex. It didn't seem like an angry slap though, almost as if she was trying to slap Alex out of something. And then it sank in. The dazed look on Alex's face hadn't just been caused by the presence of a shirtless woman. And Violet apparently knew it too. He wouldn't do anything like this to you. Of course he wouldn't. But Phoenix had jumped to conclusions and probably had just made everything worse.

Zada's explanation didn't do a whole lot to make him feel better. Apparently, the stranger's plan had just been to kill Alex after Zada had made an offhand comment. The thought, the feeling made Phoenix feel vaguely nauseous, and yet there was still a part of him that was glad that that was all that was going on. The stranger gave a half-assed apology, and Phoenix had to resist the temptation to shoot her a glare. When it was just the three of them left, Phoenix leaned against the wall, running his hands down his face. "Alex, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise- I didn't think- I just-"

Just what? Let years of shitty relationships ruin the one good relationship he'd had in years? Let his own damn insecurities take priority over trusting his boyfriend, his best friend, the person he should have been able to trust over anything else? Perhaps if he'd taken a minute to just read the situation, he would have noticed what was really going on. But no, he'd let his anger get the better of him, and he'd probably ruined everything.

He had no idea how he was supposed to go in and face a cafe full of customers. Forcing on a smile seemed like his idea of hell right about now, and he just couldn't face it. But when his phone buzzed in his pocket, he still dug it out to check that nothing was going horribly wrong. Instead, it was just a text from Neden, asking him to meet them in the back room. "Neden wants to talk to us about something," he said, wiping the last few tears from his face and straightening up. He headed in to the room to see Neden already standing there. They looked uncomfortable, and Phoenix got the impression this probably wasn't good news. He had to resist the temptation to just turn back around and go home, sleep it off and hope this had all been a bad dream. Instead he managed a weak smile at them. Rosie was there too, looking somewhere between impatient and concerned.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser Character Portrait: Violet Marsden
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0.00 INK


Whispers are creeping
Under the gallows
People are talking
We could lose it all
Tell them something is coming
There's blood in the water
Give them a warning
Let it all come crashing down
Burn the castle to the ground
Hang the lies, no disguise
It's our time
Let it all come
Down down, down

Neden waited as patiently as they could for the others to eventually show up. At first they were beginning to think that no one was going to show up as it seemed like hours had passed by since they had first sent out the message. It was only when the door opened, and in stepped Rosie that some relief filled them, but it went away quickly as they remembered why. Normally seeing their friends would have brought a sense of happiness and safety, but now...Now the only thing it brought was pain and regret, Neden hated every moment of it. They stood in awkward silence as they continued to wait for the others, which soon all filed in one at a time. Zada and an unknown woman entered shortly after, and soon did Phoenix and Violet, who Neden could barely make eye contact with before they had to look away. They swallowed hard as they hoped others would soon follow, but after it was clear that Alex nor Jaiden, or Kaylessa would be joining, Neden knew it was time to finally talk. Neden licked their lips as they thought for a moment, taking in notice that Violet sat off in the corner on a stack of boxes that were on the floor, looking down and away from the group. Neden didn't know what had happened outside, but due to the energy and general emotions they were getting off of everyone, they were already all stressed and rather frankly didn't want to be here. They couldn't blame anyone, Neden didn't even want to be here anyway, but yet here they were.

Neden simply let out a soft sigh after two or so minutes of pure silence had filled the room, making it feel like it was entirely suffocating to be in such a small room. Neden stood amongst the group in the middle of the room as everyone was either off to the side or what have you. Neden scanned the room, taking in how everyone was currently looking and feeling, knowing full well everyone was on edge and was wondering why they were called there. Neden couldn't keep dragging it on, if they did, something bad would happen and that wasn't what they were willing to happen. The angel finally bit back the feeling of anxiety that was slowly creeping up and began to talk, their voice sounding a bit shaky and unsure they looked around, "I'm sure you're all wondering why I asked you all to meet me here...Normally I would have waited for a better time but.." Neden took in a deep breath as they looked around the room once more, realizing how small they truly felt in this moment. "It was time that I was honest with you...And it would be better to hear it straight from me than someone else. I wish I didn't have to but, I can't keep lying to you all, or more so keeping the truth from you all." Neden bit back the feeling on onrushing anxiety that began to bubble up, having to keep it down as they knew if they let it slip, everything could come crashing down. More than it was about to anyway.

"I do want to say one thing before I begin the reason of really bringing you all here...I have been nothing but honest with you, about everything. I just never once told you anything about me, because that's where I couldn't. I knew that...If you knew the truth, you wouldn't, nor could you have trusted me. And it wasn't that I was trying to deceive you it's just...I'm not that person anymore. I swear I'm not." Neden could feel a slight burn begin to form behind their eyes, but quickly dismissed it as they knew they couldn't break down, not yet.

Neden looked around at everyone, trying to gauge how everyone was feeling. With a simple glance, they could already tell how everyone was feeling. Biting their lip for a moment before they spoke up again, "That night, at the graveyard when I was with Alex...The same night as the latest attack. Some of you learned the truth of what I am...At least partially. I don't think anyone has been able to exactly guess but..." Neden took a deep breath, slowly shrugging off their outer layer jacket, letting it fall to the floor. Neden took a slow, deep breath as two large, raven black wings spread out from their back, finally revealing them again for the first time since that night. Neden would have normally relished in regaining their wings, something they had missed for so long, but with how they looked now, Neden couldn't help but feel slightly repulsed. Looking back up at everyone as they began to speak again, "I haven't always had these...Nor were they always this color." Neden stated softly, looking back at their wings as they slowly spread them out for a moment, before retracting their wings closer to their body. "Not many creatures have wings, some may look a lot like this, such as Sirens. Like Rosie here. But, that's not what I am. Not exactly. It's been such a long time that I really acknowledged this about myself but...I guess I'm what you could consider to be an angel?" Neden said as they took a few steps around the room, never fully looking up to meeting anyone's eyes. They just couldn't bring themselves to.

"You see...I used to go by the name of Orion, while I was still rightfully an angel. I was part of what humans consider a military group? But, after a while I became what many consider a Guardian Angel. You know how people think of having this supernatural force around them? Somehow protecting them from danger? Or some consider a small voice in the back of their head? Well, since most humans can't see us, that's what we come across as most. Just a small voice making sure you don't do anything stupid." Neden said with a small chuckle, before quickly regaining their composure and serious tone. "I was such for a long time. A very long time...Until I met someone. I'll spare the details, as they're rather boring and of no real interest, I was given a choice. Give up everything I had and become as mortal as I would be on Earth, or forget everything that I came to know and love and return back to being a soldier. I gave up everything I ever knew to become like one of you. My wings were clipped, well...I took them off myself, but that's besides the point. I gave up everything, my powers and my beautiful white wings...For a human." Neden's voice dipped down as it seemed to almost crack, they hadn't talk about any of this in years. Neden hadn't realized how much it hurt till this day to talk about their past, and they were only just getting started.

"But in doing so...I was forced to roam aimlessly. I lost everything, my wings, my powers, and the one I gave everything up for. She...She died before I could get back to her and...Ever since I have been just roaming the world from one play to another. I never realized how things really had changed over time...Myself included." their voice sounded soft and saddened by what was next to come. Neden took a slow, deep breath. Taking a small look over at Violet who only gave them a small nod, to keep going. Neden gave her a small smile and nod as they continued to talk once more, "There was a time where...I had done things that, I wish I never had. If I could go back in time and stop myself, I would have. I never would have let myself hurt people like I had." Neden took in a deep breath, "I wouldn't blame anyone for hating me after what I am about to tell you. If you want me out of this town, and to never come near any of you, or Greythorn ever again...I wouldn't blame you. Or if you just wanted to kill me outright, I wouldn't blame you either." Neden said as their voice cracked, for just a moment as they regained their composure.

Neden looked down for a moment as they turned over their left arm, revealing a mark on the upper part of their left forearm. "I know this doesn't mean anything to any of you, but...This was given to me years ago. All of those that were a part but marks like these to show where they stood in ranks. Most have them on the back of their ear, some of the back of their wrists, arms, abdomens, or the nape of their neck. The ones that have this mark on their forearm showed leadership..." Neden took another deep breath as they turned their arm back away, not being able to look any of them in the eyes. "If I had known what was going to happen both those times, I would have stopped it long beforehand. I would have given you all a warning. I haven't been a part of them for years, I swear. They tried killing me both of those nights during the raids. None of them know I even exist anymore, and the ones that do are too afraid to come out of hiding." the angel said as they bit back the feeling to vomit, they didn't even want to acknowledge their past, yet here they were. Knowing full well that everyone had lost all sense of trust and faith in them completely. "I know this doesn't justify any of my actions...I hurt people, and I wish I could take back what I had done. I was lost and confused, I was in a dark place and I know that is no way of justifying have hurt people like you. But..It was way before I realized that...There is no difference between humans and you. You all live lives, you all have your own issues and problems. You're no different than humans, you just have things that make you special...And...The only monster there was me. When I finally realized, I changed. I betrayed them and ran. I was hunted down for years before they believed I was dead. If any of them knew I was still alive, I would be hunted down again and they'd have me killed." a sigh escaped their lips as they looked down, tears having finally fallen as they tried to compose themselves.

"I've spent...The past, forty years of my existence trying to make it up to anyone that I came across. I know my past actions and sins have no way of being justified, but I swear to you, I've done nothing but tried to make amends for those that I have hurt. If I had known about any of the attacks, I would have done so much more. I should have done more...I am so sorry for betraying your trust. You all have a right to hate me for everything that I've done, but I really have tried to right the wrongs of my past...I don't know what else to say but...I truly am sorry, and I never wanted to hurt any of you, ever." Neden's voice fully fell and cracked as they finished their long speech, they could tell before they even looked up how everyone in the room was feeling. They betrayed them all, hurt people by having any involvement with the branded at all. There was no rescuing this or coming back from what they just told everyone, and they fully accepted what was to come.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser Character Portrait: Zoe Peña Character Portrait: Violet Marsden
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0.00 INK

xxxi hear the voices from the closet
xxxasking me haunting questions
xxxare you happy?
xxxdo you want it that bad?

The apology was weak, but Alex accepted it with a slight nod. He didn’t need genuine remorse, he just needed her not to do it again. Just wanted to be safe. As she walked past, he held her shirt out to her, “Here,” But she just waved it off and went inside. What the hell was he going to do with this shirt? He didn’t want it.

Then Phoenix started to apologize. Everything in Alex wanted to tell him that he should be sorry. That there were plenty of things he should have done before assuming the worst. That he was upset and hurt by this lack of trust. That he could have died, and that he felt betrayed, violated, and scared. Instead, he smiled at Phoenix. “It’s fine, I understand. You had no way of knowing what was happening.” Alex hadn’t been able to lie to Phoenix since they were kids; they knew each other too well, Phoenix saw right through him most of the time. But they didn’t have time to really talk about that, Phoenix needed to get inside, and Alex just wanted to get out of the alley. It was starting to feel like a death sentence. He turned to Violet. She’d defended him, and called him an asshole. He didn’t say anything, but maybe he didn’t have to. He was thankful enough, even though he didn’t appreciate her hitting him.

There was a text from Neden, and Alex just didn’t feel like dealing with it. “Fill me in later?” He called after Phoenix. He knew he would. Knew Phoenix would understand that Alex didn’t want to be there. He still needed to talk to Jaiden. Still wanted to talk to her. It would be something else to think about.

He threw the shirt away on his way to find her.

He spotted Jaiden sitting with Zoe, of all people. Interesting. He walked over to the table and smiled, “Hey, Zoe. Thanks for keeping Jai company for me.”

Zoe looked stunned, “Oh, um,” Alex saw the look on her face when she looked at him. She didn’t have to say it, he understood what she was thinking. What did you do?

He turned to Jaiden, “Mind if we talk outside? I could use a smoke.” He looked back at Zoe, “Later.” He waited a moment to make sure Jaiden was coming, and then started walking to the door, pulling out his pack of cigarettes before he even reached the door, “What do you think of Zoe? I find her a little annoying, personally, but maybe that just comes with the territory.”

Once they were out the door, Alex walked a little ways away. “Thanks for coming to talk to me, Jaiden.” He held a cigarette up to her, “Can I get a light?” He laughed a little at Jaiden’s snark, but she did it. He figured he needed to actually talk to her before she decided to pummel him. “I wanted to say sorry.”

He sighed, “After, you know, I was so focused on myself that I didn’t even think about anyone else.” He shrugged, “I don’t even think I ever thanked you for saving my life. And don’t act like you didn’t, because you did.” He looked down at the ground, kicked a pebble to the street, and added, “I didn’t wanna face you, I guess.” He looked at Jaiden and shook his head, “I didn’t realize how much… I felt so guilty, about everything, I was so sure you would hate me.”

Alex looked up at the sky, blinked several times, his voice was faltering a little. It was still so fresh, it hadn’t been that long. He still had nightmares about it, “You know, when Phoenix,” He stopped to swallow the lump forming in his throat, “If things went differently, I don’t know what I would’ve done. So, I’m sorry, Jaiden.”

He paused, but only for a moment, before he moved on to asking about Jaiden. “How are you holding up after Markus? I know that, you know, after the first attack I felt like it wasn’t fair. There were plenty of people that deserved to live on more than me. So, if you ever feel like you need to talk about that sort of thing, I get it.”

He didn’t really expect Jaiden to want to talk to him, not at that moment. After a moment where neither of them said anything, Alex cleared his throat, “Hey, Jai? You think I can crash at your place tonight? I can sleep on the couch, it’s no big deal.” He shrugged, “Just, you know, think it might be nice.” It wasn’t so much that he didn’t want to be around Phoenix, he just felt like he needed some space to air out the pain he was feeling. He didn’t want it to turn to anger, he didn’t want to lash out again. Everything would be fine, he just needed to think.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser Character Portrait: Violet Marsden
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outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxdon't make me laugh, i'll choke
xxxjust let me cry a little bit longer
xxxi ain't gonna smile if i don't want to
xxxhey man we all can't be like you
Rosie began to launch into her explanation of how everything worked, when the girl interrupted her again to ask about Alex and if he'd always been that much of an asshole. "I taught him in high school. And... yeah, pretty much. Although I think he has grown up a little in the past few months." He'd held down a decent relationship for a few weeks, which was something. Almost as if summoned, Phoenix himself appeared and began chatting to the girl, who he addressed as Zoe. The name didn't mean anything to Rosie, but she and Phoenix seemed friendly enough.

There seemed to be a bit of a disturbance, as Phoenix seemed to leave all of a hurry, followed by Zada. Rosie figured that one of them would text her if they needed her, and that someone probably needed to hold down the fort in front of house for a while. Things were starting to quieten down a little, but new people still seemed to be arriving in search of their usual coffees. Even if Phoenix himself was absent, it seemed that he'd made sure the whole thing could run smoothly even if he wasn't there. Now things were calmer, Rosie felt comfortable enough stepping into the back hall to check her phone. There was a text from Neden there, asking her to meet them in the back room. She stepped in to discover that there was already a few others there. She seemed to be the last to arrive, as after a few more minutes of waiting, Neden began to speak.

Their revelation was honestly shocking to Rosie. She hadn't known what to expect, but knew that she never could have anticipated that. Phoenix almost ran out of the room without saying anything. He looked like he'd been crying earlier, and now he was white as a sheet, almost grey. Rosie made a mental note to check on him almost by reflex, a defensive mechanism kicking in so she wouldn't have to try and process this herself.

First Travis. Then Neden. How many hunters and former hunters did they have in this town? How much of a threat did they pose? Rosie sighed. She believed that it was a long, long time ago in Neden's history. They were as passionate about protecting the town as she was, as Markus had been. But right then, Rosie couldn't just carry on as normal. "Thanks for telling us, Neden. We... I believe you. That you've changed," she managed to say, before turning around to leave.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser Character Portrait: Violet Marsden
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0.00 INK

xxxdon't do love, don't do friends
xxxi'm only after success
xxxdon't need a relationship
xxxi'll never soften my grip

Triss followed Zada to the back, while Zada didn’t mind, she didn’t know if any of the others would object. Still, she wasn’t about to tell Triss what to do. Ordering people around outside of manners of life or death had always felt horribly barbaric to her. They arrived fairly early to Neden’s little meaning, and Zada offered a small, tentative smile as greeting. It was, perhaps, the kindest gesture she could convincingly, and Neden looked quite nervous. Hopefully she could do something to reassure them. The people that were gathering in this room had all been through so much, it seemed impossible that anything Neden could say would surprise them much.

Then Neden started to speak. At first, the words whirled around Zada’s head, not making much sense. Did Neden think the town would be upset because they were an angel? Zada didn’t think anyone here would care a tremendous amount about that. Then the real confession came. Neden had worked with them.

They had worked with the branded and then here they were, running patrols, claiming to be protecting them. Zada’s head spun, this wasn’t right. It couldn’t be. Neden claimed it had been years ago, a Zada’s entire life had passed since Neden left their ranks. Yet, somehow, that didn’t matter to her.

People who hunted supernatural beings, no matter how justified they may think they are, were some of the worst in Zada’s eyes. They hunted down innocent people, slaughtered them in their sleep, burned their homes. They created orphans and widows, tore entire towns apart. They came to celebrations and slaughtered people in the streets. To say she was angry was an understatement. A fire burned in her eyes, an unforgiving rage that no one in this room had been subject to before. She made sure to lock eyes with Neden, so they could see the anger there.

And without a word, she turned and left the room.

Zada didn’t believe that people could change. Not humans, angels, or mermaids. Not in any way that mattered.

She was going home. Triss followed, she seemed confused, and Zada wasn’t sure she had the capacity to explain. She couldn’t believe that she’d been so foolish. She trusted the people here, she’d let it feel like home. She never should have trusted anyone. She was mostly silent on the walk home, but upon walking into the house, she turned to Triss. She kept her face neutral, but there was a sadness to her eyes, “Maybe I was wrong about the people in this town being good. I suppose that you cannot know anyone as well as you would like. I’m sorry.”

She left Triss with that, and headed to her bedroom. A part of her wondered if she could trust Trisstana, and another part of her wondering if she could bear not trusting the nixie.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser Character Portrait: Violet Marsden
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0.00 INK

Jaiden Price
Witch | outfit : herex|xhex: #800000
xxxYou move, and I don't really know what to say
xxxToo soon, am I supposed to feel this way?
xxxReach out but I don't wanna get in your way
xxxToo little, too late, I know that's what you're gonna say
Jaiden smiled as the girl introduced herself as Zoe and explained that she was just visiting family in town, happily shaking hands with her as they introduced themselves. Jaiden was curious for who her family was, maybe she possibly knew them, but wasn’t going to pry into someone else’s business. Jaiden gave her a small smile as she was complimented on her jacket, “Oh uh, this? Thanks. I like your sweater.” she said with an awkward chuckle as the two made their way towards one of the booths, might as well wait for Alex to come back anyway as well. Which she was beginning to wonder where he went off to.

Looking back up as Zoe started talking again as they sat down, explaining how ever since she got into town, she had been very much so alone, but quickly brushed it off as she asked if things were always so exciting in Greythorne, clearly in reference to the fundraiser. Jaiden thought for a moment as she bit the inside of her cheek as she thought. “Well, no longer alone now, right?” she started off with a small chuckle, “And as for if this place is always exciting? I mean, as much as a small town like this can be, it’s...It’s not bad. Not much usually happens around here but, if you manage to surround yourself with the right people, you’ll never have a dull moment.” Jaiden said with a small smile. There was a bit of an air of familiarity about this woman, and Jaiden didn’t know what it was, but something just felt nice about talking with her.

A small chuckle escaped her lips as Zoe explained that Greythorne was nothing like her Coven back in Arizona, confirming that she was a witch as well. There were plenty of witches and warlocks in Greythorne, but Jaiden didn’t exactly spend much time with any of them, except for Alex and Phoenix, and sometimes Alex’s Abuela. But that was about as much interaction that she spent with others of her kind. “Yeah, Greythorne isn’t so bad. It’s rather quiet and not much goes on half the time but, this isn’t a bad place to live. I’m originally from a small town in Maine so, in comparison, this place has become my new home since I’ve been here. I hope you enjoy it here however long you decide to stay here.” she said with a small smile.

Minutes shortly passed by as the two of them exchanged small town and small casual information about themselves, helping to hopefully be less awkward with each other. It was finally about an extra ten minutes when Alex returned and thanked Zoe for keeping Jaiden company while he was gone. Both, as if on instinct, gave Alex a look, one of surprise and confusion came from Zoe, while one of judgement and annoyance came from Jaiden. She rolled her eyes when Alex asked if they could speak outside and that he needed to smoke, didn’t he just ask that they could talk inside? She gave a roll of her eyes as she began to get up from her seat. Looking back at Zoe before she fully excused herself, “Well uh, it was nice talking to you. If you ever need someone to talk to, or just help you find your way around town, feel free to just call or whatever. I’d be happy to introduce you to Greythorne.” Jaiden said with a small smile as she placed a small piece of paper with her number scribbled on it, and a small note and quickly followed after Alex.

Jaiden arched an eyebrow at him when he asked what she thought of Zoe, giving a small shrug as her hands were stuffed in her jacket’s pockets. “I dunno, she seems nice. Bit awkward and shy but, what else is anyone going to expect when you’re new in town and don’t really know anyone? And you find everyone annoying, and everyone finds you annoying, so maybe that’s a good sign?” she said with a shrug, turning her attention back to Alex as he asked if she could help light his cigarette. She got him her usual glare, and with a snap of her fingers she lit the cigarette, using her middle finger to do so as a small flame lit up her fingertip.

She rolled her eyes yet again when he started to appologize, she didn’t know about what, but whatever it was going to be, was probably something stupid. But she figured she might as well actually listen to him. Jaiden was genuinely surprised when he started to say how he was sorry, for everything, and how he was so self absorbed with himself after the first attack that he never realized how that affected everyone. “Well yeah, that was kind of an asshole move. And I did what anyone would have done. You may be an absolute pain in my ass, but I wasn’t going to let you die, even if Violet ended up doing more than me...But you’re welcome.” she said with a small smile, shaking her head as he continued to talk. My god, did this guy like to talk.

Her face fell slightly when he said that he thought she hated him, and how he felt so guilty about that first night and the attack. She understood what he was trying to get at, it wasn’t anyone’s fault. At least none of their’s. Jaiden gave a small sigh, “It wasn’t your fault, Alex...I only blame myself for what happened to-” Jaiden found herself stopping as felt a small tinge of pain, at even mentioning the name seemed like too much for her. “It was no one’s fault for her dying...if it was anyone’s, it was mine..” she mumbled, feeling that burn start behind her eyes. Quickly looking up to the sky, Jaiden closed her eyes, trying to find some peace in all of this.

She quirked her eyebrow when he mentioned when something almost happened with Phoenix, or when something happened to Phoenix, and that he didn’t know what he would have done, and how he continued to apologize. She didn’t exactly know what he was trying to get at, but she figured this was the only time she was going to get an apology from him, “It’s whatever, Alex...But I accept your apology, even if there isn’t much to forgive.” she said with a small, but very genuine smile. Her demeanor changed when she was asked how she was dealing with the whole thing with Markus, it couldn’t have been easy for her after everything, and that if she needed to talk, he would be there for her. Jaiden just gave a small shrug, “Dealing with it, I guess. Best as someone can after they got someone else killed but...I’m slowly getting there, thanks Alex.” her voice dipped a bit. She looked back up at him when he finally spoke up again, explaining how he wanted to know if it was okay for him to stay at her place for the night. She thought it was a bit odd, but considering how he seemed a bit off after he came back at the cafe, she figured something went down between those two, again.

Sure, it’s whatever. You can stay the night. But expect to deal with cats, Lumo and Nox haven’t seen you in a while. So, let’s get the fuck on with getting to my place, huh?” she said as she motioned for Alex to follow her back to her home, not waiting for him any longer than she had to.

Violet Marsden
Revenant | outfit : herex|xhex: #2b2a2a
xxxI'm so fuckin' sorry, I'm so fuckin' sorry
xxxI've been playing somebody and it's helping nobody
xxxAnd her lipstick arithmetic didn't stick
xxxAnd now I'm sick, throwing fits
Violet sat in silence as she waited for the others to come in, not knowing who'd actually bother to listen to what Neden had to say or not. While she may have been shocked that Jaiden didn't show up, she wasn't exactly shocked at Alex dipping out and not even bothering to show up. She'd make a point to talk to him later. Silently, Violet sat and waited and listened as Neden explained everything for themselves. She felt a pit form in her stomach as Neden confirmed everything that Violet had been told and seen. She just didn't want to believe it, she hoped that maybe some of it was false, she was holding onto that much. But the more Neden spoke, confirming their name and what they were, as well as their past involvement with The Branded, it made her sick. Knowing that someone that Violet had begun to consider a friend, no-family, was in fact at one time or another responsible for such horrific acts. Killing and tormenting supernatural creatures and beings all due to thinking they weren't at all human, or had their own thoughts and lives.

But the more Neden spoke, the sincerity in their voice, made Violet feel bad about everything. Maybe she shouldn't have confronted them about it all, maybe bringing it up the way she did was something she shouldn't have. But at the same time, everyone deserved to know. But it still didn't sit with her, Neden was still leaving some things out, like how much influence they had, but maybe it was for the best. Seeing the pain on Neden's face and how they talked, was enough for her to understand. It had been many, many years ago and Neden wasn't that kind of person anymore. They were different. They were kind, compassionate, and genuinely cared about the people in Greythorne. The way Neden acted with everyone, especially with her was real, it wasn't a facade to help try and deceive them. Neden really did care about everyone, their friendships and relationships with everyone was real, and seeing it all slowly fall apart by how some reacted, made Violet feel sick. Everything Neden tried to work on, and try to better themselves, she just caused to crash down and burn. Violet watched as some of the others either left without a word, like Zada and Phoenix, or those like Rosie who said that they believed them and just left.

Silence fell in the room as it was only Neden and Violet now, seeing how everyone that bothered to show left. Violet closed her eyes for a moment, before looking back up and watched as Neden simply caused their wings to become hidden once more, and gathered their things. Violet stepped off of the stack of boxes, and walked over to the Angel. She silently looked up at them as Neden just looked down, as if the light in their eyes was gone. Violet didn't know what to say or do, if she could even say anything that could help them. After biting her lip for a moment, she gave Neden a small smile, as if trying to help cheer them up. "Hey...Neden?" she called out softly, looking up at the Angel who was only able to silently look back in return as tears slowly slipped down their cheeks. Violet sighed and found herself wrapping her arms around Neden in a tight hug, "Not all of us hate you...For what you did...You've changed, I can see that. I'm just...I'm sorry." she said softly as she moved away from Neden, gently wiping away a tear from the angel's face as she gave them a saddened look. "Just...Give them all time...It's what they need. Okay?" she gave them a small smile, gently squeezed their hand, and silently left the room and cafe. Making their way, wherever they were going to go now.

Neden Isimir
Fallen Angel | outfit : herex|xhex: #a39d9d
xxxI've tried to write it out on paper
xxxBut my words are buried in my skin
xxxLost without a way, a hope, an answer
xxxThe tears I've shed I'm swimming in
xxx'Cause you're tearing us apart
Neden didn't know what to expect in all honesty. What they didn't expect, was what happened. Most of them just stood and listened in silence until they finished speaking, not that they had given the others much of a choice to interject. As if things weren't bad enough, Phoenix just bolted out of the room as soon as he could, the look on his face said it all. Neden had noticed that he already looked like he had been crying just moments prior, and now he looked like a ghost. The expression on his face said it all, everything that Neden needed to know. He felt betrayed, confused, hurt. Everything Neden never wanted anyone to feel while around them. But now, here they were. They managed to make everyone feel safe and secure around them, while also knowing they weren't going to be judged, but now. Now everything changed. Neden could tell everyone hated them, felt scared and lied to. Betrayed and deceived for not telling them sooner, even if some of them said that they believed them.

The angel watched as Zada just gave them a look, one Neden had seen so many times before from others, and silently left with the woman she had come into the room with. Neden wanted to call out to Zada, tell her that it wasn't like it seemed, to beg and plead for her to just listen and give them another chance. But they couldn't. Neden was stuck in place, frozen in their own stead as panic and fear over-took them. They could only watch as Rosie looked at them with a similar look, but this one was more saddened and hurt, not angry. Neden knew that Rosie's reaction wasn't going to be a good one, especially considering they all found out that Travis was a traitor and a mole. The mole in Greythorne that had told the information to the Hunters and everything. And now Rosie knew that Neden was no different, even if she said that she believed the angel, there was no changing the past and the reality of what they did, or how they used to view people in Greythorne. Neden didn't want to be here. They just wanted to leave. Hopefully, just wake up from a nightmare, this had to be a nightmare, right?

After what seemed like hours, Neden was finally able to move. Tears poured down their face as they knew this was all over. Their wings slowly enclosed themselves back to their body, disappearing from sight as they picked up their jacket and overshirt. It was only when Neden stood back up that Violet came over to them, and said something. They couldn't tell what she said, but the feeling Neden got from her was enough, to know that even after all the anger and resentment they felt from her earlier, it was now nothing but sadness and sorrow. Neden wanted to hug Violet back when they felt her arms wrap around them. They wanted so badly to just hug her in return, to have someone not hate them in this moment, to feel something. But they could only stand there, clenching their jacket in their hand. The only thing that Neden heard Violet say was, 'Just give them time'. Time. She was probably right, but Neden wasn't able to process anything. It was light a blanket of an endless cold encapsulated them as they stood in the now empty room.

Neden finally found the strength to move again, as they slowly left the backroom. But not before placing something shiny and looked like a pen, on the desk in the backroom, and left. The walk back to their home was long, as tears didn't stop falling, the sound of their footsteps crushing fresh snow and ice under their feet as they walked was the only thing they heard. They were in their head the entire walk back, and it was an endless whirlpool of confusion, anger, and pain. They didn't know what they were going to do if there was anything they could do. Which they doubted. Everything they did up until this point just came back in their face and spit on it. No one would trust them, no one. Rosie would soon have to tell the town's people, no one would feel safe with them anymore. They would feel like they were betrayed.

The door to the small home that had become Neden's was unlocked as they got out the key and entered the small home. They silently made their way through the home, which has since in recent days become silent and empty. Except for themselves and the sound of droning clocks, it was lifeless. Silent, cold, empty. Neden turned and made their way towards the bedroom, and without even getting undressed, they crawled onto the bed and just laid there. Looking up at the ceiling. Trying to think of what to do, if anything. Neden didn't know how much time had passed exactly by the time they finally sat up in the bed, but it was enough time for the sun to have gone down one, and already come up once more. At least a day. But it wasn't enough time. If they were lucky, a mob wouldn't be outside of the door until another day or so. Neden shuffled over to the desk in the room, which had more than a few sheets of untouched papers and pens.

Neden sat down in the chair, taking a few pieces of paper and pen, and began to write.

They didn't know how much time had passed, but when they looked up, the sun had been down for a long while and dozens of crumpled up pieces of paper were scattered across the floor. Clearly showing that, no matter how hard they tried to write things down, words just..Didn't want to work. In frustration, they sighed as their hands rubbed their face. Feeling like they had looked at scratched out words and re-written papers for hours. Neden silently sat back in their chair for a moment before they gathered the papers and letters that didn't have entirely scribbled out none-sense. There were at least six, neatly enclosed letters, properly addressed to people, simply with their name on the front in legible writing.

The angel slowly rose to their feet, bringing the papers to the kitchen counter and leaving them in a neat stack, that if anyone bothered, they would be seen rather easily. Neden returned back to the bedroom, retrieving a large backpack from the closest, and retrieved things they would need. Extra clothes, some small things that they kept over the years, and some of the things they had received over the past holiday. Neden changed into different clothing than they had slept in previously, as they knew the weather would be cold, and where they were going, well, they didn't know exactly where just yet. Retrieving their backpack, they slung it over their shoulders and left the bedroom, leaving the door cracked open.

Entering the kitchen once more, Neden grabbed a small piece of paper and wrote something down with shakey hands, propping it up against something for it to be seen. Looking over the house once more, they gave a small sigh and walked out the front door, closing it behind them. Overturning the doormat, they slid the key under it, and left the property. The night air was cold against their skin, thankfully they had enough layers to keep warm, as well as not getting cold very easily, they made their way through the woods. The animals and creatures of the night helped keep their walk less than eerily silent. Neden knew where they were headed, and stopped as they walked past the outlining of trees that faced the town, which was softly lit up with street lights and house lights, showing some were still indeed the night owls that they were. Something that caused a small smile to crease their lips, for only a moment. Making their way through the treeline for a few more minutes, Neden felt something tug against their arm as they were pulled back.

Acting out of reflex, Neden got into a defensive stance, until they realized what had pulled on their arm. Standing before them were three figures. Tall, slender, and all too inhuman. They silently looked down at the angel, who only silently looked at them in return as they extended out what would have been a hand, if it wasn't entirely made out of branches and leaves. Neden gave a small smile as they extended out their hand in return of the handshake with the Spriggans. No words were shared or spoken between them, only merely glances and lingering smiles. The tree-folk gave the angel a small wave as Neden turned their back and walked off in the distance, disappearing from their sight.

Neden let out a small sigh as the sound of their footsteps turned from wood and grass and dirt, to that of pavement. Looking behind them, Neden let out a small smile crease their lips as they stared at an old sign that read Welcome To Greythorne on the wooden plaque. Neden nodded their head slowly, before turning and following the hard pavement beneath their feet as they disappeared into the night.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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phoenix woods
i know the world's a broken bonexxx outfit | #c4a7be xxx but melt your headaches, call it home

Phoenix hadn’t known what to expect from this. The way his day was going, he hadn’t been expecting anything all that good. It took a few minutes to try and process what Neden was actually saying. It was only when they rolled up their sleeve to show the tattoo that everything fell into place, and it felt like the floor was about to go from under Phoenix. He’d seen that tattoo once before. The night in the graveyard, on the neck of the hunter that had attacked him. The memory made him feel sick, and he was shocked when he stood up and discovered his legs could still hold him. He didn’t say anything. He couldn’t say anything. He managed to make it to the kitchen, where his legs finally crumpled and he almost fell onto one of the stools he had by the counter.

This couldn’t be happening. This had to be some horrific dream, a nightmare that he could wake up from, no matter how vivid it felt now. But he could feel the sting of nails embedded in his palm as he clenched his hands into fists. The scar on his side, on his shoulder, they seemed to be burning with the memory. He knew that Neden had said it had been years ago, knew how sorry they had seemed, but he couldn’t shake the fact that they had been one of them, that at some point they had hated people like them enough to kill them. It was starting to feel like everything he had, every good relationship was falling apart, and it was all so far beyond his control and he couldn’t change a goddamn thing. He wanted to cry, wanted to scream, wanted to yell, but his body wouldn’t move, wouldn’t react. He was frozen in his hunched position, just wanting to try and shield himself from anything else that could happen, anything else that could go wrong.

He didn’t know how long he’d been there before he heard a soft, familiar voice. It wasn’t the one he wanted to hear, though. “Phoenix, you need to go home. I can handle things here for you if you want,” Rosie said. “But you can’t work like this.”
“No, I can… I’ll be fine, just give me a few minutes.”
“Phoenix, you’ve been here for half an hour already. Go home. I’ll look after things here. You okay going home by yourself?”
“I- yeah. Call me if anything goes wrong or if- if you need to check anything or-”
“I will, alright? Just go home, if I see Alex, I’ll tell him you’ve gone home, you weren’t feeling well.”

The mention of Alex made Phoenix’s stomach tighten. But he shakily got to his feet, feeling the tension in his muscles from sitting in one position for so long. He left out the back door and made his way back to the apartment. He just kicked off his shoes and lay on the bed, staring into space. He had no idea how he was supposed to process any of this, how he was supposed to deal with it. His phone buzzed and it felt like it took all of his energy just to roll over and look at his phone. His stomach twisted again as he saw Alex’s name pop up on the phone. He was staying with Jaiden for the night.

Phoenix had ruined everything again.

At some point, he managed to drag himself up and get something to eat. It tasted like nothing, felt like it was just a routine, just something his body demanded he do even if he didn’t want to. He fell asleep shortly after going back to bed, still in his clothes, just wrapped in a blanket. It wasn’t a restful sleep. It was nightmare after nightmare after nightmare. He was in another attack, running to try and get to Rosie, to Zoe, to Jaiden, to Alex, and every time, he was too late. Alex turning into a demon. Everything, everyone Phoenix touched turning to sand. He kept waking up and kept falling asleep, could never stay awake no matter how bad the nightmare was.

He only woke up properly when he heard the door to the apartment shut. He went to check the time on his phone, but realised he’d forgotten to plug it in the night before and it had died.

The silence at first was heavy. Phoenix had no idea where to start. I’m sorry. I missed you even though it was only for a night. I’m so scared and I don’t know what to do. I should have trusted you. I didn’t sleep as well without you, He started with telling him about Neden.

Over the next few weeks, things started to get back to normal. They talked about it after Alex had forced Phoenix to shower, change his clothes and have coffee, and Phoenix had made breakfast for them both. But Phoenix wasn’t able to let it go. He still found himself getting stuck on how easy it had been for him to give into believing Alex was cheating on him, how easy he’d given in to his own insecurity. Even that morning, when Alex had disappeared for a few hours, the possibility had crossed his mind, if only for a second before he’d denied it. They hadn’t talked about that morning, but it still weighed on Phoenix’s mind. There was something… different now, something unspoken, and Phoenix didn’t want to ask. Because now it was Phoenix who kept waking up in the middle of the night, haunted by nightmares. They’d been there before, they’d been there since the first attack, worse since the second. But now it seemed like Alex slept the whole night unless Phoenix’s nightmares were bad enough to wake Alex up too. And Phoenix had no idea what that meant.

A day or two after everything, Rosie had swung by with letters from them both from Neden. Phoenix had opened his. It was a mess of scrawling writing, of sentences written and scribbled out until they were illegible. But the main message was there. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. He hadn't thrown away the letter, had kept it wedged between two books on his bookshelf. Somewhere safe, where he could find it if he wanted, but also where he wouldn't have to stare at it every single day.

The morning was the first warm day in weeks. It was the first day things felt like spring again. The sunny weather made Phoenix stupidly happy. He hated winter anyway, and now he associated too many bad things with snow on the ground. The market was open for the first time in the season. The familiar sights and smells made Phoenix feel at peace, even just briefly.