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Zoe Peña

Then I discovered that being related is no guarantee of love!

0 · 1,298 views · located in Greythorne

a character in “greythorne”, as played by phosphene



"Seeker, where are you going, and what do you expect to find when you get there?"
Seeker, where are you going, and what do you expect to find when you get there?-Marty Rubin


i d e n t i t y
xxxxx|| Name || Zoe Alondra Peña
xxxxx|| Nicknames || n/a
xxxxx|| Gender || cisfemale
xxxxx|| Age || 22
xxxxx|| Birthday || July 15
xxxxx|| Sexuality || Demisexual
xxxxx|| Hometown || Flagstaff, Arizona
xxxxx|| Ethnicity || Puerto Rican


a p p e a r a n c e

xxxxx|| Height || 5'4
xxxxx|| Weight || 115
xxxxx|| Hair Color || brown
xxxxx|| Eye Color || dark brown
xxxxx|| Identifying Features || an impossibly cute smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks
xxxxx|| Description || Zoe has been described as dainty, she has been described as cute, occasionally she's been told she's beautiful. She has deep, expressive eyes, an enchanting smile, and the posture of someone in love with live. She keeps her curly hair relatively short, and while she does have bangs, occasionally wears them slicked or pinned back into the rest of her hair, if her desired look calls for it. She has the straightened teeth and unscarred skin of someone with a charmed childhood, and she wouldn't deny that to be true. She tends to dress in a comfortable, but current, fashion. Sundresses, relaxed jeans, and graphic tees are some of her favorite things to wear. She doesn't typically wear much in the way of accessories; she'll occasionally throw on a bracelet or add a flower to her hair, but she doesn't quite feel herself with too much "bling." Zoe doesn't wear much makeup, typically sticking to eye shadow if she even goes beyond some mascara. Foundation just covers her freckles, and she loves them, so why would she want to cover them up?


p e r s o n a l i t y

Zoe’s always been called a dreamer; she has a certain way she views the world, and occasionally behaves as if all her thoughts are true, or else tries to work to make them true. She’s the type to get an idea in her head, and either immediately run with it, or be unable to move on until she’s completely convinced it’s a bad idea in the first place. She tries not to let her constant daydreaming and ideation get in the way of her life, but she often can’t help herself, and gets lost in thoughts, ideas, and potential futures.

She’s been very sheltered, though. She grew up in a large, but very tight-knit, community of witches, and hasn’t ever really seen the world through a different lens. She hasn’t had much contact with anyone but witches and humans, and while she doesn’t live at home anymore, she’s never strayed far from her parents. She approaches many situations with an almost naive assurance that she understands how to go about it, often to find that she’s way out of element.

She can be very cautious in new situations, mostly because she tends to be insecure about her abilities if she’s not experienced, even if-deep down-she knows she can do it. She’s very much the type that instinctively wants to give up if she’s not immediately good at something, though she’s trying to improve and not expect so much from herself. Self love is something she tends to lack, and she’s so hard on herself, even if she knows she shouldn’t be.

Zoe tends to be really stubborn occasionally. Not in all situations, but when she digs her heels in, she digs her heels in. She’s the type to fight tooth and nail even when she knows she’s wrong, just because she can’t stand to admit she isn’t right. She loves nothing more than to be right, and for others to admit it.



f l a v o r

xxxxx|| Likes || Zoe loves playing piano; it’s one of the most calming things a person can do, if you ask her. She’s always loved summer most, she loves most everything about it. She loves animals, but especially birds. She has quite the sweet tooth, and loves all desserts, though ice cream is her favorite. She likes to drink tea, though she prefers it cold, and loves nail polish; she has what amounts to a collection of different polishes by now, and if you find her without painted nails, something is probably wrong.
xxxxx|| Dislikes || Zoe hates being challenged in any way; while she likes projects and activities that challenge her, people are a different story. She’s always hated the cold, and she blames it on being born and raised in the desert. She hates wearing sweaters, as she generally finds them uncomfortable, and she also can’t stand to wear tight clothing. She never got a taste for coffee, and hates being alone for much longer than a day.
xxxxx|| Fears || the dark, being sick.
xxxxx|| Secrets || Zoe doesn't have a lot of secrets; the only one she really holds is that she left home in secret to find Greythorne.xx


w i t c h

xxxxx|| Water || Plenty of witches have control over an element; it’s not uncommon, and control over water is a common ability for witches. A lot of witches have powers that are linked to their emotions, and while that is the case, to an extent, for Zoe; she never had trouble getting her emotions and powers to work together. Strong flares of emotion don’t make her powers go out of control, but they can be used to help her. Bursts of anger or fear might help her to move water more quickly, while happiness may make it easier to tap into her abilities. It may be that she is so well practiced, but Zoe really does have excellent control over most every aspect of her abilities. Silver can cause burns if exposed for long enough (though, luckily, she’s not the type that will be burned instantly on contact-though it does always hurt), and Zoe has found that her powers tend to ebb and flow like the tide, sometimes stronger than others, but never not there.
xxxxx|| Talents || Piano, bilingual, swimming, cooking
xxxxx|| Strengths || Zoe is loyal to people she cares about, sometimes to a fault. She’s willing to stand behind her family and friends even when she thinks they’re wrong (she can tell them that in private). She tries to be helpful, always pointing out solutions when she sees them, or ways someone can improve. Zoe tends to be fairly self-sufficient, both in life and work. She doesn’t need to be told what to do or when to do it, instead she just does what she can see needs to be done.
xxxxx|| Weaknesses || Zoe gets frustrated easily, and that often turns to tears. In fact, she cries basically any time she feels a particularly strong emotion. She doesn’t have much faith in herself, and often gives up on things, before she really has the chance to see if she’s going to succeed, so that she doesn’t fail.


h i s t o r y

Zoe’s parents never talked a lot about life before she started school, and, originally, that never bothered her. She knew they didn’t get married until she was almost five, but in her mind that was normal. She grew up with two parents that loved and supported her, who made sure she had the resources she needed to control her powers when they began to manifest in early childhood, and who were invested in her education. They sheltered her from the outside world a little too much, but they always meant well, she thought. She knew they loved her, but she always felt as though she was missing something. When she was a kid, she decided to fill that void by learning to play piano, as a teenager, she filled her time with studying, friends, and more milkshakes than was probably healthy.

But she still never quite felt right. As she grew, she felt more disconnected from her community, and from herself. Whatever it was that she was missing made her feel like she didn’t belong there, even though it should have felt like the best place in the world for her to be.

Zoe has always known about her half-brother; at first she was very upset that she didn’t get to meet him, but her father assured her that it was just because his mother hated her mother. For a long time, she even believed it. Until after the attack on Greythorne. Her father offering her brother to come live with them caused a big fight between her parents, mostly her mother being angry about her father making an offer he wouldn’t actually honor. She began to wonder if her father was actually the problem.

It was stupid, really; leaving the safety of the coven to go to a town that had so recently suffered an attack. It became an even stupider idea after the second attack. By all accounts, Zoey should have stayed in Arizona, where she was already helping teach young witches how to control their powers, and offering piano lessons to some of the older children. She was making her own way in the community, and her place in it was important enough that she could sustain herself. But, at some point, she began to equate those feelings of something missing with having a sibling she’d never even met. Logically, she knew it wasn’t going to change anything, but she had this idea in her mind of finding him; that they would be friends, and be close, and they would stick together when things were rough, and they would be there for one another no matter what.

She knew her parents would talk her out of it if she told them, so she didn’t. She just packed some bags, and she left. She wasn’t entirely sure how to find Greythorne (asking too many questions would probably just give her away), but she was sure she could get there. It couldn’t be that difficult.


writer: nonconformingrole - fc: Tashi Rodriguez - hex code: #6E9ECF


So begins...

Zoe Peña's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Zoe Peña
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outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxi fought all through the night
xxxoh, oh, but i made it alive
xxxthe sun's starting to rise
xxxoh, oh, these are beautiful times

Phoenix raised an eyebrow as Alex asked for a favour, taking his hand and the offer of help getting off the couch. He’d been lying there for long enough that he was already starting to get stiff. He nodded at the order. He hadn’t made it in a while, but it rang a bell of familiarity. It didn’t take long for the pieces to fall together about why it was so familiar and why Alex was requesting it now of all times. But the minute that Phoenix realised what- who- it was for, he immediately made the decision to not acknowledge the fact that he knew. Alex didn’t need that today.

He made the tea in a to-go cup, and gave it to Alex to carry on the short walk over to the shop. It seemed like something he wanted to do and Phoenix figured it was important that he was the one to handle it and to… do whatever it was he wanted to do with it. When Alex mentioned the dreams, Phoenix just nodded. He didn’t claim to know much about the dreams or even to understand them, but he did know that repetitive, graphic dreams were seldom a good sign. He wasn’t sure what to say in response to it. This wasn’t something he could really help with, as much as he might have wanted to. So instead, he offered the only support he could. “You know, if they’re bad, you can wake me up. I don’t mind. You don’t have to deal with them by yourself.”

Phoenix’s emotions tended to have an effect on plants, but the opposite was true too. Just walking into the shop, filled with plants and flowers of all kinds, seemed to be enough to lift his spirits even more. Phoenix would have liked to have said that his decision to give Alex and Jaiden some space to talk after Zoe left to leave the tea somewhere safe was a conscious one, but truth be told, some succulents caught his attention and he wandered over to examine the display without even thinking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Zoe Peña
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0.00 INK

Jaiden Price
Witch | outfit | #800000
I'm way too young to lie here forever
I'm way too old to try so whatever come hang
Let's go out with a bang

Jaiden's head turned when she saw Phoenix making his way over to them, countless plant pots in hand. She side-eyed Alex with a I told you so look, before turning back to look at Phoenix. An exasperated sigh escaped her lips as Jaiden placed her hands on her hips for a moment, "Fine. You win, Woods. You win." Jaiden finally said with mock surrender. As long as she knew Phoenix, there was no arguing with him. He'd get what wanted in one way or another. There was a brief pause when Phoenix had also mentioned Zoe going too. Her hands getting a bit more sweaty than normal. Usually she would have questioned him, but as he continued, it made sense. He wasn't assuming anything, but wanting to give the both of them a break and bit of a thank you.

Clearing her throat as she shuffled on her feet for a moment. Jaiden finally nodded again, "Yeah uhm, sure. Whatever uh, whatever day works with Zoe, I can probably make it work. We'll figure something out I'm sure." Jaiden said with a small smile. It was really only now, that Jaiden had realized it. This was the first time, in a long time that she genuinely felt happy and that things were going to be okay. Hell, she hadn't even realized how long it had been since she really found herself looking forward to her friends. She had spent almost the entirety of last year, in such a dark ad gloomy place, that she didn't think she'd ever get out of it. And the only possible solution that did come to her mind, wasn't a good one. So to say. So, the fact she was still here now, talking with her friends on when a damn dinner sounded good? It was little things like this that made Jaiden remember that there were still good parts and small moments of life to stick around for.

Jaiden finally blinked out of her thoughts as heard the small chime of the front door again. Signalling another customer had come in. She turned to her friends for a moment again, "Look, I gotta get back to work but, like I told Alex. Those plants are on the house, Phoenix. Consider them a small thank you, for everything." she gave them both a small nod and smile, before turning on her heels and made her way over to the customer who had walked in, seeing as they had motioned for some help.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Zoe Peña
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0.00 INK

zzzzoutfit - #3A0A4D

to be alive: not just the carcass, but the spark.
that's crudely put, but. . .

if we're not supposed to dance, why all this music?

Alex knew that he’d agreed to go to the ball, but personally he would have preferred to skip the whole thing. Every time he went to some sort of event lately, something went wrong and he fought with Phoenix, he nearly died, or both. He didn’t like his odds. But he also knew that he needed not to be a puddle of paranoia if he ever wanted the chance to live a normal life again, so he kept the most anxious thoughts to himself. They weren’t helpful, anyway. He didn’t stop threatening to wear his nicest sweatpants, though.

But he knew Phoenix would want him to wear something nice, so he obliged. He’d done his best to coordinate with Phoenix a little. Maybe it was cheesy, but Alex hadn’t gotten to try his hand at a high-school romance with the matching shit for dances, so this was the next best thing for him.

The event was traditionally a masquerade, but Alex had no intentions of wearing a mask any time soon. The thought of it brought back a rush of memories that he wasn’t particularly fond of, so instead he focused on making sure his hair had that perfect balance of devil-may-care about it.

He sighed when Phoenix called out for him. It wasn’t as if he weren’t ready to go, but he knew that every time he proved to people that he could dress up a little and look nice, they’d expect it again in the future. That was a lot of future potential pressure. (Though, it wasn’t as if Phoenix had never seen him dressed up a little more than usual. He occasionally had to for work. This was different, though.) “I’d rather be wearing sweatpants, and I’m not wearing a tie.” He called back as he stepped into the hall, and then he broke into a grin.

“You look great.” He said, even as he reached out to adjust Phoenix’s tie. There wasn’t really anything wrong with it, he just needed something to do with his hands in that moment. He didn’t say it, but his eyes expressed a fairly clear damn. how’d I get so lucky? Sort of sentiment.

“We don’t have to stay for the whole thing, do we?” He asked, taking half a step closer, bringing himself even more within his boyfriend’s personal space bubble, “Because, uh,” He raised his eyebrows as he glanced over Phoenix’s body again, “I can think of so many other things I’d rather do right now. In and out of that suit.” He winked at Phoenix, then leaned in to kiss him right on the jaw. Damn, he loved that man. So much.

outfit - mask - #6E9ECF

i thank you, friend, from all my heart
the one you shaped, gently and smart
for all you've seen
and all you've been

Zoe wasn’t sure what to make of a masquerade ball, but Jaiden had said she was probably going, and Zoe suggested they should meet up there so they could hang out together. She didn’t know why, but the very thought of it brought butterflies into her stomach. Jaiden really was such a nice friend. When her dress had arrived, Zoe was a little frustrated to find that it was much too long. Even with heels, inches of the fabric would brush against the floor when she walked. She’d complained about it to Phoenix, and then went to the internet to try and solve the problem. Zoe hadn’t even known Alex knew anything about sewing until he’d come over to look into hemming the dress for her.

She’d started to understand, the more she got to know him, just what kind of person Alex really was. When she asked him about taking in the sleeves, he whisked her away to his abuela’s house. She was, apparently, better with things like that. At the end of it, the two of them had her looking- and feeling- like a proper princess. She couldn’t thank them enough, but Abuela said that was what family was for. Zoe hadn’t even fathomed she might consider her family, and it brought her to tears, knowing there were still people that looked and sounded and spoke in a similar way to her family back home, and that they cared about her. Abuela invited Zoe to come to dinner sometime, on the weekend. Alex and Phoenix normally tried to stop by and eat with her at least once a week, and what was one more mouth to feed?

Zoe couldn’t wait.

She spent hours doing her hair and makeup on the day of the ball; she wanted everything to be perfect. When she was finally happy (and had gone through an entire package of bobby pins, and probably an entire can of hairspray), she figured it was time to make her way to the mansion where the masquerade was to be held. It was beautiful. She’d never been into a house so big, and wasn’t entirely sure of what to do, but she decided to take her cues from the people that had already arrived. She grabbed a glass of champagne, and went about admiring the various artwork and furnishings that she could only dream of affording.

After a few minutes of this, she pulled her phone out of her clutch and sent a quick little text to Jaiden.
Let me know when you get here. :)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Zoe Peña
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxi know the world's a broken bone
xxxbut melt your headaches, call it home
xxxhey moon, please forget to fall down
xxxhey moon, don't you go down

The comment about the fact that Alex still wanted to be in sweatpants and had neglected a tie made Phoenix laugh. Honestly, he was impressed enough that he'd actually gotten Alex into a suit for something that wasn't work, so he'd take it, even if there wasn't a tie. His face broke into a big grin as he saw Alex. Their suits weren't exactly the same, but they were similar enough that it was clear it had been intentional. It was the grown-up version of every idle teenage dream Phoenix had had of showing up to prom in matching suits, looking dashing and handsome and not at all tacky. This was grown up and sophisticated and cute, and it felt perfect.

His smile softened as Alex "fixed" his tie. After everything that had happened in the past year, moments like this felt especially precious. Times like this reminded him that despite everything, despite how hard it had been and the darkness that had slunk in, he'd do it all again in a heartbeat, and that it would be worth it. It had been worth it all, and he knew that he'd go through it all again, and more. All for small moments just like this.

Phoenix raised an eyebrow as Alex asked if they had to stay for the whole thing. His first instinct was concern and to reassure Alex that they could leave whenever he wanted. Alex's actual follow up made Phoenix laugh, caught a little off guard. "Mmmm. I think we can leave early to facilitate that, seeing how wonderful you look tonight," he said, kissing Alex's cheek in response. "Come on, then. Sooner we leave, sooner we can come back," he said, taking Alex's hand.

People were still arriving as they reached the mansion. There were a range of masks, but plenty of people who had also chosen not to wear them, meaning that Alex and Phoenix didn't stand out too much. As they stepped into the central room, Phoenix spotted a familiar face. He took a moment to scan the room, looking for a different face. When he didn't see her, he pulled out his phone.

To: Jaiden
Are you here yet? :D

"Do you wanna go talk to Zoe?" Phoenix asked Alex. "Or get a drink first?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Zoe Peña
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0.00 INK

Neden Isimir
The Angel | Attire | #a39d9d
Jaiden Price
Fire Witch | Attire | #800000

The days that followed the trial had been a mix of uncertainty and nerves for Neden. On one hand, they didn't know if what they did was even the right thing, or if they could have, no should have done more. Just another thing to add to their list of should have-could haves, they supposed. But on the other hand, Neden was uncertain about their own fate. Would the other townspeople decide to turn on them too? Would they look at Neden differently than they already had?

However though, Neden found themself worrying about something else entirely. While they had initial reluctance they agreed to go to the event that the town was throwing. Especially cuz all of their friends were going, and if they were going well, how could Neden out of all people say no?

Neden had been getting ready in their room when their phone buzzed, an eyebrow arched in confusion. It was only when they checked that it was Jaiden, asking if they were ready yet seeing as the two would be going to the event together, at least for arrival’s sake. Neden shot back a quick reply text, before looking back into the mirror as they finished messing with their hair, using both their fingers and a light layer of gel to make sure it stayed in its desired position. Brushing their fingers through the main of platinum hair once more before they finally rose to their feet.

Just as the sound of a knock came from the front door of the small home. "She couldn't already be-" they mumbled, making their way to the door. Opening it carefully at first, before taking in the figure who stood infront of them, "Holy-" the angel started, before taking a step back. "Just come on in, almost ready." they gestured with a small smile. "Good, because if you weren't ready I was going to come in anyway and drag you, we're gonna be late." Jaiden insisted as she stepped into the home.

"Yeah well, what else is new anyway, right? Besides, being fashionably late is like, our thing, alright?" they teased back. "Yeah well, maybe for you, but Zoe just texted me like five minutes ago asking me where I was and-" "Ohh, is that was this is about? Your little crush." Neden jeered as they finally turned back on their heels to look at the smaller one.

Jaiden's face nearly lit up light a christmas tree, before she playfully pushed Neden back, "Oh shut up, plus you're one to talk." Jaiden replied as she began to make her way to the door, "Oh please, I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about."


The walk from Neden's home to where the party was being held wasn't terribly long, even if Jaiden kept demanding that Neden quicken their pace. "Oh relax, the building is right there." Neden gestured, quickening their pace just a bit so they could open the door for Jaiden to enter first, "After you." they gave a small bow of their head, "Why thank you." "Mhm." Neden hummed back in response, keeping in step right behind her as they both entered the hall estate.

The two kept in stride as they made their way into the main room, where dozens if not hundreds of people were already. Many getting drinks and food, talking amongst themselves. Everyone dressed in various attire and masks. On one hand, it was like stepping into some magical realm, but on the other, it caused a pit to form in both of their stomachs. Seeing as the last time everyone dressed like this...

With a single glance, Jaiden and Neden put on both of their masks, which simply only covered their eyes and part of their face, in respective colors of their chosen attire. "I uh....I'm gonna go get a drink...And uh...See who I can find, yeah? You have fun with Zoe!" Neden teased before they quickly stepped away so they couldn't be swatted again by Jaiden, "Have fun with Rosie!" Jaiden called out, before turning on her heel, and began to make her way through the crowd in search of Zoe, taking out her phone and sending a quick text to finally let her know that Jaiden and Zoe had arrived.

Meanwhile, Neden had made their way around the room, looking for one particular person. Which, after some searching, Neden was able to find her with little to no trouble. Even on an occasion like this, Rosie never missed an opportunity to choose something that helped her stand out in the crowd. Neden carefully picked up a glass from one of the passing waiters, and taking a deep breath, they carefully strode over to the Siren in question. Coming to a not so graceful arrival as they came to a stop beside her, keeping in pace as they spoke, "Well hello there." Neden beamed down at Rosie, with a small smile on their face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Zoe Peña
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxi know the world's a broken bone
xxxbut melt your headaches, call it home
xxxhey moon, please forget to fall down
xxxhey moon, don't you go down

As they approached the mansion, Phoenix could feel that familiar burn of anxiety in his stomach. The place looked wonderful, lit up with warm lights that bounced off of metallic and glittering surfaces. But it was the crowds of people in masks that brought back unpleasant memories. Not to mention, it was much harder to recognise who was there, and whether or not they were strangers or friends. He could see the tension building in Alex's frame, and so he had to try and keep his own frame relaxed. This was how they so often worked, one of them attempting to look outwardly calm to try and stop the other from freaking out more. Neither of them would admit it, and neither of them ever acknowledged that the other was doing it; but it was appreciated.

When Alex spoke, it caught Phoenix a little off guard. He nodded as Alex said that he needed to go talk to Rosie. But even still, Phoenix studied Alex’s face, trying to read exactly how anxious he was. Alex knew exactly what he was doing, and reassured him that he was okay. The kiss was welcomed, both as a confirmation that Alex was okay, and to steady Phoenix’s own nerves. He didn’t want to dwell on the bubble of anxiety sitting in his stomach. There was the feeling that something bad was going to happen; because it seemed like something bad always did at these things. But letting that show outwardly would have only worried Alex more, so he told himself that it was just him worrying too much again

Alex headed for Rosie, and Phoenix scanned the room in search of Zoe. Once he spotted her, he made a beeline for her, wearing a huge grin and a slightly forced bounce in his step. “You made it!” He said cheerily. “And you look lovely. I think Jaiden’s around here somewhere, I think I saw her and Neden coming in a few minutes ago,” he said, scanning the room for her. “How are you doing? How’s the flower shop?” he asked.

outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxyou will remember
xxxwhen this is blown over
xxxand everything's all by the way
xxxwhen I grow older
Rosie glanced up as someone greeted her, and she smiled as she spotted Neden. “Wow, you look dashing!” She said, grinning at them. “I feel like you should be carrying a sword or something.” Before she could say much more than that, however, another person joined them. She hadn’t been expecting Alex of all people to come over, but nonetheless, she was delighted to see him. She’d always had a soft spot for him, even when he’d been a major source of headaches for her when he’d been a student. She frowned as Alex asked if he was interrupting something, glancing at Neden, before shaking her head.

Alex was clearly trying to appear a certain way, but the fact that he spoke without letting Rosie get a word in edgeways gave away that he was more nervous about what he said than he wanted to appear. And so, she didn’t try and push him, just let him talk and explain himself as much as was needed. His offer took her aback a little. His visions had been at their worst when he was a student, and Rosie had seen the second hand effects. To voluntarily bring one on… she knew that it was a major thing for him to offer. Her first instinct was to refuse, to say that he didn’t have to do that. But… any glimpse of what they might be about to face would be welcome in helping them figure out what was needed.

“Thank you, Alex. That… that would be helpful, but only if you’re sure. I don’t want you to put yourself through something unpleasant or to push yourself too hard if you’re not sure about it. Any help you can give would be great,” she said. She doubted that he would offer if he wasn’t sure about it. This wasn’t the type of thing one would offer without some level of certainty, and she knew that. But she didn’t want him to feel forced into it. “I appreciate it, Alex. And we can consider it an apology for the Macbeth incident in your junior year,” She teased, raising an eyebrow and smiling.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Zoe Peña
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0.00 INK

zoutfit - mask - #6E9ECF

i thank you, friend, from all my heart
the one you shaped, gently and smart
for all you've seen
and all you've been

Zoe gasped, I look lovely?” She took half a step back, gesturing to Phoenix, ”Look at you!” She reached over to the man, picking some dog hair off his jacket with a smile, and looked around the room, her face turning a light shade of pink at the mention of Jaiden. She had texted her, so Zoe knew she was hanging around somewhere. Zoe had just decided she was going to let Jaiden find her. She still felt a little out of place in town, so it just felt… Awkward to be roaming around someone’s home, even during a fancy party she’d been technically invited to. The flower shop was easier to talk about. ”Oh my god, it’s so great!” She gushed, waving her hands dramatically, ”Something about all the plants is so peaceful, you know?” She nodded, agreeing with herself whether Phoenix did or not. ”How’s the cafe? I always mean to stop in, and it seems silly that I never get around to it, it’s so close but…” She shrugged, ”I haven’t been getting out much, I guess…”

As if suddenly realizing Phoenix had changed his hair or something, Zoe tilted her head to the side, ”Did Alex not come?” She knew they were practically attached to one another at some point, ”He’d been so excited about the suit he’d gotten, I thought he’d be here for sure…” She wasn’t supposed to say anything about it to Phoenix; Alex had mentioned it while he was helping her hem the dress, just as something to talk about. Things were still pretty awkward between them most of the time, and Zoe didn’t know if it was Phoenix’s doing or not, but she could tell Alex was trying.

”It is an awful lot of people when they’re all in one place,” She admitted, knowing Alex had a thing about crowds, ”You’d never think the words ‘small town’ and ‘overwhelmingly crowded room’ could exist in the same sentence, really.” She half-laughed at her own little joke, then glanced around the room again.

zzzzoutfit - #3A0A4D

church bells ringing, muted singing
carries our exuberance away
our friends have all but left us
they departed many years ago

Alex nodded at Rosie, ”Any time you need me, let me know. I’m always awake except for when I should be,” He smiled, knowing Rosie knew that all too well after he slept through her homeroom class for two years straight, ”So you don’t need to worry about disturbing me.” He had defended himself enough about the Macbeth thing, and held fast that his interpretation of the script was exceedingly appropriate, even if the PTA didn’t agree. He opened his mouth to argue with Neden, but ultimately just smiled and nodded. He had something he needed to talk to Neden about, too, but it could wait.

”Enjoy yourself, don’t do anything I wouldn’t!”

Now to find Phoenix…

He grabbed two flutes of champagne and started scanning the room. He spotted Jaiden first, and walked right over to her, ”Who’s curtains did you murder to get that outfit?” He smiled, waited half a second, and then launched into a poorly-prepared speech of sorts. ”Listen, Zoe is really nervous about tonight, and really excited,” He sighed, ”She…” No, that wasn’t something he should tell. He just… He knew what it looked like, to look at your closest friend in town like they’d hung the moon. Well, he could usually spot that sort of thing, missed it in at least one case.

”She really values your opinion, okay.” He gave Jaiden a pointed look, hoping she’d understand the subtext behind his words. ”Here,” He handed Jaiden both glasses, ”Give her a drink, tell her she’s pretty, even if you think the dress sucks. It’s for my sake as much as hers you would not believe the work I put into making it fit her properly.” Pretty soon they’d found Phoenix and Zoe chatting, and Alex slid an arm around Phoenix’s waist, nuzzling his boyfriend’s cheek. Then he turned to Zoe and smiled, ”You look…” He frowned and reached out to adjust the way her neckline was laying, ”Perfect.”

Zoe giggled, ”Oh my god, you two are so cute! They matched and everything, Please make sure you get pictures.” Her eyes flitted to Jaiden, ”There you are! Hi.” She grinned at the woman, ”You look so great,”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Zoe Peña
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outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxi know the world's a broken bone
xxxbut melt your headaches, call it home
xxxhey moon, please forget to fall down
xxxhey moon, don't you go down

Even though Phoenix knew that Zoe and Alex were related, it was moments like this where he struggled to believe it. He’d spent most of his life being the one to do most of the talking in conversations, and he’d always been perfectly fine with that. He was used to filling up the empty spaces. But with Zoe, there were no empty spaces to fill. He wasn’t sure if it was nerves or if this was just how she was all the time, but he could hardly get a word in edgeways. It was strange, but he couldn’t say that he minded. Her enthusiasm and cheerfulness was infectious, and so he found himself nodding and smiling as she spoke. At the mention of Alex, Phoenix deliberately glanced over to where he was talking to Rosie. Neden had an expression on their face somewhat reminiscent of thunder. Phoenix had to bite back a laugh at that expression, turning to look back at Zoe. That was an expression he knew all too well. For years, he’d thought that it was just Alex being his usual grumpy self. Now, he could read it as something different.

“You’d be surprised. Nothing gets the people of Greythorne out like the promise of free food and drinks,” Phoenix said. As if summoned by the mere mention of free refreshments, Alex appeared from nowhere, his arm already going around Phoenix’s waist. The smile that came to Phoenix’s face was easy and relaxed, kissing the top of Alex’s head without even thinking about it. When Zoe commented on how cute they were, he just shrugged a little and laughed. At the mention of pictures and at Jaiden’s arrival, he was struck with an idea. “Hold on.” He fished out his phone and opened up the camera. “Everybody smile!” He called, snapping a few selfies before grinning in triumph and shoving his phone back into his pocket.

“Want to grab some drinks?” Phoenix said to Alex, a knowing glimmer in his eyes. Zoe and Jaiden needed some one on one conversation time, and he knew that Alex knew it too. “Enjoy!” He called to the two women.

outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxyou will remember
xxxwhen this is blown over
xxxand everything's all by the way
xxxwhen I grow older
Rosie grinned and shook her head a little as Alex made a joke about his sleeping patterns. She’d always let him sleep through her homeroom and had only ever made passing jokes about it, never actually writing him up for it. But she wasn’t beyond teasing him about it now. Before she could, however, Neden interjected and said they needed to borrow Rosie. Rosie raised an eyebrow, letting them take her wrist and pull her away. Alex’s parting remark made her laugh a little. She almost missed Neden’s comment about what exactly they wanted her for, but when she realised, she found herself a little taken aback.

Once they got to what could feasibly be called a dancefloor, Neden took Rosie’s glass from her hand. Truth be told, she’d almost forgotten she’d been holding it, and as Neden once again asked her for a dance, she suddenly wished that the angel hadn’t put the glass quite so far away. Rosie suddenly felt like she needed to down the rest of the glass to soothe the bubbling nerves in her stomach. She couldn’t quite explain it, and she didn’t want to in that moment either. Instead, she returned Neden’s bow with a curtsey. “I shall hold you to that,” she said, stepping in to take Neden’s hand.

Something about dancing with Neden felt oddly right. With Rosie in heels, they were almost the same height. The steps were slow at first as they got used to being in hold and to the beat of the music. Sure enough, Neden was a wonderful dancer. Rosie hadn’t danced properly in years, but with Neden, it all seemed to just come flooding back. They didn’t have to speak. They could just stay perfectly in sync and in time with the music.

But at the same time, Rosie found it almost unbearable. She hadn’t been this close to somebody for this long since… well. For a little while. It felt all at once like it was lightyears ago and also no time at all. It felt too long and too soon all at once. It shouldn’t have mattered. Neden was a friend. Her best friend. That was all they had ever been. And yet a part of Rosie ached. Ached with some emotion too dangerous to put into words. Maybe it would have been easier if she had known how to put it into words. But she couldn’t name what she was feeling, let alone speak it aloud.

She was glad when the song came to an end. Letting go of Neden and taking a step back was more difficult than it should have been, but she did it anyway. “I think I need a drink after that,” she laughed lightly, a cover for an opportunity to step away and recover a little more than anything else. “I’ll grab you one too,” she said.

She had just taken another step away from Neden when the smell of ozone began to fill the air. She turned to look back at the angel, knowing that was unlikely to be good. But before she could ask any questions, the glass in the nearby windows shattered behind them. For a moment, the whole room was plunged into darkness, and when the lights flickered back on, a woman stood in the centre of the dancefloor. Rosie had never seen her before, but everything about her screamed danger. There was a violence about her, even as she stood perfectly still, just surveying all of those gathered. The silence that fell was heavy. And so Rosie took it upon herself to break it.

“Who are you?” She asked. The woman raised an eyebrow, studying her.
“You are not the one I wish to speak with, Siren.” She said, her voice echoing far more than it should have done in the packed room.
“Tough. I’m the one in charge here. Who are you?” Rosie repeated, taking a step forward. The woman laughed.
“You know, Siren, once upon a time, men said that our kinds were one and the same. Can we still call each other sisters? Will you stand against me?” She asked. Rosie swallowed, but raised her chin slightly.
“Your refusal to identify yourself makes me think that you are not the type I wish to ally myself with,” Rosie replied. “Tell me who you are.”
“I am Seterah. And I have come to seek justice for what I am owed.”