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Walter Easton

"The world doesn't need more child soldiers."

0 · 408 views · located in Social Welfare Agency

a character in “Gunslinger Girl: American Division”, as played by Shiki29




❝It's nice to work with so many kind people.❞


❝The Basics❞

| Walter Longfellow Easton |

| Male |

| 23 |


❝Deeper Description❞

| Bright Amber |

| Black |

| 6'0" |

| 140 lb. |

| Pale white |

| Underneath his conservative clothing, Walter has several scars and wounds from previous times he was injured, such as bullet wounds, burns, slash marks, and the like. |

| Walter, while a hardened veteran, wouldn't give the impression that he is, given his appearance and age. Walter is slightly tall, for an American male, but has the appearance of someone who is too frail to harm anyone. The clothes he wears intentionally aid in the illusion, should the need to keep his actual prowess in combat hidden ever arise. His most common outfit is a white shirt, black vest, coat, tie, trousers, shoes, and hat. To Walter, it is one of the few luxuries he allows himself to have. |


| Specialties |
✔ Intelligence and research

[font=Arial]| Weapons |
✔ Walther WA2000 Sniper Rifle.
✔ A wrist-mounted crossbow that unfolds from a much smaller, concealable size to a slightly larger size, in which it actually looks more like a crossbow. (Imagine the wrist-mounted crossbow from Deus Ex or Perfect Dark.) There is a secondary crossbow of rifle-size, that is stronger and fires larger bolts, used for situations where more power per bolt is required.
✔2 butterfly knives

| Likes |
♥His suits

| Dislikes |
✖Getting his suits unnecessarily dirty or damaged
✖Idiots who think they are intelligent
✖Unhealthy food
✖Getting his hands injured
✖Losing someone or something he is charged to protect.

❝Welcome to my Life❞

| Walter does not make consistent first impressions. To some, he may seem very jovial, and to others, he may appear very grave. This si attributed to Walter's skill in acting and a situation that requires him to act. In reality, he is a very calm individual, not very good with communicating with others beyond expressing facts. His demeanor during a mission often does not change, but he may become sarcastic or joking during a mission, or high stress situation. Walter has a strong hate for combat, and would prefer to avoid it whenever possible, despite his skill in fighting. This can be attributed to his past as a child soldier. Walter, from a moral point, strongly disagrees with the usage of child soldiers because of what he himself has experienced in the past. However, besides that, he does not have any strong moral points, and tends to put the mission at hand above all else. When not acting, Walter tends to view everything objectively, or humourously, whether it comes to his being cruel or his being kind. When with allies, he would rather not join in festivities, but he would care about them. Most of the time, he would spend in the lab, or researching potential leads in the field. On the topic of intelligence, Walter is actually a genius, and a very perceptive individual. What he lacks in interpersonal relationships is due to a mind that understands most things quickly, but has trouble with people due to a lack of experience in it. |

| Theme Song |
Calling to the Night - Natasha Farrow

❝Who I Am❞

| History |
Walter was born without ever knowing who his parents were. In his life, he lived in the Swedish wilderness, in a log cabin, with an old man who trained him to fight, and be excellent at a multitude of tasks. Walter did not know what this was for, or why he was being trained so much from such a young age, but he discovered it was because of his high intelligence and potential. The old man wanted to make Walter as skilled as he could be so that Walter would become a great asset for the US. Walter carried on in this manner, not caring about how he was being raised, until one day he was kidnapped, and the old man killed. The kidnapping was done by a terrorist organization who discovered Walter's existence, and decided to use him as leverage, or use him to aid in their own operations. For a time, Walter ended up participating with others on dangerous missions that would eventually have him effectively classified as a child soldier. Eventually, during an operation gone bad, he was separated from his captors while in America. In America, he was not recognized for a year before a government official recognized his face, and took him in for identification. Upon his identity being realized, he was taken in by the government, where his skill in research came through, and he became a scientist in various fields, all relating to the study of making cyborgs. During a lab accident where a large amount of rampant cyborg little girls were released was what decided Walter's career. Walter not only survived the deal, but saved the lives of several other researchers against such bleak odds, especially in a building full of cyborgs. A good number of cyborgs were killed by him, in fact. Seeing the potential in their agent, the government assigned him to become a Handler for one of the odder cyborgs, Alice.

|Thoughts on Other Characters|
Max: Max is nice enough, and effective enough at her job. In my head, she is the definition of what the agency tries to make. Otherwise, she's nice to be around.
Wes: Wes is something every team needs. He is moralistic. All it takes is one moralistic person to keep morals alive, and I place my hopes in Wes as a good agent, as well. He is definitely competent.
Seiren: I would keep an eye on her. I'm not hostile towards her, and, should the need to neutralize her arise, I would do so without lethal force, if it was up to me.
Vladimir: I would be wary of him, but that's not special. I categorize how wary I am of others based on my trust of them, which is subject to change. I'm not more wary of Vladimir, than anyone else, really. I do think he is dangerous. I've seen him work, and while I value him as a capable agent and understand his methods, I don't approve of all of them. Still, he's decent.
Daniel: Obviously has issues, but few of the children here don't. But, he's probably not going to kill his team-members in cold blood. Or maybe I'm a horrible judge of character.
Alice: My fratello. She seems to be just like most other kids her age. I haven't reported her behavior, because I would hate to see her conditioned more than she already is. Besides, she already is an assassin, but with morals beyond the mission. Besides, I actually think she's not a bad fratello to have.

|Anything Else|[/size]
Walter has a closet full of suits, with very little else to wear, other than suits.

So begins...

Walter Easton's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Walter Easton
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#, as written by Shiki29
Walter woke up from his sleep, with the realization that he was still at his computer, the browser flickering to indicate he had received a new message. Clicking it open revealed it to be work, sending him a mission. An odd one.bartached to the message was a video clip of a child killing man using a handgun. Walter's sleepiness evaporated. The child had yellow hair. Closer examination of the blurry picture led Walter to realize it was Daniel Westfield, one of the cyborg field operatives of the SWA. The mission was to apprehend him to be brought back to the SWA. This mission probably was sent to other handlers and cyborgs. That, however, Walter did not know. Locking the computer, Walter got up and grabbed the briefcase at the side of his chair, containing his equipment, and took his coat from the coatrack nearby. In his haste, he decided he could skip the hat. With that, he began to look for Alice.

A quick look at Walter's phone gave him the position if Alice. She was outside, near the lake. Walter began to walk towards her position. When he finally got to her, he noticed she was nearly asleep. Or maybe she was fully asleep. And listening to music. Walter moved closer, sat down next to her, and then lightly tapped on her shoulder, just enough to wake her.

"Alice, wake up. We have work to do."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Walter Easton
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Alice was reaming sweetly of riding a giant duck when a tapping on her shoulder awakened her. Her stretching was most feline-like and her yawn was like a roar of a howler monkey ... well ... sort of. The young girl looked up to see her handler, Walter, sitting next to her. Alice smiled at him.

"We have work to do." She heard and nodded.

"What is the job now," Alice said, trying not to whine. It had seemed like they had just gotten back from one mission, why would another one come up so soon? Because the world couldn't handle it's own problems and shoved it on little assassin girls. "Recon, protection, capture, siege and destroy, silence, tell me if I'm getting warm." Alice took out her music and paused it as she stuffed it into her pocket. "Is it gonna be more than one day? When are we leaving? Am I allowed to bring a pop tart with me?" The last questions wasn't truly random, Alice's stomach grumbled due to her feeding her lunch to the ducks and fish.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Walter Easton
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shiki29
The flood of questions caught Walter off guard. Luckily, he could satisfy most of them with a single answer.

"Well, you see, we have to locate an agent, a cyborg, and detain him to bring back here. Or to kill them, depending on if your orders change or not. For now, we need to get him back. As for who it is and what happened, it looked like Daniel Westfield, and it looked like he killed somebody that maybe he wasn't supposed to. We will probably leave soon, unless you have something urgent you need to do. I use the term, "urgent," loosely. It will possibly be more than one day, but I doubt any more than 2. Or it could go very badly, and then it might take a while, or make more missions to do in the future. Also, you can definitely bring a poptart. I'll be in the car, planning our route. Come by when you're ready. Also, I expect other agents to be there, but we can't rely on support until we know for sure. I haven't gotten a call yet from other agents, so I don't know if others are on the same mission or not. Anywho, I'll be waiting."

Walter smiled as he turned to leave. He walked through the headquarters building until he reached the car they were to take, a black SUV. Walter placed his large suitcase into the trunk, and climbed into the driver's seat. Within the next few moments, Walter brought a laptop from under the seat out, and began to plan their route, consulting information of where Daniel was seen last, or rather, where his mission sent him to.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Walter Easton
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"Well, you see, we have to locate an agent, a cyborg, and detain him to bring back here. Or to kill them, depending on if your orders change or not. For now, we need to get him back. As for who it is and what happened, it looked like Daniel Westfield, and it looked like he killed somebody that maybe he wasn't supposed to. We will probably leave soon, unless you have something urgent you need to do. I use the term, 'urgent,' loosely. It will possibly be more than one day, but I doubt any more than 2. Or it could go very badly, and then it might take a while, or make more missions to do in the future. Also, you can definitely bring a poptart. I'll be in the car, planning our route. Come by when you're ready. Also, I expect other agents to be there, but we can't rely on support until we know for sure. I haven't gotten a call yet from other agents, so I don't know if others are on the same mission or not. Anywho, I'll be waiting."

Alice jumped up happily, nodding to her Handler. "I'll be out soon! I'll go grab my stuff." With that, Alice was off into the nearest building, where her dorm room was located. Once she arrived to the room, she looked around. She had tons of stuffed animals, toys and whatnot. It looked like a little girls room, but a look outside the window showed something like a military base. Alice grabbed her shoulder bag and threw some cloths, her music player and many poptarts from her secret stash under her bed. She felt ready enough.

After a search for the giant SUV, she found it sitting idle with Walter in the front seat. She opened the passenger door and struggled in her attempt to enter, but made it after a finally leap. Alice held onto the armrest as she closed the door and kicked off her shoes. It was a habit of hers to sit in cars cross legged. She thought she may have forgotten her weapons, but a quick check revealed she had them already in her shoulder bag. Good thing too, it would have been terrible if they had gotten there and she had left her instruments at home.

"Ready Captain," Alice saluted Walter. She placed her shoes on the floor neatly and her bag on top of them, then buckling herself in.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Walter Easton
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shiki29
It hadn't taken Walter very long to plan a route. The specifications of Daniel's position and mission, last he was seen, were clear, and available. The rest of the time Walter had stayed alone in the van was spent quietly. Walter had lost his train of thought, and, in his wait for Alice, a dark look returned to Walter's face. He could already remember the horrors of war. Fighting wa not something Ealter enjoyed. If possible, he would avoid it. Well, that was probably why Walter was working with the SWA, to prevent more war. However, here Walter was, working with another child soldier.

"Ready Captain," Alice said as she saluted Walter. She placed her shoes on the floor neatly and her bag on top of them, then buckling herself in.

Walter snapped out of it. Alice had stepped in. He enjoyed her presence, watching as she sat down in the passenger's seat with her legs crossed. Walter had seen the moment where a child becomes a soldier, and to Walter, it was horrifying. Walter ad never seen the moment in himself, but maybe for him it happened too early to remember. Or maybe it had never happened. Maybe that was why Walter was so eager to become a scientist, rather than work as an agent, or assassin. Whatever the case, the fact that Alice was so much unlike most of the other cyborgs here really made him wonder if, even with conditioning, she hadn't lost who she was to war. Walter smiled, as he set the car on it's course for the apartment where Daniel was to fid his mark.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Walter Easton
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Alice may have felt like a dog sometimes with the urges to stick her head out of the window, but she couldn't be too wild. It always cause trouble for Walter when she was. So she simply pressed her face to the window and stared at the clouds.

"Oh!" Alice reached into her bag and handed Walter a pop tart package. "Just incase you get hungry, okay?"

It didn't take Alice long to distract herself with clouds and moving around in her seat like a monkey. Cars were just so much fun when no one was yelling at you. After she got comfy, she continued to stare at the sky. Alice remembered when she thought she was growing wings. She had been having dreams about growing wings and flying. So when her back hurt, she thought that she was going to sprout wings at anytime.

It only turned out to be faulty joints causing her distress. Of course she was disappointed, but she was also happy. Where would Alice go? She would probably have been hunted down and killed. That or experiments. The white coats would have way to much fun.

Flying seemed to nice to Alice. If she had they chance, one thing she would do before she retired was fly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Daniel Westfield Character Portrait: Walter Easton
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0.00 INK

(So, is this still alive then?)

Daniel got off a block from his stop. The warehouse was close. But, he needed to re-supply first.

He still felt shaken, and it wasn't something he was used to feeling. For the first time, he felt targeted and hunted. It was not something he was used to. He worked solo perfectly fine, but even then, he had intel, ops, and supplies. And the one man he actually knew that he trusted more then anyone else was dead.

He had established several safe houses in multiple cities, and only a little less then half were registered by the agency. He walked up the stairs, and entered one of them after he unlocked the door. He locked it after he entered, and re supplied ammo for his guns, and explosives for general use. Then it occurred to him that the ballistics wouldn't match. Each gun made its own marks on each bullet, so if they tested it the gun would not match the wounds. He left that gun in a secure case in the Safe house, got changed quickly, and left.

He left via the fire escape into the alley, and made his way to the warehouse by hiding in crowds or using back alleys. When he made it to the warehouse, he knew it wouldn't be long before they managed to follow him here. He set up a breaching explosive, enough to get in, but not to make a loud noise or big light. Once that was done, he went in. There were a lot of empty shelves, crates, and junk. But there was this room inside, with the light on. He went over there, to see if anyone was inside.

There wasn't, however. There was a computer though. Daniel moved the mouse, re activating it. A video file, with audio, started to play as he looked around. It was a variety of things. Financial reports, employment papers, approval of allocation of Government resources, transit records, flight plans, power company reports. He did not see it at first, but then he realized this was all related to the Agency. Because he found some files, on his handler, on the others, on the director. And then, he found his handler.

"Patient's name is listed as Daniel Westfield..." Daniel looked back at the video playing. It was him, after having been operated on it seems. "...we managed to stabilize him. He survived, though I am not sure if he should have. He was injured, well, not sure by who or with what. Neither of his parents are reachable, I fear whatever to him happened to them, possibly worse. Anyways, seeing as he hasn't fallen into a coma, I am calling the Social Welfare Agency. This case is just the thing they would handle, that is for sure..."

He could hear his own voice in the background, moaning. "He must be strong. He is awake already..."

Daniel wasn't sure what to think. This data was supposed to be scrubbed, it shouldn't exist. But here it was, a copy of it saved. Daniel felt like this was familiar, but there was this blank feeling combined with a migraine. Whoever was behind this had something big planned, and they were confident if they were showing their hand like this. However, Daniel got distracted again when another video started to play.

"Hey Danny, remember me?"

"Michael! Your back from college!"

The video camera was focused on Daniel, but Daniel ran towards this Michael. It appeared to be him holding the video. "Say Hello to mom. I plan to send this video to her".

"Hiiiii moooom!"

"Alright Daniel, let me make us both a snack. Is dad home?"

"Not yet. And nachos, please!"

The video ended. What was on the computer now was a certificate of death for Daniel Westfield. A voice was also playing from the computer now. "So tell me, what keeps you loyal to these people? The fact they saved your life? After all, you did mysteriously arrive at the hospital, with no witnesses how, and your injuries perfect for the SWA? Seems rather suspicious, I would say. And hiding you from your family. Tell me, why do you think they took your memories, as well? Why isolate you from the people you belong with? The answer is simple, to them you are a tool, nothing more. Now, they will see you as a liability. So they will discard you, end your life, and make it look like you died in that hospital room like they faked. You can't go to the media, not with what you have done. You can't return to the government, they will kill you to keep themselves safe. You have two options. Find your family, starting with your brother because he is closest, or work for us and let us protect you, and your family. The first option will almost certainly lead to us anyways, because they will see them just as much of a risk as you".

Daniel wasn't sure what to do. He was still processing everything. He looked back at the warehouse main room, then at the computer. "Why me?"

"You were sent on this mission".

"But why set me up if you wanted to help me?"

"Because..." The computer monitor switched to a traffic camera. He could make out a man and a girl in the vehicle. "The SWA has sent Alice after you. An assassin. If we had simply asked you, you might have not believed us. Your brother is currently in the city for a meeting. You see, after he was done with the army, he went to college, and after your death, strived to become great in your name. He is currently making massive amounts of money, and is planning to build the Danny Westfield Memorial Tower, just for you. He truly is a great brother, and you two were robbed of each other. So, are you going to let Alice kill you, or are you going to re-unite with your brother. They can't kill your brother in public, not with a government registered vehicle or with a government officer, even if his job isn't quite what people think. He is at Durrenbell Tower. You could wait for him in the lobby".

Daniel wasn't sure what to do. He knew he was being played like a piano. No way someone would do what they have done for the right reasons. But his brother had answers, and the truth would be a lot easy to find if they talked, he believed.

He just also knew this was quite obviously a trap. He was a mouse in a maze with a cat, and they controlled the walls.