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Skylar Hunter

17 year old daughter of Zeus

0 · 686 views · located in Mt. Hood, Oregon

a character in “Half-Blood Village”, as played by AuroraDawn




Character Name:
Skylar Hunter

Play By:
Ashley Benson


Godly Parent:

Eye Color:
Bright Sky Blue, but they turn silver/grey when creating storms

Hair Color:
Light Blonde


Born in the snowy lands of Alaska Skylar have spend her life in isolation from the outside world. When she was young her mother, May Hunter, enrolled her in public school but it didnt last long with Sky's temper which she inherited from her father. Even at the age of 9 Skylar would get into fights, be sent to the principle's office for arguing with her teacher or have strange event's happen when she is angry like a blot of lightning almost hitting a little boy she had a crush on and he crush her heart when he rejected her valentine she had made special just for him. Luckily she didn't have such great aim back then. Her mother took her out of school and home-schooled her during the evening after May was finished with her duties at the police station. Skylar was home alone alot, the only friend she had was her husky Ranch, but not even he could fill the void that had formed in her heart.
When Sky was 14 and just got her learner's she snuck out in the middle of the night to go to a bush party she had heard about over the internet. Things did turn out the way she excepted for the people at the party instantly recognized her as 'freak' or 'monster' because of all the things she did in elementary. They beat her up and trashed her mom's truck then left Dylan in the snow, alone.
Skylar doesnt know what happened next but when she woke up the next morning the dead body of the boy she once liked lay beside her. She didnt know how it happened or how she had survived the cold Alaskan night but she didnt question it and drove away from the scene.
Ever since that day Skylar haven't socialized with anyone but her mom and Ranch. But then something worse happen. May's doctor's discovered May had a fatal brain tumor. She died a few month's later. She had left Sky to fend her herself with only the small amount of money they had and the knowledge of who she was. May told her the night she met Sky's father Zeus and that she wanted Sky to go to the Half Blood Camp, so that she would be safe.

-The ability to mentally and/or physically manipulate and control electric currents and/or static electricity.
-The ability to control and manipulate air patterns and air molecules.
-Also known as weather manipulation. The user can control and manipulate the various forms and aspects of the weather itself.

Weapon of Choice:
Long Sword

Cabin #:



So begins...

Skylar Hunter's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Aiden Fletcher
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Skylar walked around the camp site, her hood pulled over her head blocking her from everyone else. She sighed as she passed by people, avoiding them as she walked around the cabin's. The distant thump sound and a harsh 'fuck' took her out of her day dreams and back in reality. She turned to see a young dark haired woman, the same or close to her own age lying on the ground blood leaking from her lip and eyebrow. Concern for the girl coursed through Skylar as she slowly walked over to the girl.

She didn't talk, she never really talks to anyone anymore but she looked down at her with concern as she reached her. Skylar put out her gloved hand and hid her face from the girl as she offered her a hand up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Aiden Fletcher Character Portrait: Nicki Edwards
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#, as written by Grrbot
Nicki sat on the steps of Cabin 2, reading the latest magazine of Electronics Weekly.. The camp didn't really like getting subscriptions for magazines but Nicki had persuaded them saying it was for "Educational" benefit... But Nicki actually know if it was Educational.. She just wanted to read it. As Nicki finished off the spotlight on Robot Advancement, she swear she heard a rustle, thud and a "Fuck" which was rather loud. Nicki looked up and sure enough over by Cabin 1 laid a girl. She had dark hair and her lip and forehead were badly bleeding.

Nicki watched as a girl rushed over to help the girl and Nicki decided why not and see if she could be of any help.. Nicki sure didn't have anything better to do.. And Nicki knew a thing or 2 of patching up wounds from reading articles... Nicki rolled up the magazine and stuffed it in her back pocket of her jeans and jogged over to the scene. "Hey are you okay? Those cuts look pretty bad... Lemme take a look at them and I can patch you up... It'll only take a couple minutes and you'll be fine after." I gave the girl a reassuring smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Aiden Fletcher Character Portrait: Nicki Edwards Character Portrait: Noah Alves
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#, as written by Daleos
Noah was laying on his bed, bending the light in his room into different shapes. He figured it was about time he left his room but he was in one of his 'thinking' moods, twisting the light around kept his ADD in check and left his mind free to contemplate what he could do to entertain himself today.

A sudden *thud* snapped him back to reality, he flung himself up and stuck his head out of his window. A small group had formed just outside his cabin, three girls he didn't really know but he decided he'd go down anyway. He threw on the closest clean shirt he could see and made his was down the stairs through the main living area towards the door. As he stepped outside he took in the whole scene.
"Oh wow that looks nasty" he winced as he saw the blood across one of the girls eye brow "I mean you OK?" The other two girls looked like they were trying to help her out and he took a few steps towards them "Hey I could take care of that if you like.. heal it, I mean. Its an Apollo thing." he shrugged kind of feeling a little awkward, he held out his hand "Here just take my hand, it'll just take a second. It doesn't look all that bad"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Aiden Fletcher Character Portrait: Nicki Edwards Character Portrait: Merridia Cerulean Character Portrait: Caspian Cerulean Character Portrait: Noah Alves
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"Well, here we are. Half-Blood Village."

Two twins stood next to each other, viewing the wooden sign to the entrance of the village. It was hoisted up on a totem-pole like structure that could be considered as some sort of archway. Not only the archway, but the forest itself had a mysterious, majestic, and timeless feel to it. As they stood side-by-side at the entrance, Merridia and Caspian could feel the seconds slowly pass by.

"Mm-hmmm. Very nice." the boy said, losing his interest and tossing a full water bottle into the air. He wore a bright blue v-neck shirt and a light gray hoodie.
"You want a picture in front of this thing? You know we're going to have to keep in touch with Ma." his sister replied. Ironcally, she wore a dark gray tanktop with dark blue cardigan. The twins always seemed to match somehow, even if it was unintentionally. Although, Caspian's appearance always seemed more open. With her dark color schemes and long navy-blue scarf draped across her neck, Merridia gave the impression that she was more mysterious and closed in nature.

"No, Merri," he responded, using the nickname he had for his twin sister, "Let's do that later. Right now, i just wanna see what's inside..."
Before he could take a step foward, his sister stopped him.
"Wait, Caspian..."
"I....I have to tell you something." she sharply stated, her deep voice becoming slightly shaky.
"The people...the people inside, you realize they are all demigods, just like us. Although we're similar to them, it's not neccessarily a good thing."
Caspian raised an eyebrow. Before he could question her, Merridia continued.
"Our father...he was a just god, but he was very violent and jealous. Just look at his competition with Athena for Athens..."
"Yeah, and Athena won and claimed Athens. I know, you told me a BILLION TIMES..."
"No. You don't understand. What if one of the demigods here knows Poseidon as a foe? Because of our father, we may have already made enemies that we don't even know about. Now I know you're one to try and get to know everyone you meet, so all i'm asking is that..."
"Merri, why would father tell us to go to this place if he knew we would be in danger if we did?"
There was silence. Merridia opened her mouth, trying to answer that question, but as she struggled to find the right words, the silence just became longer. Caspian gave her a smirk, and then turned around to pass through the archway.
He turned around again, seeing that his sister still stood in the same spot.
" have no idea of the effect you can have on people."
"Neither do you. You coming or what?"

After a minute or so, the twins had been fully immersed in the world of Half-Blood Village. The mountainous environment and beautiful cabins made for a very interesting atmosphere. Suddenly, to Caspian's confusion, Merridia started to flank off to the left.
"Hey, where you going?"
"I'm going to find the person in charge here and also find out what cabin me and you are staying in. I'll be back. Don't wander too far."
As her figure faded away, Caspian stood awkwardly in the same spot. Although he wasn't doing anything, he was looking around attentively, hoping for something to do. And there, suddenly, it came to him.

There was a group of people surrounding a girl who looked as though she had been injured. Although he had been acting awfully tired the whole train ride and walk to Half-Blood Village, he ran as though he was full of new energy.
"Hey, can you guys move outta the way?" he said, nudging away people who were in his path, specifically a blonde-haired guy who had had his arm extended towards the injured girl.
"What on earth did you do to yourself?" he said, inspecting the girl's cuts that were located on her eyebrow and lip.
"Don't worry, i can heal it. It'll only take a second..."
With a swift movement of his hand, he unscrewed the cap to his water bottle, and with his power of water manipulation, he removed the liquid from it's container. In mid-air, the liquid flowed into a wide shape that fit smoothly across the girl's head and lips. It glowed a bright blue as Caspian made circular motions with his hands, using his healing powers.
"Don't worry, it's all free of charge." he joked, "I'm Caspian, son of Poseidon. Me and my sister just came here five minutes ago. Nice to meet you all!"
Eventually, he removed the water from the girl's face and flung it off to his side. He didn't look to see where he was flinging it, and it splashed on the blonde-haired guy's face.
"Woops! Didn't see you there!" he said, chuckling.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Aiden Fletcher Character Portrait: Nicki Edwards Character Portrait: Caspian Cerulean Character Portrait: Noah Alves
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#, as written by Grrbot
Nicki backed up as a tall guy with blonde hair approached them. He claimed he could help. Nicki felt challenged... And it only became worse when another boy came up and healed the girl on the spot.. Good for her for being healed but it made Nicki feel like she wasn't needed... And Nicki didn't like that. Nicki sighed. Nicki laughed though when the boy who healed the girl threw water in the blonde guys face... It was funny. "Nice one." I chuckled. "My name is Nicki... I'm a daughter of Hephaestus... And you guys?" She asked the group. They all seemed to be friendly... Why not get to know them?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Aiden Fletcher Character Portrait: Nicki Edwards Character Portrait: Caspian Cerulean Character Portrait: Noah Alves
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#, as written by Daleos
Noah heard the new guy coming right before he got shoved out of the way, he managed to keep his feet planted THE HELL IS THIS GUYS DEAL he thought to himself as he turned to face the group ready to tell this guy off. "Dude!" Noahs anger vanished when he turned to see a floating pool of water "Ok, thats pretty co.. Ah man" face full of water.

"Woops! Didn't see you there!"
"All good man" Noah took a deep breath and lifted up his shirt to wipe the water off his face and listened to them introducing themselves. Poseidon, Hephaestus.


That was actually kind of a surprise to Noah as well. He straighten up his now damp shirt he noticed the blonde girl tighten her hood and turn away from the group, he felt bad, like they had made her uncomfortable somehow.
"Yeah I got here not long ago myself really, just moved some stuff into here" he pointed behind him to the cabin " haven't even really looked around yet"
There was the crack of thunder, Noah glanced up to the previously clear sky to see a small patch of storm clouds almost directly above them and his eyes flashed back towards the retreating girl.
"Umm, I'm Noah" he introduced himself still looking over their shoulders at the Blonde girl "son of Apollo" He looked back at them "Its nice to meet you guys.. And I really want to see some more of that whole 'water controly' thing, 'cause that's pretty sweet but ill be back in a minute" he stepped past them and jogged after the other girl, looking back up at the sky...

"Hey" he skidded to a stop as he caught up "you ok? I know we kind of all butted in back there, I guess every one just wants the make a good impression" he smiled "did you er.. Do that?" he looked back up at the newly formed storm clouds again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Aiden Fletcher Character Portrait: Nicki Edwards Character Portrait: Merridia Cerulean Character Portrait: Caspian Cerulean Character Portrait: Ethan Dallens
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Ethan, son of Ares shrugged at Merridia's question. She figured that he either had no clue, or he just didn't care, or both.
"Uh, could be there," he said, pointing in the direction in one of the cabins, "Or there." he added, moving his pointed hand in the complete OPPOSITE direction. At first, Merridia was going to take the information seriously, until she saw the smirk on his face. That couldn't be good. Was he seriously trying to trick her or something? She wanted to say something sarcastic, but with this guy's appearance and status, crossing him would be like suicide.

"Alright then," she smirked, copying his facial expression, "I'll take that. Again, nice to meet you Ethan, I guess I'll see you la-...."
Suddenly, the clouds overhead darknened, and the distant roar of thunder could be heard. Although she couldn't hear it too well, it sounded like it was close, but not too far away. She exhaled deeply as she realized that the sound of the thunder was coming from the spot where she had left Caspian.

"You've got to be kidding me," she gritted under her teeth. She quickly left Ethan's side and sprinted as fast as she could along the winding pathway where she came from. Abnormal thunder only meant one thing: Zeus. Fortunately, there was no lightning that hit the ground yet. In Merridia's mind, she was only hoping that Caspian wasn't making the child of Zeus angry. If he had succeeded to make him furious, which he most likely would, her brother would be burnt to a crisp.


The blonde-haired guy had no hard feelings, and took amusement in Caspian's accident. Perfect, everything was going great.....Except for the fact that the blonde-haired girl in the group. She had wished the demigods goodbye and started to move away on her own, thunder clouds forming over her head. No doubt about it, she was the child of Zeus. It pierced Caspian's heart to see that his presence was making her uncomfortable. He looked down at the ground for a moment, and then payed his attention to the blonde-haired guy who was introducing himself,
"Umm, I'm Noah" he said, looking back at the girl who had left, "son of Apollo" he turned his head back to face the group, "Its nice to meet you guys.. And I really want to see some more of that whole 'water controly' thing, 'cause that's pretty sweet but ill be back in a minute"
He retreated towards the child of Zeus, and silently, Caspian praised his actions and courage. To help relieve the tensions that had been built, Caspian continued to talk.
"'Water Controly thing'; my sister's really good at that. Better than I am. Anyway, so we have Nicki, daughter of Hephaestus, Noah, son of Apollo, the child of Zeus, and then we have...." he turned to face the girl he had healed. He smiled at her, giving her a cue to speak next.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Katharyn "Kate" Bines Character Portrait: Nicki Edwards Character Portrait: Caspian Cerulean Character Portrait: Noah Alves
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#, as written by Grrbot
"Nice to meet you Nicki, daughter of Hephaestus....wait...WAIT A MINUTE..." he asked. I awaited patiently for him to continue. "DO YOU GUYS EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER YET?? Wow, I thought in this village everyone would be like, super tight or something. I'm surprised. I mean, we all have something in common, right? Why be so shy?" he asked. "Well... I only got here last week.... I've been unpacking since... Today is my mingling day..." I laughed awkwardly. "Yeah I got here not long ago myself really, just moved some stuff into here" the blonde boy said, gesturing to the cabin behind them.

"Haven't even really looked around yet." He continued. "Umm, I'm Noah" he said. "Nice to meet you Noah..." I said. "Son of Apollo" he said. "Its nice to meet you guys.. And I really want to see some more of that whole 'water controly' thing, 'cause that's pretty sweet but ill be back in a minute" I nodded as he left. "'Water Controly thing'; my sister's really good at that. Better than I am. Anyway, so we have Nicki, daughter of Hephaestus, Noah, son of Apollo, the child of Zeus, and then we have...." The boy said.

"Uhm Hi. I'm Kate..." a girl said, appearing next to me. "I just arrived a few minutes ago, and I'm kind of at a lost of where to go." Kate said. "Hi there... The names Nicki." I said, holding my hand out for a shake. "I'm pretty new here too.... If you manage to find someone to give you a tour I'd love to come a long... I don't know the place very well and I get lost finding my way back to the cabin at night still..." I said, letting out a shaky laugh.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Silvaine Wood
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Skylar flipped her hood back up quickly and backed away from Apollo's son as the twins came around. The loud noise frightened her, she dismissed the small creation in the boy's hand and waved goodbye before running over to Cabin 1. She didn't care which one it was just that it would protect her from the rain.....the rain she created.

"Shit" Sky muttered falling against the outside wall of the cabin and sliding down it. She focused on the weather but nothing happened but that's most likely because her powers seemed to form around her emotion's and not actual control. The sadder she got the hard it seemed to rain, the winds picked up and the groan of protest from the cabin entered her ears. Sure she could control and create small little storm's but not the big one's, no they formed because of how she felt. If she was happy which was rarely never these day's it would be all sunshine and beautiful days. When she lived in Alaska and was always home alone and lonely that emotion would create blizzards and golf sized hail, anger would create violent storm's like hurricane's, typhoon's, large lightning storms or blizzards so powerful they could freeze a person in minutes. She knows this because it once happened again in Alaska, she had once gotten so angry she had flooded the town from the nearest lake and frozen people alive.
In her life she had killed a total of 10 people by accident and she felt horrible about it.

"just go away" she whimpered putting her head in her knee's was the storm worsened.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Silvaine Wood
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Silvaine Wood

Silvaine heard soft whispering just outside her door and crept up to the window, peaking out from behind the curtains and past the binds which she'd pulled down after she left to take a walk through her nature trail. Something was crouched down below the window ceil, shaking slightly perhaps with cold or fear of the storm. Feeling pity for the shaking... whatever it was, Silvaine pushed her palm against the wall and on the other side ivy crept up and around the wall until it came to where her hand was. Then a large, umbrella-like leaf grew, fanning out above the trembling being, sheilding it from most of the rain.

Still Silvaine did not yet know what it was and couldn't tell from her peek-a-boo place from the window. Slowly she went to the door and opened it, just a crack, viewing the shaking intruder she'd just assisted. Silvaine recoiled as she saw it was not a stray puppy (as she was hoping it would be) but instead another camper! 'No duh Sherlock,' Silvaine nearly smacked herself in the forehead, 'Of couse it's another human- you're living in a village for pie's sake!'

Despite her initial urge to slam the door and lock it, Silvaine knew she'd already been seen and instead opened the door a little wider, peeking her head out a little bit. " hey, um, it's raining pretty bad out there..." Silvaine said awkwardly, trying to remember what little she knew about being polite back when she had still been allowed to interact with other people. "A-And you are probably getting, um, kind of cold... so, um..." Silvaine took a deep breath in and slowly let it out, willing her hand not to pull the door closed and her mouth to show some kind of friendliness. It managed a small, deer-in-headlights smile, but it was enough to give her a little self-confidence. "The storm doesn't look like it's going to let up soon and you look soaked. Do you want to come inside?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Silvaine Wood
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Skylar looked up at the girl then back at the large leaf above her. Skylar had read enough books to know this girl must be the child of Demeter.
"no i created this storm i should be the one to suffer through it" Sky mumbled softly, she wasn't even sure if the girl would understand her but she didn't care at the moment. This is how she is, depressed and alone she didn't like it but i was the only way to keep herself safe she couldn't get close to anyone the last time she did that her heart literally broke in two. Sky knew since she was making a storm that her eyes would be pure silver, an unnatural glow would be to them and they would flash lighter every time there was a clap of thunder or flash of lightning.
And just think that, even the though of it flashing through her mind created a large blot of lightning to escape from the clouds and strike the dirt right by her feet, the dirt and gravel was burnt and large black mark left from the blow. She scooped up a handful of burnt gravel and stood up and turned to the girl. Using the winds she moved the gravel in a mini tornado so the girl could she it. The twister was the size of a pencil and Sky held it in the palm of her hand. She opened the door more and took the girls hand and placed the mini tornado in it.
"thank you for your offer but i'm fine" Sky gave the girl a small smile and let go of her wrist and tornado now sitting in the other girls hand. This have always been Skylar way of saying thank you, she didnt see the whole just saying thank you was enough.
"if you put it in a jar with some water colored with food coloring it looks really cool" Sky said softly and lifted her hood up a bit so she could fully see the girl.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Silvaine Wood
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Silvaine Wood

"No, I created this storm; I should be the one to suffer through it." the girl said grimly. 'Ah, so she's Zeus' child then.' Silvaine thought. "Well, I'm sorry to interrupt you're little display of self-sacrific here," Silvaine said with a clear note of friendly humor, "but reguardless of who caused the storm, no one and especially not it's creator should be sitting in it, mooping around. If you think that this is suffering, just wait until you catch the flu. Now that's suffering. With the seasons changing and all, your nose will be ten times runnier and there won't be a single tissue in the whole camp."

Silvaine had always been humorous, but rarely got to show it. Her mother had been so overprotective that nothing, absolutely nothing was funny. It had been her father, Daniel Wood, the teach her the art of comedy. It was the first thing she resorted to when stuck in an awkward situation such as conversing with someone else. Things were just... easier if it was all a big joke. Of course when lightning struck not three feet from where Silvaine stood she felt her lighthearted humor faulter and she visably flintched. The girl didn't though, which didn't surprise Silvaine in the least since she was the one who'd called it down in the first place. What did surprise Silvaine was what she did with the charred dirt by her feet.

Silvaine stared at the mini-tornado whirling in her palm with poorly contained awe. 'Well isn't that just niffy,' she thought to herself, holding the door open with her foot as the rain continued to pour down. "Thank you for your offer but I'm fine." the girl said half heartedly, providing a small smile that couldn't quite convince Silvaine that she wasn't lying. "If you put it in a jar with some water colored with food coloring it looks really cool..." the girl added softly.

Though Silvaine was having a hard time believing the girl who sat outside her door she really couldn't force her to do anything she didn't want to. Well, she could, but that would be just plain rude. She looked at the gift in her hand, then turned without a word and went inside, placing it in a glass vase with some colored sand. It did look pretty cool even though it wasn't colored water exactly. Going back outside Silvaine glanced up at the leaf and it expanded so that it could cover two people.

"Well, if you refuse to come inside I guess I'll just have to stay outside. I'm Silvaine by the way. Daughter of Demeter as you've probably guessed," she said with a snort of distaste, "Being the only one here can get pretty loney, but I don't facy going out in search of companionship, so when an opportunity like this comes along I'd be stupid to pass it up." She offered a meek smile, after introducing herself since she figured the girl wouldn't have any idea who she was if she didn't speak up.

Oh sure, she'd recieved the traditional, "Campers, this is Silvaine~" "Hi Silvaine~" when she'd first come here, probably a month or so ago, but that hadn't left as much of an impression on the campers as it did Silvaine. Standing infront of hundred of onlookers, hearing them chant her name in unison, feeling the judgmental eyes already classifying her as a thing instead of a person... definitally not Silvaine's cup of tea. That was for the more... heroic, outgoing campers who were "destined for great things" and all that junk.

"Anyways, now that you know who I am, what's your name?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Silvaine Wood Character Portrait: Noah Alves
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#, as written by Daleos
"Im Skylar, daughter of Zeus"...

No kidding.. Noah thought to himself as he studied the little storm cloud she had placed in the palm of his hand. He didn't know what to say, which was so odd for Noah, being the son of the God of poetry words had never failed him. "It's bea..." he stopped mid word as he looked back up at her and noticed she was looking panicked, she'd lifted her hood back up and was backing away. The Poseidon boys yelling distracted him for a moment and when he turned back to Skylar she was already sitting by the wall of his Cabin.

Noah wasn't sure if he should follow her, since he had already tried that, or if he should just let her be for now.. The storm had picked up, he didn't know all that much about other Demi-gods so he wasn't sure if she had anything to do with it but after being splashed by Caspian and now the rain his clothes were almost completely soaked through so he started at a slow pace back towards Cabin 1 a little disappointed with how things were going so far. Well at least I got her to smile. That thought cheered him up a little, he didn't like seeing people upset, and she seemed like such a nice girl.

As he got to the front door he stopped and turned to the now two girls sitting in the rain, he recognised the other because she was one of his room mates but she always seemed to duck in and out without him getting the chance to say hi. "This probably isn't the most appropriate time to introduce myself but I'm Noah" and then looked at Skylar "and I never got to thank you for this" he held up the storm cloud that was surprisingly easy to hold "anyway I'm going to get changed, you guys should come inside ill make some hot chocolate or something."
Noah ran up to his room and pulled out a pair of jeans and a hoody. He wasn't quite sure where an appropriate place to leave a storm cloud was so he placed in on his bedside table and flipped a glass he had there over the top of it. Yeah that works

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Silvaine Wood Character Portrait: Nicki Edwards Character Portrait: Noah Alves
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Silvaine Wood

Alright, now there were too many people.

Silvaine had been fine with the girl (whose name she still didn't know) and still semi-comfortable when Noah had shown up (after all they were cabinmates). But as they saying went; three is company, four is a crowd. And Silvaine was feeling very crowded. Quickly she stood up, feeling claustraphobic and uncomfortable, and slipped without another word into the house. Of course, she didn't want to just vanish because that would be very rude, so she got out a few mugs started to make hot chocolate.

'Okay.' she thought, doing a few deep breaths, 'Silvaine, get a grip. They're a group of other campers, demi-gods just like you. There's no reason to push them away just because theres' like ten of them. Okay, three. Still...' As she poured the milk and chocolate into the pan she shook her head. 'No no no, that's not a good thought. Three isn't that many people. And they're all nice enough. Besides, weren't you the one who said this was a rare opportunity and that you'd be stupid to pass it up?'

'Shut up brain,' Silvaine thought irritably, hating the idea of being a hypocrite. So she wouldn't be. Carefully pouring the hot chocolate into each mug she went to the pantry where there were marshmellows and grabbed the bag, dumping a good portion into a bowl and setting it beside the mugs along with a few spoons. She personally didn't care for hot chocolate, but adored mthe marshmellow. Plucking one out of the bowl she popped it into her mouth and smiled at it's sweetness.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Silvaine Wood Character Portrait: Noah Alves
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#, as written by Daleos
Noah headed back down into the living area and was quite pleased, and a little surprised, to see that the two girls had decided to come inside. He had only really just met them and they both seemed very withdrawn but Noah liked that about them. He had always thought that for people who didn't speak much, the words they did say have much more meaning and people who rarely let others in were much truer friends. They reminded him of himself when he was younger and moving constantly from town to town, his only friend back then was his mother because he never stayed anywhere long enough to make any his own age. Now that he was at Half-Blood Village he had the chance to have a normal-ish kind of life.

The room (as it always did) brightened a little as Noah walked in, like he was a human shaped lamp. Silvaine was make drinks and Skylar was standing near the front door, they both looked so uncomfortable Noah couldn't help but smile.
"So I only just got here today" he began as he walked over to one of the arm chairs and sat down, crossing his legs in the seat "how about you guys? have you been here very long?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Silvaine Wood Character Portrait: Noah Alves
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" i have been here for awhile i just.....don't talk to people much.....actually you to are the only people i have talk to in over 3 years" Skylar said softly, still not use to talking so much. She gave Noah a small smile but it went bigger when she looked around and saw the room had gotten a little brighter. This feeling of light seemed to lift her spirit's somewhat and a real smile graced her face, Skylar removed her hood and looked around in wonder. All her powers have ever brought her was destruction and lightened her spirits to know not everyone's powers were like her's.

"this is you seem to make the room glow with a feeling of warm, your very lucky to have that type of power" Sky said softly. Small rays of sun fought through the storm cloud's that had begun to little, the thunder and lightning had stopped and now it was just a light rain all because Sky's mood had lightened.

"and you can make life" Sky said quietly slightly turning towards Silvaine, Sky smiled at her. She felt happy around these people she just didnt know how long it would last.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Silvaine Wood Character Portrait: Noah Alves
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Silvaine Wood

"I have been here for awhile. I just... don't talk to people much. Actually you two are the only people I have talked to in over three years." Skylar said softly, removing her hood and giving the two of them a small, shy smile.

"This is wonderful; how you seem to make the room glow with a feeling of warm. You're very lucky to have that type of power." Sky said, indicating the compliment towards Noah when he entered the room. "And you can make life," she smiled at Silvaine who shrugged modestly.

"Yeah, kind of. I guess." She'd never really considered her powers the type that were all that incredible. After all, everything she did would eventually happen on it's own. She just kind of speed up the process. And altered it. And controlled it. So maybe her powers were a little special.

Watching them sip their hot chocolates, Silvaine was struck by thrist. She'd not drank anything since breakfast nearly twelve a hours ago! She went to the window over the sink and opened it just a crack. Slowly, as she willed it, a thin vine crept in, spiraling in on itself until it formed almost a cup, tightly wound so there would be no leaking. Then a brilliant yellow flower grew just above it, blooming, and a honey colored nectar dripped down from it's petals into the cup.

Once it was full, Silvaine snapped the vine and it's retracted, the flower closing, before slinking back out the window. Silvaine closed it once again as the rain fell quietly, turning the landscape grey and blurring out the other cabins in the distance. It was pretty. "Your powers are pretty impressive too Skylar." she said, nodding her head towards the window. "Probably much more impressive than mine could ever be..." she added quietly to herself before taking a sip of her drink, tasting the sweet nectar.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Silvaine Wood Character Portrait: Noah Alves
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"never say that!" Skylar growled angrily all of the sudden and a loud crack of thunder boomed from inside the cabin.
"all my powers ever bring is pain and destruction, they cant be used for anything else besides giving pain, i make rain it turns into a tsunami , i make a little breeze bam its a tornado! i get just a little bit angry and that happens!" Skylar pointed to outside the window where a bolt of lightning hit the ground just as she said those words.

"i have killed many people, most of them was when i was under 10 years old, i cant experience normal emotion's without something bad happening" Skylar said quietly sitting down.

"personally i hate my powers, but i kinda got to live with them" she said sadly, slipped her hot chocolate.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Silvaine Wood Character Portrait: Noah Alves
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Silvaine Wood

"Never say that!" Skylar growled angrily all of the sudden and a loud crack of thunder boomed from inside the cabin making Silvaine cringe. "All my powers ever bring is pain and destruction! They can't be used for anything else besides giving pain. I make rain; it turns into a tsunami. I make a little breeze BAM its a tornado! I get just a little bit angry and that happens!" Skylar pointed accusingly to the window Silvaine had just closed just as a bolt of lightning hit the ground.

"I have killed many people, most of them was when I was under ten years old. I can't experience normal emotions without something bad happening..." Skylar said quietly, talking more to herself than to Noah of Silvaine. A breif moment of silence passed before Skylar sighed. "Personally, I hate my powers, but I kinda got to live with them." she said softly, sitting down again and taking a sip of her drink.

Silvaine watched her for a moment before she set down her own cup. Without a word she turned and went to a cabinet, opening it up and taking out a box of matches. Silently she took a match from the box and held it up infront of Skylar. "This is a match." she said, "When you strike it, like this," Silvaine struck the match against the box and it burst into flames, "it catches on fire."

Holding the match up betweent the tips of her fingers, Silvaine went on. "As the fire burns it destroys whatever it's using as fuel. This includes plants, animals, people... you know, fire really isn't all that picky. That's one of the reasons it's so dangerous. Even to people who think they know fire, or how to handle it, are at risk of getting-" Suddenly, the flames licked at Silvaine's fingers and her yelped, dropping the match into the sink. She looked from the still burning match to her singed finger. "Burned."

Sighing softly she held out her injured finger to Skylar so she could see. "But there is one thing it cannot stand." She nodded towards the window where the rain was falling outside. "And that's water. Because if there's ever a fight between fire and water, water will always win, no question." She went to the sink and turned on the water so it sprinkled down on the match, putting the flames out with a hiss. "Then, when water touches a wound, it soothes it." she added, putting her burned finger under the tap and sighing softly as it cooled the burn. Turning off the water she quickly dried her hand a put a bandage over her finger.

Turning back to Skylar she opened her arms, gesturing to the room all around them. "Do you see now? Your powers aren't destructive, they're out of control because you're young and not yet used to handling them. You've had no one to train with or learn from, so how could anyone expect you to automatically know how to reign them in?" She offered a warm, reassuring smile to Skylar as she picked up her cup. Holding out her hand with the burnt finger she closed it into a fist. "If you look a little deeper into your powers, you might find they're able to do a lot more good than bad. You just have to know how to use them Sky." she said, opening her fist revieling a gorgeous rose in full bloom.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hunter Character Portrait: Silvaine Wood
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Sky smiled and thanked Silvaine before admiring her rose.
"thats beautiful" Sky smiled before closing her hand and concentration. A few moments later she opened her palm and in the middle of it was a large tear shaped frozen rain drop, frost decorated the outside looking floral and on the inside was a small lightning storm. Sky smiled at her creation and handed it to Silvaine
"i would like to be your friend....if thats alright with you" Sky said the ask part quietly and waited for her answer.