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a character in “Half”, as played by ArcticFox


Apperance- height 5'9"
Demon- Image
Human- Image
Name- Zane
Gender- Male

So begins...

Zane's Story


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva Character Portrait: Echo Character Portrait: Elliot
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"Okay this is rediculous," he muttered to himself as he stalked through the neighborhood, not paying much attention to what was gong on around him. I'm smart enough to graduate high school two years early, but not smart enough to figure out how to use the stupid bus!?! Zane growled in his mind as he glared down at the bus schedules in his hands, very tempted to tear them to shreds. As he stalked he came across a bus stop with three teens standing around it, and not nowing what else to do he walked up to the nearest girl with the friendliest smile that he could muster which looked more like a grimace as he pulled out a printout of google map with the location of the college that he was suppose to be attending along with significant locations, one of which was a highschool right aross the street. "Hey you mind telling me how to get here... please?" he added as an afterthought as he pointed to the college.


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva Character Portrait: Echo Character Portrait: Elliot
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Eva got up and walked to the man and looked at the map..."Oh well thats the collage we are going to you can ride the bus with us if you want to" She said as she was looking at the collage he needed to find Then she looked at him and smiled She didn't know If she could trust him but she still helped him...She help anyone that needs it


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva
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"Hn' thanks, I guess..." he said, as looked at her suspiciously. Over the years he'd learned not to trust anyone that seemed to come off as nicely as this girl did, but since he was lost he didn't really have a choice. Besides if things went south then he knew that he could get himself out of just about any situation. "The name's Kevin," Zane introduced himself by giving a fake name as he held out a hand to shake one of her's. "So are you taking a tour of the campus today? You don't look old enough to be attending the college yet," he observed, trying to make conversation so that he could get a feel for her.


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva
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"My names Eva...and i'm taking a tour today too...yes i know i get that alot" She shoke his hand And pushed the hair out of her face....She didn;t know if she could trust him yet, "You don't look like your name should be keven" She shrugged and looked at the time.."The bus is running" She looked at him...obseving him to make sure or see if he was going to collage..."You know, You look like you already went to collage.."


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva
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"I am in college, been attending for the past year, graduated high school two years ago and I still get lost every time I take the damn bus, but my car's in the shop for some repairs so it can't be helped," he shrugged as though it was no big deal, which it really wasn't since the car was pretty old anyway. "And my name really is Kevin," Zane protested as he easily pulled out a student ID that he's snuck into the school and printed out without anyone knowing.


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva
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"Oh...sorry you just don't look like a keven...sorry" She said looking at him..She keeps looking around for anyone that would want to hurt or do anything to her....she was nervious... She never liked being on the streets she felt saver in a car than standing in the streets...She looked scared at the moment...there were alot of guys waking the street at this time of day


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva
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"What's up with you?" Zane asked the girl, that he now knew to be Eva as he put his ID away and put his hands in his pockets. Casually taking a large breath through his nose her scent told him what her body language already was, but as he exhaled through his mouth he realized that she didn't smell like a normal human. In fact all of the teens at the bus stop had an odd underlying scent to them that he'd never come across before in his life that told him that they weren't entirely human. It made him wonder if these teens were like him, but then he noticed that he jaw was starting to ahe as his canine's started to enlongate and he realized that Eva's scent of fear was triggering his bloodlust. Knowing what would happen if he couldn't control himself he took a step back to put some distance between them and as if some diety had decied to be merciful the bus pulled up.


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva
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She turned "Thank god its here now i can get off these dangorous streets!" She ran to get on the bus she stoped at the bus door..and looked back "Come on if your going to our collage!" She singled him to come along as she said that...She looked around again..."come on, The bus won't wait much longer...."


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva
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Looking around at his surroundings Zane finally noticed the type of neighborhood he was in and he began to understand how he was able to go so long without gtting into an arguement about his hair. Eva's voice calling him to hurry up broke him out of his musings as he stepped onto the bus and paid his fare, ignoring the glare that he recieved. He took a seat behind her making sure that there was some sort of barrier in case he lost control. "So what are you thinking of studying once you get into college?" he questioned, not really interested but just trying to be polite for the moment.


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva
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"Oh...probably fashion..what about you?" She turned in her seat to look at him....She looked at her hair..."Hey....i like your hair its so cool.." As she smiled she closed her eye's she was happy to be off the streets..She than opened her eyes waiting for his answer as she looked at him...She was happy she met someone thats not mean to her but is a bit odd..but she liked people like that..It was very interestina about people like that


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva
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He looked at her curiously wondering what her end game was, he'd never recieved complements on his hair before and his gruff attitude usually deterred people from talking to him more than they had to, he hadn't expect that she'd atually answer his question. In truth he hated his hair because it was the only thing that stayed whenever he wan't in his demonic form, reminding him every time he saw his reflection or someone pointed it out of his other bloodier side. "Thanks I guess, not many people say that I'm albino, so it's natural..." the lie had come easily having said it many times before. "I'm actually studying to be an anthropologist, I hope to one day be able to work in the Jeffersonian. Anthropology is basically the scientific study of humans, especially of their origin, their behavior, and their physical, social, and cultural development," Zane explained knowing that most people had no idea what anthropology was so he saved them the time of having her ask.


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva
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"Oh, cool...I just hope i;m not at school then the moons up. Oh and your welcome on your hair complement i gave you.. She signed...She looked at him, "No body talks to you much do they?" She knew how that was like no body ever talks to her..Because they think i'm weird never coming out of my house at to see the fireworks... she hated she was half deamon sometimes but other tmes she liked it, it made her feel speical. She looked out the window and saw a man looking in thw wndow as they stoped at a red light... He looked odd. and scary his eyes were reb and he waswaering a tranch coat and a hat..She never wanted to see him again as the pulled up to the school after they had started again on the green light. The bus stoped and we waited for the rest of the buses to get here. She looked back at Keven/Zane.


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva
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His eyes flashed red for the briefest of moments as he felt his rage boil up at remembering previous 'conversations' that he'd had. "No it isn't that, a lot of people talk to me actually, it's just that none of them ever take the time to listen to what I have to say," he clarified as that strong scent of fear once again assaulted his senses and by the time he turned to see what she was looking at they were already pulling away and he wasn't able to see anything.


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva
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"Well, i guess i'll see you later?" She said as she got up from her seat and putting her bookbag on her shoulder...She looked at him when she had got up..She's never been to this school before but shes heard alot about it like that it as alot of bullys that pick on us new teens..Here, and if they think your weird they take you in the bathroom and give you a swirly...Well, thats what she heard she doen't know if that is true..She hope today will be fine with no Problems.


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva
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"Probably not, we're studying two completely different fields and I've already finished with my core classes," he easily shrugged off the suggestion. "A little bit of advice, if you want to have an easy time, don't talk to me anymore. In fact just keep your distance from me and stick with your class of artists, they're always looking for new minds to give them ideas," he told her in a dismissive tone, not wanting her to get too close to him in case she got hurt either by him if he lost control or by the other students hazing her for hanging out with him. With that he sprinted off to his class which, when he looked down at his watch, would be starting in the next five minutes.


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva
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The ache in his jaw still hadn't gone away by the time that he'd made it to the door of his classroom and when he swiped his tounge along his teeth he could feel that his canine's had elongated. As he stood there debating if he should risk going in or not he heard heavy footsteps coming from behind him, but he paid them no mind, that is until he felt a hand shove him into the wall. "So I see you decided to come to class today Kevin. Maybe I should reward you for not skipping class today, what do you think guys?" a male voice sneered behind him followed by two jeering laughs.

It was then that the sour scent of a high human registared in his mind and he cursed himself for not recognizing it earlier as he was turned around and restrained by two frat boys as the escorted him out of the building following a third, the ringleader. Growling low in his throat, his eyes flashed red once more before he did a back-flip, breaking thier grip on him before swirftly punching them all out. Cracking his knuckles as he glared down at the three unconscious idiots, he sneered in disgust as he then turned and walked away from the scene knowing that he wasn't fit to attend class today. Not wanting to run the risk of attacking someone on the bus or getting lost again, Zane decided that it would just be best if he walked home, despite it being a good twently miles away, it would give him a chance to cool down.

As he was walking passed the bus stop on his way home, an odd scent hit his nose, it was vaguely familiar, but he could remember where he'd come across it before, curious he followed it. When he found the source he was shocked to see someone attacking the girl that had helped him, not knowing what else to do and not feeling right with just leaving her he did the only thing that he could think of even if he knew that she would fear him afterward. He allowed his claws to grow and his fangs to elongate and he knew then that his his eyes were flashing back and forth from grey to red as he struggled to maintain his half-transformed state as his demonic side tried to take over. Not wasting any time he rushed at the attacker and tackled him, sinking his fangs into their shoulder, the only thing that he noticed was that the taste of the blood was off and that was enough of a distraction for him to be thrown off and before he could go back in they had disappeared.

Standing still, he pushed back his demonic nature enough so that he was able to get close to Eva so that he could make sure that she was alright without attacking her due to the strong scent of fear comig from her. The fangs and claws were just disappearing when he turned around but his eyes were still flashing red every now and then, showing that his demon half was still trying to take over as he walked closer to her, blood covering his mouth and chin, surprisingly, none was on his clothes. "Are you okay Eva?" Zane asked as he crouched down near her, not attempting to touch her, expecting her to scream and run away.


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva
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She was shocked she didn't know that someone was just like her, she stared at him.."I-i'm fine..i just didn't know you were just like me" She said but the last three words she said in a whiperer. She didn't know what to say after she saw that. So she got up from the ground. But she coudn't keep her eyes off of him. She just couldn't get over the fact h was Half deamon like her she thought she was the only one. "What does this mean" she thought.."He'll be back for me...he's been after me since he knew i was-" she stoped "-He's going to want you know too..." She looked down she thinks he'll think she's cared of him but she's not she feels save around m not just because she's just like him but the fat that he's risk ltting a mortal see he;s diffrent but he doesn't know tht she's not human...She looked at him and knelt down and whiped the blood off of his mouth so it wouldn't get on his shirt "You were really brave for doing that....well i guess i'll see you around thank you-" She said as she got up and started to walk away..."-Zane.." She smiled over her shoulder then walked into the school

When she got into the school, she saw the three guys laying on the floor and walked over to them. "Pitty...they shouldn't have made him made.." She said still thinking about him...and how he's not human and how she's going t have to tell him that she's like him..She just wishes he won;t think she's diffent then he is.. she wanted him to think of her as the same thing she just hopes..She won't mess it up telling him.


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva
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When she opened her mouth he closed his eyes bracing himself for the scream but instead she spoke to him. This was suprising enough to him, but her last three words at the end of that first sentence was what really caught his attention. Words that had no trouble picking up because of his excellent hearing but still left him wondering if he'd heard right. 'Just like her? She can't mean... but that's...' as these thoughts went through his mind he snapped his eyes open and stared at Eva in shock.

Zane kept still as he listened to her too shocked to do much else and was thrown for another loop when she approached him and wiped the blood off of him as though it was no big deal. It was then that he noticed that fear no longer tainted her scent which only reinforced her words of gratitude for what he'd done. All he could do was stare as he watched her walk away and when she'd left his sight was when he noticed that he'd never given her his real name and yet that was what she'd called him as she left. Another thing that had struck him as odd was that she'd had a hard time defending herself against the attack even though she'd said that they were the same.

Having never had anyone accept him before and not wanting to lose out on the first person that did he quickly wrote his cell number on a scrap of paper along with his name and ran after her. "Eva!" called out as soon as he got close enough to her. He stopped in front of her and held the paper out to her looking off to the side so that she wouldn't see his nervousness. "I'm not going to ask any questions right now but, if you're ever in trouble again give me a call or even a text. All I need is your scent and I could probably track you anywhere if I tried hard enough," Zane said bluntly, not one to beat around the bush the last part probably being a bit of an exaggeration on his part but she didn't need to know that.


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva
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She stoped when he got infront of her..She took the number out of his hands "Thank you..i'll be in touch if i ever need you help..." She smiled then went into the classroom, It was nice to know there was someone else that was a deamon like her, She was exited to learn more about him.. When she got into the class room she was stoped by the teacher "Eva where have you been? your 20 minutes late" He said as he stoped her in the door way "Oh sorry, i kinda ran into some trouble when i got off the bus sorry" She said looking down at her books "Well, you have to stay after class, i need to talk to you, now sit!" He said as he went to his desk. When she sat down everyone started talking she knew it was about her. She could sence it she was getting angry...She got way to mad "What! I'm not the only one who was late before!" She screamed, before she knew it she could feel her fangs coming out she ran out of the class room when she got out she was fully a deamon, and ran past Zane she dumped into him and fell, She looked back at him and then got up and ran off. She didn;t know what else to do she ran into the shed outside of the school.


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Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Eva
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As Eva left the smallest of smiles made its way to his face, which felt a bit odd when he noticed because he didn't often have anything to smile about and he smiled a little more when he realized that his blood-lust was gone. Zane then decided that come what may, he was going to do his best to be not just be her protector but her friend for being the first person to accept him. When it finally registared what he'd just thought he wasn't sure if it came from his lonely human side or his dog-demon side that caused him to think it. Not knowing, made him feel very uneasy with himself and he knew that he would have to really watch himself around her.

Looking down he saw that the guys from earlier were still knocked out so he dragged them so that they were under the shade of a tree so that it looked like they'd just fallen asleep and so that they wouldn't get sunburned. He figured that just because they gave him a hard time that didn't mean that he had to return the favor.

As he finished his task, Zane could hear running foot-steps coming his way, when he looked up he saw that it was Eva and the first thing that he noticed was that she was upset about something. Stepping into her path he tried to stop her, but when she crashed into him he was knocked down as well from the unexpected force behind her speed and before he could recover she was off again. It was only when she was gone that he realized that she'd been sporting a tail, fangs, and a pair of wings. Alarm bells immediatly went off as he got to his feet and followed her scent to a shed, which he quickly and quietly slipped into and using his nose as a guide, followed it to where she was and crouched down about a foot in front of her, making sure not to invade her personal space.

Frowning he took out his cell and waved it between them. "I thought I told you to call or text me if you were in any trouble. How am I suppose to know if you need help if you're not going to use it? I'm lucky that you ran into me earlier or I wouldn't have known," Zane scowled in greeting as he put his cell away and turned back to Eva, still frowning but there was concern in his tone and eyes.