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a part of Half, by XxyukisnowxX.


XxyukisnowxX holds sovereignty over Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Earth is a part of Half.

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Eva [41]
Zane [37]
Echo [3]
Elliot [2]
Robin Phisish [1] They are half elf

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As Eva left the smallest of smiles made its way to his face, which felt a bit odd when he noticed because he didn't often have anything to smile about and he smiled a little more when he realized that his blood-lust was gone. Zane then decided that come what may, he was going to do his best to be not just be her protector but her friend for being the first person to accept him. When it finally registared what he'd just thought he wasn't sure if it came from his lonely human side or his dog-demon side that caused him to think it. Not knowing, made him feel very uneasy with himself and he knew that he would have to really watch himself around her.

Looking down he saw that the guys from earlier were still knocked out so he dragged them so that they were under the shade of a tree so that it looked like they'd just fallen asleep and so that they wouldn't get sunburned. He figured that just because they gave him a hard time that didn't mean that he had to return the favor.

As he finished his task, Zane could hear running foot-steps coming his way, when he looked up he saw that it was Eva and the first thing that he noticed was that she was upset about something. Stepping into her path he tried to stop her, but when she crashed into him he was knocked down as well from the unexpected force behind her speed and before he could recover she was off again. It was only when she was gone that he realized that she'd been sporting a tail, fangs, and a pair of wings. Alarm bells immediatly went off as he got to his feet and followed her scent to a shed, which he quickly and quietly slipped into and using his nose as a guide, followed it to where she was and crouched down about a foot in front of her, making sure not to invade her personal space.

Frowning he took out his cell and waved it between them. "I thought I told you to call or text me if you were in any trouble. How am I suppose to know if you need help if you're not going to use it? I'm lucky that you ran into me earlier or I wouldn't have known," Zane scowled in greeting as he put his cell away and turned back to Eva, still frowning but there was concern in his tone and eyes.


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"I'm sorry i just forgot about that, i'm not in any trouble but i just got into trouble with the teacher everyone was talking about me and when i get mad i turn into this She said with her head in her knee's then looked at him "You understand right?" She asked wiping the tears from her bright red eye's. She started to calm down. so she can be in human form once again. She took a deep breath and felt around for a light switch or somthing. It was very dark in the shed there was no windows in it. But there was one single light dangling on the ceiling. She sat up and looked at Zane. She could tell he was concerned and a bit angry.

She found the light switch. And flipped it on,when the light came on. she was getting to be human again, but not fully. She sat down and looked at zane, she hated that she was half deamon and half human. She thought it was just that she was ment for something in this world but, it doesn't look like she's ment for anything. Looking around the shed she saw a window, at the top of the shed and saw a face peering through. "Oh god!" She said and quickly turned off the light she then made her way into the cornor, she hated seeing people and he saw she was a deamon, everyone would know and she'd be teased everyday for the rest of she life. She might be sent in to the military.That was her biggest fear.


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Zane had no idea what he should do to calm the crying girl in front of him, so he did the only thing he could think of which was to listen to what she had to say. It turned out to be a good move on his part, something he was thankful for. "Tch, trouble is trouble it's all the same to me. If you have a problem then I have a problem, got it?" he demanded in answer to her question.

He was about to say more but then Eva stood up, cutting him off in favor of wondering what she was doing. It was then that he noticed that the only light source was coming from a window and that she must have gotten up to find the swich for the shed. Spotting the guy out the window he let out a soft sigh as he stood up as well to stop her. However when he got to her side he was already too late, as the lights were flipped on and before she could finish looking around he was already heading for the door. As soon as he was out of the shed Zane ran at the guy and tackled him to the ground, he allowed his eyes to glow red and his fangs to lengthen as he poised his hand to strike when the body beneath him went slack.

Over the years he'd had a few close scares as well but he found that scaring those who discovered his secret into fainting then acting as he normally did when they woke up worked best. For one he didn't have to kill anyone and struggle with trying to clean up the mess and second when they did wake up they would think that it was all just some horrible dream or hallucination. This time he layed the guy out on his stomach in the sun to make it look as though he might have had a heat stroke, the idiot was wearing dark colors and it was rather warm so it could be possible.

"Look Eva I might not be able to solve all of your problems like that, but I can at least... uh... listen?" he questioned the last word wondering if it was the right thing to say the contuinued on uncertianly, "listen to your problems, it might help you feel better?" Now he knew that he looked like an idiot, he had no idea what he was doing, but he was trying anyway and with his luck he probably screwing this up. To hide his embaressment he stuck his hands into his pockets and looked the other way, allowing his bangs to cast a shadow over his eyes.


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After seeing him attack the guy on the roof and came back in, Hearing what he had said made her think "Well, i do have a problem." She signed "I can't control when i turn into a deamon..would you know how to help me with the problem?" She asked knowing he might not have an answer to her problem, She quickly looked a her watch it was almost time for school to end, which she was glad of, she doesn't like to hurt people but she does in case of an emergency. Most of the time she tries to aviod them as much as possible, the people that think she's a freak because she always runs off when she gets mad. Its not her fault she half deamon "I feel like i'm not ment to be alive in this world anymore" She looked down and signed "But what if i have a purpose in this world i haven't found yet? What do you think?" She asked looking back up at zane

Hearing the bell ring she knew people would notice that guy and might see them in there she wanted to act but she really didn't care right then and there. She mostly feels like she's nothing nobody ever talks to her anyway so why should she even be here? She thinks that all the time. She's aften alone in her room, her family doesn't even love her, Sh waits till they go to bed to eat something, sometimes her brothers away and teases her about it. She wants to strangle him but she knows her parnets whould kill her if she ever does that so she holds back the angry and just punches hm in the shoulder

Seeing that people were coming out Zane and her heard a voice "Hey! Look what happened to him?" She saw people running over and yellig for the nurse, its funny to watch people panic. She laughed a bit when she heard all the comotion, Then something shocked her of what she heard "I bet Eva did this because she was angry..we should beat her up for doing this to my brother." She looked out the door and saw everyone, looking at the one who said it. Everyone else said "Yea lets do it!" She stepped back "Perfect we'll g tonight...Anyone kow where she lives?" She heard him and and she hope no one knew but some one said "I do, lets meet here at 5:00" They all nodded and went in sepret direction's.


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"Sorry, but that's something that you're going to have to figure out on your own. I kinda have the same problem, maybe worse..." he trailed off, not wanting to go into how he was constantly fighting to remain in control of himself. "Besides, we have to have some sort of purpose. If there are demons then there has to be angels and if they exist then there has to be a God out there somewhere. If the christians are to be believed then that God wouldn't have allowed us to exist in the first place if he didn't have some sort of plan for us," he shugged nonchalantly, finishing just as the bell rang.

Zane watched as the students moved to their next class looking for any sort of threats, almost seeming like a guard-dog. Then again, when he thought about it that was probably exactly what he looked like. He was pulled out of his musings when he heard talk coming from the students that didn't sound right and when he tuned in he was easily able to discern why. Scoffing at the students' stupidity he waited until they had all left before speaking. "Looks like you're staying at my place tonight," he stated, his tone brooking no room for arguement. "Just all me Kevin when we're in public, I really don't want to have to move again," was all Zane offered by way of explination on why his place would be safer then suddenly changed the subject to keep her from asking any questions, "Want me to walk you to your next class or are you done with school for the day?"


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"I'll be fine walking home from here, thanks." She got up from the floor. "Its fine i don't need protection tonight" She said and left the shed. she looked aroud then headed down the street, to get to the bus stop up a little ways, when she got to the bus stop she noticed that there was a guy in a trench coat, and he had been following her. All day long, she thinks its kind of creepy haveing someone follow you around all the time....but who was he?? That she didn't know.

The bus came and when sh got on she saw that guy come on and sat right behind her. She had a bad feeling something bad is going to happen...A little bit into the bus ride the guy stood up and pulled out a gun and screamed "Alright everyone get down!" Then looked at her and said "But not you...your coming with me...get over here" She got up and went over..he pulled her in close and whispered into her ear "Now, your gonna be my little hostige...alright" He said in a whisperer...Eva nodded, when she's in fear she can't transform she can only transfom when she;s angry. She finds that bit odd, about her.


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Groweling to himself, he just stood there as he watched her go on her way, not saying a word of protest. If she wanted to allow herself to be put through that pain then so be it. He would show up when she'd had enough and called him when she needed someone there to ward off the mob and patch her up. As soon as she'd left his sight he turned back around to gather his missed work from his professor then to his next class. After that he was done with school for the day and went to his job at The Cheesecake Factory of waiting on tables. The pay was terrible, but the tips more than made up for it, so he'd decided to stick with it until he was finished with college.

When work had finished for the day he dragged his tired body home and did his homework before allowing himself to shower. It was around 1 o'clock in the morning when he was finally able to crawel into bed and once he had he fell into a light sleep.


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While they were on the bus, Eva was getting anrgry she needed to get home the guy stold the bus driver to keep driving and not to stop. The bus just past her house she got very mad, so she got out of his grasp he fell back a little bit but caught himself on a sit. There were many people on this bus but that didn't matter "Stop the bus!" She screamed at the bus drver. "I'm sorry i can't he won't let me" the driver said. "See you can't get out" She got mad and i mean really mad, she started to transform. She got on her knees and put her face in her hands. "Don't cry you'll be fine with me" He laughed. "I wish i didn't have to do this to all these good people...but i have to" She said. "I'm sorry" She was fully transformed "What the hell?" The man said. This is what she looked like Image She stood up and said "Now you either let me off or i'll rip you to shads" she showed her fangs. "Alright...let me see you try." She shook her head. "Bad choose." She smiled, her eye's got bright red. She chaged at him, she moved so face he didn't see her coming. She knocked him to the ground and scratched his face and made a big cut across his face. "AHH STOP" He said. "No you won't let me off!" He pushed her off "Fine alright stop the bus and let her off." She was breathing hard now...When she got off she stoped and called Zane....she left a message "Hey Zane, what do i do if you changed into a demon on a public bus to get off because of a guy not letting you?" She then put her phone way and started back to her house. It was about 3 miles up the road..She was still angry so she was still a demon, she'd be angry till she got into her house.


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The loud ringing coming from his cell immediatly woke him from his light slumber and in his hurry to get to it he tangled himself up in his sheets and fell to the floor wth a hard 'thunk'. Zane was just glad that no one was there to see that and that he'd landed on his shoulder instead of his head. Pausing in his dash for his cell he quickly untangled himself from the sheets but by the time he got there the ringing had already stopped. When he opened it he saw that there was a voicemail which he quickly accessed and listened to. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he came to understand that Eva only needed help with clean up and that she wasn't in any real danger.

Incinerate the bus with everyone who was a witness inside then move on to another place.

He texted her as he moved to go back to bed then thought better of that and texted her again.

I'll be there in a few minutes to help you, if you're still on the bus make sure that no one leaves or gets on.

With that he pulled on some jeans and a black hoody and pocketing his cell and keys he locked his door and left. Walking down the street for a few seconds he found a motorcycle and hotwired it, he would return it later if it was still in one piece and the owner would never know. He made his way first to the school so that he could pick up her trail then followed it until he was almost caught up with the bus when he suddenly went passed the scent that he was tracking and he slammed on the brakes. The bike lifted up on its front wheel and he swirled it around to see Eva standing on the roadside in full demonic form, and not that she wasn't pretty before but now she was really hot. Pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind he spoke only two words "Get on."


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"Alright" She hoped onto the cycle. "Sorry if i woke you, its kust i didn't know what to do." she said as se got onto it. She put her hands around his waist and put her head on his shoulder. She was really tired. Today was to much for her to handle. She couldn't beleive that she turned into that..."Should i change my look?" She asked so if people see her arond they won't do something. She was corious to know if she should, she could change if she needed to. She could dye her hair and change her look. She just happy he came, she knew she wouldn't take another bus ride home ever again.She delt with alotof things today, she wasn't over yet but she thinks it is. She just hopes that when they pass her home no one see her.


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"No problem, I was expecting a call from you anyway... just not this kind of call," he answered as she got on and once she had secured herself to him, he sharply turned the bike back around. "If you can tone down the demonic appearence, for a while that will help but first we have to take care of that bus before I can take you home. Hold on tight, this is going to get a little rough," Zane informed her before he revved up the engine and took off.

Ever since he'd come to pick her up he hadn't looked at her since when he'd first spotted her. In the shed there wasn't enough light for him to get a good look at her and he was in too much of a hurry to get their spy when the lights had come on. And before then when she'd run into him earlier, he was more concerned with what had upset her rather than her looks. Now that he'd finally had time to take in the rest of her demonic form he couldn't help but wonder if she was part succubi, she certianly was attractive enough, but if that were the case then he'd have to watch himself around her, in case she ever lost control. However, that wasn't what was keeping him from looking at her, it was that if she ever did lose control that he would give her anything she wanted from him and that scared him. It had been a long time since the last time that he'd been so scared of himself and he really hated the feeling, but he knew that because of his promise to her and her acceptence of him, he wasn't going to abandon her so easily.

Zane broke out of his musings as he came up on the bus that Eva had taken recently, he could tell because her scent still lingered on it. Without telling her what he was going to do he jumped the bike onto the side walk, making the few pedestrians scramble to get out of the way and just as the front wheel passed the bus. "Duck!" he shouted over the roar of the engine as he ducked low himself as he took a sharp left turn, timing it so that the front wheel smashed through the doors of the bus. The glass and debris flew everywhere and he earned himself a few shallow cuts on his hands and face from the glass cutting into his skin.

When everything had quietened down the motorcycle was three-fourths of the way inside and the front wheel had stopped just before smashing into the driver's seat, making the man ghostly pale but he kept driving, not wanting to get shot by the gunman. Everyone else on the bus were just staring at them, looking at them as though they'd lost their minds. "What?" he demanded, almost groweling as he glared them down.


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She was in her regualar self again when they got into the bus. She saw Zane growling at them "Zane..calm dwn thy i that to me to." She got off the bike and walked to the asial. She waited or Zane. She looked at the gunsman, "What do you want," She didn't like that man one bit she hated him.


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She was in her regualar self again when they got into the bus. She saw Zane growling at them "Zane..calm dwn thy i that to me to." She got off the bike and walked to the asial. She waited or Zane. She looked at the gunsman, "What do you want," She didn't like that man one bit she hated him.


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"I know, but it doesn't mean that I have to like it," he grumbled, ceasing his groweling and stalking up behind her while tugging on the sleeves of the sweatshirt, making sure that his hands were covered. Then with reflexes only obtained through years of practice he shot out his hand and took the gun from him, aimed it at a seemingly random spot near the toll collector and fired two shots, causing everyone to jump and some people to scream.

"There all evidence that we were ever here has been destroyed. The feed from the cameras on the bus is all recorded in a box right there and it is reviewed each night by security when the buses stop running," he explained calmly as he walked back to the bike, gun still in hand, and got back on waiting for Eva to join him.

"You, find a seat and stay there," he demanded of the gunman, giving him a death-glare, and even going so far as to allow himself to smirk and his eyes to flash red for added effect.


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Walking back to the bike, and got on. "If you people tell anyon we willfind you..." She said as she put her arms around Zane. She liked zane he's vry nice and protective. As they backed off the bus, she watched the gunman making sure he didn't get any idea's. They gotout of the bus and they got to her house..there were the students here already.."Thanks for doing that for me..i'll see you tomarrow, i don't need any hep going inside" She said smiling at him.

Eva looked at Zane.."You better get home" she said..Whe Zane left she tuned around and walked up to the crowd. She was pushing through people to get in then someone noticed it was her and grabed her arm "Where you think you think your going Eva?" He looked a her when he said that and everyone turned o face her. "Hi..guys" She said with a smile like shewas inocinte..."Eva Eva Eva, do you really think you can get away with hurting my brother? Hmm well you can't" He took her by the arm and the other let go. He took her behind the house andpushed her against the wall. Everyone gathered around..."Look i never wanted to do this to you eva...but i don't ave a choose..." He grabed her by the neck. an lifted he up. "I didn't t-touch your brother!" She managed to say...He as choking came to mind...she hadto she didn't have a choose...She transformed into a demon and kicked him off her."I didn't want to do this....." She said getting up off the ground. People were staring at her ad backing up. Some one took a photo..without her knowing "I know you can be afraid if you just eft me alone i wouldn't have had to do that..." She said Then went in the back door of her house. When she went i they all started talking. The got an of them was going to do the morning annocments and show her picture...


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Walking back to the bike, and got on. "If you people tell anyon we willfind you..." She said as she put her arms around Zane. She liked zane he's vry nice and protective. As they backed off the bus, she watched the gunman making sure he didn't get any idea's. They gotout of the bus and they got to her house..there were the students here already.."Thanks for doing that for me..i'll see you tomarrow, i don't need any hep going inside" She said smiling at him.

Eva looked at Zane.."You better get home" she said..Whe Zane left she tuned around and walked up to the crowd. She was pushing through people to get in then someone noticed it was her and grabed her arm "Where you think you think your going Eva?" He looked a her when he said that and everyone turned o face her. "Hi..guys" She said with a smile like shewas inocinte..."Eva Eva Eva, do you really think you can get away with hurting my brother? Hmm well you can't" He took her by the arm and the other let go. He took her behind the house andpushed her against the wall. Everyone gathered around..."Look i never wanted to do this to you eva...but i don't ave a choose..." He grabed her by the neck. an lifted he up. "I didn't t-touch your brother!" She managed to say...He as choking came to mind...she hadto she didn't have a choose...She transformed into a demon and kicked him off her."I didn't want to do this....." She said getting up off the ground. People were staring at her ad backing up. Some one took a photo..without her knowing "I know you can be afraid if you just eft me alone i wouldn't have had to do that..." She said Then went in the back door of her house. When she went i they all started talking. The got an of them was going to do the morning annocments and show her picture...


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"Call," he said almost as a warning to her as he sent a glare at the crowd that had yet to notice them then rode away. He was sure that she hadn't noticed that he still had the gun in his hand along with the fact that he had gone back in the direction of the bus. Zane had taken her home, rather then finishing the job right there to keep her from freaking out about it too much, it was better if she was able to keep some sort of distance from the more grusome part of things for now. It was easy enough to find the bus again and with a quick glance inside he was able to tell that no one had left yet. Not knowing if any of them could be trusted he prayed for forgiveness for what he was about to do as he aimed the gun at the gas tank and started emptying the gun into it. At the second to last bullet the gas ignited and there was an explosion, lifting the back end of the bus high in the air until it flipped over all the way. The fire blazed so brightly that it hurt his eyes and he could feel the heat from thirty yards away. He stayed to see if anyone was trying to leave the inferno, until he heard sirens coming closer and he knew that everyone would be dead. Turning around he drove off back home to avoid getting caught and to replace the bike before it was missed then walked back home to get some rest.


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Got int er house and went right to her room to sleep. When she woke she ad forgotton all about yeseday. It was all a blurr. She went to te shower and washedup. Then went to get some breakfast before heading to the bus. When she finshed her beakfast she grabed her bag and headed out. When she gt to thebus stop she was the fisrt one there as usually. Se liked bing first becase that gives her timeto think about what se'll do today or she'll just tink about her life and how it is. Most of the time she just ss or stands there waiting for others to talk to but this time sh really only wanted to talk to zane an talk about important bussiness. she liked at the bs comes late most of the time. She finds it very interesting because most days there late for school because of it. This bus really needs a new driver. She thinks tat everyday, Because its true.


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When he woke up the next morning he checked his phone for any messages and when he didn't find any he got dressed and gather his homework and tucked the gun in his bookbag. He left his apartment and made his way to the garage where he'd dropped off his car a couple of days earlier to pick it up and pay for the repairs done. After he'd gotten his car back he drove to what seemed like a run down pawn shop and handed over the gun, telling the guy that it was hot (meaning that the police were looking for it). The man nodded at the warning and without a word paid him fifty dollars before locking up the gun and waving him off, ending their exchange. For the rest of the day all he had planned was studying at the library and work, since he didn't have classes that day. As he got back in his car he checked his cell again to see that there still weren't any messages, but he didn't know how he was supposed to feel about that. Relieved that Eva was okay or worried that she'd forgotten to call again and was in some sort of trouble. Deciding to just lay his thoughts to rest he checked the time before making his way to the bus stop where they'd met, he may not have classes but he knew that she did since she was still in high school. As he pulled up to the bus stop and saw her standing there waiting for the bus, he reached over and lifted the latch then pushed the door open for her. "Come on," he said as he straightened up and looked forward as he waited for her to strap in.


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When she saw Zane pull up she smiled and said 'Thanks." She then got into the car and closed and locked the door. She looked at him. She put on her set belt just incase. "I think todays going to go great, don't you think?" She sad to him. Looking out the window. When they arrived at school. She got out of his car and went inside and got to her class She sat down and was ready to start the day with the annonchments, She was happy it was friday. No school for 2 days. That gives her time to think. When the morining annouments came on they got to the news. The student doing the annouchents said he had something unusally to show eveyone. He then pulled up a photo he took of Eva at her house. When it came up he said "Anyone know who this is? This is Eva. Yes shocking, she's a demon. . why is she even alive." Be fore leaving he gave an evil smirk and the annochments were over.

Everyone in the class turned to her. The teacher started to the phone to call the police. Eva got up and noticed everyone got up and she was backing up till she hit the wall. The teacher walked over. "Now, eva. . .Is this true?" She asked her. "Y-yes..." she said then the teacher told the police to get over her right away. "Don't let her leave!" The teacher said. Eva's eye's got wide. She tryed to run out of the crowd but the school bullie pushed her back where she was standing. She then kneed down and out her face in her knee's. She thought today would be better, but know she knows she was all wrong.


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 “ hello ”