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Hard of Heiring

Castle C'elladdore


a part of Hard of Heiring, by tylisasweet.

Welcome to the beautiful Castle C'elladore, home of the royal family.

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over Castle C'elladdore, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

258 readers have been here.


The castle C'elladore is an enormous monument. The front gate is on the south side of the castle. Upon entering, one is immediately thrust into a beautiful, lush courtyard, covered in soft, green grass. Intermittently dispersed throughout the large garden are trees and flowers and plants of all different sorts, all converging on a large marble fountain in the center. On the west side of the courtyard is the large dining room and ballroom. In the east corridor lies the bedrooms of the royal family. Furthest south is the King and Queen's quarters. Headed north down the corridor, the princesses share rooms (2 in each, with Raggard sharing the last room with Neema and the triplets all in one). To the north is the King's throne room, where he receives his guests. The castle has 4 towers, one at each of the ordinal ends of the castle. To the northeast is the Servant's quarters. To the southeast is the knight's quarters and watchtower. The southwest tower contains the kitchen and facilities (a rather unsanitary combination, if you ask me). The northwest tower contains the guest rooms. Further north from the castle a bit away are the stables.
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Castle C'elladdore

Welcome to the beautiful Castle C'elladore, home of the royal family.


Castle C'elladdore is a part of The Kingdom of C'elladore and surroundings.

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Itosha [0] The best dancer in the kingdom.
Princess Chira [0] "Sometimes it isn't a question of can or can't." The Eldest Princess, Chira.
Tain [0] Personal bodyguard to Neema, Tain is set apart from the other guards by his kind heart and earnest loyalty to C'elladore's royal family.

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King Astonen tossed and turned in his sleep, familiar scenes playing out behind his eyelids.

A contest. All the eligible young maidens lined up, but only 13 were chosen to be able to see the young King, or so he had been told. He hadn't seen any of them yet. Who would he pick? Everyone was anxious to find out. Aldan, the King's page, entered, with a message. The 13 most beautiful, most intelligent, and most kind women in all the land were waiting outside to see him and, at his leisure... With a wave of his hand, Aldan was silent. He opened the door and escorted in the first maiden. She was a thin brunette with large eyes and was wearing a leotard. She performed a spectacular dance number for the young King, but he was quickly bored with her. In came the second, and then third, and then fourth maidens, but the young King was not amazed by any of them. In at last walked the 12th contestant. She was rather young to be a Queen, 2 years younger than him, but she was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. She had dazzling green eyes and long, braided, brown hair that sparkled in the sunlight that entered the throne room through the windows. The young King informed Aldan that the final contestant need not enter. Aldan did not object, and sent her away happily with 5000 Guiladors. The young woman did not show her talent; it is quite possible that she didn't have one, but that didn't matter. The King and the woman just talked and talked for hours upon hours. And the young man was not surprised to find himself laughing at her wit, smiling at her philosophies, and impressed by her intelligence. A week later, the couple had been married under an arch made of pumpkin vines. Pumpkin, after all, was Brienna's favorite scent in all the world.

Then darkness behind his eyes. A wince, a snort, and then the King was again escaping into another dream, another happy memory.

Screams of pain from the woman he loved, and nothing he nor any of the doctors could do to help her. He had been waiting for this moment for many months, nine, in fact, but now that it was here he felt entirely helpless, even as the most powerful man in the Kingdom and, likely, the continent. And then, suddenly, a smile from all the doctors, and a huff of relief from his wife. And a cry. A long, loud, strong, powerful cry. He almost didn't dare to look, but the soft, calm voice of Queen Brienna cooed to him. And he turned to face the child. Crying in his beloved's arms was a beautiful baby girl. Soon Brienna was crying, too, tears of joy and relief and love and... perhaps still a bit of pain, too. But it didn't take long before he, too, felt saltwater well up in his eyes. He dared not shed a tear in front of his subjects, though, so he blinked the signs of emotion away, though he kept the emotion itself in his heart and on his sleeve. He had said something, and so had she...

But he could not remember what it was and so the people in the dream were mute, and then they faded into darkness again. She was always the one to remember details like that. The King turned around on the bed, flopping onto his stomach, face in the pillow, and let out a great snore. And then a final scene played out...

Another birth, a twelfth, another girl. Joy again, love again, but something else was there, too. The two people in the room with the doctors, no younger the young King and Queen they once were, looked at each other and understood what the other was thinking instantly, though neither would ever dare to admit it out loud. Joy was there, love was there, relief was there, the crying of a newborn was there, but there was also the stifling smoke in the room that smelled of disappointment. The King and Queen looked away from each other... suddenly a knock on the door. The couple were in their bedroom. The Queen was thin again, as if she had not carried 12 children within her, although only 2 weeks ago she had seen the face of her youngest daughter. Another knock. A call from another page, not Alden, but his oldest son. His youngest son was only 4 years old then, with a name the King could never remember how to pronounce correctly. The King opened the door and noticed the boy, and felt a pang of envy in his heart, that he would not dare to reveal to anyone, not even his trusted, beloved wife. A message, from the front gates. An old man. Brienna looks in. Fear in her eyes. He dresses and goes to the throne room. The old man enters, wearing the robes of a wizard. His name was Zadakello. He had come with a story... an ancient curse... Brienna's family... only girls... punished... for something awful... but the wizard could not say- or would not say- what. How to life the curse, he had demanded. The wizard had no knowledge, but was willing to help. An expedition... the King prepared his best soldiers and his wife for the journey... and she was gone... TAP TAP TAP... a knock at the door. Alden's son. envy. a message. an old man. TAP TAP TAP the click-clack of the Queen's heels as she left. TAP TAP TAP... TAP TAP TAP...


The King of C'elladore awoke with a start. "Five years," he mumbled under his breath, shaking his head and ridding the sleep from his eyes.


"Yes, Key-mat, I'm coming!" called the King, slightly frustrated at being awoken, throwing on his robes quickly. He knew it was his page, Alden's youngest son, knocking upon his chamber door. Alden had long since retired from work as a page, but had urged both his sons to go into the business. Qimat's older brother, Ikram, after he was done serving the King, served his country in a different way, by becoming one of the greatest C'elladoran knights. At that moment, Qimat's brother was out somewhere protecting the Queen, and the King knew Qimat was very proud of his relations. With a glance out the window, King Astonen determined that it was still the middle of the night.

"Sorry, Your Highness," Qimat called, ignoring the mispronunciation. Qimat had learned long ago that it was no use with him. "It is important, I swear."

The door opened. Qimat looked up, obviously upset. Even through his crankiness, the King noticed the look of fear in Qimat's eyes and immediately turned compassionate. "What is it, boy?" he asked, placing a large, assuring hand on the child's shoulder.

"Your Excellency, it's... at the gates... Sir Oliver... I let him i-" Qimat tried to explain.

Astonen cut him off. "Sir Oliver?" the King said, not waiting to hear more, but instead racing to the throne room. "Five years," he whispered, amazed. Sir Oliver the Great was waiting there, still clad in armor, helmet humbly in hand. Oliver looked at the ground while the King took his seat upon the throne.

"What news have you, Sir Oliver the Great, Knight of C'elladore?"

"My Lord, I fear the first bringer of unwelcome news has a poor office, and the bringer of happy tidings quite the opposite. I pray you let me bear what I would, without interruption."

"What, Sir Oliver? It is not like you to be cryptic. Out with it, bad or good, but quickly. Fear not, my tongue will hold."

"Thank you, my King. Surely you know I am here bringing news regarding your Queen and the efforts to lift the curse. You would expect nothing else. As to the efforts to lift the curse, they have been so far unsuccessful and inconclusive, despite every effort on Zadakello's part. But this is not the worst of the news. As to the Queen," a pause here, the slightest hesitation on Oliver's part, "I am afraid she has been captured."

The King's brow furrowed and, despite all efforts to control himself, a "What?" escaped from his lips.

"Allow me to finish. We were in the woods, by Lilywillow Lake. Zadakello was certain there was some clue to the curse there. Suddenly, we were ambushed, surrounded by soldiers. Zadakello and your knights fought as bravely and as well as any ever have, but not so much could be expected of the knights of Camelot, for we were outnumbered at least 10 to 1. All of your brave soldiers were killed, and Zadakello was turned to dust by a powerful wizard from our opponent's side. The Queen was, thankfully, not killed. However, the attacking army took her. My eyes may have deceived me in the panic and swirling action of the battle, but I believe the attackers wore the crest of the Yonadoran royal family. As soon as I saw the Queen taken, I fled after her to protect her, leaving the battle scene to follow her deeper into the forest before my men were all killed. Unfortunately, with all my men still fighting in the clearing and the attackers barely winded, I knew I had no hope of retrieving our Queen alone, and I knew I did not have enough time to return to the Lake to get the other knights. So, I ran back to Lake Lilywillow to plan our next move. When I returned, though, the attackers had disappeared, and the bodies of all the knights lay around me, covered in blood, not a one still breathing. I came back here as quickly as I could..." the strong voice trailed off.

Though the King kept his promise and did not speak, he said enough with his expressions during Oliver's speech. Now it was his turn to speak. "You all have done well," King Astonen proclaimed, careful not to let the lump in his throat cause his booming voice to falter. "And you and your men shall all be appropriately honored. I will have some of my men retrieve the bodies from the lakeside to give them proper burial as heroes to C'elladore." Here the King paused.

"Thank you, My Lord," said Sir Oliver, carefully.

"As to my wife," Astonen began. He waited a moment; he could not continue. At last, he regained control of his voice. "As to my wife," the King repeated, "I will take a group of my soldiers to go find her and return her to C'elladore. In my absence, you, Oliver, will rule. See to it that your men and my girls and our country are properly taken care of. I will return as quickly as possible with my Queen. I will leave tomorrow."

Sir Oliver nodded. "Thank you, Your Excellency. I won't let you down, Your Majesty." Sir Oliver looked up at his King, eyes wide and determined. "I swear to you, in your absence, I will do my best to be a great King."

"Thank you, Sir Oliver," said King Astonen, smiling gratefully. "Kiwi-mat!" called the King to the page.

Qimat was at his side in an instant. How long had he been standing by the entry? Ah, it didn't matter. The King was too distressed to noticed the wet lines on the young cheeks that remained, though the boy had tried to wipe away. "Yes, sir?" came the small voice, hiding all traces of pain and sadness, trying to be strong, like his brother.

"Wake the knights. Inform them to prepare for a journey tomorrow. And tell them it will be a long journey."

"Yes, sir," came the respectful voice again.

"Thank you, Chimney't. You are dismissed to your duties."

Qimat nodded, then hurried off to his work, his head buzzing with all he had just heard, and his heart sinking with what he knew. It hadn't helped that the King had compared him to a fireplace. King Astonen rose, informed Sir Oliver that he was welcome to stay in the Guest Tower instead of the Knight's Quarters if he'd prefer, then headed straight back to bed. Before Qimat had crossed the courtyard to the Knight's Quarters, the King was already asleep and dreaming. This time, though, the dreams were not memories, and they were not anywhere near as pleasant. He again lay on his stomach, but this time he lay on a pillow that was damp.

Qimat hurried to the southeast tower, then ran up the stairs calling to all the knights sleeping there. When they had all risen, a bit more than peeved at the young page, he gave his message. Instantly responding to the command from the King, the knights hurried to get ready for the long journey ahead of them, without the slightest inclination as to what the purpose of their journey was to be.

Having carried out his job, Qimat returned to the Servant's Tower, walking through the east corridor towards the northeast tower. The image of his brother's face, 5 years younger than he would have been, found its way into his mind. Qimat shook his head, willing the picture away and beginning his walk again. He had more important things to do than mourn for his brother. On the way, he paused at the door to the King's room and listened at the door, holding his breath until...


Qimat allowed himself to exhale. The King was fast asleep. Qimat tip-toed carefully over to the room where Jogyenna and Kioni slept. He knocked quietly on the door, then waited for an answer from either (or both) of the two young princesses.

Inside the room, Jogyenna was resting peacefully. She lay flat on her back, unable to move under the weight of the large book she had fallen asleep while reading. Beside her bed, on the bedside table, a candle burned softly. Despite Raggard's warning her to go to sleep, Jo had, of course, gotten caught up in the story and lost track of time, until time caught up with her and she let her eyelids droop and her mind wander into her dreams of fantasy worlds and adventures and secret languages...

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#, as written by cha-kun
"I have no idea what the hell is going on. I planned on going to my brothers chamber to see how his last assignment went though and to see if he has any clue as to what might be going on."
I tied my scarf around my neck and threw the two excessively long ends behind me, from the side it would look surprisingly like a cape. This complimented my armor and made me look like the epitome of knighthood, bold, dashing, heroic, everything a knight should be.
"You are most certainly welcome to come along, but I'm not staying here that'sfor damn sure."

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#, as written by Cypher
Oliver had been alone in the King's throne room for some time now. Having long since overcome the initial shock of having been declared king pro tem, he was now deeply confused.

Although Oliver could not sympathise with old Astonen's feelings - having never had a woman himself, or even having been in love - he could understand the root of his motivations. The king was shocked and hurt by the loss of his wife, and wasn't in a good state of mind to be making regal decisions. This was a perfectly normal thing for someone to feel after the sudden loss of one who loved someone as much as Astonen loved Brienna.

The ride for vengeance, however? Oliver could not support that motion. Astonen was strong; true, but he was also much older than even the oldest castle guard. The guards would follow his command, yes - they were trained to follow Astonen's every command; the royal lap-dogs of C'elladore. But the guard was not the Order of the Knights of C'elladore. And Oliver knew that the Order would oppose Astonen's mission. They would oppose, but in the end Astonen's stronger will would win out - without a Knight Captain to unify the knights, the Order would not have the willpower to oppose Astonen, and would quickly be subjugated and made to help this campaign. And to what end? A massive contingent of the Order's greatest knights had been killed at the massacre - there was no other word for it - at Lake Lilywillow. The remaining knights were head and shoulders above the Guard, but they were still but stablehands compared to the knights who died at Lilywillow. If they were to face the Yonadoran knights in battle, they would surely fall. And then, as dominoes fell in that ancient game, so would fall the Guardsmen, and then - eventually - his king.

And what of Oliver? No matter how temporary his posting was, Oliver had no idea how to run a kingdom. His place was on the battlefield, leading troops - not ministering to an entire sovereign nation.

There was no more speaking of it. Astonen would have to be dissuaded from this mission, one way or another. Oliver sat in the throne of King Astonen and felt the weight of a nation settle itself upon his broad shoulders. He placed his chin in one open palm, and began to think.

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#, as written by Cypher
Oliver was still deep in thought, trying to get into the mindset of royalty. He had decided that he needed to rally the Order of Knights and talk some sense into the King, citing the reason that he wasn't ready for his kingship, and the damage dealt to the Order would take time to recover from, and besides, you are in no condition to fight a war, my liege -

A voice came from across the throne room, startling him and shaking him from his thoughts. He looked across the throne room and, at first, saw nothing. "Who goes there?" He said, his practiced, controlled voice not letting on any of his inner strife. After a few moments, his sight cleared, and he noticed Jogyenna standing across the throne room from him, looking surprised. He relaxed, and lowered his hand from where his sword still sat around his waist.

"Oh. Jogyenna." Oliver put up a brief smile. "I suppose Qimat-" (here he used the proper pronunciation of the servant's name) "has informed you of what has happened."

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#, as written by lalamon
The servant boy's hands were warm and soft. He looked familiar, but she couldn't remember his name. Where have I seen him? I recognize his face somewhere, and his green eyes. But where? For the most part, the part of her mind where the faces and names of her servants were stored was completely blank. He was pulling her hand, leading her to the dining hall. It was obvious what was happening, or at least to someone with the knowledge Hana had. It would be impossible not to accurately predict what was happening with that type of knowledge. You'd have to be an idiot not to know. The boy looked worried, but Hana couldn't tell why. Hana really didn't want to deal with people right now, and she figured her sisters would probably have figured out the current situation.

Before they could reach the dining hall, an idea came into her head. It would be nice to share her secret spot with someone. "I have a better idea. How about you take the day off and come with me?" Hana liked him, he was quiet. She hated dealing with chatty or emotional people. If everybody was calm and composed, the world would run a lot more smoother. She noticed the red blush on his face and giggled. Phillip!That was his name. Of course! He was the one that helped her pick her pony. She chose the lightest one, one that would make the least noise if she ever decided to run away. He was blushing then too! Does he ever stop blushing? She giggled again. Hana never laughed. Her giggling was the equivalent of that.

She pulled Phillip's hands and led him through the corridors of the castle. Despite her resistance to learning anything from her tutors, Hana had learned a lot under them. Just not the things they had hoped for. With her history tutor, she learned about the blue prints of Castle C'elladore, rather than actual history. Hana knew the castle interior like the back of her hand. Every nook, every crevice, and every unused room. If anybody noticed that she was holding the hand of a servant boy, both would be severely punished. Although many servants and guards were rushing to the dining room, too much excitement filled their heads to allow them to clearly see two children scurrying about the hallways.

Despite it being unnecessary, Hana continued to hold Phillip's hands. It was quite obvious he probably could outrun her, he probably got more exercise as a servant in a week, than she got for being a princess for a month. The best way to the forest was through the secret passage way in the throne room. She wasn't sure how often it was used, or if anybody knew about it. But the back of the massive Queen's throne was hollow. Considering the size of the throne, a huge man would be able to fit into the throne and travel through the secret tunnel into the forest.In the middle of the night, this room was almost always left unguarded. And with everybody in the dining room, she was sure it would be empty. Holding Phillip's hands, Hana blazed into the room.

Upon entering she saw two people. Sir Oliver and Jogyenna. Her younger sister's voice was trembling. Blast! Then realizing the potential dangers of being seen with a servant by a knight so loyal to the king, Hana dropped Phillip's hands. She couldn't tell what had been going on, but what she could tell was that Jogyenna was a horrible liar. Jogyenna's voice was quivering so much, and it was obvious she was trying to seem calm and upbeat. Hana hoped the knight hadn't noticed the hand holding or her sister's lies. "Hello Sir Oliver. It is good to see you have returned. I've heard of the tragic news that be felled onto your party and my mother. But my father requests you at his presence in the dining hall." Hana wasn't sure if that was even remotely true. But the strange facial gestures of her sisters roused a suspicion. Hana wasn't the type of person to get involved, she was the one who ignored the problems. But Hana could see her sister was in trouble, and she wouldn't hesitate to help her, as long as it didn't require much effort..

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#, as written by Cypher
Oliver remained silent as Jogyenna spoke, paying respect to the young princess. When she finished, Oliver again paid his respects to the princess by telling her a half-truth. "Normally you would be better at hiding your feelings, Princess -" that was the lying bit - "But given the circumstances, I believe I can forgive you for not being at your most serene."

At the very instant where he finished his statement, the throne room door burst open. Oliver's mind, taken completely by surprise at the force of the blow and therefore assuming a small invading army had just forced through the unlocked door, again threw one hand to the handle of his shortsword - only to lower it immediately after, noticing the "invader" was just another princess, Hana, bursting into the throne room with a servant boy in tow. He took note of the fact that she appeared to be holding hands with the servant boy, but made no move to interrupt. He took in the information regarding King Astonen's request for all citizens of the castle to make their way to the dining hall, then nodded. While it was strange that the princesses weren't in the dining hall - indeed, hadn't Astonen called for everyone? - Oliver made no move to order them, instead pushing himself out of the chair.

"Very well, Princess Hana. By your leave." With a nod (his armor too stiff and immobile to allow him to bow), the Knight Captain-in-training and temporary regent made his way out of the throne room, his iron sabatons (A/N: foot armor) making loud clicking noises all the way down the hallway.

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#, as written by Cypher
Oliver was working at his chestplate's straps, attempting to remove the cumbersome components of his armor bit by bit to gain mobility and airflow to his torso (he had taken a hammer-blow to the chest in the fight, and the plate - although still retaining most of its shape - had bowed slightly inward, crushing against his chest), when his younger brother arrived. The shorter Oliver frowned slightly, still chagrined by the fact that - even though he was a few years senior to Ekken - he had to look up to speak to him. He chose to ignore Ekken's presence for a few moments longer, keeping his concentration on the straps holding his chestplate closed. Eventually, the bowed chestplate clattered to the floor, sending everyone either looking at Ekken, Oliver, or the nearest servant (for perhaps one of them had dropped a serving tray).

Eventually, he acknowledged his brother's presence with a nod. "My brother," he said, keeping his annoyance out of his voice and off his composed, serene expression, "Queen Brienna was kidnapped by Yonadorans at Lilywillow Lake, and most of the Order's greatest warriors were felled. The king is addressing us - my assumption is to tell you of his plan." Pulling himself reluctantly up to his full height, Oliver serenely stated, "Our lord and master is leading an expedition against the Yonadorans and leaving me to lead the kingdom in his absence."

Oliver returned his attention to the remaining buckles and clasps holding his armor on over his underclothes. "I hope that satisfies your curiosity, brother," he stated before going back to the business at hand.

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#, as written by Cypher
"There was a wizard as well," Oliver said, looking up. His eyes held enough steel to outfit an entire army, but his voice remained calm. That was the infuriating thing about Oliver - even when he was angry, he didn't show it. He stood to his full height once more, still barely coming up to his younger brothers pecs, but carrying all the gravity of a large planet in that movement.

"Would you rather that none of us came back? That I had perished upon that field, my message unspoken, leaving the Queen to those filthy curs?" Oliver continued to incline his gaze to meet eyes with Ekken. "Is that what you would want for me? For the King? For C'elladore?" He planted a hand on his younger brother's shoulder, his face carrying a tiny bit of a scowl. "Would you rather that our lord drove himself mad with grief, searching for his lost wife over hill and dale, leaving the kingdom to lay fallow? Or would you rather that I had chased those Yonadoran dogs all the way back to their den and died there?" He removed the hand from Ekken's shoulder and pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing.

"I apologise for my outburst, brother," Oliver intoned. "But there was no other logical outcome. I gave my best effort to chase them down and rescue our queen, but there came a point when I could go no farther. Those brave knights - they gave their lives to distract the greater portion of the Yonadorans as I gave pursuit, attempting to rescue our queen, but in the end they proved too strong." He sighed again, and looked towards the king. "But our lord has a plan, however flawed it may be, and that plan has a strong chance of bringing our queen back to us." He smiled - allowing a tiny bit of pride in his family name to shine through. "As long as you are in our Order, we cannot fail in our duties to the throne."

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#, as written by Cypher
Oliver's hand lowered to the hilt of his shortsword for the third time that day - although his armor was removed and now moved carefully to a corner of the room where it would not be touched, his short blade never left his waist. He stood patiently and watched as Ekken - always one to show his emotions, completely the opposite of his stoic brother - destroyed a perfectly innocent table with his greatsword.

He listened patiently to his brother, then as tears threatened to roll down his face, Oliver placed one large hand on his brother's shoulder. "You needn't stain your face with tears, brother." Oliver said calmly, releasing the grip of his shortsword. "They will all be given the rights befitting them, and they all died in the name of their queen and their country." He removed his hand and stood straight. "Now I understand your anger, but you must remain calm for now. The king will need every able-bodied member of the order on hand with my absence, and that means that you mustn't end up in the stockades for destroying inoffensive furniture." He smiled slightly, signalling that the final bit of his statement was an attempt at humor.

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#, as written by Cypher
Oliver's face remained stoic as Ekken went over his masculine posturing. When he was quite through and done, the de-facto king of C'elladore rolled his eyes at his brother's flexing, and folded his hands behind his back, standing at ease.

"I am aware of that much," Oliver intoned, "I am about as fit to lead this kingdom as the stable-boys." He turned towards the king then, hands still folded behind his back. "But if the king wills it, I am in honor bound to obey." The knight lowered his tone slightly. "And someone has to keep an eye on the princesses, lest they start trouble." He looked around the room for any of the king's daughters and noted - much to his dismay - that the ones gathered in the dining hall had disappeared. He sighed. He wasn't the princesses' nursemaid, he wasn't the leader of C'elladore, he was the next Knight Captain. And now he would have to minister to both of those tasks while disregarding his sworn duty - to preserve the throne, no matter the costs.

So far, this wasn't turning out to be a good day.

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#, as written by lalamon
Hana was disappointed. Well, sort of. Jo's plan would require effort. All of her plans required effort. Several minutes before, Hana, Phillip, and Jo were all in the throne room. After an awkward conversation with the kingdom's most legendary knight, a conversation that left Phillip fleeing from embarrassment, Jo told Hana all of them were required in the dining halls. Of course Hana didn't really want to go, I mean, what's the point if she already knew what the king was going to say. The only thing that traveled faster than a horse in the C'elladorian Kingdom, was gossip. While she had been scurrying with Phillip, she could hear the servants speak about her father's plan. The exchange was made even more awkward with the entrance of Qi'mat. How do you even pronounce that? Kwi-Mat? Chi-Mat? Ki-Mat? Whatever. After long overdue, Hana spoke
Sigh. "Fine." Hana took a deep breath. She walked to the dining hall, very slowly. Hana wasn't in any rush, she never was. When she got to the hall, Hana decided to wait at the entrance. No point in interrupting her father's speech. Hana thought her father's plan was stupid, but not in the way the other sisters thought. Of course it would be dangerous to lave C'elladore without a heir, but it was even more stupid to send an army after the Queen. They'd start a war, in which neither kingdom would survive. Hana's different way of thinking did grant her new insight, but usually she completely ignored them anyways. When the king finished, she could see Jo, motioning all her sisters to Jo's room. She proceeded to walk, until she noticed Phillip looking at Jo. His signature red blush and green eyes and non bulky build, made him easily spotted in a crowd of knights. Either he failed to notice her, or Phillip was ignoring her completely. What the fudge? *Fudge being used here for another commonly used word that starts with the letter F. Whatever.

Hana made way to her sister's room. Along the way, she saw four of her sisters. Chira; who's sense of responsibilities and morals always irritated Hana, Kioni; who's presence Hana didn't mind because she was quiet, Latika; who's ability to sneak was deeply admired by Hana, and Neema. Oh oh Neema. There were so many things that Hana hated about her, yet she could never really hate the cute young girl.

"We should hurry to Jo's room. She's probably has a plan or something." Hana softly told her sisters. She then proceeded to walk down the hallways, until she reached the entrance of her bookwork of a sister's room.
"Chapter 12: Injurious Mixtures." Wait what?

"Please tell me you don't play on doing something stupid." Hana told her sister. But it was too late. Jo had set her mind on it and whenever one of the Princesses set their mind on something, they would stop at nothing to get it done.

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#, as written by lalamon
"Fahn and I will go to the stables. She can distract Phillip while I snag the manure." Hoooooolllllld up. When did this become part of the plan? Hana opened her mouth to object, but her objections were immediately pushed aside. I know the situation's dire, but do we really need Fahn to distract him? I'm I could distract him myself and Latika could just give the medicine... Hana let out a disappointing sigh, but there was no arguing here. Fahn was the best when it came to distracting people. Even women and men with ambiguous sexualities turn their heads at Fahn. It was impossible not to turn your head at her.Oh well, there's no point arguing about it now. I can get back at her later. Of course it wasn't like she could just completely ignore her jealousy. Teenage girl crushes were impossible to completely ignore.

Hana looked at her sister, Latika. "I guess we might as well start planning." Taking a piece of blank paper and a pen off Jo's desk, Hana drew a very detailed map. She didn't forget a single piece of detail. Every hiding spot was clearly labeled. It ranged from hiding under tables, behind shelves, inside cabinets, you name it. "So daddy's probably going to be in his throne room, putting on his armor. We'll go through this hallway, turn here, left here, through the storage room, along this path, and eventually we'll get there. This is the one of the fastest ways to get there without being noticed. Along the way we can hide under here, in here"... and so continued long list of hiding spots. "If the bedroom is locked, we can use the room next to it, and scoot across the windows sill. Daddy always keeps his windows open. Remember, we have to be really quiet and move quickly. If any of the servants see us walking around with some strangely colored liquid that also has a weird smell, we're bound to be caught.

Izzy had awoken that night from a loud crash outside her window. Peering out, she smiled on her face. "Ohoho. What do we have here?" Blackmail wasn't out of the question. Though Izzy wasn't completely evil, she was ruthless. And blackmail was just a tool. It's not like she was really hurting anyone. Now that she was awake anyways, Izzy decided there was no point in sleeping. Putting on her dance outfit, which was entirely different than the formal wear the princesses were expected to wear. Normally, the princesses' outfit composed of a long dress with long sleeves. For formal events, sure they were needed, but do I really need to wear them all the time? Her dance outfit was much more tighter, allowing her to dance without tripping. Flipping her auburn hair into one spot, she managed to easily tie it into a pony tail.

Unlike Hana, Izzy was given much more freedom. Well not exactly. The servants and guards were just afraid of her, so they never reported her. Walking down the hallway, she past several guards. Each one quivered in fear, stood aside, and bowed to her. It was a spectacular sight to behold, a bunch of grown men bowing to an unarmed fourteen year old girl. Nowadays, you never see fourteen year olds getting that much respect. Anyways, Izzy continued down the hallway. Like the rest of her sisters, she had a favorite spot. Izzy's spot was an unused storage room, next to the room of the castle's band. She never understood why they even bothered practicing. Her sister Gi, had more talent than all of them combined. But it was nice having music to accompany her dancing. It gave her a beat to dance to.

Izzy began by standind in a strange position with her head held low. Then she continued to sway her hand with her index finger pointing up, before she stopped and quickly extended her hand out and snapped. The rest of the dance was continued with sharp moves, a very flawless dance. Forgive me for not describing the dance in much detail, it is very difficult. By the time she had finished her morning practice, the castle was booming with life. As she exited the room, she was greeted by a servant.

"Eeeeexcuse mm-me..."

"Spit it out now, I don't have time to stand here all day."

"T-the k-king requires-ires you-u in the di-dining ha-hall."


The servant let out a sigh of relief. Serving for Izzy was potentially very dangerous. You could lose your job for even the slightest mistakes.

As the king finished his announcement, Izzy realized how stupid he was. What does he plan on doing? The Yonador army could probably destroy him, especially since he wasn't taking all his troops. Was he daft? That is a plan that could only result in failure! But a glimpse of her sister, Jo, made Izzy feel a little better. Despite her bookish nature, Izzy had a deep respect for Jo. She was intelligent and her plans were flawless. There was absolutely no way, her sisters would allow their father to do such a thing. She made her way across the hallways, seeing her sisters having a special hallmark moment. Izzy was never good with these type of things, so she waited, before proceeding into Jo's room.

Jo then related the plan to all her sisters. "Itosha and Evania can get the pumpkin blossoms, from the courtyard." Simple enough. There was no way servants or knights would stop them from getting the blossoms. At the hearing of Fahn distracting Phillip, Izzy giggled.

"Ooh! I smell a cat fight! How simply exciting!" Izzy said in a signature sarcastic tone. Hana, along with a few other sisters, briefly turned towards Izzy.

"Well not, I must go collecting some blossoms!" And without even waiting for Evania, Izzy dashed out of the room.