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Riley Montgomery

"Look me in the eyes, and tell me what you see."

0 · 483 views · located in Beaumont Hills

a character in “havoc”, originally authored by Wolf's Bane109, as played by RolePlayGateway




"When you stare into the abyss long enough, it starts looking back into you."


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Riley Vasco Montgomery

N I C K N A M E (S)
Riles | Most commonly used by her friends
Vasco | Used by certain few people
Ry | Used by her sister
Montgomery | Used by teachers and faculty members of the school

October 25nd | Scorpio


Werecoyte | New Girl

Panromantic | Demisexual

40% Welsh, 10% German, 50% Russian

Phoenix, Arizona



Her sense of style is something some would consider an oddity, especially for her age. Riley can usually be seen darker colors, anything from sweaters, jackets, hoodies, and t-shirts, to sundresses and things on the formal end of fashion. She'll gladly wear jeans, boots, and a t shirt for the night on the town, or sweat pants and sweaters on a cold night in her house. Whatever the occasion, she will always be seen with her 8mm gages that she has in both ears. She'll also be seen with an old locket, no one knows what's inside of the locket and she prefers to keep it that way as she always keeps it on a tight chain around her neck.

H E I G H T & W E I G H T
5' 3" | 115lbs

Riley has piercing, jade green eyes, with light brown and dull golden flecks in them, beneath expressive and full eyebrows. Because of her scars, she abstains from wearing a lot of skin-revealing clothing and because of that, when she goes outside she wears layers of clothing, regardless of the weather. Because of this preference, her smooth pale skin is almost ivory and is extremely soft to the touch. She has a slim build that has been toned from private training with her friends and natural curves. She has soft, plump lips that are of a rosy shade. Long, dark blonde, hair cascades down her shoulders and back in natural, soft waves and is almost always seen down or in ponytails. But, that's just what's on the surface. She has scars all over her body, mainly the one on her back, that she tends to keep hidden by wearing long sleeve garments or loose-fitting clothes. Some people have asked in the past why and where they came from, all she ever says was that they were caused by an accident, and that is the most that she has to say about them.


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Coffee, seeing as she usually always has it in hand and almost lives off of it | Nature, first and foremost she loves and adores nature. From animals and sounds of nature itself, something about it brings a sense of peace and calmness to her as it usually helps tame the beast inside of her | Horror and scary movies, she loves the feeling of the rush that horror films give her, but they have to be the classics, as the modern-day ones seem too predictable and not scary to her, if anything she finds them funny | Music, it doesn't matter what kind it is, except for country and rap, she will always have music playing wherever she goes as it helps her concentrate and remain calm | Piano, guitar, and violin, something about those instruments to her are one of the few things she found herself spending the most time with from an early age due to her father | Art, Riley has a massive love for all art pieces, something about getting a peek into someone else's mind through art has always fascinated her | Photography, she can always be seen with a camera in her hand no matter where she is | Sweets, as mentioned before she has a love for anything that is sweet and contains sugar, especially cookies and cakes. If you offer her food you'll be more than likely on her good side until you manage to piss her off enough | Supernatural things, and anything that pertains to it. Since being turned she has an obsession with it and can usually always be found with a book of some sort with her as she is always learning and looking for more things to help her understand the new world around her, as well as herself |

Sour Foods, something about the taste and consistency they have always given her a stomachache afterward | Silence, as it causes massive waves of anxiety to rush through her | Loud or sudden noises, as they can be unpredictable anything that goes off without warning scares her more than they do to others, seeing as her hearing is higher and sharer than the average persons | Cars, she hates anything to do with cars ever since she was a child and would gladly walk through the coldest weather to get to where she needs to be than get into a car, if not taking a ride on her own bike | Hurting anyone else, the last thing she wants to do is hurt anyone else ever again so as often as she can she prefers to be by herself | Herself, as mentioned prior, she doesn't like the idea of possibly hurting anyone else, which in turn has caused her to have some self-hate for having hurt the people she loved in the past | The Moon, seeing as it takes control of her, causing her to possibly harm others has caused to dispise one of the few things she used to love | Hunters, seeing what they've done to others just like her, she has a natural hatred towards them and is cautious of most people ever since she turned | Liars, she can't stand people that lie and when someone is proven to be a liar any and all trust she had in that person is gone, resulting in her trusting very few people | Smoking, she absolutely hates it, anything from the smell and taste to even the mention of it. She tried it once and almost threw up afterwards, she just doesn't understand how anyone can smoke that toxic garbage |


She is a bit of an oddity, to say the least. Normally she is a shy, quiet, socially awkward recluse that is constantly home due to the fear of accidentally hurting someone or she's simply not feeling it and would rather stay in her room and work, play video games, or read some light novels in her room by herself with some soft music in the background while drinking tea or coffee. But at the same time, she can be a happy and bubbly outgoing person who wants to go out on the town and go to bars and clubs with her few friends, that once she gets drunk enough she is easily a flirt with her friends when normally she is rather awkward and reserved.

Much like the animal that she possesses the attributes of, she is one that is easy to piss off and be angered easily and as some of her friends have referred to her as "hot-headed", or easily angered and has some issues keeping her temper. She can be happy and laughing with friends one second and something can be said and she can easily be upset and storms off until she calms down enough to come back and go back to having a good time with her friends. When left alone with certain people she is seen as kind and caring, as well as a good listener and shoulder to cry on from time to time, always happy to lend a listening ear from those she holds close. But even then for those, she holds close, she holds them at an arms reach and then some, never wanting to get too close to someone in case she hurts someone else again, and if she were to she could never forgive herself. Which is another reason why she feels like the odd one out in her friend group, a small voice at the back of her mind constantly telling her that they don't actually like her but find her more of a burden and sometimes even a freak, which causes her to stay at home and only really go out when her friends reach out to her first or if her sister pushes her to go out for a bit, otherwise she could continue living in her home for the rest of her life.

Meanwhile, deep down she is a lost, damaged, confused, scared girl that just really needs a guiding hand to help her overcome her struggles and past traumas, as well as help overcome her self hatred and learn to let go of the past and move on. But until that day comes, if it ever does, she remains the same old Riley that she's always been. The scared and lonely, emotionally vulnerable person that simply needs someone to be there for her and help her move passed all the bad things and learn to live life to the fullest and accept herself for who, and what she has recently become.


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Juliet Montgomery | Mother | 42 | Human | Deceased |

Riley and her mother had been close at best and distant at worst of times when she was younger. Which happened to be more often than not as Riley was the "Black Sheep" in her family. As their relationship had been estranged and distant for years, while her passing was hard for Riley at first, she was able to move on from it rather easily as time had passed.

| Nathaniel Montgomery | Father | 43 | Human | Deceased |
Riley and her father were much more close than her and her mother, which had caused even more of a distance in the family. Her father was the main reason why she had such a love for music growing up as he had been a well-known musician and photographer in the past in their hometown and had made sure that both his daughters had played at least one instrument when they grew up, which caused their bond to be stronger than it otherwise would have. When he died she was broken and it had taken months to almost a year to fully get over his passing after the accident, but even still then she still has hard times thinking about him and the fact that he is gone.

| Ellen "Ellie" Montgomery | Sister | Age: 24 | Human | Alive and Well |
Growing up the sisters had been close beside the age gap. They did everything together and were always with each other until they got older and grew up as time passed, but their love for video games and art and things like D&D and anything that was relatively nerdy had kept their bond close. But due to their parents passing, their bond grew even closer as Riley had no one else to turn to or anywhere else to go, and so Ellen had taken her in and moved halfway across the country, where they are now. She tries to keep a close eye on her younger sister as she worries about her constantly, but she knows she can handle herself, it's more so out of fear of her hurting someone else, or having her heart broken, again.




Riley grew up having a normal childhood, or as normal as one would be able to consider that she was more or less raised by her sister comparatively to her parents. Despite the lack of her parents really being there, life was good for her and her older sister, they lived as much of a privileged life as their parents could let them as they were both hard-working people and made a name for themselves as their mother was a Housing Agent and their father was a well-known photographer and musician who would often be away on unknown business trips. They lived their lives day to day and as close as they could until Riley turned fifteen, the day her life would turn things on their head. She showed an interest in the supernatural, and when her father found out, he absolutely flipped his lid, which only raised red flags to her and her sister. They didn't understand why he forbade it, anything from even talking about it to sneaking in books about them. They simply thought he was only paranoid and controlling over that small area and didn't understand why.

At least it remained that way until one day they got a call for them to go to the hospital, their father had been severely wounded and they'd need to go see him. When they arrived they saw him in a hospital bed, covered in wounds, his appearance was almost unrecognizable. It was then that he told his family the truth. He was an ex Hunter who was occasionally called on for trips to see what was going on in other states, resulting in him being away for long periods of time. He forbade it as it was the very thing his father had raised him to hate, as they were in a family of secret hunters, often remaining unknown as being public about it was outside of the hunter's code, as well as making him a target by the supernatural. Weeks shortly after he passed away at the hospital due to his wounds, but not before telling his daughters they were never to tell anyone else, and that their line of Hunters was to end with him. They didn't know if he was being serious or not, but they headed his warnings and promised to never get involved with strangers or propositions from others.

It was when Riley was sixteen that her life truly changed. Life had slowly started to go back to normal as a year had passed by after their father's death. They had decided to go on their yearly camp outing, as the day had passed by, both their mother and Ellen had gone to go get more supplies, leaving Riley by herself at the camp. She ensured them that she would be fine and that they'd only be done for an hour or so. After time had passed by, she got the feeling that something was wrong. They weren't back yet and almost two hours had passed by when she finally noticed, that and something felt off. It was the feeling one gets when they feel a pair of eyes are on them, and it felt like there were dozens of eyes watching her every move. The last thing she remembers was shining the light out into the desert so she could see, and what looked back at her made her scream. There were roughly six, oddly large coyotes staring at her from the darkness. She had lived close by the desert, and something like this wouldn't have normally scared her, if they weren't so close to her, as well as staring directly at her, all in unison.

The next thing she remembered was waking up in the hospital a few days later. She was asked about what she remembered, and she recounted all that she could remember. It was then that she was told that a park ranger had managed to drive by and saw a remotely deserted camp, all except for her. She was unconscious on the cold desert ground, with a large wound on her back, it was a mix of claw and bite marks, seeming to make a canvas out of the right side of the back of her shoulders, all the way down to the small of her back. It was then that she was also notified that there was an accident that same night as well. There was a wreck on the road back to the highway into town, her mother was pronounced dead on the scene while her sister was badly injured, and was thankfully wearing her seatbelt or she would have been ejected from the car through the windshield. All Ellen could recount from that was that something big slammed into their car, flipping the car over until everything went black for her.

After they were both let out of the hospital they had no idea on what to do. Ellen was simply visiting her family while she was away from college, but she couldn't just leave her sister. Months had passed while they planned on what to do, should they stay in Phoenix, or should they move to another state entirely and start over? It was only after Riley had her first transformation that the choice became obvious. She was home alone when it started, the full moon was out, and Riley changed for the first time. Her bones and body breaking and changing, shifting around under her skin until she finally changed into the form of a coyote. Her mind was racked with the lust for blood, death, and a kill. She ran out of the front door, and didn't return until morning. Ellen had found her passed out in the backyard, naked, covered in blood and in a confused state. She couldn't remember what had happened, or if she killed anyone. They fled the same day to Beaumont Hills, California, is the search of safety in a small town.

Since then, they have lived a life of secrecy and privacy. Making sure whenever Riley would transform, that she was somewhere safe and far away from people. Often leaving her in the woods at the outskirts of the town until morning. Riley has since lived a life of shame and self-hatred, at the very thought if she wasn't careful, she would end up hurting her sister or someone else she could care about. Since then it has been a year that they live in the small town, and this year she's enrolled in the local high school, having made not many friends, if any, she finds herself alone and confused in this new school as she hopes to find some answers to what exactly happened to her, hoping that there's someone else out there that's like her, and that can help her.


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Single | Is scared, but would be willing to date someone if she was sure she couldn't hurt them


She is able to shapeshift into a full animalistic coyote form and a coyote-humanoid form like werewolves, with elongated canine teeth, a more prominent jaw, and golden glowing eyes. As she is a werecoyote, she can easily go back and forth between her coyote and human form at will which she will only ever do if she really has to, as she isn't much of a fan of having to shift constantly.

Heightened Senses: She can smell, see and hear things far better than humans and can usually sense things before they do.
Accelerated Healing: Her healing factor is much faster than most humans and she can easily heal from most injuries that aren't exactly life-threatening.
Enhanced Agility: She can jump, run, climb and react faster than humans, resulting in her being rather good at sports and physical activities even though she isn't the biggest fan of sports.
Enhanced Strength: She isn't the strongest, as that's reserved for the Werewolves, but she is rather strong in her own right as WereCoyotes are just as strong of a supernatural being, and making her be easily stronger than any human being.

Full Moon: The full moon causes her to want to transform, and to shapeshift more easily as a result. Her abilities are at their strongest during a full moon. Unlike those that are born as werecoyotes that learn to control their urges and shifting, she has a hard time controlling her transformations and is often out of control and is let loose until she calms down, which often makes it a particularly dangerous time for her to be around people. She's hoping she can find someone else like her, no matter what species, and hopes that they could be a tutor to her and help her control what she refers to as The Beast as all she wants to do is live a normal life again, or as normal as she could now.
Lunar Eclipse: During the lunar eclipse, she completely loses all of her supernatural talents and abilities, simply rendering her to her human form, which makes her an easy target to Hunters.
Wolvesbane: Wolvesbane is highly poisonous to her and she tries to stay away from it at all costs.
Mountain Ash: A circle of Mountain Ash can completely trap her inside, making her a victim from multiple or ranged attacks from multiple Hunters, or one very skilled and deadly one.


So begins...

Riley Montgomery's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Jackson Character Portrait: Liam Haynes Character Portrait: Brook Delaney Character Portrait: Reagan Venandi Character Portrait: Hiroto Naozaki Character Portrait: Olivia Crosby
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#, as written by crybaby
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Liam Hayes & Olivia Crosby
#B29F82 & #B28299
attire & attire
collab w/ zodial

"Hey, earth-to-Olivia" Liam spoke waving his hand in front of his best friend's dazed gaze. The two had only arrived at their Fall Homecoming Formal, appropriately named 'Fright Night'. Leave it up to Beamount for the creepy themes. Liam had to admit however, student council really went all out with the theme- the gym actually looked pretty cool all decked with pumpkins, lights, graves, even the food was themed. Unfortunately, the pounding bass from the speakers in the gym was starting to give him a slight headache. Not to mention the strong smell of sweaty teenagers and too much cologne. Yeesh. Liam turned back to his 'date' if he'd even call it that. Olivia and him had been an unlikely duo since their freshman year. Attached at the hip if you will. Liv understood him like nobody else did and for that he kept her close, protected. As much as she hated it. They had made a pact the summer after their Freshman year that if they were too chicken to ask someone else to the dance they'd go with each other. This was their third dance.

Olivia was definitely spaced out. She didn't finally snap to until Liam's hand wove in front of her face. “Yeah, yeah. Sorry it’s just-” Her gaze fell to the floor for a small moment. Something wasn’t right, at first she tried to sum it up as that she ate something wrong or her shoes were too tight. But there was always something different about her feelings when they were related to her banshee heritage. They lingered, and were more of a prickling sensation at the back of her neck. “Something’s not right Lee”. If she was being honest with herself, something had been very wrong in Beaumont for a couple of weeks. Liv had been hearing voices nearly everywhere she went and last week set off her house alarm from sleep walking. On edge had definitely been a kinder term to describe her temperament.

Liam placed a comforting hand on his friend’s shoulder, dropping his voice to a whisper. “Like Olivia not right, or Banshee not right?” He spoke, feeling his wolf-side begin to stir at the thought of any possible danger. “Banshee” Her voice barely came out above a whisper. Liam’s stomach dropped, he had known by know that when Olivia felt something wrong - something was most definitely wrong. Her Banshee senses took a lot of getting used to, and still freaked him out a little. Granted, he could turn into a terrifying wolf at will - but it was Beamount. Who didn't have some freakishness to them?

He scanned the dance floor for anything out of place, but noticed nothing more than Mr. Jacobsi flirt with Ms. Binns at the punch station. Liam turned back to his best friend, trying to soften his eyes and offered her a comforting smile. “Hey, listen it’s probably nothing alright? Remember that time you called me saying you saw me in flames and I just left the toast in a little too long? Not to mention looking at all these sweaty, horny, teenagers is making me feel a little nauseous” He grinned when he got Liv to giggle a little. “Yeah, you’re probably right… Well we might as well try to act somewhat normal right? Care to dance?” Olivia said holding out her hand as she gean to do her embarrassing shimmy that had annoyed Liam since freshman year. She grinned when he rolled his eyes reluctantly but placed his hand in hers. With that she dragged the both of them to the dance floor.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reagan Venandi Character Portrait: Riley Montgomery
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-Werecoyote- | Outfit | Hex: #800000

"You ready, Ry?" a voice came from behind the other side of the door of the girl's room. Silence filled the room for a few moments until the door opened the face of Riley, who had a rather unamused and annoyed look on her face. "Does it look like I'm ready for this?" she questioned as she was still in her normal clothing, which was black sweatpants, a plain graphic t-shirt, and baggy pullover hoodie. The Highschool's Homecoming dance was something Riley hadn't been anticipating or really wanting to attend, especially with her being an introvert on top of not wanting to go out and be by herself surrounded by people that knew each other and were friends or were in relationships. She'd feel out of place and wouldn't want to be around people like that longer than she'd really have to.

"Why aren't you ready yet? You have to be there in ten minutes!" her older sister exclaimed as she walked over to the closet and looked through the clothes, trying to find something last minute that she could wear. "Ready for what? A homecoming dance full of horny teens that will be getting drunk and more than likely hooking up after or even during the dance? I'd rather not be the only one standing out and feeling awkward the whole time, El." she retorted as she sat on the bed, looking at her sister who was still looking through the closet for something, anything at this point. "I got it!" Ellen exclaimed as she pulled out a jacket and pants from the closet, holding them up to her. "You really want me to go dressed like that?" Riley questioned, as Ellen had been trying to get her to wear dresses or something more feminine for the past three weeks for this.

Ellen turned back and looked at her after setting the clothes on the bed, arms crossed as she looked at Riley, "Well if you didn't delay this for so long as well as put down every other outfit I suggested, you would have had something much nicer than this. But it'll have to do. Hurry up and get dressed and ready, you have like five minutes now or you'll be late." Ellen insisted as she pushed the clothing into Riley's arms and pushed her into the bathroom to change and get ready. A few short minutes later and Riley exited the bathroom, dressed in the outfit Ellen picked out, with a rather annoyed look on her face, "Do I really have to go to this thing? No one would even notice I wasn't there, nor would anyone be saddened by it, El." she insisted, simply trying to weasel her way out of going. It was true though, she didn't really have many friends, if any really, and she didn't think they'd even notice if she didn't show up to it, as she was new and a loner for the most part.

Riley had attended a few festivities that the school put on since she first attended the school the year prior, but she hadn't really had any fun or even felt like she belonged there. Ellen simply nodded and gave her a kiss on the forehead and a gentle hug, "You'll have fun, you deserve to go out and be a normal kid.." she said softly as she stood back and looked at her sister with a small smile, Riley only sighed as she gathered her things, "Kind of hard to be normal when you're me and you can turn into a fucking monster...But I'll try to have a good time, just don't be surprised if I come back early.." she muttered as she walked passed her sister and out of her room, grabbing her keys and other things as she made her way out of the house. They lived in the northern side of town, far away from people and the more populated part of town, towards the forest and woods, as a way of keeping them out of the public eye, as well as Ellen having a good amount of money to get a nice place as they had. It was a score of a house and was easily affordable for her as she had a good job and they managed to get it for a good price. Riley had finally made it to the school, and by the time she checked her watch she was very late, easily about half an hour late to be exact. That's one way to make a grand entrance, being extraordinarily late, way to go, Riles, she thought to herself.

Riley had quickly made her way into the school after showing her Student ID and Homecoming ticket to the ushers as the school had an astounding amount of security guards on the property tonight, not surprising with things going a miss. Riley more or less found herself running down a few hallways and rooms making her way to the gym for where the dance was being held, turning a sharp corner after she slowed her pace down she found herself bumping into something or someone. Normally she would have sensed someone coming around the corner, but with her mind being busy with other things her senses were rather dulled down than what they normally would be. She finally looked up to see who she had walked into, and it turned out to be a somewhat familiar face.

Riley couldn't remember what her name was, but her face was all too familiar. She could tell she was human, from the smell alone and the overall sense she got from the girl, but something felt off and she wasn't sure what it was. Just something about her radiated a stronger presence than others. Riley shook it off as clearly being paranoid and anxious, she was just a girl. That's it. She shook her head and gave her a small smile and awkward chuckle as she looked up at her, "S-sorry, my bad." she stuttered, not meaning for it to come out as such a jumbled mess.

She shook her head again, subconsciously slapping herself in the face, "Look, I'm sorry. I should have been watching where I was going, it's entirely my fault. And are you leaving already? I thought the dance just started?" she said with a bit of a coy smile and chuckle, "How about this, I make it up to you for getting you a drink or whatever else you want? A way of saying sorry for the inconvenience I caused, sound fair?" she questioned, her offer and apology were genuine, as Riley didn't like walking into other people or causing awkward situations to arise. She honestly felt bad and was trying her best to make it up to the girl she had awkwardly bumped into. "Name's Riley by the way, I don't think I ever caught what yours was? I'm new and trying to get to remember as many names as I can."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liam Haynes Character Portrait: Brook Delaney Character Portrait: Reagan Venandi Character Portrait: Olivia Crosby Character Portrait: Riley Montgomery
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B R O O KxxD E L A N E Y
the druid

It was obvious Brook wasn’t someone who was comfortable all dressed up. He had no idea who the original owner of his suit was, he’d gotten it from his older brother, Lake’s cupboard, and how it’d found its way in there Brook will never know since Lake spends most his life in flannelette. Either way, it clearly hadn’t been meant for Brook, the fit was all wrong, baggy in some areas and tight in others.

And if you took away the suit, you couldn’t really consider Brook all that dressed up. His hair was uncombed, the suit pants were creased, his shirt was only half tucked in, and his tie sat haphazardly as he’d given up after the third attempt. Not to mention the bits of white paint coating his hands after helping paint up the old shed that afternoon. He’d gotten the bulk of it off his face and hair, but there was still the occasional speck that he’d missed.

Brook grinned as he spotted Liam and Liv on the dancefloor. He’d started on beer with his brothers that afternoon and had already worked up quite a buzz by the time he arrived, so he was feeling cheery as he moved through the packed house towards the pair. “Lee-mur!” He boomed to his best friend, throwing a rough arm around both Liam and Olivia’s necks.

School dances these days always tended to end up the three of them, of course, Brook refused to feel like a third wheel, he’d known Liam longer and so he was certain that if anyone should feel like a third wheel it was Olivia.

See, when it came to school dances, Liam and Olivia always took each other, the Siamese twins that they were. And, well, Brook had learned to stop asking girls to dances because he had a track record of being a fucking awful date. One year he thought he’d hedge his bets by asking a few girls, on the night of the dance neither Lisa nor Ella were happy to they’d be sharing a date. Another time he’d completely forgotten he even had a date to pick up, it wasn’t until the third last song he remembered her, needless to say she hadn’t wanted to make it back by the last song. The final straw had been when he’d accidentally kissed his date’s twin sister. Nora did eventually forgive him, admitting that it had been dark, but by then he sworn off taking dates to dances.

Brook still had his arms locked around his friends’ necks when he spotted Reagan. He sighed bumping his head against Liv’s, “How is it possible that’s she’s made herself even hotter?” Both Liam and Olivia knew of his moony eyed crush on the girl who wouldn’t give him the time of day, he’d never really made an effort to hide it. If he thought there was any chance in hell that she would’ve said yes, he would have asked her to the dance. She was stunning in her dress, and Brook wished he was closer with Riley so he could break into their conversation.

Releasing his friends, he stepped back with bashful smile, “Not that you two don’t look great.” He smiled playfully at Liam and slapped him across the back, “Sharp tux. Great hair.” Then he looked to Olivia and took in her outfit, for a persistent nag she looked hot. “Is it too late to switch and be my pity date? I could use the ego boost.” That was the truth of it too, he’d ego had taken a beating today when he’d tried jumping off the roof onto their old trampoline, only for the rusted springs to break. His right shoulder was painted with black and blue bruises, he only hoped Liv wouldn’t find out or he’d never hear the end of it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Jackson Character Portrait: Liam Haynes Character Portrait: Brook Delaney Character Portrait: Reagan Venandi Character Portrait: Olivia Crosby Character Portrait: Peter Simmons
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xxlxxT H O M A S x J A C K S O N
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxthe kanima
xxxxxxxxx#153d88 xxx | xxxattire


xTommy did not want to be here. Drinking cheap tequilla behind someone's truck was better than doing nothing on Friday night, but listening to the lacrosse team talking about the hot babes wasn't exactly stimulating conversation. The tequilla had no effect, but the burn distracted him from listening.

Tommy didn't plan on going to this dumb dance in the first place. He was content to continue investigating the secrets of Beaumont Hills, but when his foster father, Harrison, pulled out an old suit and explained how they wanted to him to have a high school experience, despite only being at their home for two weeks, it wasn't like he could refuse. Tommy tried, but when Harrison also mentioned he was the police escort for the dance, it only made it harder to say no. The officer wasn't too much of a stickler for underage drinking so he was willing to turn a blind eye to Tommy and his group's indiscretions.

"Hey Jackson! A bunch of us are going to head to that old haunted place by woods after this. You down?" Max, one of the small-brained members of the team, asked. Tommy took a drink of his glass then smirked. "On Fright Night? Careful the monsters of Beaumont Hills will be out to get you. OoooOoooo." His cheap imitation of a ghost gave the group a laugh as he pretended to haunt Max. If only they knew of the creature with them right now. The beefy guy pushed him off before joining in. "Now can we go inside? We paid for these tickets and I'm not hanging out in parking lot the whole time."

The group followed him like normal. He was the leader of the pack, although he didn't know why the guys decided to follow him. It was a sight to see, watching all of them enter at once. It would've been intimdating if the leader wasn't the new class clown, the very everyone described as the new hot guy too. Tommy at the center, looked different than normal. While he was never unattractive at school, it's only amplified by his crisp black suit and his hair was styled instead of his messy waves.

He surveyed the area and noticed many familiar faces. His best friend Liam was there along with his usual trio. His eyes stayed on Olivia however. If he had arrived earlier to the school, Tommy might've asked her to the dance. A few of the guys mentioned she always went with Liam which would've pushed him to ask, but he didn't think he'd be here. He'll grab her for a dance later. Tommy made sure to wave at the trio, sarcastically before sending a wink to Olivia. Riley and Reagan also caught his eyes. A possible friend and an unknowing enemy was only slightly appealing. He noticed Peter wasn't there though. He'd text his sidekick later if he was bailing on him for tonight.

Guess it's the loner and the hunter tonight. He left his group, saying something about making his rounds. From what his super ears overheard, the two had bumped into each other prior. "Is it R right I join the R's? T is pretty close if you think about it." It was a dumb pun, but Tommy had a feeling it would work. "Any of you care to dance or are we hugging the wall tonight?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Jackson Character Portrait: Liam Haynes Character Portrait: Brook Delaney Character Portrait: Reagan Venandi Character Portrait: Olivia Crosby Character Portrait: Riley Montgomery
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mombie

the hunter x Hex: #3592a0 x Outfit


She was minding her own business, yet also not very attentive to her surroundings. Her heart pounded in her chest - beating like rapid butterfly wings as that weird feeling rose in the pit of her stomach. Having watched Liam there on the dance floor, then seeing all the decor, it made her feel strange. She couldn't quite put a finger on it, but something wasn't right. Something wasn't right about any of this; not the school, not certain students, not this town. She had been drowning deep in her thoughts with that hurried pace, so when someone bumped into her - or perhaps she into them - it was of no surprise.

As Riley collided with her, Reagan's fingers loosen their grasp over her clutch. It dropped to the floor, and the hunter simply closed her eyes to breathe for a second. When they open, she dragged them to the figure that would soon greet them and notices that it is one of the girls she knows from a few classes. A sigh of relief slipped from her lips and she put on a smile.

"S-sorry, my bad," she stuttered, and Reagan began to feel a little guilty. Who knows with whom the fault truly laid regarding this collision? Neither of them paid attention, and they were both in somewhat of a hurry - one to leave and the other to arrive. The latter fashionably late, and when she looked over the outfit it brought yet another friendly curve to her lips.

"Oh, it's okay. I'm sure that I probably bumped into you, or we can just say we both bumped into each other. That way we are both totally absolved of all blame," she proposed as she bent down to pluck the fell clutch from the floor.

"Look, I'm sorry. I should have been watching where I was going, it's entirely my fault. And are you leaving already? I thought the dance just started?" Reagan had been caught trying to vacate the dance early, and now it would seem that leaving is no longer an option. However, could it be so bad? If she had a friend with her, then maybe she could distract from all the thoughts that certain faces conjure.

"Oh, I was going to go powder my nose," she lied, making up the most ridiculously girly thing that a teenager could to get out of other explanations. Of course, the Werecoyote could probably hear the irregular rhythm of her heart during that tidbit of dishonesty.

Riley continued, "How about this, I make it up to you for getting you a drink or whatever else you want? A way of saying sorry for the inconvenience I caused, sound fair?"

Reagan smiled wide at that and then offered the girl a grin that could only be a playful coyness, "By all means, let's. I didn't have a date tonight, so, since we are blaming you for this - you are going to have at least one dance with me. I hope you know how." She held her arm out, expecting Riley to oblige her by offering an arm for Reagan to hook her own through.

"Name's Riley by the way, I don't think I ever caught what yours was? I'm new and trying to get to remember as many names as I can."

"Reagan. I think we have a couple of classes together," she replied while they walked back to the gymnasium for that dance.

As soon as she stepped back in, Thomas was on the approach. God, he was so hot. Goofy, but hot. How on earth can this guy be here and the only person that might have asked her to the dance would have been Brook. Look at Brook - he was a walking disaster. Look at Tommy - put together. Life was unfair. "Thomas, looking sharp as always. Take Riley - she told me she has all the moves,” she offered the girl up as tribute to dance with him. She leaned toward her and whispered. "He's cute, so you should dance with him. I have to go fix Brook so we can take a picture together.”

She always noticed Brook because he stuck out just as tidy as ever. That was sarcasm. She could have had a date tonight with him, but he wasn’t worth it. She remembered hoping that maybe, maybe after all of the tutoring before her father died, that he would have asked her to a dance or two. But she had never been his type, and she was very sore that she was his type now. If he wasn’t decent to her, she’d have cast him out of her life like she did with all of the others. However, as annoyed as she was by him, she had difficulties keeping her distance.

He also needed her to help him not look like a hot piece of garbage. She left Riley and Thomas, came up behind Brook, grabbed his arm by the bicep, and turned him to face her. She just popped a quick and uneasy smile off for Liam and Liv, but Liam made her feel… strange. She didn’t want to really engage him. She had the perfect excuse to distance herself.

"You’re so embarrassing,” she whispered harshly at him as she rose to the tips of her toes and pushed down on his shoulders so he could hunch over a little to smooth out his hair. Then she helped him tuck things in. Yes, even into his pants. There was no real reason to be ashamed about making these adjustments because he was one of many boys in his family, and as much as she wished he would go away sometimes, she was here to give him that feminine touch. She didn't mind the paint chips. That just came with the package. She was sure his grandma would thank her when he could take a decent picture at the fall dance. "We are going to take a picture together later for your grandma, but I am not going to stand next to a slob,” she scolded Brook whisperingly. Not that anyone looking that knew them were oblivious to their strange friendship. Especially since it seemed to have flip-flopped from her crushing on him without his caring, to him crushing on Reagan without her feeling the same. To his knowledge, at least. Brook has always been attractive to her, but he didn't make an effort to be anything more than friends.

After a few moments of bickering with his clothing, she looked up at him - still close while she flattened the collar of his jacket. "No date tonight, I take it? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised considering your type of girl and your level of-” Reagan stopped there, not wanting to call him forgetful, but he knew.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Jackson Character Portrait: Liam Haynes Character Portrait: Brook Delaney Character Portrait: Reagan Venandi Character Portrait: Olivia Crosby Character Portrait: Riley Montgomery
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0.00 INK

-Werecoyote- | Outfit | Hex: #800000

Riley silently listened as the girl who's name was Reagan talked. Right, that's what her name was, she remembered it began with an R, just couldn't remember the full name. She did remember faces and voices better than names, maybe due to her supernatural side? She wasn't sure, but as Reagan spoke, Riley picked up on a few nuances. They were slight, but with a trained eye and knowing how to read people, it was obvious she was lying. Riley didn't need to be able to hear her heartbeat increase and beat rapidly in her chest to know she was lying, the pounding in her head was enough of a sign. She may have been one of the worst people when it came to social interaction, but her ability to read people even without the use of her supernatural abilities was a plus. She simply smiled and nodded as Reagan and her conversed, thankful that the former wasn't angry that Riley had accidentally bumped into her, even insisting it was both of their faults if they were being honest.

If anything, Riley had to be honest, it was more so her fault for not keeping an eye out. A small shadow of a smile creased her lips when Reagan initially agreed to the offer allowing her to do whatever she wanted in terms of a few drinks or whatever she may have wanted, within reasonable limits of course. She was actually surprised that Reagan had come to the dance alone, but so did she as she wasn't exactly the biggest fan of people either. Riley awkwardly and carefully took the other girl's arm and began to walk until a familiar enough voice sounded behind them. It was Thomas, one of the lacrosse team members, and somewhat of a friend of Riley's, if one could even really call it that. He was nice enough to her and so she returned the favor of not entirely shutting him down as she otherwise normally would. And it didn't hurt that he was one of the most popular kids in their school as well as rather good-looking if she was to be honest, even if she personally wasn't really attracted to him, or anyone for that matter, except for a few students. But that wasn't the point.

Riley silently rolled her eyes and gave a playful sigh as he made a pun out of their names, as well as his way of asking if he could join them for a while, as well as a possible dance. She was about to speak until Reagan pawned her off onto him, insisting she was able to dance, well at that on top of it. All she was able to do was give Reagan the thousand-mile glare as she watched her walk away to go see some of her other supposed friends. Awkwardly she turned back to Thomas with a small chuckle as she bit her bottom lip, "H-hey, Tommy." she said with a small smile and chuckle. Looking away for a moment as she took a long sigh, she was there for a dance, so why not dance at least once with a friend?

"Anyway, why don't we show these posers up, eh? The best couple to dance the worst wins?" she asked with a mischievous grin as she outstretched her hand to offer him to dance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Jackson Character Portrait: Liam Haynes Character Portrait: Brook Delaney Character Portrait: Reagan Venandi Character Portrait: Olivia Crosby Character Portrait: Riley Montgomery
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0.00 INK

#, as written by zodial

the banshee ○ attire ○ #B28299

Olivia let out a slight yelp as she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her shoulders and bring her in for a bear hug. Brook. Even though the hug was more than rough, and she wanted to scold him about his obvious buzz she bit her tongue and smiled. Olivia really wasn’t feeling the whole ‘mom’ thing tonight, especially when the boys she cared for were unruly jocks. She’d just let the boys be boys. “I’m willing to let you join, as long as you don’t eat all my fries like last time” She said with a slight giggle.

As the boy’s ensued in the normal conversation of God knows what Olivia zoned out into her own little world like she always did. These days she found herself falling deeper and deeper into her own thoughts, her Grandma said it was normal for a Banshee. It honestly scared her a little. Freaking herself out was a normal thing, and she hid it under the guise of being ‘overly cautious’.

She attuned her hearing back into the conversation as Brook became all doe-eyed when he saw Reagan standing with Riley on the dance floor. Liam was annoyed by the crush, but Olivia thought it was cute. “Well why don’t you just go tell her that you dork? Every girl loves to hear a compliment once in a while”.

Olivia’s eyes softened at Brook’s comment and she laughed quietly, patting him affectionally on the shoulder. “I think I could save a few dances on the floor for you” her eyes strayed from his face to just past his shoulder for a brief moment and speaking her last words under her breath. “But it looks like someone already planned on stealing you away”. None other than Reagan Venadi made her way over to the group, offering a weak smile to her and Liam before dragging Brook away. Olivia gave him a thumbs up and a small wink as he was taken away.

Olivia was about to comment on the irony of those two to Liam when she felt a pair of burning eyes in the back of her head. She turned her head slowly locking her eyes with, of course, Thomas Jackson. Her face blushed instantly and she found herself staring at him for a little too long. Ever since he had enrolled in Beaumont, the boy had been but a mystery to Olivia. A few meaningful glances here and there or an accidental brush in the hallway. It was practically driving her mad. Liam had pretty much shadowed all the male attention in her life, and scared away any guy who ever wanted her number. Frankly, it pissed her off but she loved the boy too much to argue with him. Like he’d ever listen to her anyway. Still, Tommy was the first boy in a while to actually notice her. Liam hated it. She’d be lying if she didn’t get butterflies every time she locked eyes with him.

Then he winked and Olivia bit her lip to keep from grinning, finally breaking eye contact to look down at the ground. Her little moment was ruined however when she heard practically a snarl come from Liam. Olivia’s eyes flashed with anger and her face was a look of shock. “Liam Hayes. Please tell me you did not just growl at one of our classmates!” Her tone came out hushed and irritated. “I really don’t see what you think is so wrong about him. He shows you up in practice a few times, and now he’s a villain?” She began to see the comeback build up in his mind and she quickly interjected. “Save it, Liam. I do not want to argue tonight. I came to have fun, so if you could keep your wolf where it should be, and get me a glass of punch I would greatly appreciate it”. She sighed turning away from him, glancing back to wear Tommy was standing only to find him engaged in conversation with Riley, who’s hand was outstretched in an offer to dance. Oh. Olivia looked away quickly feeling a little stupid for assuming that she was the only one he would be interested in tonight.

“Olivia” The voice sent chills down her spine. Spoken as if someone had whispered right into her ear. She jerked around only to see that no one was behind her, and Liam was all the way across the gym at the punch table. Clenching her hands tightly, she took a deep breath trying to center herself. There would be no ghosts messing with her homecoming, “please not tonight” she said quietly to herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Jackson Character Portrait: Brook Delaney Character Portrait: Reagan Venandi Character Portrait: Peter Simmons Character Portrait: Riley Montgomery
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xxlxxT H O M A S x J A C K S O N
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxthe kanima
xxxxxxxxx#153d88 xxx | xxxattire

xWhile Thomas appreciated the boost to his ego from the compliment from one of the hottest girls in school, it hurt when she walked away from him to go over to Brook, even though he despised her with every fiber of his being. He was hoping to do some prying into how much she knew about the town. Reagan had the attitude of most hunters, but she didn't appear to be very well trained. If she didn't have an inkling about the two supernatural creatures in front of her, she either was a terrible hunter or recently trained. Most likely the latter since teenage hunters are rare.

Looking at Riley, he could see and feel the tension coming from her. Dancing is something Thomas has some skill in so hopefully he might make it a little easier for her. He gave Riley his most dazzling smile as she stuttered out a hello.

"Hey Riley. Let's dance," Thomas says taking her held out hand, with an exaggerated flourish as he leads her towards the dance floor, "I can show you how to two-step if you like. A family I lived with was from Texas and they always said 'these youngins' nowadays need to learn some non grindin' dancing.' Probably one of the most intense classes in my life, but by golly it's fun." His elaborate Southern accent was overblown, but it always was good for a laugh. Riley probably one.

"I mean I can be the worst if you like. Check it." Thomas does a poorly attempted shimmy, which gets some laughs from the couples around them on the dance floor. "Or we can get freaky with it." Using his hips, Thomas does what can only be described as twerking yet also not twerking. Thomas couldn't help bursting out laughing. It amazes him how ridiculous he can be. "Are we the worst yet?" Taking Riley's hand, Thomas pulls her to him, "Now that that we're officially the worst. Let's try something a little more classic." He places her hand on his shoulder and takes Riley's other with his hand, his right hand lays on Riley's side. Thomas begins to lead the two of them in an easy sway as they dance in circles. Thomas is grateful it isn't uncomfortable between them. Riley's not too bad at dancing.

"Look at you! I think we're ready for Dancing with the Stars," Thomas moves them to the edge of the dance floor, "I think you're ready for a spin." Thomas spins her and it goes well, but Thomas freezes when he catches sight of Peter running into the gym, red shirt and obviously terrified. He almost dropped Riley as a sense of dread began to come over him. Something was wrong tonight. He couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from, but it looming in the air. Everyone else seemed undisturbed by this sudden change...

"AH!" Thomas yelped, drawing eyes from those around him. He could feel his eyes shifting to the yellow slits of his other side. It can't come out now, not in front of everyone. Thomas tore his hand from Riley's and shoved it in his pants' pocket, which might've looked dirty if it wasn't for the claws coming out his hand. Something bad was coming. The kanima only comes out on full moons, when Thomas allows it (which isn't right now), or when Thomas is threatened or in danger. He had to get out of here before the scales came out. "I-I'm sorry. I gotta go." Thomas couldn't have left her sooner and he normally would've felt bad for leaving a lady in the middle of a dance, but the creature was demanding his attention. Thomas stormed out of the gymnasium, going down one of the dark hallways to hide. Maybe no one noticed it. Riley would have been the only one to see his eyes shift so he'd have to deal with that later.

Thomas collapsed on the ground, trying to keep his breathes even to calm his heart rate. If the kanima came out, it would attack or try to find a master. The petty jealousy a teenage can have combined with a murderous lizard was not a good combination. He could feel the his eyes going back and forth from reptilian to human as he noticed movement down the dark halls. It wasn't someone from school by the way it would slink around. As the kanima began to take more control, Thomas hollered at it with malice, as his voice became more animalistic, "Get out of here or I'll kill you!" A loud growl escaped his mouth. Thomas panted, feeling the scales form on his body. 'Here we go.' he thought, closing his eyes. When his eyes opened, only yellow slits remained.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Jackson Character Portrait: Liam Haynes Character Portrait: Brook Delaney Character Portrait: Reagan Venandi Character Portrait: Olivia Crosby Character Portrait: Riley Montgomery
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0.00 INK

-Werecoyote- | Outfit | Hex: #800000

Riley smiled as Tommy greeted her and took her to the dancefloor, and chuckled as he began dancing in a variety of ways, all were bad after the other, especially after he used a southern accent when he told her of how he learned to dance from a family in Texas. She didn't know if it was the terrible attempt at the accent, or the story itself, but a genuine smile and chuckle creased her lips. Normally, she would be the one-off the dancefloor, against the wall drinking some punch, but with it more than likely being spiked, she decided against it. And what could come from dancing with Tommy at least once, even if neither of them was necessarily a good dancer? She was there to have fun and enjoy the evening, and she was going to the best she could. Riley couldn't help but smile and chuckle as Tommy started to do an awkward and terrible attempt at the shimmy, which caught the attention of some of the other students. Which was then followed by what she could only assume was an attempt at twerking? If one could even call it that, that was the one that really made her laugh, not out of finding it funny, but more so because it made her feel a bit embarrassed. But that was the point, to be a bad dancer with him, and so she joined him in the tomfoolery. After a bit of the terrible dances, he offered her his hand for an actual dance, which she gladly accepted. One of the few things her parents did, was taught her how to dance, and surprisingly, she wasn't the worst one.

She was finally beginning to enjoy dancing with Tommy as he felt with the spin, and then suddenly, he stopped the dance. A look of panic and uneasiness overcame his face, and Riley understood it all too much. Any normal person would have been dropped or have fallen by the sudden stop, but Riley managed to react fast enough and catch herself. She looked at him silently as everything else seemed to fade into the background and become white noise, everything else was muffled and a slight ringing sound was heard as she looked at Tommy. Something wasn't right, not just with him, but in general. All of the small hairs on the back of her neck bristled, standing on end as her coyote senses took over, going into overdrive as her ears picked up the faintest of sounds, people's heartbeats, people at the punch bowl sipping their drinks, and breathing. So much all at once, that was until Tommy broke the silence as he apologized and quickly left her, running out of the gym and down the hallway, disappearing out of sight. But she managed to catch someone before the boy ran off, normally his dark eyes flickered for just a moment, something she had seen and experienced herself multiple times before. They suddenly turned a golden color and almost reptilian in appearance. Riley just stood there in silence as she tried to rationalize what she just witnessed, Tommy was someone like her, maybe not exactly like her, but he wasn't human. At least not fully. She finally found herself coming back to reality as she realized all eyes were on her as Tommy had caused a small scene, she was only able to laugh awkwardly and gave a small wave as she noticed a group of people she knew somewhat, there was Liam, Brook, Olivia, and Reagan. Something about those individuals, in particular, seemed off, something wasn't right about them, and if she were to go off on a limb, some were like her, different and not exactly normal.

Riley could have used this for the perfect moment to dip out and go home, forget about this night and just be home, in bed, watching Netflix. But something told her to stay here, stay here and make sure no one gets hurt. Her mind was a flurry of different thoughts as she finally acted out, she followed down the same hallway that Tommy went down, it was dark, and would have normally been impossible to see through, but thanks to her coyote side she was able to see perfectly, she saw a figure on the ground. As she got closer she realized it was Tommy, but...something was off. He looked different, his hair was gone, his usual pristine skin was now covered in scales, and his eyes, were golden slits. She grew close to him as she spoke, "Tommy, are you-" she started but was cut off as something, or someone forcefully pushed her aside, sending her flying into the wall of lockers that lined the wall. With a small and soft groan she looked up at whoever it was that pushed her, but all she was able to see was a dark figure that kept to the shadows, she found herself letting out a small growl as her eyes shifted from their normal hazel green to a dark, golden color, slightly illuminating as she scanned the area. Her senses were now on high alert as she couldn't see anything. "I-I need to leave...I'm sorry, Tommy.." she muttered softly as she slowly rose to her feet and made a run for it down the hall, hearing something begin to chase her down the hallway she quickly dodged into a room, locking the door behind her. Taking a deep breath as she slowly backed away from the door, she found herself in the girl's bathroom. Riley looked into the mirror, her eyes were now back to their normal green, but something was still off as she heard a shuffling sound outside of the door, as if someone was outside of it, and trying to get inside. A low growl escaped her lips as her eyes shifted back to the golden color of her coyote side as her teeth elongated, just slightly, letting her beast side come out to play, whoever or whatever was on the other side of the metal door caused her heart to race a mile a minute, but she was prepared to fight, whatever it was, even if she was slowly consumed with fear and panic..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Jackson Character Portrait: Liam Haynes Character Portrait: Brook Delaney Character Portrait: Reagan Venandi Character Portrait: Hiroto Naozaki Character Portrait: Olivia Crosby
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0.00 INK

#, as written by crybaby

the alpha ○ attire ○ #B29F82

Liam begrudgingly stood in the vicinity of the punch table, an empty cup in hand, as he kept throwing quick glances back at Olivia here and there. A few of them met with a chilling glare. He hadn't meant to upset her. He never did. Yet every time he said some backhanded comment about Thomas the girl acted insulted herself. Women, he though to himself with a small eye roll. He had yet to understand perhaps the most complex and scary species the world had to offer. Liam had just made it to the front of the punch line when he felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up and a foul taste overtook his mouth. He whipped his head back to the dance floor only to see Thomas making a disastrous exit, nearly knocking a few students down as he dashed out the door. No one ran with that kind of fever, unless they had something to hide. It was only a few seconds later before the new girl, Riley, dashed right out after him. His grip on the cup tightened and it crumpled easily in his hand. Without a moment to waste he tossed the cup (with scary accuracy) into the nearby trashcan, dashing over to where Olivia stood gripping her shoulders with both his hands. "I knew there was something up about Jackson, and I'm going to prove it to you!" He said not even giving her a moment to respond before he dashed out after the two.

By the time he got out into the hallway, the scent had already begun to fade. Liam jogged down the corridors before the more floral yet earthy scent led to the girl's bathroom. Riley. It had to be. He would've loved to ask her about Thomas but not even that was motivation enough for him to invade the girl's bathroom. By the time he rounded a few corners the other scent had gone cold, and the hallways became eerily silent. Liam nearly jumped out of his skin when a loud crash came from the room adjacent to him. The Locker Room. Of course he would hide there. Liam crept slowly to the door, resting his hand on the handle as his eyes slowly flashed a brilliant shade of red. Everything was telling him not to open the door, which gave the boy all the reason to open it.

The door creaked as Liam slowly pushed it open, met with the unpleasant smell of gym socks and dirty cleats. "Thomas, I know you're in here" Liam took a step into the room the door sliding shut behind him. "There's no use in hiding who or whatever you are anymore, Jackson". He slowly made his way across the outer edge of the room, peeking around the corners of the lockers that blocked his view of the room. Subconsciously, Liam felt his claws and fangs ease their way out as he peaked around the last corner. "I don't know what you want but I'm not going to let you hurt-" Liam whipped around to face the corner that held the showers as he heard the faintest of shuffling. "Gotcha" Liam muttered under his breath as he stalked to the showers whipping around the corner - and instantly regretted his decision.

Liam instantly shoved his hands into his pockets to hide his claws from the unsuspecting couple he had just walked in on, his face flaming red from embarrassment. There was no mistaking the fiery red hair of Amanda Kyle as she had her back to him gripping some boy by the suit jacket - well he really didn't want to elaborate on the crime that was going on in front of him. "I'm sorry- I definitely thought-" Liam froze as Amanda turned her face to him, maybe he would've screamed if he wasn't in such a state of shock. It was like a scene straight out of a horror movie. Amanda's eyes were glowing like bright, white flashlights and her face was covered in blood. She still gripped the collar of the boy, his head bobbing to the side showcasing the large chunk that had been taken out of his shoulder. Liam stumbled a few steps back, as Amanda smiled showcasing several rows of what he could only describe as 'shark teeth'. "Holy shit" He sputtered before she dropped the boy and lunged at him, knocking the both of them down in the process with Liam pinned under her.

Liam instinctively sunk his claws deep into her shoulder holding her back as she snapped her teeth inches away from his neck. She shrieked in pain and he took the moment to throw his upper body weight into her, knocking her off of him. He scurried away, now fully half-shifted into his alpha form his eyes glowing scarlet red. It only took her a few moments to regain her composure as she lunged again, but this time Liam was ready for her as he caught her by the wrist launching her into one of the lockers. The girl made a sickening crunch and went limp as she landed on the floor. Liam kept his eyes trained on her as he stumbled back to the door, panting in fear. He had never seen anything like that in his life. And this was Beaumont where he'd seen practically everything imaginable. Amanda Kyle was quiet, and spent their History lecture doodling hearts in her notebook - not eating unsuspecting freshman.

His friends. Hell, everyone, he had to get them out of here. Turning his back to her was probably the worst mistake he could've made. As soon as he turned for the door she lunged out of her 'play dead position' attaching her bear trap of a mouth around his side. Liam cried out in pain as he desperately tried to push her off of him but the girl had a grip of iron. He had never been more grateful for the fire alarm in his life. On any other day he would've cursed under his breath at the damn sound but it might've been his saving grace.

The horrendous shrill noise, suddenly filled every nook and cranny in the school and Liam clamped his hands over his ears and grit his teeth as the sound bounced around in his skull. It seemed, however, that the noise had the same affect on Amanda as she released him with a shriek, writhing on the ground in pain. Liam took the opportunity to dash out of the Locker room, and prop himself up against the door to hold it shut. He glanced at his side, it was still nasty, no telling how long it would take his healing to catch up with that. Liam braced himself as he heard Amanda scream in rage and began throwing herself against the door. It took every ounce of strength to hold it close - the girl (or whatever it was) had freakish strength. She threw herself against the door a few more times and then it just stopped. Still, Liam had learned his lesson from earlier and didn't move from his position yet a minute passed and it remained silent. Eventually his curiosity overtook him and he gripped the door handle, claws out in case the psycho piranha had any intention of tricking him again. With one hard push he flung the door open to find the Locker room - completely empty. His eyes frantically searched the room before they landed on a vent just above one of the lockers, it was wide open. "Oh shit".

The fire alarm should clear the school out which is exactly what he wanted. Still, he didn't feel any better. Knowing his friends, they were definitely the ones who pulled it - and had no intention of leaving. To make matters even worse neither did the monster.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Jackson Character Portrait: Liam Haynes Character Portrait: Olivia Crosby Character Portrait: Riley Montgomery
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0.00 INK

#, as written by zodial

the banshee ○ attire ○ #B28299

Olivia felt terribly awkward standing on the dance floor by herself, she silently cursed Liam for being such an ass. Especially on Homecoming night. As if these heels weren't bad enough, she didn't need her best friend baring his teeth. She glanced back again over to Thomas, who looked like he was enjoying his dance with Riley, a frown slightly overtook her face and she looked away. Come on Olivia, it's not like there's anything there anyway. Quit being ridiculous. Besides half the population at Beaumont had their eyes set on him, and while she was particularly guilty of maybe most definitely being apart of that half she really had no chance when it came down to it.

Olivia tried not to glance back over at the dancing duo but when a small breeze lifted a few curls from her face she turned in their direction only to see Thomas bolting towards the door. She barely even had time to react when Liam suddenly appeared gripping her too tightly by the shoulders, a glint in his eye. Oh god, this could only go horribly wrong. "Liam you're being-" She didn't even get the chance before he bolted after Thomas. "Liam stop!"

Olivia stared at the door for a few moments before pushing past the students after her friend. As she pushed past the door into the hallway she saw a shadow round a corner and at that moment only assumed that it was Liam. She chased the form past a few corners before she lost them completely. Olivia suddenly felt the temperature drop a few degrees and froze in her spot. She finally realized, she had no idea where she was. It was Beaumont High. But it wasn't. The walls were too high and the hallway seemed to stretch on for ages. "Hello?" She called quietly her footsteps echoing of the walls as she began to walk down the never-ending hallway. "Liam?" Liv took a few more steps and then suddenly on her left - a door that definitely wasn't there before burst open and she let out a small little shriek stumbling a few steps back.

It was then Olivia released she wasn't entirely there. She hadn't really found a name for the weird Limbo world that she occasionally slipped into. Liam told her to pick something cool - like Shadow Land - and then she promptly smacked him over the head with her Chemistry notebook. As much as she hated whatever this world was, she knew that she was only brought here to learn. They or 'it' showed her images, scenes, of things that happened or things to come. They never made any sense - to her enjoyment - but they proved to be useful. So she removed her heels, just in case she had to run, god am I really that used to this? She thought as she slowly approached the open door.

It was her chemistry lab, or at least that's what it looked like. That's when she heard it - the noise - bones crunching and cracking. It sent chills down her spine. She didn't even realize her hands were trembling as she slowly passed the first chem table, then second, empty, empty, empty. Olivia was biting her cheek so hard she could taste blood in her mouth. With each step the noise got louder until she reached the last table in the room. Liv inhaled shakily and slowly turned the corner her face paling at the sight before her. She didn't even have much time to process the sight in front of her before it whipped it's head in her direction, it's beady black eyes looking directly at her. Then it lunged. And Olivia did the only thing she could think of. She screamed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Jackson Character Portrait: Liam Haynes Character Portrait: Olivia Crosby Character Portrait: Riley Montgomery
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0.00 INK

-Werecoyote- | Outfit | Hex: #800000

Riley stayed hidden in the girl's bathroom as she tried to come up with something, anything at this point on what to do. In the eery silence, she was able to hear the sound of her beating heart that pounded away in the cavity of her chest, rattling every time it pumped. She could feel every hair on her body stand on end, and all of her senses were in overdrive, she could hear the faintest of sounds, even the sound of rain that pattered on the roof of the school, all the way to the breathing of the fellow students. It was rapid and frantic, she began to slowly stand up until a piercing sound echoed throughout the school. It caused her adrenaline to course through her veins even more as she didn't know what it was immediately until she realized it was the fire alarm. Someone must have tripped it as a way of evacuating the school. While it was a good idea, it was also stupid as a blind panic was the last thing they needed. Fuck.., she thought to herself as she realized she was alone in the bathroom, locked behind a metal door. Hiding away as the others could potentially be slaughtered by whatever was now hunting them down. It was such a cowardly thing to do, but what good would exposing herself just to help save some strangers that were never even nice to her? As well as never even paying her any attention? She shook her head, she wasn't a defenseless human, she would be able to take care of herself and others if need be, at least that's what she told herself. But she wasn't the only one, at least that was confirmed by whatever it was that Tommy turned into, she'd need to talk with him later on that, only if he wanted to discuss it that is.

He didn't outright attack her, if anything he seemed scared and nervous of whatever it was that was here. She knew her and Tommy weren't the only ones, the others like Liam and Olivia seemed off, she couldn't tell what it was. But she knew they weren't human. She took a deep breath as she looked into the mirror, the moonlight piercing through the window cast a ghostly shadow over half of her face as she examined herself, her eyes were fluctuating between her normal, human green, to her beast's golden color. She was in full control as the moon wasn't full, at least not completely, but her senses were still incredibly high, more so than normal, probably due to whatever danger that was outside of that door. She could feel her claws slowly elongating the longer she thought about whatever was out there, it was relentless and kept to the shadows, giving it an advantage. Or so it thought anyway. Riley began to slowly creep towards the door until a blood-curdling scream pierced her ears, causing her to collapse to the ground in the fetal position, covering her ears with her hands. Even with normal hearing it would have been agonizing, but with super hearing it caused her to grow nauseous. Finally, after it ended, just as soon as it came, whoever screamed was silenced. She slowly lifted her head, looking at the door. "What the fuck...Was that?" she muttered to herself as she slowly recollected her composure as she rose to her feet. It was the sound of a female, but it wasn't just any scream. No, that was far too high pitched and loud to be human, but it didn't sound like an animal. It was definitely human, that much she knew. Riley thought to herself for a moment, what would be able to produce such a scream, at such a high pitch? Her mind jumped around trying to decide on what she read, if she ever even read about it. "What was it called...Fuck..." she mumbled as she paced before finally realizing she had read about it. According to Celtic, or more so Irish mythology, the sound of crying or in many cases, screaming, was due to the cause of the spirit of a woman. Or so the lore went. Banshee, her mind suddenly told her. Right, Banshees, they were an omen or sign of death, or in minor cases, danger. They were merely the messenger, never the cause of death. That at least caused some relief, but also caused panic, someone here had to have had some sense of dread, and that caused her to regret coming to this after all.

Riley growled, "Stop being such a bitch. Go out there and help. if you don't, what better are you than dead?" she mumbled to herself, trying to reassure herself that getting out of the damned bathroom was a better solution than being a sitting duck in a damned bathroom. Riley reached for the bathroom door, taking one more deep breath as she unlocked the door and slowly stepped out. Her eyes were of her coyote side, slightly illuminating her face as she looked around. There was nothing but silence as she stepped into the empty and trashed hallway. There was no one in sight, but she still had the feeling of eyes watching her. Carefully and as silently as she could she walked around the corridors, still not seeing anyone. Riley turned one more corner and saw a familiar figure standing in the hallway, looking into an empty room. She could smell blood, lots and lots of blood. Covering her mouth she turned the other corner, quickly leaving the scene as the last thing she'd want to do is get the attention of Liam now, even though he was clearly injured. Silently as she could she crept down the hallway, that was until she heard a sound from one of the air vents along the ceiling above her. Stopping in her tracks she slowly looked up, inside the vent was a gap, and what she saw caused her stomach to drop, as well as her jaw. In the small gap, were two dark, mirrored looking orbs, peering down at her. The longer she looked she recognized what she was looking at. It was a face, a terribly disfigured and altered face, it was human, at least, that's what her brain allowed her to think. But something about it was so...Off? The features didn't look right, the skin wasn't entirely skin anymore and its eyes. The eyes. They were like looking into endless voids, that if she didn't know any better, she could have gotten lost in them.

"What the fuck..." Riley muttered all too loudly, clearly having garnered the attention of whatever it was that was looking down at her. Her eyes glowed a dark gold as she mustered as much strength as she could and glared back at the creature, feeling her canines and nails growing until her jaw was extended beyond its normal appearance. if this creature wanted to fight, Riley was prepared to give it one, even if she wasn't all that capable in her abilities. If she was to die here, at least she would go out fighting as well as she could.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liam Haynes Character Portrait: Brook Delaney Character Portrait: Reagan Venandi Character Portrait: Riley Montgomery
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#, as written by mombie

the hunter x Hex: #3592a0 x Outfit


“Reags, I really think you should leave with me. Look I can explain it, but you’ve got to go with everyone else. Just fucking listen to me for once.” Brooks attempted to plead with her, which surprised her. Since when did she need protection? Yet something in his voice - an inflection in tone or just the fact that he’s standing out there trying to get her to leave made her feel like he was hiding something. Of course he was, though. Everyone she ever knew was hiding something from her - treating her like some little girl that needed protection from a world she didn’t understand. It took her dad dying for anyone to offer her a sliver of truth. Now that she had it, there was always that one person that didn’t want her to. Brook didn’t want her to. He never did.

Then there was a scream, and she pressed her palms against her ears. A wince crinkled her features; the discordant noise threatening to bust her poor eardrums. What the fuck was that?!

“Uh, never mind Reagan, don’t come out! Liam’s here. He’s um-“ He’s um - what?! When she tried to open the door to go take care of supernatural business, she found a hard time getting past Brook’s resistance. He was a lacrosse player, after all, and so there was no denying his fitness level. “Naked?” She started to bang on the door. And she banged. And she banged. It became an angry banging that alternated from both fists colliding with the door to sometimes her palms slapping against it. "Let me out, Brook! Let me out before I fucking - ugh!"

No threat followed. Brook was trying really hard to formulate one obnoxious lie after the other, but he was horrifically bad at it. “Yeah naked. Like, super naked. You don’t want to see this. I think it was, like, a prank” Liam wandering down the hallways naked as a prank? Who did Brook think she was?! She continued to bang on the door some more until there was finally nothing. Nothing but the commotion in the hallways, but it sounded like Brook had left. It was so sudden that she actually thought that something must have snatched him up.

”Brook?” She pressed the side of her face and a palm against the bathroom door, listening to anything. ”Are you still there?” So she did the only thing she could do, she placed her hands on the door handle and cautiously opened it. After she poked her head out quietly, she saw him. She didn’t hear him because she didn’t have supernatural ears, but she saw him. Not only him but someone else. She squinted her eyes. No, that was something else. Luckily for Brooks, Reagan couldn't be sure.

She rifled through her clutch, stuffing a taser in the only place she knew she could - between her boobs, and pulled out a ring dagger. There wasn't much that she could carry, and something told her that she wasn't going to have an easy time getting to her car to retrieve her bow. Not to mention that there was a gaggle of students out there doing god knows what. Oh, and teachers. Oh, and probably the sheriff and the fire department. If they weren't there already, they would be soon.

With dagger in hand, Reagan slowly began to inch her way into the hallway. She shot 'Liam' a glance, but she wasn't stupid. If Brooks was speaking to him, then maybe it meant that there was a reason for it. A perfectly innocent reason that he was going to explain to her later because she thought she deserved to know. She would have approached the half man half beast to take a closer look, and perhaps there was even a moment when Liam was looking at her, and she looking at him. It was a quiet moment where her heartbeat was quick, but not a fearful quick - it was something else entirely. Maybe some part of her knew the truth - sought some familiarity, and now he knew that something really wasn't right with Venandi.

She looked up, however, caught by the pitter-patter of something above them in the air vents. This confrontation would have to wait another day because there was clearly something else in the school with them. She had long since taken off her heels in the bathroom, leaving her bare feet to the mercy of bare floors that were not always the cleanest. But damn, it was hard to run in a pair of pumps. She turned away from 'Liam' and began to seek out the other beast, trying to track Amanda Kyle down.

That path led her to both the Chimera and Riley. Riley looked like she was ready to pounce on her (she'd kill herself later for that punny thought once she finds out that Riley is a werecoyote). She stopped short of the pair, her eyes locked with the Chimera. It's eyes were abyssmal in nature - very much like looking into a dark well with no hope of there being a bottom. However, she soon found herself also looking over at the blond, uncertain as to what brought her here. Why didn't she leave with the rest of the students? Oh, but then she took a cautious step forward to get a better look of the shapeshifted face.

"Riley?" she inquired calmly and confused. It was the blond locks, the familiar attire. It felt like her gut dropped to her feet. She suspected there might be supernaturals at school, but she didn't think they were so close to her all this time.

She couldn't focus on that now. The Chimera's throat rumbled with a threatening growl. Amanda flexed those deadly clawed fingers, and then ran. She first went to the side, only to kick off of the wall and propel herself at none other than its biggest threat - Riley. Her feet and arms were outstretched, aimed to take the Werecoyote down and pin her to the floor for a good slashing.

It looked like Reagan would be working with Riley tonight. The Hunter took off, hoping to aid the girl beast thing in some way. She tried to jump on the Chimera's back, but Amanda was bloody and it was hard to get a solid grip. Even then, Reagan as only human. Before she could even wrap an arm around her or raise the blade to attack, Amanda reached behind her, grabbed Reagan by the arm, and flung her into a nearby wall. To Riley's advantage, the Chimera was no longer focused on slashing her. For now. Amanda was still on top of the Werecoyote, but the attention was elsewhere.

As Reagan's body flew, the taser became dislodged from her cleavage (whatever of it there was), and smacked the floor next to Riley.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reagan Venandi Character Portrait: Riley Montgomery
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0.00 INK

-Werecoyote- | Outfit | Hex: #800000

For a few silent, and terrifyingly eery moments, Riley was locked in a staredown with whatever, or more so whoever was in the vents above. Neither one broke their thousand mild glare as they seemed to be looking into each other's soul, and then some. The creature in the vent had slowly made its way down, stepping softly onto the cold floor beneath it, eyeing Riley up. Which gave her the proper amount of time to get a look over for who she was looking at. The familiar hair, the height, the face, albeit it had changed, but the scent remained the same. It was a girl she has seen in a few classes, she remembered her name and face, that was about it. Amanda Kyle, her brain told her. Was supposedly going to be someone's date, but didn't show up. Now she knew why she already took a bite out of one of their classmates. A small growl erupted passed the Werecoyote's throat, trying to seem more intimidating than she really was, to be honest, she was absolutely terrified and would have wished to have been able to leave and forget this ever happened. Or even better yet, this could all have been a dream. One since twisted dream her nightmare wracked brain concocted up. But she knew all too well this was real and happening before her very eyes, especially when she heard soft footsteps stop behind her, an all too familiar scent. Reagen Venandi, Great, she thought to herself. First having to fight, whatever Amanda was now wasn't already bad enough, now a human had seen here. This wasn't going to end well.

Riley kept her face looking towards the creature across from her, never giving it the time to attack without her noticing as she spoke with a soft and low voice, "Reagan. I swear this is not what it looks like. I'm not your enemy, that is-" she said as she nodded towards Amanada, "You don't have to believe me, but trust me, I wasn't here to hurt anyone, not until-" without any warning, Amanda lunged forwards towards Riley, slamming her into the hard surface below. Suddenly the Chimera had her pinned, slowly lowering its head as it looked at Riley, giving her a low and predatory growl, finally going for a few slashes with her clawed hands. Riley was only able to growl back and push with all of her strength as she was clawed at, merely light cuts were all that Amanda had gotten out of her slash fury as Riley extended her arms, pushing her as far away as she could. "Fuck off, Amanda" she growled as she struggled with the Chimera, trying to pry her off of her. While she was struggling, she hadn't realized that Reagan had decided to go in for an attack of her own, but it only managed to help distract the Chimera for a moment as the human was swatted away like a paper ball, and into the lockers against the wall.

A low and angry growl escaped her lips as she witnessed what had happened. Reagan, help? It didn't make much sense, but seeing as how Riley hadn't attacked the human, she didn't pose herself as a threat to the human, at least not tonight. With the Chimera distracted, Riley thought of what to do, seeing something beside her she grabbed it, realizing what it was. A small, sly grin formed on her face as she held it, slowly moving her finger onto the trigger, "Fuck you, bitch." she snapped, with inhuman speed she took the taser and slammed it into the beast's side, allowing the electricity to flow through the Chimera for a few moments as the beasts reeled back in pain, falling off of Riley and onto the floor beside her. Riley panted heavily as she rose to her feet, tossing the taser back to the Hunter, never taking her eyes off of Amanda who laid on the floor, twitching and convulsing due to the unexpecting attack. For a brief moment she looked off to the side to see Reagan slowly regaining her composure due to being slammed against the wall like she had, for a brief moment her anger vanished, her eyes going back to their normal green, "Venandi, you need to get out of here. It isn't safe. I promise I will explain everything, just not now." she said, looking back at the Chimera, who twitched some more, then stopped moving all together. Riley looked back to Reagan, her features slowly turning back to their normal appearance as she regained her composure, "I'm not your enemy, Reagan. I-I would have told you about this some other time, when it was more appropriate. But I'm not here to hurt you, or anyone else." she said softly, looking back at Amanda..."Wait...Where'd she go?" she muttered, seeing the spot where Amanda was prior, was now empty, except for a small puddle of blood, leading off until it stopped.

"This...Isn't good. We need to get out of here, now. She's someone else's problem now, the others. They can handle it better than we can." she said insistently. Riley looked at Reagan for a moment, then down the hallway into the gymnasium, the only light was a flickering and strobing light that gave the room an eery tone if the fact there wasn't a predator in this school making things bad enough.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Jackson Character Portrait: Hiroto Naozaki Character Portrait: Olivia Crosby Character Portrait: Riley Montgomery
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0.00 INK

xxlxxT H O M A S x J A C K S O N
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxthe kanima
xxxxxxxxx#153d88 xxx | xxxattire


xxx xThe transformation had begun and Tommy was helpless to stop it. The kanima was a separate entity from Thomas. He had little control over the creature in its full form. It was like playing a first person video game, but you have no control over your character. He could make out Riley in front of him as he felt his eyes change. Tommy wanted to tell her he wouldn’t hurt her, but he couldn’t promise that or talk very clearly in this form. He attempted to stand on all fours, fully displaying his lizard body. His skin made a loud, cracking noise as the scales began to get into place. A growl was building in the back at his throat, rough after days of disuse. Thomas could see fear showing in her eyes, but she was suddenly out of his vision. He wanted to say he saw a flick in her eyes. Eyes that betrayed she wasn’t as human as she seemed.

In a blink, she was gone. The kanima didn’t want to follow her. It didn’t want her as its Master. There was no vengeance in her soul, which Thomas was grateful for and upset by. It’d be easier to deal with a Master if he knew them. The creature was in the hunt and all Thomas could do was watch. It went to the shadows, climbing up the walls like a circus monkey. He began to creep towards the gym. Underneath the loud music and chatter, he could sense someone in there. 'A master...' when the fire alarm rang out right next to his ear, or the little stubs that might be hears. It must've been, because the he covered both ears and in the process, hung upside down for the ceiling like he was a child on a jungle gym. The entire school decided to leave at this moment, not giving Jackson time to leave. Thankfully, he was far enough away in the dark hallway that you couldn't see clearly what he was.

Thomas wasn't completely invisible though. One of the females let out a scream as they locked eyes with him. The orderly evacuation turned stampeding as people screamed 'monster,' 'bear,' or 'mountain lion.' A kanima is a social creature, but like all creatures it must remain in the shadows. He quickly retreated when he ran into another person. Thankfully, it was only Hiro. The kitsune was the only who knew of his form, after seeing Tommy accidentally shift one day. It was a sworn secret between the two and it was nice he didn't have to hide this from. "Hey Tommy, it's me Hiro. You good? Oh..." He must've not noticed he was turning in to a lizard. "Something's here. It triggered it. I can't change back." Thomas spoke, but even he could hear how guttural his voice sounded.

"Okay, okay, no worries. This should help..." Thomas watched as his hand moved and he felt different. He looked down and his formerly clawed hand looked human. Thomas squeezed his 'hand' together and felt pain as if claws was digging into him. 'Must be an illusion.' He vaguely listened to Hiro as he spoke of getting Thomas out here and where the others were. The kanima was fighting him for control and it's hard to focus on two things at once. Suddenly, he was distracted from his mental struggle by a scream. It wasn't a normal scream, since Thomas doesn't usually get into feeble position. It triggered a memory when he was faced with his almost murderer, who told him creatures like werewolves, kitsunes, and banshees. "A banshee's scream? But the only banshee around here is... Olivia, right?" Olivia... a banshee? Thomas knew something different about her, but he didn't think it was in that way.

Before he could ask a question, Thomas's sense began to pick up something. Two white eyes glowed from behind Hiro, a mouth opened wide going for his neck. 'A wendigo.' Thomas was on it in a flash, ambushing it. He read stories about them and had done some research on them for a school project, although it was more to see what supernatural creatures existed. He never faced one before. The wendigo was strong as it pinned Thomas to the floor. It's fingers digged into Thomas's scale, breaking skin. Thomas screeched in pain, black blood oozing out of his arms. He bit into the wendigo's neck and the creature howled. Thomas used this to advantage and sliced into it's back with his tail. The creature fell limp and Thomas was quick to push it off before it could return the bite. The adrenaline began to fade when the creature laid there, snarling. The poison would stay in it's system for several hours, leaving it helpless until it could be dealt with. Thomas could his control coming back. He was no longer in danger and kanima had it's fun already. Thomas could already imagine the rumors of what the creature with the yellow eyes was.

Thomas felt himself begin to shift back to his human form. It still wasn't easy getting used to odd cracks and stretch of going from a lizard to a human. His suit was in shreds, but somehow still clinging to his body. Thomas didn't know how he was going to explain this to anyone, but that wasn't his chief concern at the moments. "Shit.... What do we do with it?" Thomas looked to Hiro, expectantly. He was the senior year, by a few hundred decades at least.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brook Delaney Character Portrait: Reagan Venandi Character Portrait: Olivia Crosby Character Portrait: Riley Montgomery
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mombie

the hunter x Hex: #3592a0 x Outfit


Reagan rubbed the back of her head and slowly rolled onto her stomach so that she could drag herself back up onto her feet. When she stood, there was a sort of stumble not too uncommon for people recovering from some sort of bodily trauma. Riley was talking, but her ears rung and she only got bits and pieces. It even took her a few seconds to notice that she was in the school, and that there was a rabid beast running amok. Speaking of the Chimera...

Amanda vanished, and this left just the hunter and the Werecoyote. There was a lot of confusion, and Reagan just stared at her. It wasn't a look of horror as much as it was... surprise. An unwanted surprise. Perhaps it was even shock - the sudden realization that the monsters she was taught to kill are so impossibly close to her. They weren't evil, they were kids. Kids like her, and there was nothing in this world that could have prepared her to face this hard truth. In her world of monsters and hunters, there were the good guys and then the bad. That was how her mother taught her, and it was all she knew.

Her eyes blinked slowly, and her breathing began to calm itself down. The question was what in the hell was she supposed to do with this information? Who was Brook talking to, and how much did he know about the students of Beaumont High? There was a wave of anger creeping in from the toes of her feet that crawled up to her head, and she just shook it at Riley.

She held out a hand and calmly took back her taser, "We can't talk about this right now, Riley. I - I need to find Brook. I need to... I just -" She didn't realize that she was stepping backward, trying to get away from this confusion. This grey area was unfamiliar to her, and it seemed like everything she was taught to think about these animals crashed around her. "I need to find Brook. Peter... Did Peter leave school? Thomas? Make sure Peter and the others left, okay? Just... I can't explain it, but if there are any more students like you - they have to leave. My mother, the Sherrif - they will be here soon. You all have to leave." She just didn't know.

Eventually, she was out the door and she turned swiftly to run through the hallway. By this time, whoever Brook was speaking to was likely to be gone, and it was probably a good thing. As she slowly meandered through the various school corridors, she kept her steps slow and cautious and her eyes peeled. The crimson flashing was a grim touch to the whole situation, only adding to the horror story appeal that the students were now in.

She had her small taser in a white-knuckled grip, prepared to use it at any moment. "Brook?" she inquired as she dipped her head into this room and that room, finding each one more eerily vacant than the last. The hairs at the back of her neck bristled as though her gut tried to ward her away from certain places. Just because one was a hunter did not mean they were absent of fear, only that there was this new obligation to protect others. She had to push through it. Her mother reminded her always of their oath, as zealous as it was.

Then there was the science room, in which Brook and Olivia occupied. Was there something wrong with Liv, too? Reagan's bare feet begrudgingly found some glass on the floor - a small shard or two cutting through the skin. Wide-eyes were cast down to them then to the shattered windows where the nightly breeze was beginning to blow from outside in. "Brook... Liv? What the fuck? We need to get out of here. I saw the thing - and it was - it was..." she couldn't quite get that one out, either, and she's supposed to be the stupid brave one.

She'd love to smack the shit out of Brook right now, but it wasn't the right time. She decided that she'd simply wait for them both to realize that she was here, and maybe they'd leave the school together. She wasn't too worried about Riley since most supernatural beasts could take care of themselves better than humans. Truth be told, she wasn't ready to see her again. Not right now. A group would be better than just one person on their own, and while Reagan only had this silly taser, it seemed to have worked on Amanda. Not that she witnessed it herself, but she had confidence in her purse-friendly weapon. If anything, it was the only thing the three of them would have for defense as far as she was concerned.

Unless there was something else that everyone was hiding.

"I just have this taser, and it looks like Riley used it. Whatever that thing is, we can't wait around for it to circle back. R-R-Riley is still here, and I asked her to make sure others weren't still stuck here. I didn't stick around to make sure that she would..." They needed to leave before they had to do a whole lot of explaining to the police. Worse, before she noticed that others she knew were not exactly human, either.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Jackson Character Portrait: Reagan Venandi Character Portrait: Hiroto Naozaki Character Portrait: Peter Simmons Character Portrait: Riley Montgomery
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0.00 INK

-Werecoyote- | Outfit | Hex: #800000

Riley looked in on silent confusion as she helped Reagan to her feet, watching as the human stumbled and rambled on about having to leave and go find the others. And that if there were any others like her they'd need to leave. That her mother who was the sheriff was coming. A small pit began to form in her stomach at that notion, she remembered hearing whispers and rumors about Reagan's family, and that their last name was more than a name. It was as much of a sign as it was a title. If the rumors of Reagan and the rest of her family were true, and that they really were true, she and the others did need to get out of here, and they'd need to get out of here quickly. Riley was snapped out of her thoughts as she saw Reagan disappearing out of the hallway, saying something about having to go look for Brook and to make sure they were okay. "Ugh, fucking humans.." she found herself muttering under her breath as she shook her head, giving chase after Reagan for a few moments until she stopped, Amanda didn't go down this way, meaning she was somewhere else as she picked up a scent. One of death and decay, Amanda.. she thought to herself as she gave chase to the smell, slowly stalking down the hallways as her eyes shifted back to the golden color of the beast that usually lied dormant within her. Following the scent as she crept around the corners of the endless corridors until she heard a male shriek in horror and the sound of metal. She smirked and followed where the voice was coming from, stopping before she turned the corner as her eyes turned back to their human green, and finally turned around the corner to see none other than Peter, Hiro, and Tommy, who was now back in his human form, as well as Amanda who was lying on the floor but clearly conscious.

Riley's eyebrow quirked for a moment, but now wasn't the time to ask questions, she'd be able to ask plenty at a later date. She turned to Peter who was pushed back against the lockers, clearly, the one who had yelled in terror, at who he guessed was Amanda's current form. A small chuckle hid deep in her chest as she shook her head and offered a hand to Peter, looking back at Tommy and Hiro, "You two look like you've seen a ghost." she chuckled, trying to change the subject for a brief moment. "As for you, Peter, right? We can explain everything, just not now-" she said as she turned to face Tommy and Hiro, "We need to get out of here, asap. The sheriff will be here soon and, uh we just need to get out of here before they suspect us of anything." she said with slight panic and uncertainty in her voice, trying to remain as composed as she could be, "I don't know what we're gonna do with her, but honestly...I'd say leave it to the sheriff...She's...Too far gone for help at this point." she said softly, gathering from the look on Peter's face, she was supposedly his date for the night, who well, clearly took a bite out of someone else.

"Anyway, you three need to leave, now. I'm getting the fuck out of here before shit hits the fan, again." she said as she gave the three guys one last look, and turned back and left. Her footsteps echoed throughout the otherwise silent hallways, until she ran into the main door, slamming against it as it opened. The heavy falling rain greeted her as she looked around the practically empty parking lot, few cars scattered across the lot. It was an eery sight that dropped a pit into her stomach. Almost an hour ago it was a fun evening, and now...Now they'd all have explaining to do to each other, something Riley didn't plan on ever doing. "Nice knowing you Beaumont..." she muttered to herself as she walked to her bike and started the engine, it rumbled to life as she got on and put her helmet on, the rain having soaked through to her very bone causing a shiver to go down her spine. With a heavy sigh, she left the campus and headed for home, taking the backways instead of the main road as a way of avoiding the police, who she knew would be arriving at the school any moment now as she heard sirens blaring in the distance.

Finally, she made it home, stepping into the front door with a sigh as she tossed her helmet to the side, "You're back rather early?" she heard her sister call from the other room as she walked in, coffee in her hands. "I don't want to talk about it right now, Ell." she said with a monotone voice as she shuffled into her room. Her sister walked behind her with an inquisitive look, "You sure? You seem rather upset...Did something happen?" she questioned, the clear worry was evident in her voice. "it doesn't matter. I...I just want to change clothes and go to bed, forget this night ever even happened." she said rather coldly as she closed the door and immediately undressed from the soaked clothing, tossing them into the bathroom as she got into a t-shirt and shorts and slipped into her bed. Lying her head in the pillow as she pulled up her blankets, trying to act like this was all just one big nightmare and that she's wake up and start all over again. "Why can't anything ever just be...easy?" she mumbled to herself as she found herself slowly drifting off to sleep, as her eyes grew heavy..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Jackson Character Portrait: Liam Haynes Character Portrait: Hiroto Naozaki Character Portrait: Peter Simmons Character Portrait: Riley Montgomery
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xxlxxT H O M A S x J A C K S O N
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxthe kanima
xxxxxxxxx#153d88 xxx | xxxattire

xxx xWrapping his head around this entire situation was beginning to give Tommy a headache. First, he had a paralyzed wendigo at his feet, snarling at him but can’t reach him. Hiro has a freakin’ sword out ready to attack if the wendigo made a move, and Thomas’s suit is ruined and he’s bleeding black blood. The suit didn’t even belong to him! Harrison lent it to them since they are roughly the same size. ’I am so dead when this is all over.’ Although, it wasn’t clear how this was going to end. Tommy squatted down, examining the wendigo as it snapped at him. It was female and looked familiar with it’s long, bright red locks. It was nothing compared to the dark red splotches on her face. He had noticed the ripe smell of blood earlier, but he thought it was his own. The wendigo had fed already. Standing tall, he ran both hands in his hair in frustration. ”It’s fed recently, look at its mouth. It smells fresh so there’s probably a body somewhere, probably dead.” So much for getting rid of it and playing dumb.

Death has become a normal for Tommy since becoming a kanima so the fact that this isn't affecting him would be startling if it wasn't a common occurrence. Hunters, pack feuds, and people succumbing to their instincts meant the end, an unfortunate circle of life. The wendigo would have to dealt with. Thomas began to summon his other half when he sensed another presence.

Turning and seeing Peter there was terrifying. The situation didn’t look good. Peter looked confused before noticing the body on the ground. ”Amanda?" Oh no, Tommy thought the wendigo looked familiar. Peter mentioned having a date to the dance. He seemed excited and to stood up... Tommy empathized with him, recalling when his first crush blew him off for a date because he wasn’t good looking at the time. Tommy reached for Peter, attempting to stop him from seeing her new form. ”Peter, you don’t want to see this-“ But Tommy wasn’t fast enough. He could only watch as his friend jumped away, and fell, from Amanda, who shrieked at her date with razor sharp teeth. Tommy panicked. He didn’t what to say to Peter’s question that wouldn’t give away a lot of information that Peter really needed to stay away from. ”Well, you see, um... haha got you! You just got pranked!“

It was stupid idea, but it was the best he could think of at the moment. ”We thought it would be funny to scare everyone at Fright Night and some people took it to far,“ Tommy glanced at Amanda, ”She clearly drank too much and is way too into her character. I better get her out of here.“ He whispered over to Hiro, ”Do an illusion so she appears normal.“ Peter couldn’t get involved in this world, he wasn’t ready. Tommy grabbed the wendigo’s legs, because there was no way he was going near the top portion. It would’ve worked perfectly if Riley hadn’t shown up and made things more complicated.

It worked out that her wording was vague enough to go along with his story. ”She’s right! This went too far. I’ll take care of Amanda, the police shouldn’t have to deal with her in this state.” Riley gave him a weird look, but didn’t comment further on what he meant. ”Hiro, can you take Peter outside. I’m sure his dad is looking for him.” He took Amanda, still snarling yet human looking to any non-supernatural that saw her. Tommy followed the smell of blood and found himself at boys’ locker room. He took a back entrance, noticing that he could smell Liam nearby. Tommy snuck in and found the body of another student, Trevor Marks. He sat behind Tommy in Science class and would explain what they were learning about that day to him. Trevor was a good kid and wanted to be a doctor, according to what he shared during their labs together. ”I’m sorry, brother.” He said, voice pained.

Tommy turned back to his current problem. It never felt good to deal with the creatures that were out of control. Tommy didn’t know Amanda outside of what Peter told him, but it didn’t change that she was dangerous. He gazed at her form, she had some semblance of her human nature, but her white orbs and razor sharp teeth was only a reminder of what she is. ”Maybe things could’ve been different for you. You’re a threat and I don’t want anyone else to die. Ironic right?” Taking his hand, Thomas summoned his other form, his fingernails turning into claws. He closed his eyes and wrapped his hand around her throat, and squeezed. The creature shrieked louder and louder, until Thomas ripped his hand way, then it ceased. He opened his eyes, looking down at the now human body of Amanda. Her makeup was smeared and her mouth bloody and she was dressed for the dance. She probably wanted to enjoy the dance with Peter, maybe do something more later. She was just a child, not even an adult.

Thomas couldn’t spend too much time to dwell on that. He left the bodies as is, not wanting to tamper with the scene too much. The police would be on their way and he didn’t have much time. Thomas quickly took off his suit and jumped into a shower that wasn’t occupied. He turned on the water and rinsed himself off; the water turned red and Thomas was reminded of what he had just done. Still in his boxers, Thomas shoved his suit into one of the lockers. He had healed from his battle earlier so nothing suspicious there. The next phase of his plan was going to be tricky, but it might work. Taking a deep breath, he walked out of the locker room out to the parking lot where everyone from the dance was. It had started to rain but people were under cover from their cars or jackets.

Everyone began to burst out laughing when they saw Thomas. Thomas laughed and made a show of the fact that he was only in his boxers. ”I get it! This is hilarious, but seriously? Stealing my suit so I had to come out in my underwear? Really cruel guys.” ”Who did this to you, man?” One of so lacrosse players, Adam, called out.
"I have no idea. I was getting out of the shower after getting sick from whoever spiked the punch. I felt gross so I decided to take a shower. As soon as I got out, I see someone leaving with my clothes. I understand you all want a show, but come on.”

“It couldn’t have been any of us.” Adam went on, gesturing at the lacrosse guys. “We were all out here when the fire alarm went off. We’re missing Delaney and... Hayes!”
Literally, this plan couldn’t be anymore perfect. No one suspected anything and the feud between Thomas and Liam was so well-known that it made sense. Of course, Liam would do this to him. Thomas thought back, he didn’t look at the locker number, but he remembered smelling pine, a scent he’s associated with Liam. Man, this is too perfect.

"I did see curly, black hair and it was definitely male. I can’t believe he’d do this to me!” Thomas could see people slowly believing everything that came out of his mouth. It honestly amazed him how people could believe such an exaggerated story. “THOMAS!” Seeing his foster father run and drape a blanket over him was more embarrassing than being near naked in front of the whole school. “What happened? Where are your clothes? Why-“ “Its a long story. I’ll tell you later. Some of my friends are still in there. Can you get them out? I want them to be safe.” Thomas did his best to look pitiful. He didn’t want to talk about it, but he wasn’t going to leave until everything was done. Everything looked like an animal attack. He had to make sure it stayed that way. No one should know about the monsters lurking in this town.