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Hellboy OC Universe


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a part of Hellboy OC Universe, by Ahala_Saas.


Ahala_Saas holds sovereignty over Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,870 readers have been here.


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Earth is a part of Hellboy OC Universe.

7 Characters Here

Snow Angel [54] Agent for the bureau of paranormal
Echo "Rokket" Scáthach [47] Of a Race Thought Dead
Thrasher [29] Cursed teddy bear (confused)
Luto Goldmind [22] Tall, Beautiful, Street Fighter
Moth'Wing [0]
Aurelius Covina Merovech [0] A young male Lycantant, that wants to protect the lives of the innocents.
Robin [0] Homunculus/forest god

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Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Scáthach Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind
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"So we are taking snow in her frozen from back to where?" Abe asked as he looked at his adoptive sister who did what she did. Dia would sniff and then raise her head "if we are to bring snow back we need to leave now, something is coming for those two" Dia said in echos mind snarling lowly.

She would wait for echo and Abe to get on her back to leave, she was most definitely going to give snow a piece of her mind for sure. As she knew echo was as well.

Abe would get the neck/mind control collar for his neck and would then walk over to Dia "Don't be to mad at her, the thought she was doing the right thing." Abe said to Dia and loud enough for echo to hear.

Rubi would nod at Luto. "yea, but I just hope she will be alright. Because I do believe her but its manning who has a hard time. But hes also the one who really doesnt want snow to go out and fight. He made a promise to Professor Broom and Hellboy that nothing bad would happen to her. He feels like he hasnt kept that promise up to par, But he has. Shes strong because he was hard on her and because he kept her training up" Rubi said


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Snow Angel Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Scáthach
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#, as written by Sepokku
Shrugging her supple shoulders, Echo jumped onto Dia's back and got into the saddle, not feeling it necessary to ride like she did when she was going into battle. "I'll start preparing the herbs." Producing a mortar and pestle, Echo began to muddle the herbs and grind them into the paste she would need.

Looking at Abe for a second, Echo cleared her throat, "You know he isn't coming back, right? Hellboy that is. He's from an age that is ending. You are the future. Mr. Progenitor. The Vril you carry will inherit the Earth..." Then, as if she said nothing, Echo returned to working don't the herbs. Her demeanor made it clear she had nothing more to say on the matter.


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Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Scáthach
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Abe nodded and would get on dias back with echo as she made the paste and Dia would grab the golem that held snow and flew back to the place where the twins were.

After many hours, Dia saw land she would gently set the golem down and would for the portal left behind by snow when they exited when snow fought the boar beast. "Here, we can get in this way. " Dia said standing over the portal and was gone in a flash of ice, Abe then stepped on it and was to sent to where Dia was. "The chamber of the golden army." He said remembering. He then ran over to Nuala and sighed softly a tear coming out. Abe sapien loved the princess, even though he had no way no of showing it he did truly love her.


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Character Portrait: Snow Angel Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Scáthach
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#, as written by Sepokku
With a sigh Echo sat down criss cross in the middle of the chamber in Bethmora. It'd been years since she came here last, and now she had seen it two days in a row. After some time the herbs were made into a slimy poultice that Echo held gingerly with her left hand. With her right, she cast a spell and removed Nuala from the Ice.

As soon as Nuala was free from her icy suspension, the wound she had inflicted on herself began to gush and her life began to fade. With a swift motion, Echo stuck out her right index finger and plunged it into the wound, swirling it around for maximum pain. "Well Princess, you tried to end your life without my permission? Tsk tsk." After a few seconds she removed her finger from the wound and slapped the poultice onto it. Immediately the bleeding stopped and color returned to Nuala's face. "And with that, the Prince is also saved."

Nuala's eyes widened in shock as she realized who had revived her, "Teacher! It's been too long." As soon as Echo freed Nuada from the Ice, he dropped to one knee, his eyes trained solely on the ground. His voice snarled out, "I have failed you Scathach."

Echo looked down her nose at Nuada with a yawn and reminded him, "And you'll fail me hundreds more times before I let you die. You are tools to be disposed of when I choose. Not a moment sooner." She could see the pale white of Nuada's face flush bright red as she chastised him. "Now stand up, we have a war to make. What of the Golden Army?"

Nuada frowned, "Without the crown, they're worthless."

Raising an eyebrow, Echo sighed, "It seems I failed in your education." Standing in front of the Golden Army, Echo put her hands on her hips and cast a spell. Three seconds passed then five of the soldiers marched forward and saluted Echo. She had hoped for at least ten but, "Beggars cant be choosers."


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Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Scáthach
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Ice would crack as snow would be freed from her prison. Dia would watch as snow would come out while she was up top waiting for echo and Abe. Snow would cough as she also came out from her ice. "Not the smartest thing I've done." She said and was then tackled by Dia and she laughed "Dia let me up." Snow said chuckling and would then stand up. "You could have killed yourself. Abe isn't happy with you and I don't think echo is either." Dia said to her and bonked her on her head with her wing. "Yea yea. I know. But a least Prince nuada and Nuala are back now.

Abe would walk over to Nuala waiting for his turn to speak after she was done speaking to echo. Abe was happy she was back.

Snow would climb the tree and sit up top looking out as she would close her eyes and sang a song her mother sang to her when she was just a baby. She wanted to go back to avalon.


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Character Portrait: Snow Angel
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Luto smiled, she didnt show it, but very slightly, very subtle, she was worried, she was scared for snow, she was nervous not being there, even if they had just met not too long ago, she was still her friend, and she lost too many friends. She stopped cleaning for a second, she picked up a drink and drank it. "Well might as well get wasted before the next inevitable demon comes" she laughed a bit


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Snow Angel Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Scáthach
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#, as written by Sepokku
As soon as Nuala saw Abe she ran to embrace him, their arms intertwining as they met. Echo looked the two and smiled maternally, unable to hide the joy on her face, she turned away. After a few seconds in his embrace, Nuala's lips found Abe's and Echo had to blush avert her gaze.

Echo gave them a minute then turned back towards the twins, "We are short on time, come." Nuala and Nuada stood up and followed Echo out of the portal and back into Ireland. Nuada looked at the sky, "So Hell has come?"

Looking at Nuada, Echo's gaze told him to shut up. She turned towards Snow, "Where to next Princess?"

Nuala smiled at Snow, if things had been different they probably would have played together when Snow was but a child. However things weren't different, and Nuala and Nuada had grown up in a time of war.


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Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Scáthach
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Snow sighed and looked at the sky. "We close the gates to hell. I just got done talking to rubi. Hellboy is sending Liz and his son and daughter to the bureau. He's also sending all the humans that went to fight back as well. " said and then jumped down and landed next to Dia.

Dia would look at the prince nuada and snorted. "This is the one from the stories you read and told me about. I would think he would look more regal" Dia said and snow held in a chuckle. "Dia be nice, he's been frozen for some time, it will come back to him. Besides he's the best fighter we have." Snow said and Dia went to disagree when Abe stopped her "Snow is right. Yes snow is strong but the prince is stronger then her." Abe said. Dia looked confused. "But she's an elf." Dia said. "Half elf Dia. My father was human, my mother was am elf. I am strong but the prince being full elf wouldn't likely best me due to him being a full elf and having more experience then me" Snow said and would pat Dia gently.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Snow Angel Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Scáthach
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#, as written by Sepokku
Echo smiled and put a hand on Dia, "Not to mention Nuala and Nuada are of two bodies, but one soul. For a fight to be truly fair, Snow would have to kill them, both, which even Hellboy would struggle to do. Nuada is as fast as I am, and Nuala possesses magic nearly as strong as mine."

The twins blushed as their teacher complimented them, Nuada spoke first, "You flatter us teacher, but you would definitely win a bout between us." Then Nuala spoke, "Shut up Nuada. Scathach is doting."

Echo looked at Nuala and felt an intense rush of pride, "How I missed you two." Turning towards Snow, Echo gestured, "This is your cousin. Princess Snow. I gave her the Gae Bolg in your absence."

Nuada's face grew red with rage and he almost lost his composure, but Echo's chiding hand on his shoulder calmed him. "I never did learn how to use it.... Did I?"

Echo frowned, "You did not. Snow will outgrow you, given time."


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Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Scáthach
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Snow chuckled "he told me how prince nuada, kicked his butt. But I was just a child when he left to stop the prince. Manning the director had taken me away from the fighting because I wanted to help" she said remembering back then and Abe nodded. "Yes I remember that. You were only maybe 13 at the time" Abe said.

"True but I still wanted to help, even if I got hurt." She said and then would sigh softly." We got a ot of training to do before we can fully close those gates, but we can at least close the rifts opening up" Snow said to them.

"And maybe I can get some stories about my mom" she said and would climb on Dia.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Snow Angel Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Scáthach
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#, as written by Sepokku
Echo's lips curled up into a smirk, "Yes, let's close the rifts. And if you do well... I'll tell you about your mom." Nuada started to speak, but Nuala's psychic link silenced him. Without elaborating further, Echo climbed onto Dia's saddle. The Twins followed suit and before long the five of them were ready to depart.

Echo sat on Dia's back for a few minutes before she spoke again, "If you hadn't been left with the Bureau... I would've been your teacher, Snow. I'm just glad that I can rectify that mistake. "


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Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Scáthach
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"True but things happen for a reason in time. My father sent me to here hoping I would get with Morgana, but hellboy and Abe found me." Snow said and would then look out as they flew in the sky. Abe was holding Nuala still not used to flying. Snow laughed and Abe would glare at her. "Not funny!!!" Abe yelled. "Oh but it is." Snow said laughing.

Dia would chuckle as well as they flew. She saw more dragons around them as she went higher. Snow touched a cloud and saw a dragon poke its head out and then fly away. "Since we won't get to do this for a while. How about some fun?" Snow said looking at echo. "Does the prince know what fun is besides training all the time?" Snow asked in a curious manner.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Snow Angel Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Scáthach
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#, as written by Sepokku
Echo snorted and barely suppressed a laugh at Snow's comment, "Im not sure, actually." She cast her gaze back at Nuada, who seemed uncomfortable to hear them make gentle fun of him.

Smiling, Echo tucked her feet into Dia's saddle and stood up, "This is why you cant use the Gae Bolg, Nuada. Being part of the Daoine requires you to let loose!" Prince Nuada scowled at his teacher, she was right, of course. That didn't make her chiding any less hurtful though.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Scáthach
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"Well I guess he needs to let loose" she said would slip off the saddle as Dia would watch shaking her head and then saw snow riding another dragon and smiled. "Come on, don't tell me the prince is scared to have fun?" Snow asked as the dragon got close to Dia and snow would be laying on its back.

"That Is a wild dragon snow be careful" Abe said worrying about his little sister and snow chuckled. "Most dragons are actually ok with elves Abe. They know I won't hurt them." Snow said to Abe as she would smile and laugh as the dragon would do tricks with her on its back.

"Maybe you should let loose prince nuada as snow is. I mean it might be good" Abe said with nervousness in his voice.