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Adam Loire

"Dreams are what you want the to be."

0 · 735 views · located in Historia

a character in “Historia, All's fair in love and war.”, as played by FaithsAngel



Adam Loire


The cousin of the Prince & Princess



+ Being Able To Be Himself + I want to be my own person. I hate being judge by the place I stay at, and the 'family' I have.
+ Being Alone + I prefer to be alone but, being with 1 to 2 people I am familiar with is good too.
+ His Family + I don't really like them but, I do tolerate their presence. I don't know how they feel about me but, that is how I feel about them.
+ Working Hard + I believe that good things come to those who work hard.
+ Integrity + Doing things even when no one is looking shows that you are a true person.
+ 'Pretty' Girls + Not only their looks but, their personality somewhat.
+ Doing What He Wants + I don't want people telling me what I should do. I want to do what I want to do, this is why my part of the family is where they are now.

Dislikes :
- Stupid People - Well, if they are born with it I don't mind it. But, if they act dumb just for the attention and the friends; stay away from me. Please.
- Lazy People - Basically, I hate it when people will not do anything to up their life. They are like princesses waiting for their prince to come swoop them off their feet. It's disgusting and unattractive.
- Tough People - I just hate people who act tough. These type people probably hasn't even lift up a box in their life. They didn't have to fight their way to where they are today. Yet, they say they did and people believe them.
- People Who Brag - I hate people that has to praise everything they have accomplished. They brag just to get praised by others, and I hate that.
- Trusting People - I don't know, I just have this bad feeling that if i don't turn around and watch my back, I'll get stabbed.
- Being Around Too Many People - I just don't want people too close to me. Especially the 'people' who look down on me.
- The Color Green - I know, the grass and the trees are green but, the color of them is just to plain to me.

Handyman - He believes that if someone ask's him to fix something, then he'd fix it up 99% of the time.
Keeping Secrets - Now, he doesn't know many, but he does know some. He rarely talks to many people but, when he does every secret in his mind is locked inside a very tight safe.

Dying, knowing that I will never be able to literally trust a person, or get close to someone without throwing them away.


FWB relationship with Nyx Adrienne -
What, that? Oh, it's nothing you know. I care about the girl, I do but, I don't think our relationship will grow anymore than this.

Hates His Family -
You know what hate is a very negative word to say, lets just say I strongly dislike the rich part of the family. No, it's nothing they did, it's just the way the 'rules' are in what they have to do in life. I just don't get why my cousins have to marry someone they don't know and maybe strongly dislike. But hell, that's not my problem.

Thinking Of Ideas!



Love Interest:
"There's absolutely no one on my mind twenty-four seven. I'm very faithful, just too distant to have relationships."


| Mysterious, Untrusting, Cocky, Distant, Protective |

No one knows where this man comes from, especially when it comes to his family. This young adult is always keeping his personal business away from the grasps of others. Some people find it hard to predict what Adam will do in a certain situation because, they just don't see him being in one. Adam is a very unknown person not by his name or his looks but, his history -how he came to be who he is at the moment. It's hard for this guy to trust people, he doesn't give them important things, or share his secrets because, he is afraid that they'll become a huge thing to everyone in his town. He is always making sure they have a good background before even thinking about sharing something with them, yet have a conversation with them. Someone would have to be very interesting in order for him to trust them.

Adam is comfortable in his own skin and wouldn't give to rats about others opinions. He is full of himself, he usually thinks that he could get anything he could possibly think of and they are mainly positive things. Some people think he comes off as rude because, of it. Hell, it's their fault they brought something about it up. Adam is the guy that'll have conversation up to,"Hey, how are you?" He isn't too interested in talking or getting to know many people, when some goes beyond his comfort zone -when talking- he literally will walk away and won't try to carry on the conversation. This guy is protective of anything he cares about, whether it's an object or a person. He won't let anyone hurt or talk about anything he needs to protect, whether it's his family's name or his life's history.


Anything Else:

So begins...

Adam Loire's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Richard Santini Character Portrait: Alexandra Forbes Character Portrait: Adam Loire Character Portrait: Nyx Adrienne Character Portrait: Anthony Curtiz
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#, as written by merthur

Nyx Adrienne
Nyx could honestly say that she did not believe in love. That sort of implied that she had also never been in love, but she usually felt the need to clarify that point. Love was fictitious, it was something that weak people relied on for some sense of comfort or stability. Though she supposed if she had to be in love with someone, or fall in love with someone, she wouldn't mind falling for Adam. Anyways, she supposed that answer probably should have been maybe Richard- even if she wasn't one of his suitors, he was still a prince-, but she just didn't feel it with him. Sure, he was attractive, and probably really easy for naive girls to fall in love with, but she couldn't really get past how he was the brother of someone who she considered her friend. She hoped the princess considered her a friend as well, they had only known each other for what seemed like forever. Oh well, it wasn't like she was in a relationship with either. She didn't quite know how she ended up in bed with Adam though, she had met him his first night here and after awhile, she just sort of slept with him for the hell of it. He was hot, and she sort of liked him.

So, in some odd sort of way, that's how she ended up where she was now; picking through clothes on the floor and trying to find her clothes. Eventually she found her dress, which was ripped but she slipped it on anyways and ducked onto the floor to search for her heels. When she was ten, if someone had asked her what she would be doing in five years, this definitely would not have been her answer. Yet here she was, nineteen years old and a lady in waiting to a princess, hoping to escape from some guys room half-naked without waking him up.

Fortunately, she was able to find her shoes and made a quick escape, practically sprinting back to her room. It was incredibly awkward when she turned a corner and saw Richard, and she wanted to keep running but knew that wasn't an option. She stopped and bowed slightly, mumbling a quick hello before continuing on. Not long later she was in a new dress and with Alexandra, someone she had grown to really like in the past few months. The other girl was insanely good at her job, while Nyx was more of a bad-influence, fun-loving, reckless companion for the princess. She supposed that if she was allowed to hang out with the prince and princess's friend Evette, whom she had heard about a lot, that they would have gotten along very well.


Anthony Curtiz


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anais Beauchene Character Portrait: Adam Loire Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy
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Katherine pondered greeting Adam but considered the fact that he could still be sleeping or getting ready so she decided against it but she was brought from her thoughts when she heard a greeting from a familiar voice. She smiled brightly at Anais and walked alongside her. "Good morning to you as well Anais." she reciprocated the greeting before replying back to the rest of what she had said and taking in her outfit. "You look very nice today Anais and I agree it will be much more exciting than what's transpired in the last three months though I have to admit I'm a bit nervous." she stated honestly.

This had been the first time she had experienced such events all in one day so it was a whirlwind of emotions some of them being excitement and nervousness like she said along with a bit of anxiety but she decided to not dwell on such emotions as it would bring her down and people may be able to see through that. If she learned anything from her Mother was that in Historia especially in the royal court if you show fear or weakness they'll see through it and use it against it. Same rule applied anywhere else so she'd put on a smile and greet people kindly. Display the manners she was taught at a young age and use her intelligence to her advantage though having Anais around seemed a bit better. They may not have been friends but they had some common ground and got along pretty well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalinda Santini Character Portrait: Evette Harke Character Portrait: Alexandra Forbes Character Portrait: Grace Lynn Brennan Character Portrait: Adam Loire Character Portrait: Nyx Adrienne
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#, as written by merthur

Anthony Curtiz
Anthony had this habit of finding people at the worst possible times. Like when he was four and his mum let him go run around at the playground, and he heard some noises coming from the bushes and walked in there to see a cat tearing apart a bird. Ever since then he had had a sort of phobia of cats, even though that was completely illogical now that he knew they really couldn't do more than bite and scratch him, let alone eat him, but that image came back to his head every time he saw a cat. Or when he was thirteen and woke up late one night, and happened to walk by his father's study to hear him conversing with someone inside. That's when he found out that he wasn't really a Curtiz, and just some orphan boy from a low class family that they found outside their door one day. Though he never asked about it, deciding to bear the burden of knowing alone. They had always treated him like their own, showered him with gifts and money and really anything he wanted. He didn't bother trying to find out what happened to his parents, either.

Now he wandered the halls, having gotten ready early so he had time to spare. Even with his three months at the castle, he had not had time to explore the whole place. Actually, he had been busy mostly with spending time with Princess Rose, they had been getting along quite well. She was nice, if not a bit childish, and a bit too provocative. Anthony had no idea how she put both immaturity and immodest together, but she seemed to do it perfectly. Still, they got along smashingly, but it also made him have troubles seeing her as more than a friend. Definitely a problem, since he was supposed to be fighting for her hand. No matter, things would work themselves out, they always did in these cases.

It wasn't much longer until he would find another situation to add to his Awkward List, as he came upon a Miss Grace Lynn, sitting on the floor barefoot. His hand covered his mouth to stifle a chuckle as he approached her from the side, stopping and leaning against the wall when he was an appropriate distance from her. "Morning Miss Grace." He greeted her kindly, having spoken to her few times and deciding he liked her. "Lost or tired?" Anthony asked, smiling as he held out a hand to help her stand.


Nyx Adrienne
After helping out the princess as much as she could, Nyx excused herself and left the room, leaving Alex to scold Rose for dressing like a pornstar and Evette to discuss threesomes. She had no idea how she liked the group so much, they were all so different, but she loved being around them. Today though, there was something noticeably off about her, which had actually grown to sort of be a normal thing after the nights she spent with Adam. How many times had she marched to his room in the middle of the night, intent on ending this little "friends with benefits" thing they had going on? About as many times as she instead ended up waking in his bed and hating herself even more. She had a feeling that Alex knew, she didn't know how the other lady did but she could only hope that she wouldn't spread it around. Adam and her were still friends to the public, she didn't need that getting all messed up.

Instead of going back to hide in her room until the Event started, she headed down into the huge courtyard and busied herself with helping the servants however she could. Though she had a feeling that she wasn't much help, considering what little tasks they gave her, and how few they were. So eventually when they shooed her off, she went without question, going towards the polo field. Ever since she was little she had a love for horses, and she knew how to ride quite well, if only she wasn't always so busy attending to the princess. A few of the players came over to greet her, knowing her from her many visits to the stables, and she fed each of their horses bits of treats that she snuck from plates while helping set up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Forbes Character Portrait: Grace Lynn Brennan Character Portrait: Adam Loire Character Portrait: Nyx Adrienne Character Portrait: Anthony Curtiz
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#, as written by merthur

Anthony Curtiz
Anthony was a jokester, had been since grade school. He was always the class clown, never serious about anything, acting like he was the stupidest kid around. And he got away with that because his parents were rich, because even though he acted stupid, he was more often than not at the top of his class. No one knew that though, except for his parents and his teachers, and he made them promise not to ever bring it up while other students were around. There was something about being smart that he just didn't like, which seemed silly, but it made him different than all the other kids. And then he felt like he had to try and stand out or something, like he had to live up to that, and he just wanted to have fun. Being smart didn't really matter anyways, not when he was at a rich, preppy school where they only cared about your money and how much of it you had.

At the same time though, Curtis was very much a gentleman. He addressed ladies as miss, or ma'am if they were older. Always he offered his assistance should they need it, tending to their needs and wants first. True, he very much liked to flirt, but never any more than that. He wanted to find love, true love, very much like the girls did with their tales of fairy godmothers and pumpkins that turned into carriages. And he did not want to marry the princess, much to even his own dismay. She was too much of a child for him to feel romantic feelings towards her, but the perfect amount of immaturity for him to feel fond for her in a friendly way. Truly, if she didn't love him, he wouldn't have wanted her to pick him anyways. But his parents had decided this fate for him, and after finding out he wasn't their real child, Anthony felt a sort of responsibility to do as they had asked him.

Anthony listened to Grace's rant, trying not to show his amusement. It wasn't even that he wanted to laugh at her, it was what she was complaining about, like getting lost. He had learned within the first week not to try and wander around, and to only use the hallways that he knew or to just ask whoever was around to show him where he needed to go. "Don't." The suitor replied quickly, following her little speech. "Don't feel pathetic, 'coz you got every right to feel the way you do. I mean, man, if I had to do what you're doing I wouldn't know what to do with myself." Anthony shrugged and chuckled. "And just so you know, I'm definitely making you a map now." He helped the lady up before offering her his arm, looking around to figure out where they were and then deciding the best way to get down to the courtyard. "Could I escort you down to the match, mi'lady?"


Nyx Adrienne
Nyx would be lying if she said she hadn't been hoping to find Adam before the match started. Unfortunately though, he hadn't even made an appearance once. Though she didn't blame him, if she didn't have to be here she wouldn't be either. Still, when she made her way up to her seat, she took a spot on the outside. A few moments later Alexandra passed her, asking where she was, and Nyx only offered a shrug. "Too difficult to keep up with the princess." She offered as explanation, referring to her childish and hyper tendencies. The Lady in Waiting tried to focus on the match, which she normally would have had no problem doing with how much she loved horses, but she had troubles now, her thoughts focused on whom she had woken up next to that morning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anais Beauchene Character Portrait: Rosalinda Santini Character Portrait: Richard Santini Character Portrait: Dianna Grant Character Portrait: Adam Loire Character Portrait: Nyx Adrienne
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Adam Loire ~
Three months has past, just three months and surprisingly Adam didn't leave. He could if he wanted to, but that wouldn't be good of him to just up and leave without giving -living here- a try. Adam didn't leave because, of a particular individual poked at his interest too much for him to even try leaving. Sitting up in his bed, he began to look around. "Seems like she left quite early." Smirking at what he said, he got up after hearing a whole lot of people moving and bumping around. Picking up his scattered clothing, he threw them in a pile in the basket, which made him remember that he had to 'dress up' for the evening.

Deciding to then take a bath before even touching a suit, he did. After he was done bathing, he put on his suit and sprayed a bit of cologne just to add a little 'spice' to it. After he finished checking himself out in the mirror, he walked out of his room. He walked to wherever the Polo field was, he wasn't a real fan of this sport but, he would have to deal with it. When he showed up at the match, he sighed quietly to himself and looked around, he didn't want to sit next to his 'family', not at all. He looked for anyone he could tolerate, anyone that didn't get on his nerves when talking to him.

After a moment or two he laid his eyes on Nyx, the girl that escaped his room without saying a Good morning, or a Hello. Staring at the woman as she didn't notice him standing there, he decided to walk towards her thinking that she'd put her attention onto him. As he shortened the distance between them, luckily there was room to sit behind her, so he did just that.


Dianna Grant ~
Awoke to nothing but, a silent room. It was kept neat and clean, she always made sure of that. Sitting up in her bed, she ran her fingers through her hair. She realized today would be a eventful one, and she had to dress her best. So she got up to a shower, and put on her dress and did her hair to match it. Looking at herself, she smiled and then walked towards the door. These past three months have went so smoothly for her, she made a couple of friends, and she only cried about 5 times each month. Other than that, in the last three months, surprisingly there was not much to worry about. Well, for her at least.

Continuing to walk out the door she went to where the Polo match would be place and noticed Anais and Katherine standing at a certain distance and she decided to join in whatever they were talking about. "Hello Anais and Katherine." She said their names as polite as can be, she really liked how wonderful they had looked in their dresses, though looks aren't anything to her. Looking over at the prince with a quick glance or two before bringing her attention back to the two woman in front of her.